The theory of extraterrestrial contacts of the Nazis. The Nazis had a secret underground base in Antarctica

There have been debates for a long time about why aliens interfere in earthly life, and whether their interventions are good for us, at least among those who believe in the existence of little green men. A group of ufology conspiracy theorists seems to be trying to put an end to the debate by gathering evidence that reptilian aliens collaborated with Hitler for many years. This means that their malicious intent can be considered proven. Well, let's take a look at their views.

Some historians have already found evidence of secret Nazi visits to Antarctica. According to conspiracy theorists, there they founded a secret underground base to develop miracle weapons far from the eyes of the allies. Moreover, according to some researchers, construction of the base began back in 1913! Others, however, argue that it started in 1938 and advanced at an accelerated pace. And in such a matter as the construction of an underground military production base in the ice, in the 1930s it was impossible to do without the help of alien technologies. This is where the insidious reptilians came to the aid of the Nazis. But they didn’t stop there...

So, the reptilians came to the Nazis’ aid in building a secret base in the ice. With their help, conspiracy theorists say, the Nazis managed to create an entire system of tunnels. This was not difficult, because the reptilians already had their own base in Antarctica, with caves and tunnels that only needed to be expanded. So the aliens have been sitting under the ice for many centuries, observing earthly affairs. For Hitler, the authors of the theory say, this came in very handy.

So, the Nazis settled under Antarctic ice. Why? Of course, to forge the weapon of your victory! Such a weapon, conspiracy theorists say, should have been anti-gravity flying saucers, designed to replace Hitler's aviation, bringing fear to the whole world. One of the theory's enthusiasts, retired space engineer William Tomkin, claims that during his years working on American aerospace programs he was able to gain access to Hitler's developments. True, he does not show any documents, including his own mental health. No offensive hints, we are just stating a fact.

Both William Tomkin and another former government employee, Corey Goode, claim that the Nazis not only worked with the reptilians to design flying saucers, but also succeeded in doing so! And they even went beyond the limits on their devices earth's atmosphere, landing on the Moon, visiting other planets and even going beyond solar system! Why the Nazis so mediocrely squandered the capabilities of their miracle devices instead of throwing them at the enemy, the theory, however, does not explain.

Actually, this calculation was invented by space conspiracy theorists in response to questions from journalists about why, with such powerful allies, the Germans still failed to win the war. All thanks American intelligence, they say! US spies managed to win over German scientists, frightened both by their Nazi bosses and their terrible reptilian allies, and they gradually transferred the latest technological developments into the right hands. After the war, says William Tomkin, these scientists worked in the American space program, which, in no small part, explains its rapid success.

In his interviews, Tomkin repeatedly explained why the reptilians began to collaborate with the Nazis. According to him, the aliens, vile by nature, were impressed by Hitler’s idea of ​​conquering the world. They dreamed of one day creating a Nazi space fleet to conquer star systems and go on the assault Milky Way. Sounds like the script for another episode " Star Wars“- but no, the authors treat this theory with brutal seriousness.

So, you remember that after the fall of Hitler, the technology of his reptilian allies came to the authors of the American space program? So, according to conspiracy theorists, many of these space technologies are still not outdated. At least William Tomkin worked with them as part of secret program"Solar Guardian". According to him, he developed drawings spaceships, ships and other equipment based on German-reptilian developments during the Second World War. At first they were dealt with government agencies, then the drawings were transferred to private firms for the construction of prototypes. At the same time, what’s amazing is that both of them were silent, like partisans. Because secrecy!

Other aliens, the Northerners, helped the allies resist the reptiles

There is another answer to the question of why alliance with reptilians did not help Hitler win the war. According to conspiracy theorists, during the war, the Northerners stood on the side of the Allies - representatives of another alien race, apparently competing with reptiles. The ubiquitous William Tomkin stated that he worked with two Northerners at the Douglas Company in the 1950s and 60s. By the way, another prominent ufologist, Bob Wood, claims that in those same years, in the same company, he was also studying documentation obtained from alien ships. Moreover, the two characters made their statements independently and without knowing each other, so it is difficult to suspect them of collusion.

With an abundance of other evidence, William Tomkin was the first to bring together information about the Nazi space programs. So, there were two programs. The first, called the Vril Society, was led by a female medium, Maria Orsik, who claimed to have established a telepathic connection with aliens from the Aldebaran system. The second was led by the SS - it was she who worked at the Antarctic base. Both, according to Tomkin, were successful: flying saucers were built and even sent into deep space.

The Vril Society has invented a completely new type of engine

The existence of the Vril Society, which consisted entirely of female mediums, was also confirmed by Stanford journalist Linda Moulton Howe, who interviewed a former CIA agent who preferred to remain anonymous. According to him, the female mediums from Vril were really supportive telepathic contact with aliens, thanks to which they created a spaceship with a completely new type of engine. Documents for it were subsequently obtained from the Allies' intelligence agencies, after which, instead of urgently being put into production, the development was strictly classified. Why, former agent doesn't explain.

Not only professional conspiracy theorists, but also quite respectable historians claim that Hitler was obsessed with the idea of ​​a secret existence in underground caves a race of aliens waiting in the wings to take over the planet. He, regardless of costs, sent expeditions to search for aliens. underground inhabitants, which were spoken of in ancient eastern legends. By the way, in these legends this alien race was called “Vrilya”. Coincidence? We don't think so.

William Tomkin claims that in April 1945 the Germans sent underground bunkers in Antarctica space mission straight to Mars. The mission consisted of 30 astronauts, three of whom were Japanese. If successful, Hitler's elite, with the help of reptilian allies, could settle down in the depths of space, planning revenge. But the ship did not reach Mars and burned up in space. All members of the mission died. So, naturally, the researcher cannot prove this story.

In the early 1950s, stories about the appearance of unidentified flying objects over the US capital created a lot of noise in America. The general public is still wondering about the origin of this phenomenon - but conspiracy theorists already have an answer. In their opinion, this was an impressive demonstration that proved that American intelligence, with the help of scientists, had finally managed to bring to life the reptilian technologies stolen from the Germans. And in the early 1950s, a real parade of American military flying saucers took place over the US capital! All that remains is to find someone who was at the helm and ask about their impressions - of course, if his name is not Will Smith.

Hitler's Germany collapsed in 1945 - but participants in the secret space program may have continued to hide in Antarctica. This, at least, is evidenced by the fragmentary rumors about the operation that took place in 1947. American troops under code name"High Jump" Despite the paucity of information about her, a whole series was filmed on her topic. documentary. According to him, in 1947 the Americans sent to Antarctica - oh, of course, to search for an alien base! - a military mission consisting of 4,700 military personnel. The mission involved an aircraft carrier and large group accompanying ships. However, in the area of ​​the proposed base, the convoy was fired upon, and several ships and aircraft sank. It is not known what frightened the expedition members so much, but instead of launching a counterattack, they quietly left the Antarctic waters and made no further attempts to find a German base in Antarctica.

The secret agent interviewed by Linda Howe also claimed that Hitler had a double during the war. It is he, as stated in secret documents, died in Berlin in May 1945. Hitler himself, along with Eva Braun, fled through Norway to Colombia. Eva died on the way, and Hitler, who shaved off his mustache before the conspiracy, reached Colombia, was noticed there by the Americans, but disappeared - most likely, again with the help of his reptilian allies.

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The question of the attitude of the Third Reich and, in particular, Adolf Hitler himself towards aliens was practically not raised. A number of Western researchers believe that this problem was simply carefully hushed up for a number of reasons of a purely military nature: too much of the mysterious military-technological legacy of Hitler’s Reich went to the countries anti-Hitler coalition.

At the end of the war, the allies did not have any trust in each other and were afraid of the spread of communism across Europe, so they hid what they managed to capture in Germany, like trophies, in super-secret military laboratories and secret scientific institutions intelligence services The United States still needed Soviet help in the Far Eastern theater of operations in the fight against Japan. This is the only reason why they demonstratively did not break off allied relations, but had already created an atomic bomb.

Many things that historians and researchers in the West talk and write about may seem too fantastic or even absurd, too unconventional and therefore unacceptable for us, brought up on certain standards of history, literature and ideology. However, there are many facts worth pondering.

It is known that the Nazis were stubborn and quite successful work in the field of creation nuclear bomb and others newest types weapons, and also reached amazing technological heights. A number of Western researchers believe that the Germans succeeded in this thanks to contacts with aliens. Moreover, these contacts were by no means isolated or episodic in nature.

Statements that higher mind necessarily distinguished by high humanity, are based only on a person’s rather infantile desire for it to be so. In reality, if contact ever occurs, people may encounter representatives of aliens who are absolutely indifferent to our fate or an aggressive, misanthropic space race.

Even before Hitler came to power, the National Socialists were actively developing a number of directions related to the search for the origins of the Aryans and the legendary Shambhala in order to obtain secret super-knowledge that could help them conquer world domination. We went to Tibet and the Himalayas secret expeditions, which included scientists and SS officers responsible for ensuring security. At first, these expeditions were rare and small in number, but when the National Socialists took power, it became possible to equip the expeditions with the most advanced equipment for that time, significantly expand their composition and increase the number of search parties.

This secret work was carried out especially fruitfully from 1935 until the start of World War II. Individual expeditions were sent even after the outbreak of hostilities in Europe, but all documentation on these issues was destroyed before the surrender of Germany or is located in various caches arranged by the SD that have not yet been discovered.

There is speculation that one of the Nazi expeditions could have discovered the crashed flying saucer and made contact with its crew. Most likely, this happened in the Himalayas, in inaccessible mountainous areas. There are other possible scenarios in which the Germans captured the crew injured in an accident“saucers” or accidentally discovered a base of aliens who were not expecting aggressive, cruel and cunning guests. As a result, contact occurred.

Most researchers consider the most probable version about the accident and contact on “mutually beneficial terms” - the aliens received from the Germans the materials they needed to repair the interstellar ship and continue the flight, and the National Socialists in return acquired new knowledge and technologies previously inaccessible to earthlings. Many scientific achievements Germany in the military-technical sphere, allegedly, were actually the results of the use of information received by the Nazis from extraterrestrial civilization. A number of serious researchers and independent experts quite reasonably believe that in conditions when many venerable world-famous scientists who have existed for many years have left Germany scientific schools ceased to function, the country simply could not develop the scientific and technical innovations that Germany had at its disposal.

The fact that the Nazis were many years ahead in development latest technologies and the types of weapons of their main opponents in the war - the richest USA and the USSR, which had enormous scientific potential - is immutable. As well as the fact that many of these new products in post-war period not rediscovered, but simply stolen by the allies from the Germans, and then from each other: after the war, American, British and Soviet intelligence, especially scientific and technical ones, worked with unprecedented tension.

A clear answer: did Hitler have contacts with aliens? - simply impossible. This remained a secret of the Third Reich, which can only be revealed by the aliens themselves or by documents discovered preserved in the secret caches of the SD. While neither one nor the other has happened, we have to rely on indirect facts.

Having fifty-seven submarines at the end of the thirties, Germany during four years of war managed to build one thousand one hundred and fifty-three ultra-modern submarines at its shipyards and put them into operation. That is, they took part in the hostilities. And this despite the lack of many strategically important materials, and in the last two years, under Allied bombings that swept away entire cities!

The Soviet, British and American command experienced considerable surprise and even a certain shock when they had the opportunity to get acquainted with the intact German submarines captured along with their crews, without any damage. How did they capture the imagination of the sailors of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition?

German submarines, unlike Allied submarines, had an almost silent underwater movement, which seriously hampered their detection using hydroacoustics. The supply of fuel they carried on board allowed them to operate without refueling at a distance of eight and a half thousand miles from the base, which at that time was considered almost impossible. German submarines differed from Allied boats in that they were inconspicuous at sea, had a low silhouette, had excellent maneuverability, had an improved rudder system, had two periscopes, and were armed with an 88-mm cannon in the bow and a 20-mm anti-aircraft gun in the superstructure of the wheelhouse.

The submarines carried on board ultra-modern “homing electric torpedoes” for that period - they did not leave water on the surface characteristic trace from air bubbles, which made them extremely difficult to detect during a torpedo attack. The German boats were so well developed technologically that some of them, belonging to the VII series, were commissioned by the Soviet Navy and were in service until the end of the 1950s, and one boat was in service until the early 1970s.

The difference between German submarines was that they had snorkels - special devices that supplied air to the diesel engines of the boat when it was underwater. Conventional boats turned off diesel engines when diving and switched to electric motors. On German boats there were hydraulic control systems for mechanisms, a hydrodynamic log and many other technological innovations.

If the Nazis had contact with aliens, they could very well give them the opportunity to create more perfect species weapons - such as atomic submarine cruisers. But we need to be realistic and take into account that the Germans received and used with considerable success those technologies that they could implement in the development of modern industry and science.

The Nazis managed to create a jet fighter that reached speeds of up to a thousand kilometers per hour and was significantly superior in speed and armament to any aircraft of all countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. It remains a mystery how in 1945, under continuous Allied bombing, the Nazis managed to produce two thousand new combat vehicles in a matter of months and managed to use them in battle?! Germany has developed fundamentally new type engine, and many historians are confident that if the Nazis had produced the Messerschmitt Me-163 jet fighter in the second half of 1944, the course of the war could have changed dramatically.

In American Military Records and Archives Royal Air Force Great Britain has kept many reports from pilots who reported that during flights over Germany they encountered strange aircraft that looked like British soldiers’ helmets - in the form of a “saucer”. It is characteristic that they never said or wrote whether our aces saw such devices.

Czech and German funds mass media in the early 90s of the 20th century it was reported that the testimony of nineteen Wehrmacht soldiers and officers, who during the Second World War were on duty in Czechoslovakia, at one of the secret training grounds where new weapons were created and tested, had been preserved.

According to witness testimony, in the fall of 1943 they observed the testing of an unusual aircraft, which was a silvery disk with a diameter of about six meters with truncated cone in the center and a teardrop-shaped cabin. Some noted that the device was armed with a tank-type cannon. At the bottom of the structure, made entirely of silver metal, were four pairs of small chassis. ABOUT future fate nothing is known about this device.

The question quite naturally arises: were these the devices seen by American and British pilots? Perhaps our bombers and fighters saw them, but they gave SMERSH a non-disclosure agreement?

Provokes serious thought and rocketry Third Reich. And in the United States, information was leaked to the press that in the early 90s of the 20th century, a detachment of three Nazi cosmonauts returned to Earth after 47 years of absence! They supposedly splashed down to the surface Atlantic Ocean. They even named the date - April 2. Three young pilots were selected for this expedition on the personal instructions of the Fuhrer.

According to unnamed NASA experts, made in Nazi Germany a three-stage rocket launched into space from the Peenemünde test site in 1943 could be used for both scientific and military purposes. The dates of tests of an unknown silver metal aircraft in the shape of a “plate” and the launch of a rocket with three cosmonauts are surprisingly coincident - were they sent to “visit” aliens? According to some reports, during the forty-seven years of absence they had not aged at all and did not even suspect that much time had passed here.

Everything connected with this incredible, science-fiction-like story immediately turned out to be strictly classified. Many journalists who tried to get confirmation or refutation of this fact were denied any information by NASA. It was neither confirmed nor denied. If this message is true, then the Nazi astronauts who returned to earth have unique information, the disclosure of which the United States is not interested in.

This is far from full list indirect facts indicating that the Third Reich actually had certain contacts with aliens who found themselves on our planet voluntarily or due to some unfavorable circumstances for them.

One can only guess about the duration of these contacts and the methods of their implementation, since everything remained in deep secret. For several years, Hitler persistently talked about the miracle weapon of retribution: what exactly he had in mind remained unclear. Perhaps he hoped for what was promised to him return soon astronauts with new data or the arrival of another intergalactic expedition ready to provide military assistance to the Nazis? There are more than enough mysteries and ambiguities here.

The mystery of the contacts of the Third Reich with aliens remains unsolved, although many facts and, most importantly, the scientific and technical projects of the Nazis that were not completed make one shudder and be horrified.

Back in 1920, the then unknown Adolf Hitler, a demobilized soldier German army, met two interesting people from a certain secret Thule society, of which he soon became a member. It is possible that it was from this moment that his ascent up the political ladder began. It is known that members

Thule were interested in the occult and, apparently, worked on the theory of the superiority of the North. A few years later, Hitler would lead the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany. In the twenties, a certain Tibetan settled in Berlin. This man was outwardly very modest, but had the ability to predict the future. A. Hitler was his frequent guest.

The secret is that its leadership was initially associated with secret societies, including Thule. The roots of this organization, according to some sources, go back to Teutonic Order. These secret societies in the thirties they organized a number of expeditions to Antarctica, South America, India and Tibet. As a result, some ancient Vedic texts were transported to Germany. According to a number of researchers, those documents contained information regarding samples of equipment that clearly had

unearthly origin. Whether this information was somehow used by the Third Reich, which perhaps no one will know. The secret order of the Annenerbe was engaged in deciphering some ancient magical keys. Another secret of the Third Reich was that with the help of these codes it was possible to come into contact with certain “Aliens” or “External Minds”. Special laboratories were built in which women, as more sensitive, were entrusted with communication with mysterious forces. The unsolved mystery of the Third Reich today is who these “External Minds” or “Aliens” were - highly developed beings from other planets or spiritual entities. However, it is noteworthy that the information received was of a purely scientific and technical nature. In particular, it included a description of some giant flying disks. Work on their creation was successful. Perhaps in our century discos would have become a common method of transportation, but the rapid advance forced the Germans to destroy the first series of these devices and the facilities where they were produced.

It is reliably known that the Nazis were very interested in the UFO phenomenon. Therefore, in 1942, Sonderburo-T13 appeared, a research unit that dealt with this issue. Possible contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence - a mystery of the Third Reich, which many scientists today are trying to investigate. However, all of the above are far from the most interesting riddles era of Hitler's reign. Perhaps the most fascinating mystery of the Third Reich is the German expedition to Antarctica in the winter of 1939. It involved 13 destroyers and cruisers, about forty aircraft and a detachment naval special forces. The goals of this expedition are still unknown, as are its results. There are even theories about an “Antarctic Germany” with its capital in a certain “New Berlin”, which exists to this day.

The final secrets of the Third Reich are the creation space station Andromeda, which was underground, and the development of the world's first intercontinental missiles of the FAU series. They could well have fired at New York from Berlin.

From the book “100 Great Secrets of the Third Reich” you can learn more about what happened in those difficult years.

5 famous personalities that many researchers consider to be aliens.

1. Mysteries of Leonardo da Vinci begin from the moment he was born. He writes about his childhood memories: “It comes to my mind very early memory“that while I was still lying in the cradle, a kite flew to me, opened my mouth with its tail and touched my lips with its tail many times.”

IN notebooks maestro, you can find the following list of everyday tasks: “Show how clouds form and break up, and why one wave appears bluer than another, describe the causes of snow and hail, and how new shapes are formed in the air and new leaves on trees and icicles on stones in cold places."

Contemplating his masterpieces, including the Mona Lisa, which may be a self-portrait of his feminine essence, still takes your breath away. As an inventor, he developed plans for a helicopter, an armored tank, a guided missile, a submarine, a mortar, a parachute and other wonders, and also anticipated the epoch-making discoveries of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Darwin.

There is a version that he communicated with representatives of alien civilizations, who passed on some of their knowledge to him. According to another theory, he himself was a “light alien” who incarnated on Earth to give impetus to the development of earthlings.

2. And the brightest “dark alien” is considered Adolf Hitler. Hitler had crazy energy - huge amount people, as if hypnotized, followed him. He survived several assassination attempts.

By order of Hitler, psychological and medical experiments were carried out on living people in concentration camps, which he himself came to see more than once. At the same time, he remained absolutely impassive, seeing the blood and suffering. Ufologists believe that “dark” aliens are not capable of experiencing any earthly feelings. Where Hitler’s body went after the “suicide” is unknown to this day.

The fate of the documents in which Hitler carefully recorded the results of his bloody experiments is also unknown. It was during the time when Hitler ruled in Germany that UFOs were created as a weapon of the Third Reich. One of the Wehrmacht veterans claims that Hitler initiated the creation of a UFO and disappeared into submarines to Antarctica.

3. In the biography Ulyanov-Lenin There is an episode when little Volodya got lost, and when he was found, the child very clearly uttered the phrase: “In 75 years, Israel will be reborn!”, after which he burst into tears and began to call his mother. Researcher Bunich believes that the disappearance of little Volodya was directly related to a UFO, which could have transferred some superpowers to him.

There is no doubt that the revolutionary leader had colossal energy and charisma, which allowed him to lead the masses. It is also surprising that Lenin almost last day life engaged in mental work, wrote works. When scientists opened his brain, it turned out that it was almost entirely filled with lime, which is incredible for common man. But if we assume that Vladimir Ulyanov was not an ordinary person, then a lot becomes explainable.

4.The fact that their idol did not die, but flew away home planet, fans still firmly believe Elvis Presley. And the master from London successfully defended doctoral dissertation, proving that Elvis Presley was an alien. Presley remains one of the most famous personalities in world pop culture.

In America, it has long been part of the everyday life of ordinary people, along with presidents and athletes. Jokes, associations, allusions, open parodies, etc. have become an integral phenomenon of American culture. Since the late 1980s, various religious organizations deifying Presley and awaiting his “second coming” have become widespread in the United States.

5. The poetess was called an alien from outer space Nick Turbin, and also - an emotional explosion, a brilliant talent, a child-Pushkin, a poetic Mozart. Yevgeny Yevtushenko took her to Italy and America, she received the prestigious Golden Lion art award, becoming its second Russian owner after Anna Akhmatova.

But Anna Andreevna was over sixty when she received the prize, and Nika was just over 10. The laureate poetess never learned to write without mistakes. And at the age of eight she wrote: “I am wormwood-grass, Bitterness on the lips, Bitterness in words, I am wormwood-grass...”. The alien girl suffered from asthma from birth. She died at the age of 28, jumping out of a window.

There are forums on the Internet where people talk who say they are aliens. Skeptics call such people jokers or crazy. But some scientists describe the aliens with almost the same definitions: pharaonic head shape, narrow hips, tall, increased sensitivity. Be careful if you observe such signs in yourself or others!

There have been debates for a long time about why aliens interfere in earthly life, and whether their interventions are good for us, at least among those who believe in the existence of little green men. A group of ufology conspiracy theorists seems to be trying to put an end to the debate by gathering evidence that reptilian aliens collaborated with Hitler for many years. This means that their malicious intent can be considered proven. Well, let's take a look at their views.

The Nazis had a secret underground base in Antarctica

Some historians have already found evidence of secret Nazi visits to Antarctica. According to conspiracy theorists, there they founded a secret underground base to develop miracle weapons far from the eyes of the allies. Moreover, according to some researchers, construction of the base began back in 1913! Others, however, argue that it started in 1938 and advanced at an accelerated pace. And in such a matter as the construction of an underground military production base in the ice, in the 1930s it was impossible to do without the help of alien technologies. This is where the insidious reptilians came to the aid of the Nazis. But they didn't stop there...

Hitler's base in Antarctica was built on the basis of alien structures

So, the reptilians came to the Nazis’ aid in building a secret base in the ice. With their help, conspiracy theorists say, the Nazis managed to create an entire system of tunnels. This was not difficult, because the reptilians already had their own base in Antarctica, with caves and tunnels that only needed to be expanded. So the aliens have been sitting under the ice for many centuries, observing earthly affairs. For Hitler, the authors of the theory say, this came in very handy.

In Antarctica, the Nazis developed anti-gravity flying saucers

So, the Nazis settled under the Antarctic ice. Why? Of course, to forge the weapon of your victory! Such a weapon, conspiracy theorists say, should have been anti-gravity flying saucers, designed to replace Hitler's aviation, bringing fear to the whole world. One of the theory's enthusiasts, retired space engineer William Tomkin, claims that during his years working on American aerospace programs he was able to gain access to Hitler's developments. True, he does not show any documents - including about his own mental health. No offensive hints, we are just stating a fact.

The Nazis were the first to land on the moon

Both William Tomkin and another former government employee, Corey Goode, claim that the Nazis not only worked with the reptilians to design flying saucers, but also succeeded in doing so! And they even went beyond the Earth’s atmosphere on their devices, landing on the Moon, visiting other planets and even going beyond the solar system! Why the Nazis so mediocrely squandered the capabilities of their miracle devices instead of throwing them at the enemy, the theory, however, does not explain.

The Americans managed to steal space secrets Germans and thereby influence the course of the war

Actually, this calculation was invented by space conspiracy theorists in response to questions from journalists about why, with such powerful allies, the Germans still failed to win the war. All thanks to American intelligence, they say! US spies managed to win over German scientists, frightened both by their Nazi bosses and their terrible reptilian allies, and they gradually transferred the latest technological developments into the right hands. After the war, says William Tomkin, these scientists worked in the American space program, which, in no small part, explains its rapid success.

Reptilians favored the Nazis

In his interviews, Tomkin repeatedly explained why the reptilians began to collaborate with the Nazis. According to him, the aliens, vile by nature, were impressed by Hitler’s idea of ​​conquering the world. They dreamed of one day creating a Nazi space fleet to conquer star systems and storm the Milky Way. It sounds like a script for another Star Wars episode - but no, the authors take this theory with brutal seriousness.

Reptilian technologies are not outdated today

So, do you remember that after the fall of Hitler, the technology of his reptilian allies ended up in the hands of the authors of the American space program? So, according to conspiracy theorists, many of these space technologies are still not outdated. At least, William Tomkin worked with them as part of the secret Solar Guardian program. According to him, he developed drawings of spaceships, ships and other equipment based on German-Reptilian developments during the Second World War. At first, government agencies dealt with them , then the drawings were transferred to private companies for the construction of prototypes. At the same time, amazingly, both of them were silent, like partisans. Because of secrecy!

Other aliens helped the allies resist the reptiles - the Northerners

There is another answer to the question of why alliance with reptilians did not help Hitler win the war. According to conspiracy theorists, during the war, the Northerners stood on the side of the Allies - representatives of another alien race, apparently competing with reptiles. The ubiquitous William Tomkin stated that he worked with two Northerners at the Douglas Company in the 1950s and 60s. By the way, another prominent ufologist, Bob Wood, claims that in those same years, at the same company, he also studied documentation obtained from alien ships. Moreover, the two characters made their statements independently and without knowing each other, so it is difficult to suspect them of collusion.

The Nazis had two programs to create flying saucers

With an abundance of other evidence, William Tomkin was the first to bring together information about the Nazi space programs. So, there were two programs. The first, called the Vril Society, was led by a female medium, Maria Orsik, who claimed to have established a telepathic connection with aliens from the Aldebaran system. The second was led by the SS - it was she who worked at the Antarctic base. Both, according to Tomkin, were successful: flying saucers have been built and even sent into deep space.

The Vril Society has invented a completely new type of engine

The existence of the Vril Society, which consisted entirely of female mediums, was also confirmed by Stanford journalist Linda Moulton Howe, who interviewed a former CIA agent who preferred to remain anonymous. According to him, the female mediums from Vril really maintained telepathic contact with aliens, thanks to which they created a spaceship with a completely new type of engine. Documents for it were subsequently obtained from the Allies' intelligence agencies, after which, instead of urgently being put into production, the development was strictly classified. The former agent does not explain why.

Hitler was obsessed with the theory of underground aliens

Not only professional conspiracy theorists, but also quite respectable historians claim that Hitler was obsessed with the idea of ​​the secret existence in underground caves of a race of aliens waiting in the wings to take over the planet. He, regardless of the costs, sent expeditions in search of alien underground inhabitants, which were mentioned in ancient eastern legends. By the way, in these legends this alien race was called “Vrilya”. Coincidence? We don't think so.

In 1945, the Nazis sent a mission to Mars

William Tomkin claims that in April 1945, the Germans sent a space mission straight to Mars from underground bunkers in Antarctica. The mission consisted of 30 astronauts, three of whom were Japanese. If successful, Hitler's elite, with the help of reptilian allies, could settle down in the depths of space, planning revenge. But the ship did not reach Mars and burned up in space. All members of the mission died. So, naturally, the researcher cannot prove this story.

German flying saucers soared over Washington in the 1950s

In the early 1950s, stories about the appearance of unidentified flying objects over the US capital created a lot of noise in America. The general public is still wondering about the origin of this phenomenon - but conspiracy theorists already have an answer. In their opinion, this was an impressive demonstration that proved that American intelligence, with the help of scientists, had finally managed to bring to life the reptilian technologies stolen from the Germans. And in the early 1950s, a real parade of American military flying saucers took place over the US capital! All that remains is to find someone who was at the helm and ask about their impressions - of course, if his name is not Will Smith.

The Nazi base in Antarctica continued to exist after the war

Hitler's Germany collapsed in 1945 - but participants in the secret space program may have continued to hide in Antarctica. This, at least, is evidenced by the fragmentary rumors about the operation of American troops that took place in 1947, code-named “High Jump”. Despite the paucity of information about her, an entire documentary film was made on her topic. According to him, in 1947 the Americans sent to Antarctica - oh, of course, to search for an alien base! - a military mission consisting of 4,700 military personnel. The mission involved an aircraft carrier and a large group of accompanying ships. However, in the area of ​​the proposed base, the convoy was fired upon, and several ships and aircraft sank. It is not known what frightened the expedition members so much, but instead of launching a counterattack, they quietly left the Antarctic waters and made no further attempts to find a German base in Antarctica.

Hitler escaped to another alien base, in Colombia

The secret agent interviewed by Linda Howe also claimed that Hitler had a double during the war. It was he, as stated in secret documents, who died in Berlin in May 1945. Hitler himself, along with Eva Braun, fled through Norway to Colombia. Eva died on the way, and Hitler, who shaved off his mustache before the conspiracy, reached Colombia, was noticed there by the Americans, but disappeared - most likely, again with the help of his reptilian allies.

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