Who may have telepathic abilities. How to develop the ability to telepathy? Practical steps

 28.12.2012 05:12

Today, scientists have indisputably confirmed what yesterday’s science categorically denied for a long time. Namely, the possibility of telepathy, that is, the transmission and reception of thoughts from one person - the inductor - to another - the perceiver - without the participation of the senses. However, the mechanism of this phenomenon still remains a mystery.

Telepathy and far-sightedness, or, as it used to be called, clairvoyance, are often confused or even combined.
Since both of these phenomena do not fit into the usual ideas about the environment around us physical world, many believe that the gift of telepathy and far-sightedness is sent down from above, and to very rare people.

As for far-sightedness, this is indeed a very rare phenomenon. But almost every person has telepathic abilities and, more importantly, uses them in everyday life, but just doesn’t pay attention to it.

Moreover we're talking about not about such situations when, say, the husband came home from work and the wife immediately asked:
“What, is there trouble again?”, although he didn’t say a word to her. Or: “Well, is it a deuce again?” - the mother stuns her son as soon as he crosses the threshold. In such cases, we are not talking about “mind reading” in the literal sense of the word, but about the wordless perception of information about emotional state a person through his facial expression, gaze, demeanor.

True telepathy occurs when someone perceives enough complex thoughts another person, which are in no way related to the specific situation at that moment. So he is forced to admit: “You read my mind!” I think that each of us has encountered this. In general telepathic abilities well developed among professional fortune tellers. Often they intentionally or unintentionally read information directly from someone else’s brain, and then fool the person: using the information received from him, they pretend that they are communicating with otherworldly forces.

Most often, spontaneous telepathy manifests itself in close people, in particular in wives and husbands who have been married for a long time. Laboratory studies have shown that 10-15 percent of them can sustainably receive meaningful information from the brain of a person I know well. Moreover, such “reading” often occurs even at a considerable distance. And the vast majority—about 70 percent—of experiment participants are able to do this half the time. It is typical that it is possible to mentally convey something to others, even close people, only in very rare cases.

Inner vision

Although, as mentioned above, official science did not recognize telepathy, the facts in its favor were so obvious that unbiased scientists could not ignore them. In 1882, the Society psychic research"under the direction of Professor Barratt. Its members set themselves the task of investigating various unusual manifestations in the field of the psyche, including “mind reading”.
At that time in London there was a lot of talk about one thing mysterious case. A certain young lady showed amazing abilities, which are as follows. It was enough for her mother to show some drawing or written word behind her back, and the girl would immediately describe it - and unmistakably! - presented object. But at the same time, the mother had to comply with one indispensable condition: to mentally also imagine it.

Professor Barratt encountered another curious case during his research. Observed - a young woman who came from Peru and did not know English language, — sat down in front of a pile of letters carved from ivory. As soon as Barratt or his assistant, standing behind the chair on which the woman was sitting, touched her shoulder, she, as if obeying a wordless command, began to select from the mass of bouquet the very one that the experimenter mentally named.

One of those who passed the test in London Society and gained great fame as a “mind reader,” small clerk Irwin Bishop came to St. Petersburg in 1884, where he made a big splash. Here is an excerpt from a report on his speech published in the Novosti newspaper:

“The session given by Mr. Irwin Bishop in the presence of representatives of the press and other persons presented truly astonishing experiences that defy any explanation... There were 12 daggers on the table. Having invited our famous writer, Mr. D. V. Grigorovich, he invited him to choose one of the daggers, and then, in the absence of Bishop, make a movement over one of those present in the hall, which would mean that he had stabbed him, and then hide the dagger , wherever he wants, in the hall.

When all this was done, Mr. Bishop returned to the hall blindfolded and, taking Mr. Grigorovich by the hand, rushed with him into the hall to the gentleman whom he assumed was “killed.” Approaching the imaginary victim, he punctually repeated the movements that Mr. G. made when striking. Then, after circling around him for a few seconds, Bishop rushed back to the person who had the dagger hidden and found it.”
Based on many experiments and observations, English scientists came to the conclusion about the existence of “mental vision”, which explains telepathy. At the level of knowledge of that time, London researchers expressed, in principle, a correct guess regarding one of the types of telepathy - the so-called mind reading. This conclusion was made at the end of the last century, but remained unclaimed by science. The reason was her arrogance with which she treated miracles and those who deal with them. Throughout the 20th century, telepathy remained an unsolvable mystery, primarily because scientists could not answer the main thing: what is thought? Only recently have experiments been carried out in which it was possible to lift the veil of secrecy surrounding physical nature thoughts, and thus provide a partial explanation of the phenomenon of telepathy.

Photographed thought

Fate accidentally brought American psychologist Julius Eikzenbud together with Chicago hotel receptionist Ted Serios. Investigating the so-called rays of sight, which are still the subject of scientific debate, during the experiments Eikzenbud pointed the lens of a Polaroid camera at Serios’ eye and took pictures.
Some frames turned out to be completely overexposed, others remained white, and on others, for some reason, an image of Serios’s own face appeared. And in some photographs the vague outlines of some buildings, silhouettes of cars and people appeared. And what's interesting is that the blurry photo sometimes took up only part of the frame, sometimes it was tilted or even upside down.

Studying the photographs, the psychologist came to the conclusion that Ted Serios has an incomprehensible ability to capture some mental pictures on photographic film. It followed that thoughts in the form visual images transmitted along the optic nerve to the retina of the eye, from there they are emitted into external environment in the form of light rays and thus fall on the film.

But during further experiments, strange things began to happen that contradicted the original scheme. It turned out that Serios' abilities were much better when the receptionist was intoxicated and, as he himself admitted, his thoughts were confused. However, this was a mere trifle compared to what was discovered later. Eiksenbud showed Ted photographs of various architectural monuments that he could not see before, asked him to remember them as accurately as possible, and photographed his eye. And then sometimes something happened that defied any explanation. In “thought photographs,” images of, for example, the Cathedral of Santa Sarino di Loretto and Trojan’s Column in Rome turned out to be different from the originals: they were slightly shifted in space, as if they were taken from a different angle.

Ted Serios could not mentally imagine what the same Trojan Column looked like when looking at it from below. This requires an architect, not a hotel receptionist. Then what did the Polaroid lens capture?

The second riddle generally went beyond the bounds of reason. Unexpectedly, it turned out that the picture was obtained not only by photographing Ted’s eyes or face. Images on the film also appeared when, in tension, he accidentally covered his eye with his palm, at which the camera lens was pointed!

It turned out that the eye had nothing to do with it at all, since no “rays of vision” could pass through the dense tissue of the hand. It turned out that the film captured not the image, but the thought of it!

At first glance, this seems incredible. Still, let’s not rush to conclusions, but consider those described above unique cases physical impact thoughts on gross matter - photographic film, based on new scientific hypotheses about this “product” of our brain.

Let's start with the fact that, according to academician Yu.B. Kobzarev, the appearance of some thought gives birth to special ultra-light particles, which he called psychons. Moreover, this process is accompanied by the release of energy that charges them. Psychons are capable of forming energy clots - solitons, in the terminology of biophysicists. And parapsychologists call them thought forms (thought images).

As the research of Professor A.V. Chernetsky shows, these objects, electromagnetic in nature, can be emitted into the surrounding space not only through the eyes, but also through energy centers - chakras. Figuratively speaking, having “set sail” from the brain that gave birth to them, thought forms set off on their own “swimming”.
It was at these moments that the American psychologist Eikzenbud filmed them. When they were emitted through an eye directly in front of the Polaroid lens, the image on the film exactly matched the original photograph. If such a “coming out” occurred through the chakras, for example, when Ted Serios covered his eye with his palm, then the camera lens “saw” and captured the thought forms from a different angle.

Thought forms communicate...

Something similar happens with spontaneous telepathy. Once in the surrounding space, the thought forms of one person spontaneously come into contact with the brains of other people: the subconscious literally sees them. But since energy charge these solitons are very small, then consciousness does not notice the traces they leave. In other words, their impact is lost in information noise that does not reach the mental screen our "commander in chief".
But in close people, over time, the brain begins to isolate each other’s thought forms from this constant noise. Using the same principle, super-perceptive psychics “read” other people’s thoughts. Yes and ordinary people they do it unknowingly. In any team that exists long enough, its members have
a clear understanding of each other, no matter whether a person is talkative or not, whether he shares his troubles and joys or prefers to remain silent. And usually it's pretty objective opinion, because people read each other’s thoughts, although they don’t realize it. But they clearly understand the results.
This leads to a very important conclusion. You should not only speak badly, but also think badly about others if you do not want to make enemies for yourself. A good thought gives rise to a corresponding attitude. An evil thought, breaking free, not only destroys someone else's peace, but also its own well-being, because it is capable of boomeranging back to the person whose brain gave birth to it.

The word "telepathy" translated from Greek language means “to sense a person from a distance.” This is the ability to sense, as well as transmit and receive the thoughts of another person. Many people think that this is natural feature body, but it is inactive. With telepathy, there is no need to use the usual capabilities and techniques for communication between people. You can transmit thoughts at a distance and general condition body. In this case, the person to whom the feelings are transferred will think that they are his, that is, perceive someone else’s state as his own. How to become a telepath? The exact answer has not yet been found.

What do scientists think about telepathy?

Already long time specialists are conducting various experiments and research in order to more deeply study the phenomenon of telepathy. There are still different opinions about the reality of telepathic abilities, but the indisputable facts of their existence are already known. The question of how to become a telepath worries many people.

All people are born with paranormal abilities, but most of us simply don’t think about it. Everyone has intuition, but no one knows that this is also a gift. Telepathic abilities are especially often manifested when communicating with relatives. This is explained by the fact that blood ties are stronger. It’s not for nothing that our mentality, character traits and habits are passed down through generations. The blood connection is very strong, it is quite difficult to break it. The development of telepathy is a complex mental process. This must be taken into account by everyone who wants to plunge into the world of the unknown.

Categories of telepathy

  • Sensual. In this case, a person can accept or convey emotions, mood, feelings. The highest level of this kind of ability is the sensation of feelings with the awareness that they come from the outside, that is, from another individual.
  • Mental telepathy involves transmitting your own thoughts, images, and memories to another person. IN modern world These are the skills that are classified as telepathy. Of course, such abilities are of interest, because this is a real opportunity to know what another person is thinking about and influence the course of his thoughts. This is why many people have a question about how to become a telepath.

How to develop abilities?

Paranormal abilities, according to scientists, are present in each of us from birth. But the modern rhythm of life simply does not allow them to open up, so you need to constantly take care of yourself in order to be able to do something.

The development of telepathy involves completing a set of tasks. Exercises can be combined and modified. This way you develop yourself and learn to feel other people. This process lasts a lifetime. By practicing, a person constantly develops, and his understanding of the Universe becomes deeper. But it is worth noting that to achieve global results you will have to work for more than one day. If you are ready for work, then consider tips on how to become a telepath.

Basic exercises

Exercises to develop telepathic abilities must be carried out in pairs. Choose someone you trust and schedule a session. The receiver must relax and tune in to the wave of the transmitter in order to feel his mood, emotions and excitement.

At the beginning of practice, you need to use easy words and numbers to understand the essence. The transmitter must clearly keep the image in his head or mentally repeat the chosen word. During a session, to increase efficiency, you can imagine that your energies have merged and you are transmitting information through waves to each other. With this practice, the effect will be much stronger. Speaking about how to become a telepath, we note that this is a complex and multifaceted development process.

This technique is quite effective, but it requires a lot of time to set up and practice. Remember, it is necessary not only to convey information clearly, but also to interpret it correctly. Anyone can achieve this skill through long-term exercises and training.

To develop telepathic abilities, you can use, for example, a deck of cards. Try passing on information about each of them one by one. The receiving person makes notes on the information received and then checks the result. This is a simple and high-quality method of developing abilities. Now you know that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become a telepath is positive. The main thing is to study with diligence. With the help of the given exercises, it is clear how to become a telepath at home.

Main types of telepathy

  • Instinctive. This type telepathy is the push of energy from the etheric body of one person to another. IN in this case The main means of communication is the ethereal substance of bodies. A person has a solar plexus area. In this case, it will act as an instrument of transmission and reception, since it is very sensitive to the touch of energy. comes into contact with a person, that is, with his feelings.
  • Mental telepathy. Very rare. The main role is played by the throat center, the solar plexus reaction and the heart. That's why this method not very common. When a person transmits information through the throat center, the recipient uses the solar plexus.
  • Intuitive telepathy. This is true meditation. In this type of telepathy, three centers take an active part. These include the following: the head, which receives information from higher sources; ajna - the chakra that absorbs impressions; the throat center, which helps to correctly perceive feelings, emotions and information.

Process duration

How to become a telepath in a day? First of all, it is worth noting that this mental processes, and each person is individual. You shouldn't rush things.

Development must take its own course so as not to become a problem. You should not study on your own, without a teacher, so as not to harm yourself. Simple exercises, given in the article, will not bring anything bad and will help in development.

Exchange of information at the level of biofields between a person and those around him outside world is currently called telepathy (in the Soviet encyclopedic dictionary the term “telepathy” is explained as the transmission of thoughts and feelings at a distance without the mediation of the senses).

The natural ability of telepathy is inherent in a few people, but the majority of people do not possess telepathy. But this ability can be developed with the help of special exercises. And those who want to practice telepathy need to understand the following:

  1. The responsibility to society of a person who uses telepathic abilities is very great. If a person uses them for the benefit of society, participating in the search and rescue of people or in scientific research, this is commendable. But we must remember that the work of a telepath (including for the benefit of society) must be qualified, because otherwise great mental troubles are possible both for the telepath himself and for the people with whom he works. If a person wants to use telepathic abilities simply out of interest, this cannot be considered worthy of approval, because releasing information into the general field, without good intentions, can unbalance a certain number of people and push them to rash actions. When telepathy is used for personal gain or to cause harm to certain people, both the telepath himself and the objects of his influence can suffer severely.
  2. A person using telepathic abilities must be able to accumulate prana and have enough large stock it in the nerve centers. The fact is that the energy distributed in a healthy body (taking into account a certain reserve of energy in the nerve centers) completely ensures the physical and mental processes of the body itself. And only in exceptional cases, especially dramatic situations that are mortally dangerous for an individual, does this energy automatically, spontaneously switch to transmitting information about the nature of the danger to the general biomagnetic field. From this it is clear that a person engaged in telepathic experiments must constantly take care of the accumulation of a large amount of prana (psychic energy) in the nerve centers.
  3. You need to be healthy physically and mentally. For a telepath, Hatha yoga is very useful in this regard, as it improves health (and also gives the skills of proper breathing and relaxation, which are necessary for freeing consciousness). You should move on to Raja Yoga, the elements of which you need to know (in particular Pratyahara), only after thoroughly studying and mastering Hatha Yoga.
  4. A positive attitude should always be present in your life. You need to convince yourself that in the world that you perceive with the help of ordinary senses, everything is as good as possible, and if there is something absurd, then the time is not far when it will disappear. Any elements of anxiety and uncertainty that are present in you before the liberation of consciousness can set you up to receive such information that its perception, at best, will forever close your path to the general field, and at worst, it will deprive you of the possibility of normal thinking under normal conditions.
  5. You need to be able to manage yourself in any living conditions. Without mastering the ability to restrain your emotions, you cannot accumulate and send energy, because, accompanied by uncontrollable emotions (often negative), this energy can be the energy of destruction of the psyche of other people. Let's say you have learned to concentrate and send fairly powerful current discharges at will. high frequency. While communicating, someone accidentally offended you, causing you to become angry. The discharge of energy that this person will receive from you will be so strong that it can cause him a deep nervous shock. This person could become seriously ill.
  6. The ability to relax and free the body from tension is no less important than the ability to concentrate, direct and send energy to individual areas of the body or to the external environment. Clamps in certain areas of the body are a focus of excitation, to which energy rushes from other cells of the body - nearby and distant. And this can interfere with the liberation of consciousness.

Settings and postures for practicing telepathy

The first time you need to practice telepathy separate room in complete silence. This condition is met in initial period when you have not yet learned to fully focus your attention on the rhythms of the body (noise can interfere with recording the pulse and feeling the flow of prana). In the future, as you progress in the exercises, you will acquire the ability for deep concentration, the ability to concentrate attention on a chosen point of the body in any situation. There should be normal humidity in the room, it is advisable to remove or close water tanks (water is an active absorber of radio waves). Do not exercise during rain or thunderstorms. There should be no metal objects nearby that are connected to the ground, or working electrical appliances. You should not exercise in conditions of increased radioactive background (the body allocates part of the energy to create a screen-aura around individual neurons, vital centers to protect them from exposure to radiation or from exposure to negative information, but energy to maintain the aura around vital centers during telepathic experiences may not be enough, and then small doses of radiation can cause significant harm to the body).

The position of the body during exercises for the development of telepathy associated with the liberation of consciousness is very important. Incorrect, uncomfortable postures lead to the fact that high-frequency currents lose power due to the curvature of the conductors (where there are no Kenrac waveguides). Such emissions at intermediate stages in the process of neural transformations will reach a maximum, large number The energy we mobilized for telepathic communication will be wasted. It should be remembered that neglecting the pose can not only minimize the results of telepathic experiments, but also cause harm to the practitioner.

Yoga poses such as Sukhasana (pleasant pose), Sidhasana (adept yoga pose), Vajrasana (diamond pose), Ardha Podmasana (half-lotus pose), Podmasana (lotus pose) can be used as postures for practicing telepathy. An acceptable position may be sitting on a chair or lying on the floor, but the condition must be met: head, neck and back in one straight line. While sitting on a chair, the torso is tilted forward so that the chin is on a line passing through the middle of the thighs; The palms of the hands should lie on the knees without tension, the head should be raised.

Transfer of energy and information from one person to another

Inductor (from Latin word induco - I introduce, direct, encourage) in telepathy they call the person who is the source of information; percipient (from the Latin word perceptio - perception) - a person who perceives information.

Before learning to enter into telepathic communication with another person, as well as with the general biomagnetic field, you need certain time(5 - 6 months) practice liberation of consciousness by classical technique Raja Yoga (Pratyahara - Dharana - Dhyana) or according to the simplified method of Raja Yoga (Pratyahara - rhythmic breathing - psychic breathing). As a result of these classes, you will gain the ability to tune into the field of another person and the general field:

  1. Having performed rhythmic breathing, you will feel that your consciousness is expanding, opening up to receive information, to awareness without sensations. You become part common field, and a drop of your consciousness acquires the ability to pass information through itself, to spontaneously perceive the radiation of other people, their thoughts, the sensations they perceive: smells, voices, music, various pictures, taste. (After 1 - 2 months of training, unusual states may “roll over” you, uncontrollable at first. Some people’s voices, music, laughter will sometimes sound in your brain, you will smell food, flowers, although there is no sound from sources, you will not be able to see a smell nearby. Then you will suddenly discover in yourself the ability to “see” in complete darkness, to see even with eyes closed. This is the result of the fact that your consciousness is tuned in to receiving any information from the general field. It catches joy in everything indiscriminately, as long as it is not controlled by your will. After 2 - 3 months of training, you will feel soft, powerful waves of energy rolling in - this usually happens before falling asleep. There is no need to tune into resonance with these waves. You're not ready yet. After a few months, you will be able to take advantage of tuning into these waves, not only opening up access to energy, but at the same time ensuring its removal from the body for certain purposes, directing it, targeting and focusing it. However, this right must be earned through training. No one will ever tell you: now you can. As a result of training, you yourself should feel and realize this, feel like a complete master of your body and every cell of it);
  2. By performing psychic breathing, you will be able to tune into a certain person or to the general field. Tuning (gradual groping for the rhythm of another person’s field or the rhythm of a common field for further connection to these fields and merging with them), which is essentially the tuning of neurons nervous system to the wavelength of interest to us due to the redistribution of energy between excited atoms, occurs reflexively. A person who has begun to train himself in the practical use of his telepathic abilities can be compared to a child turning the handle of a variable capacitor receiver (and, of course, having no idea about radio communications and the design of the receiver); he eventually stumbles upon a program that interests him. As you work on yourself, knowledge of the “range scale” comes, and a person quite consciously, unmistakably finds the “station” that interests him.

We need to remember about positive attitude to the recipient. It is impossible to free your consciousness and penetrate into the consciousness of another person if you have at least the slightest element dissatisfaction with this person. All negative feelings to the recipient must be excluded, since psychological foci of excitation chain consciousness to themselves, preventing it from mobilizing all its forces to unite with another consciousness. This situation is confirmed by the fact that cases of spontaneous telepathic communication are most often observed between lovers (lovers, friends, relatives) and almost never between people who are antipathetic to each other.

Usually our thinking is abstract in nature (we operate with categories without their specific connection), and only when the thought is concretized is it possible emotional coloring with the participation of the senses. The result is an increase in power, a shift of frequencies to the blue side, radiation of the information-energy complex into the environment, that is, telepathy is emitted. And only telepathy can be perceived by the consciousness of the recipient.

In order for the perception of information from another person to cease to be episodic, spontaneous and become a stable and controllable phenomenon, you need to perfectly master the method of transmitting your own energy-information into the field of someone else’s consciousness. For this purpose, exercises in sending one’s own prana into someone else’s consciousness are practiced over several weeks.

Sending prana (energy) to a person who is out of sight

This exercise must always be practiced throughout your development and even after achieving liberation of consciousness. The exercise cannot cause harm to either the inducer or the recipient.

Sit in one of the comfortable poses - diamond, lotus, half lotus or on a chair. Remember one of your good friends, communication with whom and memories of whom have always been pleasant for you. The course of your thoughts is rational, but emotional overtones are not excluded. Now think about what pleasant things you could do for him on your own, how you could help him. Think and search until you feel a slight chill in the back (tightness in the chest, chills throughout the body, or a feeling as if some strange warm wave has passed through your entire body). This feeling will mean that you have found a reward and it is in your power to make sure that this person receives it. Achieving the goal set before your consciousness caused you a feeling of joy (emotional “shock”), this feeling “swung” prana to the Kenrak waveguides, a shift in the high-frequency current ranges to the blue side occurred, part of the energy emitted by the body in telepathy turned into warmth (feeling warm wave), part of it was emitted following telepathy into space (feeling of chills); Both sensations (warm waves and chills) are quite objective, but in different cases and at different people consciousness records either the initial (warmth) or the final (chills) stage.

Sending prana (energy) to a person nearby

The exercise is similar to the previous one. But if in the previous exercise you are convinced of the successful sending of a telepathy (thought form) by realizing unclear, unusual sensations, then in this exercise the person who is next to you will convince you with his behavior that your telepathy has been accepted (he can confirm the fact of reception word or phrase, smile, deed).

You should not practice this exercise often with the same person. As you develop 8 telepathy, your psychic power will increase, and any act of sending telepathy during direct contact will easily and imperceptibly develop into a strong telepathic connection: not only the content and quantity of such a connection, but also the very fact of its termination (sooner or later you will consider necessary to go out and do this, of course, without asking the consent of the recipient) can cause damage to the human psyche. The sensations experienced by the recipient when the inductor finally leaves the connection are very unpleasant. You yourself can get an idea of ​​this if you ever find yourself in the grip of a stronger and more trained consciousness, then, at the moment the telepathic connection ends, you will feel emptiness, fatigue, acute dissatisfaction with yourself, others, the past and the future, your heart will be constricted inexplicable melancholy, you suddenly begin to consider yourself an abandoned, unloved, unnecessary person.

28.09.2011 20229 +33

Telepathy is understood as reading the thoughts of another person, and those who have such abilities (both transmitting and receiving signals) are usually called telepaths. In most cases, a person capable of telepathy at a distance can both transmit signals to the recipient and receive signals from the donor. But in a number of cases, people with the gift of telepathy are able to either “receive” or “transmit” information.

Whether telepathy exists between people can be judged from a series of experiments conducted in 1959 on board the American nuclear submarine Nautilus. One of the participants in the experiment, twice a day from the shore, mentally suggested to another participant, who was on the submarine, one of five possible shapes (circle, square, cross, star, wavy lines). A special device automatically ejected a card with an image of one of the figures, which was then mentally transmitted. At the same time, the participant in the experiment, who was in the hermetically sealed hull of the submarine, received signals and recorded them. These experiments lasted 16 days with perfect control of the participants and resulted in 70% correct answers. According to probability theory, one would expect about 20% correct answers.

It is believed that telepathic communication involves at least two persons. The first is the supplying agent, instructor, or donor, of telepathic information. The second person taking part in telepathic contact is the receiver (recipient), or percipient. Telepathic communication between people can be either one-way or two-way.

How does telepathy manifest itself and how is telepathic information transmitted? This happens on several levels. At first, it represents a concern of a vague nature, not directed at a specific object. The second level of telepathic signals is an emotional impulse directed at a specific person, accompanied by a feeling, a premonition like “something is about to happen.” At the third level, information is provided about events relating to a particular person. These events are most often symbolic in nature. The next, fourth level is characterized by the perception of larger or smaller quantities of events, images and actions. Sometimes the perceived image gradually emerges in the recipient’s imagination.

It is argued that the implementation of a transfer from an inductor (transmitting) cannot proceed normally if the recipient is emotionally indifferent to him. The best inductors are men who are the most strong-willed and active in character. And vice versa, women are good recipients.

Deaf and mute people with the gift of telepathy

A very interesting fact is telepathic communication between people on close range, which M.A. Cooney talks about:

“If you imagine that a person can feel another person’s gaze fixed on him, then the most suitable people To conduct experiments, I imagine people deprived of hearing and speech, deaf-mutes. For better observation, I went to Gelendzhik, where there is a sanatorium for the deaf and dumb. When flying there from Sochi, there were three deaf and mute people in the helicopter with me. Two men sat in front, and a woman sat next to me, at the back of the helicopter. As soon as one of the men sitting in front turned in our direction, the woman (she was reading a book) immediately raised her head. And vice versa: as soon as the woman looked up from her book with the clear intention of saying something, those sitting in front, first one, then the other, turned to her.

Observations carried out in Gelendzhik also give reason to assume that the deaf and mute (and therefore all people, only to a lesser extent) have the ability to sense the gaze, or more precisely, the signal of another person.”

Of course, all this can be attributed to coincidences. But aren't there a lot of coincidences? If we talk about such everyday manifestations telepathy, then there are millions and millions of them. And there are quite a few others, when a telepathic connection manifests itself at a distance. The famous French scientist and talented popularizer of science K. Flammarion, becoming interested in the phenomena of telepathic communication, recorded more than a thousand testimonial stories about such phenomena. Is it possible to dismiss all these stories as “the inventions of idle people”?

Is telepathy and telepathic communication between people possible?

American writer Upton Sinclair in his youth wrote novels showing the situation of workers in the USA: “The Jungle”, “The Coal King”, “Jimmy Higgins”. But few people know that in 1930 the same writer published a book about whether telepathy is possible, in which he talked about his experiences (these facts were later checked by psychologist Prince).

One evening the writer and his wife were sitting at home. The husband was reading a book, and his wife Mary, lost in thought, almost mechanically ran her pencil over the paper. Looking closer, she saw that she had drawn flowers. She immediately asked her husband: “What were you reading about just now?” “About flowers,” he answered.

This coincidence interested the Sinclairs so much that they decided to conduct a series of special experiments on the mental suggestion of drawings at a distance. Several people took part in the experiments. “Thoughts,” or rather mental images, were transmitted from one room to another, as well as over a distance of 30 miles. She accepted Mary's suggestion. At the same predetermined time, one of the participants drew some simple drawing: a chair, scissors, a star, etc., and then thought about the drawing. Mary tried to catch these thoughts and drew what came to her mind.

What happened? Telepathy between people at a distance has proven successful in several cases (not all). Mary drew, for example, as suggested, a chair and a star. According to her, before conducting the experiments, she put herself in a state “on the verge of sleep.” The suggested drawing appeared in her mind in the form of a visual image.

And here’s what else it turned out: her ability to “guess” drawings at a distance soon began to weaken, and then completely disappeared.

Here is one example. The instructor takes a glass of hot tea in his hand, and the sleepers, when asked what they feel, to a greater or lesser extent, state in one way or another - warmth. But if the instructor burns his finger with a match or pricks himself with a pin, thereby getting a strong painful sensation, how the sleeping people (15-20 people) almost all at the same time, without waiting for the question, cried out as if in pain.

Quite a lot of similar experiments on communication by telepathy have been carried out, as a result of which we can conclude that one person can receive from another (under certain favorable circumstances) fairly clear information by transmitting thoughts or emotions at a distance.”

Telepathy as a superpower: telepathic signals and contacts

Here is another fact from history, indicating that telepathy is a superpower, and inherent in people different ages. The English physicist Barrett, a student of Faraday, conducted such experiments. The girl was blindfolded. Barrett stood behind her so that she could not see him. Then he put it in his mouth various substances and mentally instilled his feelings in the girl, i.e. sent telepathic signals. When he put in a few grains of salt, the girl spat out saliva. The hypnotist ate sugar, mentally suggested it to the girl, and she said that she was eating sugar.

But the most striking thing in studying human telepathic abilities was the experience with a candle. Still remaining invisible to the patient, Barrett lit a candle and touched the flame. The girl screamed: “It burns!”

American Douglas Dean from New York College tracked the effect of different names spoken out loud on changes in blood pressure. Then he pronounced these names mixed with others (but mentally) to the same person. It turned out that they affect blood pressure in the same way as when spoken out loud!

These experiments on telepathic contacts convincingly show that mental suggestion exists.

Reception of telepathy can be carried out without special mental suggestion. The power of telepathy is so high that a person simply thinks, and it is transmitted. The author of the article “Telepathy and Mental Defectivity,” philosophy professor de Ti, describes in detail his observations of the mentally defective brother Robert. At the age of 47, he had the mental development of an 18-month-old child, was incapable of coherent speech and was tongue-tied in pronouncing only a very few words. However, with amazing speed and accuracy (without any distortion) he pronounced words completely unknown to him and scientific terms at the moment when, for some reason, they arose in the mind of one of those present. One day, while walking around Paris with Robert, de Ti entered a narrow street unknown to her, which then led her to large area. She saw a van standing in the square, on which was written: “Galleries Lafayette.” De Ti barely had time to read this inscription to herself when Robert, who could not read, exclaimed: “Lafayette Gallery!”

It should be added that Robert always walked with a guide - his father or sister. De Ti notes that this incident could not have been accidental for the reason that the vocabulary that Robert could pronounce was very limited and was known to family members. Robert had never uttered the words “gallery,” much less “Lafayette,” and could not have known them.

Telepathic influence at a distance and photo telepathy

For decades now, experiments have been and are being carried out in different countries on the telepathic transmission of thoughts and images. In order to find out whether telepathy exists, scientists are using the most different people- with a healthy and sick psyche, - testing their telepathic abilities. The researcher mentally suggests to the recipient - the human “receiver” - to perform this or that simple action, recognize the suggested thing, etc. The success of the experiment is determined by the percentage of guessing: the higher it is, the more convincing the evidence of the existence of a telepathic connection.

Many researchers used Zener cards to study telepathic effects, which depict one of five figures: a square, a circle, a cross, a star, and three wavy lines. The experiment is carried out like this. The suggestor looks at one of the cards and tries to mentally suggest to the recipient which figure he is currently looking at. The “receiver” person is in a different place (in another room) and at a certain time - it is set in advance - say, every three minutes from the moment the experiment begins, he strives to think only about the cards until it appears before his mental gaze, like a ghost during hallucinations, the card that the “transmitter” is now thinking about. The guessing results are immediately recorded in the presence of witnesses.

When Zener cards are used, the probability of guessing at large number samples is 1/5, since there are five of them different figures, i.e. 20%. This conclusion follows from mathematical theory probabilities. What do the experiments show? It turned out that some researchers from different countries received such high result guessing that there is no doubt about the existence of a telepathic connection. Several times the subjects correctly guessed all 25 cards in the series (although with a large number of trials).

But for other researchers, the same experiments on studying telepathic abilities most often yielded negative results. And even the same recipient could show his ability to accept mental images today, and the next day the experiments would give completely negative results. It was as if they had replaced a person!

This feature, which is extremely important for studying telepathic influence at a distance, must be taken into account when achieving a particularly favorable environment for the experiment. “In experimental telepathy,” notes Doctor of Medical Sciences L. Sukharevsky on this occasion, “there are no such mobilizing mechanisms as danger and the need to provide urgent, immediate assistance. Emotional sphere subjects are not subjected to proper heat during the experiment. That is why it is difficult for the inducer to direct a telepathy of such strength as in self-arising telepathy, and it is difficult for the recipient to accept it.”

Almost everyone who has had their telepathic abilities tested states that success depends on one's inner attitude, self-confidence, and how well one prepares for the experience.

And one more thing: a telepathic connection between the “transmitter” and the “receiver” is easier to establish if the transmitted image is emotionally colored, if both of them are not indifferent to it. Wolf Messing wrote that before each of his performances he thought only about him, secluded for several hours.

Some scientists explain telepathic connections by the fact that we are faced with a person’s atavistic ability to perceive some important signal at a distance. In the process of becoming human society ape-people really needed this kind of signals - they not only replaced speech in a number of cases, but also helped out individual members of the genus in moments of danger. Moving away from their fellow tribesmen, they could mentally call for help or even perceive telepathy (telepathic signal) about imminent danger.

With the development of speech and the improvement of tools and protection, telepathic communication between people no longer became as necessary as before. She went into the body's reserve. Therefore, only under special, emergency circumstances, a person’s telepathic abilities manifest themselves, but in normal times they do not exist.

This hypothesis is in good agreement with the fact that the ability to telepathy is usually more clearly manifested in people with a disturbed, traumatized psyche, with some of its diseases. It is in these cases that a person often reveals long-forgotten characteristics and properties.

Looking at these photos, telepathy can be represented graphically:

The gift of telepathy in animals

Many facts have been recorded when, due to mental trauma, a person discovers unusual abilities, he remembers long-forgotten things, etc. And if the mechanism of telepathy in humans is more or less clear, the phenomenon of telepathy in animals is not completely clear. It is well known that in large herds of herbivores, living under the constant threat of attack by predators, the sense of “danger perception” is very developed. It is transmitted instantly to all animals in the herd as soon as their leader expresses the slightest alarm. This is observed, for example, in antelopes.

Details Created: 10.26.2009 21:23 Views: 10603

How to develop telepathy?

TELEPATHY(from telos - “far, far”, pathos - feeling) is the transmission and reception of information directly from the brain of a person or animal. As a result of the studies, it turned out that about 10-15% of the people who were involved in them have the ability to receive information from the brain of a person they know well, regardless of how far they are from each other. In addition, up to 70% of research participants are able to do this with a probability of about 0.5. However, the substances that are responsible for shielding such information exchange could not be detected. Very few people can transmit information to the brain of another person or animal, so this ability is most likely the result of genetic abnormalities.

Thanks to the ability of telepathy, a small group of gifted people can confuse others into believing that the telepath is really, for example, a fortune teller or fortune teller. Telepaths can intentionally or unknowingly receive information directly from a person's brain, but not from the future at all. It is believed that telepathy occurs due to the action of some fields. Namely, it has been hypothesized that the cause of telepathy lies in ultra-low-frequency radiation from the cells of the human (animal) body. According to another assumption, telepathy is a manifestation of torsion or chronal fields.

As a result of experiments, it was found that telepathic communication is possible among people who speak different languages, since understanding in this case does not consist of a general vocabulary. For example, the following incident happened to one psychic. Using telepathy, he assigned certain actions to five Englishmen, and each performed exactly his own action. Then he asked them to come up with questions, but not to say the questions, and then he himself said the answer to each question.

As evidenced by numerous stories of people who entered into face-to-face and correspondence contacts with aliens, it is known that they most often (almost 100% of all correspondence “telepathic” and about 50% of all face-to-face contacts) contact people through telepathic communication. There are many examples of such communication.

Study of telepathy

Probably many of us have observed the manifestation of one form or another of telepathic abilities. For example, this situation: you are doing something or just sitting or lying down, and suddenly something inside tells you to call this person (for example, a friend whom you have not seen for a long time). You dial a number, a friend picks up the phone and says: “And just now I was thinking about you! I wanted to call myself! Well, wow! Just like telepathy!” Or another situation: completely unexpectedly, the image of a distant relative whom you last saw twenty years ago appears in your head. After some time, the doorbell rings, you open it and see her in front of you. Well, how can you not believe after this that telepathy really exists?

Not only ordinary people who do not have higher technical education, but many scientists believe that telepathy, in other words the transmission of thoughts at a distance, exists. However, everyone else (a larger group) firmly believes that there is no and cannot be any telepathy. Who to believe? Whose point of view should I accept?

Systematic research into telepathy began in 1882 in Great Britain. The researchers approached the matter very responsibly. The phenomenon of telepathy was studied by professor of ethics at Cambridge University G. Sidgwick, chemist W. Crookes, physicists W. Barrett and O. Lodge, biologist A. Wallace and mathematician A. Morgan. The subject of the research was the young telepath Smith and his assistant Blackburn. During 1882-1884. they successfully demonstrated their telepathic abilities. Unfortunately, they turned out to be hoaxers. After many years, Blackburn admitted that the young people simply played a cruel joke on the scientists. In 1911, he wrote a letter to a newspaper in which he admitted: “All the so-called experiments were and arose from the disinterested desire of two young people to demonstrate how easy it is to trick scientists who are eager to prove a theory.

If it took two youngsters a week of preparation to deceive such experienced and attentive observers, then how can future prospectors count on great success in exposing the "sensitives" that were practiced during more years than he and Smith are weeks."

It would seem that such confessions should have forever discouraged people from conducting telepathy experiments. However, this did not happen, and scientists hastened to continue their experiments.

Telepathy organ

This area is located in the crown area and is often called the “third eye.” An unusual experiment was carried out more than once by our famous psychics Ninel Kulagina and Mikhail Kuzmenko, says Vitaly PRAVDIVTSEV, author of the discovery of cybernetics, candidate of technical sciences in the field artificial intelligence. The experiment was as follows: when photographic film, lying in a light-proof envelope, was applied to their forehead, the ordered images could be seen on it.

It turns out that some people have the ability to emit so-called mental images from the forehead area. This is also confirmed by ancient Eastern traditions, according to which radiation comes from energy centers human - chakras, one of which is the ajna chakra. Since ancient times, esotericists have called it the “third eye.” The image of the “third eye” on the forehead of deities can often be seen in paintings and on sculptures of Buddhist temples. Some scientists believe that this is a memory of the extraterrestrial ancestors of humanity (gods).

As legends say, thanks to the all-seeing eye, they acquired such amazing abilities as clairvoyance, telepathy and telekinesis. Nowadays, some people, mostly Buddhists, are trying to regain their once-lost “divine” abilities by spending years in intense spiritual labor. But in the end, these people really reveal their paranormal abilities.

"Third eye" with lens, photoreceptors and nerve cells is laid in a two-month-old fetus, after which it resolves. But instead of it, what remains is the pineal gland - a pineal gland the size of a pea, red-brown in color, located in front of the cerebellum. Experts notice an amazing thing: the pineal gland is mobile and can rotate like an eye. Moreover, it is noted that there is a direct resemblance of the pineal gland to the eyeball, since it also has a lens and receptors for perceiving colors. In addition, this gland is said to be stimulated to activity by signals coming from the eyes.

According to some biologists, due to centuries of inactivity, the pineal gland has become much smaller in size, and once it was the size of a large cherry. “Perhaps someday its size will become the same,” Pravdivtsev suggests. “And then our descendants will once again regain their once-lost psychic abilities.”

Scientists have created a device that makes it possible to transmit thoughts over a distance. But this has absolutely nothing to do with telepathy. An invention called the "mental typewriter" attracted everyone's attention at an exhibition of new developments in the field of electronics held recently in Hannover.

Developers from the Institute of Computer Architecture and software Fraunhofer and doctors from the Charite Clinic (Berlin), under the leadership of Professor Klaus-Robert Müller and Gabriel Curio, have been developing the Brain Computer Interface system for many years. They are convinced that a computer that can be controlled by thought will allow people who are unable to fully move to maintain contact with the outside world and take care of themselves independently.

Even if a person is injured or ill and cannot move at all, his brain continues to work. When perceiving information, the brain produces electromagnetic signals that can be recorded. This is the principle of operation of the new device presented at the exhibition: 128 sensors are attached to a person’s head, in front of him there is a monitor on which two groups of letters are located on the right and left. The device, which transmits thoughts over a distance, is capable of recognizing letters in three stages. He selects one or another group of letters, and a special program filters out the electrical signals that appear during the selection. The selected group of letters remains, the computer removes the other from the screen. Soon the groups of letters become smaller and smaller until the operator mentally moves the cursor closer to the desired letter. This letter is entered in a specially designated line.

In order to dial a short phrase, it takes 5 to 10 minutes. The system is capable of self-learning; it determines “palettes” of signals individually for specific person. Similar works are being conducted in the USA and Russia. Developers from the Institute of Higher nervous activity and neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, headed by the head of the laboratory of physiology sensory systems Academician Igor Shevelev almost at the same time with German scientists achieved a similar result: their subjects managed to type words consisting of three or four letters using their thoughts. The work is funded by a Russian innovation firm.

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