Dianetics is the science of the mind. Read online “Dianetics - the modern science of mental health

L. Ron Hubbard: SELF-ANALYSIS Practical guide on self-improvement


A simple self-help book containing tests and techniques based on the discoveries of Dianetics.

Don't listen too much to someone whowill tell you that this system will notwork. Such a person will not be able to feelhimself safe if the people around him becometoo strong. a wise man checksbefore speaking. And the critic only followspassing fashions of the cynical and the soulfulapathy of the century. You have the right to yoursown opinion. This system worksor not - you will see from your own experience.No authorities in everything Christian the world cannot change the laws of nature.

This is the most useful book of all you will ever have. Based on the Hubbard Human Assessment Chart, The Science of Survival contains a method for accurately predicting human behavior - a method that has never existed before. The Human Score Chart lists all the ways in which someone's survival potential can be judged - from highest to lowest - making The Science of Survival a book. comprehensive guide according to the tone scale. Knowing only one or two character traits of a person, you can use this chart to establish his position on the Tone Scale and find out what his other characteristics are - this will enable you to accurately determine what this person is like, how he will behave and what his character is. Previously people were convinced that the condition of the cases could not improve, that it could only get worse. The book "Science of Survival" also talks about how a person's case may be in various states, and more about that - and this is absolutely new idea, - that a person can move up the Tone Scale. Thus, here is the foundation of the modern Table of Stages.

Science of Survival - 1951

Dianetics, a method of spiritual healing: the most effective doctrine of the mind.

Word Dianetics means "through the mind." Comes from the Greek “dia” - “through” and “noos” - “soul”, “mind”. A more detailed understanding of this word is “how the mind influences the body”.

Dianetics is a method of managing the energy that makes up life in order to increase the efficiency of the body and spiritual activity of a person.

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Dianetics - Initial Theses - 1948

Audiobook Dianetics - 1950

L. Ron Hubbard: DIANETICS 55! A Guide to Effective Communication

What barriers exist to communication and understanding?

Obstacles in communication can cause the destruction of a family, failure in marital or business relations. A man is as alive as he can communicate!

Dianetics- this is the most efficient technology working with the mind that a person has. In the book "Dianetics 55!" L. Ron Hubbard takes this technology a step further by bringing you fundamental knowledge, which you can use to gain greater understanding of life and increase your abilities.

"Dianetics 55!" includes incredible discoveries L. Ron Hubbard, which represent the basic principles of communication. Discover how you can use the information in this book to:

– Make your communication easy for other people to understand and gain the ability to convey your ideas to people.

– Master the secrets of effective communication.

– Increase your ability and competence to live a happier and more successful life.

Dianetics gives you the tools you need to break down the barriers to communication and understanding in your life and realize your full true potential.





Many people look at science as an icon. In fact, science, by definition, is just an organized system of facts, seemingly unrelated to each other, which combines these facts into a single whole that has practical use. Organized according to certain fundamental axioms (which can be found in the appendix*), Dianetics is a practical system of knowledge by which the mystery of man and his behavior can be solved.

The goal of the search for life energy, begun in 1930, was partially achieved with the discovery of the smallest common denominator existence - the command “Survive!”


L. Ron Hubbard: An Introduction to Scientology ETHICS

Can you remove the obstacle to freedom?

U Man has never had the opportunity to deal with the consequences of the bad things he has done or to say with certainty what decisions will ensure a better future.

But now this opportunity exists.

You can study the technology of ethics that is given in this book and confidently walk the road to freedom.

What is described in this book is not something another person does for you. This is your own business. Study this data carefully and use it to be your own advisor and stay true to your own goals.

The world can get pretty wild, but by fully understanding Scientology ethics and justice, you'll know for sure. how to bring order into your life and the lives of those around you.

Apply the knowledge contained in the book "Introduction to Scientology Ethics" and you will always succeed.



L. Ron Hubbard: Desk book for preclears

L. Ron Hubbard: A Handbook for Preclears

in itself will give you more than it could give in June 1951, and even more so in June 1950. It included the results of two more years of intensive work and research. If in any place this text or these processes differ from the data contained in books or other materials appearing before December 1951, the data in this book is correct and no more early work. Development proceeded very consistently, but sometimes it happens that a person who superficially studies this subject is not able to trace the logic of development.

Ruth Minshull: How to Choose Your People (1972, How to choose your people) - a visual description of the scale of emotional tones with real-life examples.

Brutally realistic yet uplifting, this book completely exposes us all while giving us hope and guidance for the future.

find out the real truth about a wit, a lover of crude practical jokes, an alcoholic, a drug addict, a person with an irresistible attraction to gambling and about that “kind” person who has such a depressing effect on you.
Learn how to deal with those people you didn't choose that you have to deal with.
Find out how to help yourself and others by maintaining natural “ high level”.

A book for a student and a parent, a businessman and an artist, an unemployed person and a social leader, a person in love and a person disappointed in love - and for anyone who has neighbors.
It also contains information especially useful for writers, salespeople, teachers, actors, executives, lawyers, and human resources managers.

Ruth Minshull: Breakfast Miracles (1973, Miracles for Breakfast) - about raising children.

When you want to bring order to something, first disorder appears and then it disappears. If you want to bring order to society or some part of it, then disorder will appear for some time.

The trick is to keep goingintroduce order and then the disorder will go awayand......but if you hate clutterand fight only with disorder, you will neverYou won't be able to bring order to anything.

L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology.New Look at Life.

Remembering the state of the kitchen in last time when you decide to do general cleaning, you'll understand what I'm talking about.

This could happen in your family if, one evening, you decide to completely change the way you raise your child. He may become more reactive than the day before. He will try to push all your buttons (and he will recognize them). But don't lose your cool.

Of course, you will have difficulties if yourthe child has already been trained, controlled,pushed around, denied his property. Onhalfway through you change your tactics. You are tryinggive him freedom. But he's so suspicious

in relation to you, what will happen to himdifficult time, he will try to adapt.

The transition period will be difficult. But in the endin the end you will get a well-managed one,a sociable child who cares about you, and thatvery important - who will love you very much.L.Ron Hubbard, Scientology:New Look at Life.

Ruth Minshull: Ups and Downs ( Ups & Downs) - about the state identifying a potential source of trouble and correcting it And

“The first time this happened was soon after my partner and I started our own business,” said the young director. “I worked hard, but I liked it.” Money flowed like a river. I was playing my favorite game. And then I suddenly became depressed. I got angry at everyone, my appetite worsened, and I started smoking more. After that, my stomach began to bother me, and wild headaches appeared. My doctor gave me a complete examination - blood tests, urine tests - everything. He couldn't find anything that was wrong. “It’s nerves,” he told me. A week later I felt great again. I got back into the saddle and everything was going great. But I quite often fall into this state. I have to go away on my yacht completely alone for several days. That usually gets me straightened out again.”

This describes the fundamental discoveries that Ron used to make the first Clears, discoveries that made possible development technology so that every person could use it, which was the beginning of the clearing of the planet. These discoveries are described only in the book Dianetics: Initial Theses.

Audiobook Dianetics: Original Abstracts 1948, FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY by L. Ron Hubbard Lecture Series, WESTERN CONGRESS Lecture Series by L. Ron Hubbard, CD Health and Confidence - 1955, FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY by L. Ron Hubbard , INTRODUCTION TO DIANETICS by L. Ron Hubbard CD-ROM, HISTORY OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY L. Ron Hubbard CD-ROM, L. Ron Hubbard'S GAMES CD-ROM, L. Ron Hubbard'S TRAINING AND EDUCATION CD-ROM DISCLAIMER: HOW TO CREATE A THIRD DYNAMIC by L. Ron Hubbard CD, HOW TO CONTROL HYSTERIA by L. Ron Hubbard CD, CHILDREN'S SCIENTOLOGY by L. Ron Hubbard CD, THE THIRD DYNAMICS PROJECT by L. Ron Hubbard CD, A POSTULATE COMING FROM THE GOLDEN AGE by L. Ron Hubbard CD, MAN'S RELENTLESS QUEST L. Ron Hubbard CD, 1956 Confrontation L. Ron Hubbard, The Scientologist's Code CD, LEADERSHIP L. Ron Hubbard, 1956 - Salvation CD - mp3 L. Ron Hubbard, CD Money Classic Lectures , Anatomy of Human Problems CD – mp3 August 31, 1956, CD Miracles.” L. Ron Hubbard, State of Knowledge CD – mp3 March 16, 1955, Soul: Good or Bad? CD – mp3, Wrong action is inaction, Lectures of the “Professional Course in Dianetics”, Mind Machines, source vital energy, LIBERTY CONGRESS. WASHINGTON. JULY 1957, Congress on the Human Condition, Congress on the Anatomy of the Human Spirit, Congress on Abilities, Congress on the Anatomy human mind, Clean Hands Congress, Clearing Congress, Clearing Success Congress, Games Congress, London Human Problems Congress, London Dissemination and Relief Congress, London Clearing Congress, London Nuclear Radiation, Control and Health Congress, Success Congress, Theta Congress -Clear, Washington Congress on Anti-Radiation and Confrontation, Universe Processing Congress, L. RON HUBBARD. PHILADELPHIA DOCTOR, L. RON HUBBARD. PHOENIX LECTURES, 1949 – Dianetics original theses, 1951 – Life Continuum, 1951 – Science of Survival, 1952 – Scientology First Milestone, 1952 – Technique 88, 1953 – Factors, 1954 – Processing of Universes, 1966 – PIN-PL, Classic lecture “History” Dianetics and Scientology, Classic Lecture “The Road to Truth”, Classic Lecture “The Future of Scientology and Western Civilization”, Classic Lecture “Conquered Territory”, Classic Lecture “Something Can Be Done About It”, Classic Lecture “Loss of Freedom”, 560817- Confusion and Stable Data, 561122 Loss of Freedom, Introduction to Dianetics, Origins of Scientology 1, History of Dianetics and Scientology, Future of Scientology and Western civilization, Scientology and effective knowledge, How to resolve stuck cases, The hope of humanity Conquered territory, Org board and life activities, Parascientology, Miracles, Something can be done about it, Free being, Can we be friends, Loss of freedom, What can Dianetics do, Can we do something about this, can we be friends? Professional course mutual auditing mp3

Date: 2014-03-26

Dianetics is now a new and modern science of the mind, allowing one to fully restore its potential and understand that man himself is not his body or mind, which in fact manifests as a spiritual being.

Every science has its own goal. AND main goal Dianetics is about helping a person achieve a state of Clear. Clear, translated from in English means "clean, clear". This is a state when everything negative programs previously received lose their power over a person. In other words, they are erased from a person’s subconscious.

A person comes into this world in a state of Clear. That is, initially he is not stupid, sick, or incompetent. He becomes such as a result of the painful influence of the environment. Any impact is first recorded by consciousness, and only then has the ability to negatively affect both the mind and body of a person. Such situations create chains, and earlier situations on the chain empower later ones, which in turn empower earlier ones. The earliest situations may be located in the deep past of a person’s life.

Dianetics helps a person find such life situations and deprive them of their power over him. This is done through communication. A person receiving a Dianetic procedure is not put into a state such as trance, hypnosis, shock, anesthesia or anything of the like. Ordinary abilities of consciousness are used, for example the ability to remember.

The end result is an increase in intelligence, the disappearance of all diseases, depression, energy, excellent memory, awareness and the ability to achieve much more and significant things in life than an ordinary person can imagine, an excessively high level of ability to withstand any pressure from the outside, and simply happy, harmonious and successful life. The Clear state can hardly be called a “normal” state due to the fact that real level normal person in comparison, Clear is the level of a bitten apple compared to a large orchard. Clear state is original state a person with his enormous potential, which is always available to him and can always be used.

Dianetics is used by a specially trained human auditor who, with the help of clear questions and the right commands, helps a person find, reveal and deprive the power of those forces that create a person’s life as it is for the majority: with illnesses, fears, doubts, problems, and so on. . What is erased no longer appears again and does not bother a person. You can download the book


Dianetics the modern science of the mind Ron Hubbard read online


Dianetics - doctrine Ron Hubbard, which is based on the technique of working with mind which allows you to get rid of negative feelings and emotions, to recover from diseases caused by psychological reasons(psychosomatics).

According to Hubbard, the main cause of illnesses and problems that a person experiences is reactive mind, which accumulates records of all tested negative aspects(illnesses, injuries, stress, etc.). Such records in Dianetics are called engrams. Target dianetic technique consists of deliverance from engrams, clearing the mind of them. Repeatedly running through engrams eliminates them. negative impact per person.

In Dianetics there are a number of states:

  • Preclear- a person who has embarked on the path of purification;
  • Release- a person who has achieved some success along the way;
  • Clergy- a person who has completed purification, a person who makes the most of his life potential.

Dianetics theory believes that the main thing purpose reason - to provide survival individual, while several levels of survival are distinguished (from personal to group). There are two types of intelligence:

  • Analytical mind- the conscious part of the mind that a person consciously used to solve everyday problems. It is believed that the analytical mind stores everything that a person sees and hears, except for moments of pain and unconsciousness;
  • Reactive Mind associated with the unconscious. Its purpose is to provide unreasonable body reactions to danger, survival in critical situations. All experiences associated with negative emotions and pain is reflected in the reactive mind.

The effects of the reactive mind can be seen in the following: example. For example, a man fell down the stairs and while falling he noticed a cat. This engram will be stored in the reactive mind and will contain the sensations of all the senses that were experienced during the fall - sounds, images, smells, etc. IN further man may unconsciously experience headache at the sight of a cat, as if from a bruise that he suffered from a fall, since a cat is part engrams. Based on this, followers of Dianetics recommend refrain from talking near a person who is unconscious, in pain, during medical operations and in other similar situations, so that words were not recorded in an engram.

To clear engrams in Dianetics there is a special procedure called auditing. The procedure involves one person asking certain questions or commands to another person that relate to finding and dealing with moments of pain or painful emotions, and which that person can understand and carry out. It is especially emphasized that oddling does not contain elements of hypnosis or other hidden influence, and it is also unacceptable to use this procedure in states of alcoholic or drug intoxication. When performing a Dianetic procedure, moments containing pain and unconsciousness (engrams) lose negative energy and the ability to influence a person are erased from the reactive mind and become part of the analytical mind as experiences and memories.

Having completed purification and reaching the state clergy, a person has the following qualities:

  • The Clear can make full use of his mental abilities and imagination which are endowed by nature;
  • The clear has much more physical energy than it was before;
  • Health the clergy is much better than the “ordinary” person;
  • Clear has a higher resistance to diseases;
  • Ethical and moral the standards of the clergy are quite high;
  • The clear has an increased ability feel pleasure;
  • Love for the clergy it is not something uncontrollable, causing pain and suffering;
  • Individuality the clear manifests itself with greater force;
  • Clear in to a greater extent capable create and study creative activities.

The following are distinguished: kinds Dianetics:

  • Individual Dianetics, Standard Dianetics— the teaching as described by Hubbard, as opposed to later modifications;
  • Preventive Dianetics- practice aimed at preventing the appearance of engrams;
  • Children's Dianetics— describes the application of Dianetic procedures to children.

History of Dianetics

Creating Dianetics, Hubbard processed and summarized their knowledge and experience gained in various fields science and practical activities. Hubbard studied Freud's theory, traveled around Asia, learning about local practices, and studied at the university engineering, mathematics, nuclear physics.

In 1945, Hubbard on myself experienced the application of Dianetic principles, which allowed him to partially restore lost vision due to damage to the optic nerves and get rid of difficulties with movement as a result of wounds in the thigh and back. As a result, he came to the conclusion that the state of mind primary in relation to the physical state of a person, that is, by changing the state of mind one can change physical state body, and not vice versa. In the 50s, Hubbard opened an office in Los Angeles to continue the research of Dianetics (Hollywood actors, writers, and directors became his followers), and used Dianetics for treatment in hospitals and psychiatric hospitals.

In 1950, the first book, Dianetics, was published: modern science about reason". This publication becomes bestseller. In the future, the US will open throughout the country. numerous dianetics groups, by the end of the twentieth century dianetics was practiced in 160 countries peace. Dianetics gave rise to an applied religious philosophy that Hubbard called Scientology.

Critics Dianetics note the fact that despite the scientific nature of the presentation, this theory cannot be recognized official science, which brings it closer to religious teachings.

According to Hubbard, Dianetics has the following advantages and fundamental differences:

  1. It contains a therapy method that allows heal everything mental illness, also physical psychosomatic diseases;
  2. It brings a person to a state in which he capabilities exceed many times average level, while maintaining and intensifying individuality person;
  3. Dianetics gives a complete understanding of all the capabilities of the mind, and as it turns out, they are much more more than previously thought;
  4. In Dianetics there was open essence of man, it has been established that man is fundamentally good;
  5. Dianetics has discovered and demonstrated through clinical and laboratory research single source of mental disorders;
  6. Dianetics has finally established what the possibilities are human memory what is its ability to retain information, and also how great is a person’s ability to remember what is stored in memory;
  7. Dianetics discovered how potential has intelligence in terms of recording information, and concluded that this potential is not at all as previously assumed;
  8. Dianetics puts forward non-germ theory diseases, complementing biochemistry and Pasteur's work on germ theory and thus covering the entire field;
  9. With the advent of Dianetics disappears"necessity" for brain destruction through shock therapy or surgery, in order to make mentally ill patients "more compliant" and "adapt them to the situation";
  10. Dianetics explains physiological effects medicines and drugs, as well as substances produced endocrine system, and this explanation has practical use; Dianetics also provides solutions to many problems posed by endocrinology;
  11. Dianetics promotes the rise to new level research in areas such as education, sociology, politics, military affairs etc.
  12. Dianetics contributes to cytology, and other areas of research.

Dear visitors! We would like to inform you that by decision of the courts, Dianetics and Scientology centers were liquidated in some cities of Russia (for example, Saint Petersburg, Barnaul, Khabarovsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, etc.). A number of works by Ron Hubbard, by decision of the courts, are included in the list of extremist materials (paragraphs 1170-1176 Federal list extremist materials). In addition, the Russian Ministry of Health prohibits the use in medicine of detoxification methods and other methods of Scientology and Dianetics arising from the teachings of R. Hubbard (Order Russian Federation dated June 19, 1996 No. 254 On the cancellation " Methodological recommendations"Detoxification program." We also draw your attention to the fact that criminal cases have been opened against some of the leaders of training centers that use Scientology and Dianetics in their work in Russia and Kazakhstan.

L. Ron Hubbard's book "Children's Dianetics" is devoted to the ways and means of raising a happy, healthy child and establishing peace and mutual understanding in the family by eliminating the causes that give rise to conflicts and diseases. Dianetics is a psychotherapeutic technique that does not use drugs or hypnosis. Its core is attentive listening to the patient, who is fully aware of what, why and why he is doing and saying during the session. Those who wish will be able to master this technique to a significant extent by reading "Children's Dianetics."

Dianetic method of spiritual (spiritual) healing - best school For human consciousness. Dianetics means “through the soul” (from dia - through and noos - soul). Dianetic technique is a way of controlling the energy of life in order to improve both the human body and his spiritual life.


As you read this book, be careful and do not skip words that you do not fully understand.

The only reason why a person gives up studying a subject or feels unable to master it is because words are missed by misunderstood people.

Confusion, an inability to grasp the essence of what was read or to learn something appears AFTER a word that the reader could not define and did not understand.

Have you ever read to the end of a page and realized that you don't know what you just read? This means that somewhere earlier on this page you missed a word for which you could not find an explanation or understood it incorrectly.

Here's an example. “We found that with crepuscular lighting, children are calm, and when such lighting is not the phrase escaped your understanding just because of one word that you could not explain - “crepuscular,” which means twilight, dim.

It happens that not only new and unusual words you have to look it up in the directory. Words whose everyday meaning is well known to you, in scientific text may have a different meaning and, if you define it incorrectly, will give rise to misunderstanding.

This is the rule - don't miss it unclear words undefined- the most important thing when studying any subject. Any science that you took up and then abandoned contained concepts for which you were unable to find definitions.

Thus, while studying this book, constantly check yourself to see if you have missed a word without fully understanding it. If the material begins to confuse you and you seem to have stopped grasping the meaning, it means that somewhere earlier in the text there was a word that you did not understand. No need to wade further, go back to where everything was clear, find that word and choose a definition for it

To help readers, words that would probably remain misunderstood without explanation are defined in footnotes when similar word appears in the text for the first time. Some words have multiple meanings. The footnotes explain in what sense this ambiguous word used in in this context. You can find the remaining meanings in a regular explanatory dictionary.

All definitions given in the footnotes are collected at the end of the book in terminological dictionary. This dictionary, however, is not intended to replace regular dictionaries.

"Dianetic and Scientology Technical Dictionary" and "Technological Definitions" modern management" are an invaluable resource for students. You can obtain them from your nearest Church of Scientology or Mission, or directly from the publisher.

With the exception of the introduction, this book was prepared and written collectively, which of course took time. Meanwhile, Dianetics made significant progress. The theory of interaction between the Spirit (or Life) and the physical universe, the technique of conscious advancement, the technique of deep advancement and other advances create new possibilities for children's Dianetics. The book, therefore, was published not because it is the last word Dianetics, but because society demands it.

The main difficulty in working with children is not in what methods to subject them to Dianetic processing in order to restore their health, but in ensuring that they live a normal, human life. The stumbling block here is not the child, but the adult. For adults there is "The Science of Survival" and "Self-Analysis". Adults have a certain power, although modern adults prefer not to use it, and children are not afraid of this power. For the child the best remedy from all evils - kind, tolerant and loving adults.

How to teach a child without breaking him? This is the most difficult problem in education. According to the Jesuit system, it seemed to be somehow solved, but the solution disappeared along with the Jesuits. And now the American Medical Association, an organization designed to govern medical practice, recently came out with a book, a masterpiece of nonsense, called "How to Manage Your Child." Well, how is this possible! After all, your goal is to raise a child to be independent, so that he does not need to “manage”, so that he can always manage himself. His life, his mental and physical health depend on it.

My dear ex-barbers, children are not your dogs. And they cannot be trained like dogs are trained. These are not objects to be managed. Children, mind you, these are men and women. A child is not an animal, in no way similar to people. A child is a non-adult man or woman.

Any law that regulates the lives of men and women applies exactly the same to children.

How will you like it if they pull you, pull you back, order you around and forbid you to do what you want? You will be outraged. The child is “not indignant” just because he is small. Yes, you would kill on the spot someone who would order you, an adult, object at every step and treat you as unceremoniously as a child is usually treated. The child cannot repay the favor because he does not yet have enough strength. Instead, it stains the floor, prevents you from playing solitaire, and disrupts the peace in your home. If he had equal rights with you, he would not need such “revenge”. This “revenge” is the behavior of an ordinary child.

The child has the right to self-determination. You will say that if he is not stopped from dropping things on himself, running into the road, etc., etc., trouble will happen to him. What good are you as a teacher if your child finds himself among objects that are dangerous to him or where trouble can happen to him? If the environment is dangerous for him, it is not his fault, but yours.

A child can be loving, sweet and affectionate as long as he has the opportunity to exercise his self-determination. To the extent that we curtail his independence, we limit and constrain his life in general.

There are only two reasons why a child's right to decide for himself can be violated - if he could seriously harm others, or if he and you are in danger. Regardless of your good intentions there is no need to burden him with tasks intended for you.

There are two directions in solving the problem of child self-determination. Provide your child with an environment where he cannot break anything, is safe for him and, if possible, gives him room for activity. Also, you can remove your own aberrations, at least enough so that your tolerance outweighs his inability to please you.

When you give something to a child, it is already his. It's not yours anymore. Clothes, toys, space in the house and whatever else, once given, should remain at his complete disposal. Even if he tears his shirt, shakes the crib, or ruins an expensive toy. It's none of your business. How would you like it if someone gave you a Christmas gift, then proceeded to tell you day after day what to do with it, and even punished you if you did not manage to treat it the way the giver saw fit? You will show your kindness and gift! And you know this very well. So the child begins to get on your nerves when they do this to him. It is a revenge. He is crying. It whines above my ear. He ruins your things. He "accidentally" spills milk. And he spoils property on purpose, precisely because he was “warned so many times.” Why? He fights for his independence, for the right to let others feel his influence. Pseudo-gifts, “his” property, which is not managed by him, are in fact another string by which he is pulled like a doll, and the child enters into a struggle with both “his” property and the “puppeteer”.

DIANETICS – Modern Science mental health


The dynamic principle of existence is "Survive!"

Survival, taken for the only goal, is divided into four speakers.

First dynamics - this is a person’s desire to survive for the sake of himself and his symbiotes. (By “symbiotes” we mean all things and energy, everything that helps survival).

Second dynamic - this is the human desire to survive through reproduction; it includes sex, raising children, caring for them and their symbiotes.

Third dynamic - this is a person’s desire for survival for related groups or the survival of the groups themselves and their symbiotes.

Fourth Dynamic - it is the human desire for survival for humanity, the desire of humanity for the survival of humanity, as well as groups for humanity, etc. and includes the symbiotes of humanity.

Absolute goal survival - immortality or endless survival. A person strives to survive as an organism, his own spirit or name in his children, in the group of which he is a member, in all of humanity, in offspring and in other symbiotes.

The reward for actions that promote survival is pleasure.

axioms of dianetics

The punishment for destructive actions is death or cessation of survival, this is pain.

Successes increase the potential for survival towards infinity.

Failures reduce the potential for survival towards death.

The human mind is engaged in the perception and storage of information, drawing or calculating conclusions, formulating and resolving problems related to the body along all four dynamics. The purpose of perceiving, storing, drawing conclusions and solving problems is to guide your organism, symbiotes, other organisms and symbiotes along the four dynamics towards survival.

Intelligence - is the ability to comprehend, pose and solve problems

Dynamics - it is vitality, energy and persistence in survival.

AND dynamics, And intelligence necessary to achieve something; none of these factors are constant value, passing from person to person and from group to group.

Speakers are overwhelmed by engrams that come their way and dissipate the life force.

Intelligence suppressed by engrams which introduce incorrect or misjudged information into the analytical mind.

L. Ron Hubbard






Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Science, psychophysiologist, honorary director practical school higher education(Paris):

"Dianetics is a soft scientific approach, which allows a person to illuminate his inner world and free yourself from the conflicts hidden deep within. Using Dianetics will convince you of this."


French actor who recently starred in the film "SPRUT":

“The revival of my sense of personal independence began with Dianetics. The self-confidence, peace and joy that she has given me is amazing. Living is an adventure."


Famous American actor, played in such films as “GRIS”, “URBAN COWBOY”, “LOOK WHO’S TALKING”:

“In January 1975, I was working on my first film in Mexico; there I met an actress who gave me the book “DIANETICS” to read. She did several auditing sessions with me during the five weeks of filming. And then I began to study Dianetics, because it turned out to be effective! I have found a tool that helps solve my life problems, but I also use it to help others.”


“Through Dianetics, a person's self-awareness is increased without the use of drugs, hypnosis or other physical means, and he himself turns out to be able to find the root cause of his problems.”


Philosophy professor whose books are studied in French schools:

“The work of L. Ron Hubbard is entirely aimed at the betterment of man. It’s a strong, open and optimistic mindset that looks to the future.”


World famous opera singer and actress:

“Dianetics taught me to be and remain happy, helped me get rid of my problems, fear, aggressiveness and other things that depress a person.”


1987 world champion in auto racing in class C-2 (Le Mans):

“I used to be a professional racing driver, but I retired from motorsport. I began to study Dianetics, and through study and auditing I was able to regain my purpose in life and return to my profession. My capabilities have increased, I began to feel more confident in life. As a result, I won the 24-hour race in Le Mans. Without Dianetics, I would never have been able to achieve this and find happiness in life."


Bass guitarist of the rock band “MR.BIG,

"I I have been practicing Dianetics for 21 years. All this time, I worked hard to turn my dreams into reality. Life is not easy, sometimes it is cruel, even evil. But I have seen the worst dilemmas solved with Dianetic technology - it is like a miracle. But this is not a miracle, but Dianetics.”


When reading this book, never skip words that you do not fully understand.

The only reason why a person stops studying a subject is because he doesn’t understand what he’s talking about we're talking about or simply unable to learn is a missing word whose meaning is not clear to him.

Feelings of confusion and failure to process academic subject appear immediately AFTER the misunderstood word.

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