Vshk types of control. Model of organizing intra-school control

Perezhogin L. O., Kryukovsky S. V.
Department of Social Psychiatry of Children and Adolescents, State Scientific Center SSP named after. V. P. Serbsky

Explanatory note.

Use of psychoactive substances (PAS) (substances, addictive), including narcotic substances, is today one of the most pressing problems facing society. According to modern statistics, most drug addicts begin to use drugs in adolescence, and more than half of those who regularly use psychoactive substances are teenagers.

Issues of drug addiction treatment today are developed only in general outline. Drug addiction treatment is a long, multi-step process with a high risk of failure. That's why leading place Prevention of drug addiction plays a role in reducing the number of drug addicts, and primarily among young people.

home distinguishing feature prevention of drug addiction - explaining to adolescents not so much the medical consequences of using psychoactive substances, of which adolescents are generally aware, but rather the social consequences. For teenagers, the opinion of not medical experts, but their age environment, which is the reference group during this period, is especially relevant. Most effective method preventive work are training sessions in this context.

Training sessions with teenagers have a number of features - they must be conducted by qualified trainers who have information on the problem of drug addiction and the training techniques themselves. Exercises and games should have a debatable overtones, not impose unambiguous conclusions and decisions on teenagers, and allow group work express your opinions freely.

The training plan we offer is created taking into account the main methodological requirements to work with teenage audiences. The training is designed for 8 hours of work, large group- 20 people. During some exercises, the presenter has to play the role of a player, which gives him the advantage of communicating “on an equal footing” with the teenage audience.

Purpose of the training: to identify problems associated with drug addiction and prevent the first use of drugs and other psychoactive substances.

Objectives of the training: (1) raising the level of awareness of children about the problem of drug addiction; (2) changing children's attitudes towards drug addiction; (3) the ability to say “No to drugs”; (4) formation of motivation to maintain health.

Organizational aspects: group of teenagers aged 10-14 years; It is desirable that the age of teenagers be the same, but if you have to work with a group of different ages, you need to ensure that when dividing the group into teams, they take into account age composition; group composition - 20 teenagers; the coach takes part in a number of games, being at this moment the 21st player; it is necessary to provide for the availability technical staff, who would assist the coach; the training is aimed at working with a group of socially disadvantaged children who are not drug addicts; if the training is carried out within a closed institution (TsVINP, special school, etc.), care must be taken to maintain order; The group's working hours are from 9-00 to 17-00 with an hour break for lunch.

The training was tested on a group of socially disadvantaged teenagers at the Center for Temporary Isolation of Juvenile Offenders of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate.

The logistics of the games are indicated in the description of each game. To conduct the training, it is necessary to provide a spacious room (at least 50 square meters), furniture (tables, chairs), stationery, and a video recorder.

Outline plan.

Introduction. (30 min).

A warm-up game follows, for example: participants stand in a circle, throwing the ball to each other, they call given name and compliment the participant to whom the ball is thrown. The game should be played at a fast pace, and all participants should quickly introduce themselves. Their names will then be written on plaques.

Several moving exercises follow, using which the trainer assesses the group’s readiness for work and its activity. The group is located along the wall, the command is given: “You are the pointer of the measuring device. This wall is the zero mark, the opposite wall is the maximum. Take as many steps to the opposite wall as you assess your performance ( good mood, fatigue, willingness to cooperate, drowsiness, etc.)". Participants are located around the room, the coach notes the most active and most passive players, players who are not confident in their abilities. The exercise is repeated several times, various parameters are measured. Ideally, assistants record the indicators each player to compare them with those during and at the end of the training session.

The facilitator introduces the topic of the training, identifies the problem, and briefly tells what will happen during the training session.

Meeting in a group. (30 min)

All participants, including the leader, are located in a circle. The presenter talks about himself, his professional activity and personal expectations from the training, asks participants to introduce themselves as they would like to be called during the training (for ease of remembering, it is easier to make badges for all participants in which their names are written). Participants also talk about their attitude to the problem and their experience of taking narcotic or other psychotropic substances.

Acceptance of work rules. (10 min)

The presenter briefly announces the rules of work and explains their meaning. The rules are as follows: (1) only the presenter can interrupt the speaker; none of the participants interrupts the speaking comrade; (2) the person who wants to speak raises his hand and answers when the presenter allows him; (3) when criticizing, suggest; (4) do not give ratings to other participants; (5) all personal information provided during the training is confidential. If desired and taking into account the specifics of the group, additional rules can be proposed.

Assessing the level of awareness. (40 min)

The facilitator asks the group to answer the questions: (1) is there a problem of drug addiction in our society? (2) have you or your loved ones encountered this problem? (3) how did you feel when you encountered this problem? (4) how dangerous is the problem of drug addiction among young people? (5) how can the problem of drug addiction affect the future of the Earth? (6) do you know those people who died from drugs?

If the group is in no hurry to join the discussion, the trainer should rely on the obtained measurement data and invite the most active participants to speak. Whatever the level of awareness of the group (and sometimes it is extremely low; we had to face complete ignorance of any facts about the dangers of using surfactants in a number of teenage groups) presentation of the material in lecture form should be avoided. The peculiarity of the training work is the participation of all channels for obtaining information, the development of positive personal experience.

1. Game "Controversial Statements" (2 hours)

Purpose: this game, in addition to informing, gives each participant the opportunity to clarify their views on the problem of drug addiction.

To play the game you need four sheets of paper with statements written on them:

"I completely agree"

"I agree, but with reservations"

"I completely disagree"

“I don’t have an exact opinion”

These sheets are attached to four sides of the room.

The presenter reads out the controversial statements, after which the participants must disperse and stand near those sheets that reflect their point of view on this question. After making a decision, each participant must justify it: “why I think this way.” After listening to the opinions of each of the participants, the presenter in the form short lecture expresses his opinion. After hearing all points of view, participants can choose the sheets with statements that are most relevant to them now.

    Examples of controversial statements:
  • Drug addiction is a crime.
  • Soft drugs are harmless.
  • Drugs increase creativity.
  • Drug addiction is a disease.
  • Many young people get into problems because of drugs.
  • You can stop using drugs at any time.
  • Drug addiction is treatable.
  • Many teenagers start using drugs "for company."
  • People who use drugs very often do not realize that they are dependent on them.
  • A drug addict can die from AIDS.
  • Drug addiction develops only after repeated use.
  • By appearance a person can be determined whether he is using drugs or not.
  • A drug addict can die from an overdose.
  • The sale of drugs is not punishable by law.
  • Drug addiction is not curable.
  • Syringe exchange programs stimulate the spread of drug addiction.
  • Treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts must be absolutely free if the state wants to solve this problem.
  • Drug addicts are not people.
  • To solve the problem of opiate use, you need to solve the lungs.

2. Fatigue assessment (15 min)

All participants line up along the wall and must take as many steps to the next wall as they are tired of. The next wall is maximum fatigue.

3. Showing a film about drug addicts. (30 min)

The film should show drug addicts during “withdrawal”, short interviews with a story about the problems that arise in connection with drug use. At the end of the film short statistics about mortality among drug addicts.

4. Game "Associations". (30 min)

Goal: determine the level of knowledge of group members. Create a basis for deeper content work and discussions.

To play, you need pens and sheets of paper.

The task is given: “name 2 - 3 words that come to your mind when you hear - “drugs”, “drug addiction”, “addiction”.

After that, the participants say the recorded associations in a circle, and the leader writes them down so that the options are not repeated. As a result of the discussion, the facilitator summarizes the proposed associations.

5. Game "Verbal portrait" (30 min)

The group is divided into four micro-groups of five people by drawing lots. The group is given the task of describing a drug addict.

6. Role-playing game "Family". (45 min)

Goal: take personal part in solving the problem, find possible exit strategies.

Each microgroup must come up with a family story where someone suffers from addiction to psychoactive substances. The whole group participates in writing the story and assigning roles. The task of each participant is to find ways to solve the problem and think about how he personally can influence the situation.

The group plays out the situation, after which it is necessary to discuss the most appropriate ways to solve the problem.

A variant of the distribution of roles in a microgroup of five people: a drug addict, his mother and father, his friend and the shadow of the drug addict (his inner voice).

7. Game "Puppets". (30 min)

Goal: to determine how a person can feel when someone controls him, when he is not free.

Participants must split into groups of three. Each trio is given a task: two participants must play the role of a puppeteer - completely control all the movements of the puppet doll, one of the participants plays the role of the puppet. Each participant must play the role of a doll. For each trio, two chairs are placed at a distance of 1.5 - 3 meters. The goal of the “puppeteers” is to move the “doll” from one chair to another. At the same time, the person who plays the “doll” should not resist what the “puppeteers” do to him. It is very important that each participant be in the place of the “doll”.

    After the game is completed, a discussion takes place and players are asked to answer the following questions:
  • How did you feel when you were in the role of a “doll”?
  • Did you like this feeling, did you feel comfortable?
  • Did you want to do something yourself?

8. Game "Refusal". (30 min)

Goal: to enable participants to master skills confident behavior, argumentative refusal in a situation of choice.

    Work is also carried out in microgroups, each of which is offered one of the situations:
  • A classmate (neighbor, leader of the yard) asks permission to prepare a drug at your home.
  • A classmate (neighbor, leader of the yard) asks you to leave some things at your house.
  • A classmate (neighbor, leader of the yard) offers to try the drug “for company.”
  • A classmate (neighbor, leader of the yard) asks you to take some thing to a stranger.
  • A classmate (neighbor, leader of the yard) asks to get him a drug.

Assignment to subgroups: within seven minutes, come up with as many more arguments to refuse in this situation. After this, each subgroup “plays out” its situation in front of the other participants. One plays the role of “persuader,” the other plays the role of “refuser.” The presenter suggests using three styles of refusal in each situation: confident, aggressive, insecure.

Anna Tsybaneva
Psychological training for teenagers “We choose life! And you?" on drug addiction prevention

Target: raise awareness teenagers on problems associated with drugs; develop and develop skills to prevent drug use psychoactive substances.


Find out the level of awareness teenagers on the issue;

Provide reliable information about the causes and consequences of use drugs, possible behavior strategies;

Teach ways to resist negative peer pressure.

Form of conduct: psychological training.

Equipment: registration form, pens, tablets, opaque box, toy, cards of two colors, 15-20 pcs., board, 2 posters in the form of human figures.

Progress of the event:

1. Introduction. Acquaintance. Participants' expectations. (10 min.)

2. Acceptance of work rules. (5 minutes)

3. Relevance of the problem. (10 min.)

Use psychoactive substances(surfactant, including narcotic substances, is one of the most pressing problems facing society today. According to modern statistics, the majority drug addicts start using drugs in adolescence, and more than half of people who regularly use psychoactive substances - teenagers.

A few years ago, a craze for spice appeared among young people - smoking mixtures, which, as sellers claimed, are absolutely harmless to health. Apparently they are not narcotic substances and do not give the effect that people expect from taking drugs.

Spice is chemistry, and chemistry can already be classified as heavy drugs and the harm caused by smoking spice is many times greater. Don't deceive yourself. Today, the harm from smoking spice cannot even be questioned.

4. Assessing the level of awareness. Discussion. (20 minutes.)

The facilitator asks the group to respond to questions:

1. There is also a problem drug addiction in our society?

2. Have you or your loved ones encountered this problem?

3. How dangerous is this phenomenon for teenagers and youth?

4. If this problem is not solved soon, how will it affect our society as a whole?

Conclusion: This problem is important both for the teenagers and people whom he knows.

5. Ex. "Surprise" (10 min.)

Target: find out and discuss the motives for starting consumption drugs.

Materials: opaque box, carrot.

Psychologist puts a toy in an opaque box or bag. Participants are told that what lies there is "it is forbidden", "Badly", "forbidden" without explaining the reasons. The box is placed in the middle of the circle. Wherein the psychologist talks about it that each participant can express himself in relation to this box as he wants.

Usually more than half of the participants express their curiosity and look inside. Everyone is reminded that what is in the box is "Badly", "it is forbidden", but despite this, many did not want to take this into account.

After this game, it is advisable to provide research results that would show real reasons use drugs.

Conclusion: in almost all cases, the person decides for himself whether to use drugs or not.

6. Experience. (10 min.)

Now, using one example "experience", we'll consider the life of two people and then how they behaved in similar difficult situations.

For "experience" you will need:

Two plastic transparent glasses


A little bleach

Syringe or pipette

Stick to mix everything

By the beginning of the lesson, two glasses should be prepared, half filled. plain water, in one of which bleach is added (preferably in tablets - this is the strongest concentrate, and it most strongly gives the desired result, and in the other - less than one drop of brilliant green, so that the water turns light green. Before starting the lesson, There should also be a syringe and a stick filled with iodine on the table.

Psychologist picks up the cups, shows them to the students and speaks: let’s imagine that these are two people, for example two guys (or two girls, let’s call them Sasha and Lyosha (in all games and object lessons it is advisable to use rare names that most likely are not worn by students in this group, they are 16 years old ( It is advisable to tell the approximate age of the students so that they understand that these are their peers, the same guys as them). difference: this (point to a glass of clear water) has its own life principles, knows his goal and goes towards it, but this one (point to someone else)– has no hard parts life principles, views, beliefs. He does what everyone else does, goes with the flow.

Since they live in the same area, they face the same difficulties. So, this one (point to a glass with greenish water, and take a syringe with iodine in another) "crowd" from the area offers: "Listen! Come smoke weed with us (you can come up with your own situations, depending on the specifics of the audience listening to you). Free, Vitek treats everyone!” (you spray a certain amount of iodine from a syringe into a glass, the water becomes cloudy, darkens - i.e. iodine symbolizes negative peer pressure). He agrees: “Why not... After all, everyone is doing it and, anyway, there is nothing to do”. (Stir the cloudy water with a stick). Do you see? What's happening to him? (usually the guys here give approximately the correct answer). Yes, it's spoiling. His personality breaks down, he begins to degrade. All the same guys offer to him: “Listen, Lech, let’s go to the disco in "Plasma"(it’s good to mention the name of disco clubs that are famous and popular in your city - for greater relevance). That's all there today! Such girls! You haven't tried THIS yet, and he agrees: “Of course, because in life You have to try everything, why lose the fun? (add more iodine to the glass). What's happening? – Since he does not have his own firm convictions and correct life goals, it deteriorates even more.”

Place the first glass on the table and take the glass with bleach: What's going on with this person? The same company offers to him: “Let's go big!”, He speaks: “Sorry, but I have my own plans. Moreover, I like my brains the way they are. I don’t want to be a slowdown or die at 30.” Listen, San, let's go with us: Today is a great party and girls. You’ve never tried this before!” – "Thank you, but I have Sport section» etc. For every reason (for the first and second young men these should be the same situations in order to show how differently you can react to the same proposals) you add iodine to a glass of bleach, but every time it destroyed by solution. Here! Do you see? That guy has hard ones life principles, so no headwind can break it. Such situations will bend him, but will never break him - he has a strong inner rod.

Conclusion: It’s up to each of you to decide which person to be with life principles be: will circumstances adapt you to themselves, everything "charms" and the temptations of the world, or you will use any difficulties for your benefit and the benefit of your loved ones.

...And such a person (with solid vital principles - point to a glass of bleach when communicating with him (take a glass of dark water in the other hand, it can affect him (add a little chlorinated water to water with iodine, and it becomes light - "a person is cleansed"). That is, a person without solid life principles become better, begins to acquire them. In turn, a person who is spineless in this regard cannot influence a person with the right beliefs (you pour dirty water into chlorinated water and it becomes obvious that the dirty water is purified again).

7. Acquisition of practical skills. (30 min.)

Participants are divided into 2 teams.

Tasks for teams:

1 Team. Build a model of behavior and characteristics of a person with strong life principles who knows and goes towards his goal. What are the prospects in life open before him.

2 Team. Build a model of behavior and characteristics of a person who does not have solid life principles, he does like everyone else, goes with the flow. What are the prospects in life open before him.

Presentation by teams of behavioral models and life prospects of a person with solid vital principles and a person who has no solid life principles.

8. Shutdown. (5 minutes.)

At this stage, the results are summed up (conclusions regarding the choice of behavior model for a person with hard life principles). Statements from participants in a circle.

Final word.

I think that our conversation today did not leave any of you indifferent to the problem under consideration, and that it will serve as an impetus for reflection.


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