English language didactic materials. Didactic material on the English language "English Tenses"

© Kurshevoy O.N.


Theoretical part

The goal of teaching a foreign language is the communicative activity of students, that is, practical knowledge of a foreign language. The teacher’s tasks are to intensify the activity of each student in the learning process, to create situations for them creative activity. The main goal of teaching a foreign language to secondary school students is to educate individuals who are willing and able to communicate, people who are willing and able to receive self-education.

Participation in various international programs, the opportunity to study abroad involves not only high level knowledge of a foreign language, but also certain personality traits: sociability, absence of a language barrier, knowledge of international etiquette, broad outlook, the ability to “present” oneself. As a rule, when performing various tests upon admission to a higher educational institution or participating in competitions and olympiads, the Unified State Exam sets a strict time limit for completing each task, which requires a special type of preparation. To achieve all of the above goals, of course, the use of computer technology and Internet resources in teaching English and presentations provides effective assistance to the teacher.

Practical part

The use of information (computer) technologies radically expands the teacher’s capabilities in choosing materials and forms of educational activities, makes lessons bright and exciting, informationally and emotionally rich. The use of multimedia presentations in foreign language lessons is based on a communicative approach to mastering all aspects of a foreign language culture: cognitive, educational, developmental and educational, and within the educational aspect - all types of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening, writing.

The creation and use of multimedia Microsoft PowerPoint presentations in lessons and in extracurricular activities is an effective way of learning, helping the student to recognize himself as an active subject of knowledge, to experience the joy of victory and success in activities that are personally significant to him. The use of multimedia presentations has many advantages over traditional teaching methods. They allow you to train various types of speech activity and combine them in different combinations, help you understand linguistic phenomena, form linguistic abilities, create communicative situations, automate language and speech actions, and also ensure the implementation of an individual approach and intensification of students’ independent work.

Assignments for practicing listening skills.

Example 1: Game “Teleconference”.

Example 2. Game “Get There”. 5th grade.

Tasks for practicing speaking skills

Example 1. 2nd grade. The slide presents phrases that were studied in previous lessons and will be needed in the current lesson. (Hello. Hi. Good morning. How are you? I am fine. What is your name? My name is Kate. How old are you? Iamseven.) When clicked, the phrases disappear, and students must repeat the missing phrase. With this task the teacher prepares articulatory apparatus students to work, repeats the material covered.(

Example 2. In high school, at the “Warmingup” stage, you can offer game tasks that require search and reasoning skills.

Theme "Holiday" 10th grade. The central word on the slide is “Holiday”. Students must come up with an “environment” for it - the names of holidays or festivals in English. The named words are displayed on the screen. Next, students are asked to continue the chain - name the words that are associated with these holidays and explain their choice. This assignment prepares students to work on the topic. The teacher can control the work by displaying on the screen those words that will be needed in the lesson.

Tasks for introducing and practicing vocabulary

Example 1. Game “Find the missing word”.

Provide a list of words in Russian and English. Then one of the lists disappears, and students must “rescue” the missing words. If the answer is correct, the word appears on the screen .

Example 2. Game “Arrange the furniture in the rooms.” 5th grade.

The game is used at the stage of consolidating the studied material. Students are asked to divide all the words they have learned into three groups: “sitting room, kitchen, bedroom.” In this game, students not only repeat the vocabulary they have learned, but also learn to group words. The game can be played in pairs or groups.

Example 3. Game “Letter from the Sea”.

Example 4. Game “Replace the picture”. 5th grade.

The task of the game: to practice expressions on the topic “My day” (to get up, to wash face, to have breakfast, to go to school, to walk a pet, to do homework, to play computer game etc). The slide presents a story about a schoolchild's working day. In the story, phrases meaning actions are replaced with pictures. Students must pronounce the sentences using the correct phrase in the correct grammatical form.

Example 1. “What do you think?”

Theme "Holiday" 10th grade. The slide presents text about one of the holidays and an illustration for this text. Students read the text for a certain time. Then they must retell the text from different points of view: from the point of view of a person taking part in the carnival, from the point of view of a tourist who is currently in the country, from the point of view of a policeman keeping order. In this task, students must not only understand and remember the content of the text, but they also have to perform search work: understand what feelings and emotions their character experiences, retell the story in his words, using the necessary emphatic phrases and expressions.

Example 1. 5th grade, topic “House”.

The slide provides explanations of the words of the material covered in English. The answer options are given under the letters. Students must read the definition, choose the correct word option, and write down the letters that had the correct option. From the resulting letters they must form a word that will also relate to the topic being studied. On the next slide, options for the correct answers are given, then the letters move and form a word.

Example 2. 5th grade, topic “Myday”.

From the words presented on the slide, students must compose and write down sentences (the order of words in a sentence and the forms of verbs in the 3rd person singular are checked). The next slide is for testing. In this task, you can also test self-control skills: first, students complete the task itself, then use a slide to correct their own (or a classmate’s) mistakes.

Example 1. Game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

9th grade, topic “Our varied world”. Students are presented with several slides with questions and answer options. They must choose the correct option out of four. Here you can practice not only regional studies material, but also the rules for using the definite article with geographical names. For example, the question What is the longest river in Russia? The following options are offered: a) Lena b) Volga c) the Lena d) the Volga

In 9th grade, students already have skills in working with Microsoft Office PowerPoint, so to make this game more interesting, they can create tasks for their classmates.

On an interactive whiteboard, you can perform the same operations as on a regular computer: print and save text, show slides and films, search for the necessary information on the Internet. Only now everything the teacher does is seen by his students, and they are unlikely to want to be distracted. The interactive whiteboard in the gymnasium helps the teacher convey information to everyone in the class. This is a visual resource that helps teachers present new material in a very lively and engaging way. An interactive whiteboard allows you to present information using a variety of multimedia resources, it simplifies the explanation of diagrams and helps you understand many complex problems. Gymnasium teachers use the board to make the presentation of the topic exciting and dynamic; it allows students to visually become familiar with new material.

You can easily move objects and inscriptions on the interactive whiteboard screen, add comments to texts, pictures and diagrams, highlight key areas and add colors. Pre-prepared texts, tables, diagrams, pictures, music, maps, as well as hyperlinks to multimedia files and Internet resources set the lesson at a brisk pace: there is no need to waste time writing text on a regular board or moving from the screen to the keyboard. All resources can be annotated directly on the screen using the Pen tool, and the created notes can be saved for future lessons. Files from previous lessons can always be opened to review the material covered. Everything students do on the board can be saved and used later. The teacher can always return to the previous stage of the lesson and repeat its key points. The interactive whiteboard is compatible with educational programs for children of all ages. It helps students work together and come up with and discuss new ideas.

Group games

Method 1. The teacher appoints two or three team captains from among the strong students. They take turns recruiting their team. In this case, the captains will recruit stronger students first, then weaker ones. The result will be equal groups.

Method 2. The teacher forms groups of equal strength in advance.

Participants in each group are given cards with the same picture or phrase (blue fish/ orange cat/ brown dog or I get up at 6 o`clock/ I get up at 7 o`clock/ I get up at 8 o`clock). Students are given time to find classmates with the same card - this is how a group is formed. At the same time, students practice both grammatical and lexical material.

Method 3. Students are given cards with the task. For example, they must solve examples in English (oneplustwo/ sevenminusfive/ nineminuseight). Those who got the answer “1” are the first group, those who got “2” are the second group, and those who got “3” are the third group.

Example 1. "Desktop".

Students in groups prepare a task for other groups - they draw a picture of a desktop, which depicts various school supplies (vocabulary on the topic “Myschoolbag” and numerals is used). Then the group says a description of this picture using the phrases Thereis...Thereare... (There is one pencil case on the table. There are three books on the table.). When speaking, weak students have the opportunity to repeat phrases of the story, which will allow them to work successfully in a group.

Example 2. “Color the animals.”

Students in groups are given cards with pictures of animals. They color the images in a group (if you use unusual colors for the animals, then interest increases, since the element of predictability is eliminated). Next, students write a story about the picture using Thedogisgreen phrases. Thehamsterisorange. Thecatisblue.

Tasks for practicing grammar material

Example 1. Game “Find the mistake”.

As early as fifth grade, students can be offered the role of teacher. In this game, students need to correct grammatical errors in a sentence. In 6th grade, when repeating the topic “PastSimple”, you can present the following sentences:

Did you watch that film?

Example 2. Game “Match a Pair”.

Example 3. “Explain the rule.”

Tasks for working with texts

Example 1. Game “Journalist”. 8th grade.

Tasks to test acquired knowledge

Example 1.

Example 2. 8th grade, topic “Shopping”.


Educational and didactic games in English lessons are effective means of activating cognitive processes in students. Modern information technologies help to implement a person-centered approach to learning, ensure individualization and differentiation, taking into account the characteristics of children and their inclinations. Educational and didactic games using modern information technologies help in the formation of general educational skills, as well as in increasing the level of learning of children. Data from monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process (control and methodological sections according to the modified methodology of P.I. Tretyakov and I.B. Sennovsky) in classes where a system of similar tasks was carried out in the classroom (grade 5 “B”) showed that students were more successful and deeply assimilate new knowledge (test results: academic performance 92-100%; quality of knowledge 50-75%).

Such tasks help maintain a stable level of learning or promote its growth. For example, students at the 1st general cultural level (Popov Dima, Sadovnikova Nastya, Yakovlev Dima) are offered tasks with hints or with a sample of execution; this helps them understand the main provisions of the course and successfully apply the rule according to the model.

Students who are at the 2nd, applied level (especially those who can move to the 3rd level) perform more complex, search tasks, which helps them solve problems that go beyond the scope of the course, independently apply knowledge in practice (Igor Ermoshin, Andrey Alkhovik, Sokolova Alina).

Monitoring data also shows that students of this class mental skills are more successfully formed: analysis, comparison (possessed by almost all students in this class), synthesis, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, and the ability to draw conclusions.

Game tasks using modern information technologies help in the development of informational skills (the ability to work with information, “collapse and expand” it), communicative skills (the ability to work in pairs, groups, competent speech). ( See Attachment




Experimental and methodological development on the topic:

“Educational and didactic games using modern information technologies in English lessons

(multimedia presentations and interactive whiteboard)"

© Kurshevoy O.N.


Didactic games or game moments are often used in English lessons. They help to overcome psychological “barriers” to mastering the material due to their high emotionality and their entertaining form, they help broaden the horizons of students, and more successfully develop their skills in their native and foreign languages. New information technologies help make games even more effective.

This methodological development examines tasks for practicing speech skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing), linguistic and sociocultural competencies in a game form using modern information technologies (multimedia projects, slide shows, interactive whiteboards). Such tasks give the teacher the opportunity to act as an organizer and coordinator of the educational process. Students do not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but must acquire a significant part of it on their own during search tasks and solving problem situations. This helps develop them thinking abilities, interest in academic work, independence. Also, using these tasks as an example, the teacher can demonstrate to students the possibilities of using modern technologies in further independent learning.

Modern information technologies make it possible to use authentic material in games (newspaper articles, official forms and forms, speech of native speakers), which increases the “practical value” of such tasks. They not only recreate situations close to real life, but also use real attributes.

Multimedia presentations, slide shows, and an interactive whiteboard allow you to give tasks at different levels (for strong and weak students), while the teacher always has the opportunity to quickly return to the previous stage, repeat the material or explain it again.

Theoretical part

Educational and didactic games in teaching foreign languages

Game is one of the types of active activity. It equally contributes to both the acquisition of knowledge, activating this process, and the development of many personality qualities. Unfortunately, in our pedagogical activities, play is not always used as an equal form of learning and development for children. Classics of Russian pedagogy K.D. Ushinsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko et al., in their theoretical works and practical experience, focused on special place game, noting its beneficial educational, training and developmental opportunities. “We attach such importance to children’s games that if we were organizing a teacher’s seminary, male or female, we would make the theoretical and practical study of children’s games one of the main subjects,” wrote K.D. Ushinsky.

This statement has a relevant meaning for today’s pedagogical science. IN modern pedagogy There is a constant search for new forms and methods that ensure the progressive nature of the relationship between teachers and students. V.F. Shatalov was one of the first to understand that today the main function of a teacher is not so much to be a source of knowledge, but to organize the process of cognition, to create an atmosphere in the classroom in which it is impossible not to learn. School practice and theoretical studies in recent years indicate that educational game activity as a form of learning fully meets the current task of methodology, didactics, psychology and pedagogy, which seek to intensify the educational process. An educational game has the same structure as any educational activity, i.e. it includes the goal, the means, the process of the game and the result. In addition to educational, it simultaneously pursues two goals - gaming and educational. On the one hand, it is a means of simulating the conditions of the surrounding reality, and on the other hand, it is a methodological teaching technique. Having the game objective, rules, actions and other structural components of any game, it also has learning goal and some conditions and means of its implementation. The creative atmosphere and freedom from patterns that arise in the game help to release the creative reserves of the human psyche, neutralize feelings of anxiety, create a feeling of calm, and facilitate interpersonal communication.

Play has a huge positive impact on the educational activities of intellectually passive children. Research by psychologist L.S. Slavina showed that during the game, an intellectually passive child is able to complete a volume of educational work that is completely inaccessible to him in a normal educational situation. In our opinion, the question “Is a game necessary in the educational process?” illegal. In some conditions it is necessary, even necessary, in others it may be superfluous. Research by psychologists shows that if schoolchildren have developed a deep and lasting interest in a subject, then they do not need an imaginary situation and an imaginary role. If there is no such interest, and the teacher strives to create it, then the game can become a good assistant to the teacher. It is also necessary to take into account the age of schoolchildren; The younger they are, the more important the game is for them. There is no need to be afraid that the interest that arises during the game is an interest in the game, and not in the learning process itself. The development of interest has a pattern: interest in the external side of phenomena develops into interest in their inner essence.

Psychologist V.V. Davydov notes: “A properly staged game can teach a child a lot. Organizing children’s play activities requires no less profound special scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical research than the development of medical and genetic standards for ensuring the life of a child.” “And no lesson, even the best one in methodological terms, can provide such opportunities that the game opens up for an observant teacher in terms of assessing the creative inclinations of children, their resourcefulness, ingenuity, and initiative,” says V.F. Shatalov.

During the game, the world of childhood connects with the world of science. In games, the student receives various knowledge and information freely. Therefore, often what seemed difficult, even unattainable for the student during the lesson, is easily learned during the game. Interest and pleasure are important psychological effects of play.

The famous French scientist Louis de Broglie argued that all games, even the simplest ones, have many elements in common with the work of a scientist. In both cases, one is first attracted by the riddle posed, the difficulty that needs to be overcome, then the joy of discovery, the feeling of satisfaction from overcoming the obstacle. This is why all people, regardless of age, are attracted to the game.

The purpose of didactic games is to develop cognitive processes in schoolchildren and consolidate knowledge acquired in lessons.

Characteristic of each didactic game is the solution of various didactic tasks - clarifying ideas about an object or phenomenon as a whole and its essential features, developing the ability to notice similarities and differences between them, etc. In this sense, the game is educational in nature. On the other hand, an integral element of didactic games is game action. The student’s attention is directed specifically to him, and already during the game he, unnoticed by himself, performs the general task. Therefore, didactic games are presented to students not just as fun, but as an interesting, unusual activity.

There are certain requirements for organizing games for children:

1. The game should be based on the free creativity and initiative of students.

2. The game should be accessible, the goal of the game should be achievable, and the design should be colorful and varied.

3. A mandatory element of every game is its emotionality. The game should evoke pleasure, a cheerful mood, and satisfaction from a successful answer.

4. In games, there must be a moment of competition between teams or individual participants in the game. This always leads to increased self-control of students, strict adherence to established rules and, most importantly, to activate students.

In such games, winning, winning is a very strong motive that encourages the student to act.

There are several groups of games that develop a child’s intelligence and cognitive activity.

Group I - object games, such as manipulations with toys and objects. Through toys or objects, children learn shape, color, volume, material, the animal world, the human world, etc.

Group II - creative, role-playing games, in which the plot is a form of intellectual activity.

Mind gameslike “Happy accident”, “What? Where? When?" etc. Data is an important component of educational, but, above all, extracurricular work of a cognitive nature.

Creative role-playing gamesin teaching - not just an entertaining technique or a way of organizing educational material. The game has enormous heuristic and persuasive potential; it separates what is “apparently united” and brings together what in teaching and in life resists comparison and balancing. Scientific foresight, guessing the future can be explained by “the ability of playful imagination to present systems of integrity, which, from the point of view of science or common sense are not systems."

Travel games.All of them are performed by schoolchildren in imaginary conditions, where all actions and experiences are determined by game roles. Students write diaries, write letters from the field, and collect a variety of educational material. A distinctive feature of these games is the activity of the imagination, which creates the originality of this form of activity. Such games can be called the practical activity of the imagination, since in them it is carried out in external action and is directly included in the action. Therefore, as a result of play, children develop theoretical activity of creative imagination, creating a project for something and implementing this project through external actions. There is a coexistence of gaming, educational and work activities. Students work hard and hard, studying books, maps, reference books, etc. on the topic.

Group III of games, which are used as a means of developing children’s cognitive activity, are games with ready-made rules, usually called didactic.

As a rule, they require the student to be able to decipher, unravel, solve, and most importantly, know the subject. The more skillfully a didactic game is composed, the more skillfully the didactic goal is hidden. The student learns to operate the knowledge invested in the game unintentionally, involuntarily, by playing.

IV group of games - labor, technical, design. These games reflect the professional activities of adults. In these games, students master the process of creation, they learn to plan their work, select the necessary material, critically evaluate the results of their own and others’ activities, and show ingenuity in solving creative problems. Labor activity causes cognitive activity.

V group of games, intellectual games - exercise games, training games that affect the mental sphere. Based on competition, through comparison they show playing schoolchildren their level of preparedness and fitness, suggest ways of self-improvement, and therefore stimulate their cognitive activity.

The teacher, using all 5 types of gaming activities in his work, has a huge arsenal of ways to organize the educational and cognitive activities of students.

The best didactic games are based on the principle of self-learning, i.e. so that they themselves direct students to master knowledge and skills. Training typically involves two components: collecting the right information and making the right decision. These components provide the didactic experience for students. Didactic games arouse a student’s keen interest in the subject, allow them to develop the individual abilities of each student, and foster cognitive activity. The value of a didactic game is determined not by what reaction it will evoke from children, but by its effectiveness in solving a particular problem in relation to each student.

The effectiveness of didactic games depends, firstly, on their systematic use, and secondly, on the purposefulness of the game program in combination with conventional didactic exercises. For example, in solving the problem of developing cognitive activity, it is necessary to consider the development of independent thinking of the student as the main task. This means that groups of games and exercises are needed that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare, compose them, groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics, the ability to distinguish real phenomena from unrealistic ones, cultivating the ability to control oneself, etc. Creating programs for such games is the concern of every teacher.

The purpose of using the technology of game forms of education is to develop sustainable cognitive interest among students through a variety of game forms of learning.

Modern information technologies.

In modern society, the role of foreign languages ​​is increasingly increasing. Knowledge of a foreign language gives young people the opportunity to join world culture, use in their activities the potential of the vast resources of the global Internet, as well as work with information and communication technologies and multimedia teaching aids.

The goal of teaching a foreign language is the communicative activity of students, that is, practical knowledge of a foreign language. The teacher’s tasks are to intensify the activity of each student in the learning process, to create situations for their creative activity. The main goal of teaching a foreign language to secondary school students is to educate individuals who are willing and able to communicate, people who are willing and able to receive self-education. Participation in various international programs and the opportunity to study abroad require not only a high level of foreign language proficiency, but also certain personality traits: communication skills, absence of a language barrier, knowledge of international etiquette, broad outlook, and the ability to “present” oneself. As a rule, when performing various tests upon admission to a higher educational institution or participating in competitions and olympiads, the Unified State Exam sets a strict time limit for completing each task, which requires a special type of preparation. To achieve all of the above goals, of course, the use of computer technology and Internet resources in teaching English and presentations provides effective assistance to the teacher.

A computer is a very important and independent thing these days. Many children and even adults use it only to play computer games. But, fortunately, there are many who have found the right use for it. For example, it helps with studies. It’s very convenient to have such an assistant at hand, because without leaving home we can print abstracts, reports, in a word, everything we need. In addition, a computer can help in learning a foreign language. After all, there are a lot of disks, electronic textbooks, multimedia training programs that lead to good results in learning English.

In recent years, the issue of using new information technologies has been increasingly raised. These are not only modern technical means, but also new forms of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The use of multimedia helps to implement a person-centered approach to learning, ensures individualization and differentiation, taking into account the characteristics of children, their level of learning, and inclinations. Learning English using computer programs is of great interest to students.

Discs that exist today allow you to display information on a computer screen in the form of text, sound, video, and games. Computer-assisted learning makes it possible to organize independent work for each student. Integrating a regular lesson with a computer allows the teacher to transfer part of his work to the computer, while making the learning process more interesting and intense. At the same time, the computer does not replace the teacher, but only complements him. The selection of training programs depends, first of all, on the current educational material, the level of training of the trainees and their abilities.

Working with a computer not only helps to increase interest in learning, but also makes it possible to regulate the presentation of educational tasks according to the degree of difficulty, encouraging correct solutions. In addition, the computer allows you to completely eliminate one of the most important reasons for a negative attitude towards learning - failure due to a lack of understanding of the material or gaps in knowledge. It is this aspect that is provided by the authors of many computer training programs. The student is given the opportunity to use various reference guides and dictionaries, which can be called up on the screen with just a click on the mouse. Working on a computer, the student has the opportunity to complete the solution of the problem, relying on the necessary help.

The scope of computer application in teaching foreign languages ​​is unusually wide. The computer can be effectively used to familiarize yourself with new language material, new patterns of statements, as well as communication activities in a foreign language. At the training stage and at the stage of applying the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities, the computer can be used in a wide variety of communicative tasks and situations, taking into account the personal characteristics of the students.

Practical part.

Multimedia presentations.

The use of information (computer) technologies radically expands the teacher’s capabilities in choosing materials and forms of educational activities, makes lessons bright and exciting, informationally and emotionally rich. The use of multimedia presentations in foreign language lessons is based on a communicative approach to mastering all aspects of a foreign language culture: cognitive, educational, developmental and educational, and within the educational aspect - all types of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening, writing. The creation and use of multimedia Microsoft PowerPoint presentations in lessons and in extracurricular activities is an effective way of learning, helping the student to recognize himself as an active subject of knowledge, to experience the joy of victory and success in activities that are personally significant to him. The use of multimedia presentations has many advantages over traditional teaching methods. They allow you to train various types of speech activity and combine them in different combinations, help to understand linguistic phenomena, form linguistic abilities, create communicative situations, automate language and speech actions, and also ensure the implementation of an individual approach and intensification of students’ independent work.

Assignments for practicing listening skills.

Example 1: Game “Teleconference”.

With this task, you can practice ordinary spoken phrases in dialogues or a specific grammatical form. At the same time, students learn to perceive not only the teacher’s speech, but also the speech of their classmates and native speakers.

On the slide is a photograph of a correspondent with whom students must conduct a teleconference. They must answer the questions posed or react correctly to the phrase. (How are you? – Fine, thanks. / Where did you spend your evening? – We visited our grandmother.) For poorly prepared students, hints are displayed on the slide - the spoken phrase or the beginning of a response is reflected.

Example 2. Game “Get There”. 5th grade.

Objectives of the game: practice vocabulary on the topics “prepositions”, “transfer of direction”; teach to perceive sentences with this vocabulary.

On the slide is a plan of a city site or a labyrinth. While listening to a recording of directions, students must get to their destination. The objectives of the game can be set in different ways: indicate the destination, draw a path of movement, mark the buildings that were encountered along the way. The slide is also used for verification. In this case, the task can be performed step by step: check the completed operation after each phrase.

Tasks for practicing speaking skills.

Example 1. 2nd grade. The slide presents phrases that were studied in previous lessons and will be needed in the current lesson. (Hello. Hi. Good morning. How are you? I am fine. What is your name? My name is Kate. How old are you? I am seven.) When clicked, the phrases disappear, and students must repeat the missing phrase. With this task, the teacher prepares the students’ articulatory apparatus for work and repeats the material covered..(see slide No. 2, class 2 School supplies)

Example 2. In high school, at the “Warming up” stage, you can offer game tasks that require search and reasoning skills.

Theme "Holiday" 10th grade. The central word on the slide is “Holiday”. Students must come up with an “environment” for it - the names of holidays or festivals in English. The named words are displayed on the screen. Next, students are asked to continue the chain - name the words that are associated with these holidays and explain their choice. This assignment prepares students to work on the topic. The teacher can control the work by displaying on the screen those words that will be needed in the lesson.(see slide No. 2, 10th grade Holidays)

Tasks for introducing and practicing vocabulary.

Example 1. Game “Find the missing word”.

Using slides, you can practice words on a topic in different ways.

Provide a list of words in Russian and English. Then one of the lists disappears, and students must “rescue” the missing words. If the answer is correct, the word appears on the screen. (see slide No. 3 and 5, 2nd grade School supplies; slide No. 4, 5th grade My day)

In high school, students are asked to choose words and their definitions in English. Students with a good level of preparation should complete this task after reading the text or completing another task. The slide is used for verification and further development. For weaker students, you can first offer words with definitions, and then use a slide to “mix them up.”

Example 2. Game “Arrange the furniture in the rooms.” 5th grade.

The game is used at the stage of consolidating the studied material. Students are asked to divide all the words they have learned into three groups: “sitting room, kitchen, bedroom.” In this game, students not only repeat the vocabulary they have learned, but also learn to group words. The game can be played in pairs or groups.(see slide No. 4, 5th grade House. Apartment.)

Example 3. Game “Letter from the Sea”.

The slide presents a “unique” document - a letter from unknown sailors who spent almost a hundred years at sea. Of course, some of the words were lost due to the water; Our task is to restore the document. In this task, students train not only their knowledge of the Russian and English meanings of words, but also learn to understand the meaning of a word from the context and choose the right word. The competitive aspect of the task increases student motivation. After completing the task, the full version of the letter is displayed on the slide; Each student has the opportunity to self-test. To work in weak classes, a hint can be introduced in the task - the initial letters of the missing words.

Example 4. Game “Replace the picture”. 5th grade.

Objective of the game: to practice expressions on the topic “My day” (to get up, to wash face, to have breakfast, to go to school, to walk a pet, to do homework, to play computer game etc). The slide presents a story about a schoolchild's working day. In the story, phrases meaning actions are replaced with pictures. Students must pronounce the sentences using the correct phrase in the correct grammatical form.(see slide No. 6,7,8, 5th grade My day)

Example 1. “What do you think?”

Theme "Holiday" 10th grade. The slide presents text about one of the holidays and an illustration for this text. Students read the text for a certain time. Then they must retell the text from different points of view: from the point of view of a person taking part in the carnival, from the point of view of a tourist who is currently in the country, from the point of view of a policeman keeping order. In this task, students must not only understand and remember the content of the text, but they also have to perform search work: understand what feelings and emotions their character experiences, retell the story in his words, using the necessary emphatic phrases and expressions.(see slide No. 5, 10th grade Holidays)

Game elements in test tasks significantly increase their effectiveness, because increase students' interest in completing tasks and relieve negative emotional stress.

Example 1. 5th grade, topic “House”.

The slide provides explanations of the words of the material covered in English. The answer options are given under the letters. Students must read the definition, choose the correct word option, and write down the letters that had the correct option. From the resulting letters they must form a word that will also relate to the topic being studied. On the next slide, options for the correct answers are given, then the letters move and form a word.(see slide No. 8 and 9, 5th grade House. Apartment)

Example 2. 5th grade, theme “My day”.

This task checks how students have mastered the grammatical material of the topic (present simple tense).

From the words presented on the slide, students must compose and write down sentences (the order of words in a sentence and the forms of verbs in the 3rd person singular are checked). The next slide is for testing. In this task, you can also test self-control skills: first, students complete the task itself, then use a slide to correct their own (or a classmate’s) mistakes.(see slide No. 10 and 11, 5th grade My day)

Role-playing games.

Example 1. Game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

In such a game you can practice lexical and grammatical material; it is well suited for working with regional studies material.

9th grade, topic “Our varied world”. Students are presented with several slides with questions and answer options. They must choose the correct option out of four. Here you can practice not only regional studies material, but also the rules for using the definite article with geographical names. For example, to the question What is the longest river in Russia? the following options are offered: a) Lena b) Volga c) the Lena d) the Volga

At the beginning of the game, students must spell out the rules: time to answer one question, the right to make mistakes, possible clues. The rules must be followed by all participants in the game. It is possible to create an expert group that will monitor compliance with the rules and count the number of points earned by participants.

In 9th grade, students already have skills in working with Microsoft Office Power Point, so to make this game more interesting, they can create tasks for their classmates themselves.

interactive board

On an interactive whiteboard, you can perform the same operations as on a regular computer: print and save text, show slides and films, search for necessary information on the Internet. Only now everything the teacher does is seen by his students, and they are unlikely to want to be distracted. An interactive whiteboard in a gymnasium helps the teacher convey information to everyone in the class. This is a visual resource that helps teachers present new material in a very lively and engaging way. The interactive whiteboard allows you to present information using a variety of multimedia resources, it makes it easier to explain diagrams and helps you understand many complex problems. Gymnasium teachers use the board to make the presentation of the topic exciting and dynamic; it allows students to visually become familiar with new material.

You can easily move objects and text around the interactive whiteboard screen, add comments to text, pictures and diagrams, highlight key areas and add colors. Pre-prepared texts, tables, diagrams, pictures, music, maps, as well as hyperlinks to multimedia files and Internet resources set the lesson at a brisk pace: there is no need to waste time writing text on a regular board or moving from the screen to the keyboard. You can annotate all resources directly on the screen using the Pen tool, and save your notes for future lessons. Files from previous lessons can always be opened to review the material covered. Everything students do on the board can be saved and used later. The teacher can always return to the previous stage of the lesson and repeat its key points. The interactive whiteboard is compatible with educational programs for children of all ages. She helps students work together, come up with and discuss new ideas.

Group games.

Group games make it possible to increase the activity of students, give each of them the opportunity to evaluate themselves and their friends, and contribute to increased motivation. At the same time, in a group, even weak students have the opportunity to hear the correct answer to the question posed and practice lexical and grammatical material.

The groups include students with different academic achievements. In high school, especially if the level of preparation of students in the class is approximately the same, groups can be formed at will, this will create a positive microclimate. In intermediate classes, the teacher must form groups. This can be done using different techniques.

Method 1. The teacher appoints two or three team captains from among the strong students. They take turns recruiting their team. In this case, the captains will recruit stronger students first, then weaker ones. The result will be equal groups.

Method 2. The teacher forms groups of equal strength in advance. Participants in each group are given cards with the same picture or phrase (blue fish/ orange cat/ brown dog or I get up at 6 o`clock/ I get up at 7 o`clock/ I get up at 8 o`clock). Students are given time to find classmates with the same card - this is how a group is formed. At the same time, students practice both grammatical and lexical material.

Method 3. Students are given cards with the task. For example, they must solve examples in English (one plus two/ seven minus five/ nine minus eight). Those who got the answer “1” are the first group, those who got “2” are the second group, and those who got “3” are the third group.

Example 1. "Desktop".

Students in groups prepare a task for other groups - draw a picture of a desktop, which depicts various school supplies (vocabulary on the topic “My school bag” and numerals is used). Then the group says a description of this picture using the phrases There is...There are... (There is one pencil case on the table. There are three books on the table.). When speaking, weak students have the opportunity to repeat phrases of the story, which will allow them to work successfully in a group.

During preparation, the teacher displays images of the necessary items from the base onto the side field of the board.

Next, the participants of one group take turns describing their picture, and the participants of the other group move the necessary objects in the required quantity onto the screen on the interactive board. Group members can give prompts to a student working at the board. This increases the interest of all team members in the work process.

Example 2. “Color the animals.”

Students in groups are given cards with pictures of animals. They color the images in a group (if you use unusual colors for the animals, then interest increases, since the element of predictability is eliminated). Next, students write a story about the picture using the phrases The dog is green. The hamster is orange. The cat is blue.

The interactive board contains the same images of animals.

Using the Pen tool or the Fill tool, members of one group color the images on the interactive whiteboard based on the story told by members of the other group.

Tasks for practicing grammatical material.

Example 1. Game “Find the mistake”.

As early as fifth grade, students can be offered the role of teacher. In this game, students need to correct grammatical errors in a sentence. In 6th grade, when repeating the topic “Past Simple”, you can present the following sentences:

I went to the Zoo yesterday.

We don't play tennis in the evening.

My mother return from Moscow last week.

Did you watch that film?

How many countries do you visit?

Students use the Pen tool to correct irregular shapes verbs, add auxiliary verbs, change the order of words in sentences. As an additional task, strong students can be asked to compose sentences with errors for further work.

Example 2. Game “Match a Pair”.

With this game you can practice various grammatical forms, for example, forms of irregular verbs, personal and possessive pronouns, cardinal and ordinal numbers. Words are placed on the board in random order. Using the interactive whiteboard, students move words to form the correct pairs.

I Their

You My

He Our

She His
It Her

We Your
They Its

Example 3. “Explain the rule.”

These tasks are offered to high school students; they help to include them in search activities.

The board contains adjectives with the prefixes In-, Im-, Un. Students must prepare a summary with which they can explain the rule: highlight prefixes using the Pen element, distribute words with the same prefixes into groups, find and highlight patterns in the use of prefixes.

The teacher acts as a consultant: corrects inaccuracies, suggests the best options for completing tasks. By doing this type of work, students learn to generalize material, find patterns, and draw conclusions. They also acquire note-taking skills.

Tasks for working with texts.

Example 1. Game “Journalist”. 8th grade.

Students are invited to play the role of a journalist from one of the fashion magazines who writes an article about a “star”. He has already collected biographical material, now we need to compose an article from it.

There is text on the screen that is divided into paragraphs, the paragraphs are mixed up. Students must put the paragraphs in the correct order. The interactive whiteboard provides the opportunity for live work: paragraphs can be swapped right on the board, you can highlight the main ideas, change words or expressions, i.e. format the article.

Tasks to test acquired knowledge.

Example 1.

Using the Curtain tool on the interactive whiteboard, you can carry out small, quick checks. Three forms of irregular verbs are written on the board. Stage 1 – repetition. After this, the teacher closes one or two columns, and the students must restore the entire list.

Example 2. 8th grade, topic “Shopping”.

The board contains phrases for dialogue that might take place in a clothing store. Students must correctly arrange the phrases and write down the dialogue. After completing the task, students move the phrases on the board to create a coherent dialogue. They have the ability to correct mistakes immediately.


Educational and didactic games in English lessons are effective means of activating cognitive processes in students. Modern information technologies help to implement a person-centered approach to learning, ensure individualization and differentiation, taking into account the characteristics of children and their inclinations. Educational and didactic games using modern information technologies help in the formation of general educational skills, as well as in increasing the level of learning of children. Data from monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process (control and methodological sections according to the modified methodology of P.I. Tretyakov and I.B. Sennovsky) in classes where a system of similar tasks was carried out in the classroom (grade 5 “B”) showed that students were more successful and deeply assimilate new knowledge (test results: academic performance 92-100%; quality of knowledge 50-75%). Such tasks help maintain a stable level of learning or promote its growth. For example, students at the 1st general cultural level (Popov Dima, Sadovnikova Nastya, Yakovlev Dima) are offered tasks with hints or with a sample of execution; this helps them understand the main provisions of the course and successfully apply the rule according to the model. Students who are at the 2nd, applied level (especially those who can move to the 3rd level) perform more complex, search tasks, which helps them solve problems that go beyond the scope of the course, independently apply knowledge in practice (Igor Ermoshin, Andrey Alkhovik, Sokolova Alina). Monitoring data also show that students in this class are more successful in developing mental skills: analysis, comparison (almost all students in this class have), synthesis, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, and the ability to draw conclusions. Game tasks using modern information technologies help in the development of informational skills (the ability to work with information, “collapse and expand” it), communicative skills (the ability to work in pairs, groups, competent speech).(See Attachment


  1. Andreeva L. Information support for the gymnasium. Public education No. 8, 2007.
  2. Zaika E.V. A set of intellectual games to develop students' thinking. Questions of Psychology No. 6, 1990.
  3. Karamysheva T.V. Learning foreign languages ​​using a computer. (in questions and answers). St. Petersburg, 2001.
  4. Kolechenko A.K. Encyclopedia of educational technologies. St. Petersburg, “Karo”, 2006.
  5. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / ed. E.S. Polat. - M., 1999.
  6. Polyanskaya N.Ya. Methodology for conducting a pedagogical council. Head teacher No. 6, 2001.
  7. Severina O.A. Innovative systems for monitoring and assessing students' knowledge. Pedagogical councils, issue 8. Volgograd, “Teacher”, 2008.
  8. Selevko G. Teacher designs a computer lesson. Public education No. 8, 2005.
  9. Ushakova S.V. Computer in English lessons. Institute of Nuclear Sciences, No. 5, 1997
  10. Forms of professional training for teachers: master classes, technological methods/aut.-state T.V. Hurtova. Volgograd, “Teacher”, 2008.

Exercises for teaching reading in English for 2nd grade students.


Exercise 1

b[b], d[d], k[k],

o [o], e [e], i [i], l [l].

big egg ill bell

ill bell bed egg

kid dog dog doll

bed doll big kid

Exercise 2

p [p], n [n], s [s], t [t].

pen sit desk egg doll bed

pond not leg dog ill kid

spend spot end big bell spell

Exercise 3

f[f], m[m].

sit top end pond dog

don't get leg desk pen

pot milk bed dog kid

let film spend bell leg

Exercise 4

r[r], h[h].

red hill egg milk let

rest hen film net pot

dress hop get sit end

trip hot pond not ill

Exercise 5


well lip trip hen film

wet kiss hill hop leg

west still dress red spend

twig him hot rest kid

Exercise 6


bag still not film trip

flat wet let pot rest

glad lip ill pond hen

man him milk net hot

mat hill dress frost red

ten kiss pot pen trip

tell twig sit milk wet

frost still bell best hill

spell red doll hop west

Exercise 7


can gas end in men

cap hand it leg hot

cat flag get film kid

cab bag dog desk spend

camp stamp hill on big

Exercise 8

u [ /\ ].

cup gun still can till pen

cut hut belt spell red milk

club hunt top ten pot best

bus drum frog cap sit hop

but dust tell kiss bell trip

fun run frost twig doll wet

Exercise 9


long ring must can till

song bring plum cap belt

strong sing sun mat top

gong spring plus bag frog

Exercise 10


back wing bus lip send

black song cup hen fat

pick ring fun cat stand

brick strong hut bag get

stick spring club tent milk

trick long dust flag on

Exercise 11


bee meet cock gong dust

see sleep clock bring fun

feet steel sock sing bus

deep sweet duck long much

green greet neck spring hut

Exercise 12

ea [i:]

eat leaf sleep pick song

meat lead street back ring

seat sweep meal trick long

clean deep speak black strong

fun net plus lamp desk

cut hill glad gun kid

must best west trick hunt

much frog spell camp flag

Exercise 13

sh [∫].

brush wish mean bee kick

dish shelf read see stick

fish ship weak feet clock

fresh shop tea steel brick

Exercise 14

ch [t∫]

Chess bench brush clean sweet chin rich fresh meat we

Much chick fish eat meet

Lunch children dish seat greeting

back from get pick tram

bring camp drum tap fun

plum sell cock best flat

hat pot rest well belt

Exercise 15


arm far bench shop speak

car park rich ship lead

dark mark chick shelf leaf

barm farm children wish meal

green tent street egg bag

fish deep trip doll nest

fat hunt meet wing run

stop west but spring spend

Exercise 16

or [o:]

corn born dark chin fresh

for horn arm chess fish

form storm far much dish

fork sport park lunch brush

tea gong wet cat kiss

neck weak plus steel tree

greet dust read sun long

trick sleep silk mean plan

Exercise 17


book room corn car rich

hook broom form barm chess

look good short mark chick

took wood horn farm bench

sweep shelf bee pen week

bed meat ship clean pond

eat ring sweet shop seat

big brick leg tree wish

bag bus hand cup gun

Exercise 18

ir [ə:].

girl book for dark chess

bird look fork arm much

first wood storm far lunch

Shirt broom horn park chin

skirt good sport mark bench

song strong speak black desk

clock meet kick deal land

read cut rag club bring

feet leaf meal green stand

back short ring broom cheese

Exercise 19


ink shirt book born arm

pink bird room short farm

bank first hook form car

tank skirt cook corn garden

trunk girl brook storm farm

duck cap fresh shelf street

chin seat lead tea bee

must fish sock gas drum

girl mark shop sweep bench

port good wish pond fresh

Exercise 20

th [ð], th [θ].

this thin rank skirt good

that thick bank shirt wood

then three rink first took

them think drink bird brook

with third tank girl look

corn born meat form storm

carpet car horn park mark

red weak bring hop tree

chick leaf lunch stamp spring

kick broom feet wish skirt

Exercise 21

ou, ow

count brown then fifth drink

sound cow with teeth pink

cloud now this thick trunk

ground down them third rank

shout how that three ink

girl tell dark children stick

but first sport ship sweet

hen sit shirt dog hot

stand bench meal room leg

bus cock bring greeting lead

Exercise 22

ay, ai, ey.

day they sound thin

gay gray now ground thick

may hey clown cloud this

pay prey brown shout with

paint slay cow count that

bank bird hunt arm room

form bus car book skirt

frost tank bench shelf fork

camp deep west stick long

hen gong twig kiss best

Exercise 23


go hey town blouse then

no they clown trousers them

bone gray brown shout fifth

home pay how cloud teeth

nose day cow count three

rose paint now house third

pink deep trick has

barn frost brush leaves pot

wish garden broom man storm

spell hill big club twig

frog song wet brick tent

wing steel hut bee clock

Exercise 24


he stove play cow ground

she notes gay now sound

we sofa may how shout

these home prey town blouse

Pete nose slay clown trousers

me rose they brown count

thin girl sing camp carpet

drink thick speak duck good

rich corn trunk look fun

speak trick plus shelf weak

shop kick cloud that teeth

Exercise 25

name she no gray house

game we go hey cloud

Kate he bone slay count

skate Pete stove paint now

cake me rose day clown

make these nose pay brown

men ring chess park plus

fifteen neck kitten mat from

tea shop net brook glad

shirt pink them thick first

think shout trunk count dark

rank sing hey back star

Exercise 26


nine bathe we note they

fine plate she sofa prey

I table he home play

five basin me rose gay

Mike Kate Pete stove may

wide make these bone gray

paint brick trousers now ink

blouse bee lunch then dark

this town pay first fish

paint with home three clock

lead day paint them town

brown how house pot blouse

Exercise 27

u , .

blue I cake no ground

glue fine name nose sound

true nine skate go shout

pupil five he paint cow

student wide we day now

tulip Mike me pay clown

third cook meet with garden

rank clean storm street cut

for much thin chick sock

play trousers clock them three

stove blouse pot rode seal

these town gay ride book

Exercise 28


my tulip Mike game rose

by pupil lie table bone

fly student nine basin stone

sky glue fine she note

try blue wide these sofa

cry true I Pete home

hey this fork may skirt

count play but think brown

teeth pink carpet took that

port shirt fresh farm glue

wish tank wood bench wide

chin tea drink now horse

Exercise 29


yes fly blue five bath

yet cry true dive make

yard sky glue plate wide

yarn my pupil lie Kate

yell by tulip fine skate

yelp try student dine cake

he go gray short how

drunk arm trick bus gay

Shirt children cloud fresh me

chin read think trunk skirt

corn took wood bird short

sun chess street carpet this

Exercise 30


six yoke my student nine

box yelp by glue I

fox yell sky true Mike

Rex yarn cry pupil dine

flax yard fly blue dive

tax yet try tulip five

basin long sleep ship bone

we middle left chess corn

no flag clown barn Pete

brown ground home hole glue

great pay leaves yell bench

hen farm three fresh wide

Exercise 31


boy Rex yes note play

toy box yoke rose day

coy six yarn home may

hoy flax yard gray now

soy fox yelp hey cow

ploy tax yet bray town

three farm girl form chick

with shop dust gun tree

born bench frog wood eat

tulip yes kiss paint cream

bath fox play truth sharp

yard fly how shelf think

Exercise 32


ball ploy box yes slay

small soy Rex yell hey

wall hoy six yoke they

hall coy tax nose pay

tall toy fox sofa gay

fall boy flax stone paint

for think car hop ink

brown book storm kitten how

bank shout bird rest belt

lead Rome house town same

bring fifteen window rich music

sound game beach Pete ride

Exercise 33

er, or [ə].

dinner fall coy yet no

supper tall soy yelp go

doctor hall toy yard bone

teacher wall boy six prey

keeper small ploy box gray

butter ball hoy flax they

clown back wing meet cow

play much cat dark sport

sound ink stop count broom

thick may little teeth must

worth roof snake yacht nice

kid mouse roll zip milk

Exercise 34

y[i], v[v].

lorry vet mirror hall boy

twenty very actor fall coy

forty cave sailor wall soy

ninety dive dinner ball box

puppy visit teacher small Rex

teddy vote butter tall tax

shout rose case new

trousers pupil room reading

rule pencil flat leg

sheep form sky hand

shape stone seal very

choose table pot teddy

Exercise 35


grass visit thirty supper fox

class vet fifty doctor six

glass cave seventy keeper flax

father very puppy mirror ball

basket five lorry teacher wall

bath dive sixty sailor tall

try cloud Kate dish tulip

glue I swim dog Mike

fork bird town cheese we

great flow long fast high

stick that hard slow yard

salt shirt flax wrong carpet

Exercise 36

ear [iə].

near bath twenty actor fall

dear basket forty dinner small

fear father ninety butter hall

hear class Teddy tax soy

ear glass sixty box boy

rear grass lorry Rex coy

yelp student end cook brown

true nine milk first gay

fine she frost make by

neck robe note show rock

wing waste ice bird dark

try ruler skate shark tulip

Exercise 37

o [ /\ ].

front rear class thirty six

some ear basket fifty ball

other hear father puppy toy

brother fear grass supper ploy

mother dear teacher bath vail

color near class mirror flax

yes sofa horn fresh song

fly prey took trick speak

pupil how part fat thin

fall middle lorry glue skirt

cook line down yelp jacket

skin chimp zoo brown gun

Exercise 38

wa [wo].

wash some fear class sailor

watch color ear grass keeper

want other hear bath dinner

water mother rear seventy fox

was brother near Teddy tax

waffle front dear lorry six

wall my nose play ship

hoy these ground that dark

blue gray girl drink best

small father shape lorry house

teacher fall goose text north

feel yacht teeth finger east

Exercise 39


window was front ear twenty

yellow want some rear forty

follow water brother fear sixty

pillow wash other hear glass

shallow waffle color dear father

narrow watch mother near basket

doctor small we sky hey

fall butter yell game do

soy yet boy wide dine

class June forty sock bath

winter dive them broom chess

summer ninety trousers play crown

Exercise 40

air [εə], ear [iə].

chair pear arrow water other

hair bear sparrow want some

fair wear borrow wash front

pair tear elbow watch mother

stair swear pillow was brother

ear flax bone teacher fear

bath puppy slay ploy bath

ninety fear by glue tulip

sailor ball class Pete yard

teach sort scarf clock queen

student frog gloves stone wall


Tests in English for 6th grade

to the textbook Kaufman K., Kaufman M. “Happy English.ru”

Compiled by: Makarova Elena Gennadievna

English teacher, MBOU "Secondary School No. 14",


Explanatory note for tests in English for grade 6.

Tests in English are compiled in accordance with the requirements for students to master the sections of English grammar, vocabulary and word usage. The material is correlated with sections of the textbook “Happy English.ru” by K. Kaufman for the 6th grade of educational institutions

The works consist of five tasks on the above topics in such a way as to take into account the level of knowledge mastery of students: basic, advanced or high.

Evaluation criteria

"5" -50-45 b.

“4” - 44-35 b.

“3” - 34-26 b.

“2” - 25-0 b.


Task No. 1. Answer the questions.

  1. You are a pupil, aren’t you?
  2. What is your favorite subject at school?
  3. Can you read books?
  4. Do you play the piano?
  5. What are you doing now? Points: 10

Task No. 2. Complete the sentences.

  1. He...speak English, can he?
  2. She is a nice girl, … she?
  3. They are in Nizhnevartovsk, aren’t...?
  4. Do you like to read books, … you?

5.He is a boss,...he?

Points: 10

Task No. 3 Write down the dividing question.

1.She hasn’t got a dog, … ?

  1. 2.He can speak English well, …?

3.It is your book, … ?

4.We are ready, … ?

5.She plays the piano, ...? Points: 10

Task No. 4 Insert prepositions at/ on / in:

  1. 1.I hate having hot milk…...the morning.

2.Buy! See you…. Friday.

3.My friend gets up ….. 8 o’clock ….the morning.

4.It’s cold….winter.

5Her birthday is…. April. Points: 10

Task No. 5. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.You're from England, aren't you?

2. Students must do homework is not it?

3.Moscow is the capital of Russia, isn’t it?

4.Your birthday is in June, isn't it?

5.The weather is good today, isn't it? Points: 10


Task No. 1 Form the future tense of the verb.

Example: The weather ______ nice at the weekend. ( be)

Answer: The weather will be nice at the weekend.

1) It is sunny today. I _____________ my sunglasses. (wear)

2) My friend __________ in Ussuriysk next Monday. (be)

3) It's too hot! I ____________ the window. (open)

4) She__________ her boss next week. (phone)

5) I think you__________ this book in a day. (finish) Points: 10

Task No. 2 Form questions in the future tense.

1) you/ football/ tomorrow evening/play/ will?

2) go/ where / you / will / next month?

3) rain/ will/ it / tomorrow?

4) 7 o’clock a.m. / you/ will/ at/ get up? Points: 10 5) she/ in three years/ will/ live/ where?Task No. 3 choose the correct answer

1.Who will work?

Yes, she will.

No, she won't.

She will.

2.Will I stay at home?

Yes, I do.

No, I don't.

I will.

3.… will you be in san hour?



4.…will he invent next year?



5.When will you travel?

Next summer.

In London. Points: 10

It's interesting. Task No. 4 Complete the sentences with words (predict, kill, execute, war, fire, hour)

1.The Great Plague will… many people.

2.The Parliament will… the king.

3.The Great... will destroy London.

4.The Civil... will start in 1642.

5 There are 60 minutes in an … Points: 10

Z Assignment No. 5 Tell me what might happen to you next week.


#1 Read the text and answer the questions:

Misha and Rob are friends. They live in Lukinsk. They get up at 7 o'clock. At 7.30 the boys have their breakfast. Then they go no school. They have five main subjects at school: Mathematics, History, Russian, Literature and English. Misha likes Mathematics. Rob's favorite subject is History. He likes to read History books. The boys don’t watch TV and play computer games. They speak English. They never go out with friends. At 7 o’clock they have dinner with their family. Now Misha is playing with his cat. Rob is reading a History book.

When do the boys get up?

What is Rob's favorite subject?

What is Rob doing now? Points: 10

No. 2 Underline the correct word or phrase.

  1. A sleepover is a night excursion/party.
  2. Museums organize sleepover at Halloween/New Year time.
  3. Children bring their sleeping bags and snacks/toys.
  4. The natural History Museum has the best collection of dinosaurs/masks in the world. Points: 10№3 Tests

1. What _________________________ your name?

A) am b) is c) are

2. I _________________________________ Alice.

A) is b) are c) am

3) How are you? - _____________________.

A) Fine, thanks b) Eleven c) I am a girl.

4) What`s that? - ______________________.

A) It`s a pencil. b) Yes, I am c) Cool!

5) This ___________________________ a car.

A) is b) are c) aren`t

6) Those _________________________________ my toys.

A) isn`t b) am not c) aren`t

7) I am Frank. This is _________________ bike.

A) her b) their c) my

8) That`s my friend. ___________name is Peter.

A) his b) our c) my

9) Where`s my teddy bear? - It`s _________ the toy box.

A) in b) behind c) on

10) What ____________________________ they? Points: 10

a) is b) are c) can

No. 4 Translate:

I often go to cafes.

I don't like to play tennis.

Listen to me please.#5 Write about a sleepover at the British Museum. Points: 10

Unit 4

Task No. 1. Choose the correct option.

  1. 1.Excuse me, can you tell me where/when my house is?

2.Go down/past the street and turn left.

3.He gets to work by/on car.

4.Trafalgar Square/Station is in the center of London. 5.That double-decker bus/stop has no doors! Points: 10

Task No. 2. Fill in the missing word.(road, expensive, famous, money, tickets)

  1. 1.The shop is on the right side of the….

2.Victoria Station is a … station in London.

3.Are the tickets...?

4.Russian...is rubles and kopecks.

5.We can buy… on the bus. Points: 10

Task No. 3. Fill in the blanks with prepositions (on, by, down, between, to)

  1. 1.How do I get…the bank?

2.The house is… the bank and the school.

3.I go to school… bus.

4.Go…the street and turn right. 5.The train station is… the left.

Points: 10

Task No. 4. Make up questions based on the sample.

  1. 1.do/get/you/how/school/to-

2.How do you get to school?



5.Get/you/to/how/the/do/museum/? Points: 10

Task No. 5. Translate sentences into English

1. Sorry, can you tell me where the bank is? 2Walk down the street and you will see him. 3. Excuse me, do you know where the hospital is? 4. Go up the street, turn right and you will see it 5. Excuse me, how do I get to the station? Points: 10

Unit 5 No.1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to. 1. My mother...to clean the floor every day. 2. We… to learn English. 3. My friends...to write a test. 4. He ... to buy a ticket for the train. 5. They … to speak French to their guests from France. Points: 10

No. 2 Complete the sentences. Use don't, doesn't have to 1. My granny... have to work. 2. I... have to go now. 3. We... have to play football in winter. 4. Dan... have to see a doctor. 5. They... have to translate the text in pen. Points: 10

#3 Ask the questions. Use do,does. 1 … do you have to buy a ticket? 2.… do you have to go to school tomorrow? 3....he have to answer this question? 4.…they have to put on a coat warm in winter? 5.…she have to read history for tomorrow lesson? Points: 10

№4 Translate into Russian. 1. You must work hard at your English lessons. 2. You must learn the words. 3. Must we learn the poem today? 4. It must be very difficult to learn Chinese. Points: 10 5.You must not talk at the lesson.

№ 5 . Translate from Russian to English.

1. You can’t walk on ice, it’s dangerous. 2.You can't drive a car if you're 12. 3.You can't play on the road, it's dangerous. 4.My brother should take the dog for a walk. 5. We must be at the theater on time. Points: 10

Unit6 I .Underline the correct word.1.There is/are some meat in the trolley. 2.There is/are ten apples in the bag. 3.There is/are no ham in the refrigerator. 4.There is/are some bread on the table. 5.There is/are no milk in the mug. Points: 10

  1. II.Fill in the correct word.(a snack, go, sausage, hungry, trolley)

1.Pepperoni...is tasty.

2.Let’s have….

3.I like to… shopping.

4.I want to eat. I am….

5.There are ten bananas in my Points: 10III. Use the preposition below to fill in the gaps (for , in , of , with , from) 1.I need a lot…milk.

2.Apples are good... us.

3.There is some milk… the mug.

4.I like some orange juice… breakfast.

5.I can make apple juice… apples. Points: 10IV. Fill in the gaps some or any. 1.They have … questions.

2.Do you need…water?

3.I don’t have…tea in my mug.

4.Do you have... friends?

5.He has… computer games. Points: 10V.Choose the correct variant. 1.We have… time.



2.he has...friends.




3.How...tea do you drink?



4How ... computers do you have?




5.We have... apples. I must go to the shop. Points: 10





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To use the preview, create a Google account and log in to it: https://accounts.google.com


To use the preview, create a Google account and log in to it: https://accounts.google.com



Test for the use of pronouns some, any.

Test for the use of simple prepositions expressing temporal and spatial relations.

Test for knowledge and use of modal verbs in English.

Testing knowledge and correct use subjunctive mood in English

Demonstrate your knowledge of personal and possessive pronouns in English.

Correct use of reflexive and intensifying pronouns in English.

Test your knowledge of the use of possessive pronouns and abbreviations

Test for knowledge and use of participles in English.

Using the particle to with an infinitive in English

Test for knowledge of complex object with infinitive in English

Testing the ability to correctly use non-finite verb forms (infinitive) in English

Testing the ability to correctly select and use degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs in accordance with the communication situation

Test for word order in English declarative and interrogative sentences

Exercise on knowledge of future tenses of the English language

Testing knowledge of past tenses in English

Test for the use of present tenses in English

Correct use of gerunds in English.

Testing the skill of correct use of modal verbs in English.

Test for knowledge and use of passive voice in English

Test for knowledge and use of articles in English.

Testing knowledge of prepositions expressing temporal and spatial relationships

Test entry level to construct general questions in the present tense.

  1. Lexical tests

Checking the correct use of English nouns expressing opportunity (opportunity, possibility, chance).

Do you know the difference in the use of English synonyms for value? Check yourself (price, cost, value, worth).

A test of knowledge and use of English nouns with the general meaning of payment (wage, salary, stipend, fee, royalties).

Differences between English nouns related to the concept of idea (idea, conception, notion, thought).

Assessing the correct use of English nouns denoting leader (director, manager, chief, boss, head).

Subtleties of using English nouns denoting a path (a way, a road, a path, a route).

Differences between English words for error (a slip, a mistake, an error)

Correct choice of English nouns related to position (work, job, post, position).

A test of knowledge and use of English nouns denoting a piece of something (a piece, a slice, a lump).

Appropriate use of English nouns related to profession (trade, profession, occupation).

A test of knowledge of English nouns denoting a master (a master, an owner, a host).

Checking for the correct use of English nouns related to travel (travel, journey, voyage, trip, tour).

Test for knowledge of general English vocabulary.Nouns

Test for knowledge and use of English nouns related to clothing (suit, costume, dress, clothes).

Subtleties of using English nouns denoting regions and plots of land (region, state, district, vicinity).

Test your skills in using English nouns expressing quantity (quantity, number, amount, count).

Test for knowledge of English nouns denoting shore (bank, shore, coast, beach, seaside).

Test of knowledge and use of English nouns with the general meaning of “payment for something” (bill, fine, fare, tip)

Testing the skills of using synonymous nouns that mean benefit, advantage (advantage, benefit, profit, gain)

  1. Pronouns
  1. Adjectives

Testing the ability to distinguish between English adjectives related to the concept of happiness (happy, lucky, fortunate).

Test for the use of English adjectives denoting small size (little, small, tiny)

Choose between adjectives expressing the concept of “big” (big, large, great).

Differences between English adjectives with the general meaning of weakness (weak, feeble, faint, frail)

Test for knowledge and appropriate use of adjectives related to thinness (thin, slender, slim, lean, meager)

Checking the correct use of English adjectives with the general meaning of completeness (stout, fat, fleshy, plump)

When and how English pronominal adjectives are used (little, a little, few, a few).

Test for the appropriate use of English adjectives with the general meaning of beauty (beautiful, lovely, handsome, pretty).

Test for knowing the differences between adjectives with a common meaning of “empty” (empty, vacant, blank)

Test of knowledge of English adjectives with the general meaning “strange” (strange, queer, odd, quaint)

Test to know the differences between English adjectives with a general value of magnitude (huge, vast, enormous, immense).

Test for the correct use of English adjectives related to speed (quick, fast, rapid, swift).

Training in the appropriate use of adjectives with the general meaning of peace (quiet, calm, still, peaceful).

Test your knowledge and ability to distinguish English adjectives with the general meaning of employment (busy, engaged, occupied).

Nuances of using English adjectives denoting intelligence and intelligence (clever, intelligent, smart).

Test of knowledge of English adjectives related to differences (different, various, diverse)

Assessment of knowledge of the nuances of English adjectives with the general meaning of “suitable” (comfortable, convenient, suitable)

Checking the correct use of English adjectives with the general meaning of loneliness (lonely, alone, single, solitary).

Test for the correct use of English adjectives related to a sense of humor (funny, witty, amusing, merry).

Differences between English adjectives with the general meaning of fame (famous, well-known, celebrated, distinguished, eminent).

Practice your skills in using adjectives that have the common meaning of greedy and stinginess (greedy, mean, stingy).

Test for ability to choose correctly for given context adjectives with the general meaning of efficiency (effective, efficient, skilled, experienced)

Checking the correct choice between English verbs related to speaking (to say, to tell, to talk, to speak).

Test for the correct use of English verbs of motion (to go, to come, to walk).

Choosing between verbs expressing the concept of “to do” (to do, to make)

Testing the ability to correctly use verbs with the general meaning of “look” depending on the context (to see, to look, to glance, to stare, to peep).

Differences between English verbs with the common meaning of “to learn” (to learn, to find out, to discover).

Differences in the lexical meaning of English verbs related to study (to learn, to study, to teach).

Testing the ability to choose correctly English verbs related to closing (to shut, to close, to lock).

A test for the correct use of English verbs with the general meaning “to answer” (to answer, to reply, to respond).

Differences in the lexical meaning of English verbs of choice (to choose, to elect, to select, to pick out)

Testing knowledge of English verbs with the meaning of desire (to want, to wish, to desire, to long, to crave)

Test for English verbs denoting the meaning of “to offer” (to offer, to suggest).

Training the ability to correctly use English verbs related to attention (to note, to notice, to take notice, to pay attention).

Differences in the meaning of English verbs related to defense (to defend, to protect, to guard).

Test for knowledge and use of English verbs (to appear, to seem, to turn out, to prove).

Testing the ability to correctly use English verbs with the general meaning “to continue” (to continue, to go on, to proceed)

A test of knowledge of English verbs associated with asking a question (to ask, to inquire, to question, to demand).

Find out how well you understand the use of verbs with the general meaning of “to begin” (to begin, to start, to commence).

Test of knowledge and use of English verbs with the general meaning of “to raise” (to raise, to lift, to pick up)

Training the ability to correctly use verbs with the general meaning of obtaining (to get, to gain, to receive, to obtain).

Differences between English verbs meaning “to finish” (verbs to finish, to end, to complete).

Test for knowledge and use of English verbs denoting crying (to cry, to weep, to sob).

Checking the correct use of English retention verbs (to hold, to keep, to retain, to preserve).

A test of knowledge and correct use of English verbs expressing assessment (to appreciate, to estimate, to value).

Test for knowledge of lexical differences in English verbs with the meaning “to abandon, to leave, to give up, to quit, to resign”

Test your knowledge and skills in using synonymous verbs in the English language that have the general meaning of “to catch, to snatch, to seize, to grab.”

Test your ability to use English verbs to scream (to shout, to cry, to scream, to shriek) depending on the context.

Nuances lexical meaning English verbs related to understanding (to understand, to realize, to grasp).

Testing the ability to correctly use English verbs with the general meaning of “to wait” (to wait, to expect, to anticipate).

Test your skills in correctly using verbs of motion expressing striking (hit, beat, pound, slap).

Test for knowledge and use of English verbs (to show, to demonstrate, to display, to exhibit, to reveal).

Municipal government educational institution

Ostrovskaya secondary school


"Methodological guide for teachers on using

educational technologies in teaching"

Subject: "Using case studies to

implementation of a communicative approach to teaching

English language"

English teacher

This development is presented for teachers

educational institutions

Ostrovskoye village 2015

. Explanatory note.

The current state of the theory of teaching foreign languages ​​and accumulated knowledge allow us to conclude that the most effective way of mastering a foreign language is communicative approach to teaching. The main goal of this method is to teach students to interact with other people in the target language, which implies the focus of all types of activities - speaking, listening, reading and writing. Proficiency in language as a means of communication presupposes the creation of conditions under which the assimilation of language material would be carried out naturally, in the process of communication, which is why it is necessary to plan as many learning situations as possible in the lesson and encourage students to take part in them. The main place in communicative teaching of a foreign language is occupied by game situations, work with a partner, tasks to find errors, which not only allow you to increase your vocabulary, but teach you to think analytically. Many students, while having good speaking skills, demonstrate a lack of knowledge of factual material, which makes communication difficult. In this regard, there was a need to compile thematic cases. case– suitcase) containing the information necessary to carry out communication tasks. You can create a printed case, which includes only printed materials, and an electronic case, which can also include multimedia projects in addition to printed materials.

Theoretical part.

Working with thematic cases allows the teacher:

1. Expand the capabilities of the lesson, increase its effectiveness and communicative focus by:

    use of modern technologies (work in pairs and groups,

creating educational discussions and debates, modulated situations,

    non-traditional lesson forms);

    expanding the content of learning (students’ use of carefully selected and logically structured information, which is the basis for the student to solve the communicative task assigned to him);

    improving the organization of the educational process (effective use of collective forms of work, a large number of creative tasks, increasing the amount of independent work);

    use of students' research activities;

    improving public speaking skills in English;

    improving writing skills (writing various types

letters: personal and business, filling out questionnaires, working with e-mail, writing various types of essays with argumentative statements, writing research papers).

2. Improve educational process by:

    formation of ideas, views and beliefs on the topics discussed in a way that is relevant to young man material;

    formation of self-esteem and assessment of the judgments and actions of others, as well as events and facts, gaining experience of adequate behavior in society;

    development of critical thinking, respect for opponents, the ability to listen and hear others, the ability to make decisions independently and collectively.

Working with cases also allows the teacher:

    to form, expand and deepen students’ content knowledge (what can be spoken about in the target language), which allows them to more effectively participate in foreign language communication and increase their awareness of various areas activities;

    improve all levels of competence (linguistic, socio-cultural, strategic and discursive);

    increase motivation and make students want to speak a foreign language;

    organize educational cooperation;

    use lesson time rationally.

Structural construction of each case

Part 1. Systematization of language material on this topic. Selection of resources on the proposed topic.

Part 2. Improving speaking skills:

    Conversation on thematic issues in the “Teacher-Student” or “Student-Student” mode. Training exercises for an introduction to this topic.

    Discussion of sayings, proverbs and sayings on this topic.

    Monologue statement on the situation for 1 minute - (organization of a “round table”).

    Monologue statement on the problem (2-3 minutes)

    Discussions and debates on the situation.

    Dramatization of situations, role-playing and modulated situations

Part 3 Improving writing skills

    Necessary lexical material for completing tasks.

    Options for writing assignments

Part 4. Non-traditional forms of work using modern technologies

Practical part.

Let's consider the step-by-step creation of a thematic case on the topic “TheroleoflearningEnglishinmylife" ByUMK “Enjoy English” M.Z. Biboletova, E.E. Babushis, 11th grade,Unit1 “ Whatdoyoungpeoplefaceinsocietytoday?"

Part 1. Insufficient vocabulary causes students to feel insecure and reluctant to speak a foreign language. Therefore, one of the main tasks in the lesson is to expand vocabulary students. The process of systematizing the necessary language material plays an important role. I propose to get acquainted with the cluster as one of the forms of systematization of language material. A cluster is a graphic method of systematizing material. Depending on the goal, you can organize individual independent work of students or collective activity in the form of a general joint discussion. This technique is good to use when summarizing material, because it allows students to expand lexical dictionary, gain additional knowledge on a particular topic, better develop communication skills.

Compilation technology:


    Write words around the main word. They are circled and connected to the main word;

    Each new word forms a new nucleus, which evokes further associations. Thus, associative chains are created;

    Interrelated concepts are connected by lines.

In middle and high schools, the cluster is indispensable when working with vocabulary. Can be used when introducing new material, activating the use of vocabulary in speech. Children make clusters on various topics and use them in presentations. Regional studies clusters allow you to systematize vocabulary on a topic and serve as a support for composing a monologue on a topic.

The versatility of the cluster lies in the fact that you can work with it on the board, in a presentation, in a notebook; individually, in pairs, in groups.

Possibility of using a cluster:

    When systematizing and repeating material;

    When working with text;

    When repeating at the beginning of the lesson;

    When introducing the topic;

    When collecting the necessary language material;

    Under control.



School subject

Learning English

Key, compulsory, optional, interesting, to pass the exam, an entrance exam, learn, by heart, study, the second language, different methods of learning

Museum, art gallery, theater, square, park, tower, monument

Future job




an accountant, a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, a manager, a teacher, an engineer, a worker

English-speaking countries, the USA, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, France

communication skills, basic IT skills, team-working skills, skills in problem solving, skills in planning, an ability to learn

Meeting with foreign partners

have good opportunities, feel respect, work in friendly atmosphere, get experience, facilities, discuss

There are quite a few types of graphic organizers. These are both “Venn Diagram” and “Concept Maps” -ConceptMaps, and "Fish Skeleton-Fishbone", etc.

Designing the systematization of language material using graphic organizers:

Saves 50 to 70% of time spent on recording.

Brings three times more pleasure than simply writing down lexical items with translation

Helps you focus on essential issues rather than unimportant issues.

Information presented in different colors and in many dimensions is remembered better by the student.

Stimulates the ability to create.

Template to createFishbonecan be found on the website

Using the fishbone technique is possible both for working with small texts and with texts that contain a significant amount of information. In this case, it is possible to split the text into semantic parts that complement each other. You can propose a work option in which certain causes of the problem under consideration will be written down on the upper bones, and possible sources on the lower ones, from which you can additionally glean important facts that reveal its essence.

Part 2.

In the practice of teaching English, I often come across a phenomenon when a student cannot make an independent message consisting of several consecutive, interconnected phrases. Often, student statements are either monosyllabic answers to questions or a purely formal listing of some facts.

Creation and useWARM- U.P.exercise helps to put your thoughts in order, concentrate, and start speaking."Warm-Ups" are exercises at the beginning of the lesson that are used to organize students for productive work. "Warm-Ups" warm-up awakens attention to the lesson. It lasts 5-7 minutes, should be active and appealing to the students. The warm-up should be based on the material studied and be on the topic of the lesson. It should also be remembered that not all types of "warm-ups" are popular with children. It is performed not only in a teacher-student front, but also in pairs or small groups. To increase student motivation, active learning methods play an important role. Younger students love to play; the middle stage is when students are already analyzing and starting to think logically; senior students know how to conduct a discussion, give reasons for their answer, and work in pairs and groups.

Very often aswarm- upsoffer question-and-answer exercises used at the beginning of the lesson to introduce students to new topic, exercisestrueorfalse, choosethebestanswer.

In my case study this task looks like this:


Agree or disagree with the statements. If the statement is false, correct it, please. If it is true, repeat it.

1. English has taken the position of the world language.

2. Some words came to Russian from English.

3. People who speak English have worse job opportunities.

4. English is one of the most popular foreign languages ​​in Russia.

Aswarm- upsYou can offer tasks in which you need to express your own opinion.

Technique "A half-minute talk"

Sayings are written on the board. Students are given the task: choose 1 or 2 statements and think about the argument (for half a minute), then speak out. Using this technique provides an opportunity to involve all students in the work and think about their answer. For example: (example taken from case study)

    You live a new life for every new language you speak.

    If you know only one language, you live only once.

Then students can move on to a more complex task - short statements 1-minute, 2-3 minutetalkontheproblem. Here you can offer students some phrases to help.

For example:

A 1- minute talk

Give 1-minute talk. Why is learning English important to you?

Useful phrases

In my view...

But I can't agree...

I know for sure...

First of all...

After all...

I think...

I doubt that...

A 2-3 minute talk

Think and present your way to make learning English easier.

Useful phrases:

I don't see much difference between ...

But I can't agree with ..

That's why...

I think I need some time for...

I" m interested more in ...

I"d like to...

I have to say...

Do you agree?

Let's start with...

That's what I think.

Whatabout ...?

It is desirable that all students take part in communication; it is necessary to be able to involve low-performing students in communication. To do this, it is necessary to make wider use of group forms of work, where the success of each student materializes in the success of the entire group and vice versa.

Dialogue speech in a foreign language is more difficult than monologue speech. It should involve not only speaking skills, but also listening skills. In this situation, it is of great importance to userole playing game .

Role-playing in learning has a number of significant advantages:

    contributes to the creation of favorable psychological climate at the lesson;

    enhances motivation and activates student activity;

    makes it possible to use existing knowledge, experience, and communication skills in different situations.

Approximate scheme of a role-playing game

Student 1: Greetings. Explanation of the situation. Information request

Student 2: Greetings. Response to a request for information.

Student 1: Reaction. Involving your partner in the conversation.

Student 1/ Student 2: Exchange of information

Student 1/ Student 2: Ending the conversation

Debate: Why is it important to learn English?

Student A is a journalist, student B is Alex.

Remember to:

    discuss all the options

    be polite

    take an active part in the conversation

    explain the situation

    come up with your ideas

    give good reasons

    come to an agreement

Asking for information

Sometimes you want to ask English people for information. In English it is not very polite to start a conversation with a direct question.For this reason we have a number of phrases

    Can you tell me...?

    Could you tell me...?

    I"d like to know...

    I don't suppose you (would) know...?

    I wonder if you could tell me...?

(Why do you learn English?)

    Do you like English?

    And what about other students? What do they think?

Agreeing / Disagreeing

    That sounds like a good idea... / I’m not sure about that...

    I am not quite sure…

    I am of the same opinion!.../I can’t stand the idea…

    I quite agree with you.

    Good for you, Alex. Thank you very much. You have given me a lot of useful and important information. Good bye.

Expressing approval/regret about the response:

    Oh, great! That's a good/great idea.

    OK. I think, it's what I want.

    What a pity!

    Oh, wait.

Useful language:

To tell the truth…

I have to say that...

I personally think that...

I'm interested more in…

I agree with the idea that…

The main reason for studying English is that…

Knowing English will help me to…

  • Nowadays English has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computer technology. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

    As for my friends, they think that English helps to communicate with other people. People can travel abroad without any problems, people can have friends everywhere and send them letters, make phone calls and make people closer to each other in the world. It’s the main reason why English is very popular.

    Moreover, young people like English because it’s the language of rock, jazz and pop music. For example: Elton John, Madonna, Britney Spears and Paul McCartney. A good knowledge of English let us understand the words of all our favorite English songs. And, of course, we will be able to watch British and American films in the original. It's cool.

    Good bye.

Ending a conversation

    Many thanks. – Not at all. Thank you. – That's OK.

    Thank you very much indeed. – That’s quite all right.

    Thank you very much. -You are welcome. / - It’s a pleasure.

    Thank you for the information. Not at all.

A modulated situation is a dialogue with the exchange of evaluative information. Example of a modulated situation “TolearnornottolearnEnglish”is presented in the Case Study Appendix.

Part 3.

All types of speech activities: listening, speaking, reading, writing are inextricably linked, and they must be studied together in every English lesson. But it is writing that is the main link that is an assistant in teaching other types of speech activity. There are different types of written tasks: this includes filling out forms, questionnaires, postcards, notes, announcements, letters, reviews, essays, essays, etc.

Write an essay “The best way to learn English”

What is your opinion?

Write 200 – 250 words.

Use the following plan:

    State your opinion

    Write 1-2 arguments for your opinion

    Write 1 possible argument against it

    Sum everything up and repeat your opinion in different wording

The final stage of creating a thematic case is a selection of additional Internet resources for speaking tasks, communication tasks on writing, additional material on reading, additional visual material, sayings, proverbs, sayings. All this helps the teacher in conducting non-standard types of lessons using modern technologies.


A person is designed this way - if he likes something, it comes easy.Thematic caseTheroleoflearningEnglishinmylife” helped students overcome their fears and build their statements at the level that they can handle. Gone was the boring work of writing down words and the need to memorize them; this type of activity was replaced by another, more visual, more interesting, more structured one. From lesson to lesson, students created their own clusters, expanding them with the help of learned words, highlighting subtopics in different colors, supplemented with drawings. As a result, the cluster has become an indispensable and, most importantly, an effective assistant in composing an oral statement. Together with 10th grade students, we began to create thematic cases for each of the units in the textbook. Creating problem situations, searching for additional information on the Internet - all this increases the motivation of students and leads to high-quality learning of the material.

An example of a Cluster compiled by 10th grade students to work on a mini-project “Doing sportsUnit 1, Section3 UMK Biboletova M.Z.

In this case, the diagram allows:

    stimulate critical thinking;

    visualize the relationships between causes and effects;

    rank factors;

    organize the work of brainstorming participants.

Fully thematic case “TheroleoflearningEnglishinmylife”, an example of which this development is presented, is given in the Appendix.


    Kireeva T.V. Materials of the master class “Creating and using thematic cases” Website Methodists.ru, Creative group Teaching English, 2014

    Kozlova V.A. Thematic case materials “TheroleoflearningEnglishinmylife” Final work based on the results of participation in the master class “Creating and using thematic cases” on the website Methodists.ru

    Template for cluster, websiteClasstools

    UMK Biboletova M.Z.EnjoyEnglishfor 11th grade, Title 2013

    Biboletova M.Z. Workbook No. 1 to the textbookEnjoyEnglishfor 11th grade, Title 2013

    Biboletova M.Z. Teacher's book for textbookEnjoyEnglish, Title 2009

Development of didactic material in English for 2nd grade students.

first english teacher qualification category Svetlana Petrovna Dementieva

Subject : Me and my friends. Personal pronouns.

Target : help the teacher in the timely identification and further development of students’ abilities.

Relevance :

Differentiated approach to teaching English- one of current problems methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in modern schools.

Under multi-level training different levels of assimilation of educational material are understood (the depth and complexity of the same educational material is different in groups A, B, C.)

At the same time, a differentiated approach to learning involves taking into account the individual characteristics of each student. In this regard, I believe that every student should have the opportunity to complete tasks according to their level of ability and, accordingly, receive assessment of your knowledge. Only then will the student be able to climb the ladder of Achievement and achieve new and higher results. I believe that this approach to teaching is especially important in elementary school, because This is where the foundations of knowledge are laid and children’s abilities are revealed, including in the English language.

Taking into account the peculiarities of each student’s knowledge acquisition and dividing them into groups A, B.C, I always draw up differentiated tasks for each type of speech activity.

In this case, I present didactic material on the topic: "Me and my friends. Personal pronouns." for 2 classes of teaching English.

This development will help the teacher not only monitor the knowledge of each student, but also timely diagnose the achievements of especially gifted children and the degree of quality of learning material.

(The development contains detailed tasks for 2nd grade students at levels A, B, C, as well as assessment criteria for differentiated control of the development of lexical and grammatical skills.)

Level A

    Fill in the right article “a’, “an” (use the appropriate article):

1.It is _ little egg.

2. It is_ant.

3. It is_ big arm.

4. It is_ old grandad.

5. It is_ apple.

2. Change the words, using “He, She, It” He, she, it»):

1.a fish_(fish)

2.a grandad_(grandfather)


4.a cat_(cat)


6.a plane_ (airplane)

3. Make up the questions to the following sentences and give two short answers (negative and positive)( ask question To proposal And give 2 brief answer: positive And negative):

1. The hen is little. 2. It is a ball. 3. She is a doctor.

Is………..? Is…………? ?

Yes, …….. Yes, ……. +

No, ……… No,…….. –

4. Circle the right variant (circle the correct option):

1. grandmother

A ) mum b) grandad c) granny d) dad

2. get up

a) to stand up b) to feed c) to sit d) to cook

3. chicken

4. jump

a) to stand up b) to feed c) to sit d) to jump

5. ant

a) a fox b) an ant c) a cat d) a pig

6. dad

a) mum b) grandad c) granny d) dad

7. duck

a) a duck b) a hen c) a cock d) a chick

8. nose

a) a face b) a hand c) a nose d) an arm

9. plate

a) a dish b) a plate c) a mug d) a cup

Level B





    Fill in the right article “a”, ‘an” 9 use suitable article)

    It is_ little egg.

    It is_ant.

    It is_big arm.

    It is_ old granddad.

    It is_ apple.

    Change the words , using He , She , It ” (Replace the words with suitable pronouns “he”, “she”, “it”.):

    A fish_

    A granddad_


    A cat_


    A plane_

    Make up questions to the following sentences and give two short answers (negative and positive) (ask a question to the sentence and give 2 short answers: positive and negative):

1.The hen is litt le.

2.She is a doctor.

5. Make up sentences (make up offers) :

1. cat, sad, in the bag, is.

2. Jeff, hungry, in the room, is.

3. Den, happy, in the tree, is.

4. cook, busy, at home, is.

5. Gnome, old, in the boot, is.

Level C

1.Write down the words in the proper columns (write down the words according to the sounds):

Name, he, old, damp, rose, dog, plate, red, clock, sack, cake, she, stone, hand, cold, hen, fox, lamp, ten, face, me.



2. Fill in the right article “a”, “an” (use the appropriate article):

1. It is_ little egg.

2. It is_ant.

3. It is _big arm.

4. It is _ old grandad.

5. It is_ good dog.

6.It is_ apple.

7. It is_ orange.

3. Change the words using “he”, “she”, “it”. (replace the words with a suitable pronoun “ he she it"):

1. a fish

2.a crane

3. a grandad

4. Ann

5. a granny

6. Justin

7. a cat



10.a plane.

4. Make up questions to the following sentences and give two short answers (negative and positive) ( ask a question to the sentence and give 2 short answers: positive and negative):

1. The hen is little.

2. It is a ball.

3. She is a doctor.

5. Translate from Russian into English. (Translate from Russian into English)

1. Bill the cook.

2. She is happy.

3. Anya has a cat. He's funny.

4. I have a friend. He is at school.

5. Den is a student. He is in the park.

6. Fill in the words "he”, “it” (insert words “ he", "it".):

1. Is Jack cold? - No,... isn’t.

2. Is the dog funny? - Yes,... is.

3. Is the frog pink? – No, ... isn’t.

4. Is the boy smart? - Yes, ...is.

5. Is the cat nice? - Yes, ... is.

Evaluation criteria for differentiated control of the development of lexical and grammatical skills:

Level A (total score 29)

1-2 mistakes - great

3-7 errors - good

8-12 errors - satisfactory

13 or more errors - unsatisfactory

Level B (total score 39)

1-2 mistakes - great

3-9 errors - good

10-20 errors - satisfactory

Level C (total score 52)

1-2 mistakes – great

3-9 errors - good

10-20 errors - satisfactory

21 or more errors - unsatisfactory

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