Irresponsible attitude. Put all power in the hands of a man

How many names do they name such individuals? The softest of them is infantile. An adult-looking guy who behaves like a toddler, incapable of making a responsible decision, looking after himself on his own, or taking things seriously, is perceived somewhere at the level of a ciliate-slipper - single cell organism, which only eats and reproduces. How to avoid this? How to live with such a personality? How to recognize irresponsible person on first dates, so as not to end up in eternal bondage to a big child?

Signs of male infantilism

Every woman dreams that her partner bears full responsibility for his actions and words, without shifting them onto the shoulders of others. According to psychologists, several behavioral lines are among the primary warning signs of irresponsibility.

Sign #1

Even at the stage of the first meetings, your lover is in small things, but he is already breaking his own promises. For example, he unexpectedly postpones his own appointment, which he had previously agreed with you both in time and place. Or he gradually begins to be late, finding a thousand and one excuses “due to circumstances beyond his control.” Let such inconsistencies do not cause you any inconvenience, but it is worth paying attention to them. In addition, you need to think about how he will behave in life together, if at the start his words are already at odds with reality?

Sign #2

The man constantly, annoyingly, tediously, exhaustingly complains about a lot of “unfortunate coincidences” in his life: about an evil neighbor, about fate, about the meanness of those around him, about unfair bosses, about the treachery of colleagues, and so on. Moreover, he does not want to admit: all the troubles were provoked by him - his unwillingness to act prudently, his inability to avoid problems, his unwillingness to correct mistakes, his inability to solve complex everyday problems. Why? Yes, because he simply doesn’t want it. If he had wanted to, he would have acted instead of lying on the sofa with a touchy look, thinking about the vicissitudes of the fate hanging over him.

Sign #3

Your chosen one easily breaks obligations to others. Even if he explains this as a benefit for you personally, such an act still makes you think twice. After all, now he does not keep his word to others, and then he will treat you the same way. Sooner or later, a man will begin to show irresponsibility towards his family. And his words “And burn it all with a blue flame - I’m coming to you!” gradually acquire a completely different color. Something like “If it all burns like a blue flame, I’ll go hang out with friends at the dacha!” And there the loved one will tell with laughter that he is the real master of the house and that his wife is not his decree, and that he does what he wants.

Sign #4

Your chosen one avoids situations in which he needs to show responsibility: perform certain work, negotiate important issues, make decisions, consider serious problems. Therefore, if from the first days family relations you alone have to plan the work, book hotel rooms, look for contractors, think through everything around the house, make repairs - which means it will continue like this. He likes only one thing: to support his wife in everything - at least by approving the decision you have made.

How to help a man cope with irresponsibility?

Even the most “amorphous” specimen can gradually become an exemplary responsible man, ready to shoulder problems rather than hang them on weak woman. But how? Psychologists recommend using several key techniques.

Stop “playing” babysitter

A classic picture: him on the sofa, scattered socks around, a mug of tea, an empty plate, a pile of newspapers and magazines. All in all, little boy resting. To retrain your husband, you will need a lot of patience with his socks and T-shirts, which will initially take up most of the space. But - it’s necessary! There is no need to follow a man everywhere, tidy up his clothes, ask if he is hungry, remind him that he needs to shine his shoes for tomorrow or pack his work bag. If he gets burned once, he will understand that the time has come to grow up and will begin to do everything on his own. Well, at least in theory, but you’ll see how it will be in practice.

Put all power in the hands of a man

Your spouse lives in a comfort zone, because you are constantly afraid that he will not overwork and rest calmly after a working day... This is a direct path to infantilism. Why? Yes, because the more responsibility he has, the more... responsible he is! The paradox has a right to exist, since in some cases the spouse is simply afraid to interfere in your affairs, which you grab onto with great eagerness. Tired of it? Then demonstrate how tired you are and hand over the reins to your stronger half of the family. And one more thing: ask him for advice more often - like a real expert in business. Maybe he's just waiting for unconditional trust.

Completely abstract

How? Just! Don't be interested in his activities at work. Don't ask if he wants to eat. Don't worry about his health. In general, start living for yourself: pay more attention himself, go to a cafe with your girlfriends, gather with relatives at the same table more often, go to visit. That is, start solving personal problems, without bypassing the children, of course. It’s even easier if you have a child - plunge into his world, teach, develop, play, pamper him with delicious food. And then your lover will understand: he is not your first priority. And in order to legally occupy it, you need to work hard, taking it yourself important decisions not only about your own life, but also about the whole family.

Sincerely praise for worthy deeds

Maybe your loved one has become irresponsible and childish because you yourself don’t care about him? Do you not pay attention and reproach for every misdeed? Quite likely. Then you should sharply reconsider your personal attitude towards a man and start encouraging him with praise for every initiative. It is possible that he will like the role of the Decree of the Fates of Loved Ones and he will willingly be your defender from all difficult matters and everyday problems.

Act on partnerships

That is, do not place your loved one below yourself. Trust him, tell him what and how to do. Share responsibility among yourself, encourage with advice. Eradicate the mother-son pattern and move to wife-husband, where each is equal and has the same rights and responsibilities as the other. This approach is especially recommended for not too advanced cases of “amoebic”, when a person is well aware: yes, this is no longer possible and something needs to be changed in oneself. Gradually, the pile of unresolved problems will become smaller, and calm, mutual respect, and carefree will return to your family.

Turn on feminine cunning

Never fix plumbing yourself, do not uncork jars, do not repair a shelf, do not hammer nails into the wall, do not screw in a light bulb, do not carry heavy bags! Start acting like a woman and not like a cart horse. Probably, it is then that the man will pay attention to you and take upon himself all the “blows of everyday life.” And then we got used to something modern women to emancipation and let’s change the wheels of the car, repair the faucet, or dig the garden. In general, stop pretending to be a “man,” because two strong individuals with the same interests will not get along in the same space. This is the law of nature.

He willingly takes the most heavy burden and meekly puts it on someone else’s shoulders.

The burden of the irresponsibility of some lies on the responsibility of others.

The freedom of an irresponsible person brings evil.

Irresponsible people strive for positions more than those who have a sense of responsibility.

Be ashamed not only of obvious meanness, but also of the slightest threat that you might be thought of as a mean person. Be ashamed of the irresponsibility, frivolity, frivolity of your feelings and attachments. In your feelings you must be able to be faithful and obligated.

The most irritating thing about dunces is their lack of obligation,

inefficiency and irresponsibility.

Irresponsibility as a personality quality is the inability to take responsibility for one’s words, actions and activities in general, the tendency to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others, the habit of putting everything off until later.

A married couple came to the judge asking for a divorce. The judge complied with their request without any objections. The couple were pleased. But the second question they came to the judge with turned out to be more difficult. Each of ex-spouses wanted to raise the child himself, but the judge told them that he did not consider any of them worthy of raising children. - But why? - both were surprised. - Remember when I asked you why you don’t want to live together, what did you answer? - asked the judge. - We didn’t get along in character. - Here. You did not see that both are to blame for the fact that you cannot live together, that you cannot agree with each other. You did not want to take responsibility for your family. You blamed everything on your characters, which supposedly do not suit each other, as if your characters are something that does not depend on you. You can't raise children with such irresponsibility.

“After us there may be a flood,” said the Marquise de Pompadour. Irresponsibility is an immoral, infantile position of an adult child, who, according to the nature of his character, remains in toddlerhood, without tasks and obligations. Like a child caught playing pranks, irresponsibility, not wanting to answer, shirks responsibility. Irresponsibility is a state of mind when a person does not want to take on any obligations, much less fulfill them. Like a dump truck, he seeks to shift responsibility to someone else. You have to be a fool to believe his words and promises. Irresponsibility owes its birth to a person’s tendency to put things off until later.

From total mass People's irresponsibility is caught out by simple observation. For example, if a person does not complete the task assigned to him, works carelessly, delegates it to others, then this person is irresponsible. Often he is not aware of his irresponsibility, but more often he does not have the courage and honesty to admit his vice. Without a twinge of conscience, he evades punishment for his indecency and sets up those around him. Not wanting to be responsible for the events of his life, he weakly surrenders to chance, accepting the role of the victim. Accustomed from childhood to looking for those to blame for his misfortunes, he does not take steps to change his life better side. If the husband is irresponsible, the wife will definitely not listen to him. She thinks I'm naughty because he's irresponsible, and he thinks I'm irresponsible because she's naughty.

Famous, public people can show obvious signs of irresponsibility. Russian writer I.S. Turgenev in this regard repeatedly differed in in a negative sense this word. Nekrasov’s close friend, A.Ya. Panaeva, says: “By 1850, the Sovremennik magazine, headed by Nekrasov, had accumulated a lot of debt, there was almost no money, and then Turgenev urgently needed two thousand rubles. I had to borrow at high interest rates in order to quickly satisfy the writer, who announced to Nekrasov: “I desperately need money, if you don’t give it, then, to my extreme regret, I will have to go to Otechestvennye Zapiski to sell myself, and Sovremennik ” will not receive my works from me for a long time. This threat terribly frightened Nekrasov and Panaev, they borrowed money at interest and with my guarantee. Less than a year had passed when, because of Turgenev, there was a stop in the printing of the Sovremennik book. He was supposed to give a story, but he didn’t send it and didn’t even show up at the editorial office for a week, which was unusual, because if he didn’t have lunch with us, he always came for dinner. Nekrasov was worried and went to see him twice, but did not find him at home; finally, I wrote him a note, convincingly asking him to immediately send the manuscript. Turgenev appeared and, entering the room, said: “Scold me, gentlemen, as you wish, I even myself know that I played a bad joke on you, but what can I do, you came out with me.” bad story. I cannot give you this story, but I will write another for the next issue. Such an unexpected statement stunned Nekrasov; At first he was completely confused and silent, then he began to ask: How? Why? “I was ashamed to show myself to you, but I considered it boyish to continue leading you around and delaying the publication of the book.” I came to ask you to write something instead of my story; I give you my word of honor to write a story for the next issue. Nekrasov and Panaev demanded that he explain to them the reason. - Give me your word in advance that you will not reproach me? “We give, we give,” they both hastily answered. “Now I feel disgusting myself,” Turgenev said, and he seemed to shudder. Sighing heavily, he said: “I sold this story to Otechestvennye Zapiski!” (a magazine that was the main competitor of Nekrasov’s magazine). Nekrasov even turned pale, and Panaev exclaimed pitifully: “Turgenev, what have you done!” - I know, I know! I understand everything now, but here it is! - and Turgenev ran his hand over his throat - I needed five hundred rubles. It’s impolite to come to you to ask, because out of the two thousand I took from you, I earned too little. Nekrasov remarked in a trembling voice: “Inappropriate delicacy!” -I thought maybe you didn’t have money. “Yes, we could always get five hundred rubles,” Panaev exclaimed in despair, how could you do this? Nekrasov said in irritation: “What’s done is done, there’s no need to talk about it... Turgenev, you need to return five hundred rubles to Kraevsky.” Turgenev waved his hands: “No.” I can't, I can't! I must have been in great confusion when I took the money from him, as if I had been burned and ran away quickly. “Does Kraevsky have the manuscript?” asked Nekrasov. -Not yet! Nekrasov opened the desk, took out money from there and, handing it to Turgenev, said: “Write a letter of apology.” Turgenev had to beg for a long time: finally he exclaimed: “You gentlemen are putting me in the most stupid position... I unlucky man! I should be whipped for my weak character! Let Nekrasov write this letter, and I will rewrite it and send it with money.” And Turgenev, walking around the room, exclaimed in a plaintive tone: “My God, why did I do all this?” Nekrasov, you promise Kraevsky that I will give him a different story, now, gentlemen, I will have to cross to the other side of the street as soon as I see Kraevsky coming towards me. Oh gentlemen, what are you doing to me! Since then, Turgenev has been given unlimited credit in the Sovremennik magazine.”

Another episode with I.S. Turgenev speaks even more eloquently of his irresponsibility. Again recalls A.Ya. Panaeva: “Before leaving abroad, we spent the summer in St. Petersburg, and Belinsky also... Turgenev lived in a dacha in Pargolovo, often came to the city and stayed with us, since he did not have a city apartment. Turgenev admired his cook, whom he hired for the summer, and described what delicate dinners he prepared when Turgenev invited his acquaintances to his dacha. “I suppose you treat the counts and barons to fine dinners, but don’t invite your literary friends to your place,” Belinsky remarked jokingly. Turgenev was delighted at this thought and invited everyone to his dacha for lunch, saying that he would create a festival that we did not expect. He appointed the day himself and demanded from everyone honestly that they will come to him. “We’ll come, but you won’t manage to do something like that with us in the winter: you called us all for the evening, but you didn’t show up home!” - Belinsky said. It happened to Turgenev more than once that he would invite friends to his place and, absent-mindedly, forget and would not be at home. Belinsky said, saying goodbye to Turgenev: “I will write to you the day before our arrival so that you do not forget your invitation.” It was a hot day when, at 11 o’clock, all six of us invited, went in a carriage to Pargolovo. Everyone was tired from the heat and dust on the road. Having arrived at Turgenev's dacha, everyone sighed joyfully and began to get out of the carriage; but everyone was amazed that Turgenev did not come out to meet us. We entered the front garden and began knocking on the doors of the glass terrace. Dead silence reigned in the house. Everyone's faces fell. Belinsky exclaimed: “Has Turgenev really played such a vile thing with us again as in the winter?” But they reassured him, suggesting that Turgenev probably did not expect our arrival so early. - Yes, I wrote to him that we would be at his place in an hour... This is the devil knows what it is! If only they would let us into the room, otherwise we were roasting in the sun on the way and now stand in the heat,” Belinsky fumed.

Finally, a boy jumped out of the gate, and everyone pounced on him with questions. It turned out that the master had left, and his cook was sitting in the tavern. They gave the boy money to run for the cook and bring him to open the door. The boy ran away, and we sat on the steps of the terrace, waiting. The cook didn't show up. Belinsky insisted that we go home. We would have left, but the driver of our carriage did not agree to take us back until his exhausted horses had rested. Involuntarily, I had to sit at the locked dacha. Everyone was hungry; Panaev and two of those who arrived went to the tavern to see if they could get something to eat. Then Pargolovo was a real village, food was difficult to get. Panaev appeared and announced that there was no food in the tavern, and it was so dirty that it was disgusting to put a piece of bread in your mouth. Everyone still held out hope that Turgenev would return home. I didn’t count on lunch, realizing that if the cook wasn’t at home, how could I prepare lunch when it was already two o’clock, and there was no place to get provisions: in Pargolovo they only stocked up on everything early in the morning from the peddlers who went around the dachas. I went to the hut to the owner of the dacha, bought eggs, milk, and bread from her. At this time the cook appeared. Belinsky attacked him and asked where his master was. The cook replied that he did not know. “Has your master ordered lunch for you today?” - Belinsky interrogated. - No way, sir! Amazement and fear were expressed on all faces. Belinsky flushed all over, looked meaningfully at everyone and suddenly burst into laughter, exclaiming: “That’s how Turgenev gave us the festival!” Everyone also laughed at their comical situation. - I'm a fool! - said Belinsky, - I wanted to spend a pleasant day at the dacha! - and, turning to the cook, he continued: “Go, my dear, find your master where you want, and bring him home.” Panaev and others sent the cook to the priest, since Turgenev had already informed them that he was courting, not without success, the priest’s pretty daughter and was constantly sitting there. We went to the shore of the lake, waiting for Turgenev to arrive, sat in the shade under a tree and admired nature. Belinsky was lying on the grass and suddenly said: “I can breathe so easily, not like in the city.” What a shame that I couldn’t spend even one day like this good people; something will piss you off. Soon Turgenev came and began to swear that it was our own fault, that he was expecting us tomorrow. He was asked about Belinsky's letter. Turgenev insisted that he had not received any letter. “Okay,” said Belinsky, “we’ll do without excuses.” Thank God that you didn’t catch my eye in the first minute, I would have torn you to pieces. Now my nerves have calmed down, and I don’t want to irritate them again. Now we'll leave for the city. Turgenev began to beg to stay and said that lunch had already been ordered. - What time will you feed us? tea in the evening? - Belinsky asked in a joking tone. Turgenev answered in the same tone that his cook was almighty, and dinner would be ready by 5 o’clock. Turgenev made every effort to keep the guests occupied and succeeded in doing so; by the way, he suggested shooting at the target. Everyone went to his dacha, and Turgenev drew a man with charcoal on the back of the old barn and marked a heart with a dot. None of his guests knew how to shoot. Belinsky somehow hit the very point where the heart was marked with the first shot. He rejoiced like a child and exclaimed: “I will now become a breter, gentlemen!” But then he shot so poorly that he never even hit the figure. The shooting continued for a long time; the light breakfast made itself felt, and everyone was impatiently waiting for lunch. At 6 o’clock Belinsky turned to Turgenev with a question: “Why doesn’t your almighty cook serve dinner?” We are hungry like wolves. It was impossible to judge the cook's culinary talent from a hastily prepared dinner made exclusively from old, skinny chickens. Turgenev, realizing this, said: “Gentlemen, come to see me on Sunday...” But he was not allowed to finish his sentence, everyone went crazy, and Turgenev himself joined in the general laughter. Belinsky could hardly catch his breath from laughing, exclaiming: “Turgenev, you are as naive as a baby!” No, you can’t fool an old sparrow with chaff. Turgenev's new invitation amused everyone, and there was no end to the jokes. Turgenev made people laugh by telling his situation when his cook came running in fright and announced that the guests had come to him for dinner, and in what fear he walked to the lake. After a walk in the park, drinking tea, we went into the city and continued to laugh at the festival that Turgenev gave us.”

Petr Kovalev 2013

Do we often think about the fact that many tragic situations that claimed thousands human lives, it could have been avoided that it was all due to the negligence of people who were not extremely attentive to their work?

The problem of irresponsibility and mismanagement, unfortunately, is last decades has become especially relevant. Almost every day in the world, including in Russia, there are some kind of accidents, catastrophes, fires...

Reflecting on the causes and consequences of people's carelessness in their responsibilities, famous poet Robert Rozhdestvensky asks indignantly rhetorical question: “But how long will we plunge into a situation where, because of two or three slobs, hundreds, or even thousands of people are forced to demonstrate Cape heroism?” The author is convinced that such unfortunate workers must be strictly questioned. This is the only way “we can get rid of the stereotype of mismanagement that hangs like a weight on our feet.”

I share the author’s opinion that the perpetrators must necessarily be held accountable for their negligence in their work. Only in this case will we be able to avoid negative consequences unprofessionalism, sloppiness and laziness.

In particular, the famous Russian scientist, author of more than a hundred inventions, who worked for many years at large hydroelectric power plants, Georgy Borisovich Chernikov, writes about this in his article “Nature will not write off”, published in “ Literary newspaper” in October 2003. The author talks about “electrical” fires caused by short circuits. Chernikov says ironically: “They say, what can you do: the wires are stupid, they are shorted out - what can you get from them? But there was not, is not and will not be a fire in the world from short circuit- the cause of the fire is a malfunction of the protective device,” which means the irresponsible attitude of the maintenance personnel to their work.

Everyone knows that April 26, 1986 happened Chernobyl disaster, the largest radiation accident in the history of mankind. It affected the destinies of millions of people, made humanity think and be horrified. And only recently it became known that the accident occurred due to miscalculations of Dontekhenergo specialists and incorrect actions of nuclear power plant employees.

Thus, if we all do not live by the principle: “Why fuss, maybe thunder will not strike,” then many terrible tragedies can be avoided, we must remember that we are responsible for our actions and therefore must take our work seriously.

Irresponsibility 2

Irresponsibility. How often it is the cause of various accidents and disasters!

The problem is that most people are careless about their work; the Russian “maybe” has already become the norm of our life. The saying “After us, even a flood” has become the principle of an entire generation, and maybe even several generations of citizens of our country

The famous Russian poet Robert Rozhdestvensky is outraged by this state of affairs. He writes: “The worst and most widespread stereotype in our country is the stereotype of irresponsibility.” Arguing about the reasons for this problem, R. Rozhdestvensky comes to the conclusion that all this happens because “no one is responsible for anything and ... no one cares.”

The relevance of the problem of a person’s careless attitude towards his profession is evidenced by the fact that many domestic writers raise it in their works.

For example, in V. Rasputin’s story “Fire” Ivan Petrovich, main character works, cannot come to terms with the fact that Sosnovka, a village built by the timber industry enterprise, is not intended for life, it was built for a time, until the next nomad camp. It will never become habitable. There is no construction of social facilities in the village, because no one needs anything. For now there is work - wood, but in 3-4 years there will be no wood left. There is no other work: all the fields were flooded during the construction of a hydroelectric power station. And then a fire started in the village: ORS warehouses were burning. The Arkharovites - hired non-local workers - are not accustomed to taking their work responsibly; even fire is a means of profit for them. Rasputin argues that life went awry when they started cutting down the forest. This is work that does not require the soul, this is the destruction of not only the forest, but also man. More and more “easy” people began to come who did not want to start a household, but worked only for the sake of relaxation, food and drink. The social situation is deteriorating, crime is growing: as many villagers died during the war as died not by natural causes in young Sosnovka.

If we talk about real life, then the fires that burned throughout Russia last summer are also mainly the result of irresponsibility - citizens littering forests with household waste, employees forestry, who perform their work poorly to protect and protect the forest...

Thus, I am convinced that constant confusion, mismanagement, and bureaucracy are the result of people’s irresponsible attitude towards their work. But you can't leave everything as it is. We need to fight this stereotype, and everyone should start with themselves!..

Thus, art is always a reflection of the spiritual potential of the people.

Art and youth (out of order)

According to Rasputin, art is the righteous and pure voice of humanity as a whole and each nation individually, a spiritual and aesthetic motivating height, a person’s dream come true..

If we start singing the songs of our grandparents, then we will still have a chance to revive Russia!

Thus, modern culture mainly consists of works of art low quality, and, as a result, leads to the degradation of society as a whole. The only way out of this situation is to pay attention younger generation into Russian folk culture, to introduce him to the works of Russian classics.

The same can be said about modern literature. What do young people read? Works by A. Marinina, D. Dontsova and other authors who do not care about the formation aesthetic taste your reader. Their main goal is to achieve popularity and fame at any cost, and, accordingly, to ensure a decent future for themselves and their children through royalties from book sales.

V. Dashkevich says that “any piece of music- this is a small survival program." However, our current "program" is clearly aimed not at helping people cope with their difficulties, but at exacerbating the pessimistic mood of the majority of citizens.

I agree with this statement. Indeed, if an entire generation is setting itself up for failure, then it has no future, it is degrading.

He said this amazingly accurately famous composer Dashkevich in one of his interviews, which was published a couple of years ago in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

Famous writer, our contemporary, V.G. Rasputin writes: “Show me what songs you sing, and I will tell you what awaits you ahead.”

I think that song lyrics, like the content of all art, are determined by the era in which they are created. In addition, the social order and ideology of the state play an important role here.

I agree with this statement. Indeed, if an entire generation is setting itself up for failure, then it has no future, it is degrading.

The famous composer Dashkevich said this with amazing accuracy in one of his interviews, which was published a couple of years ago in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

To some, this person, always losing wallets, changing plans late, forgetting about her mother’s birthday, minimizing her responsibilities, will even seem sweet and funny; who is she - an egoist or a creative person who needs not just more time, but also a little leniency?

Psychologists say that these, to put it mildly, unassembled people often lack consciousness altogether, but this trait is one of the most important and valued in society, along with hard work, restraint, organization, and responsibility. No one doubts that people with increased level awareness only benefit from this fact. They have better grades in their studies, they are more successful at work, they live longer, because they know how to cut corners that, in fact, shorten their lives - they do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol, do not have risky sexual relationships and almost do not eat foods that are harmful to health. . Moreover, it is believed that among women there are much more conscientious people than among men.

Irresponsibility stems from a person's tendency to put things off until tomorrow. We all like to play for time, we sway for a long time before the “start”. According to research American psychologists 20% of people never start work right away. There are almost certainly many unnecessary comrades among them. You can of course call them creative personalities However, no matter how you justify them, these people are simply irresponsible. They have no doubt that someone else will certainly do everything for them.

Irresponsible people are unable to exert themselves, but no one will blame them for their lack of mental abilities. In our culture they are often pitied and lightly punished.

For more individual level, psychologists say, those who have never experienced a teenage crisis and, as a result, have not devoted themselves entirely to achieving their dreams, will almost certainly turn out to be chronic “procrastinators.”

Such people are usually too impulsive. They love to indulge in dreams, and their fantasies are often completely irrational. For example, they believe that obligations will disappear on their own, or that they will be forgotten, or that enthusiasm will eventually awaken and help carry out everything planned.

Only one thing can be said for sure: it’s a pleasure to spend time with these freethinkers. free time- they are bursting with ideas and having fun from the heart. However, contrary to the generally accepted belief, they are not always particularly creative. Research in this area shows that truly creative people They not only think outside the box, but also demonstrate rare perseverance and hard work.

According to the same psychologists, the wind in the head eventually stops blowing. The reason for this is a society that quickly teaches the irresponsible minds. One way or another, the first sprouts of consciousness appear around the age of twenty, and its amount increases year by year. According to researchers, this rule does not apply only to women who regularly smoke marijuana. The growth of consciousness is a consequence of the voluntary acceptance of various obligations. These commitments require responsibility and commitment. For example, than longer person married, the more conscientious he or she becomes.

Psychologists recommend solve the problem gradually, by establishing and overcoming simple tests. And, of course, the process must be carried out gently; you cannot stand over the “experimental” with a pointer. Frivolous people should not fight themselves with harsh methods and immediately take on responsible matters. After all, in order to get along in the conservative office world, internal self-control and remarkable efforts are required. This means that our “object” may lose his temper: quarrel with his superiors or sabotage the work in some other way.

Ways to deal with your irresponsibility:

  • Reveal real problem.

    A good place to start is to identify the false messages that guide you and that lead to irresponsibility. For example, if you are always late everywhere, you may be thinking to yourself: “I have a lot to do before I leave the house” or “I don’t have to force myself to rush - few people get everything done these days.” It is them that we must fight.

  • Abstract yourself from the present.

    Think about what it will be like for you tomorrow if you give up on any agreement today. By putting the situation into perspective, including your remorse, you will avoid unpleasant emotions in the future.

  • Be responsible a little bit at a time.

    Set yourself up to work on the task for three minutes. When the time is up, allow yourself to think: continue or stop? Most likely, you will finish the task by inertia.

  • Establish a punishment system.

    Having made your life difficult a couple of times, you are unlikely to want to repeat the same thing in the future. Nobody likes to feel discomfort. Therefore, try paying, for example, 100 rubles for each reason you use to justify even a minute of being late.

  • Probably the most effective and healthy way is to get help from a psychologist, since a professional will not only reduce the decision time this issue, but also generally guarantees positive results and time well spent.
  • “Take responsibility for your words”, “How irresponsible you are”, “Be responsible to your family”... Irresponsibility and responsibility... What is it? For what, to whom and why should it be carried? Responsibility by itself does not exist in nature - it is a creation of man, of the individual. We ourselves give birth to it, create it, give it the right to exist and significance. No one can say exactly what responsibility is, since each of us puts our own specific meaning into this concept. However, in any case, responsibility is, in essence, certain obligations that we assume or assign to the people around us. Responsibility is one of the most valued and important traits in society, along with organization, restraint and hard work.

    Collective irresponsibility

    Modern society is experiencing huge amount The main problem, of which, undoubtedly, is the problem of irresponsibility. This can be seen in our generation, which lives exclusively for itself, its own needs, and is irresponsible not only towards strangers, strangers, but also to your relatives and close people. Many people do not want and do not know how to take responsibility and every day they become more and more callous, soulless, indulging exclusively in their own whims and desires.

    The problem of irresponsibility - arguments and stereotypes

    If we define the word “irresponsibility,” then this is a complex of qualities that includes reluctance to take on obligations, reluctance to fulfill them, the desire to shift responsibility to some other person, as well as the inability to keep one’s word. This trait is born from a person’s tendency to put things off until later. Almost everyone likes to stall for time, to swing for a long time before starting work. According to research, most people never start work right away. Most Of these, they are just non-essential people. You can, of course, call them creative personalities, but no matter how you justify them, these people are simply irresponsible.

    Husband's irresponsibility

    Examples of irresponsibility found in modern society, can be listed endlessly. Moreover, as practice shows, there are much more conscientious women among them than among men. Most often it is the irresponsibility of men. This is not surprising. Nowadays, most males have become selfish, infantile, and this is the main reason for so many divorces in our country. It is not at all uncommon now to meet single mothers who raise and provide for their children, often without the help of a living father! Every day children demand food and care; they cannot wait for dad to awaken to responsibility and understanding of the essence of things and obligations. We are, of course, responsible for those we once tamed, even in cases where we're talking about about a cat or a dog, not to mention the responsibility for those people who have been entrusted to us by God. And it is women who are more capable of this responsibility... This is a huge problem of our time. Most men are not ready and cannot be responsible either for their woman, or for their children, or for their family as a whole - this is what irresponsibility leads to in the modern world.

    The ability to be responsible for one’s mistakes and failures is certainly very important quality, for both men and women. What if everyone individual will take care of himself in this regard, not succumbing solely to his moment-to-moment weaknesses, but acting in accordance with his conscience and the obligations undertaken - living in our society will become much calmer.

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