Modesty in our time. Does a modern woman need modesty? comments to “Does a modern woman need modesty?”

Modesty adorns any person - this has been considered from time immemorial. The very concept of modesty presupposes a whole set of personality qualities. This is refined taste, unpretentiousness, and a sincere desire to do good without expecting gratitude. Although people's opinions are quite different on this issue.

Modesty or shyness?

“Fools are never shy, although shyness takes on all forms of stupidity.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau

A person acquires many of the qualities inherent in it in infancy and even before birth. Latest Research they say that in the womb a child hears not only the conversations of future parents, but even catches the thoughts of the person closest to him. If he feels desired, he will subsequently grow to be self-confident. If the mother does not love the baby during pregnancy, then he may become insecure, with a feeling of guilt, and shy.

Modesty and shyness are not the same thing.

Shyness This is precisely a manifestation of self-doubt, a subconscious fear of not being liked. It prevents first the child, and then, if he is not helped, the adult from setting and achieving goals. You can read about how to overcome self-doubt.

Modesty However, this is precisely a manifestation of the upbringing of a self-confident person. He is well aware of his merits, but does not boast of them or flaunt them. That is why we say that modesty adorns both a woman or girl and a man.

Is modesty an adornment or a burden?

“When you have something to be proud of, you can allow yourself to be modest. When there is nothing, it is preferable to be modest” Eduard Aleksandrovich Sevrus (Vorokhov)

The uniqueness of each person does not need to be proven, this is obvious. It follows from this that character traits, outlook on life, and the entire set of habits and qualities of any of us are not found in any way in the other. Yes, we are similar in many ways, and yet we are as different as snowflakes or the pattern of a fingerprint. What is good for one is “death” for another.

Based on this position, it is difficult to give a definite answer - which one is better to be, modest or not very. Still, let's figure it out.

Probably each of you will remember an incident from your life (and more than one) when someone else humiliated your dignity, or caused offense, or even caused an outburst of indignation in response. In a word, it evoked in you negative emotions. You could experience the same thing when looking at the cheeky behavior of teenagers and others.

Now remember the modesty of the girl who lowers her eyes in embarrassment when she meets your gaze. Or a man making way for you, offering his hand. This is from a different “opera”, you might say. No, modesty, good manners, respect are synonyms.

“Humility implies strength” Robert Walser

You can be modest, but persistently pursue your goal. And these are the people who achieve their goal. And at the pinnacle of success they do not betray their principles. Fame and wealth “spoil” only those who had no trace of these qualities.

Modesty in Religious Concepts

Any religion calls on a person to be submissive and unpretentious, to be content with what God sends (no matter in the guise of Jesus, Allah or Buddha). The desire for material and carnal pleasures has never been welcomed by the church. On the contrary, it is believed that abstaining from them cleanses the soul and body of a person, bringing him closer to spiritual good.

Pride is the opposite of modesty and is considered a sin because... it prevents the manifestation of compassion, forgiveness, and humility in a person. Even Jesus Christ condescended to wash the feet of his disciples. There is an importance hidden in this action that is not visible at first glance. Here there is not only the meaning of denying the superiority of one person over another, but also the sacrament of cleansing that part of the soul that is in this moment most “dirty”, like feet before a meal.

I'll touch on one today interesting topic associated with the development of confidence in life. Do you feel like something is holding you back on your path to confidence? In reality, this is true. There is something that bothers us. And this something can grow from childhood.

We were taught that the best adornment of a person is modesty, that we must “keep a low profile, and they will notice.” This is the program that is firmly ingrained in our brains, and we pass this program on to our children.

About five years ago I had a conversation with a university graduate who was going for a honors diploma. When asked how she sees her future and what she plans to do, the girl blinked her eyes in surprise: “Why, they’ll notice me anyway.” Alas, we didn’t notice...

So let's figure it out Is modesty necessary? modern world and how it relates to self-confidence.

What's happened

Traditionally, modesty is considered a virtue. But look at the interpretation of this word: a modest person is one who is moderate in his demands, accepts what is happening meekly and humbly. This is a soft and meek person, submissive and undemanding. Most importantly, a person does not shout about his own merits and merits.

If you look at the most important ones, you can see modesty among them. After all, a modest person himself says that he has no special talents, that he is ready to bend to the demands of society and limit himself. This is the trap.

I'm not against modesty, but modesty is not the point rather, it is a straight line, on one side of which there is self-abasement and lack of faith in one’s own strengths, and on the other, arrogance and pride.

One wonderful parable says that everyone should have two pieces of paper in their pocket: “For my sake the whole world was created” and “Dust you are and to dust you will return.” The main thing for a person is to know when to take out which piece of paper and read it. By the way, in ancient China modest was considered the one who realized his smallness in comparison with the Universe.

A humble person is not one who does not show others his capabilities and potential. A truly humble person is aware of his own strength and abilities. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. But this is a manifestation of confidence. This is how all great people behave. They simply do what they love and are confident in themselves.


True modesty manifests itself precisely when the feeling self-esteem supported by the deepest self-confidence. A person knows his worth, realizes his strength, does not shy away from his beauty, and appreciates his talent. He understands that he absolutely does not need the attention or constant admiration of others. Such a person will never elevate himself by putting others down.

However, people often hide behind modesty low self-esteem and yours complexes: timidity, shyness or increased vulnerability. There may also be fear complexes - either a person is afraid to say something wrong, or he is afraid to do something wrong. He is afraid of refusals and ridicule. All this grows from childhood.

This is what the constant guardianship of parents can lead to when they instill in the child “keep your head down,” “don’t give in,” “don’t be too smart,” “don’t stand out.” All this kills self-confidence, lowers the child’s self-esteem, and a person leaves school completely unsure of life. A timid, cautious, shy, downtrodden, complex little man appears. Is this how you wanted your children to be? Did you want them to avoid failure or unpleasant experiences?

Modesty cannot be taught, but confidence can be instilled and developed in a child. high self-esteem. Thus, we give him the opportunity to become extraordinary personality and therefore truly modest.

And if you are unlucky and you received such an “inheritance” from your parents, then there is always a chance to change your life. Remember that your future is in your hands. And if you have realized your complexes, then this is your first step. Start developing confidence, because it is a muscle that can be pumped up.

and confidence

Confidence is closely related to awareness of your Purpose. It is very important for every person to know that he not only came into this world, but can give him something. Only by realizing yourself can you give something real to the World. Therefore, it is important not to “sit and keep your head down,” but, on the contrary, to fully realize your potential. Don’t hide behind so-called modesty, but cultivate self-confidence. A person who lacks self-confidence will never be able to realize himself.

Self-love and self-confidence only bring happiness into a person’s life, allowing you to live without stereotypes and fears. You can’t build your life based on someone else’s beliefs; always have your own and live by them. At the same time, you should not hide behind a screen of modesty. Instead, try to overcome your self-doubt.

This little exercise can help you with that:

Write down 10 of your shortcomings and highlight those whose assessment was imposed on you from the outside. You will be surprised how few shortcomings will remain, mainly those that do not interfere with your life.

Therefore, do not focus on your imperfections, live in full force and develop yourself further. Don't be true modesty equally separated from arrogance and self-abasement. Confidence in life comes from your actions, so value yourself and be open to the world.

And in conclusion, let's see how children understand modesty - one of the episodes of the popularly beloved “Yeralash”.


In psychology, modesty means moral quality, which shows the individual’s attitude towards himself and others. She is not characterized by arrogance or boasting, and with others she behaves the same way with everyone, even if there is a reason for pride. The basis of this quality is positive, but there are negative examples modesty.

What is modesty

Let's look at the concept of modesty in more detail. The term "modest" has existed in our language since XVII century. It means humble, moderate, meek and undemanding. This is the one who doesn't bet own personality taller than others.

Modesty due to cowardice or lack of faith in own strength- the problem of the individual himself. An overly modest or inappropriately modest girl may remain alone forever. But on the other hand, the lack of this quality, selfishness and showing oneself to the detriment of others creates considerable problems.

Modesty and Shyness

A person acquires most of the qualities that are inherent in a person in infancy, and some before birth. Scientists' analyzes say that in the womb we are able to hear not only the conversations of mom and dad, but also capture the mother's thoughts. If a child feels that he is desired, then in the future he will grow up confident in his own abilities. If during pregnancy the mother does not love the child, then he has every chance of growing up as a person without and.

It is worth noting that modesty and shyness are different concepts.

Manifestation of lack of faith in one’s own abilities, fear of not being liked. This quality interferes at first in childhood, but if the child is not helped, then in adulthood he will be afraid to set goals and achieve them.

Modesty is an indicator of the upbringing of a confident person. The man knows his strengths, but does not show them off. Therefore, it is believed that modesty is an adornment.

So, after all, is modesty an adornment to a person or a burden for him? The uniqueness of each individual is undeniable. Based on this, it turns out that life principles, character, set of habits are unique in everyone.

We are similar to each other, but we are different, like snowflakes and fingerprints. For one person something is good, but for another it is the opposite. Based on this, it is difficult to say for sure whether it is better to remain modest or, on the contrary, to do everything for show.

Probably everyone will remember a situation in life when the arrogant behavior of another person humiliated their dignity or offended them, causing indignation. This behavior causes negative emotions. Similar feelings arise when we see unbridled behavior, etc.

Now imagine a girl who, embarrassed, lowers her gaze. Or a man who gives way, offers his hand. Good manners, modesty and respect are almost synonymous concepts. You can remain a modest person, but confident. And it is these individuals who are able to achieve what they want.

Modesty in Religion

All religious movements They encourage people to be simple, humble, and make do with little. The desire for pleasure, in any of its manifestations, has never been welcomed by religions. On the contrary, it is generally accepted that giving up such pleasures will cleanse the body and soul and bring them closer to spiritual benefits.

The opposite of modesty in the religious understanding is pride. This is a sin because it does not allow the individual to show forgiveness, compassion, and humility. Even Christ himself washed his feet own students. IN this action there is a hidden importance that is not immediately noticeable. Hidden here is not just the meaning of renouncing superiority, but also the sacrament of purifying the soul.

Pros of modesty

Let's consider the pros and cons of such a quality as modesty. Let's start with the positive side.

Usually, modesty is inherent in girls because this quality is characteristic of them; it is a decisive factor in creating character. Modest girls have always been an example of femininity. This quality was considered an indicator of manners, politeness, and education. From childhood, girls were taught rules, etiquette, and good manners in schools. Initially, they were instilled with modesty.

IN present time modesty has no such thing high value, but did not go unnoticed. WITH people like this It’s easier to communicate, they are not rude, they don’t offend people. At the same time, we are always ready to help and support. These people do not exalt themselves above others; they maintain some distance. Such a person is unlikely to be able to ask you for anything, but he will gladly fulfill your requests, even to his own detriment.

Modest individuals rarely become the center of intrigue or gossip; rumors do not circulate about them. If you do not like to be in the center of the company, you are an altruist, then modesty is your quality.

Disadvantages of modesty

But not everyone is sure that modesty should be classified as positive trait personality. Some consider this particular trait to be the reason for unluckiness, because modesty is the main disadvantage of a modern person.

But in reality, what does the world know about humble individuals? Nothing. None of famous people cannot be called modest or insecure. Based on this, it is concluded that modesty is not required to achieve heights and prosperity. But this is not the entire list of disadvantages. Modesty causes failures on the personal front.

According to statistics, most of Men prefer modest girls, but in practice everything is different. Modesty interests a representative of the stronger sex only in the initial stages, when it acts as a mystery. But if it does not go away with the development of the relationship, then the man loses interest and switches to more relaxed representatives of the fairer sex.

It turns out that due to excessive modesty a girl is capable of losing her chance and being left alone. This quality is a hindrance not only on the personal front, but in building a career. Moving up when you do all the work for yourself and your colleagues and do not try to get a salary increase becomes impossible.

Humble individuals never desire leadership. What they have is enough for them; they do not try to improve their lives. It is worth saying that there are enough arguments against modesty to force you to reconsider your own attitude towards this trait. Modesty gains negative traits, If:

is on display. This approach is often used insecure people. The one who demonstrates his own shyness and modesty achieves praise. Such actions are called false modesty;
natural modesty is called positive quality, if only she did not become the cause of complexes. Often excessive modesty and lack of self-confidence become a real problem. They do not allow the personality to develop.

The reason for excessive modesty, as psychologists are sure, can be the following factors:

genetic. Researchers claim that there is a gene for shyness. From the moment of birth, it is noticeable in individuals with an unstable nervous system;
upbringing. The wrong approach to education and lack of communication skills become constraining for a person, they force him to become overly shy;
childhood trauma. Because of the shock that the person experienced in early age, many qualities can suffer, so modesty is not an exception.

How to get rid of modesty

There are several options for answering the question of how to get rid of modesty. One of them involves character building, training and special classes. Another is to seek support from a specialist. For self-training of character, the following recommendations are suitable:

If you want to do or say something, do it, even if the words or actions turn out to be stupid.
Communicate with others more often. You should not refuse a possible meeting with classmates, classmates, colleagues or friends. Remember, in childhood modesty does not hinder communication.
Stop tormenting yourself with reproaches for failing at something. On the contrary, celebrate what you did well. Think about how to fix what doesn't work.
Use the “casual acquaintance” training. To do this, come to a place where there are a lot of people and try to meet and communicate with complete strangers.

If the above methods do not help, then you need to contact a professional psychological help. The expert will conduct all the required diagnostic tests, and if necessary, develop an action plan and tell you how to overcome modesty.

But fight it personal quality is required only when it acquires excessive character. With moderate modesty, be proud of this feeling, remember that it is a person’s adornment.

April 1, 2014

Modesty is a sign of warmth, softness and femininity. Is modesty necessary? modern woman, is this quality in demand today? Many women boldly declare their needs, knowledge, aspirations and desires to the whole world. They pave their way to future happiness, and since childhood they dream of “achieving everything.” People who were brought up in Soviet times, they advise young girls that they need to be more modest.

They sincerely do not understand how they can wear such tight skirts, put so much makeup on their face and walk until dawn. But times, as we know, change, and with the times, people become different. Different manners are instilled, completely opposite methods of education are used. Many things are perceived differently. In a world where you can't turn away, like your place already busy, even strangers they are trying to be rude or push, probably there is no need for modesty. You'll be lost with her.

Therefore, another stereotype has appeared in the world - such a seemingly cute and valuable quality is considered almost shameful. Why? Yes, because the world is ruled by the arrogant and unceremonious. And many people mistake modesty for inhibition, timidity or downtroddenness. In fact, this is completely false. Correct definition modesty is moderation in one's own demands, and not timidity at all. For example, most modern women want to vacation abroad, drive good cars, eat delicious food, live in big house with excellent repairs and so on. They make similar demands on their men. In return, they offer a delicious dinner and a variety of sex. Socialites do not want to fulfill homework and keep an eye on everyday problems. A manicure is much more important to them than a husband left without a fresh shirt. Modest girls who take care of a man and the cleanliness of the house are simply in great demand. They will not command the servants, will not prove anything, or fight for their spouse’s salary. Probably for this reason, wealthy people often choose girls from provincial towns as wives.

Modesty implies a lack of desire for beautiful life. Main advantages modest girl- self-respect and inner dignity. She always shows respect for others and prefers to listen rather than talk. At the same time, a modest woman always has good self-esteem, so she doesn’t have to assert herself by posting photos from fashionable resorts or showing her friends what branded outfits she bought in an expensive boutique.

Modesty is also shown outwardly. In any case, a modest woman will not allow herself to look vulgar; for her, the concept of “style” is close, and not at all “fashion”. Elegance and moderation in everything. Psychologists analyzing this topic Literally bit by bit, we came to the conclusion that modesty helps to find female happiness. This quality It starts in childhood, but you can keep it by working hard on yourself.

17 comments to “Does a modern woman need modesty?”

    Modesty has always been valued and is still valued. Modesty can be understood in different ways, but modesty is most relevant in a woman’s needs and ambitions. Not every man will like an overly demanding wife who forces her husband to work hard at work in order to earn more money. A modest and tactful wife who values ​​love and care will please her husband much more; he will be ready to move mountains for her.

    You are confusing modesty with self-sufficiency. Modesty is timidity when a person (no matter a woman or a man) is afraid to express himself, even if it is vitally necessary for him; a self-sufficient person simply does not need to flaunt what outsiders should not know; he will be able to demonstrate his value to society and assert himself using standard techniques. At the same time, such a person will not hide his skills and talents when necessary, for example, when writing a resume for employment. Therefore he has much more chances that they will approve his candidacy. A modest person will prefer to keep silent about this, because in childhood he was taught that it is not good to brag, so he is unlikely to get a job. And this applies to any area of ​​our life, there is the same tough competition. The humble simply will not survive in the conditions of " natural selection" Teenagers should be taught moderation, first of all, in their desires. Will they self-sufficient people, depends on their environment.

    Modesty is falsely interpreted as an inherent property of women (or at least one that should be inherent). Gender is quite vague concept, and it would be much more appropriate to consider modesty not must have women, and a possible trait, therefore, of both female and male individuals. Do you know modest guys? I do, yes, and it’s individual. Don't stereotype women...

    But everyone must decide this question for themselves exclusively. It must be admitted that modesty comes into some conflict with the rhythm modern life And modern views for the role of a woman. However, it seems to me that for the most part all this is feigned and modest women remain in price. Perhaps they should not be ashamed to be themselves.

    In general, modesty is a very relevant and controversial topic :)
    For example, I cannot say with certainty who I would choose - a modest or immodest girl. Rather, I am for showing modesty in certain situations, and for removing it in others. In my opinion, modesty is a very common concept. It includes a number of other signs, not just the lack of desire for a beautiful life, self-esteem and inner dignity. Modesty also has many shades, it can be caused for various reasons, such as the charming modesty of a young girl, caused more by uncertainty and embarrassment, or the modesty of a woman that comes with self-awareness and life experience. In my opinion, modesty is inherent in women who set their goal not to earn money, luxury, but family life. This does not mean that this woman will deny a rich life: it is simply not her priority.
    This is how I see a modest woman) In principle, our opinions with the author are similar, I just wanted to make some adjustments)

    Modesty is a very vague concept. What was called modesty among our grandmothers is different from the concept of “modesty” among our parents and is radically different from the concept of “modesty” among the generation of the 90s. In the world of social networks

    Modesty is a very vague concept. What was called modesty among our grandmothers is different from the concept of “modesty” among our parents and is radically different from the concept of “modesty” among the generation of the 90s. In the world of social networks, the concept of modesty is even more vague. A photo in a swimsuit can be interpreted in different ways. On the beach, a swimsuit is the norm, even though many people see you, and photos on social media. networks may cause reproaches. I don’t consider it immodest to want to make a career or achieve a higher wages. Now it’s normal for a woman to work and earn money.

    It doesn't matter what century we all live in. Modesty has always been spoken of with respect. Yes, many modern girls and women forgot about this concept and completely in vain. It seems that guys love cheeky ladies. But in reality, they only spend time with them. And modest women are protected, honored and respected. So, there is no need to be ashamed of your modesty. You will never fall in anyone's eyes.

    A person should be harmonious, or at least strive for this, and modesty is one of human qualities characteristic of anyone, no matter man or woman. The modern way of life dictates its own conditions for survival and behavior in society, especially since it puts pressure on a woman whose modesty, in the concept of a man, is a sign of sexuality. And whether a modern woman needs modesty in most cases is decided spontaneously and individually, but it is at least unreasonable to prevail over it.

    “Psychologists who have analyzed this topic literally bit by bit have come to the conclusion that modesty helps to find female happiness.”
    I observed the truth of this statement myself. My close friend, beautiful and a smart girl, recently gave birth to her third child. She is very happy - her husband loves, appreciates and takes care of her. She takes care of the house and children, has left her job for now, and plans to later reach 0.5 times the salary. So her husband was the most promiscuous and frivolous guy at our institute. But, as he himself says, she hooked him precisely with her purity and modesty. He always had money and many girls tried to get the most out of him. But she considered it indecent - that’s how she was raised.
    And in general, if you look around, men after 35 years begin to incline to the fact that modesty and caring in a wife are the main thing.

    I agree with the author. A person can have great authority and respect, but at the same time be modest. Modesty does not show itself off. Humble person knows how to listen. He proves his talents not with words, but with deeds. Such a person is not focused on himself, but is able to help and lift. At the same time, without wanting fame for myself. Usually a humble person is praised by others, not himself. And such a personality is worthy of praise!

    I agree that the concept of modesty is not unambiguous, in different layers society, in different regions one country in different countries and layers of different incomes, the traits inherent in a modest girl will be different and perceived completely differently, but called the same. Someone will be driving a modest car for one million dollars and in the circle of their wealthy friends driving cars ten times more expensive, she will be modest, outfits will be regarded similarly, it will be completely different in ordinary non-celebrity strata, where refusal may be considered modesty. drinking with the whole company or smoking cigarettes, of course, these are extremes, but still, each person must choose a style of behavior that is comfortable for herself and does not cause negativity from others, although sometimes this is not at all easy.

    Modesty and restraint are one of the main female qualities, which are certainly perceived positively by all men; women with such qualities are valuable, and therefore you can often hear the opposite from envious girlfriends, because they themselves have lost such qualities. There are many ways to emphasize your figure, your taste in clothing and makeup, while remaining gentle, bright and beautiful, unfortunately, many use an unprofessional approach and make their image vulgar, which is why others react accordingly.

    What is modesty? - I could be wrong, but everyone has their own idea. Lifestyle, beliefs, even appearance features - all this influences a girl’s behavior in different ways, so their “modesty” will be different. Yes, often a modest person is mistaken for downtrodden, and now it’s easier for arrogant individuals, I agree with this a thousand percent, let alone a hundred percent, therefore, having experienced the “charms” of modest behavior, I began to distinguish between situations when modesty is a virtue and when modesty is — a reason to sit on one’s neck, that is, to find “ golden mean" A modest girl is generally not expected to rebuff boors, they say, she’s a downtrodden fool, and she won’t really understand, but if she understands, she’ll still be embarrassed and afraid to offend, and if she’s not afraid, then we’ll throw another caustic phrase at her, and she’ll quiet down! NOT TRUE! I completely agree with the article, it’s a terrible stereotype started by those who want to do dirty tricks with impunity! Just like the belief of some that the shy little one sits in the corner and doesn’t know how to have fun, doesn’t joke or laugh. It’s infuriating to think that dancing on the table is an indicator of confidence and sexuality, and shyness in the company of strangers is an anomaly! People, believe me, quiet people also don’t mind having fun and going to a club with their girlfriends, they just don’t need demonstrative behavior for comfort and joy. For me, a modest woman is one who simply does good and behaves with dignity, but will never say: “I am modest”! Well, very modest lady, if you don’t praise yourself, then don’t expect others to praise you!!! I believe that you can wear diamonds modestly if you silently know that you have more than others, but do not boast about it and do not show off an expensive ring or a branded handbag. This modest girl exudes modesty from her. Even the concept of “modest woman” describes the concept of “simplicity”. Ease of communication with others, not pretentious behavior when you have a sports car in your garage, but you understand perfectly well that this is not accessible to everyone and you communicate equally with both pensioners and directors. Yes, you are right about the wardrobe of a modest woman, this is “style”! Sequins and minis for a party, jeans for school, and classics for an interview! Modesty cannot be a fashionable or outdated concept. Kindness and appropriate behavior always at a premium, but the ability to show your teeth in time is a must!


The image of femininity is made up of many feminine qualities: softness, flexibility, openness, naturalness, dignity, beauty, the ability to listen, trust... But this list would not be complete without such a quality as modesty.

What does this quality mean to you?
Is it developed for you?
Would you like to develop humility?

I am sure that many will answer “no”, and not so long ago I myself would have started developing anything but modesty... Do we know what modesty is? And why are we afraid to be modest?

Women, not understanding the depth of this quality, are afraid to be modest, and deliberately develop the opposite qualities in themselves. If a woman is afraid that she will not be noticed, offended, or bypassed, then she develops breakthrough skills, professing the principle of competition, that there are not enough normal men for everyone and that she needs to fight for her happiness, etc.

The opposite of modesty are qualities such as:

boasting, vulgarity, swagger, pride, tactlessness, unceremoniousness, licentiousness, permissiveness, impudence, vanity, narcissism, arrogance. And these qualities hardly adorn a woman.

We often confuse modesty with shyness, shyness, and sometimes with downtroddenness and complexes. Timid people they are afraid to express their point of view, they are not confident in themselves, they do not know how to express themselves.

✿ And a modest person is self-confident, self-sufficient and wise. He does not need to prove anything to anyone or attract attention to himself.

✿ Modesty is a quality acquired rather than given by nature. This is achieved through education and internal work above oneself. Only mature man can be modest.

✿ A modest person has inner dignity and self-esteem.

✿ Modesty always adorns a person, and especially a woman!

✿ Modesty implies respect for others.

✿ A modest woman is interested in other people, their views and their worldview. Sincere interest in other people allows you to expand your understanding of this world. After all, each of us has something unique that the other does not have.

✿ Modesty is awareness of your boundaries and the boundaries of another person. Such a woman will never impose her decisions and opinions on others. Humility involves respecting another person's choices, even if you don't like those choices. This is a certain tact. Often immodest people are tactless.

✿ Modesty presupposes the absence of vanity.

✿ A modest woman does not stick out and put herself in the foreground: “This is who I am, look at me!”

Immodest people are more often fixated on themselves, on their merits and their achievements; it is important for them to demonstrate them and not just demonstrate them, but also to receive attention, extol themselves, and, if possible, cause envy.

Immodest people often realize themselves at the expense of others; they do not allow a word to be inserted in a conversation and always pull the blanket over themselves. They are desperately seeking recognition.

This eternal desire to receive approval and recognition from others takes a lot of energy, deprives one of peace, a person lives all the time, focusing on others, and not on himself.

✿ Modesty in behavior and appearance presupposes a certain measure in clothing, in cosmetics, in emotions, in words. A modest woman watches and takes care of herself, but her style will never be vulgar, tasteless or shocking. And of course any kind of provocation with nudity is excluded various parts bodies.

✿ A modest woman has grown out of narcissism, this process becomes uninteresting. She has no need to brag about her acquisitions, her achievements, her talents, or her natural abilities. She will not post her photos publicly on in social networks to arouse someone's envy or to gain the approval of strangers.

✿ A modest woman will never demonstrate her successes and achievements, especially in front of a man. Because she respects men and recognizes male authority. A modest woman will not interrupt a man. And also he will not rush to give advice and express his opinion. Modesty excludes categoricalness and a commanding tone.

✿ A modest woman knows her worth, and there is no need for her to appear better than she really is. Therefore, she will not strongly attract attention to herself or demonstrate her exclusivity.

An immodest woman can take on a lot of things, and then demonstrate her “successes” to everyone or portray herself as a victim of circumstances.

An immodest woman always expects praise from others, that everyone will notice her merits and, in general, everything that she does. And when this does not happen, disappointment and resentment grow in the soul.

Pride does not allow you to enjoy what you already have, it makes a woman think that she deserves better than what she has, including a man. This eternal dissatisfaction prevents a woman from being happy. Inner modesty allows you to feel the boundaries of what is permitted in relationships. Therefore, quarrels and conflicts with a man are excluded.

✿ Modesty is, first of all, an understanding of one’s boundaries, limits and feminine capabilities.

Benefits of modesty:

✿ Modesty makes it possible to look at this world more broadly and learn from others, to take the best from them.

✿ A modest woman does not judge or condemn others, because she does not consider her opinions and views to be the only correct ones. That's why modest woman there is no threat of pride, which deprives a woman of peace and happiness.

✿ Modesty will allow you to always have a good relationship with the people around you.

✿ Modesty allows a woman to accumulate energy without spilling left and right. This is an energy saving quality. You do not try to attract attention to yourself either through clothing that is revealing, vulgar and shocking, or through behavior that shocks others. This quality helps you maintain inner peace and strength.

✿ Modesty will allow you to concede primacy to a man, since you will be able to step aside and not get ahead of him. And even more so, give advice when you are not asked for it.

✿ Modesty will emphasize all your virtues: kindness, naturalness, sincerity, gentleness and beauty and, of course, femininity.

✿ And it will be a good amulet and protection from envy and various negativity.

A woman's modesty is very beautiful. She conquers and wins over.

The following qualities are closely associated with modesty: naturalness, dignity, good manners, responsiveness, goodwill and tact.

Modesty is a very feminine quality that makes a woman harmonious and very attractive to the opposite sex. By developing this quality, your life will become easier - more harmony, kindness and love will appear in your life.

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