How do organic and inorganic substances differ? What is the difference between organic and non-organic products? Application of rotted manure

Does everyone know what is meant by “organic products” and how they differ from conventional ones? Let's find out!

Organic food: find the differences

The first difference that catches your eye is the price. The question immediately arises - why does the same, at first glance, product cost more if it is labeled “organic”? How is flour for 50 rubles different from flour for 150?

Some will shrug their shoulders and simply choose what is cheaper.

And we will figure out what the difference is

First of all, products that are grown without the use of GMOs, synthetic pesticides and growth regulators, which pose the greatest health hazard, are considered organic.

For example, flour labeled “organic” will be made from grain grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers that accelerate growth and in a place where there are no plants with harmful emissions.

I would like to note that “organic food” is not a modern invention. All components of the product are aged naturally, thanks to the sun, water and care in environmentally friendly conditions.

And to fertilize the soil and protect plants from diseases and pests, only organic biofertilizers and biological products are used.

Our ancestors were engaged in the same organic farming, but due to the pursuit of the quantity of harvest, we had to resort to various tricks, which do not always reflect well on the quality of the product

The essence of organic farming, in contrast to mass farming, is the complete refusal to use chemicals and other additives that can harm health and the soil. As a result, farmers receive an environmentally friendly harvest.

Healthier and tastier

What does it mean for a product grown in environmentally friendly conditions?

And the fact that this product, first of all, is healthier, because it does not contain pesticides, nitrates and other harmful substances that our body does not need.

Of course, the result of the impact here is very delayed - all this affects our body gradually, until around the age of 50 problems with blood pressure, blood vessels, and so on begin. True, we attribute all this to age, but many factors influence our health. And what we eat is not the least of these factors! If not the first one.

The taste of organic products is much brighter and tastier, which is not surprising, because they grow in natural conditions.

Conservation of natural resources

After all chemical treatment sooner or later it depletes the land and it becomes simply unsuitable for harvest. As a result, hectares of land stand empty and the ecosystem is disrupted.

Because organic farming prohibits the use of herbicides and other chemicals to kill weeds and pests, many more resources are required to care for the soil. This is also due to more high price for organic products.

Eco-friendly production

Certifying organizations monitor not only the quality of farming, the entire production cycle is under control. You will not find flavor enhancers in organic products. appearance, as well as additional additives that seem to make the cooking process easier, but in fact later affect our health.

Ecolabels for organic products

In advantages organic products we figured it out, now we’ll find out how to really distinguish quality product from the unfounded “organic” label, behind which unscrupulous manufacturers can hide ordinary mass-produced products.

There are organic certifications that are recognized throughout the world. The presence of such marks on the packaging guarantees that the product is really grown in accordance with all the rules, without the use of pesticides, GMOs, or harmful chemical fertilizers.

    One of these signs is “Eurosheet” () - sign European system certification of organic products. This label is required for all organic products sold in the European Union.

    The International Federation of Organic Movements also has its own certificate. agriculture– “IFOAM” The World Organic Label was created to replace the many other organic labels, the number of which leads to consumer confusion.

    Some countries have their own national systems certification. One of these countries is Germany. The “Print-BIO” sign () places greater demands on product quality than the organic marks of European Union certificates, so German residents are more willing to buy eco-products with the “Print-BIO” sign.

By seeing one of the certification marks on the packaging, you can be sure of the quality of the product and that the “organic” mark is not an advertising gimmick!

In chemistry, it is traditional to distinguish 2 types of substances - organic and inorganic. What is their specificity?

What are organic substances?

The concept " organic matter " in chemistry corresponds to compounds that are mostly characterized by:

  1. relatively complex molecular structure;
  2. low melting temperatures;
  3. degradability when exposed to high temperatures (with the formation in many cases carbon dioxide and water);
  4. the presence of carbon and hydrogen in molecules;
  5. in many cases - very high molecular weight;
  6. biological origin.

Common organic substances are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids. Total in modern chemistry About 18 million relevant compounds have been classified. According to researchers, it is precisely because of the presence of carbon in the molecules of organic substances that such a huge variety of them is possible. Given chemical element capable of forming the widest range of bonds with other elements.

Mainly, only organic substances are characterized by isomerism - the formation of compounds with the same set of atoms in molecules, but their different arrangements, as a result of which actually different substances are formed in terms of physical and chemical properties.

Thus, the most common isomers are glucose and fructose. They consist of molecules with the same set of atoms, but with different arrangements. The basic properties of glucose and fructose are the same, but there are also quite a lot of differences between them, and therefore they are considered as 2 different substances.

What are inorganic substances?

The concept " inorganic substances"in chemistry corresponds to compounds that are characterized, in turn:

  1. relatively simple molecular structure;
  2. in some cases - very high melting temperatures;
  3. in many cases - extremely difficult decomposition (for example, due to the initial simplicity of the structure);
  4. relatively small molecular weight.

Carbon and hydrogen are not present in all inorganic compounds. The relevant substances are not always of biological origin.

In modern chemistry, there are significantly fewer inorganic compounds classified than organic ones - about 100 thousand. Isomerism is not typical for these substances.

One of the most common inorganic substances in the world is water. Its molecule consists of oxygen and hydrogen atoms, which individually - as gases - can also be considered as inorganic substances. Other commonly encountered types of relevant substances are metals, salts, and various binary compounds.


There is more than one difference between organic substances and inorganic ones. The difference between them can be seen in terms of:

  1. molecular structure;
  2. melting temperatures, decomposition;
  3. molecular weight;
  4. the presence of carbon and hydrogen in the molecule;
  5. origin.

The total number of inorganic substances - 100 thousand - is noticeably inferior to the number of organic substances - 18 million, if you follow the classifications common in modern chemistry.

Having determined what the difference is between organic and inorganic substances, we will reflect the conclusions in a small table.


Organic matter Inorganic substances
Have a relatively complex molecular structureHave a relatively simple molecular structure
Characterized by a relatively low melting and decomposition temperatureIn many cases melt and decompose at very high temperatures
They usually have a high molecular weightTypically have a small molecular weight
In most cases, the molecules contain carbon and hydrogenMay not contain carbon and hydrogen in the molecules
Usually of natural originNot always of natural origin
Available in 18 million varietiesAvailable in 100 thousand varieties

In life we ​​are surrounded by a variety of bodies and objects. For example, indoors this is a window, door, table, light bulb, cup, outdoors - a car, traffic light, asphalt. Any body or object consists of matter. This article will discuss what a substance is.

What is chemistry?

Water is an essential solvent and stabilizer. It has strong heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Aquatic environment favorable for the occurrence of basic chemical reactions. It is characterized by transparency and is practically resistant to compression.

What is the difference between inorganic and organic substances?

There are no particularly strong external differences between these two groups of substances. The main difference lies in the structure, where inorganic substances have a non-molecular structure, and organic substances have a molecular structure.

Inorganic substances have non-molecular structure, therefore they are characterized high temperatures melting and boiling. They do not contain carbon. These include noble gases(neon, argon), metals (calcium, calcium, sodium), amphoteric substances (iron, aluminum) and non-metals (silicon), hydroxides, binary compounds, salts.

Organic matter molecular structure. They have enough low temperatures melting, and they quickly decompose when heated. Mainly composed of carbon. Exceptions: carbides, carbonates, carbon oxides and cyanides. Carbon allows the formation huge amount complex compounds (more than 10 million of them are known in nature).

Most of their classes belong to biological origin (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids). These compounds include nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur.

To understand what a substance is, it is necessary to imagine what role it plays in our lives. By interacting with other substances, it forms new ones. Without them, the life of the surrounding world is inseparable and unthinkable. All items consist of certain substances that's why they play important role in our lives.

In order to get a good harvest, it is necessary not only to water and weed the plants in a timely manner, but also to apply fertilizers. They happen different types, therefore, many owners of suburban areas are interested in what fertilizers should be applied and when. Let us tell you the difference between organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers.

Wastes of plant and animal origin are classified as organic fertilizers. They are available to every gardener, but can only be added to the soil in a rotted form. Organic matter contains all the necessary elements for a good harvest: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The following compositions are most popular among gardeners:

  1. Cow manure is one of the richest sources of nitrogen. It has a long validity period (up to 7 years). It can be applied only once every 4 years and in small portions. If manure is applied frequently, the soil will be oversaturated with nitrogen, which will lead to the formation of nitrates in vegetables. You only need to apply rotted manure, otherwise you can transfer pests and weed seeds into the soil. The application of raw manure leads to increased plant growth, but the inability to form a good harvest.
  2. Bird droppings are a source of all the essential substances necessary for plants. It contains bacteriophages that disinfect the soil. This fertilizer should only be applied in a mixture with peat or turf, since the droppings contain a lot of uric acid. Another way to use bird droppings is to prepare infusions that need to be kept for about 10 days.

  1. Peat is not often used as nutrient. It releases nitrogen rather sparingly and is usually used to improve soil properties. Another area of ​​application of peat is mixing with other organic fertilizers and making compost. If you want to apply it as a fertilizer yourself, then you need to bury the peat on the bayonet of a shovel. To prevent the soil from becoming sour, use dolomite flour and ash.
  2. Many gardeners make their own compost, into which they put a variety of organic waste. Rotted compost can replace humus in its properties. It contains large number nutrients, especially nitrogen. If you use compost, do not immediately sow plants that can accumulate nitrates after adding it. These include beets, lettuce and radishes. It is recommended to use potassium and magnesium salts together with compost.
  3. Ash contains all the necessary substances except nitrogen. It is worth feeding the soil with nitrogenous salts separately, since when used simultaneously with ash they will release ammonia. Ash should not be used to feed seedlings. Remember that every plant needs to be fed organic compounds in due time. If you apply them at the wrong time, there is a risk of not getting the best harvest.

Important! If you do not know how to apply fertilizer correctly, then it is best to add it to the soil before digging - in the fall or spring.

Advantages and disadvantages of organic fertilizers

The main advantage of organic fertilizers is their low price. You can make compost yourself, which will not only saturate the soil with useful elements, but also improve the soil structure. It would seem organic fertilizers consist of some advantages, but they have several disadvantages that need to be taken into account when using:

  • during preparation and spreading over the soil, organic matter emits an unpleasant and pungent odor;
  • if you add too much fertilizer, the plants will become saturated with nitrates;
  • if the fertilizing is prepared incorrectly, the soil can be infected with nematodes, helminths or fungi;
  • Preparation and distribution of organic fertilizers throughout the site requires time and effort.

Important! One of the most simple ways To obtain organic fertilizer is to prepare compost.

To do this, it is enough to mix cleaning, sawdust, pulled out weeds and other waste in a special pit. After three years, fertilizer can be applied to the soil.

What are mineral salts?

Mineral fertilizers can be found in almost every gardening store. They are sold in the form of small granules, solutions or powders. On the one hand, the use of ready-made forms makes it easier to work with fertilizers, but on the other hand, it is important to follow all points of the instructions so as not to exceed the dosage.

Mineral salts are made industrially. They are chemical compounds that are almost ready for use - just mix them with water or water well after adding them to the soil.

They can be divided into groups:

  1. Nitrogen fertilizing is necessary for enhanced plant growth. Depending on the compound used, they can contain from 20 to 46% nitrogen. Gardeners use: urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate or water. The most nitrogen is contained in urea, also called urea. However, it must be used carefully, as it acidifies the soil.
  2. Phosphorus fertilizers are used much less frequently than nitrogen fertilizers. They are needed when plant leaves begin to turn purple shade or scarlet spots. Double superphosphate is most often used for feeding, since it contains more useful substances.
  3. Boron fertilizers are needed almost as often as nitrogen fertilizers. If you notice distorted cucumbers, black marks on carrots or rotting beets, then there is not enough boron in the soil. For square meter Only 3 grams of boric acid is enough for the beds. This amount will solve all problems.
  4. Potassium fertilizers are necessary when marginal burns appear on the plants - the edges of the leaves turn white, and in cucumbers they completely curl. In order to get rid of the deficiency of this substance, it is necessary to add potassium sulfate to the root. Additionally, you can water and spray with a solution of potassium chloride.

Important! Select mineral fertilizers based on the needs of the plants. Only in this case will you get a good harvest and not overdose on fertilizing.

Advantages and disadvantages of mineral supplements

Mineral and organic fertilizers are applied to achieve one goal - obtaining a good harvest. Use ready-made chemical mixtures more convenient. They are suitable for quickly getting rid of a deficiency of any microelement, while organic matter has a prolonged effect and can nourish plants throughout the season.

One of the main advantages of mineral fertilizers is the acceleration of ripening and ensuring high yields. In addition, on each package of mineral fertilizers there is information detailed instructions, which will allow even beginners to use this supplement correctly.

Disadvantages mineral salts can be called:

  • short-term effect (they need to be added to the soil every year);

  • high cost (when compared with compost, which is given to gardeners for free);
  • the harvest is not of the best quality;
  • The structure of the soil does not change from the application of such fertilizers.

Important! If your site does not have the best soil for growing plants, then you should mix it with organic fertilizers. Apply mineral supplements as needed when plants show signs of one type of starvation.

Combined fertilizers

There is another type of fertilizer - combined. They combine all the advantages of mineral salts and organic matter. There are no disadvantages to such fertilizers. The most popular among these additives are: Nitrophoska and Nitroammofoska. They contain organic components and salt, but the concentration of the latter is extremely low, so plants harmful substances they do not accumulate in themselves.

Organomineral mixtures have complex composition and can be produced in the form of a dry mixture, solution or granules. They practically do not change the acidity of the soil, so they can be used on different soils. The only thing that combined fertilizers cannot do is make the soil looser. If you have clay soil on your site, then you should use compost mixtures, peat and sand.

Combined mixtures have different compositions. The most common are nitrogen-phosphorus mixtures and options with the addition of a third component - potassium. You should choose what kind of fertilizing you will apply to your plot based on the type of plant being grown and its needs. For example, for tomatoes, options with the addition of potassium are suitable, and for onions, a nitrogen-phosphorus composition is sufficient.

Every science is full of concepts, and if they are not mastered, topics based on these concepts or indirect ones can be very difficult to learn. One of the concepts that should be well understood by every person who considers himself more or less educated is the division of materials into organic and inorganic. It doesn’t matter how old a person is, these concepts are on the list of those with the help of which they determine general level development at any stage human life. In order to understand the differences between these two terms, you first need to find out what each of them is.

Organic compounds - what are they?

Organic substances - group chemical compounds With heterogeneous structure, which include carbon elements, covalently linked to each other. The exceptions are carbides, coal, carboxylic acids. Also, one of the constituent substances, in addition to carbon, are the elements of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and halogen.

Such compounds are formed due to the ability of carbon atoms to form single, double and triple bonds.

The habitat of organic compounds is living beings. They can be either part of living beings or appear as a result of their vital activities (milk, sugar).

The products of the synthesis of organic substances are food, medicine, clothing items, building materials, various equipment, explosives, various types mineral fertilizers, polymers, food additives, cosmetics and more.

Inorganic substances - what are they?

Inorganic substances are a group of chemical compounds that do not contain the elements carbon, hydrogen or chemical compounds whose constituent element is carbon. Both organic and inorganic are components of cells. The first in the form of life-giving elements, the others in the composition of water, minerals and acids, as well as gases.

What do organic and inorganic substances have in common?

What could be common between two seemingly antonymous concepts? It turns out that they have something in common, namely:

  1. Substances both organic and inorganic origin consist of molecules.
  2. Organic and inorganic substances can be obtained as a result of a certain chemical reaction.

Organic and inorganic substances - what is the difference

  1. Organic ones are better known and scientifically studied.
  2. There are much more organic substances in the world. Quantity known to science organic - about a million, inorganic - hundreds of thousands.
  3. Most organic compounds are linked to each other using the covalent nature of the compound; inorganic compounds can be linked to each other using an ionic compound.
  4. There is also a difference in the composition of the incoming elements. Organic substances consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and less commonly nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and halogen elements. Inorganic - consist of all elements of the periodic table, except carbon and hydrogen.
  5. Organic substances are much more susceptible to the influence of hot temperatures and can be destroyed even at low temperatures. Most inorganic ones are less susceptible to the effects of extreme heat due to the nature of the type of molecular compound.
  6. Organic substances are the constituent elements of the living part of the world (biosphere), inorganic substances are the nonliving parts (hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere).
  7. The composition of organic substances is more complex in structure than the composition of inorganic substances.
  8. Organic substances offer a wide variety of possibilities chemical transformations and reactions.
  9. Because of covalent type connections between organic compounds chemical reactions in time last somewhat longer than chemical reactions in inorganic compounds.
  10. Inorganic substances cannot be a food product for living beings; even moreover, some of this type of combination can be deadly to a living organism. Organic substances are a product produced by living nature, as well as an element of the structure of living organisms.

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