Aphtha and other organic compounds of the cell. Nucleic acids, ATP and other organic compounds of the cell

Topic: ATP and others organic compounds cells/
Lesson stages Time Lesson progress
Teacher activity Student activity
I.Organizational moment Organizational moment
II. Checking d/z 1520 min. 1. student at the blackboard comparative characteristics of DNA and RNA
2. student DNA characteristics
3. student characteristics of RNA
4. construction of a section of a DNA molecule
5. principle of complementarity. What is it? Draw on the board.
III. Studying new material 20 min. ATP and other organic compounds of the cell

1. What is energy, What types of energy do you know?
2. Why is energy necessary for the life of any organism?
3. What vitamins do you know? What is their role?
ATP. Structure. Functions. Nucleotides are structural basis for a number of important
vital activity of organic substances. The most widespread among them
are high-energy compounds (high-energy compounds containing rich
energy, or macroergic bonds), and among the latter - adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
ATP consists of the nitrogenous base adenine, the carbohydrate ribose and (unlike the nucleotides of DNA and
RNA) of three phosphoric acid residues (Fig. 21).
ATP is a universal storehouse and carrier of energy in the cell. Almost everyone walking in a cage
biochemical reactions that require energy use ATP as its source.
When one phosphoric acid residue is removed, ATP is converted to adenosine diphosphate (ADP),
if another phosphoric acid residue is separated (which is extremely rare), then ADP
turns into adenosine monophosphate (AMP). When separating the third and second phosphorus residues
acid is released a large number of energy (up to 40 kJ). This is why the connection between
These phosphoric acid residues are called macroergic acid (it is denoted by the symbol ~).
The bond between ribose and the first phosphoric acid residue is not macroergic, and when it is
The fission releases only about 14 kJ of energy.
ATP + H2O ADP + H3PO4+ 40 kJ,
ADP + H2O – AMP + H3PO4 + 40kJ,
Macroergic compounds can also be formed on the basis of other nucleotides. For example,
guanosine triphosphate (GTP) plays important role in a number of biochemical processes, however ATP
is the most common and universal source of energy for most
biochemical reactions occurring in the cell. ATP is found in the cytoplasm, mitochondria,
plastids and nuclei.
Vitamins. Biologically active organic compounds - vitamins (from Lat., vita - life)
absolutely necessary in small quantities for the normal functioning of organisms. They
play an important role in exchange processes, often being integral part enzymes.
Vitamins were discovered by the Russian doctor N.I. Lunin in 1880. The term “vitamins” was proposed in
1912 by Polish scientist K. Funk. Currently, about 50 vitamins are known. Daily allowance
the need for vitamins is very small. So, the least amount of vitamin B12 required for a person is -
0.003 mg/day, and most of all - vitamin C - 75 mg/day.
Vitamins stand for with Latin letters, although each of them has a name. For example,
vitamin C - ascorbic acid, vitamin A - retinol, and so on. Just vitamins
dissolve in fats, and they are called fat-soluble (A, D, E, K), others are soluble in water
(C, B, PP, H) and are accordingly called water-soluble.
Both deficiency and excess of vitamins can lead to serious disorders of many
physiological functions in organism.

>> ATP and other organic compounds of the cell

ATP and other organic compounds of the cell.

1. What organic matter You know?
2. What vitamins do you know? What is their role?
3. What types of energy do you know?
4. Why is energy necessary for the life of any organism?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleotide consisting of the nitrogenous base adenine, carbohydrates ribose and three phosphoric acid residues (Fig. 12), found in the cytoplasm, mitochondria, plastids and nuclei.

ATP is an unstable structure. When one phosphoric acid residue is separated, ATP turns into adenosine diphosphate (ADP), if another phosphoric acid residue is separated (which is extremely rare), then ADP turns into adenosine monophosphate (AMP). When each phosphoric acid residue is separated, 40 kJ of energy is released.

ATP + H2O → ADP + H3PO4 + 40 kJ,
ADP + H2O →AMP + H3PO4 + 40 kJ.

The bond between phosphoric acid residues is called high-energy (it is designated by the symbol -) since its rupture releases almost four times more energy than the cleavage of other chemical bonds (Fig. 13).

ATP is a universal source of energy for all reactions occurring in the cell.

Vitamins (from Latin vita - life) are complex bioorganic compounds necessary in small quantities for normal life. organisms. Unlike other organic substances, vitamins are not used as a source of energy or building material. Organisms can synthesize some vitamins themselves (for example, bacteria are able to synthesize almost all vitamins), other vitamins enter the body with food.

Vitamins are usually designated by letters Latin alphabet. The basis modern classification Vitamins rely on their ability to dissolve in water and fats. There are fat-soluble (A, D, E and K) and water-soluble (B, C, PP, etc.) vitamins.

Vitamins play a big role in metabolism and other vital processes of the body. Both deficiency and excess of vitamins can lead to serious disturbances in many physiological functions in the body.

In addition to the organic compounds listed above (carbohydrates, lipids, squirrels, nucleic acids, vitamins) there are always many other organic substances in any cell. They are intermediate or final products of biosynthesis and breakdown.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Adenosine monophosphate (AMP). Macroergic connection.

Vitamins are fat-soluble and water-soluble.

1. What is the structure of the ATP molecule?
2. What function does ATP perform?
3. What connections are called macroergic?
4. What role do vitamins play in the body?

Kamensky A. A., Kriksunov E. V., Pasechnik V. V. Biology 9th grade
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Full name of educational institution:Department of Secondary vocational education Tomsk region OGBPOU "Kolpashevo Social-Industrial College"

Course: Biology

Section: General biology

Age group: Grade 10

Subject: Biopolymers. Nucleic acids, ATP and other organic compounds.

Purpose of the lesson: continue the study of biopolymers, contribute to the formation of logical techniques and cognitive abilities.

Lesson objectives:

Educational:introduce students to the concepts of nucleic acids, promote comprehension and assimilation of the material.

Educational: develop the cognitive qualities of students (the ability to see a problem, the ability to ask questions).

Educational: to form positive motivation for studying biology, the desire to gain final result, ability to make decisions and draw conclusions.

Implementation time: 90 min.


  • PC and video projector;
  • author's presentation created in Power Point;
  • dispensing didactic material(amino acid coding list);


1. Types of nucleic acids.

2. Structure of DNA.

3. Main types of RNA.

4. Transcription.

5. ATP and other organic compounds of the cell.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.
Checking readiness for class.

II. Repetition.

Oral survey:

1. Describe the functions of fats in the cell.

2. What is the difference between protein biopolymers and carbohydrate biopolymers? What are their similarities?

Testing (3 options)

III. Learning new material.

1. Types of nucleic acids.The name nucleic acids comes from Latin word"nucleos", i.e. nucleus: they were first discovered in cell nuclei. There are two types of nucleic acids in cells: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). These biopolymers are made up of monomers called nucleotides. The nucleotide monomers of DNA and RNA are similar in basic structural features and play central role in storage and transmission hereditary information. Each nucleotide consists of three components connected by strong chemical bonds. Each of the nucleotides that make up RNA contains a tricarbon sugar - ribose; one of four organic compounds called nitrogenous bases - adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil (A, G, C, U); phosphoric acid residue.

2. Structure of DNA . The nucleotides that make up DNA contain a five-carbon sugar - deoxyribose; one of four nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine (A, G, C, T); phosphoric acid residue.

In the composition of nucleotides, a nitrogenous base is attached to a ribose (or deoxyribose) molecule on one side, and a phosphoric acid residue on the other. Nucleotides are connected to each other in long chains. The backbone of such a chain is formed by regularly alternating sugar and phosphoric acid residues, and the side groups of this chain are formed by four types of irregularly alternating nitrogenous bases.

The DNA molecule is a structure consisting of two strands, which are connected to each other along their entire length by hydrogen bonds. This structure, unique to DNA molecules, is called a double helix. A feature of the DNA structure is that opposite the nitrogenous base A in one chain lies the nitrogenous base T in the other chain, and the nitrogenous base C is always located opposite the nitrogenous base G.

Schematically, what has been said can be expressed as follows:

A (adenine) - T (thymine)

T (thymine) - A (adenine)

G (guanine) - C (cytosine)

C (cytosine) - G (guanine)

These pairs of bases are called complementary bases (complementing each other). DNA strands in which the bases are located complementary to each other are called complementary strands.

The model of the structure of the DNA molecule was proposed by J. Watson and F. Crick in 1953. It was fully confirmed experimentally and played an extremely important role in the development molecular biology and genetics.

The order of arrangement of nucleotides in DNA molecules determines the order of arrangement of amino acids in linear protein molecules, i.e. their primary structure. A set of proteins (enzymes, hormones, etc.) determines the properties of the cell and the organism. DNA molecules store information about these properties and pass them on to generations of descendants, i.e. they are carriers of hereditary information. DNA molecules are mainly found in the nuclei of cells and in small quantity in mitochondria and chloroplasts.

3. Main types of RNA.Hereditary information stored in DNA molecules is realized through protein molecules. Information about the structure of the protein is transmitted to the cytoplasm by special RNA molecules, which are called messenger RNA (i-RNA). Messenger RNA is transferred to the cytoplasm, where, with the help of special organoids– Ribosomes carry out protein synthesis. It is messenger RNA, which is built complementary to one of the DNA strands, that determines the order of amino acids in protein molecules.

Another type of RNA also takes part in protein synthesis - transport RNA (t-RNA), which brings amino acids to the place of formation of protein molecules - ribosomes, a kind of factories for the production of proteins.

Ribosomes contain a third type of RNA, the so-called ribosomal RNA (r-RNA), which determines the structure and functioning of ribosomes.

Each RNA molecule, unlike a DNA molecule, is represented by a single strand; It contains ribose instead of deoxyribose and uracil instead of thymine.

So, Nucleic acids perform the most important biological functions in the cell. DNA stores hereditary information about all the properties of the cell and the organism as a whole. Different kinds RNAs take part in the implementation of hereditary information through protein synthesis.

4. Transcription.

The process of mRNA formation is called transcription (from the Latin “transcription” - rewriting). Transcription occurs in the cell nucleus. DNA → mRNA with the participation of the polymerase enzyme.tRNA acts as a translator from the “language” of nucleotides to the “language” of amino acids,tRNA receives a command from mRNA - the anticodon recognizes the codon and carries the amino acid.

5. ATP and other organic compounds of the cell

In any cell, in addition to proteins, fats, polysaccharides and nucleic acids, there are several thousand other organic compounds. They can be divided into final and intermediate products of biosynthesis and decomposition.

End products of biosynthesisare organic compounds that play an independent role in the body or serve as monomers for the synthesis of biopolymers. The final products of biosynthesis include amino acids, from which proteins are synthesized in cells; nucleotides - monomers from which nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) are synthesized; glucose, which serves as a monomer for the synthesis of glycogen, starch, and cellulose.

The path to the synthesis of each of the final products lies through a series of intermediate compounds. Many substances undergo enzymatic breakdown and breakdown in cells.

The end products of biosynthesis are substances that play an important role in the regulation physiological processes and development of the body. These include many animal hormones. Hormones of anxiety or stress (for example, adrenaline) under conditions of tension increase the release of glucose into the blood, which ultimately leads to an increase in the synthesis of ATP and active use energy stored by the body.

Adenosine phosphoric acids.A particularly important role in the bioenergetics of the cell is played by the adenyl nucleotide, to which two more phosphoric acid residues are attached. This substance is called adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP). ATP molecule is a nucleotide formed by the nitrogenous base adenine, the five-carbon sugar ribose and three phosphoric acid residues. The phosphate groups in the ATP molecule are connected to each other by high-energy (macroergic) bonds.

ATP - universal biological energy accumulator. The light energy of the Sun and the energy contained in the food consumed are stored in ATP molecules.

The average lifespan of 1 ATP molecule in the human body is less than a minute, so it is broken down and restored 2400 times a day.

Energy (E) is stored in the chemical bonds between the phosphoric acid residues of the ATP molecule, which is released when the phosphate is removed:

ATP = ADP + P + E

This reaction produces adenosine diphosphoric acid (ADP) and phosphoric acid (phosphate, P).

ATP + H2O → ADP + H3PO4 + energy (40 kJ/mol)

ATP + H2O → AMP + H4P2O7 + energy (40 kJ/mol)

ADP + H3PO4 + energy (60 kJ/mol) → ATP + H2O

All cells use ATP energy for the processes of biosynthesis, movement, heat production, transmission nerve impulses, glows (for example, in luminescent bacteria), i.e. for all life processes.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

1. Summarizing the material studied.

Questions for students:

1. What components make up nucleotides?

2. Why is the constancy of DNA content in different cells of the body considered evidence that DNA is genetic material?

3. Give comparative characteristics DNA and RNA.

4. Solve problems:

G-G-G-A-T-A-A-C-A-G-A-T complete the second chain.

Answer: DNA G-G-G- A-T-A-A-C-A-G-A-T


(based on the principle of complementarity)

2) Indicate the sequence of nucleotides in the mRNA molecule built on this section of the DNA chain.

Answer: mRNA G-G-G-A-U-A-A-C-A-G-C-U

3) A fragment of one DNA strand has the following composition:

  • -A-A-A-T-T-C-C-G-G-. complete the second chain.
  • -C-T-A-T-A-G-C-T-G-.

5. Solve the test:

4) Which nucleotide is not part of DNA?

a) thymine;

b) uracil;

c) guanine;

d) cytosine;

d) adenine.

Answer: b

5) If the nucleotide composition of DNA

ATT-GCH-TAT - then what should be the nucleotide composition of i-RNA?





Answer: in

Nucleic acids are high-molecular organic compounds formed by nucleotide residues.

Nucleotide - phosphorus esters of nucleosides, noclioside phosphates.

Macroergic connection is covalent bonds, which hydrolyze releasing a significant amount of energy.

Complementarity is the mutual correspondence of biopolymer molecules or their fragments, ensuring the formation of bonds between spatially complementary (complementary) fragments of molecules or their structural fragments due to supramolecular interactions.

2) The DNA molecule contains four types of nucleotides: deoxyadenosine monophosphate (dAMP), deoxyguanosine monophosphate (dGMP), deoxythymidine monophosphate (dTMP), deoxycytadine monophosphate (c! CMP).

3) 1) provides storage and transmission genetic information from cell to cell and from organism to organism;
2) regulation of all processes occurring in the cell.

4) 1. DNA contains the sugar deoxyribose, RNA contains ribose, which has an additional sugar, compared to deoxyribose. hydroxyl group. This group increases the likelihood of hydrolysis of the molecule, that is, it reduces the stability of the RNA molecule.
2. The nucleotide complementary to adenine in RNA is not thymine, as in DNA, but uracil is the unmethylated form of thymine.
3. DNA exists in the form of a double helix, consisting of two separate molecules. RNA molecules are, on average, much shorter and predominantly single-stranded.

5) Ribonucleic acids (RNA) - nucleic acids, polymers of nucleotides, which include an orthophosphoric acid residue, ribose (in contrast to DNA containing deoxyribose) and nitrogenous bases- adenine, cytosine, guanine and uracil (unlike DNA, which contains thymine instead of uracil). These molecules are found in the cells of all living organisms, as well as in some viruses.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is one of two types of nucleic acids that ensure storage, transmission from generation to generation and implementation of the genetic program for the development and functioning of living organisms. The main role of DNA in cells is the long-term storage of information about the structure of RNA and proteins.

6) ATP is the main universal supplier of energy in the cells of all living organisms. ATP - Adenosine triphosphate

7) ATP refers to the so-called high-energy compounds, that is, to chemical compounds, containing bonds, the hydrolysis of which releases significant amount energy. Hydrolysis of high-energy bonds of the ATP molecule, accompanied by the elimination of 1 or 2 phosphoric acid residues, leads to the release, according to various sources, from 40 to 60 kJ/mol.

8) Vitamins are groups of relatively low-molecular organic compounds of various chemical nature. Based on solubility they are divided into two large groups: Fat soluble and water soluble.

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