What can you learn from planetary transits? How to read transits

If you are already well versed in natal astrology, have memorized your chart and want to look into the future, this article is for you.
We have compiled the simplest possible way to predict the future for those who are doing it for the first time. We hope that this article will help remove fears and encourage you to study transit astrology deeper.
Everyone who works with transits, has its own rules, its own vision and its own secrets. In this article we offer help in the “first steps” when working with transit card, and we’ll leave the subtleties and tricks for later.

So, in the program in which you work (in our example it is ZET Geo), we build our natal chart and “put” on it a transit card with tomorrow’s date. This results in a double map, in which the inner circle is natal and the outer circle is transit.

What to Consider When Analyzing Transit

Example of a transit card

1) Let's consider in detail each house of the natal chart, starting from the first, in order to understand which transit planets pass through our houses. Read about transiting planets in houses.

Transit planets in the 1st house

Our example shows that the Moon, retrograde Pluto passes through the first natal house.

2) Let's consider the aspects of transit planets to natal ones. To keep things simple, we will focus only on the connection, because... this is the most important transit aspect. You can read about your aspects.

— We have transit retro Saturn in conjunction with the natal Sun in the 1st house. And the Sun is in trine to transit Uranus, which is passing through the 4th natal house.

Transit Moon in conjunction with natal Pluto in 1 house.

— Transit retro Pluto passes through the 1st house without aspects.

3) Conjunctions of transit planets with cusps of angular houses (cusps of 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses or Asc, Dsc, IC, MC) if any.

Because of this (events, situations, people, etc.)

Planet Saturn – self-discipline, responsibility, order, father, restrictions, power, hard work, etc.

will happen

Conjunction – strong change, change (opposition – loss, refusal, choice; trine – luck, good opportunity; square – expenditure of energy, difficulty, tension; sextile – chance, opportunity.).

– increased responsibility, subordinate position, trials, patience and work, pessimism, self-doubt, or a person’s desire to appear more authoritative, influential, etc.

What will happen and where? What? What will the change concern?

Planet Sun - my “I”, life, my ambitions, individuality, etc.

Natal Sun in 1st house. 1st house – “I”, personality, physical body and appearance, independent decisions, independence, etc.

The Sun rules Leo, a sign intercepted in the 8th house, therefore in in this case We are not considering this house.

Sometimes cards may contain intercepted characters, e.g. the sign is completely contained in the natal house and because of this does not appear on the cusp. Technically, intercepted signs do not control the house.

Estimated forecast

From the information we have collected, we can assume that: due to restrictions and lack of money (Saturn, 2nd house) for education, travel (9th house), etc., a person experiences a global internal change (conjunction). Subject to change appearance, life plans, self-esteem, etc. (Sun, 1st house).

What forecast would you make?

For simplicity of the example, we left only one option. Of course, there may be other options for the development of events, since both houses and planets have a lot of designations. But as you learn to work with your transits, you will always be able to check and correct yourself.

Thus, try to describe each transiting planet that makes an aspect to yours. natal chart. From collected information do something simple forecast and write it down so you can check it in the future. We recommend keeping a “transit diary” where you will write down your forecasts every day. If you find that you made a mistake, it will be easy to understand why and what exactly.

The main thing is not to be afraid to make mistakes! Try it and you will definitely succeed.

“That which passes” is how the concept is translated transit, which is of great importance in Vedic knowledge. Passing through the signs of the zodiac, performing transit, each planet has a direct impact on a person. Moreover, it will influence that house, the sphere that this house represents. In this article you will learn what planetary transits are.

What are planetary transits: duration of periods

Each planet has its own duration:

The Sun stays in one sign for 1 month;

Moon - only 2.5 days in one sign;

Venus, Mercury - stay in one sign for about 1 month;

Mars - there are 1.5-2 months in one sign;

Jupiter - stays in one sign for about 1 year;

Saturn is the longest transit, staying in one sign for 2-2.5 years;

Rahu, Ketu - stay in one sign for 1.5 years;

What are planetary transits in a spiritual sense? These are “rewards” or more often “lessons” that are given to a person by benefic and malefic planets. It is believed that constant spiritual practice can mitigate the malefic influences during the transit of any planet, even Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.

Transits with good power

The influence of transits on a person is individual, but still there is general rules and laws that we will look at below. So, for each planet there is nice houses, moving there, it “softens” and brings good results to the person.

For the Sun these are 3,6,10,11 houses

For the Moon 1,3,6,7,10,11 houses

For Mars 3,6,11 houses

For Mercury 2,4,6,8,10,11 houses

For Jupiter 2,5,7,9,11 houses

For Venus 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11,12 houses

For Saturn 3,6,11 houses

For Rahu, Ketu 3,6,10,11 houses

Please note that strong malefics like Mars and Saturn have only three houses for good transit manifestations. But make no mistake, these will still be “lessons”, but softer than in other houses! It also affects which houses these planets are the owners of, whether they are initially strong or weak in the chart.

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Sade-sati – the most “famous” transit

You have learned what planetary transits are, and you have probably already heard the term “Sade-sati”, which refers to the most difficult, karmic and fateful transit of Saturn in the 1st, 2nd and 12th houses from the Moon. It is believed that Saturn transits are always noticeable and are especially important for analyzing the fate of a person, his spiritual level and health status.

Sade-sati has average duration at 7.5 years old. During this period, we basically “reap the fruits of karma”, we observe fateful events, drastic actions, both destructive and uplifting. After all, it is believed that at this time Saturn generously rewards those who are engaged in spirituality, charity, and self-improvement.

Unfortunately, if you are mired in routine and everyday life, far from spiritual knowledge, then Sade-sati will have to “shake up” you. And Saturn will do this harshly - there is a high probability of complex illnesses, family crises, accidents, and money problems.

Please note that Sade Sati affects the house of personality, the first, so the “blow” or “blessing” will be directed specifically at you. The second home and financial savings will also be affected, which means money, income, deposits and savings will be at risk. And finally, the transit of Saturn through the 12th house within the framework of Sade Sati brings long separations, loss of positions and influence.

Important! To assess the impact of transits on a person, in particular, the transits of Saturn and Sade-sati, you need to take into account two nuances:

  • understand that transit does not work independently and in isolation! Its influence is superimposed on the influence of the current period in a person’s life. That is, if there is a favorable period, it can “smooth out” negative influence transit.
  • The strength of Sade-sati for you will depend on the strength of Saturn and the Moon in your chart. So, this period can pass quietly if you have strong moon, strong Saturn, you are disciplined, persistent, hardworking and, most importantly, a spiritual person!

And, finally, simple ancient wisdom, from the author of “Phaladipika”:

“He who controls himself does not harm anyone, who earns his living honestly, planetary transits are always favorable to him.”

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People seriously interested in astrology often encounter this scientific term, like transits. We’ll look at what this is in our next publication. You will also learn about the basic principles of predictions, retrograde movement and the impact of transits on our lives.

An important part of scientific astrology

Any astrological forecasts(for a year, a month or a day) are based on transits. What does transit mean? In astrology, this term is usually used to refer to the aspects that form the relationship between the position of stars and planets at the birth of a person with the current state of the cosmogram. In order to find out this, it is necessary to draw up a picture that reflects the position of the planets and stars at the moment of a person’s birth. For information other than exact date birth (down to minutes), you need to know the region (latitude and longitude). As a person grows older, the position of the planets in the zodiac circle changes. Thus, planetary transits influence our destinies.

How are transits taken into account in predictions?

Further we will call the natal planet (the one that influenced at birth) natal house. The event itself, which is about to happen, consists of three stages. It originates from the natal position of the planets involved in the transit. Then the main event occurs, and only then the person experiences the consequences of the influence of the transit (result). Astrologers connect planets not only through the house, but also through the sign itself. Moreover, a transit planet may have greater or lesser strength depending on its influence in the natal horoscope.

What types of transits are there?

We have already found out what transits are. Now let's talk about their differences. Fast-moving celestial bodies that influence our lives are usually called personal planets. These include Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun and Moon. They are responsible for a person's character. Slowly moving planets (Saturn, Jupiter) are responsible for the sociality of a particular individual.

Another group, consisting of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, directs its power to profound changes in consciousness. All celestial bodies in the zodiac circle pass through hemispheres, divided into sectors depending on the cardinal directions. Also, each planet has a direct or retrograde period of motion. Moreover, transits of planets in astrology are deeply influenced by retrograde (trying to go backwards) movement. An exception to this list may be Venus, which itself has a reverse rotation.

How an event is formed

Now let's find out in more detail what it is predictive astrology. Transits during the first contact form the situation and are a prerequisite for its occurrence. As we said earlier, retrograde movement has planets important to form a particular event. That is why the second aspect, which gives rise to the development of an event, is most often associated with retrograde. This gives the situation strength, momentum, acceleration. As you understand, the third contact ends the event, and the person has to make one decision or another.

Aspect Connections

The heroes of our today's publication are transits. What are trines, squares, conjunctions and other predictive methods? Let's talk about this briefly right now. While slow-moving planets can warn us of an event, an "invasion" by Mercury, the Moon or Mars can narrow the timing of an event down to the day. The type of aspects formed may include a combination of two celestial bodies, three (trines), four (quadratures) and more.

Doesn't have of great importance, how many celestial bodies influence your situation (the strongest are considered to be conjunction and opposition). Focus your mind on possible consequences. If the proposed event has a pronounced positive imprint, accumulate energy to move forward. If the stars promise negative consequences, be extremely careful in your actions, statements and even thoughts. It's paradoxical, but sometimes the most difficult aspects seem more effective. A person is programmed to be positive and does not see anything out of the ordinary in it. It is customary to struggle with difficulties; as a rule, this brings results.

Predictive methods

Now let's talk about what progressions and transits are in astrology. We have already learned that transit is the main aspect involved in the predictive method. In addition to this, there are additional methods, no less important, but more subjective. These include solar and lunar returns (progressions), intensified by transits. Astrologers are very fond of using detailed charts based on the symbolic location and movement of the planets. This card is called progressive. The progressions themselves (secondary directions) are built on the principle of similarity. The main pair of the cycle is day and year ( solar cycle) or day and month (lunar cycle).

Versatility of aspects

IN this segment time, the transiting planet has a certain position in the sky. This means that it will influence the situation equally for everyone. When the zodiac sign changes, all earthlings experience the energy of a transit planet. The same can be said about the influence of directness or retrograde. All of the above aspects are universal if they do not appear in the natal chart.

Fate teaches a lesson

Transits of planets in astrology are in an orb (interval) from the moment of first contact to the last. In this case, a specific degree, minute is taken into account natal planet and even period. A transit can interact with the natal point several times. Fate allocates this number (or length of time) for a person to learn a specific lesson. Moreover, the better the information is assimilated, the higher the personal development of the individual.

As we have already said, the influence of transits occurs in three contacts or phases. The first encounter with an event (observation) can be a huge shock, because the person has never experienced it before. The second phase, when awareness of what happened occurs, is usually compared to learning. At this stage, a person develops an understanding of the situation and thoughts about managing his actions. Astrologers say that the second phase of transit is the most difficult, because it is during this period that a person needs to look for solutions or ways out. The third contact of transit (not always the last) forms the assimilation of the material. Once alien energy merges with daily memories and transforms into internal resources or experience.

In our today's publication, we get acquainted with such an astrological concept as transits. We have already learned what this is. Now let's delve a little deeper into the theory and look at some interesting facts. Sometimes the transit can be long in time, which means it can consist of five contacts. In this case, at the learning stage, a person will have to “consolidate” the material. Sometimes short-term aspects are observed, especially under the influence of Jupiter and Saturn. In this case, one contact is formed, and the information has already been learned by the person earlier. You can consider such a transit as a reminder.

There are so-called planets of karma - Saturn and Pluto. But if events are clearly predetermined, then transits dwarf planet act in an almost incomprehensible, mystical way. During periods of influence specified planets the person reaps previously activated karma. This means that we are dealing with previously formed thoughts and actions. In addition, you can form karma yourself, or, as astrologers say, “sow seeds.” All created developments can be successfully used in the future. Thus, the transits of Jupiter and Uranus coincide with the so-called sowing time. “What goes around comes around” is absolutely true folk wisdom. During this period, a person discovers his potential for future development.

Our publication has already mentioned transits and quadrants (quarters of the zodiac circle). The quadrants are divided into astronomical spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each period has three zodiac signs, starting with Aries. The spring quadrant symbolizes childhood with the dominant Ceres. People with a highlighted first quadrant in the natal horoscope definitely need a mentor. The second period with dominant Mercury represents youth, the third with dominant Chiron represents maturity, and the fourth (Neptune) represents old age. So, if a person has an autumn quadrant highlighted in his natal chart, he can become a pessimist in life, but only reveal his maximum potential in old age.


In our today's publication on astrology, we looked at concepts such as transits, what aspects are and how they form predictions. We hope our article was useful to you.

In this post I wanted to summarize my knowledge on reading transits. It might be useful to someone else. (Example from my life).

Transit structure. Cause -> Effect.

Transit planet- reason. It carries all the natal information: position, control, aspects. The circumstances of the transit take shape in the house through which the transiting planet passes (in projection onto the natal).
The planet receiving the transit is a consequence. It is something that changes under the influence of a cause. The position of the host planet in the house is the sphere of transformation, the place where events unfold. Acquiring new qualities during the transit period, the aspected planet transfers them to its possessions, i.e. to the house she manages.

Example: Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Uranus-Venus in the 9th house.

Natal Venus rules the 3rd and 4th houses and is in the 9th conjunct natal Uranus, co-manager of the 1st. Thus, the natal chart contains the formula for expansion, improvement (9th house), living conditions (4th house) and relocation (1-3-4-9).
Pluto in natal is responsible for changes, for expanding opportunities, for social assistance from the state (as the ruler of the 9th, 10th in the 8th), for improving living conditions (as the dispositor of Uranus-Venus).
Pluto, transiting through the 9th conjunction with Uranus-Venus, includes the formula for moving and expanding living space.

That. Pluto is the cause - social assistance states.
Uranus-Venus - consequence - moving and improving living conditions.

Two components of transit.

For ease of interpretation, you can decompose the transit into 2 components, and then synthesize the results obtained:
1 Psychological. Each of the planets participating in the transit has its own principle, its own psychology (taking into account the very principle of the planet and its position in the sign in the natal chart). The transit planet modifies the natal one, transmitting its qualities to it at the time of transit.
2. Event-based. Forecasted possible events in accordance with active houses without psychological coloring of the planets. Those. the principle of the planet itself is not taken into account, the emphasis is placed on a bunch of houses, from which a formula of possible events is formed.
Next, you need to link one to the other, determine possible events and their emotional overtones.

Let's take the same example of movingEvent-baseddescribed above. PsychologicallyThe natal principles of Venus, Uranus in Scorpio and Pluto in Libra are at work:Deep emotional changes and experiences, separation from the previous circle of friends,new girlfriends, etc. Thus, the move was accompanied by a complex internal transformation, experiences associated with a change in situation and environment. (The conjunction of transit Lilith with Venus for some time aggravated emotional state, but it was so long ago, I definitely won’t reproduce it, I was 11 years old).

Transit aspects to the natal chart.

A conclusion about the nature of transit aspectation must be made in accordance with the natal chart. Those. We look at whether there is a connection between transiting active planets in the natal chart and the nature of this connection. If there is no such connection in the natal, then the nature of the transit is determined by the transit aspect:
Trine, sextile - harmonious.
Square, opposition - tense.
The connection manifests itself in different ways - 50X50.
If in the natal chart there is a harmonious connection between the planets participating in the transit, then a tense transit creates temporary difficulties, large expenditures of effort, fatigue, but the result does not carry serious consequences. negative consequences. If there is a tense connection in the natal, then the transit includes the problem, realizing it in events. It is worth noting that a person does not always perceive stressful aspects as a problem; for some people this pace of life is familiar and they can achieve good results in a stubborn struggle for a place in the sun. But as a rule it is still hard time and the consequences are tangible.

In the above example, the connection transiting Pluto gave outwardly positive events (a new spacious apartment), but internally a tense time of change, longing for the former environment. There is no major aspect connection between planets in the natal chart. There is only a dispositional connection and semi-sextile of Pluto and Uranus-Venus.

Repeated transit.

Let’s say that in the transit chart (not in the projection onto the natal chart) there is an aspect of the planets that are interconnected in the natal chart, but the transit itself does not affect the natal planets. This means that some events will occur in the lives of other people and will not leave you indifferent; you can react to them very personally, although you yourself are not a direct participant in them.

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