First natal house. Managers

The individual's attention is focused on material problems, and the personality itself will be revealed through the material world. Well, the scope of materiality - from an underground billionaire (Soviet, while they were still underground) to an adept physical health(before Shatalova). That is, the II house has several plans. This is money, this is health, this is a baggage of thoughts and ideas. This may be a person of knowledge. Let's say, if the second house begins in Gemini, then the person will have so much literature that he will live on the landing. And at home there will be books, films and all that stuff.

Ruler of the house in houses

Negative: passion for hoarding, stinginess, thirst for material acquisitions.
Positive: increased attention to material problems, interest in property and resolving financial problems.
This person himself determines his value system. He himself chooses and selects the means that he will use. Such people often neglect conventions and what others expect of them. Sometimes they are overly interested in money and tend to spend a lot of time and effort on earning a living. Money and everything connected with it are extremely important to them. Often such people work in the field of money circulation. IN best case scenario their value system turns out to be harmonious, their financial situation is excellent, and their ability to earn money is pronounced. But with negative development, they constantly experience financial difficulties, waste their talents in vain and rely on a value system that contains obvious flaws.

Indubala. Ruler of the house in houses. (Indian tradition)

The person will be very attached to family life and will be adept at making money. Qualities to be expected include restlessness, generosity and small quantity children. Maybe good education and the ability to foresight.

Ruler of 1st house in 1st house

You are a self-centered person. Independence, pride or selfishness prevails in you, depending on the aspects of the planet. You look important, and you pay attention to the quality of your clothes and jewelry. In first place you have own desires and ideas. Usually you create your own conditions, good or bad, and if the planetary energies are used correctly by you, you can live a long and pleasant life. Your childhood may be quite happy, and your relationship with your parents is good. On the other hand, if the aspects are realized under unfavorable conditions, then you will have to overcome various difficulties associated with your behavior before you achieve satisfaction and happiness. More than anything in the world, you are interested in yourself: your behavior, manners, approach to life. The main question Your life: “Who am I? What do I look like? What interests me? You are egocentric. Everything you do serves one purpose - your satisfaction.

Strong, attractive person, independent spirit; Several marriages are possible. Such people may be selfish or overly materialistic. This arrangement gives physical strength and wide popularity.

Negative: tendency to narcissism, egocentrism, love of excessive independence, excessive desire for independence.
Positive: selfless devotion in the implementation of new programs, independent development own abilities, love for new approaches and bold changes in the situation, the desire for a complete restructuring of one’s life.

Such a person is almost always focused on himself. For him, the prevailing themes are pride, egocentrism and independence. He pays considerable attention to the quality of his clothes and jewelry. Generally speaking, he often puts on an air of importance. His own desires and ideas always come first. Usually he himself creates the conditions for action, and therefore can either get into trouble or be able to live a long and pleasant life. His childhood is pleasant and happy, his relationship with his parents is good. But all this does not exclude that he will have to overcome many difficulties before he achieves satisfaction and happiness. Strong, bright personality.

Gives the power to provide conditions for our well-being; power over enemies. Well aspected: long happy life, good health, harmony, triumph over difficulties. The rating is the opposite if damaged or burned.

This situation highlights creative direction personality, gives it creative concentration and endows it with brightness, which ensures the attraction of surrounding people to this personality. It forces a person to pay attention to own problems, immersing him in the circle of interests of his personality. At good aspects provides a favorable path for creative self-realization.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 2nd house

You are a person who determines your own value system, who chooses and selects the means to use. Such people often disregard conventions and what is expected of them, especially when Mars or Uranus are the rulers of their first house. It may also happen that you will be overly interested in money and will spend a lot of time and effort to earn a living. Money and everything connected with it will be very important to you.

This situation often occurs among people working in monetary circulation systems. If the ruler forms favorable aspects with other planets, then the financial situation will be excellent, the value system will be convenient, and the ability to earn money will be pronounced. If it turns out that the aspects of the ruler are unfavorable, then you will continuously experience financial difficulties and troubles, your values ​​will have a number of shortcomings, and, in addition, you will waste your talents in vain.

The person will be very attached to family life and will be adept at earning money. Qualities to expect include restlessness, generosity and a small number of children. Good education and foresight are possible.

Negative: passion for hoarding, stinginess, thirst for material acquisitions.
Positive: increased attention to material problems, interest in property and resolving financial problems.

This person himself determines his value system. He himself chooses and selects the means that he will use. Such people often neglect conventions and what others expect of them. Sometimes they are overly interested in money and tend to spend a lot of time and effort on earning a living. Money and everything connected with it are extremely important to them. Often such people work in the field of money circulation. At best, their value system is harmonious, their financial situation is excellent, and their ability to earn money is pronounced. But with negative development, they constantly experience financial difficulties, waste their talents in vain and rely on a value system that contains obvious flaws.

Possessive feeling; important attached to benefits and acquisitions.

A lot of work and time is devoted to efforts to get money. Success through hard work. If weak or damaged: loss and need.

The attention of the individual will be focused on material problems, and the personality itself will be revealed through the material world. The range of interests of an individual in material world will depend on which planet is in the position of Almuten I house. Moreover, the scope of interests will be very wide: from an American billionaire and antiquarian to a collector of all sorts of antiquities and a person passionate about his physical self-improvement (tourists, athletes). If Almuten is Mars, then weightlifters are formed.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 3rd house

The transmission and exchange of ideas should be very important to you, but above all it will be about your own ideas. You have clear ideas about everything, and expressing and confirming them is what is most important for you. On trips and business trips, your life is filled with meaning and significance, and they may well be related to your main job. You can often take an active part in the affairs of your brothers and sisters, and perhaps even work with them. In case this younger brothers and sisters, you may find yourself in a position where, for one reason or another, you will have to take responsibility for them. In the event that the planetary energies cannot be used correctly, difficulties and delays may arise in connection with your education. In any case, you will have a need to be recognized, and it will often happen that you will have devoted admirers. Typically, such people have a well-developed sense of humor, and you will be able to joke about yourself, and this ability will help you live well in this world.

Negative: superficiality, fussiness, unfoundedness.
Positive: predisposition to active learning, efficient use information, personality development in contacts and movements.

For such a person, communicating opinions and exchanging ideas is very important. We are talking primarily about his own findings and considerations. The most important thing for him is to have a clear idea of ​​everything, skillfully express it and affirm it in life. On trips and business trips, his life is filled with meaning and meaning, and therefore personal development is closely related to professional concerns. Relatives or neighbors provide great assistance in development.

Such people often take an active part in the affairs of their brothers and sisters. Sometimes they even work together with them. Often they have to take responsibility for these people. With improper development, difficulties and delays arise associated with education and obtaining necessary information. There is a very strong need for others to recognize his merits and characteristics. Such people are very careful to ensure that they always have loyal admirers. Well developed sense of humor. They know how to treat themselves ironically, which makes their earthly existence much easier.

Practical spirit, sociability.

Mental development; voluntary short trips; associations and affairs with brothers or relatives; delay of favorable opportunities. Impaired: limited development or education; restless relatives, travel and letters.

In this case, the individual is characterized by an interest in the field of communications, connections, as well as primary education. This situation in the horoscope creates good students who will be willing to learn everything in life and absorb a variety of knowledge and impressions. This is often typical for writers and journalists.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 4th house

Family and home occupy a central place in your life. This may also include a strong attachment to one of the parents, and most often this is the mother. If the aspects contribute to this, love will prevail in your relationships with relatives. If energy flows will be used incorrectly, you will have to make great efforts to learn good attitude to parents. The parent associated with this position often turns out to be a strong personality, capable of helping others and occupying a leadership position among relatives, and you may follow his example. For you, a home will always represent the basis of life and confidence, and even if you do not become the owner of a home (which is almost impossible), you will still create a place to live where you can find yourself.

Human good origin, property owner; friendly, popular. These people are educated, proficient a large number vehicles, tied to property, to the home environment.

Negative: difficult relationships with parents limit personal development, attachment to family traditions is too strong, and feelings of guilt towards loved ones are expressed.
Positive: the line of personal development is largely predetermined by parents, there is great attention to family and home, to homeland and inheritance tribal traditions. In any case, such people focus their attention on home and family problems.

It is not uncommon to have a strong attachment to one of the parents, often to the mother. In relationships with relatives, love, trust and tenderness prevail; in any case, the relationship is very deep, meaningful and intimate. When development is difficult, great efforts have to be made to learn how to interact competently with parents. Significant parentstrong personality supporting others and guiding relatives. Such a person unconsciously strives to follow his example all his life. For him, home is a symbol of confidence and the foundation of life. He unconsciously gravitates towards diligently creating his own “nest” and achieves this even in the absence of the necessary conditions.

Love for your home. The environment is of great importance.

Profit through lands, mines, inheritance and property. Home connections and affairs with father. Success at the end of life; occult research. Damaged: difficulties through the above and death on home soil.

The individual's attention will be directed to the past. The situation shapes people who observe traditions and reconstruct them. Such people are often “crushed” by parental education. Sometimes from their midst come nationalists and people who are very deeply immersed in occult problems.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 5th house

The desire to gain strong experiences, fiery feelings, a tendency to dramatize. You will be attracted to theater, music and other forms of art. You are open to the point of theatricality, and significant changes in society may be associated with you. But, in addition, you can be a sports lover and an adventurer, fearlessly accepting dangers and adventures in life and love. If you don’t have your own children, then the children of other people will be drawn to you, and this will be mutual. Such people are romantics from birth and have a keen sense of everything related to love. Depending on the aspects, your intimate life will be peaceful or stormy, but perhaps you will experience severe disappointments or major successes. One can say about such people in another way - they are in love with love.

Sharp mind, passionate character. Failures related to children. Such people make good teachers and professional diplomats.

Negative: justifying one's own habits, indulging in emotional weaknesses, excessive attachment to pleasure, a tendency to assert oneself at the expense of children, suppressing them.
Positive: the personality develops independently and spontaneously, freely revealing itself through intimate hobbies, interesting activities and vivid emotional experiences.

Such people almost always turn out to be very creative. They strive for strong experiences, are full of fiery enthusiasm and are prone to drama. They are attracted to all types of art, they are open to the point of theatricality and ostentation. Their activity is so great that they often find themselves at the very center of significant life changes. These are adventurers and adventure lovers, fearlessly accepting dangers and willingly meeting love and surprises. If they do not have their own children, the children of those around them will be drawn to them and this love will be mutual. These are avid sports fans, prone to competition and rivalry. They are romantics from birth and have a keen sense of everything related to love. Intimate life usually proceeds peacefully, although with incorrect development, severe disappointments and noisy successes are possible. They say about such people that they are in love with love itself.

A creative person who prefers pleasure and entertainment to everything.

Enjoyment in pleasures, amusement, games (sports), speculation and children, with a tendency to success through them. Damaged: losses through the above, few children and difficulties through them.

The realization of personality will occur through children, that is, a person’s life will become noticeable only in the next generation. The possibility of influencing the younger generation is increasing. There has been a tendency to strive for intensive disclosure of one’s creative possibilities through pleasure and through liberal professions. The individual will need freedom. This situation in the horoscope is one of the indicators of a strong creative personality.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 6th house

The most important thing in your life is work, and if the ruler aspects favor this, you will do your work with great enthusiasm. Perhaps your work will be related to diet, health or hygiene, and depending on general situation horoscope you may turn out to be either exceptionally neat and good organized person, or as complete opposite, extremely sloppy, absent-minded and careless.

It may seem unexpected, but many people who are devoted to sports have this situation in their horoscopes. Perhaps what actually attracts them to sports is methodicality and high level organization. If the situation in question is in your horoscope, then you will be a slave to your habits, but, however, only until it interferes with others. If the ruler has tense aspects, you may encounter a health problem associated with the planet and the sign of the ruler, but if you manage to positively use the energy of the aspects, directing it to work, you will have no time to get sick.

On their way, these people encounter obstacles, debts, illnesses, enemies, but they have enough strength to overcome them. They work well in a position of subordination, in the medical or military fields.

Negative: excessive subordination and excessive dependence on others, extreme concern for one’s health, a tendency to endure and adapt to the environment, refusing to assert oneself and assert independence.
Positive: the ability to humble oneself, the ability to responsibly carry out assigned tasks, dedication to work, voluntary submission to influences, the search for self-affirmation in activities, the ability to adapt to the situation.

Such people willingly accept responsibilities and consider devotion to duty as the most important incentive for personal development. The most important thing in their life is work, and they do it with great pleasure. Often the activities are related to dietetics, health care and hygiene. Usually such people are extremely neat and well organized, but with negative character development they can turn out to be extremely absent-minded and careless. They often play sports diligently, using a methodical approach to assigned tasks and high organization. Sometimes such people become slaves to their habits, but only as long as it does not interfere with others. Everyone considers them reliable comrades and devoted subordinates; you can go with them to the ends of the earth. Diseases of such people are overcome by hard work. They strive to improve their activities, viewing it as most important aspect development of one's own personality.

Self-realization in everyday work. Very important question- health.

A good healer; profit through philanthropy, food, clothing, employees and small animals. Damaged by the luminaries: many diseases and short life. If the planet is Mars, then surgery is performed on that part of the body that is ruled by the sign of this cusp. Attachment to loved ones, small animals and work.

Personality is realized through submission. A person with such a situation in the horoscope needs to have superiority, authority, constant suggestion or self-discipline over him - only in this case will he be able to reveal his creative essence. Good position for doctors.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 7th house

You are a person who needs respect and support from other people, without which you do not have a feeling of fullness in life. However, if the planetary energy is used incorrectly, it will be difficult to communicate with you, and in addition, you may turn out to be a quarrelsome and scandalous debater, especially when we're talking about about expressing thoughts contrary to yours. If you manage to harmonize the ruler, you can become a good seller, intermediary, or person who helps others find their place in society. You will love people, and they will sincerely return their love to you. You want to be in company, you need partners, you can rarely be seen alone, and if the other elements of your horoscope do not contradict this, the situation in question can serve as a true indicator of early marriage.

Negative: tendency to self-assertion in the fight against enemies, excessive desire for disputes and discussions, excessive attachment to a partner.
Positive: the strength of the marriage bond, an objective vision of polarities and additional aspects of the problem, the ability to look at oneself through the eyes of a partner, the tendency to view oneself from the point of view of opponents.

The connection of such people with their immediate environment is very strong, and therefore active social activities, sometimes even political. Such a person needs respect and support from others, without which he does not have a feeling of fullness of life. If energy is used incorrectly, he turns out to be an absurd and scandalous debater, with whom it is difficult to communicate, since he manages to hold two opposing opinions at the same time.

Such people become good sellers, intermediaries, and specialists in placing others in society. They strive to love their neighbors, and they sincerely return this love to them. They always want to be in company, they need partners and interlocutors, they do not like loneliness and can rarely be seen alone. Often such people get married early and attach great importance to it.

The predominant importance of unions. The strongest influence of a spouse or partner.

Partnerships and close alliances with others; attraction to opposite sex. Damaged: Tendency to act contrary to one's own best interests, losses and worries through the law, trade unions and open enemies. Unhappiness in marriage.

Favors married life: a person cannot do without his spouse. His personality is revealed only in partnership. If almuten is at the end of the 7th house, then the personality is fully revealed at various processes, including trials, scandalous ones, and publicity.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 8th house

Your interests will be focused on everything related to mystery, the occult, superpowers, power, magic. Depending on which planet rules the Ascendant, you may be gifted in warfare or surgery, earn a good living, or have a knack for mathematics and linguistics; psychological gift; great strength personalities; outstanding diplomatic skills; deep research abilities; the gift of a great philosopher, lawyer, traveler, missionary; an outstanding organizer, scientist or mystic. You may be attracted to sex or the occult.

There are many doctors among such people. Such people often have great influence on people and social processes, and their sexuality is clearly expressed. You can also advance in areas related to finance, account management, banking. You can demonstrate the restraint, respectfulness and wit characteristic of Scorpio, although both your Ascendant and your Sun may be in completely different signs. You are cautious, reserved, inaccessible and unattainable, and also sarcastic, but the degree of all these qualities requires confirmation and clarification from other elements of the horoscope. There is no doubt that you will be attracted to the serious side of life.

Negative: excessive craving for extreme situations, a strange need for shocks and changes in fate, a tendency to either become arrogant or be disappointed in oneself.
Positive: successfully overcoming any challenge, the ability to emerge victorious from any trouble, the ability to go to great lengths big risk and overcome any dangers on the path of development.

The interests of such a person are focused on everything related to risk, upheaval and problems of death. Often such people show significant math skills and know how to make good money. They are attracted to the occult, medicine and anatomy problem situations. They are keenly interested in sex, their sexuality is clearly expressed. Such people have great influence on others and are able to intervene in large-scale social processes. They can advance in the financial and banking spheres, considering professional success in this field as important element own development. They often turn out to be reserved, respectful and witty, cautious, inaccessible and unattainable, and sometimes very sarcastic and sarcastic. They take life very seriously; they clearly lack irony and playfulness.

Nature tuned to critical situations. Intrusive thoughts about death and the other world.

Has to do with matters of death and the partner's money and the finances of others. Death from disorder (promiscuity); occult experiences; mediumistic. Damaged: disappointment in inheritance, anxiety in financial matters. The luminaries are damaging - there is a tendency to shorten life.

Full manifestation of personality is possible only in extreme conditions: when a person becomes ill, when an unfavorable combination of circumstances accompanies him, then he gains the strength and ability to safely get out of such a situation.
In the worst case - the path of evil, risk and self-destruction.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 9th house

You were born a philosopher and romantic, and therefore you perceive life serenely, from some happy, optimistic side, full of hope. The ninth house is the house of inspiration, and this is where you need to look for the key to understanding your personality. You realize that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to, and only challenging aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) can motivate you to fulfill your most significant and lofty aspirations. Long-distance travel and matters related to justice can play a significant role in your life, and their result can be assessed by the position and aspects of the planets in the 9th house, the ruler of the 9th house, Jupiter and Neptune.

Negative: tendency to identify oneself with a professed creed, fanatical devotion to a mentor, ideological intolerance.
Positive: attention to the spiritual problems of existence, willingness to entrust one’s destiny into the hands of a teacher, the search for expanded opportunities for personal development in other cultures and in philosophical quests.

Such people develop well away from their father's home - in a different area and on the basis of a different culture. They are passionately interested in religious philosophy and ideologies, and therefore can be defined as deep natures and large-scale personalities. They have the gift of prophetic dreams. They perceive life serenely, philosophically and romantically. They are always full of hope and know how to view any situation as the threshold of happiness and a guarantee of optimism. The key expression for understanding their personality is sublime inspiration. They realize that they are capable of achieving everything they strive for, but for this they still have to work hard, since even the most significant and lofty aspirations must actually be fulfilled. Long-distance travel and connections with people of other cultures occupy an important place in their lives.

A thirst for knowledge and travel.

Long trips; religious or psychic experiences; love of science, invention, law, philosophy and all matters connected with the higher mind; prophetic dreams or visions; profit through partner's relatives. Damaged: Anxiety in dealings with foreigners, religious affairs, matters of law or education, fruitless and dangerous voyages.

To implement his program, a person needs contacts, long trips and travel. He has a craving for unknown lands, to foreigners. All this enriches him with knowledge, forms his own worldview: on any issue it is impossible to lead him astray. own positions and judgments.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 10th house

Such people rarely go unnoticed by society. You can seriously engage in politics, become an actor, entertainer, model, clown or mass entertainer. This situation may also apply to your leadership position. You love to be seen and have an innate need for recognition. This need is instinctive, and if the aspects of the planets in the 10th house, the lord of the 10th house and Saturn turn out to be bad, this can lead to public scandals. You are exactly the person who is ready to take responsibility and be a leader, and if you also ever learn to control yourself well, people will turn to you for advice and requests for help in solving personal matters. In such a situation in the horoscope, it may turn out that one of the parents may have a particularly important and strong influence on you.

Negative: an individual who ignores others, the desire to assert himself by standing out from the crowd, preoccupation with difficult to achieve goals.
Positive: the personality develops thanks to career achievements, the desire for complete independence, “separation from roots” and loneliness on the path of ascension is characteristic; the achievements of such a person are always individual and personal.

Such people rarely go unnoticed; they either seriously engage in politics, or become actors, entertainers or clowns. Personal development felt through the increase social status and is recognized as real upon achieving a high leadership position. Such people love to be seen; they feel an innate need for recognition. This need is imperative, obsessive, instinctive in nature, and therefore, if opportunities are used incorrectly, it can lead to scandals. Such a person is always ready to take responsibility and become a leader. If he learns to control himself well, others will willingly turn to him for advice and requests for help in solving personal matters. One of the parents, often the father, had a tremendous influence on the development of this person. Perhaps he will imitate him all his life, unconsciously copying goals, strategies, and methods of achieving what he wants.

A person sacrifices everything for the sake of his ambitious plans and professional career.

Merit, honor, promotion and success; rise to a high social and professional position. Damaged: arousing the displeasure of superiors or those in power; exposure to humiliation, restrictions and denial of rights; exposure to slander and disgrace; loss of parents or anxiety from them.

The path to revealing one's personality is through purpose, profession and career. This situation is observed in the horoscopes of politicians or people who have fully revealed themselves. If almuten is in the X house near the MC, then, as a rule, this creates dictatorial politicians (provided that Pluto and Mars are strong).

Ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house

You are enterprising and fearless, but if the aspects of the ruler of the 1st house and the planets in the 1st house, as well as Uranus and Saturn turn out to be unfavorable, this may result in you seeking satisfaction in some risky, and possibly dubious, activity. In this case, you may become a victim of your friends and team members, because of whom you will find yourself in a dangerous and, possibly, hopeless situation. This constellation requires learning to think carefully about your behavior when you have to work with other people, and you must take into account what others think. Friends have for you great value, and it would be wise to choose them very carefully. This astrological constellation is often present in the horoscopes of sincere philanthropists and altruists who work in large charitable organizations and who, if necessary, can serve as role models.

These are powerful people who derive some pleasure from helping others. They make more profit as a result commercial activities. They have a circle of influential friends. They are happy, their goals are achieved by them.

Negative: upstart, loner, renegade, excessive desire for independence and a tendency to anarchic explosive exit from constraining coercive circumstances.
Positive: personality develops in contacts with friends, in making new plans and in implementing large-scale projects. Communication with like-minded people and events that excite with their novelty are an incentive to develop abilities.

The personality is affirmed thanks to friends and associates, but at the same time there is a strong desire for independence and complete independence. Such a person always strives to pave new paths. He is many years ahead of the present, mentally living in the future. He knows how to look at reality new, fresh, with open eyes. He is enterprising and undaunted, and therefore is often busy searching for self-affirmation in risky and dubious activities.

With inattention and disharmonious development, he can become a victim of his immediate environment, which will plunge him into a dangerous, and possibly hopeless, situation. You must learn to think carefully about your behavior when you have to work with other people and soberly consider what others think. Friends are of great importance to him, but they should be chosen very carefully and wisely. Often such people become popular altruists and sincere philanthropists. They work for large charities and are often seen as role models.

Everything related to friends is extremely important.

A large circle of friends, help to them and from them; many pleasures in life; hopes and desires are often fulfilled; profit due to success with the employer. Damaged: friends bring harm; hopes are often at risk.

Personality is revealed through direction to the future, through detachment from everyday affairs, or through a friendly circle of close people. A person realizes himself as an organizer various societies, as an ideologist of parties or social movements.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 12th house

You are quite modest, shy and perhaps timid, like a child, but over the years you will learn to rely on your internal forces. The situation in question is often related to a career in show business, a vocation as a writer, work as a detective, ambassador or public relations specialist, since you have the ability to influence others not directly, but from a background. You are not so naive and know when to remain silent, which often impresses others with depth and wisdom. You are not afraid of loneliness and, in fact, even enjoy being in the company of yourself. If the aspects of the ruler of the 1st house, planets in the 1st house and Neptune are bad, you must be very attentive and careful when moving away from the world - do not forget to return to it.

These people participate in sacrificial or charitable activities. Either by force of circumstances or by choice, they lose their previous position and find themselves in an unusual environment. They have an interest in self-knowledge; hesitate, suffer due to losses and turn to the renounced order of life for the sake of achieving absolute benefit.

Negative: tendency to find yourself in situations of forced submission, exposure to the influence of secret enemies, the possibility of confinement in a hospital or prison.
Positive: personality develops secret ways and is affirmed through the study of hidden problems, in personal life the secret, secret and unmanifest reigns.

Such a person often has wonderful occult abilities. He feels good in complete isolation and tends to assert himself away from the world (like Robinson). Usually he chooses a quiet place for himself, where he isolates himself, disconnects from current problems and vain worries and begins to summarize and system analysis situations. He is quite modest, shy, and sometimes timid like a child. But this person’s abilities are very mature, and therefore over the years he learns to rely on his inner strengths.

Perhaps the calling of a writer, detective, ambassador, show business tycoon or public relations specialist. All these activities are related to the ability to influence others not directly, but indirectly and latently. This person is not at all naive, he knows when to remain silent, which often produces an impression of depth and wisdom on those around him. He is not afraid of loneliness and is able to enjoy his own company. He always needs to be very attentive and careful, tending to withdraw from the world. He must not forget about the need to return to people and convey to them the revelations received in isolation.

Predisposition to loneliness. Constant disappointment in the pursuit of sublimation.

Fear of imprisonment; secret misfortune; enemies, the individual is often himself to blame for inaction; profit and benefit through knowledge of the occult. Damaged: confinement or restriction (if not in its own own sign); secret grief, suffering and misfortune. Well aspected; profit through occult affairs and secret missions. Success in midlife.

The path of the individual lies through isolation. These are sailors, ascetics or hermits - depending on the third of the house in which Almuten is located. This also includes people who conceal a secret within themselves - they are like icebergs: only a small part of them is visible, and the powerful foundation is hidden from the people around them.

The ruler of the Ascendant, or 1st house in other houses of the horoscope, shows the sphere through which a person perceives himself and is realized in it. By the ruler of the Ascendant, we understand a person’s profession, his interests. What the owner of the natal chart associates himself with. It can also show where a person spends the most time. What is important to him in life, as well as the areas where a person, whether he wants it or not, moves around. Whether a person likes it or not depends on the ruler himself: his sign, aspects, special positions, being in closed configurations, and much more. I won’t write much here and will gradually move on to the lords of the Ascendant in houses.

Ruler of 1st house in 1st house

Oh, this is the position of a person who is focused on himself. It is important, of course, what kind of planet it is and how it feels. For example, the Sun and Venus will add narcissism to a person, especially if they are in a strong position. In fact, a strong ruler is good, but it is not always good when the ruler stands in his own house. This does not provide development to the manager and the corresponding area.

In this version, the person focuses on himself and does not listen to anyone.
There is an opinion that it is difficult to get along with such a person. And there is, of course, some truth in this.

Ruler of the ASC in the 2nd house.

Personality oriented towards money and material well-being. It is worth paying attention to the sign in which the ruler of the 1st house falls. If this is an earthly element, then, most likely, a person’s interest
there are financial problems. For water element closer development talents and skills.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 3rd house

Gives a person sociability, especially under Mercury.

By the way, this is the rarest position of the ruler of the Ascendant!

Any other is much more common. Most often, a person is a bookworm; he loves to read and study something. Much depends on the planet itself.

For example, Venus is less inclined to read. She is more inclined to correspond on the Internet.

Ruler of the Ascendant in the 4th house

A homely person, he likes to be at home and devote time to household chores. As always, I will say that a lot depends on the planet. For example, the Sun in the sign of Libra prefers to cook at home, but may be completely indifferent to cleaning. Such a person spends a significant part of his life at home. By the way, this is one of the indicators of the profession at home. For example, I have many friends in this situation who work on the Internet, make jewelry with their own hands and sell them, artists, web designers, etc.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 5th house

Often such a person is drawn to the public. Unless this is the case. He may have a lot of photos on social networks, he may brag a lot. If this is Venus, then the interpretation will be in favor of hobbies and pastimes. By the way, the example of a friend of mine, a holiday host, came to mind. In his natal chart, the Sun is the ruler of the 1st house in the 5th house.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 6th house

IN lately I see in such people a tendency to look like office plankton. It seems that a person is obsessed with his problems in appearance. Especially with the Sun or Venus. If this is the Moon, then the person may be a hypochondriac. This man is a fan of cleanliness. But there is also reverse side medals are disgusting.

Ruler of Asc in 7th house

Such a person cannot stand long without a soul mate. For him, a lover is everything! My practice has shown that even men are ready to fade into the background in this situation. Such a person experiences a breakup very hard. Such a person does not make decisions on his own. But, in fairness, I will say that often the person himself feels as if he is powerless at this moment. By the way, this situation is similar to

Ruler of Asc in the 8th house

To be honest, these individuals sometimes irritate me greatly. Because I have a pronounced Sagittarius, and the owners of this position do not know how to perceive life positively. This person is secretive and leads a somewhat reclusive lifestyle. He may also be concerned about things that are considered taboo topics.

Ruler of Asc in 9th house

I often notice that at least once in my life I have moved to another country. The owner of this position of reasoning is very fond of philosophy. Travel of course. Religion is also of concern, and not in terms of religiosity, but in terms of studying various branches. Few people know, but the 9th house is also the activity of a publisher, so the owner of the ruler of the 1st house in the 9th house can publish somewhere.

Ruler of Asc in the 10th house

Can I write this simple definition- careerist. In general, it is important for this person to occupy an honorable place among people. Sometimes it turns out that for some reason a person does not succeed. What is happening at this moment? A person does not want to go down in history the best way. I once came across a case where a man killed his mother so that his friends would talk about him. This is the glory that came out.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house

As a rule, such a person is on friendly terms with technology. And he loves all sorts of new items, something fashionable. Friends for him are the air without which he does not exist. I have come across cases where a person seems to live like a recluse. But he can’t imagine his life without communicating with his friends on social networks. Sometimes a person has an interest in physics, astrology, astronomy and everything that flies in the sky.

I have one specific interest in astrology. I'm curious to analyze natal charts famous entrepreneurs, businessmen and other persons associated with commerce who were able to make a name and fortune for themselves. I have already looked at the cards of the richest people in the world, according to the Forbes magazine rating, and recently I have become interested in the cards of young, but already successful entrepreneurs. And so, yesterday I came across interesting map young man, only two years older than me, who heads a company to combat computer crime. In fact, this map inspired me to write this article.

Well, to be honest, I expected to see a slightly different picture, like a pronounced Eighth House, after all, a fight, after all, against crime. However, there was no trace of this on the map. The eighth house is completely empty. From interesting moments: Sun on the Ascendant - a person who is noticeable in any case, MC in Aquarius - work in the field of information and computer technology. But the most interesting thing is that in his chart the Ruler of the First House is in the Second.

I have already written an article about the basic concepts of the Second House, but nevertheless, I will refresh my memory of some meanings. Most often this house is associated with money and finances. The ruler of the Ascendant being in a house makes that house extremely important. In fact, this is one of the most important homes in our lives. We will never pass by it, since it is in this area, in the theme of this house, that we will actively develop as individuals.

So, back to the guy's card. His Ascendant Ruler is Mercury in the Second House in Cancer. In fact, the guy is doing what he is actively trying to convey to ordinary people, how to protect your money, especially virtual money. When I saw this position, at first I didn’t attach much importance to it. And then, a few hours later, a thought flashed through my head - the sign of Cancer is responsible for protection and security in astrology! That is, if you connect all the pieces of the puzzle, it turns out that the personality develops in the sphere of money, conversations about money, since the Ruler is Mercury, and especially about how to protect this very money, how to protect your Internet banking account or bank card from hacking by hackers and unauthorized withdrawal of funds.

In general, how many people have I come across with the Ruler of the First House in the Second - everyone is focused on making money. Some open their own companies, others simply work several jobs, but all these people are united by their concern for the financial side of life. I had a couple of girls with such a Manager for consultation - they work in a bank. This is generally a classic of the genre. True, if the Ruler of both the First and the Second are affected by aspects, this may indicate greed, stinginess, and a tendency to hoard. In fact, people with such a position do not care what exactly they do, the most important thing is that it brings in a lot of income. Of course, there are reservations here, since if a person has a lot of fire or water in his chart, he needs emotional involvement in the business; it is necessary that his favorite business, in addition to income, also satisfies spiritual desires, is interesting and brings benefit to the world.

The ruler of the Ascendant in this house can speak not only of a total desire to earn money, but also of a tendency to accumulate. Moreover, a person can save anything he wants. If the planet Ruler of the First in the Second is Mars, then the person will collect weapons. As an option. Of course, for an accurate description and interpretation, you always need to look at the entire map.

With love,

Let's do a little analysis of what astrological meaning has the ruler of the 1st house (personality, appearance) in the 11th house of the horoscope (friends, groups).

If the ruler of the 1st house is in the 11th house of the horoscope

Ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house is negative:

an upstart, a loner, a renegade, an excessive desire for independence and a tendency to an anarchic explosive way out of constraining coercive circumstances.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house is positive:

personality develops in contacts with friends, in making new plans and in implementing large-scale projects. Communication with like-minded people and events that excite with their novelty are an incentive to develop abilities.

The personality is affirmed thanks to friends and associates, but at the same time there is a strong desire for independence and complete independence. Such a person always strives to pave new paths. He is many years ahead of the present, mentally living in the future. He knows how to look at reality with a new, fresh, open gaze.

He is enterprising and undaunted, and therefore is often busy searching for self-affirmation in risky and dubious activities. If the ruler of the 1st house is in the 11th house of the horoscope, you need to learn to carefully consider your behavior when you have to work together with other people and soberly take into account everything that others think.

People who have the ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house of the horoscope

In this case, you may become a victim of your immediate environment, because of which you will find yourself in a dangerous and, possibly, hopeless situation. This was the case, for example, in the case of Lord Lewis Mountbatten, who died at the hands of Irish terrorists.

His Moon rules the Cancer Ascendant, being conjunct Pluto and opposing Uranus. This constellation necessitates the need to learn to think carefully about one's behavior when working with other people, and it is imperative to take into account what others think.

The ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house of the horoscope is often present in the horoscopes of sincere philanthropists and altruists who work in large charitable organizations and who, if necessary, can serve as role models. A good example, confirming what has been said can be the horoscope of Pope John Paul II.

Here the rising sign is Cancer, and the Moon in Taurus and the eleventh house forms an exact conjunction with the Sun, which precisely ensures his sincere interest in the well-being of believers and, in general, all people on Earth. Friends are of great importance to such people, but they should be chosen very carefully and wisely.

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