Trigon sun uranus in the natal chart. Aspects of the Sun and Uranus in the natal chart

*I described the algorithm for parsing Solar using I. Timoshenko’s method here

me in lately I was interested in another approach proposed by K. Daragan. So, first things first...

The solarium itself is informative, because... not taken out of thin air, but based on natal
A solar chart is a cause that causes effects in natal chart.
Solar talks about how a year will pass. Imposing it on natal - what will be the consequences.
It follows that if there are tense places in the Solar, but they do not affect the natal chart in any way, then the year can be difficult, emotional, and energetically intense, but its consequences will not be critical. Or, for example, a harmonious Solar and a painful projection - the year may pass happily, but the consequences will be remembered in a completely different way.
The Solarium is built on the natal coordinate (I don’t quite agree here, I have not lived all my life where I was born and it seems to me more logical to build on the place of residence, since the Solarium is a type of transit, only fixed at the time of the return of the Sun).


1st house- face of the year, main events.
10th house- all significant achievements of the year that we consider important for ourselves (not just career).
The rest of the houses make sense.

About planets in houses:

*Daragan suggests using a simplified interpretation of the planets.

Sun- self-awareness. Indicates the house through which we look at the year as a whole, i.e. how we will perceive it. The position of the Sun in the house is not the events themselves, but the perception of them.
Moon emotional need. This is something to which we are not indifferent. Indicates emotionally significant house, to the place that will bother us throughout the year. This is also a house that will experience frequent changes.
Mercury- the sphere of contacts, conversations, negotiations. The position in the house is what we will talk about the most.
Venus- will point to the house of pleasures where we enjoy being.
Mars- a house of disputes, quarrels, conflicts, nerves. The house in which the greatest amount of energy is invested.
Jupiter- expansion, increase, improvement of something in the house.
Saturn- reduction, limitation. The sphere where we will tolerate the current circumstances. A place where you have to give up something or lose something.
Uranus- the sphere of surprises and sudden revolutions.
Neptune- illusions in the perception of home. A house of mysteries and misunderstanding of what is happening.
Pluto- the house is beyond our control. The sphere of destructive circumstances (under tension).
Lilith- a house of temptation for ourselves, inappropriate behavior, or a house through which dishonest people and offers will come.

The position of the planets in the houses of the Solar is not equal. Any planet in an angular house manifests itself very strongly. In the falling - very weak, if she promises good - it means little good, bad - means little bad.

About aspects.

Next, it is important to pay attention to major aspect to the point of circulation - the Sun (in the Lunar to the Moon, etc.). This is the leading aspect (even if it is a fast transit), in Solar it is fixed. Any repetition in transits of this aspect (any aspect connection of these planets) are important dates, this is the time when the aspect inherent in the Solar is realized.
Aspects with an orb less than 2g. also important in repetitions.

Aspects of the Solar may indicate specific people with whom we will contact. For example, there is a Venus-Mars trine in Solar and someone I know has such an aspect in their natal chart. There is a possibility that some experience with the solar trine will come from this person. Or if someone, with his important points of the horoscope (Asc, Sun), falls on the solar aspect, the meaning is the same. Other analogies are also possible, for example, in the Solar, the Sun is in conjunction with Jupiter in the 7th (the partner may be solar Sagittarius); aspect with Mars (Martian type, solar or ascendant Martian sign, person with Mars in the 1st house, etc.). Whether it will bring problems or positivity depends on the nature of the aspect, the sphere of contact - in houses.

Consequences: Solar projection onto Natal.

Let's look at which natal house the Solar Asc falls into - the year as a whole will have an impact on this area.
Projection of the solar MC into natal - the goals and achievements of the solar year will lead to changes in the natal house.
Similarly, you can consider all houses, but the most important are the 1st and 10th.
Next, we consider those aspects of the Solar that have a connection with the natal chart.

Forecasting using Solar.

The forecast is based on the transit method. For example, in the solarium there is an opposition between the Sun and Mars (nervousness, conflict, etc.). When Mars transits to the Sun, the aspect will be realized on these dates. The transit completion of aspects to the configuration is also taken into account. These can be any planets, but planets forming a solar aspect are preferable. Transit Sun, when passing connections through a solarium, it does not always work.

*There is another option for considering Solar - similar to Horars. In this way, conclusions are made about the possibility of certain events occurring.

P.S. I’m looking at my solariums now and I’m crazy - such figures are being completed for the dates of the events! It would always be like this!

The description gives aspects of the Sun with the Nodes, planets and angles of the natal chart in the interpretation of F. Sakoyan.

Sun Conjunctions

Sun-Moon conjunction

Feelings and will are one. Emotional impulsivity is combined with the desire to concentrate all efforts on one area. Health difficulties if solar energy stronger than the lunar one, which controls the astral body, and thus force field, around which the physical body is built. Physical vitality burns out due to too much activity. The conjunction speaks of a new cycle of cognition, regarding the houses in which the Sun and Moon are masters, and the house where the conjunctions are. These people tend to alternately play either a male or female role - passive behavior may unexpectedly turn into aggression. Activity is directed towards the home, husband, children.

Sun-Mercury conjunction

Creative forces and activity in the spheres of Mercury: new ideas, work, friendship. The tendency to carry out ideas and make decisions with willpower. It prevents you from looking at yourself objectively, since the Self is compared to the mind, it is difficult to look at yourself from the outside. Great spiritual strength and energy. If the conjunction is within 1/2-4 degrees - Mercury is burned out: mental connections are oversaturated with solar energy, a spiritual shutdown occurs. In the heart of the Sun - gives the same difficulties as with complete assimilation of the wave pattern, solar energy is modified by Mercury and turns out to be an ideal frequency for thinking - the will becomes an instrument for spiritual aspirations, this position gives great intellectual abilities, especially if the connection is in Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Libra.

Sun - Venus conjunction

Gives strength of feelings, love of life, joy, optimism, love of fun and entertainment, although narcissism. Beauty and grace in self-expression, ability in art. If the II and V houses are not affected, you can get rich through speculation. Thanks to their abundance of love and romantic spirit, they can give happiness to others. They understand children well.

Sun-Mars conjunction

Will and courage, masculine aspect. The houses where this happens are characterized by great activity, as well as houses where the Sun and Mars are the lords. The tendency towards aggressiveness and arrogance - the principle of the power of the Sun is expressed through the principle of Mars. How aggression manifests itself depends on the sign and house where the Sun and Mars are the lords.

Sun-Jupiter conjunction

They know how to expand their spheres of influence and achieve goals. Their exciting personality and optimistic essence brings them happiness. Positive attitude to life allows you to make the most of your chances. Enthusiasm captivates others and inspires cooperation. They achieve power and influence through projects that gain recognition. They take advantage of public pride in favor of their own ambitions.

Sun-Saturn conjunction

Limitation inhibits personal self-expression and ambition. A person must cope with the area of ​​limitations in order to develop freely, which is achieved through extremely hard work; often suffer from an inferiority complex due to eternal failures. But thanks to organizational skills they can achieve influence; self-discipline will help.

Sun-Uranus conjunction

Power potential is manifested by exploration of new areas of knowledge. They are able to worry occult powers and work with them. They act decisively and suddenly. Those who do not understand their goals consider them eccentric and strange. Their abilities often go beyond the usual. They have an intuitive understanding of one universal law. They are often called geniuses.

Sun-Neptune conjunction

Not of this world, they alone can hear the music of the spheres. They are subject to desires and feelings emanating from a subtle source, which leads them either to confusion and self-deception, or gives them divine inspiration. There are many mystics, mediums, founders of religions. Whether they are messengers of the gods depends on: 1) The position of the conjunction in signs and houses, on the signs and houses where the Sun and Neptune are the rulers; 2) from other aspects to connection. But the main thing is general level development of the entire horoscope. It's important to have a good developed intelligence, i.e. Mercury, Saturn and Uranus, which will control the impressions of the soul, since it is often difficult to distinguish real inspiration from the deceptive projection of one's own unconscious desires. Thanks to his attitude towards astral body, Neptune is subtly connected with Mars (instinct) and gives sharp desires and longing, which, when connected with the Sun, lead to some ambition and desire for the significance of one’s person. IN negative case- victims own ideas that mislead others.

Sun-Pluto conjunction

Their power potential is manifested by the ability to revive and transform themselves and their environment. They have incredibly high energy and know how to get to the heart of things. Pluto is the master of the ability to penetrate dimensions and discover sources of fundamental energy. This primordial energy manifests itself as sexual potency, which can manifest itself in spiritual or physical fitness. Possible access to higher areas consciousness, these people can become an instrument of the divine will. If you fail to combine yours and divine will, risk becoming dictators due to their power complex, which leads to their destruction. They need to learn tolerance.

Sun-Ascending Node Conjunction

The birth coincided with an eclipse of the Sun or Moon, this significant natural phenomenon will entail important events, will present great opportunities for self-expression and empowerment. This connection speaks of an inherited karmic tendency to attract happiness, as a consequence of selfless performance of duty for the benefit of others in a more early period. When exaggerated, there is a tendency to waste energy, weakening vitality.

Sun-Descending Node Conjunction

The danger is that external circumstances will not allow one to express oneself, narrowing of power, obstacles will not allow desires to come true, a person will not be able to reap the fruits of his efforts. This karmic situation means that in past incarnations the person selfishly pursued his goals at the expense of his loved ones. Now he learns from his own experience what it means when the behavior of other people interferes with his development. But this aspect can also mean that a person controls everything that is at his disposal to perfection.

Sun-Ascendant Conjunction

Strong personality. Consciousness and self-awareness in harmony with vitality. They cope with themselves and with their surroundings, since their actions come directly from the solar source of life (the Sun is exalted here, since it is in Aries). These people have a strong physique, a healthy constitution, rarely get sick and rarely get tired; if there is no severe defeat, they quickly restore their strength. Are in harmony with the general consciousness that unites the past, present and future with the present moment. Therefore, they are capable, as strong beings, of providing positive influence in the direction of good, especially if the entire horoscope speaks of a highly developed personality (a closely intertwined pattern of aspects, including most or all planets with strong aspects to Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Sun, MC and Ascendant). Defeats associated with the 6th or 12th houses show that the energy of the solar inclinations is no longer in balance with itself and is therefore used for self-destruction.

Sun-IC conjunction

The will and potential of forces are applied to the home and family. They like to occupy important persons, since the influence of the sun should penetrate the entire globe. They have to overcome many obstacles in order to fully express their personality. If the Sun in the IV house is not strongly affected, old age will be prosperous and happy.

Sun-Descendant Conjunction

These people express their potential strengths in partnership. If the Sun and the 7th house are not afflicted at the same time, then they have influential and generous spouses and friends who help to develop. Great dexterity in communicating with people, the ability to influence the public, good businessmen.

Sun-MS conjunction

People who have a strong influence due to their career, profession, authority. Often the field of activity is politics and social life, often they are famous or have become famous for something bad, which depends on the aspects to the Sun and SN, the sign in which the Sun and SN are located, the position of the houses and signs of the planet that is the owner of the solar sign, and the aspects to this owner.

Sextiles of the Sun

Sextile Sun-Moon

Promises favorable opportunities, friendship with the opposite sex. Good marriage. Loved and respected everywhere. If there are no contradictory aspects - good parents. Bonds of friendship and love with family and partner's family, as well as patriotism. Good health and vitality. Psychological balance. Harmony of feelings and will, conflict-free development. Note: Since Mercury's orbit is close to the sun, it cannot have other aspects with the Sun other than conjunctions. Venus and Mercury do not move more than 76 degrees from each other, conjunctions, sextiles and parallels are possible between them. This book contains only the main aspects. Venus also has only a conjunction with the Sun (of the main aspects).

Sextile Sun-Mars

Gives strength and courage, smart, creative, entrepreneurial spirit. Able to implement projects, a leading force, love cooperation and communication with friends. In matters of houses occupied by the Sun and Mars and where they are the lords, as well as signs, one can expect creative opportunities. When the transit enhances the sextile, there are chances for creative activity in these areas. Strong will, sense of justice. They energetically achieve goals, are decisive, and are not afraid of work. If other factors do not contradict, and the sextile is in the sign of Air or a movable sign - clarity and depth of views. Courageous in danger, patiently enduring pain.

Sextile Sun-Jupiter

Generosity, optimism, life are under special protection. Serious misfortunes rarely happen; something always softens the blow. They have intuitive knowledge to overcome difficulties. Their work is always useful to others. Religious. Philosophers. Optimism and self-confidence do not allow you to lose goals, which, as a rule, are achieved. They love to help the less fortunate. Understanding parents take care of the family. Good intellectual abilities, contemplation, ability to enjoy life. They love modest living conditions. They love to travel, get acquainted with foreign cultures, and know how to make friends in foreign countries.

Sextile Sun-Saturn

Patience and self-discipline, clarity and precision of thinking, practicality and methodology, organizational talent, ability to manage, able to work for the sake of ambition. In business they are realistic, honest, strict and prosaic, but loyal with friends. Often political ambitions, desire and ability to take responsibility. Caution and diligence ensure good health; preserve the merits earned through hard work.

Sun sextile Uranus

Originality and intuition. Willpower and frankness give success, in which others would fail. Leaders, reformers, thinkers, inventors. They radiate magnetism, awaken trust and delight. They have dramatic talent. They are open to the world and are popular. Often interest in the occult, astrology, membership in societies of this type.

Sextile Sun-Neptune

Creative forces, inspiration in art, religion, mysticism. They know how to see a picture with their inner eye, and then give it reality in form. People of art. Imagination is often focused on practical area- money, power.Sympathy for the pain of others gives humanity. They love animals.

Sun sextile Pluto

Ingenuity, willpower, the ability to revive yourself and those around you. An almost imperceptible but powerful energy emanates from them, giving them stamina and endurance that others do not have. Even when strength is running out, they know how to renew it unconsciously from the prana of the Universe. Interest in yoga, meditation, occultism.

Sun sextile Ascending Node, trine Descendant

Working in harmony with mainstream trends. The ability to constructively use the moral and social customs of their culture, taking leadership, as they are able to enlist the support of others by appealing to their social and political principles. They contribute to the fields of drama, music, and visual arts.

Sun sextile Descending node, trine Ascendant

Stronger intelligence. Dramatic talent expressed within the framework of traditional customs and patterns of behavior.

Sun sextile Ascendant, trine to Descendant

Harmony of consciousness and self-expression. Strong will, manifested in the intellectual field. Creative energy, enthusiasm. Creative power and dynamics characterize personal relationships, marriage, and contacts. Happiness in marriage.

Sun sextile MC, trine to IC

Dexterity in expressing one's ideas, especially in career matters. Enthusiastic, temperamental, creative family members. Dexterity in politics, ability to lead.

Squares of the Sun

Sun-Moon square

Not as significant as other Sun squares. It gives a split between conscious and subconscious will, conscious and unconscious behavior. These norms of behavior interfere with the expression of one's personality. Lack of balance leads to emotional insecurity. Often home and family get in the way of creative expression. The family situation in childhood makes it difficult to understand the opposite sex and does not provide harmony in relationships.

Sun-Mars square

Too energetic and impulsive behavior, man is his own enemy. When faced with an obstacle, he loses his temper, gets irritated, and this forces him to achieve what he wants at any cost. Others are outraged by this, they consider it impudence and selfishness. We must restrain ourselves, avoid such situations, think first, then act, restrain aggressiveness and anger, be tactful and diplomatic, since goals can only be achieved with patience, avoiding quarrels, and they waste their energy on quarrels. If the aspect is in a cardinal sign, it manifests itself as impulsiveness and anger, in a permanent sign - stubbornness and rancor, in a mobile sign - irritability, waste of energy on unnecessary matters.

Square Sun-Jupiter

An exaggerated opinion of oneself, a desire to achieve much without discipline or thought. All this leads to frustration when trying to expand your sphere of influence. Defensive reaction- pronounced egoism. We must learn patience, developing the qualities of Saturn, gain experience and discipline; it will take time, but it will bring success. Tendency towards extravagance in matters of houses and signs. We must beware of foolish optimism and rash actions, and develop our personality. They are generous indiscriminately, but often with an afterthought. Restlessness and love of change are dangerous.

Square Sun-Saturn

Prevents self-expression of personality; life is difficult, full of adversity. But with other good aspects and good aspect Jupiter will compensate for this. Obstacles in profession and love can be overcome with hard work and strict discipline. There will be no gifts, you have to achieve everything with your own work. There are frequent disappointments when trying to express one's personality, which leads to pessimism. All this relates to issues of houses and signs. In a strong position, this will form character, but can lead to gloominess, embitterment, a Spartan lifestyle or traditionalism. We must consciously cultivate optimism and cheerfulness. This aspect is bad for the health and well-being of the children of the horoscope owner. As a rule, the eldest child is sick. These people get tired quickly, there are broken bones, bad teeth, and chronic diseases.

Square Sun-Uranus

Capricious behavior, unintelligent and eccentric. Original, but the ideas are usually unfeasible, or there is not enough experience, patience, or discipline. The work is carried out with explosions. Self-will, a tendency to dramatize one’s personality, rejection of any routine, which can be disastrous. IN critical situation nervous tension lead to irrational behavior, nullify the labor of long work. Pride and freedom do not allow one to listen to advice at any cost. Often they are in a leadership position, they stand for brotherhood, they have many friends, but they choose those who worship them. They can be bitter enemies when hostility is fueled by real or perceived injustice. These tendencies do not always appear, but often at times when you need to reap the fruits of your efforts.

Square Sun-Neptune

Misconceptions With a tendency towards mysticism, he will consider himself the chosen one of a divine being in order to gain respect and significance. If the horoscope speaks of a kind heart, they can be tools higher powers. With strong Mercury and Saturn this is smoothed out. Often strange emotional desires and romantic inclinations, from platonic love to painful, humiliating physical sensuality. Secret, often shameful, love affairs. An overstimulated imagination that fuels desires, which can lead to self-destructive actions. Hence the weakness of character, distorted perception reality, retreat into the world of dreams, unwillingness to bear responsibility and submit to discipline. Strong Saturn - saves. Caution is needed if we're talking about about participation in cults and occultism. They must be avoided; the motives and character of people associated with the owner of the horoscope must be checked. Avoid unreliable and unwise financial activities as get-rich-quick schemes fail.

Sun-Pluto Square

The desire for power, imposing one's will on others. They are domineering, commanding, frantic, they usually show people their good attitude towards them, but it would be better if they did not do this. It seems to them that the strong are always right, which causes protest among others. Aggressive towards the opposite sex.

Square Sun-Moon Nodes

The desire to prove oneself is contrary to the general direction. They hold back when they need to act, and vice versa. Interfere with self-expression and creative affairs. They do not know how to adapt in matters of love and contacts.

Square Sun-Ascendant, Descendant

Conflicts between personality and the way it manifests itself externally. They find it difficult to show themselves as they are. Conflict between consciousness and its expression. The manner in which they approach things is not harmonious. Attempts to command and behave in an incomprehensible way, which leads to difficulties with a partner and the public. To gain recognition, you have to give up your individuality.

Quadrature Sun-MS, IC

Conflicts with authority figures, bosses, government, parents. Obstacles in achieving goals, reputation is at risk. You have to remake your personality to be successful. Often there is a desire for power, conflict in the family, and discomfort at home. Difficulties at work aggravate difficulties at home and vice versa.

Trines of the Sun

Trigon Sun-Moon

Harmony of the creation and potential of forces, with heredity and habits, good vitality, health, resistance, recovery. Balance of masculine and feminine components. They attract the opposite sex. If there is no defeat of the Sun, Moon of the IV and X houses, there is good mutual understanding in the family and with children. Courage.

Trigon Sun-Mars

Courage, will, qualities of a leader, determination. Good for men, as it gives purely masculine qualities. Ambition and self-confidence physical strength, endurance, energy, love of sports (but are interested in their own achievements, not others). Honor and decency, not afraid of work, take on difficult tasks. Practicality and constructive use of one's strength allows one to crack hard nuts. Able to apply theory into practice. The potential of the forces of the Sun is expressed with inspiration and creativity. Constructive enthusiasm.

Trigon Sun-Jupiter

Also a fiery hue, the IX and V houses are emphasized - enthusiasm, optimism, spontaneity of the trine in religious, philosophical, social and legislative issues, but not only in physically, like Mars: positivism, altruism, enjoy trust and cooperation, which gives success in business. They radiate contentment and self-confidence, are never completely defeated, and generously help others. They are decent, adhere to moral and religious standards. The gift of prophecy often withdraws from the world to lead a life among books and close friends.

Trigon Sun-Saturn

Honesty, practicality, discretion. Economical use of energy and money. The emphasis is on utility and practicality. Organizational talent, concentration, discipline. Goals are achieved through hard work. Even in hard time do not experience difficulties, since caution always leaves something for a rainy day. They are patient, do not take risks, and live to a ripe old age.

Trigon Sun-Uranus

Personal charm, spiritual insight, leadership talent, creative powers. High spiritual sources are open to them. When going through transits and progressions - intuitive insights. Study of the occult. Good astrologers. Strong will, willingness to experiment in new areas of knowledge. Innovators, inventors, reformers, humanists. They look at all living things as a single whole. They stand for common brotherhood.

Trigon Sun-Neptune

Intuitive abilities, but emotional nature. This is compassion, while Uranus is more of a rational one. Intuition manifests itself in art, music, religion, mysticism; spiritual leaders. They love all living things. Sometimes they can strengthen and heal people. If there is no practicality, Mercury and Saturn are dreamers. But this aspect also gives practical skills in transactions and stock speculation. The ability to surrender to the subtle currents of life, but also to know where and when to be in order to do the right things.

Trigon Sun-Pluto

Super concentration, will, the ability to renew all aspects of life, improve and transform. With high spiritual development - leaders who see through and know where it is best to direct energy and funds. Interest in yoga, meditation and other forms spiritual development. Often clairvoyance and intuition. They have supernatural powers, fiery nature.

Sun Oppositions

Sun-Moon opposition

Conflict between conscious will and subconscious motives. Tension in relationships with the other sex. Difficulties in domestic, financial and marital relationships. Hence, poor health, a tendency to anxiety, nervousness and psychosomatic disorders. Internal imbalance internal potential subject to significant fluctuations. Parenting is difficult due to bad experiences in childhood. We must learn to break away from the past, as it fetters further development and the opportunity to express yourself. This aspect has general meaning, means psychology, not specific problems and abilities. His influence is felt in all matters related to the signs and houses where the Sun and Moon stand and rule. With a trine of another planet, tension softens, since the opposition creates constructive opportunities for manifestation for energy. If the opposition is part of a square, then the planet square the Sun and Moon becomes the focus of tension and conflict and the resolution of problems. They don’t need to rush into big things without weighing all the details.

Sun-Mars opposition

The spirit of contradiction, the search for quarrels, often pugnacity. Aggression attracts other roosters. The desire for power pits them against people similar to them. Hence the conflicts of will. The tendency to use violence instead of reason and diplomacy creates unpleasant situations and spoils the blood. Life areas related to the opposition are indicated by a sign and a house. Often these people speak on behalf of a special group. For them, people are divided into black and white. They are too impulsive, there is no subtlety in dealing with people. They are often aggressive in sex. Frequent overload puts stress on the heart.

Sun-Jupiter opposition

Excessive optimism and excess of feelings towards people. They promise more than they can deliver, and their reputation suffers as a result. Often arrogant, harsh in words. Sometimes they make impossible, unrealistic demands on loved ones. They need to try to stay on the ground of reality, be more indifferent, and restrain boasting and showing off.

Sun-Saturn opposition

Blocks the opportunity to express oneself, which looks like coldness, unapproachability. Restraint and formality in friendships and romances leads to difficulties in understanding. Often friends and spouses bring heavy responsibilities. They cannot express themselves due to lack of faith in their capabilities, as well as because of hostility from others. You have to work hard to overcome a lot of obstacles. They either don’t have children, or children bring misfortune. There is no marriage or very late. Often parents are very strict or a burden. Difficulties with teeth, little vitality. We need to develop humor and optimism.

Sun-Uranus opposition

The desire to break a wall with your head. Hypersensitivity, defending one's independence, making it difficult to communicate with partners and friends. They suddenly change their point of view, and not always wisely. Nervous, pampered, tense, easily excitable, others do not like to be in their company. Often deliberately traditional, just to create excitement and provoke discussion. It is difficult with them, since they change their behavior suddenly and have eccentric views; without giving up one iota. They often consider themselves geniuses, but, having unusual abilities, they do not know how to use them wisely, and in general, they are not as talented as they themselves think. Their inconstancy and inhospitability prevent the task from being completed, and they cannot receive necessary education and experience to realize your goals.

Sun-Neptune opposition

Difficulties in personal, love and religious relationships. Prejudices are based on past experiences. We must learn to be objective in dealing with people. Due to emotionality, a maximum of fantasy and imagination is invested in relationships, which leads to disappointment. They often deceive without intent and are very unreliable. In love they become victims of illusions. They believe that they have been given something from above, but in fact they are victims of delusions of grandeur. They are often in danger from astral beings and deceptive psychic forces. They need to stay away from sessions and astral phenomena, try to be sincere and honest in relationships.

Sun-Pluto opposition

The danger of overflowing will. The tendency to forcefully cause circumstances, to force others, prescribing standards of behavior for them. They are very impulsive when they want to reason with the world. They enter into a heated argument with those who disagree. The need for self-renewal for the sake of success. Directness and forcefulness of self-expression is intimidating or annoying, and people become uncooperative and unsupportive of it. Too aggressive in love. They cannot participate in wars, political or social revolutions, it's dangerous for them.

> Aspects

You can find out what aspects were between the planets at the time of your birth.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects.

Personal charm, spiritual insight, leadership talent, creative powers. High spiritual sources are open to them. When going through transits and progressions - intuitive insights. Study of the occult. Good astrologers. Strong will, willingness to experiment in new areas of knowledge. Innovators, inventors, reformers, humanists. They look at all living things as a single whole. They stand for common brotherhood.

Your child has developed imagination, originality and intuition. His enthusiasm, optimism and laughter are very contagious. Very special talents are possible. It is very important to help a child learn to appreciate their “originality” and learn to use their unusual abilities in order to bring about positive changes in the world around them.
The child may perceive the father as an exceptional person. Sometimes he considers his father to be a one-of-a-kind being that he can never become.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects.

Gives talent, intuition, clairvoyance, originality, ingenuity, enterprise, altruism, selflessness, friendliness, democracy, progressiveness, magnetism, hypnoticness, attractiveness, good health, longevity, the ability to recharge with energy and charge others; inner freedom and independence, sincerity, honesty, justice, humanity, insight. Big changes in life, foreign contacts, success in astrology; charm, charm.
The negative side of these aspects is the temptation to use your magnetism for personal gain; intuition - for enrichment in gambling.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary.

Trine, sextile: original personality, independent, has a burning interest in everything new, high creative activity, live reactions.

No Monster. Aspects.

Charm, insight, creativity, leadership talent. Study occult sciences. Good astrologers. Strong will, willingness to experiment in new areas of knowledge. They look at all living things as a single whole. They stand for universal brotherhood.

K.V. Selchenok. Anatomy of fate. Interpretation of horoscopes.

Helps to attract the attention of others due to their excellent abilities, general talent and organizational talent. Such a person is always popular, although he is not very tactful, his enthusiasm, laughter and optimism are contagious. Often such people devote themselves to socio-political activities and turn out to be devoted servants of social ideas. They have developed intuition, rich imagination and the ability to anticipate the future. Their marriage is often very successful and brings them considerable fame. This aspect bestows considerable love of novelty, originality and great feeling humor. It promotes success in the service and in public affairs, primarily due to foreseeing the future and considerable self-confidence.
Such people have a very deep influence on those around them, they are lucky everywhere and in everything. They are successfully interested in everything mysterious and mystical and are able to receive considerable benefit from research into the mysterious and hidden. They are original and inventive, love to travel and have good health. They achieve recovery through the subtle use of non-traditional methods of treatment. Their feelings are strong and bright, love adventures are unexpected and unpredictable, marriage often turns out to be very early.
Such people achieve success in life due to the strong will they originally apply in various situations, as well as due to good intuition, sincerity and frankness. They involuntarily instill goodwill in everyone and willingly take the place of leader, which is freed up for them as if by itself. These people are open to everyone and inevitably inspire confidence in themselves. They are charming, insightful and generally very decent and noble. These are innovators, reformers and humanists, caring for all living things and advocating the ideas of global brotherhood.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects.

Sun Trine: Feeling the support of fate, think about what exactly it is supporting.
This is a very strong aspect. Karma, as it were, predetermines the Planetary principle to live well, harmoniously and happily, at least that’s what it seems to a person at a low level of elaboration of the Planet and its trine to the Sun. In reality, karma provides the principle of the Planet with a victorious march, provided that it is worked through; in addition, the will of a person, being turned towards the Planetary principle, easily receives a constructive direction - if a person desires it. If a person wants to use the principle of the Planet, then again his will will not meet resistance. Therefore, one should not think that the trine of the Sun means the prosperity of the Planetary principle; with the same success it can mean its decay (but still under a beautiful facade), if the will of a person is directed towards predatory consumption and unreasonable use. In this sense, the Sun-Moon trine is very dangerous, especially when strong sun, since it allows for too easy use of health in the interests of a person’s will, which in practice most often means the will of one or another hard egregor.
In general, the interpretation of the trine in general and the trine of the Sun in particular significantly depends on the level of its elaboration. At a low level, with an egoistic orientation of the will, a person will soon be faced with the unpleasant effect that external imperative circumstances only apparently, very superficially, favor the Planetary principle, but internally, that is, in essence, it does not develop, but gradually stagnates, and the person becomes hopelessly boring. On the contrary, the active study of the Planetary principle and its development will find great support from karma, which will seem completely natural to a person, but will be precisely the result of his volitional efforts, supported by the trine of the Planet. It is very important not to stop here, since the creatively supportive influence of the trine ends immediately when the constructive one weakens willpower human, turning into predatory, i.e. forcibly removing harmony from environment and giving it to a person, but in a form that is no longer interesting to him. In spheres ruled by the Planet, it is dangerous to fight with this person: the force that maintains harmony around him will not stand on ceremony with you.
When interpreting this trine, it is also important to pay attention to the relative strength of the Sun and the Planet, but here one should focus not only on the horoscope, but also on the specific circumstances of a person’s life. In any case, it will sincerely seem to a person that his will and initiative in the sphere of the Planetary principle are perfect, and it is almost impossible to convince him of this.
Trine Uranus: Genius, like dullness, cannot be moderate.
Trines of the higher planets give a person protection and stability of fate on such high planes that most often it remains almost unnoticeable. They do not give something specific, as with trines of the lower planets, but rather a mystical, subtle feeling of someone’s benevolent attention, something like a guardian angel with an increased number of wings, and the type of this angel depends on the specific highest planet, forming a trine.
Uranus gives an unpredictable, original, inventive, but usually not practical enough guardian angel. That is, in reality this is not the case, but the practicality of the Uranus trine can only be appreciated by a person who sees karma well: he will see how the formidable dangers arising on the horizon are averted by someone’s firm hand, when none of the ordinary people even suspects it. The visible manifestations of the Uranus trine are that a person receives completely unexpected ideas, emotions, impulses of action and methods of perception in the spheres governed by the Planet, and most often these Uranian little things are not only good in themselves (if this is not the case, they are easily managed redirect to the outside world and other people), but also provide the keys to great breakthroughs in understanding the principle of the Planet - with consistent and thorough work with the material. If a person is content with Uranian manifestations in the form in which they come to him, he ceases to understand its more subtle (and more meaningful) hints and interpret the signs, and despite all the visible eccentricity and unconventionality, he nevertheless becomes quite banal and boring to himself, not being able to rise to the level of true creativity and insight, and as a result coming unprepared to the great Uranian crisis. Intermediate level study can give a talented scientist involved in real science(in areas determined by the Planet), but mainly within the framework of the traditional approach, without the desire to blow up the foundations and lay them fundamentally anew. On high level- special genius in the spheres corresponding to the Planet, which allows harmoniously, almost without destroying the corresponding situation, to build it, nevertheless, on new principles, giving a strong impetus to development, or to untie a large karmic knot almost without sacrifice.

The harmonious aspects of the Sun and Uranus, which also include the trine, are very valuable. In a person’s horoscope, they indicate that he loves to be in society and at the same time will never get lost in the crowd. The sun is responsible for a person’s individuality, his worldview, desires and aspirations. Harmonious interaction The Sun with Uranus helps the owner of the horoscope to successfully fit into the conditions around him, receive the support and approval of friends and play well the role that is in demand in society.

In addition, Uranus adds democracy and originality to a person. It is no coincidence that these extraordinary, friendly and talented people often become popular and famous.

The influence of the aspect on a person’s personal qualities, worldview and views

The trine of the Sun and Uranus makes a person interesting, humane, independent and open to everything new. Such people are always focused on the future, and in this future there is no place for evil, hatred, injustice and enmity.

The owner of this aspect knows how to be good friend. Friends for him are his greatest wealth. A person devotes a lot of his time to communicating with them, and those around him respond with kindness, help and support.

The native's views are tolerant. Independent by nature, he never imposes his opinions on other people, does not force them to do anything and allows them to be who they are. With him, everyone feels relaxed and confident in their uniqueness.

People with a trine of the Sun and Uranus in their horoscope cope well with any collective activity. They enjoy working in groups, creating new projects together, and completing unusual tasks. Owners of this configuration are also suitable for activities related to invention and scientific research. They can perform well in areas such as astronomy, space research, engineering, programming, physics (electronics).

Trigon Sun – Uranus in a woman’s natal chart

The sun in a woman’s horoscope will indicate relationships with men and their main characteristics. Uranus is an evil planet, destabilizing the situation in any area, but a good aspect between the significator of marriage and Uranus will only tell about the importance of freedom in the union. The owner of a trine between the Sun and Uranus is independent in relationships, but this does not prevent her from being faithful, constant and sincere in her feelings.

Women with this configuration in their horoscope tend to be friends with the man of their dreams. It is important for them that their partner is versatile, smart, and original-minded. Often acquaintance occurs among friends, and from strong friendships arise over time beautiful relationship, full of love, kindness and mutual understanding. Such a couple is united by common interests, hobbies and goals in life.

Trigon Sun-Uranus in various elements

A trine between planets most often combines the influences of signs of the same element. For example, the Sun and Uranus, located in Air signs, make a person inquisitive, sociable, inventive and active. He easily makes contact, makes new acquaintances and unites groups of people around him.

The trine of the Sun and Uranus, activating the element of Fire, gives the world originals, altruists, fighters and leaders who strive to change the existing situation in society for the better, making the world kinder, more humane and fairer.

The harmonious interaction between the Sun and Uranus in the signs of Water indicates that a person has some bright and unusual talent. Kind, emotional and deeply feeling, he can be a creator both in the world of art and in the world of feelings.

The luminaries united by a trine in the sign of the Earth will impart to the native the ability to creatively approach solving any practical problem. These progressive people love to improve technological processes and invent things to make everyday life easier.

Various sources for a child's horoscope

Your child has developed imagination, originality and intuition. His enthusiasm, optimism and laughter are very contagious. Very special talents are possible. It is very important to help a child learn to appreciate their “originality” and learn to use their unusual abilities in order to bring about positive changes in the world around them.
The child may perceive the father as an exceptional person. Sometimes he considers his father to be a one-of-a-kind being that he can never become.

No Monster. Aspects

Charm, insight, creativity, leadership talent. Study occult sciences. Good astrologers. Strong will, willingness to experiment in new areas of knowledge. They look at all living things as a single whole. They stand for universal brotherhood.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Trine, sextile: an original, independent personality, has a burning interest in everything new, high creative activity, lively reactions.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects

Sun Trine: Feeling the support of fate, think about what exactly it is supporting.
This is a very strong aspect. Karma, as it were, predetermines the Planetary principle to live well, harmoniously and happily, at least that’s what it seems to a person at a low level of elaboration of the Planet and its trine to the Sun. In reality, karma provides the principle of the Planet with a victorious march, provided that it is worked through; in addition, the will of a person, being turned towards the Planetary principle, easily receives a constructive direction - if a person desires it. If a person wants to use the principle of the Planet, then again his will will not meet resistance. Therefore, one should not think that the trine of the Sun means the prosperity of the Planetary principle; with the same success it can mean its decay (but still under a beautiful facade), if the will of a person is directed towards predatory consumption and unreasonable use. In this sense, the Sun-Moon trine is very dangerous, especially with a strong Sun, since it allows too easy use of health in the interests of a person’s will, which in practice most often means the will of one or another rigid egregor.
In general, the interpretation of the trine in general and the trine of the Sun in particular significantly depends on the level of its elaboration. At a low level, with an egoistic orientation of the will, a person will soon be faced with the unpleasant effect that external imperative circumstances only apparently, very superficially, favor the Planetary principle, but internally, that is, in essence, it does not develop, but gradually stagnates, and the person becomes hopelessly boring. On the contrary, the active study of the Planetary principle and its development will find great support from karma, which will seem completely natural to a person, but will be precisely the result of his volitional efforts, supported by the trine of the Planet. It is very important not to stop here, since the creatively supportive influence of the trine ends immediately when the constructive volitional effort of a person weakens, turning into a predatory one, that is, forcibly removing harmony from the environment and giving it to the person, but in a form that is no longer interesting to him . In spheres ruled by the Planet, it is dangerous to fight with this person: the force that maintains harmony around him will not stand on ceremony with you.
When interpreting this trine, it is also important to pay attention to the relative strength of the Sun and the Planet, but here one should focus not only on the horoscope, but also on the specific circumstances of a person’s life. In any case, it will sincerely seem to a person that his will and initiative in the sphere of the Planetary principle are perfect, and it is almost impossible to convince him of this.
Trine Uranus: Genius, like dullness, cannot be moderate.
Trines of the higher planets give a person protection and stability of fate on such high planes that most often it remains almost unnoticeable. They do not give a specific one, as with trines of lower planets, but rather a mystical, subtle feeling of someone’s benevolent attention, something like a guardian angel with an increased number of wings, and the type of this angel depends on the specific higher planet forming the trine.
Uranus gives an unpredictable, original, inventive, but usually not practical enough guardian angel. That is, in reality this is not the case, but the practicality of the Uranus trine can only be appreciated by a person who sees karma well: he will see how the formidable dangers arising on the horizon are averted by someone’s firm hand, when none of the ordinary people even suspects it. The visible manifestations of the Uranus trine are that a person receives completely unexpected ideas, emotions, impulses of action and methods of perception in the spheres governed by the Planet, and most often these Uranian little things are not only good in themselves (if this is not the case, they are easily managed redirect to the outside world and other people), but also provide the keys to great breakthroughs in understanding the principle of the Planet - with consistent and thorough work with the material. If a person is content with Uranian manifestations in the form in which they come to him, he ceases to understand its more subtle (and more meaningful) hints and interpret the signs, and despite all the visible eccentricity and unconventionality, he nevertheless becomes quite banal and boring to himself, not being able to rise to the level of true creativity and insight, and as a result coming unprepared to the great Uranian crisis. An average level of development can produce a talented scientist engaged in real science (in areas determined by the Planet), but mainly within the framework of the traditional approach, without the desire to blow up the foundations and lay them fundamentally anew. At a high level - special genius in the spheres corresponding to the Planet, which allows harmoniously, almost without destroying the corresponding situation, to build it, nevertheless, on new principles, giving a strong impetus to development, or to untie a large karmic knot almost without sacrifice.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

Personal charm, spiritual insight, leadership talent, creative powers. High spiritual sources are open to them. When going through transits and progressions - intuitive insights. Study of the occult. Good astrologers. Strong will, willingness to experiment in new areas of knowledge. Innovators, inventors, reformers, humanists. They look at all living things as a single whole. They stand for common brotherhood.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

Gives talent, intuition, clairvoyance, originality, ingenuity, enterprise, altruism, selflessness, friendliness, democracy, progressiveness, magnetism, hypnoticness, attractiveness, good health, longevity, the ability to recharge with energy and charge others; inner freedom and independence, sincerity, honesty, justice, humanity, insight. Big changes in life, foreign contacts, success in astrology; charm, charm.
The negative side of these aspects is the temptation to use your magnetism for personal gain; intuition - for enrichment in gambling.

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