Long live summer, holidays and relaxation! Essay my summer holidays. Essay on the topic Summer holidays

Summer holidays- a magical time, it’s not for nothing that people wait for it all year. The Freedom Festival lasts all summer, and during this time you can remake huge amount important matters. Learn to fish, find an ancient treasure... and in the evenings read suitable, summer, funny stories.

All book characters love holidays. Valentinka from A. Borisova’s story “Notes for My Descendants” writes memoirs about everything that happened in the summer: an expedition to the mysterious Blue Forest, a meeting with the taiga giant Syrbyrkhyrchik, mastering the acquaintance with a dinosaur that lives in the river...

Marusya came to visit her grandmother for the first time. She was afraid that the summer would be sad, because the village had neither a TV nor a computer. But it turned out that you won’t get bored with your grandmother. She rides a motorcycle, plays football and buries treasures in the garden like a real pirate!

Summer is a time of fun and new discoveries. You need to stock up on impressions for the whole academic year ahead. Pashka Geraskin and Alisa Selezneva (K. Bulychev, “A Million Adventures”) go on a journey through time and space: during their vacation on the planet Penelope, they will have to save local animals and compete with real space pirates.

A family from Cherbourg (J.-F. Arroux-Vigneault), parents and their six sons, travels around France on vacation. You can imagine how many things six boys can do! The ladies are not at all bored; besides, the program includes pillow fights and a lot of all sorts of goodies.

The Austrian boy Franz (K. Nestlinger) was left alone during the holidays, and his parents invited him to go to children's camp. Of course, he is a little scared, but in the camp he finds new friends who are ready to take part in various fun things.

Little Nicolas visited both the sea and a children's camp. Small funny stories by R. Gossini are dedicated to his little adventures. Nicolas, like many children his age, is a terrible fidget, and he wants to check and try everything.

Collections of short stories are one of the most “summer” book formats. N. Nosov's stories are very different: the story about Shurik's first fishing trip is funny, but “Cucumbers” is instructive. But, most importantly, they are alive and truthful; after all, anyone can get into trouble.

A. Aleksin's collection is entirely devoted to stories about vacations. Not only fun adventures, but also real adult problems sometimes confront the children. Stories about Sasha and Shura - about true friendship, and even though the boys don’t always do the right thing, sometimes they quarrel, but in difficult moment always ready to lend each other a helping hand.

Just because they don't go to school in the summer doesn't mean kids don't learn anything. There is a lesson to be learned from every event, every meeting, every little thing.

D. Wilke's stories about summer holidays were included in the book “Mushroom Rain for a Hero.” In her heroes modern teenagers It’s easy to recognize yourself: the plots of the stories are both simple and familiar and relatable. Every summer day is lived from the first to the last minute like a little life.

“Summer of Marie-Lou” - a teenage story by S. Casta. Having escaped from dusty and stuffy Stockholm and plunged headlong into farm life, Adam and Marie-Lou spent a wonderful summer together. They were twelve then, and in their hands was the whole world. But this world - a crystal ball - broke into a million small fragments in a second. Three years have passed, and the new summer is a chance to glue everything together.

Marie Lu's summer always smells of meadow flowers, love and happiness. But in N. Evdokimova’s book, summer smells of salt. This is a collection of short stories set on the Black Sea. The main characters are teenagers, and at this age they experience the most strong emotions. Evdokimova’s stories end brightly and a little sadly, since you definitely need to say goodbye to the sea - for the whole year.

The sea is a frequent “summer” theme in books for children. Main character The picture book “Me, the Wolf and Vacations with Grandfather” is just going to the seaside, and it’s hard to get bored in a company like his. But Oleg Bundur’s hero has already arrived and is absorbing the impressions. A house on a stone shore 15 meters from the sea, lunch under centuries-old protected pine trees, many birds around...

Of course, in the summer you can read not only about vacations. There are stories that are ideal for reading in the evening after an eventful day. They are not about the holidays at all, but the antics of the main characters perfectly convey the summer, cheerful mood. These are books by Astrid Lindgren about the mischievous Emil from Lenneberga and the children from Bullerby or Yuri Koval's story about the adventures of Vasya Kurolesov. Mischief-makers and adventure-seekers, boys and girls live in them life to the fullest. They not only chase cats and ride bicycles, but also, for example, conduct investigations.

So the more adventures - both in life and on the pages of books - the more fun the summer will be.


Summer holidays are a joy for children and headache for parents. From year to year, adults think about how best and more effective for a child spend your summer school holiday.

How to spend your summer holidays

Long live summer! Summer holidays for schoolchildren begin on June 1, 2013 and traditionally end on August 31. This great time for teenagers to reconsider their attitude towards life and have time to do everything that they don’t have enough time for in the process academic year. There are three whole months of fun, relaxation and joy ahead, and so that the holidays are not in vain, you should think and make a plan on how to spend them with maximum benefit and what to do. Undoubtedly, it’s worth relaxing; that’s what vacations are for. Sea, sun, beach, cottage, fishing, hiking with friends or camp - there are a lot of possibilities!

But so that it doesn’t turn out like in Krylov’s fable: “I sang red summer, didn’t have time to look back...”, it’s worth thinking about how to spend the holidays profitably. For example, improve or learn a foreign language, take courses in makeup, hairdressing, for photography enthusiasts. Who knows, perhaps the skills acquired in the courses will be useful in the future, because you can’t carry knowledge behind your shoulders.

A wonderful opportunity to improve your well-being and gain independence will be to work during the summer holidays. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to go somewhere abroad.

Work during summer holidays

Summer work is becoming increasingly popular among young people. There may be several reasons for working during the summer holidays. Firstly, this financial independence teenager Agree, pocket money is good, but earning money on your own is much more enjoyable. This kind of money is much more valuable. In addition, there is a constant fear: will there be pocket money this month or not due to various situations, including those related to poor academic performance or behavior. Secondly, it is a way of self-affirmation among peers. Smoking and drinking are no longer fashionable, but earning money for clothes, a fancy phone or a trip is now considered “cool”. A working teenager already feels quite mature and independent. And thirdly, it is responsibility. The work involves responsibility to the employer for the results of one’s work. There is an understanding of the value of earning money when money does not fall from the sky, but is earned.

Summer holidays provide an opportunity to earn money in the following areas:

              • work as a promoter (carrying out all kinds of promotions, distributing leaflets, etc.);
              • in the delivery department (pizza, flowers, gifts, correspondence, etc.);
              • assistant in cafes and restaurants (from cleaner to waiter);
              • blue-collar jobs (car washing, lawn mowing, office cleaning);
              • work on the Internet (copywriting, translations).

If a teenager masters a certain specialty, then there is the opportunity to work as an apprentice to a master (hairdresser, massage therapist, mechanic).

But, first of all, it is worth remembering that the child’s work must be paid, and for this it is necessary to officially employ him. Teenagers are prohibited from working in hazardous industries, at night, and without the written consent of one of the parents.

Summer holidays abroad

IN recent years ten, traveling abroad has become a very popular holiday destination for children during the summer holidays. Parents who send their schoolchildren abroad strive for several goals: to break down the language barrier, to help the child begin to speak foreign language, see the world, study or work. At school, at the end of the school year, you can see advertisements offering education and recreation in Europe and the United States of America.

This is a great opportunity to travel, with the choice of studying or working. As an option, a program for schoolchildren to live in families is suitable - relaxation and communication with peers. The most popular destinations are England, Germany, Italy and the USA. And how many new friends and impressions your child will bring from such a vacation! In addition, the child will very soon begin to speak a foreign language freely and at ease.

Summer holiday activities

In order not to sit at home and get bored all summer, you can come up with a vacation scenario. You will be surprised how many interesting events are held for schoolchildren in the summer! Useful sources information will be posters, newspapers, and the Internet. Excursions, exhibitions, and sports competitions are organized for schoolchildren. In each city, the administration for culture and sports prepares its own action plan. All parents need is to choose the most interesting direction for their child. A boat ride will bring an unforgettable experience; an excursion to historical places will be remembered by myths and legends native land, a trip to the theater will immerse you in the world of art and beauty. Tournaments in yard football, basketball, and beach volleyball are planned for the summer holidays.

Summer holidays in the village

Adults often remember with pleasure their holidays with their grandmother in the village as their happiest moments. And this is not surprising: fresh air, carefree games from morning to night, trips to the pond or river, sore knees and new friends. The most interesting adventures During the summer holidays they happen in the village. After all, at school you can then brag to your peers about how interesting it was to herd geese, steal apples from neighbors, or ride a bicycle through fields and meadows.

To make your vacation with your grandparents as comfortable as possible, you should take care of the student’s safety. Be sure to include a cap, mosquito and sun protection in your backpack. standard set medicines. After all, children spend most of their time during the summer holidays fresh air, eat vegetables and fruits straight from the garden and completely forget about hand hygiene.

And the most important argument in favor of holidays in the village may be the fact that the child will probably not spend all free time in front of a computer screen.

Summer holidays at sea

Frankly, anyone who has been to the sea at least once wants to return to its tender embrace again and again. If there is such an opportunity, then the child must be taken to the coast. It's always joy, positivity, sun, visiting interesting places and undoubted health benefits from the cleanest sea air and water. It would be great if it was a camp, because then the student would be able to relax and improve his health for a longer period of time. Known fact, What abrupt change climate and hot sun require adaptation, which lasts about 10 days. At summer camp, counselors come up with interesting scenarios games, sporting events, and the brought photos will tell you about the unforgettable moments of your holiday at sea.

Summer holidays in the library

In order to restore schoolchildren’s interest in books, libraries organize special exhibitions, competitions and themed days. By visiting such an event, you can have a fun and unusual time. Getting to know literary heroes V game form, participation in drawing competitions or debates will leave bright, positive emotions, and the children will replenish their knowledge base and develop their creative and intellectual abilities.

The summer of 2013 has arrived, and schoolchildren will have to decide, not without the participation of their parents, how to dispose of them. A lot of opportunities open up before them and they shouldn’t miss them by sitting at the computer for many weeks. Although in reality this is not such a bad option as many people think...

Time to relax full power, and not as in . Indeed, in our country this period lasts about three months. Thus, it is possible to long time forget about school.

The warm season promises children and teenagers a lot of opportunities for outdoor leisure. Moreover, numerous recreation organizations are ready to open their doors to them.

How to spend your summer holidays

When the summer, and the longest, holidays begin, schoolchildren and their relatives are faced with the question of how to spend them. It must be said that these days the choice of many is as simple as possible: they spend June, July and August at the computer. It is unlikely that this is as harmful for children as many people see, because modern life if not in everything, then in many respects it is built around computers. And therefore the child school age, who is perfectly oriented in virtual space, has at least one environment in which he is perfectly socialized. Therefore, summer in front of the computer is not the only option, but it is quite acceptable.

Another common option is for children. summer camp. These days, you can choose from options located both in Russia and abroad. The summer period in these institutions is divided into shifts, so that a child or teenager can spend 20 days, a month or 40 days in the camp, and spend the remaining time in the city.

Children's summer camp is an ideal environment for meeting new people. The child will not lack in it real communication. Here he will be able to find friends, the connection with whom will not be severed even after the end of his shift. Adventures during the summer holidays spent at a youth camp can remain in your memory for a lifetime.

Another option that is relevant for children of high school age is temporary employment, because in the summer in the city teenagers have something to do. The most socially mature schoolchildren can even get a job in the direction they are going to study and in adult life. At the same time, most teenagers take part-time jobs in order to acquire some funds. Most often, this kind of income is small, although the most clever ones can find places where, if they work successfully, the salary will be quite significant.

The next opportunity is to take up reading. The school usually prepares a voluminous summer reading list for students. As a result, in September you can return to school with a noticeably increased knowledge of the classics

Work during summer holidays

Employment in summer months- a very attractive way to spend time. It is available to those who have reached 14 years of age; before this age it is prohibited to work. At the same time, teenagers who are under 16 years of age can get a job only with the permission of their parents or other relatives responsible for them.

Employment services centrally offer boys and girls to enroll in youth labor teams. Their participants are usually engaged in agricultural work or landscaping. In this case, the earnings will not be very high, but the teenager will have the opportunity to find friends among his colleagues in the brigade.

Another common way of finding employment for a teenager is working in catering establishments, including fast food establishments. A boy or girl can play the role of an auxiliary worker in a cafe, for example, a dishwasher, in which case his income will be small. At the same time, having gotten a job as a waiter, he will have access to working with people and, accordingly, to tips.

A great way to earn real money without any effort is to distribute leaflets. True, this work is unlikely to teach a teenager anything, except that it will soon wean him from shyness.

The most profitable option may be to work in sales, but this type of work requires an appropriate personality. If required psychological qualities You can earn very significant money in this direction.

Summer holidays abroad

Holidays abroad will be an excellent option for teenagers whose parents can afford it. There are a lot of offers designed for those who want to send a boy or girl to another country.

The most obvious result in this case will be improved ownership a certain language or even learning a new language almost from scratch. After all, if the majority in the camp are not Russian-speaking, the teenager will inevitably have to speak the appropriate language. Such immersion in a foreign environment can give a quick effect.

In addition, foreign holidays are a great opportunity to broaden your horizons. If we are talking about the entire summer period, then during this time you can get to know another life in some detail, gaining invaluable experience and capturing these events in colorful photos.

An interesting option is to work abroad under the au pair program. In this case, the teenager lives in a house belonging to a foreign family, does a simple homework and learns the language.

Summer holiday activities

Some schools organize events during the summer holidays. Their scenarios should be planned taking into account the fact that many schoolchildren are leaving the city at this time. The most popular events will be those held at the end of the school year or in August before the start of the next one.

Events of this kind include those held at the school itself, including various performances, as well as joint visits to cultural institutions and trips outside the city.

Summer holidays in the village

In the countryside is a classic pastime at this time of year. Now the village is forced to compete with numerous other options. Of course, a friendly village environment with friendly elderly relatives can be an excellent option, including for children who find themselves in a company in the city that is not very pleasing to their parents.

Summer holidays at sea

A holiday at sea is another traditional option. It includes visiting the beaches, sunbathing, and eating local fruits. At the same time this method holidays often take up only part of the summer holidays. In many cases, children spend several weeks on the seashore with their parents, who have taken vacation at this time.

At the same time, there are numerous teenage camps located by the sea.

Summer holidays in the library

It was already mentioned above that the book can become an excellent holiday companion for schoolchildren. You can read the recommended literature from the list in the library. In this case, the library can be both real and virtual. Traditional library institutions still exist, and in their reading rooms one can spend many hours sitting in front of the issued books.

At the same time virtual libraries, located on the Internet, have all the books that can be recommended to a student.

Summer holidays of all school holidays I like the most
because they are the longest and fall on summer period.
Summer is one of the most best seasons year, which provides many options for spending time.
You can walk outside all day instead of sitting at home.
Go to the sea, lake, river. Enjoy nature.
I also like summer holidays because the sun rises early and sets late. The days are very long and the nights are warm.
You can go outside in the evening and admire the sunset.
After the sun has set, it’s nice to sit or walk along the street, enjoying the warm air,
listen to the crickets and admire the night starry sky.
During the summer holidays you can play various games sports games: football, volleyball.
You can just walk and admire the beauty of summer, how the trees and flowers bloom.
In summer, many people go to the sea, river, swim, sunbathe, and have fun.
Summer holidays are one of the most favorite holidays among schoolchildren.

Essay on the topic: Summer holidays.

I spent this summer very fun and varied.
And also, as my mother says, with great benefit.
Of course, I devoted a lot of time to my little brother.
He is still a baby with us - he recently turned nine months old. At first I thought that with such a small man I would not be interested. Don't think that I don't love my brother! No, I just adore him! But before, I stayed with him for a short time - an hour or an hour and a half. And this summer, my mother was busy, and I needed to spend half a day with my brother.
At first I thought it was very difficult task.
I was worried whether I would do everything, whether something would happen. But soon, when I got used to it a little, everything went like clockwork. I got to know my brother even better because I had the opportunity to observe him longer. I found out that this baby already has his own character. He is a big cunning man, he always gets his way, and by any means necessary. He can show with his little eyes what he needs, he can demand, or he can simply scream without stopping if he doesn’t get something.
My little brother also loves it when people read books to him.
I read aloud to him Pushkin’s fairy tales and D. Defoe’s “The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.”
But my brother’s favorite book, without a doubt, is M. Twain’s novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” Listening to the tricks of the main character, the brother became quiet, it seemed that he forgot about everything in the world. It seemed to me that he remembered all of Tom's pranks in order to repeat them when he grew up. Or come up with your own, just as interesting and fun.
In general, the time I spent with my brother was good for me. My parents talk about this too. I have become more mature and serious. I also became closer to my brother. Now I love him even more.
Also this summer I visited my grandmother Lena. She lives in a village located on the banks of the Volga River. Of course, I already saw this river when I was little. But now it was as if I saw her for the first time. The Volga seemed very wide and beautiful to me. Grandmother says that this river is majestic, that it is long and nice story.
Indeed, the Volga has always been the “navigable artery” of Russia. Many ships traveled along it, transporting a wide variety of goods. There were many merchant cities on the banks of this river; barge haulers pulled barges along the Volga; songs were written about this river, and paintings were painted from it.
Of course, I couldn’t help but swim in the Volga. The water in it seemed surprisingly clean and transparent to me. The beautiful greenish bottom was illuminated by the sun, and the unique smell of a warm river came from the water. And the sun's glare played across the entire surface of the Volga. And even when you close your eyes, these highlights remained in your memory. And even now, if we remember the Volga, then these sunbeams- one of the most vivid impressions.
Of course, a lot pleasant memories I also have leftovers from life in the village. There I helped my grandmother with housework, milked a cow for the first time, looked after a newborn calf, and helped herd cows. In addition, my grandmother and I baked fluffy village pancakes and made real Russian porridge in the oven.
I also, of course, talked to the neighborhood kids. We spent a lot of time outside, playing different games and just talked. They also sometimes raided neighboring yards and tore apples and pears there. Only first they asked permission from the owners. And they always allowed it - everyone in the village said that this year the harvest was extremely rich.
Time in the village flew by and I had to return home. To remember my summer adventures, I have memories, photographs and the experience and knowledge that I gained. Putting it all together, I think I had a wonderful summer.

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