True friendship in literature. Extra friendship

Subject: literature

Topic: “The theme of friendship in Russian poetry”

Grade: 11

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of the material studied

Lesson location: after studying the lyrics of A.A. Blok.

Planned results:

Personal: improve moral qualities personality: the ability to value friendship, value friends.

Meta-subject: be able to structure the material in the biographies of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov and Blok; select arguments for confirmation own position; highlight cause-and-effect connections between eras biographical information authors and revealing the theme of the poems.

Subject: be able to analyze poems by comparing them (determine the theme, idea, connection between the time the poem was written and the features of the theme); find figurative and expressive means and explain their role in revealing the ideas of poems; understand the author’s position and express your attitude towards it.


Productive creative: writing a home essay

Search engine: independent search answering problematic questions.

Receptive: reading and full perception of the texts of poems by Pushkin, Lermontov, Blok and modern poets.

Reproductive: students compile a table; student messages; understanding the plot of poems, the characters and events depicted in them; answers to problematic questions.

Research: comparative analysis poems.

Basic concepts and terms: lyrical hero, keywords, genre, author's attitude, biographical commentary.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizational moment (1 min.)
  2. Activation of students' knowledge (2 min.)
  3. Student message (4 min.)
  4. Expressive reading of a poem by a teacher, listening to poems performed by wordsmiths (5 min.).
  5. Students' reports about the history of the creation of poems (4 min.).
  6. Work on the topic in groups (15 min.)
  7. Conclusions on the topic. (7 min.)
  8. Assessment. Homework(2 minutes.)

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.
  1. Activation of students' knowledge

On interactive whiteboard first slide

A.S. Pushkin

"To a Poet Friend" (1814)

"To Pushchin" (1815)

"Delvigu" (1817)

"Separation" (1817)

"Pushchina" (1826)

"The more often the Lyceum celebrates" (1832)

"It Was Time:" (1836)

M.Yu. Lermontov

"To friend"

"Paiyati Odoevsky"

A.A.Blok “To Friends”

What do these poems have in common? What is their theme?

(All these poems are dedicated to friendship and friends.)

The theme of friendship occupies great place in the works of many poets, but it is especially vividly represented in the lyrics of Pushkin. As a true genius, Pushkin was endowed with a great feeling of love - for life, for humanity in general and for every person, as special and unique. Among the high and wonderful talents with which Pushkin was generously endowed, there is one special one - the talent of friendship. The poet's relationships with people close to him in spirit and thoughts are captured in his poems, which remain a model of fidelity, devotion, and constancy.

What is friendship? Who do we consider a friend? Why did this topic worry poets? We have to figure this out today.

There is an opinion that the Russian word friend is derived from the word another, that is

someone else, not me. And the real secret of friendship is that thanks to it

small human I expands to include other life,

enriched by it. This touches on the deepest mystery of human essence,

which is that a person cannot be happy alone.

At home you should have determined the meaning of the words friendship and friend.

(According to the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov, friendship is close

relationships based on mutual trust, affection, community

interests. Friendship has always been considered a force that unites people

important social and moral value. It is no coincidence in a broad sense

the concept of “friendship” means not only interpersonal, but also social


IN spoken language the word "friend" has several meanings. It means

an acquaintance, a person to whom we have sympathy, in a word, everyone who is close to us.)

So, friendship is infinitely important in the life of every person.. And how the theme of friendship is revealed in the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov and Blok we will talk today in class. What is the problem of our lesson today?

(Students express their assumptions, the second slide is posted on the board - the topic of the lesson; the teacher names the goals of the lesson.)

  1. What place does friendship occupy in the works of these great poets? What are the features of her image? What influences different interpretations of the topic? We will try to resolve these issues today.
  1. Student message on the topic: (third slide - title of the topic) “The theme of friendship in poetry of the first half of the 19th century.”

4. Expressive reading by the teacher of a poem by A.S. Pushkin “I.I. Pushchina."

5. Message from a previously prepared student about the history of the creation of the poem:

(The poem was written by Pushkin on December 13, 1826, that is, on the eve of the first anniversary of the Decembrist uprising. It is dedicated to Pushkin’s lyceum friend Ivan Pushchin, who was and always remained the poet’s closest friend. The history of the creation of this poem is as follows. In May 1820, by personal order of Alexander 1 Pushkin was expelled from St. Petersburg far to the south. The reason for this was that at that time his forbidden “free” poems were circulating throughout the country in Odessa. In Odessa, the poet entered into a sharp conflict with the local governor. According to his denunciation, Pushkin. was exiled in the fall of 1824 to his mother’s remote estate - the village of Mikhailovskoye.

Pushchin was the first of Pushkin’s friends to visit the “poet’s disgraced house” in Mikhailovskoye. It was January 11, 1825, the only day they spent together. That's all. They never saw each other again. A date at Mikhailovsky is one of the most dramatic moments in the lives of friends. Being one of the leaders Decembrist uprising, Pushchin foresaw his future and certainly wanted to see Pushkin and say goodbye to him. The poem is dedicated to this meeting. When Pushkin was released from exile, Pushchin was already under arrest.)

M.Yu. dedicated the poem “To the Memory of Odoevsky” to his friend A.I. Odoevsky, who died in the Caucasus. Lermontov.

Student's message about Decembrist poet A.I. Odoevsky.

(Decembrist poet Alexander Ivanovich Odoevsky (1802-1839), author of the famous poem “Strings of prophetic fiery sounds...", written in response to "Message to Siberia» Pushkin. In 1837, Odoevsky was transferred from Siberia to the Caucasus as an ordinary soldier of the Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon Regiment, where he met and became friends with Lermontov. Odoevsky died on August 15. 1839 from fever while in active army on the shores of the Black Sea. The poem recreates the appearance and spiritual world Decembrist, who retained “a proud faith in people and a different life.” This optimism was expressed by Odoevsky in the above-mentioned response to Pushkin’s message.

Lermontov was interested in Odoevsky and his poems, apparently even before meeting him in the Caucasus. Lermontov's poem dates back to 1830, in which he talks, perhaps, about sad fate Odoevsky: “When your friend is with prophetic melancholy” (“K***”). There are lines there:

He was born for peaceful inspirations,
For glory, for hope; - but between people
He was no good - and a hostile genius
He did not put chains on his soul;
And the creator did not hear his prayers,
And he died in the bloom of better days).

Listening to a poem performed by masters of words (phonochrestomathy).

Poets of the 20th century also turn to the theme of friendship. Listen to the poem by A.A. Block "Friends".

(Reading by teacher).

The theme of friendship is dealt with differently in the poems of these poets; let’s try to figure out why this happens.

7.. Work in groups:

Each group has a table with questions filled out for discussion to analyze the poems, and the texts of the poems.

Filling out the table;

Information exchange.

Group 1: analysis of Pushkin’s poem “I.I.Pushchinu”

Group 2: analysis of Lermontov’s poem “In Memory of A.I. Odoevsky"

Group 3: analysis of Blok’s poem “To Friends”

A.S. Pushkin “I.I. Pushchin”

M.Yu. Lermontov “In Memory of A.I. Odoevsky"



Date of writing

Genre of poems


Traits lyrical hero

Questions for discussion: (fourth slide)

What facts from the biography of Pushkin, Lermontov and Blok are reflected in the poems?

Determine the genre of the poem.

What is the main idea of ​​the poems?

How is the problem of the relationship between the lyrical hero and the surrounding world solved?

What are the speech features poems? How do they convey the message of the poems?

What distinguishes the lyrical hero of each poem?

What is your perception of these poems?

What is common and what is different in the understanding and depiction of friendship by Pushkin, Lermontov and Blok?

While studying the poetry of Pushkin and Lermontov, we talked about how the theme of friendship is revealed in Pushkin’s poems “October 19”, “To Pushchin”, Lermontov’s “Feast”, “To Friends”, which relate to their early lyrics. Has the interpretation of the topic changed in late lyric poetry A.S. Pushkin? What about Lermontov? What are the reasons?

(The disclosure of the theme of friendship changed throughout his life in Pushkin’s poetry, but this theme always occupied a huge place in his life. He saw it as a union of people obsessed with one idea. Friendship for Pushkin is the recognition of another human character, another way, is spiritual generosity, not self-affirmation. We, the descendants of the immortal genius, should strive for such relationships in friendship, for such nobility, for the fearless defense of true values.

IN early poetry Lermontov sounds traditional theme glorification of friends and cheerful friendship with feasts and bottles (“Feast”, “To Friends”, “Dedication”), but a friendly idyll does not work out in Lermontov’s poetry even in the very first period of its development. The theme of satisfied friendship is already muffled and interrupted by Lermontov’s tragic declarations that friendship does not exist on earth, that it is deceptive, that he “did not know how to get along with a friend” and that those whom he in some cases considered his

Friends, they turned out to be unworthy of this name." As a result, in 1831 the theme of friendship noticeably diminished in Lermontov’s lyrics, and then was almost completely interrupted for several years.

Painful experiences of loneliness, a feeling of homelessness,

the futility of existence, dead boredom, burning and constant, .like

flame., sadness - these are the main features of the lyrical hero M. Yu. Lermontov.

Many of the poet's contemporaries were endlessly lonely people,

closed in on themselves, they felt only a chilling emptiness around them, nothing

could warm their hearts, and they themselves did not radiate warmth.

Lermontov managed to convey the atmosphere of his time, the mood of his

contemporaries. He felt the pain of his generation more acutely than others, he comprehended

spiritual turmoil in an atmosphere of suppression of an extraordinary personality...

Why does Blok have so many negative emotions are your friends calling? Are the reasons for this in society, in time or in personal life circumstances?

(In the poem “To Friends” there are tragic, confessional notes, the motive of homelessness. The author raises the problem of the creator and creativity. The poet is a tragic figure, he is disappointed in the world that he creates, he sees that he is not understood. There are many poems in Russian lyrics , glorifying and glorifying friendship as one of the most wonderful feelings that connect people with each other. With a sharp dissonance, Blok’s lyrics burst into the stream of these poems, in which friendship appears in a completely different light and almost every word about it seems to be doused with anger, bitterness, bile, and permeated with the spirit of sarcasm. Perhaps there is no other poet in whose work friendship would be subjected to such fierce attacks as we see in Blok’s lyrics. As soon as it starts talking about friendship, it seems that the poet’s throat is seized by a spasm of pain and anger and he cannot find any other words except the most harsh and caustic ones:

You say I'm cold, withdrawn and dry

Yes, this is how I will be with you:

Not for kind words I forged the spirit

It was not for friendship that I fought fate.

In order to understand the nature of Blok’s poems about friendship, we should take into account what gave rise to them, the poet’s relationship with his environment, with people who became closest to him for a certain period and eventually passed over (as is usually the case). happened) into the camp of his fierce and irreconcilable enemies.)

8. Generalization and conclusions on the topic.

Why is one topic revealed? differently? What influences time, society, life circumstances, the personality of the poet himself or the combination of these factors?

How important is friendship in a person's life?

What place does this topic occupy in Russian poetry?

Do you think that when we turn to poetry in the future, we will encounter this theme? Why?

Do you know poems by modern poets about friendship? Read it.

(Students read poems by V. Vysotsky, E. Yevtushenko, R. Gamzatov, etc.)

Is the interpretation of this topic changing in modern poetry?


“What understanding of friendship has Russian poetry given me?”

(Completed table - see Appendix below)

Pushkin “I.I. Pushchin”

Lermontov “In Memory of A.I. Odoevsky"

A.A. Block

Date of writing




Characteristics of the era and its reflection in the poem. Real biographical commentary

Political stagnation in society. Lermontov learns about the death of Odoevsky, with whom he served in the Caucasus.

The defeat of the revolution of 1905. Confusion in society. The poet's disappointment in his former friends.

Genre of poems

Friendly message




Friend, life, pestilence, soul. bitter, mad, melancholy, heart.

House, curse, friend, rot, year, heap, birth, death.

Traits of a lyrical hero

The lyrical hero feels a feeling of gratitude to his friend, joy from the meeting. Friendship gives happiness of communication and mutual understanding. It supports a friend who is in captivity.

The lyrical hero experiences loss, loneliness, and realizes the meaninglessness of existence.

The lyrical hero is a tragic figure, he is disappointed in the world, he sees that he is not understood.

Features of the speech of poems

The vocabulary is high (bestowed, blessed, solitary, included, announced, holy providence). Anaphora is used.

Uses alliteration (repetition of [zh, h, z, s], which allows us to convey the entire spectrum negative feelings coming from friends. Gradation (hostile, envious, deaf, alien).

Addresses used by poets...

My first friend, my priceless friend

Feelings expressed in the poem

Gratitude, tenderness, sincerity, the desire to instill hope for the best, to support Pushchin.

Sadness, tragedy of loss. loneliness, disappointment in life.

Tragic confessional notes. Disappointment in friendship and friends.


1. Blagoy D. Pushkin’s mastery. – M.: Nauka, 1995

2. Bocharov S.G. Poetics of Pushkin. – M.: Progress, 1994

3. Vyrypaev P.A. Lermontov: materials for the biography. - M., 1982

4. Gippius V.V. From Pushkin to Blok. – M., 1996

5. How the heart can express itself // Collection of poetry. – M.: Young Guard,


6.Block. A. Poems. Poems. - M.: Fiction, 1984.

7. Chalmaev V.A., Zinin S.A. Russian literature of the 20th century: Textbook for grade 11. - M.: Russian word, 2006. - P. 172 – 182.

– Help me write an essay “The Theme of Friendship in Russian Literature,” he asks cousin. – I wouldn’t bother you, but there is absolutely nothing on the Internet.
- It can’t be! – I wave it off.
“I’ve been looking for the second day,” my brother sadly confirms, and I, unable to bear it, launch the search engine in the firm belief that in 20 minutes I will be able to find a decent “fish” for him. Time flies on the Internet. It's already evening outside. There is no “fish”, but the problem posed appears in all its insidious and unsolved growth.

With whom and how were the main characters friends? classical works Russian literature?
Evgeny Onegin was friends with Lensky. As a result, Lensky was killed. Dubrovsky's father was friends with Troekurov. As a result, Troekurov sued his estate. Petrusha Grinev first became friends with Zurin, and he immediately fleeced his friend at billiards. Then Shvabrin became his friend... Hmmm. I don’t even want to remember how the “sincere union connecting Mozart and Salieri” ended.
But somehow I immediately remember Lermontov’s Pechorin, who casually spat in Maxim Maksimovich’s soul and shot Grushnitsky. He, however, wanted to kill him himself, and they were not friends for long. And in general, Pechorin is not an indicator, after all, he himself once blurts out that, supposedly, “he is incapable of friendship: of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits this to himself; I cannot be a slave, and in this case commanding is tedious work, because at the same time I must deceive; and besides, I have lackeys and money!”
I must say, it is very interesting to read this quote many years after the school debriefing. They told us then: “See what capitalism does to people! They have lackeys and money, but they are incapable of friendship, because they build it according to laws social inequality!” I remember that I then asked the teacher: “But how did Maxim Maksimovich, living under capitalism, stay normal person? The answer was amazing: “But he didn’t have lackeys or money!”

By the way, Bazarov from “Fathers and Sons” did not have them either. However, this did not contribute to his friendship with Arkady Kirsanov, a wealthy and at first quite ready to play the role of a junior partner-student. “Bazarov’s attitude towards his comrade casts a bright streak of light on his character,” wrote the fashionable literary critic those years Dmitry Pisarev. - Bazarov has no friend, because he has not yet met a person who would not give in to him. Bazarov’s personality closes in on itself, because outside of it and around it there are almost no elements related to it at all.” As you can see, it looks terribly like Pechorin. But “lackeys and money” have nothing to do with it.
But this is already the 60s years XIX century. Returning to Pushkin's times, we meet Griboyedov's Chatsky, equally sophisticatedly making fun of both enemies and old friends at the ball. We meet friends Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, who betray each other at the first danger. We meet Manilov and Nozdreva, who are ready to make friends with the first Chichikov they meet. Somewhere nearby wander the businessman Alexander Aduev, disillusioned with friendship, from “ Ordinary history"Goncharova and numerous friends of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the best and most faithful of whom, Stolz, marries his girlfriend.

Post-reform literature does not bring any joy either. For example, Prince Myshkin and the merchant Rogozhin became friends on the train. They even exchanged crosses. But then we met Nastasya Filippovna. As a result, Myshkin ended up in a mental hospital, Rogozhin in hard labor, and the girl in general in the morgue.
Or did Chekhov's doctor Ragin become friends with crazy Ivan Gromov, and he himself went crazy and died, and he former friends they warmly supported him in this. One gets the feeling that all the more or less noble heroes of Dostoevsky, Ostrovsky, Chekhov, Bunin, Kuprin in life are surrounded exclusively by the heroes of Saltykov-Shchedrin, who, it seems, did not believe in friendship and in almost all of his works was ready to suspect hypocrisy and corruption.
There are, however, still conspirators, truthfully described in Dostoevsky’s “Demons” and sympathetically in Gorky’s novel “Mother.” But this is a completely different – ​​“underground” – friendship, heavily mixed with blood.
A significant role, of course, in this sad picture laws also play literary genre, according to which any work must contain a conflict, otherwise it may not interest the reader. But anyway French literature somehow manages to comply with this principle and give us “The Three Musketeers”, the German - “Three Comrades”, the English - “Three in a Boat, Not Counting the Dog”. What Russian classical trinity comes to mind in response? Perhaps "Three Heroes". And how long ago it was!

But to ancient Russian literature It's really worth taking a closer look. Saved quite a bit of time literary monuments, but most of them explore the theme of friendship quite adequately. And in the heroic epics, and in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, and in “Zadonshchina”, despite all the conflicts, the truth still wins, and this truth never looks lonely. Cyril and Methodius, Boris and Gleb, Peter and Fevronia, Dmitry Donskoy and Vladimir the Brave, Zosima, Savvaty and German Solovetsky - these are just a few of the most famous literary and historical communities, whose worthy successors were Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky in numerous stories. Most of the chronicle princes, even the pagans Oleg and Svyatoslav, are always surrounded in their works by a loyal squad, whose betrayal or even simple indifference is perceived as an extraordinary event.
This desire to unite and stand together in the name of truth can be seen in works of the XVIII century. Prostakov and Skotinin in Fonvizin and his contemporaries are opposed by Milon, Pravdin and Starodum. Even Pushkin and Gogol, descending into previous centuries, paint pictures of a completely different attitude towards friendship in Poltava and Taras Bulba.

“You heard from your fathers and grandfathers how honored everyone was with our land: it made itself known to the Greeks, and it took chervonets from Constantinople, and there were magnificent cities, and temples, and princes, princes of the Russian family, their own princes, not Catholic ones.” mistrust,” says Taras Bulba before the battle. “The Busurmans took everything, everything was lost.” Only we are left, orphans, yes, like a widow after a strong husband, orphans, just like us, our land! This is the time at which we, comrades, gave our hand to brotherhood! This is what our partnership stands on! There is no bond holier than fellowship! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. There were comrades in other lands, but there were no such comrades as in the Russian land. You have happened more than once to disappear for long periods of time in a foreign land; you see - there are people there too! also a man of God, and you will talk to him as if you were one of your own; and when it comes to telling a heartfelt word, you see: no, smart people, but not those; the same people, but not the same! No, brothers, to love like the Russian soul - to love not just with your mind or anything else, but with everything that God has given, whatever is in you... no one can love like that!”

Onegin, Pechorin or Bazarov, having heard such a speech, would probably have laughed. Stoltz or von Koren would shrug their shoulders. But Petrusha Grinev and Petya Rostov, Maxim Maksimovich and Andrei Bolkonsky, heroes “ Sevastopol stories“Tolstoy and Fadeev’s “Young Guard” would probably understand old Taras.
It’s a pity, of course, that in our new and latest literature Only the military, it seems, know how to truly make friends. But it’s not for nothing that the emperor Alexander III pronounced his sad words at the end of the golden age of Russian culture catchphrase: “Russia has no friends, they are afraid of our enormity... Russia has only two reliable allies - its army and its navy.”
How I wish our country, and therefore you and I, had more real, reliable friends!

Friendship is one of the most important life values ​​in the destiny of every person. It is friendship, friendly ties between people that help them survive in the most difficult life situations.

Friendship is a philosophical category, it is subject to deep understanding, and people should take the concept of “friendship” seriously, with a sense of deep responsibility. It cannot be said that such a concept as friendship appeared and became relevant only in the 20th century. Friendships among people have grown and strengthened over the course of many centuries; it was spiritual kinship, mutual interest and mutual understanding that caused the rapprochement of many peoples and even states. In my opinion, the theme of friendship is best reflected in the works of Russian classical literature, namely in the lyrics of one of the famous Russians poets of the 19th century centuries -

A. S. Pushkin.

A. S. Pushkin wrote lyrical poems throughout his short life - from the first lyceum years(1813-1815) to last days. Pushkin's lyrics, po. in the words of N.V. Gogol, “an extraordinary phenomenon.” It organically combines high humanity, “humanity that cherishes the soul” (V.G. Belinsky), comprehensive depth and clarity of thought, harmony of form and content and, to use the words of the poet himself, forms in its unity a union of “magical sounds, feelings and shower".

A lot of lyric poems Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin devoted to heartfelt experiences and confusion of feelings. His lyrics are distinguished by depth, penetration, and subtle understanding. human psychology. “There is always. something especially noble, meek, gentle, fragrant and graceful in every feeling of Pushkin,” Belinsky wrote. The theme of friendship occupies the poet’s work special place. Sociable and able to appreciate people, Pushkin had many friends and wrote a lot about friendship. Friendship was for him that all-conquering force that can unite people in a strong union for life.

A sense of camaraderie, loyalty to brotherly ties, devotion - all these feelings were brought up in the Pushkin Lyceum. It was there, during his studies, that he found many sincere, true friends, to whom he later addressed his messages and sincerely responded in poetry to all the lyceum anniversaries.

To the soulless secular society the poet always preferred a close circle of friends:

And, I confess, it’s a hundred times sweeter to me

Happy family of young rakes,

Where the mind is in full swing, where I am free in my thoughts,

And where we are all wonderful friends,

Than sluggish, thoughtless meetings.

IN Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum Alexander Pushkin developed the closest relationships with his peers, which he carried through his entire life. Subsequently, no matter how the circumstances developed and no matter where fate took him, Pushkin remained invariably faithful to his friends: Delvig, Pushchin, Kuchelbecker. In 1825, while in exile in Mikhailovskoye and being separated from his friends, the poet, mentally addressing them, exclaimed:

My friends, our union is wonderful!

He, like the soul, is inseparable and eternal -

Unshakable, free and carefree,

He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses.

Pushkin was true friend to his like-minded people and those around him, he valued, above all, devotion and fidelity. When he was in exile in Mikhailovskoye, not many of his acquaintances dared to visit the poet, as they risked getting into trouble. Among those people who did not betray in difficult times were his old Lyceum friends- Delvig and Pushchin. Pushkin dedicated the poem “My first friend, my priceless friend...” to the latter.

Pushkin's poems sound like an oath of allegiance; the poet seeks to support his comrade in days of difficult trials. The poem “In the Depths” testifies to the poet’s loyalty to his friends. Siberian ores...”, addressed to the Decembrists languishing in Siberia. Wanting to instill cheerfulness in their hearts, Pushkin writes:

Love and friendship up to you

They will reach through the dark gates,

Like in your convict holes

My free voice comes through.

The poet loves, appreciates his friends, and never forgets them. In 1827, in the poem “God help you, my friends...” the poet again recalls his comrades, including those who, for their freedom-loving beliefs, found themselves “in the dark abysses of the earth.” The year 1836 was an anniversary - they celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the lyceum. Pushkin could not help but respond to this event; it was an occasion to once again remember all his lyceum friends, many of whom were no longer alive by that time, while others were in exile. Pushkin recalls with regret the past years:

The conversation between us does not flow so playfully.

More spacious, sadder we sit,

And less often laughter is heard among the songs,

And more often we sigh and remain silent.

Precisely because in the life of the poet, devoted male friendship occupied important place, and he carried the feeling of love, sincere admiration for his friends throughout his life, Pushkin considered spiritual kinship, closeness, friendly disposition to be the highest life values. Obviously, the reasons for this lie in Pushkin’s very nature, for he was a noble, sympathetic man, who knew how to see in other people their best qualities and properties. He was endowed special gift feel and appreciate beauty. And he attributed the sphere of human relationships to the category of beauty. A. S. Pushkin, as a person who highly valued friendship, is worthy of emulation; in our era, such people, unfortunately, are becoming fewer and fewer, and therefore I would like to remember the great Russian poet, who knew how to awaken “good feelings” in people’s souls. And most importantly, he knew how to live seriously, in life and in creativity.

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