Why do you need a school uniform at school? Do you support the introduction of school uniforms? The main arguments for and against

The question of whether it is necessary school uniform for children and what are the arguments “for and against” wearing it, parents ask themselves when their child goes to school for the first time. The charter of schools may require the same style of school uniform for everyone, different models school uniform or complete absence. Each option has its pros and cons, and we will talk about them in this article.

Is a school uniform required?

A school uniform allows children not to be distracted by details that are significant to them, such as discussing the appearance of classmates and their level material support. Because children are often harsh in their judgment, students from poorer families may be subject to ridicule. This can have an impact not only on their self-esteem, but also on their overall academic performance. Thanks to the same clothes for everyone social differences are erased.

School uniforms discipline children. The classic cut of clothes, the absence of flashy details and cutouts unacceptable by etiquette gives children the opportunity to concentrate on their studies.

However, these advantages of introducing uniforms are relevant only for those schools where school uniform model options are discussed in advance and are mandatory requirement for all students. In schools where uniforms are mandatory, but the requirements for school uniforms are not specified by authorized teachers or the parent committee, these advantages no longer work.

In this case, the opinion about why a school uniform is needed is justified. Children will still get distracted and discuss a dress or a new fashionable jacket from the school uniform of this or that student.

Pros and cons of school uniforms


The advantages of introducing a school uniform include the previously noted discipline and washing social characteristics. Also, the form allows students, especially junior classes, feel that they belong to a new group of students.


Among the disadvantages of wearing a school uniform is its high cost. Complete set with separate elements A change of clothes can cost parents a pretty penny. In addition, they will need to purchase clothes for walking and weekends. Another problem with school uniforms is how to care for them. Many suits periodically have to be dry cleaned and ironed carefully and carefully.

For schoolchildren themselves, uniforms become a problem when the administration of an educational institution decides to maintain a uniform style for all students. It becomes difficult for students to show their individuality through clothing.

Anti-stress for parents [Your child goes to school] Tsarenko Natalya

Why do you need a school uniform?

Why do you need a school uniform?

Many parents, when bringing their child to first grade, are faced with the need to purchase a school uniform for their child. And, despite the fact that most mothers and fathers wore it themselves at one time, their attitude towards the form is completely ambiguous. Some people don’t like the very idea of ​​“equalization”, some are not satisfied with the design or convenience of a particular form of a particular school (although globally they have nothing against), others, on the contrary, happily agree, since they see in the form a way out for their child due to the financial situation of the family... In a word, as many parents as there are so many opinions.

And children... children are excellent barometers and sensitively catch our adult moods. And if mom herself couldn’t stand the uniform in her school years and, gritting his teeth, puts it on his own child, it is difficult to expect positive and respectful attitude to uniforms (especially if mom expresses her opinion out loud).

So, what are the pros and cons of school uniforms? Is it necessary, is it advisable, what problems does it solve, which ones does it not, and which ones, on the contrary, does it create?

Let's start with the bad.

Firstly, the form is, indeed, equalizing. Children have completely different figures, heights, and builds. Finally they have different type appearance. Thus, what suits one person will look completely ugly on another. To avoid this, you should be given the opportunity to choose a style within, say, a single fabric, color scheme and set of items (suits, skirts, vests - from the same fabric but with variations in cut for different figures). However, where is this seen, where is it heard, where is it done, who can afford it? Unfortunately, you can count such schools on one hand.

Secondly, the uniform should ideally be comfortable and beautiful. However, reality often makes its own adjustments: in many schools color scheme and the fabric is not agreed upon with the parents, but is made according to the principle “it just happened that way.” For example, they introduce a uniform of absolutely monstrous colors (red-green checkered) only because such fabric was purchased cheaply “through the director’s channels.”

Thirdly, the uniform oppresses children with its monotony. Every day is the same! This really gets boring, especially from that age when children become concerned about their appearance and want to be liked by their classmates. True, here inventive schoolchildren (and especially schoolgirls) will always find a way out - how to stand out and how to distinguish themselves. It’s good if they think of doing this using clothing parts. I remember what we did within the limits of what was permitted: the uniform was decorated with unusual collars and cuffs, and beautiful aprons were sewn. Girls will always find a way to decorate themselves. And the length! And the boys could always wear an unusual shirt, suspenders, a belt - whatever they wanted. It’s much worse if other techniques are used to attract attention – behavioral ones.

And lastly, some schools make uniforms a disciplinary lever, a way to control children's behavior. If the administration’s position on compliance with the form is excessively strict, this should alert you as parents: main function schools are to teach children, not to discipline, and if the emphasis is placed on the wrong thing, then it will not be easy to study there, because most likely they will pay attention primarily not to the quality of study, but to loyalty and “obedience.”

Now - about the good stuff. So, a school uniform allows you to solve the following problems.

First: thanks to the introduction of uniforms, children at school cannot impress each other with their clothes. For educational process this is a big plus, because that’s not why they go to school, after all... I would like both children and parents to remember this. Children will find something to stand out, and it’s good (just great!) if it’s personal achievements and talents. Much more often it’s just banal phones, bags, writing instruments, outerwear, conversations on the topic “who has what kind of house, what kind of car,” going to each other’s houses and spending time together - children will have somewhere to “unwind” in addition to the sphere of clothing. Social and financial situation different families and so it’s no secret to any of the children in the class, they talk about it freely now, and the children know just as well (or even better) than we do what it costs. So, unfortunately, the form will not be able to “solve the problem of social inequality”. However, property inequality is much easier to bear when, at least during the educational process (and this is the main school function) Everyone has the same clothes. Just put yourself in their place: someone in a smart suit is having an important conversation with you, catching you in inappropriate clothes - a casual T-shirt or an old sweater... How will you feel? Now imagine the same conversation when you are in a business suit, not even that expensive. When will it be more comfortable?

Second: just 15–20 years ago, the financial situation was very tense for the vast majority of the population, and the form was good solution out of position for many. Our times - taking into account the crisis - promise to be no better, so the uniform can again be considered a good material help: after all, one set of clothes is cheaper than several. True, some schools manage to make a business out of this, and the uniforms turn out to be quite expensive, but this is on the conscience of the administration.

Third: children do not look like a motley mass, but a kind of integrity, this is useful both in the sense of aesthetics and in the sense of psychology - extra point, uniting the group into a collective, allowing us to educate the so-called “ corporate culture" For example, my friends’ daughter studies in the UK, and in her educational institution, uniforms are mandatory (as in all “good” schools - these are traditions that have developed over centuries). And the girl (teenager!) is proud of her, as proud as she is of generally belonging to this educational institution. Indeed, the shape is very beautiful...

Fourth: not all children and their parents have taste, so modern schoolchildren are dressed simply monstrously, often both expensive and monstrously “in one bottle,” because aesthetics does not depend at all on the material capabilities of the family. And the uniform, if chosen well and well sewn, removes these moments.

Fifth: during puberty, girls actively seek to attract attention. With the help of everyday clothes, they sometimes get simply depressing results. Often girls come to classes in transparent blouses with translucent bras, or in such belted skirts, in which you absolutely cannot bend down - only squat (hello to the sixties!), or in jeans with a low belt, in which it is also better to stand straight as tin soldier: any forward movement exposes the girl's panties and half of her butt to everyone. I can say with a 100% guarantee that if a girl is dressed exactly like this, then no matter what she says, her thoughts will not be about studying - just like the entire boy half of the class. And, as a result, the girls too. Don’t deceive yourself, physiology is physiology, especially generously fueled by hormones. And here the point is not in the high morality of the administration, but in the fact that they simply do not want to waste their time. As you can see, there are still more pros than cons, although not by much. However, you have the power to choose which arguments are more meaningful to you. After all, uniform is an inevitable given in many schools, so isn’t it better, without being able to change circumstances, to change your attitude towards them and see the positive where, at first glance, it is not and cannot be? And having accepted the situation, you can always turn it to your advantage: well, at least, it will be easier for you and your child to live - one less annoying and stressful moment.

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The editors of Montessori.Children were asked:

Hello! How important is school uniform in a Montessori environment? We live in Toronto and my daughter attends a Montessori garden. It has a dress code based on color: dark blue bottoms, shoes, jumpers and jackets; white or gray top. This is to prevent children from being distracted by appearance each other. The exception is Friday, when it is possible free form clothes. For some reason I don’t see any mention of a dress code at all on Russian-language resources. Is this just a Canadian feature or did Maria Montessori also have her own opinion about school uniforms? After the summer winter holidays Even on weekends, it’s quite difficult to persuade my daughter to dress according to her uniform. My daughter is 4 years old, I always give her a choice of clothes. But she wants to wear something more “fun” than dark jeans and a light blouse.

At our International Montessori Center we have abandoned school uniforms. But there is another point of view, which may be held by the school of the author of the question. Psychologist and Montessori teacher Anna Fedosova talks about her:

But in the preparation of modern Montessori teachers, the issue of school clothing is discussed.

Arguments for school uniforms

Discreet clothes that are familiar to the eye help to maintain a working spirit.

The uniform is part of the classroom environment, which should be as simple and neutral as possible. Preschoolers are influenced by every element of the classroom's appearance. Therefore, it is important that it is easy for children to focus on the material.

The uniform is the student's work clothes and should be practical.

For babies, it is important that clothes do not restrict movement, are not too loose, and are easy to take off and put on. Compliance with uniform rules removes the question of whether a particular outfit is good as classroom attire. Neither the child, nor the parent, nor the guide will have to argue about tastes.

There is a practice when children change clothes in the morning in class. Clothes are constantly stored and washed at the school, and parents only pay for the purchase of a set at the beginning of the year. Schoolchildren prefer to come straight to school in their clothes. But if someone really wants to wear a favorite item, he is free to wear it, but be sure to change into a uniform for class.

Freedom and the need to wear a school uniform

Freedom is a conscious need and question school dress code encourages the child to behave responsibly. Maintaining a business-like atmosphere in the classroom and concern for the comfort of others means not creating excessive noise, either auditory or visual, in the work area.

Show your daughter how to follow the rules with dignity and a minimum of self-restraint, help her see that they contain the meaning of caring for fellow students. There are several options to do this.

For children younger age The class provides materials that develop everyday independence in dressing. Tell the teacher about your daughter’s difficulties and he will find a way to pay attention to this topic as he shows interest in thematic presentations. For example, for washing.

Perhaps more bright colors can be allowed for a walk. Find out from the teacher at what moments the child can wear something more “fun”.

Please wear out-of-school clothing to class so you can change on the spot.

Share your vision of the situation with your daughter. Surely you would prefer that she work with paints or in the garden in special student clothes, and not in a dear blouse. Although the apron protects, it does not provide 100% protection, and in the uniform there is no threat to your favorite things.

Prepare your desired outfit for Friday in advance and hang it in a specially designated place. This symbolically satisfies the desire to put on the kit right now.

Illustration: ru.pngtree.com

Those who were born in the USSR remember red scarves, public moral punishments, the fear of standing out or appearing “different from everyone else.” I won’t say that it was bad in the Union; on the contrary, the level of satisfaction with life and confidence in tomorrow almost unattainable for the majority of our fellow citizens, although we live in democratic society.

Who doesn’t believe it, look how Cubans live. They adore Fidel Castro, get tattoos of Che Guevara and enjoy socialism. Yes, they have poverty, yes, they are almost cut off from the world, but what kind of soul there is there. So today we will not argue with those who are nostalgic for Soviet era. Let's just pay attention to such a concept as “equalization”. What better way to instill in children that everyone is equal than a school uniform? Imagine a picture, everyone, as one, is dressed in the same suits and, except for shoes, nothing sets them apart from each other. And when egalitarianism is also practiced in teaching methods, one should not be surprised by low grades and dislike of school.

School uniform appeared back in 1834. As a rule, the color of dresses and suits was black, gray or brown. Sometimes all boys had their heads cut, and girls were forced to wear long braids.

Considering the influence of clothing on self-awareness and self-awareness, schools are voluntarily forced to buy or sew green dresses with lace, purchase blue ties or expensive buttons with the image of the school symbol. Good intentions“equalize” schoolchildren turned into empty wallets for parents. Only paid gymnasiums provide uniforms. State educational institutions do not finance the clothing of their wards.

How to radically change the education system

Our editors are interested post by Liliya Gorelaya on Facebook, which raised the issue of the effectiveness of education in modern society. Not only are parents forced to buy school uniforms, make repairs, often pay for lunch in canteens, but also influence changes in the education system. The parent committee of the school where the author's child is studying has organized its own system to compensate for the shortcomings of the educational system in the country. Lilia asks fathers and mothers who care about the future of their descendants to join the fight for quality education.

For example, each parent can conduct classes where he will share own experience and knowledge. Managers will teach children how to communicate with people, programmers will help them master computer science, which will undoubtedly be useful in the future.

Let's raise children so that they have the opportunity to gain invaluable knowledge for 11 years. Their future, career, success depend largely on you.

Liliya Gorelaya encourages parents to join her innovative education system and give their children a good start for future success in adult life.

Blame the school uniform

Many countries have abandoned school uniforms because constantly wearing them dulls the population. For example, Alexander Kuznetsov, president of the Association of Child Psychologists, argues that equalization can sometimes dull a child. Sameness and fear of standing out can make a child narrow-minded, and fear of developing and expressing one's individuality will affect future life. By the way, do not forget that most teachers attended school in uniform. Maybe that’s why they are not ready to develop individuality in students and do educational system more ideal?

Again, the habit of living “like everyone else” affects our reality. Imagine if from early childhood Show the child that he is an individual, determine the level of his interests and help the entire parent committee master the skills that are really necessary in life, the child will confidently climb the social ladder.

Many countries around the world have already abandoned the practice of “equalization”. Maybe if we decide to teach children in a new way, without focusing on their appearance, our children will be able to achieve great success than you and me?

What about them?

In England they are proud of their school clothes and even additional classes They visit not in jeans, but in uniform. But this is one of the few countries where the queen rules and they love to pass on long-standing traditions from generation to generation.

Countries such as Belgium, Australia, India, Ireland, Cuba do not even consider any other clothing option for students other than the traditional school uniform. Girls wear dresses medium length(color can be brown, blue, dark gray), and boys - suits with shirts.

An interesting version of the form in Japan. Girls dress in the “sailor fuku” or “black bottom - white top” style. Be sure to wear leg warmers and low-heeled or platform shoes. Boys wear suits, shirts and ties.

The USA maintains its reputation free state even in matters of school clothes. Private schools have the right to set their own dress code (clearly expressed in the TV series Gossip Girl), but government agencies provide complete freedom.

Why school uniform is not needed

The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper became seriously interested in this topic in 2012. Journalists turned to lawyers with the question: “Are children required to wear a uniform?” Yes, even though the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a sample of clothing for students, no one has the right to oblige schoolchildren to wear it. Coercion by the school administration class teachers or chapters parent committee could be considered a violation of human rights.

But they constantly make excuses, saying that children come from different families, and it is necessary that differences in social status did not affect morale schoolchildren. Although, you must admit, even if everyone wears the same clothes, this will not stop someone from wearing diamond earrings or driving up in the morning in dad’s Lexus. And even now, when all children have phones of various brands, various subcultures are popular and it is possible to dine not in a canteen, but somewhere in a cafe, social equality is simply impossible.

When schools hide behind the words “It’s beautiful,” the administration is only trying to show off their native land with the best side. Identical, neat children with emblems speak of the ability to educate the younger generation and make them respect the school. And the opportunity to stand out from others adds advantages during inspections.
Sometimes school uniforms have a terrible appearance - too short skirts that make plump girls feel fat, turning every “school” day into stressful situation. Those are the plaid suits for boys that the kids laugh at in the yard.

The main thing is that the child is comfortable

Many Ukrainian and Russian schools They abandoned the form altogether. The main thing is that the child does not wear provocative clothes, does not dye his hair in bright colors inappropriate for his age and status, and looks neat. The administration monitors what kind of manicure and jewelry children have, and does not allow bright makeup or high heels.

It is important that children do not smoke or drink alcoholic drinks on the school grounds. It is important that they study well and set goals for themselves. Otherwise, let the parents decide whether they wear a school uniform or not.

So, maybe we'll think about it

Is a school uniform required? This question is asked by thousands of children, parents and teachers in different countries peace. Why has the issue of introducing a mandatory uniform school uniform become so urgent? Why can't society come to a consensus? We think that the reason lies in the contradiction between the desire for collective unity and the possibility of self-expression.

Three arguments FOR school uniforms

  • Creating a business environment in the classroom

Everyone knows that before the introduction of school uniforms, children could show up for classes in any clothes. And faded jeans with a pullover are not the worst option. Some girls, especially high school girls, wear short miniskirts, which are inappropriate at school. Reprimands and comments from school management do not always help. Therefore introduction uniform standard clothing for schoolchildren helps solve this problem.

  • Smoothing social inequality

At school, children from families with different incomes can study in the same class. Some parents buy the best and most fashionable things for their daughter or son. Others buy the cheapest things at sales and stock. Because of this, children of poor parents feel insecure and their self-esteem decreases. And children of rich parents assert themselves at the expense of mom and dad’s money. Neither one nor the other is useful for harmonious development child.

  • Formation among schoolchildren good taste and ability to wear business attire

It's no secret that in adolescence clothing preferences are marginal. Teenagers choose clothes that parents are embarrassed to look at. At the same time, the formation of taste remains entirely in the hands of the parents. But not all parents can and want to instill a sense of style in their children. Therefore, an officially approved school uniform will help a child navigate the world of fashion.

Three arguments AGAINST school uniforms

  • School uniforms deprive children of their individuality

Wearing the same clothes every day, looking exactly the same as all your classmates - is that even a dream? modern teenager? In a world where there is an opportunity to create your own own style Even for little money, many teenagers want to express themselves through clothing. To be fair, we note that children still have ample opportunities for self-expression outside of school.

  • Business attire is not always comfortable and practical

Schoolchildren are children, and children have a natural desire to move, play, run, roll in the snow, etc. Moreover, if the student is wearing a uniform, then the games become difficult. There is an increased chance of ruining your uniform, rubbing your trousers, or tearing your blouse. Primary school students, instead of being naturally active after school for this age, are forced to hold back, run and play less, for fear of tearing their uniforms and being punished for it.

  • High cost of school uniforms or low-quality materials

School uniforms should be made from high-quality natural materials with a small admixture of synthetics. But such materials are quite expensive, so school uniforms cost parents a pretty penny. Many schools take a different route - they order cheap school uniforms mainly from synthetic materials. Such clothing does not allow the skin to breathe, which negatively affects the health of children.

Thus, the issue of introducing a unified school uniform is full of contradictions. It is difficult to give a definite answer to this, since many nuances must be taken into account. Let us only note that school uniforms have long been successfully introduced in many countries of the world, such as Great Britain or India. Here, students take their uniform with pride and truly love this form of clothing.

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