Is there a difference between a gymnasium and a school? How do a lyceum and a gymnasium differ from a regular high school? What is the difference between a school and a gymnasium and a lyceum?

Three letters. This is exactly what, literally speaking, is the real difference between school and gymnasium. So is it worth arguing which form of education is better? Today's high school graduates look with sympathy at the fourth-graders who are faced with innovation. Those, I think, do not yet quite understand whether to be happy that there will be no usual entrance exams, or to be upset, since the usual gymnasium education is also not provided. And new students will come to the classes - registration will begin in less than a month. Including loafers and losers, hooligans and bullies - all those from whom the gymnasium walls have already become unaccustomed.


I think many still remember those times when the very word “gymnasium” had some kind of imperial connotation. These are the children of nobles who studied in gymnasiums. Then a portrait of such a strict student was drawn in my mind, with inky fingers blue from zeal, in an almost military blue uniform. That’s why the term didn’t catch on with us right away. For a very long time it was perceived as a plus school - the best. The rest had only to reach for this bar. The teachers themselves were drawn to her. Teaching the old fashioned way is neither interesting nor relevant. As the director of gymnasium No. 10 in Minsk, Marina Ilyina, once said in a conversation, modern teacher must not only be a confident user of new technologies, but also be able to use them in educational process. The ability to simply turn on a computer and type text will not surprise anyone today.

What besides this? Knowledge of the subject, the ability to be interested in it. However, in truth, good teachers is everywhere. Not necessarily in high schools.

Meeting with the teacher primary classes School No. 125 in Minsk by Nikolai Shavlovsky, I think, turned more than one child’s life upside down. IN in a good way. Not only because junior classes“mustachioed nannies” are a rarity, but because a teacher with a quarter-century of experience treats each child with tenderness and reverence. They approach teachers like Nikolai Shavlovsky in droves. This is the case when the status of the institution fades into the background. And, let’s be honest, people go to elementary school for motivation, a love of learning, and not for deep knowledge. The race for them and for status began quite recently after fourth grade. When parents thought about the future of a capable child. So as not to lose this very motivation.

And sometimes they didn’t even think about it. Because often school doesn’t sound any worse. If there is a leader there who is passionate about the common cause, who will establish a sports base and organize interesting clubs. So that parents do not need to take their children to remote areas of the city. And so that everything, as they say, is in one set - both general education and music school, And sports sections. Like, for example, in Minsk school No. 56. It’s troublesome - yes, says its director Yuri Kruglik, but that’s what the school was built for.

Of course, from the very educational institution a lot depends. But not all. For example, the level of knowledge and motivation to study with which children will come to their classes is unlikely. Let's be honest: schools are more prepared to work with a diverse population. In gymnasiums, they simply forgot about the category of children with poor grades - for many years only those who really wanted to study came here.

Well, yes, now academic performance indicators will creep down, and there will be slightly fewer places at the Olympiads. But that's not even the point. Teachers will have to remember forgotten psychological techniques and again explain to naughty children why this or that knowledge is needed. And smart people will again turn into “nerds” and “nerds”.

And one more thing. Alas, equal opportunities do not guarantee equal results. There will always be those who study and those who, so to speak, serve their duty, no matter what opportunities they are given. And it doesn’t matter at all what the name of the institution in which they study is - just a school or an elite gymnasium.

Gymnasiums are not the only secondary educational institutions that go beyond general education standards. Lyceums and advanced schools also offer a higher level of education. What do they have in common?

For all these educational institutions characterized by increased demands on students not only in terms of academic performance, but also in terms of discipline, competition for admission and an increased teaching load. That is why up to 100% of their graduates get into the most prestigious universities in the country and often become prize-winners of various Olympiads. Some subjects in lyceums and gymnasiums are taught by university teachers who can not only present the material, but also teach how to solve problems of increased complexity.

Well, as for the differences, the lyceums in lately focus on physics and mathematics and natural sciences, and gymnasiums - for the humanities. Although this division is very arbitrary. And yet, the differences between lyceums and gymnasiums from regular schools are much deeper than the number of hours allocated to a particular subject. The principles of learning themselves differ.

A lyceum or gymnasium is more than just a school.

If in a regular school a mathematics teacher explains the topic in detail and shows how problems are solved, then in a physics and mathematics lyceum students are asked to independently deduce many mathematical laws. Thus, each lesson for children is a small discovery. And in physics lessons, students do not pore over textbooks, but in laboratory conditions comprehend this complex science. Needless to say, good grades in the lyceum are given not for diligence and diligence, but for real progress in knowledge. Photo: Depositphotos

It is no easier to study in humanitarian gymnasiums. The schedule includes two or three foreign languages, and in some gymnasiums students also study dead languages- Ancient Greek or Latin. In institutions of humanitarian law, along with other subjects, they study the fundamentals of jurisprudence. And psychology, economics and art history are the norm for most gymnasiums. At the same time, the remaining disciplines provided for in the school curriculum do not suffer at all. After all, in order to receive a certificate, a graduate must master everything that is provided for in the regular school program.

But the most interesting thing is that students of gymnasiums and lyceums are not attracted by the opportunity to enter prestigious university. They are willing to study hard simply because they are interested. The joy of intellectual discoveries, “adult” relationships between teachers and students, implying mutual responsibility - a more powerful incentive than an “honors” certificate.

Naturally, not everyone can handle the increased study load. It’s not for nothing that gymnasiums and lyceums have full-time psychologists who skillfully determine which of the laggards simply need to believe in themselves, and who should return to school. regular school.

Specialized schools, lyceums and gymnasiums organize the admission of new students according to different models. Some of them begin enrollment from the first grade, others from the fifth, and most lyceums organize admission only to graduating classes.

It is not enough for newcomers to present a personal file with excellent grades from previous years. You will also have to pass the entrance exam.

Studying at a lyceum or gymnasium is hard work that requires patience and perseverance from the child. However, hard work is not in vain, because the gap between gymnasium students and their peers from regular schools is simply amazing. This means that the chances of entering a prestigious university are much higher.

How do lyceums differ from gymnasiums in Russia? current issue for all parents whose children will sooner or later go to first grade. Many people mistakenly continue to believe that the main difference between these educational institutions is the program. Allegedly, lyceums have a technical bias, and gymnasiums have a humanitarian bias. This is absolutely false; both types of schools in question produce well-rounded graduates.

However, when deciding on your child’s future and starting to plan his further education at a university, it is better to choose a lyceum over a gymnasium. Let's take a closer look at the reasons and differences between these two educational institutions.

What is a lyceum?

First, let's talk about the history of lyceums in Russia, especially since their role in the education system has remained practically the same over the centuries. For the first time this type schools arose back in the 13th century, and first-class specialists were trained there, who had a direct path to bureaucracy. Training usually lasted six years. But already by end of the 19th century centuries, engineers and masters of all kinds of specialties had to study much longer and comprehend many sciences, so that after lyceums they were obliged to enter institutes or academies.

Lyceums had to adapt to new situation. Now they entered into an agreement with a specific university, for which they trained their students. Graduate with good grades could count on leniency from the outside admissions committee. With successful entrance exams he was immediately transferred to the second year. The same system operates today - most Russian lyceums cooperate with their higher educational institution. Graduates can be enrolled in an institute without exams, and in some cases, a diploma of completion of special elite lyceums is equivalent to documents confirming graduation from a university.

What is a gymnasium?

Of course, lyceum students are forced to undergo a special program that will make their studies at the institute as easy as possible. Thus, the main thing that distinguishes a lyceum from a gymnasium is the list of subjects and the number of hours per week allocated to their study. The bias can be either towards the humanities or towards the technical sciences. In turn, gymnasiums are standard schools that work according to the all-Russian program. Their certificate of completion is no different from ordinary school ones.

But do not confuse gymnasiums with ordinary secondary schools. Load in children standard schools comparatively easier, and the amount of knowledge gained is incomparably smaller. It would be more correct to call education in gymnasiums pre-professional. In addition, institutes, academies and universities give preference to graduates of gymnasiums for admission.

One more thing important difference- This is the cost of educating the child. Studying at lyceums is almost always paid, and prices largely depend on the field of study and the university to which graduates will subsequently have access. Gymnasiums, on the other hand, are often no different from regular schools, that is, they are formally free.

Thus, how lyceums in Russia differ from gymnasiums can be defined in one word - profile. The first type of educational institutions is preferable if there is no doubt where the child will go in the future.

Gymnasium or school for first-graders, which is better?

What to choose: a prestigious gymnasium or a regular school? Whether our child is a high school student or an ordinary schoolboy is perhaps a more complicated question than Hamlet’s. Because too many nuances need to be taken into account when choosing, from the “filling” of the curriculum to territorial position educational institution, from the number of children in the class to the financial situation of the family. What is the difference between a school and a gymnasium, what is its “elitism” - is it really so important for modern man get into the “circle of the chosen ones”? Let's try to understand the pros and cons.

The desire to change names has been in us for a long time: streets and cities changed their names, institutes were proudly renamed Academies and Universities, former high schools became gymnasiums, and some even lyceums. The skeptic within us persistently whispers that the external does not always reflect the internal, and that, in essence, little has changed. Although, of course, it sounds beautiful: “I study at the university” or: “my son is a high school student.” Some kind of selectivity and elitism can be read in this, nice!

However, our skeptic will have to admit that he is still wrong in many ways, at least in relation to schools and gymnasiums. There are a number of objective characteristics approved and legitimized by the actual top level, which allow (or do not allow) the school to be called a gymnasium. This is a compulsory study of several languages, these are increased requirements for teaching staff- both professional and purely technical, for example, in an ordinary school there may be only one physics teacher, but in a gymnasium this is impossible. In a gymnasium, compared to a regular school, there is a much richer and more varied curriculum, the latest innovations come to the rescue computer technology, great attention is paid to the general cultural level of students. The “corporate spirit” is actively supported, which is expressed in some signs that distinguish the students of this particular gymnasium from others: a uniform, an emblem. And also discipline and atmosphere are also the “face” of the gymnasium, the worthy expression of which must be carefully maintained. There are many more signs that distinguish an elite educational institution from a regular school.

That is, the differences are still obvious. So, dear skeptic, hide your smile. Everything looks more than gorgeous - we’ll probably become high school students after all. If, of course, we get into a prestigious gymnasium through a competition, if we manage it financially... Yes, often a gymnasium is a paid and very expensive pleasure. And if there is someone to take the child to the other end of the city. Art requires sacrifice, but, apparently, it’s worth the candle!

And here it is - the other side of the coin: are these sacrifices justified? Are the benefits of training overshadowing them? We completely forgot about our future first-grader. Does he need an abundance of subjects and in-depth study of them, is he ready for such loads? Learning Latin, fencing, riding in the saddle, knowing how to dance the waltz - this is undoubtedly very interesting. But is it really necessary? Perhaps so, but not for everyone and not always. Not every child can complete the high school marathon. And a long daily journey, if the gymnasium is located far from home, is a big test for little student. And to be honest, not every gymnasium in practice corresponds to its high rank, it happens that the learning process, despite the abundance of subjects, is formal, “for show.” So, why don’t we torture the child and go to school in our own yard?

I would venture to say that syllabus, educational standard and all the programs taken together are far from the most important thing, especially in elementary school. A friendly class, a kind and moral first teacher, a good friendly working atmosphere - perhaps this is the most important thing in the first years of study. And since the human factor comes into play, this is to some extent luck in any case, no matter where the child studies. Therefore, it may be wise to focus on the personality of the teacher recruiting the first class, and not look so closely at the prestigious sign. A teacher from God can be found both in a modest secondary school in every sense and in a luxurious gymnasium, and meeting such a person is a great success.

School or gymnasium? The choice is up to the parents, the main thing is not to lose sight true needs child.

The difference between a lyceum and a gymnasium.

Many of us do not very well understand the difference between a lyceum and a gymnasium. But in reality these are somewhat different educational institutions. In this article we will try to figure this out.

What are lyceums and gymnasiums?

The lyceum is an educational institution with a clear profile. That is, the institution highlights a specific specialized subject. This makes it possible to enter a specific university. Very often the lyceum and the university enter into an agreement. After receiving a diploma, the graduate can enter a university for the second or even third year. Strictly speaking, these are a kind of preparatory courses.

A gymnasium is an educational institution that prepares schoolchildren for a more in-depth program. There is no specific direction. But graduates of gymnasiums easily enter any university due to a more in-depth study of subjects.

How does a lyceum differ from a school and a gymnasium: comparison, difference, similarity

The similarity is that after a gymnasium and a lyceum, a graduate receives the most common diploma of secondary education. That is, there is no difference in documents from a regular school.

Similarities between a gymnasium and a lyceum:

  • High School Diploma
  • Educational institutions have sponsors who provide them with everything they need
  • Students receive in-depth knowledge
  • Teachers are accepted on a competitive basis
  • Main school curriculum saved
  • More simple conditions admission to university due to good knowledge


  • The lyceum prepares for a certain university, therefore a certain profile
  • In the lyceum, subjects are often taught by the same teachers as in specialized university. This makes it easier for some applicants to apply, since the teachers are familiar with them
  • The lyceum gives a lot practical classes
  • In the gymnasium only theoretical knowledge, albeit according to an in-depth program
  • The gymnasium prepares the same in all subjects, but provides more serious knowledge than a regular high school
  • After the lyceum, there is the possibility of entering a specific university for the second or third year

What is better, higher, cooler in status: a gymnasium or a lyceum?

It depends from which side you evaluate it. Regarding the Lyceum, there is an in-depth study of some specific subject. At the same time great value given to practical exercises. Students after the lyceum are well versed in specialized subjects and can easily enter a university with which an agreement has been concluded. The gymnasium has proprietary training programs and teachers are recruited on a competitive basis. But at the same time, the knowledge is mainly theoretical.

Most often there is no specific profile. Accordingly, the choice depends on how much you and your child have decided on their prospects and desires. If you know where you are going, it is better to choose a lyceum. It will better prepare the student for entering a university.

If the child has not yet decided which will go the way after school, it is better to choose a gymnasium. It provides in-depth knowledge on almost all subjects.

If we talk about status, then the lyceum and gymnasium, as well as the regular school, are institutions that provide secondary education. As a result, you will receive the most ordinary certificate.

What is the difference between a school and a lyceum?

The school conducts classes according to the approved state program. There are a lot of famous teachers with personal and author's programs. This allows you to perceive and remember information more productively. At school there is no specific focus and practical classes, but at the lyceum they are.

The difference between a school and a gymnasium

The gymnasium recruits teachers on a competitive basis. Talented teachers with their own developments work here. The program is more in-depth than in a regular high school.

Where is it more difficult to study? In a lyceum or gymnasium?

Compared to a regular secondary school, the requirements in a gymnasium and lyceum are much higher. This should be taken into account and not hope for simple life. Very often, parents of students in gymnasiums and lyceums use the services of tutors. Homework is more difficult. In terms of the level of difficulty in learning, the gymnasium and the lyceum are almost the same. You will have to work hard on your homework and pay attention in class.

If you don’t have plans to enroll in a cool university, then there’s no point in studying at a lyceum. Choose a regular school or gymnasium.

VIDEO: Lyceum or gymnasium

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