Fipi oge biology open bank. Source: open task bank oge (fipi)

Source: Open Bank FIPI, option 65

(1) A model of an atom with a silvery nucleus and electrons fixed in wire orbits stood on a rickety shelf, supported by Zinochka Kryuchkova, a very small and very proud girl with a sharp face. (2) Around him, against the background of glass cabinets, diagrams and tables of the physics room, a stormy life was in full swing.

- (3) Well, no one will help you hammer in a nail? – Galya Vishnyakova, the most beautiful girl in the school, was indignant. (4) She and Zinochka could not cope with the shelf. - (5) Boys, I’ve already broken off all my fingers.

(6) Lyosha would hammer this nail very cleverly. (7) Not a great feat, but still it would have been somehow easier: universal recognition could have saved him from the bitter feeling of loneliness. (8) But as soon as he approached the girls, Gali again developed a desire for independence. (9) She was clearly expecting something different. (10) And she waited. (11) The hammer was intercepted by a slender giant
in training pants - Vakhtang.

(12) Zinochka felt sorry for Lyosha.

- (13) Let this guy beat him, - to console Lyosha, Zinochka
nodded dismissively at Vakhtang - he is taller.

(14) Lyosha sadly watched as Vakhtang, having made several
“warm-up” movements, hit the hammer past the nail and jumped, blowing on
bruised fingers. (15) Forgetting about Lyosha, the girls laughed benevolently: Vakhtang was forgiven everything.

(16) Lyosha walked away from them with a contemptuous gesture: “This shelf of yours is up to my waist.” (17) But the gesture did not help: the bitter feeling did not go away.

(18) And suddenly, in a ray of light falling from the window, Lyosha saw a new girl. (19) From an inconspicuous girl, she has now turned into the most noticeable. (20) With glasses, chocolate brown from a southern tan, the girl is so
smiled at him so that he even looked around.

(21) But no one else for whom this smile could be intended,
there was no one nearby.

- (22) Is your name Lesha? – the girl asked, and Lyosha realized that she had been watching him for a long time.

(23) Lyosha did not answer immediately, because in such cases, as is known,
the invisible conductor gives a sign to the invisible violins to join the sounding
The orchestra is not easy for someone who is not used to it.

“(24) I remember,” Lyosha said carefully and, it seems, did not spoil anything.

- (25) Because I’m just reading about Clero, and his name was Alexis.

“(26) And you are Zhenya Karetnikova, from Krasnodar,” answered Lyosha, fearing that the conversation might get stuck on the unknown Alexis.

“(27) I remember,” said Zhenya. (28) Gradually Lyosha realized that the orchestra was not performing so well
difficult melody, that some liberties are possible in it and that he, Lyosha,
also quite on the level.

- (29) Why do you always look out the window during lessons? – Zhenya asked and went up to Lesha’s window. - (30) What did you see there?

(31) Lyosha stood next to Zhenya.

(32) From the window they could see the large open pavilion “Fruits and Vegetables,” located on the other side of the street. (33) Nearby reflected the dazzling blue autumn sky glass telephone booth.

– (34) Do you have to listen to what the teachers say in class? – Lyosha asked with irony, which he had never been able to demonstrate in front of any girl.

- (35) If you haven’t come up with something new instead of: “I taught, but forgot.”

(36) Lyosha laughed.

“(37) These words must be carved in marble,” he said.

- (38) You can... at my table... (39) I’m also sitting alone, - Zhenya suggested. (According to M.G. Lvovsky *)

* Mikhail Grigorievich Lvovsky (1919–1994) – Russian Soviet songwriter, playwright, screenwriter.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to justification answer to the question: “Why did Lesha so want his classmates to notice him?”

1)All around, against the background of glass cabinets, diagrams and tables of the physics room, a stormy life was in full swing.

2)Not a great feat, but it would still be somehow easier: universal recognition could save him from the bitter feeling of loneliness.

3)Lyosha did not answer right away, because in such cases, as is known, the invisible conductor gives a sign to the invisible violins, and it is not easy for an unfamiliar person to join a sounding orchestra.

4)– Do you have to listen to what the teachers say in class? – Lyosha asked with irony, which he had never been able to demonstrate in front of any girl.

3. In which answer option is the means of expressive speech? metaphor?

1)A model of an atom with a silvery nucleus and electrons fixed in wire orbits stood on a rickety shelf, supported by Zinochka Kryuchkova, a very small and very proud girl with a sharp face.

2)The hammer was intercepted by a slender giant in training pants - Vakhtang.

3)And suddenly, in a beam of light falling from the window, Lyosha saw a new girl.

4)Gradually, Lyosha realized that the orchestra was not playing such a difficult melody, that some liberties were possible in it, and that he, Lyosha, was also quite on the level.


4. From sentences 24–25, write down the word in which the spelling consoles depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.


5.From sentences 28–33 write down the word in which the spelling no suffix determined general rule(is an exception).


6. Replace spoken word "got it" in sentence 14 stylistically neutral synonymous. Write this synonym.


7.Replace the phrase "physical office", built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.


8. Write it out grammatical basis proposals 6.


9. Among sentences 21–26, find a sentence With homogeneous members . Write the number of this offer.


10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers representing commas in introductory words .

Lyosha did not answer immediately, (1) because in such cases, (2) as is known, (3) the invisible conductor gives a sign to the invisible violins, (4) and join
It’s not easy for an unaccustomed person to join the sound of an orchestra.

I remember (5) - Lyosha said carefully and, (6) Seems, (7) Nothing
didn't spoil it.

Because I’m just reading about Clairo, (8) and his name was Alexis.


11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 7. Write the answer in numbers.


12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinating communication

Lyosha looked sadly, (1) like Vakhtang, (2) making a few “warm-up” movements, (3) hit the nail with a hammer and jumped, (4) blowing on bruised fingers. Forgetting about Lyosha, (5) the girls laughed benevolently: everything was forgiven to Vakhtang.


13. Among sentences 26–29, find complex sentence With homogeneous subordination subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.


14. Among sentences 8–15, find non-union complex proposal. Write the number of this proposal.


15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A.A. Reformatsky: “What is it about language that allows it to do it? main role communication function? This is the syntax".When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate numbers necessary proposals or use citation.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: “Lyosha did not answer right away, because in such cases, as is known, the invisible conductor gives a sign to the invisible violins, and it is not easy for an unfamiliar person to join a sounding orchestra.” In your essay, provide 2 (two) arguments from the text you read, confirming your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

15.3.How do you understand the meaning of the word LOVE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic “ What's happened true love ", taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the text you read, and second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite source without any comments, such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Relevance: Format 2015



physics room

Lyosha would have scored

FIPI ( Federal Institute pedagogical dimensions) – state scientific institution, carrying out activities in the following areas:

  • scientific research and provision of final tests of the OGE and the Unified State Exam;
  • development and testing of CMMs for various subjects;
  • development of a system for assessing final certifications for students in grades 9 and 11;
  • technical support and maintenance of information resources of Rosobrnadzor;
  • development and distribution teaching aids and collections;
  • organization of conferences;
  • participation in international educational programs and projects.

Official information portal FIPI ( provides the opportunity to obtain the most up-to-date information on issues passing the OGE and Unified State Exam 2018. The institute's website contains:

  1. Documents forming the regulatory framework final certification graduates.
  2. Specifications and codifiers for all subjects.
  3. Demo versions of tasks different years, developed by FIPI, which will help students in grades 9 and 11 prepare for tests.
  4. Training collections for self-preparation.
  5. Analytical and methodological materials.

Innovations of the OGE 2018 for 9th grades

Working to improve the educational level of graduates secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, FIPI is introducing a number of significant changes that will affect 9th grade students taking the OGE in 2017-2018 academic year.

Required subjects

Unlike previous years, in 2018, ninth-graders will have to demonstrate knowledge in 5 subjects, two of which (Russian language and mathematics) will definitely be mandatory, and three more students will be able to choose independently, based on the following list:

  • social science;
  • story;
  • physics;
  • informatics;
  • biology;
  • geography;
  • chemistry;
  • literature;
  • foreign language: English, German, French or Spanish.

Discussion about quantity compulsory subjects The OGE has not yet been completed. It is quite possible that, without the right to choose, they will have to take not 2 but 4 subjects, and ninth-graders will be able to choose only one themselves, based on the direction chosen for further education.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, history and a foreign language claim to be mandatory.

Unified CMM system

Over the years, tasks for the OGE have been developed by teachers educational institutions and taking into account the level of training and profile of the educational institution. From 2018, all schools, lyceums and gymnasiums in the Russian Federation will be offered common tasks, which FIPI specialists have been working on for a long time.

The solution has three main goals:

  1. Set uniform criteria for assessing knowledge in certain subjects.
  2. See the real level of training of 9th grade graduates.
  3. Build a single educational trajectory for educational institutions different regions countries.

The weight of the OGE assessment

In the 2017-2018 academic year, ninth-graders should take their preparation more seriously, because the exam results will now influence total score certificate Particularly important this fact for those who want to change their usual school life to study in one of prestigious colleges or lyceums of Russia.

Overcoming minimum threshold at least 4 mandatory out of 5 subjects taken are a prerequisite for obtaining a certificate!

But students who failed to pass the OGE the first time will get a second (and even third) chance. Although, it will be possible to retake only 2 out of 5 subjects.

Oral part in Russian language

Graduates of 2018 will have to take oral Russian. This decision was made after the results of an audit showed that many regional schools do not provide students with a sufficient level of proficiency in the Russian language, which is a necessary condition for admission to any university in the country.

About the innovation, watch Anna Mozharova’s video:

More up-to-date information about what innovations await students completing 9th grade in the 2017-2018 academic year, as well as what changes FIPI plans to make to the OGE in individual subjects, you will find on the pages of our information portal.

OGE schedule 2018

Early period




Foreign languages


Russian language


Social science


Reserve days of the early period




Foreign languages

Russian language



Social science


Main period

Foreign languages

Foreign languages

Russian language


Social science







Social science

Reserve days of the main period

Russian language


Social science




Foreign languages



All items

All items

First September retake

Russian language





Social science



Foreign languages

Last retake (by decision of the State Examination Committee)

Russian language





Social science



Foreign languages

All items

  • setting up a free dopdf virtual printer;
  • processing the FIPI task bank with the selection of the necessary elements;
  • switch to pending tasks and print them to a PDF file;
  • clearing the results and repeating the procedure with another partition.

IN lately interruptions in the work of the FIPI Open Task Banks, both the Unified State Exam and the State Examination, have become more frequent. This is most likely caused by a large number requests, and as a result, server overload. Many teachers and students expect to use bank materials in their work, but so common problems with accessibility, they significantly complicate learning, disrupt preparation plans, and ruin your nerves... After all, changing a pre-formed preparation plan right during a lesson is not only inconvenient, but also negatively affects the effectiveness of training. At the same time, electronic shells banks do not allow, after working with sections once, to save the selected tasks to a file, so that later you no longer need to contact the bank. Let's figure it out how you can easily print any volume of materials not on paper, but in a familiar pdf file, and then confidently use them at work.

Attention! The task banks have been improved and are slightly different in appearance from those in the pictures below. But this does not change the essence of printing to a PDF file: you also need to install a virtual printer; select the tasks you need; print on virtual. printer to a file. See below for more details.

Installing a free doPDF virtual printer

Some common printer drivers (laser and inkjet) have a print function. pdf file, and if your printer is one of them, then you can skip this point. But most printers do not have this feature. Therefore, printing to pdf requires installation special program– virtual pdf printer. I recommend that you use the free doPDF pdf printer, which you can download and install from the program’s official website. Website address You can go to the site and click the "Download Now" button in the upper left corner to follow the download and installation (what is needed in this article will be highlighted in red),

Or you can immediately download the printer using the direct link:

After downloading, run the file and follow the installation instructions. If during installation you check the box "Make doPDF 7 the default printer", then later when printing to a file you will not have to select the desired printer. This is suitable for those users who do not have a real laser or inkjet printer connected to their computer.

Processing the FIPI task bank with the selection of the necessary elements

Now you need to wait for the Open Bank of tasks to the right item will be available, and select the desired section tasks. To do this, go to the task bank, Unified State Exam or GIA, open the section on the subject and work through it by clicking the “Postpone task” button under the required tasks.

Go to pending jobs and print them to a PDF file

In the print settings window that opens, check that the doPDF printer is being used. If you have a different printer by default, change it to doPDF and click “print” at the bottom.

In the next window, you can select where the pdf file will be saved (by default, in the user’s documents folder), and change the file name.

All! Results of working with the section Open Bank assignments are saved in a convenient PDF file, with all formulas and pictures. Now you can safely count on using these tasks when preparing for electronic formdependencies whether the site is overloaded at the time you need it no more. There is no need to print a bunch of sheets of paper and no need for an Internet connection at the workplace. PDF files can be saved to a flash drive and transferred to any computer.

Clearing the results and repeating the procedure with another partition

Since there are several sections for each subject, it is convenient to save Open Bank assignments in several files, naming them in accordance with each section. To do this, after saving the results, do not rush to exit “Delayed tasks”, but click “Clear” here:

After this, on the left top corner press the button in the form of a magnifying glass "Sections", and repeat the selection necessary tasks for further printing them into a PDF file.

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