Photos of aliens. Contacts with aliens - fiction or reality? (29 photos)

Thinking matter in the Universe has infinite set options

The image of an alien, replicated in cinema and popular science fiction, will be radically different from the real one. If we seriously admit the existence of alien intelligence, then what could a creature from other worlds be like? Agree, there are not many options in cinema or literature. And all of them, one way or another, correlate with the forms of life present on our planet. The same "Alien". Despite all the external differences from earthly forms he, however, has paws, a head, a tail, and teeth. The “alien,” like a chicken, lays eggs. You can make him angry. He is vindictive and vindictive. That is, the emotions of this monster are similar to human ones. Meanwhile, the diversity of thinking matter in the Universe should have an infinite number of options. And certainly aliens from outer space will not look like humanoids. There is no other planet in the Universe whose conditions would be one hundred percent similar to those on Earth. In any case, we will proceed from this postulate. And if so, then the life forms there will have nothing in common with ours. Because life adapts to external conditions.

Aliens Among Us - Facts

I have an opinion

Alien life is as diverse as the universes in space and the universe itself are infinite

Where there is physical substance plus large number energy, life can arise, although not necessarily in the understanding that we give it.

This could be an intelligent Ocean, remember Stanislav Lem’s Solaris, or an intelligent cloud, thinking giant clumps of plasma, or maybe colonies endowed with intelligence.

I have an opinion

Scientists think that on planets where most the surface is occupied by water, predominantly aquatic individuals live, similar to those that live on Earth

Even on Earth, where all forms of life developed under the same conditions, there is a huge variety of them: from bacteria and viruses to humans.

Therefore, even if the aliens arrive from a planet similar to ours, even then there will be serious problems with their identification. Although there is an opinion that they are already here, we are just not able to recognize them.

Because they can look like mold, or a mosquito, or a fern. They can be inside a cell or inside an atom.

I have an opinion

On planets with strong gravity and dense atmosphere are most likely dominated by strong and aggressive creatures

They can exist beyond the boundaries of space and time, so that they will simply be inaccessible to our perception.

Some scientists believe that some of the marine animals may be aliens, namely those that use light pulses to communicate with each other.

There is a theory that the most realistic candidates for the role of alien monsters may be cockroaches. This concept is supported by the fact that the conditions of existence in the Universe are very different, and cockroaches are the most resilient creatures on the entire planet that can survive in crazy, extreme conditions.

I have an opinion

Molecules on Earth are composed primarily of carbon. Therefore, some researchers reject non-carbon forms of life on other planets

In 2010, scientists discovered organisms that do not require oxygen. This again made adjustments to the understanding of what life can be and how we imagine it.

It has been suggested that life forms such as . More precisely, silicon.

Aliens really exist. This is confirmed by them real photos. Of course, many of the photographs provided by eyewitnesses are fakes. But there are also those that provide true photographs in which real aliens are present.

The Montauk Mutant

In 2008, in America, the corpse of an unknown creature was washed up on the shores of the city of Montauk. Scientists have never been able to figure out who it is. There are many theories about this, some believe that the creature is a mutated raccoon, others say that it is a fake.

Ufologists have come to the conclusion that this is one of the types of aliens. His photo has been preserved and is authentic.

Photo by Ray Santilli

In 1995, R. Santilli stated that he had authentic photographs and videos from the UFO crash site in Roswell. They depict the crash itself and the autopsy of the alien.

He talked about this until 2006, and then abruptly changed his testimony. But this does not mean that what he had in his hands is a falsification. Perhaps someone simply put pressure on Ray, ordering him to shut up.

Alien from Indonesia

In 2011, a security camera at a security company captured angelic alien. The glowing ghost had large white wings. He appeared very quickly and disappeared just as quickly.

Not only did its image remain in the photograph, it was seen by several eyewitnesses who tried to run up to it, but the creature disappeared.

Alien from the Atacama Desert

Real is recognized and alien photo from the Atacama Desert. The alien was found by the Chilean O. Muñoz in a ghost mining village. Not far from the church, he discovered a strange package and unwrapped it. There was a mummified 15-centimeter body with teeth and a bulging head.

The Chilean sold the humanoid for $60, and then scientists took up the matter. During experiments and examination of the creature, they discovered that it has 9 ribs, and not 12, like a human, and also that it cannot be a human fetus. It was also noted that the concentration of calcium in the alien’s bones was several times higher than normal.

The creature's age was determined to be 7 years old. It ate earthly food.

Kyshtymsky Alyoshenka

A similar alien was found in Russia in the city of Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region. He looked like alien from the Atacama. There is no doubt that his photos are real.

Scientists connect Kyshtymsky and Atacama humanoids among themselves. They say that if at least one more similar alien is found, it will be possible to talk about a pattern. Then it will be indirectly confirmed that aliens exist.

Just a few decades ago, most people simply laughed at the mention of possible aliens from outer space and looked at those who talked about them with irony, as eccentrics who were “a little crazy.” Today, people's consciousness has changed a little, and many understand that life in the vast expanse of space, of course, exists in one form or another. AND current question now it’s no longer “Are there extraterrestrial civilizations?”, and “What do aliens look like?” The article provides materials from both scientists and information from people involved in channeling.

Diversity of alien life

First of all, it is worth noting that alien life is as diverse as the universes in space are infinite.

The opinion, and even more so the self-confident statement that earthlings are the only creatures in the entire Universe, testifies only to the narrowness of thinking and interests of the individual.

Aliens not only live on other planets, galaxies and universes, but also on our home planet. There is a lot of evidence describing what aliens look like. Photos in the most various sources show already inanimate humanoids or incomprehensible translucent clumps, silhouettes that people also take for aliens.

A man with his inflated “ego” imagined himself to be the master of the Earth: some people subjugated others, and in order to maintain power, true knowledge began to be hidden from the overwhelming majority. Many myths were invented to distract attention, unnecessary needs were invented, and the desire and desire to possess things that were not necessary, but created so that people did not think about the main thing - who they are, where they came from and why they came to Earth, were artificially cultivated.

In fact, man can only live on the surface of land, and even then, despite the development by scientists of control stations weather conditions, any typhoons, earthquakes, floods and others natural phenomena capable of easily erasing an entire civilization from the surface. However, in conflicts among ourselves, we ourselves can destroy the Earth.

The ocean occupies seventy-one percent of the surface of the entire Earth, being practically unexplored. The underground space is huge and also unknown to people. And this is only what concerns our planet, which is the smallest particle space.

And some of us continue to just laugh and exclaim: “What nonsense, what kind of extraterrestrial civilizations? What kind of question is this, what do aliens look like?”, and so on, so on...

Extraterrestrial beings from a scientific point of view

Scientists believe that on planets where most of the surface is occupied by ocean, aquatic species similar to those that live on Earth can live. Where there is strong gravity and a dense atmosphere, large, strong and aggressive creatures can apparently live. On planets covered in ice, perhaps only bacteria can live.

Molecules on Earth are made primarily of carbon. As a result, some scientists suggest that life on other planets is only possible if there is carbon on them.

Thus, American and British scientists assume that they will soon discover which orbits a red dwarf ( cold star, producing much less light Sun). like this hypothetical planet named Aurelia.

It is assumed that the creatures of such a planet have sensory organs similar to those on Earth: eyes, nose, ears, skin and taste sensors. They have a brain and a processing center, a long neck and legs.

Another hypothetical study object is the Blue Moon, a satellite of a Jupiter-like planet completely covered in water with a thick atmosphere. What do the aliens look like there? Hypotheses have been put forward that, due to excess oxygen, huge flying creatures with a wingspan of up to ten meters can live there.

In 2010, however, scientists discovered that there are organisms that do not require oxygen to survive. Instead of a carbon atom organic structures there, most likely, it forms silicon, which is in many ways similar in its properties to carbon. Silicon-based life is expected to be much less diverse than carbon-based life.

Aliens according to ufologists

Researchers are confident that they know what the alien really looks like. They divided the aliens into humanoids and non-humanoids.

The first ones look like people. Their height is from eighty to three hundred centimeters, the body is not always proportional, there are three or four fingers on long limbs, gray skin. Humanoids communicate telepathically, although they can speak the language of their homeland.

Non-humanoids, according to ufologists, can take any form: jellyfish, noseless and earless dwarfs, giants, translucent entities, and so on.

What aliens look like, according to contactees

Some people communicate, or think they communicate, with extraterrestrial beings through meditation. This connection is called channeling.

They then tell what the aliens told them about their civilizations, what real aliens look like different systems. These are aliens from the Pleiades and Sirius, Orion and Zeta...

Pleiades constellation

Most Pleiadians are peaceful and friendly towards earthlings. Moreover, according to their stories, we have the same roots. That is, earthlings and Pleiadians came from where they were forced to fly away due to conflicts. Someone settled on Earth in solar system, and someone - in star cluster Pleiades. What do aliens from the Pleiades look like? They live on six planets and differ in genotype from each other. Humanoid aliens live on three planets, and on others there are creatures without a physical body, but with energy and light shells. There are also those who have both physical and light bodies at the same time. They transmit information through channeling.

Pleiadians with physical bodies have mostly blond hair, ears set slightly lower than those of humans, height from one and a half to one hundred and eighty centimeters, eyes from blue to golden.


Orion is one of the most bright constellations night sky. According to legend, it represents a hunter who died because of his pride and boasting. Most Orions are human-like. They mostly have dark skin, and only a small part of them are Caucasian with blond hair.

They are aggressive and have fought in many wars.

Aliens from Sirius

The most bright star our firmament is located in About four million years ago, hybrids of humans and Sirians, having semi-material physical bodies, remained to live on Earth, serving as guardians and mentors. They were called Kantarians. Being masters sacred geometry, they collaborated with the Egyptian and Sumerian priests.

According to the book Race of Explorers, the Sirians came to Earth, creating the Mayan civilization. Their mission was to insert an axis into the planet to upset its balance. When earthlings are spiritually ready, this axis can be shifted, thus checking spiritual level people. The energy of Sirius supports the Earth through the African race - the Syrians themselves are also dark-skinned.

The book also describes that male energies were provided by Orion, and female energies by Sirius.

Some Sirians eventually became reptile- and insect-like. They are all very different both in appearance and in intentions - from evil to beings of light.

What aliens look like (real photo)

Not only scientists, ufologists and contactees deal with alien issues. All more information appears that the elite of the leading states of the world met with humanoids. The secret services are closely working on this topic. They, like no one else, know what aliens look like. Photos found in the press can be either skillfully fabricated fakes or real ones.

Most of all, ordinary people are “accustomed” to the image of the so-called Grays - aliens with large heads and expressive black glowing eyes, whose skin has a gray-blue tint.

However, alien life is much more multifaceted and diverse.

Just 10 years ago, people who believed in aliens were viewed with distrust. Now the situation has changed and many understand that in the vast outer space must exist extraterrestrial life V various forms. The question remains - ? The answer to this can be obtained through channeling.

The diversity of alien life forms

The idea that we are alone in the universe is wrong. In fact, there are many forms of extraterrestrial life. At the same time, aliens are found both on other planets and on our planet. And there is already plenty of evidence for this.

As a rule, photos and videos that are publicly available show dead humanoids. What does an alien really look like? when is he alive? It is assumed that extraterrestrial beings have sensory organs similar to human ones: skin, eyes, ears. But their legs and arms are elongated, and their brains are more developed.

At the same time, on different planets the appearance of the aliens will be radically different. This is how flying aliens can live on the blue Moon, a satellite of Jupiter. And aliens who don't need oxygen will look completely different. Whether a humanoid is an alien or a non-humanoid also plays a big role.

How do humanoids differ from non-humanoids and what do other aliens look like?

Humanoids have a height of 80 to 300 cm, a large head, and a disproportionate body. Their skin tone is often gray, their fingers are long - 3 or 4. The presented type of aliens is able to communicate in the language of their planet, but telepathy is not alien to them.

Non-humanoids are different from humanoids. They can have any shape - essence, jellyfish, dwarf, etc.

What does an alien really look like??

  • During the channeling, it was revealed that the Pleiadians are friendly and remind us. However, they can have not only a physical, but also a light appearance. IN physical condition Pleiadians have blond hair, height up to 1.80, blue eyes.
  • The Orions from the constellation Orion have a completely different appearance. They look like humans, have dark skin and blond hair. Orions are aggressive by nature.
  • Another race is the Sirians. Submitted aliens They are also dark-skinned, and a number of them even take the form of insects or reptiles. The Sirians are completely different in character - from evil to kind.

So there actually is huge amount aliens differing in appearance. People are used to imagining aliens as gray creatures with huge expressive eyes and smooth skin. But in fact, there are different extraterrestrial life forms - they are diverse and multifaceted. And you need to be prepared for this.

Considering vast expanses Universe, there is every reason to admit the idea of ​​the existence of extraterrestrial life. Space and aliens have always interested people. There is no clear answer to these questions; not a single “evidence” has ever been confirmed official science. But what do aliens really look like?

Science fiction and cinema

Is there really life beyond our planet? What do aliens look like? Are they dangerous?

Not a single ten years Science fiction described the aliens as not very tall humanoids with gray or green skin, large elongated or flattened heads, unblinking eyes, and in general not very different from humans.

One of the professors Cambridge University claims that aliens are as similar to humans as possible in appearance. And besides external similarity, they have the same moral qualities, as to an ordinary person. They are not capable of killing, maiming, or attacking a defenseless representative of the Earth. But, most likely, they are able to respond to aggression with aggression.

This fact gives rise to hope for the possibility of complete mutual understanding between civilizations, if such is possible in the future.

Hollywood film producers created their own image of an alien. The first thing they did was give it almost human species- two arms, two legs and the ability to walk upright. If at first the actors put on rubber suits, now they look more and more like an ordinary person.

General signs of an alien

Scientists have still not been able to create a thorough portrait alien. But UFO experts are confident that there are planets in the Universe with similar conditions as on Earth. Thus, at least three exo-planets were recently discovered at a distance of 40 light years from us.

What should aliens look like?

Firstly, the means by which it is possible to understand the conditions of another planet is its propulsion system. Scientists are considering this characteristic at an angle of adaptation from water to land. It is likely that alien civilizations also went through a similar round of development.

Japanese scientist Michio Kaku has been studying this issue for more than ten years, and during this time he was able to draw some conclusions that relate to the appearance of aliens.

Firstly, in order to surpass others and exist normally, the alien needs stereo eyes. That is, thanks to them, they must read maximum quantity information that is necessary for the functioning and survival of their civilization.

Secondly, the presence of fingers, tentacles, claws and hands. It is with their help that they create aircraft and manipulate the created starships.

And finally, thirdly, language, in order to transmit accumulated knowledge to descendants. It is the subsequent generations, using this information, that will be able to create stronger civilizations and equipment for movement in space.

So definitely optical instruments and the presence of limbs unite humans with aliens, but scientists are not sure that this will help these two life forms come to an agreement. And all because man is a predator, and so is the alien.


What do aliens look like? Why shouldn't they look like big insects? Insects are divided into a huge number of groups and species. Their peculiarity is that their skeleton is practically located outside. But if they reached gigantic sizes, they would break under their own weight during molting. In addition, extraterrestrial life forms must have big brain, and here the problem arises that it is not so easy to fit it into a small body.

Ufology experts and UFO hunters have developed a certain classification of space guests. Some of them claim that the skin of aliens gray, others give them an animal appearance. Anyway, there are several most popular descriptions.

What do aliens look like, and why is there no clear answer to this question?


This description of an alien seems the most fictitious and fantastic, but nevertheless has the right to life. According to adherents of this theory, they look like lemur-like creatures with a large fanged jaw and claws, but at the same time they have the ability to walk upright. These lemur-like aliens have scaly skin and red eyes, making them fearsome creatures. Complements the terrible face tall- from 3 to 5 meters and a pumped up body.

Except physical features, they have telepathic abilities, and the presence of claws does not prevent them from developing technology and controlling complex equipment for moving through outer space.

These aliens are considered nomadic, having lost their home planet many years ago. This was the reason for their viciousness and looting on other planets. The issue of the destruction of the space home of the lemurs is explained very simply - they ran out of resources, and the planet collapsed.

Gray Aliens

Most of all, “eyewitnesses” describe “contacts” with this appearance of aliens. But the confusing and unclear data does not provide a clear answer to this question. Everything is different here gray aliens small in stature - about 120 cm, and the head is ugly elongated at the top of the skull. The humanoid's head is smooth, black slanted eyes, there is no nose, and instead of ears there are a pair of holes.

fragile skeleton and small quantity muscle tissue against the background of a bloated abdomen they create an ambiguous impression. Ufologists believe that prolonged exposure to a state of weightlessness determined the physical appearance of gray humanoids.

At the same time, scientists divide the gray type of aliens into 2 more types: tall and short. There is almost no information about the former, but short aliens are the main characters in kidnappings, and they are also credited with conducting psychological experiments.


What are aliens doing on Earth? Those who suffered at the hands of the gray space guests claim that they never noticed their eyes blinking. Also, this species does not have genitalia, that is, there is no clear division by gender. This fact allows us to make the assumption that they are artificially created creatures and are in the service of the higher grays.

But, perhaps, these are the most “real” aliens - heroes of comics, books and films.


There is more talk about the “conspiracy theory” and conspiracy theories surrounding the reptilian origin of alien civilizations. One of the fans of this theory, British writer David Icke, tried to reveal the essence of these aliens.

The writer claims that reptilian aliens do not exist in other spaces at all. These aliens are on Earth and serve for the benefit of the government and actually rule the planet Earth and us.

Some reptilians are even assigned separate place in the governments of countries. Every now and then information appears on the Internet that is aimed at exposing world leaders.

There is also a skeptical view of the existence and appearance of aliens. From this point of view, they are nothing more than the wild imagination of science fiction writers and the creation popular culture. Be that as it may, UFOs, aliens and space raise more and more questions to which no science can give complete answers.

It's up to us to believe it or not.

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