Irbeysky district: some historical facts.

The presence of ancient people on the territory of the Irbey region is evidenced by sites found in the vicinity of the settlements of Alginka and Kozyl from the Bronze Age (2nd millennium BC). And near the village of Prirechnaya, cultural layers of the Neolithic and Bronze Ages were discovered.

In the 17th century the territory of the district was part of the Krasnoyarsk district, subordinate to the Tomsk category, and from 1681 - to the Yenisei category. In the north of the region's land early XVIII V. entered the court of the Kansky fort, and since 1783, part of the territory of the region was under the jurisdiction of the Rybinsk zemstvo hut, and the other part - along the left bank of the Kan - was subordinate to the Kansk zemstvo hut. After the establishment of the Yenisei province in 1822, the Kansk volost was abolished, and its territory became part of the Urinsk and Ilan volosts. In 1850, the lands of the district were allocated into an independent administrative unit.

In the 17th century Artels of hunters and Cossacks entered the lands of the region to hunt sable and break mica. And in the 20s. XVIII century A permanent population began to emerge. The emergence of Irbeyskoye dates back to 1735 and is associated with the establishment by the Cossacks of a winter hut at the mouth of the Irbeychik River to collect yasak from the Kamasin tribes. The construction of the Moscow highway and the construction of stations and camps caused an active wave of resettlement in the area near the highway. In the 1760-80s. People from the old-time areas of the mouth of the Kan and the Middle Yenisei began to move more actively to the Irbeysky station. According to the fourth revision, villages founded by townspeople (burghers) are mentioned for the first time: Yudina (1795 - 21 households, 96 people), Korostylevo (in 1795 - 38 households, 291 people, of which only 4 peasants) and Khomutovo ( in 1795 - 30 households, 251 people). The village of Irbeyskoye numbered 56 households and 392 inhabitants in 1795.

In the first half of the 19th century. The settlement of the area was facilitated by the development of the Biryusinsky gold mines. In the 1830s. participants in the uprising in Poland were sent here. They left their mark on the life of the region; many Irbey residents still bear Polish surnames. Many residents belonged to the trade and craft classes of townspeople (burghers) and merchants. The Irbeians were engaged in trade, leather-furriers, cooperage, saddlery and brickmaking.

In the second half of the 19th century. in the Irbei volost, only that part of it that was adjacent to the highway remained populated, while a significant part of the lands in the southeast remained sparsely populated. In the early 1890s. There were 7,547 people in the volost. The population was mainly dominated by old-timers who lived in Aginsky, Irbeysky, Korostelevsky, Ivanovsky, Aleksandrovka and Nagornaya. After the Siberian railway the influx of settlers is increasing, new settlements are emerging: Vyatsky, Kulizhenkovsky, Kunigus, Msusevy, Polyakovsky, Prityka, etc. late XIX- early 20th century Ukrainians, Belarusians and Chuvashs began to actively move into the area. Ukrainians settled in Orlovka, Eliseevka, Mikhailovka, Preobrazhenka, Kamenka. Most Belarusians settled in Irbeyskaya, Talskaya and Ust-Yarulskaya volosts, mixed Ukrainian-white Russian population happened in Pokrovka and Arangash.

At the beginning of the twentieth century. 59 resettlement sites were formed on the territory of the volost. The population grew almost 1.5 times, this led to the emergence of independent units in 1913, Aginskaya, Talskaya, and in 1918, Verkhne-Urinskaya and Ust-Yarulskaya volosts. In Irbeyskoye itself in 1911 there were 265 households, 1,248 people, there was a two-class school, a savings and loan partnership, and an agricultural machinery warehouse. The Russian population predominated mainly; the indigenous peoples living in the uluses along the Agul River were few in number, their number did not exceed two hundred people. The main occupation of the population was agriculture. The peasants sowed mainly winter rye, wheat and oats. As subtaiga areas were developed, the share of peasant farms, in which they were engaged in carriage, cart, tar trade, timber rafting, fishing and hunting. In addition, Irbeis worked at the Biryusinsky mines and participated in the construction of the Biryusinsky tract.

During the first Russian revolution, the peasants of the Irbey volost showed high degree activity. At their rallies, they passed orders to Duma deputies, demanding the abolition of the most burdensome duties and free access to the use of forest lands, abolition of government quit-rent articles.

During the First World War, among Siberian peasants she received widespread cooperation. In 1915, in Irbeysky it was formed consumer society « General labor" Soon it became the largest in Kansky district, uniting more than 500 people in its ranks. The cooperative owned four shops, a tannery and a rolling mill.

Our handsome Kan has been carrying its waters for millennia. He has seen a lot in his lifetime. I saw the nomadic and hunting tribes of the Kamasins, Kots, Tofalars, powerful and warlike Kyrgyz tribes. Often he heard the sound of weapons. The Kyrgyz princes and feudal lords did not want peace with the Russians, who came to populate the Kana Valley in the 18th century. Those were cruel times. The fast Kahn carried away a lot of blood.

The first village founded on the banks of the Kan River in 1628 was the city of Kansk. Only in 1707, when the Kyrgyz princes and feudal lords, defeated by the Mongol khans, went to Dzungaria, did the Russians get the opportunity to found new villages south of Kansk, Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk. And in 1710, the second village was founded in the valley of the Kan River - the village of Irbey. Legends say that in this place there was first a small village founded by the Tatars; they themselves named the village. Irbey translated from Turkic language means " handsome man" And a little later the Russians settled here. The village grew and other villages appeared around.

With the formation of the Yenisei province in 1822, the village of Irbey became the volost center of the Kansk district. By the beginning of the twentieth century, Irbey had turned into a fairly large and wealthy village, numbering 265 households in 1911. The number of male souls was 685 people, female souls - 563 people.
Based on the order of the provincial executive committee, on April 1, 1924, the Irbeysky district and the executive committee of the Irbeysky district Council of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies, which included 32 village councils, were formed. The modern Irbeysky district was formed by the merger of four volosts - Irbeyskaya, Talskaya, Verkhneurinskaya, Ust-Yarulskaya.

Irbeysky district is located in the eastern part Krasnoyarsk Territory and borders on the east and south - with Irkutsk region, in the north - with the Ilan and Kansky districts, in the west - with the Sayan, Rybinsk districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The length from north to south is 150 km, from west to east - 70 km. The area of ​​the district covers 10,993 sq. km. The distance to the regional center is 200 km, to the nearest railway Abakan-Tayshet - 5 km. The Kan, Agul, Kungus and other rivers flow through the area.

In 1927, the district included 130 settlements with 7,270 farms and total number population 39,383 people. The population consisted of old-timers (steppe part) - 26,055 people and new settlers (migrants) - 13,328 people.

In the region in 1933, the total gross output amounted to 1 million 304 thousand rubles. For the successes achieved in 1933, the district received the challengeable Red Banner of the regional party committee. In just a few months of 1933, as many peasants joined collective farms as had joined in previous years. 65% of peasant farms were united into collective farms.

In 1930, the Irbey district newspaper “For the Five-Year Plan” began to be published. It looked like a battle leaflet, in size - the fourth part of the current newspaper “Irbeyskaya Pravda”. The publishing house of the newspaper “Irbeyskaya Pravda” has existed since 1932.

In 1930, residents of the village of Irbey heard a radio. In 1932, there were 40 primary schools and one seven-year school in the area. More than 3 thousand children studied in the district schools. There were two hospitals - in Irbey and Taloy, 16 nurseries. In 1937, a regional communications office began operating in Irbey. In the same year, a meteorological station was created. In 1937, the best collective farms in the region received 10-12 kilograms of grain per working day. The livestock number was 46,592 heads. Collective farmers began to buy bicycles and gramophones. In 1938, there were already 163 tractors, 28 combines, 58 trucks and 7 cars in the area. In 1938, there were 170 loudspeakers in the apartments of residents of the village of Irbey; the Irbey Regional Consumer Union sold goods to the population for 42 thousand rubles per month. In the region in 1938 there were two hospitals and seven paramedic stations, 43 nurseries covering 1,550 children, 70 primary schools, 6 incomplete and one high school with a total enrollment of 7.5 thousand students.
More than 11 thousand of our fellow Irbeians went to the front, 2,928 of them did not return. Many of them were awarded military decorations, four were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. These are Nikolai Yakovlevich Totmin, Semyon Semenovich Davydov, Nikolai Ilyich Usenko, Semyon Semenovich Bryukhanov. Our fellow countryman Ivan Nikiforovich Demyanov became a holder of three degrees of the Order of Glory.

In 1966, the district sold 54 thousand tons of grain to the state, which is 2.5 times more than in 1940. The 4th department (village of Kromka) of the V-Ura state farm had the highest livestock productivity. A large group of workers in the area in 1966 awarded with orders and medals. Title of Hero Socialist Labor assigned to Mikhail Ilyich Ignatenko, machine operator of the Yarulsky state farm.

26 people were awarded the Order of Lenin in the region. 92 people were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, including heads of agricultural enterprises. Knights of the order appeared in the area for the first time October revolution. Behind highest achievements In the work of the milkmaid of the state farm "Yarulsky" Kazydub Galina Alekseevna was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

In 2014, the Irbeysky district turned 90 years old. Today the Irbeysky district municipality includes 18 municipalities, in the region there are 49 villages and hamlets with a population of more than 20 thousand.
Over the years, dozens of schools, kindergartens, cultural institutions, healthcare, social protection, housing, livestock farms and garages.

Irbeysky district is one of the largest agricultural regions of the region, in terms of production volume it is in the top ten best areas the edges. Main industries: field farming and livestock farming, timber harvesting and processing. Improvement is underway district center. A children's playground has been built, a hockey rink has been installed, and the improvement of the embankment in the center of the village is being completed.
The area is thriving! Lives and works, studies, produces products. This is the path from the distant 1710 to the Irbey region of our days.

Sources: MKU “Municipal Archive of the Irbeysky District”. Newspaper fund. Irbeyskaya Pravda, April 2, 2004, No. 43-45.

O.I. Makarchuk
V.T. Fedotova


The settlement of the Irbeysky region took place in several stages. The Kazan Tatars were the first to settle here. Moving from place to place, they saw Mount Kiyashka. They thought this place was beautiful and decided to stop here. Proof of this is the names of rivers, most of which Tatar origin, such as Agul, Kungus, Yagash, Tele-gash. The village was founded in 1710 Irbeyskoe (Irbey), which became the second settlement in the valley of the Kan River after the Kansky winter hut. In Irbey, the Tatars settled between two rivers: the Kan and Irbeychik, in the area of ​​the current hospital.

Based on the order of the provincial executive committee of February 28, 1924, from March 15 to April 15, the Kansk district was zoned, as a result of which most of the volosts were transformed into districts. Irbeysky district was formed on April 4, 1924. The population of the newly formed region was 37,559 people. There were 32 village councils and 81 locality. On December 9, 1925, it was included in the Kansky District of the Siberian Territory. On July 30, 1930 he was transferred to direct subordination East Siberian region. On December 7, 1934 it became part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Administrative device

There are 18 municipalities in the district.

Head of the Gushanu district Dmitry Kharlampievich.

  • Alexandrovskoe rural settlement- village of Alexandrovka ( administrative center); Kozyla village
  • Blagoveshchenskoe rural settlement - the village of Blagoveshchenka (administrative center); villages of Agul, Vasilyevka, Ilyino-Posadskoye, Minushka, Novomarinovka, Strelka
  • Verkhneurinskoye rural settlement - the village of Verkhnyaya Urya (administrative center); villages Eliseevka, Mikhailovka
  • Ivanovskoe rural settlement - the village of Ivanovka (administrative center); Nikolaevka village
  • Izumrudnovskoe rural settlement - Izumrudny village (administrative center), Maly Irbey village
  • Irbeyskoye rural settlement - the village of Irbeyskoye (administrative center); village First of May
  • Malovskoe rural settlement - the village of Malovka (administrative center); Korostelevo village
  • Melnichnoe rural settlement - the village of Melnichnoe (administrative center); Galushka village
  • Petropavlovskoe rural settlement - the village of Petropavlovka-1 (administrative center); Bychkovka village
  • Sergeevskoe rural settlement - the village of Sergeevka (administrative center); villages Alginka, Novoaleksandrovka, Novotroitsk
  • Stepanovskoye rural settlement - Stepanovka village (administrative center)
  • Tal rural settlement - the village of Taloe (administrative center); villages of Berezovka, Bogachevo, Zelenaya Sloboda, Rozhdestvenka, Seredinka
  • Tumakovskoye rural settlement - the village of Tumakovo (administrative center); Khomutovo
  • Uspenskoe rural settlement - the village of Uspenka (administrative center); Buinka village
  • Ust-Kanachul rural settlement - the village of Ust-Kanachul (administrative center); villages Petropavlovka-2, Rakitovka
  • Ust-Yarul rural settlement - the village of Ust-Yarul (administrative center); villages Kamenka, Preobrazhenka
  • Chukhlominskoe rural settlement - the village of Chukhlomino (administrative center); Latyntsevo village
  • Yudinskoe rural settlement - the village of Yudino (administrative center); Nagornaya village

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