How does r i p stand for? What does RIP mean? Deep meaning of R.I.P.

Everyone knows the expression R.I.P. (or RIP) is a wish inscribed on many graves, and it is the one you most often see on Facebook in the comments to posts announcing a death. Many people know that this is an abbreviation for Rest in peace, which translated means “rest in peace.” However, behind the short abbreviation lies much more than a simple wish of peace to the deceased.

Requiescat in pace

The expression RIP comes from the Christian saying Requiescat in pace, which is present in the text of the memorial service - requiem. The translation of the lines from the Catholic requiem sounds like:

“Give him eternal rest, O Lord, and let eternal light shine on him. May he rest in peace. Amen". The expression from the requiem goes back to the fourth biblical psalm:

“I lie down calmly and sleep, for You, Lord, alone allow me to live in safety” (January translation)

Comes from the 18th century

Abbreviation RIP or R.I.P. began to appear on the graves of Christians Western Europe only in the 18th century. It can mainly be found on the tombstones of Catholics, Lutherans and Anglicans. It is not customary for Orthodox Christians and representatives of other branches of Christianity to put such text on tombstones.

The ancient Christians, long before the RIP tradition, had another saying - dormit in pace, which means “[he] sleeps in peace.” It can be found in many ancient burial sites. By this phrase the early Christians of Rome, Greece and Judea meant: “they died in peace with the Church, and therefore one in Christ.”

RIP - how to translate correctly?

Many believe that the translation of Requiescat in pace (or Rest in peace) is “rest in peace.” Although this translation option is well established, it is not accurate. The error comes from a direct translation from English, without taking into account the form of the verb in the original Latin. The ending –at indicates the imperative form in the third person, and therefore correct translation RIP: “[May] he rest in peace.”

Although the translation “may he rest in peace” is canonical, the version “rest in peace” has already become firmly established in everyday use, and therefore can also be considered correct.

The meaning of RIP

"Rest in peace" is Christian expression, having religious significance. RIP originally meant the wish that the soul of the deceased would find peace and quiet in the afterlife.

The lack of reference to the soul in the expression RIP has given rise to the idea that the phrase refers to the body. This interpretation correlates with Christian ideas about the resurrection of the dead for the Last Judgment, when the soul returns to earth and unites with the body.

RIP in different languages

The expression RIP is universal and is used by people of different cultures and languages. If you want to express wishes for afterlife in the language of a deceased foreigner, you can use the translations below.

What does RIP mean? This question interests many inhabitants of our planet. Let's talk about this topic.

RIP is a prefix that stands for "ripping" CDs for 80 minutes. and DVD video discs for 120 minutes, after which they receive a compressed electronic version, but with reduced quality. So, an hour and a half film from a DVD can be placed on a CD.

There is another answer to the question: “What does RIP mean?” In the second meaning, it refers to a block located in a printing device that converts a document or picture received from a computer for printing into an algorithm that is executed using the mechanical parts of the printer to display the document on paper.

Study the topic in detail " What does RIP mean?» Common video quality symbols will help us:

1. or “linear screen”:

This quality is obtained when recording a film with a camera from a cinema screen. That is, this is the most low quality. There are films in which the heads of spectators from the audience are visible. The sound can be of different quality; usually you can hear the laughter of the audience.

2. Telesync (TS) format notation:

This type will occur when recording with a professional digital camera mounted on a tripod in an empty cinema. The quality will be much better than from a regular camera. The sound is recorded from a different output, and its quality is also much better (in stereo mode).

3. Super Telesync (SuperTS):

This is digitization, that is, a film processed through a computer: lightened, removed unnecessary noise. The quality is quite good.

4. Screener (DVDSCR):

This is the second highest quality professional videotape used. The video quality is similar to VHS. The sound itself is excellent, stereo.

5. DVD screener (DVDSCR):

Almost the same as SCREENER, but ported from the Promotional DVD. Promotional DVD is most often released without additional materials or subtitles. The presence of counters can be annoying. The quality itself is similar to DVDRip, but it happens that the picture is damaged or has some black and white inserts. Sometimes you may come across a DVD-screener in excellent quality, without any inscriptions or black-and-white inserts.

This is a RIP made from a VHS tape. Oversaturation of colors predominates. There may be horizontal stripes or defects with shaky images in the film - this is due to jammed film.

A beta version of a film, most often in the VCD format. This legal version is released first, after the film itself is shown in theaters. As for quality, you can expect whatever you want, that is, both good and bad.

8. Telecine (TS):

Very rare type films with very good quality. Its source is a protector with audio and video inputs. The quality of video and sound has no price. But very rarely there are problems with the colors of the picture.

9. DVDRip and LDRip:

This version is shared from Laserdisc and DVD. These types of releases are released after their first theatrical run. Exactly this best quality of all available.

This is a copy from the original DVD, the volume of which is up to 5 GB.

This type will be a copy from a double-sided original DVD with a capacity of up to 9 GB.

DVD5 differs in that DVD9 has big size video cores and has a considerable number of audio tracks.

The video is recorded using a regular television signal, usually cable. Most television series are initially distributed in this format.

What is SATRip:

Recording material directly from satellite. The quality is much better than TVRip.

This is a video made from a VCD disc. This disc is usually framed in MPEG1/2 format, with a low resolution (320*240). There may be a blurry picture or stretched faces.

Material with source from digital cable TV. Typically, a TV tuner that is compatible with the DVB format is used for such a rip.

Similar to SATRip. The video was recorded from a digital television broadcast. The quality itself will depend on the provider.

Also similar to SATRip. Recorded material from IP television. This rip is slightly inferior to DVDRip.

This rip is from an HDTV broadcast, with high resolutions, whose aspect ratio is 16:9.

The material was recorded from an HD DVD disc with a capacity of 15 GB or more. Inferior to Blu-Ray VS HD DVD format.

7. Blu-ray Disc HD-DVD:

High-density videos that are used for recording and storing digital data. This RIP contains great content audio tracks.

Now you know what RIP means and what video quality is better.

Each of us has seen on TV that a strange abbreviation is often written on tombstones. But its decoding is not given anywhere. And today we will analyze in detail why they write rip on graves and what this is connected with. Let's start with the fact that these three letters mean nothing more than “rest in peace.” Moreover, a similar inscription is usually found in Catholic cemeteries. In our Orthodox churchyards it is not customary to write such things.

What is rip on tombstones?

Initially, the RIP was large and difficult word: "Requiescatinpacem." From Latin it is translated as rest in peace or something similar.

And since Latin has been the language of bishops and confessors since ancient times, everything here is quite understandable.

Besides, English expression rest in peace - also means “rest in peace.” At the same time, it can be encrypted as RIP.

Thanks to this coincidence, these three letters have gained immense popularity. They are used in all English speaking countries, even if not everyone there believes in Catholicism.

The deep meaning of R.I.P.

In general, the expression “rest in peace” itself did not come about just like that. The fact is that in the Middle Ages there was prayer in Latin. It said that the bishop asks God to give peace to the soul that has left us.

As a result, what was pulled out of this prayer was, you know, what a sentence was. And from it it was made, you know what the abbreviation is.

It is worth noting that according to the beliefs of Catholics and Protestants, the human soul after death goes to purgatory. And in order to rescue her from there, it is necessary to ask for her peaceful repose. Moreover, something similar exists in Orthodoxy. It’s just all done differently.

It’s interesting that instead of “rest in peace,” the phrase “thank you for everything” is used in Denmark. And if you thank a person there with such an expression, he may think that you wish him death.

Use in pop culture

In world pop culture, these three letters have been used for a very long time. They usually mean death. Often they are used various kinds punks, gothic bands, metalheads and so on.

In Russia, this expression is rarely used. In particular, it is sometimes used by gamers to quickly say that a character has died.

It is worth noting that in Italian, English, German and Latin, expressions about peaceful repose are quite similar. But there is no mysticism here, as some people think.

It’s just that all these languages ​​at one time originated from one dialect. And this made it possible to apply RIP in several multilingual countries at once without any problems.

By the way, in English language There is also a verb "rip". It means to tear something. So it is possible to say that life was cut short or interrupted.

What does RIP mean, and why is this abbreviation so common on tombstones in English-speaking countries? Let's find out.

Perhaps in our age high technology, television and the Internet, all have ever been seen in films or in illustrations for dark books three english letters- “RIP.” But not everyone knows what these letters mean, so for many this article will be especially interesting. We also advise you to find out what it means.

Translated from English RIP stands for “Restinpeace” or “Rest in Peace”. But in fact, this abbreviation was originally used in Latin. In Latin, "RIP" stands for "Requiescatinpacem", and in ancient times and the Middle Ages these words were written exclusively on tombstones and gravestones. It is the Latin version of this phrase that can be found at medieval burial sites in America, England and other countries where Protestantism and Catholicism occupy a leading position in religion.

Interesting fact: it didn’t come out of nowhere, and it’s not just “a wish for the living to the dead.” The words “Rest in Peace” were originally mentioned in the Latin prayer Requiem Eternam, which translates to “Eternal Rest.” The prayer includes an appeal to the Lord with a request to “give the deceased eternal rest and give him eternal light”, and the words “Requiescatinpacem” conclude the prayer.

The prayer itself is still used by Catholics to this day when turning to God in order to rescue the righteous soul of the deceased from Purgatory. In Catholicism, and in Christianity in general, the key role in “life after life” is that where it ends up the soul of a person after his death. Initially, it ends up in Purgatory, and if the deceased had any sins during his lifetime, there is a risk of ending up in Hell. It is in such cases that the priests begin to pray for the soul of the deceased with this prayer, in which the words “ May you rest in peace. Amen“, so that the soul of the deceased does not go into the hands of the Devil, but goes to heaven.

Later, analogues of the phrase appeared in other languages ​​- Italian and English. In Italian the phrase "Rest in peace" is "Riposiinpace", and in English meaning letters R.I.P - this is the well-known “Restinpeace”. Have you noticed how similar the phrases are, although they are written in three different languages? This only indicates that Italian language, English and Latin originally came from the same language group and are related.

It is interesting and funny that in the phrase “Rest in peace” in English there is some kind of play on words. For example, in English the word “RIP” () and the word “reaper” are pronounced quite similar. The word "reaper" in English is translated as "reaper". In the culture of many countries, death comes precisely in the form of the “grim reaper,” the “black reaper,” whose permanent attribute is the scythe. It is in the image of a skeleton with a scythe that death is depicted in many religions and Western European cultures.

Also in Western European countries It is believed that the soul and body are connected by an invisible thin thread, and while they are connected, a person is in the world of the living, he lives. As soon as the thread between the soul and the body breaks, the person dies and the soul goes to another world. The word “rip” in English is also a verb and means “to tear off”, “to tear”.

The abbreviation "RIP" is actively used in youth gothic culture, as well as in musical genre"Metal". Goths position themselves as philosophers and think about the meaning of life and the meaning of death. But metalheads like to play with words in different ways in the titles of their works, while maintaining the integrity of the abbreviation. Thus, the heavy-metal band from Australia “AC\DC” has a song called “RIP – Rockinpeace”, and the trash-metal band “Megadeth” released the song “Rustinpeace”, which translates as “Rust in Peace”.

Another fun fact: In Denmark, if you write “Thank you for everything” in a letter to someone, they may be offended or simply not understand you. The fact is that the Danes use such thanksgiving only when addressing the dead and have absolutely the same meaning as English phrase"Restinpeace." And if Catholics write “Rest in Peace” on their tombstones, then the Danes carve the phrase “Thank you for everything” on their gravestones.

Last time I wrote about the Taj Mahal, which is located in Agra (see), but now it is a very serious topic and if you are going to relax on the sea coast, be sure to read it to the end. We will talk about such a phenomenon as rip. What it is?

Surely many have heard about how one of the tourists drowned in the sea or ocean, and some were even eyewitnesses of such tragedies. During the six months that I lived in Varkala (India), six people drowned in this way, and everything happened not somewhere in the open sea, but not far from the coast.

What all these cases have in common is that almost all of them were good swimmers and managed well in the water. The tragedy is that none of them knew about such a phenomenon as rip - rip current in English.

So, this is a rip or rip current. To understand how to deal with it and what to do, you need to understand what it is and how it arises.

What is rip

Rip currents - rips - are currents that arise in shallow water, perpendicular and back to the shore. The waves rush towards the shore, but large masses they do not have time to return back and in different places in the sandy bottom under the pressure of water, channels appear through which the water flows back into the sea.

That is, rips are formed in cases where strong water pressure appears on the shore, rapids appear and water with high speed– 3.0 m/sec rushes from the shore, a kind of temporary river on the seashore.

This can be seen schematically in the picture:

This is what the river looks like:

Rip currents are not constant, they can appear in different places, and after some time, disappear without a trace.

They vary in width and length. Sometimes these are narrow corridors 2-3 meters wide, but sometimes such a river reaches 100 meters. The length of rips is very rarely more than 300-400 meters.

People who have lived on the coast for a long time already know how to external signs determine the occurrence of the next rip. The water in them differs in color from other areas if on both sides it has blue or green color, in the area of ​​the rip current it may be whitish and foamy.

It is also possible to see how the waves hit the shore everywhere, but in some one place it is calm, most often this is the place of the rip current.

Another thing is tourists, some have not even heard of such a dangerous natural phenomenon, and they, especially those who are poor swimmers, try to enter the water in such places that are “calm” at first glance. They also expose themselves to danger, since even if they go waist-deep into the water, they can get caught in a powerful stream that will pull them into the open sea.

What to do if you get into a rip?

But now the most important thing. Experienced people have fallen into a rip current and escaped safely because they knew how to get out of it correctly.

These rules are the most important when swimming; in my personal opinion, such reminders should be distributed by tour operators sending people on sea holidays.

I would also advise you not to swim in the sea-ocean alone, try to go ashore with one of your friends or fellow travelers. If you are going alone, choose not a deserted place, but one where there is at least someone on the shore.

Where do rips often occur?

Judging by information from the Internet, rip currents most often appear in the Mediterranean Sea, especially off the coast of Israel and North Africa. There are small rips in the Azov and Black Seas.

But most often they write about rip currents in Indian Ocean, it seems to me that I observed exactly the rip in Varkala. They often visit Goa and every year one of the tourists drowns there.

Rips are also frequent in Sri Lanka and Indonesia, often mentioned, maybe because there more tourists, after all, if no one drowned, then they don’t even remember about the dangerous rip current, however, you definitely need to know about it.

If your friends are going on a sea holiday, be sure to share this information with them, perhaps you will save their life.

The video about rips is in English, but it seems to me that everything in it is clear without words.

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