What kind of order did the crusaders establish in the conquered countries? What kind of order did the crusaders establish in the conquered countries? Horror and terror of holy expansion

Not here “thieves in law”, however, morals on “cop” zones are not much softer than normal ones. There is nothing to be surprised here: a zone is a zone, with its own hierarchy, its own orders and traditions, which developed in such correctional institutions back in the days of the USSR.


At Soviet power there was only one correctional colony in the country for convicted employees law enforcement agencies— in Nizhny Tagil. Now there are five of them.

The need for such “special zone” dictated by life. On normal "thieves" zone former employee (BS) - “beesnik” won't last even a day.

Murder “menta” is an honor for any criminal and a ticket to higher "suit" criminal hierarchy. ITK- 13 in Nizhny Tagil appeared in 1951 year, during the period of confrontation between “thieves in law” And “knitted”, those who collaborated with the authorities during the war, fought in penal battalions, and in general, forgot for a while in the face of terrible danger about “thieves’ concepts”. Some had to be separated from others, and so the legendary “Tagil special zone”, which by the end of the fifties finally acquired the status of a colony for convicted law enforcement officers.

Tagilskaya “special zone” designed for 1200 “Beesnikov” And 500 staff and security people. The remaining zones are approximately the same.

The elite also includes the criminal investigation team.

These are sharp, seasoned people different types, they prefer not to mess with such people. Next in hierarchy “trump suits”— employees of law enforcement units: riot police, special forces, capture groups, special squads rapid response, various operational search groups.

People who have gone through the school of such service can fight back against anyone.

"Medium" suits

Bulk “sidekicks” cop zones are, just like in regular ones, “thieves” zones - the people are average, neutral.

In thieves' zones this is “men”- ordinary people who have stumbled, who after serving time dream of returning to normal life.

On “cop” in zones they correspond to various investigators, traffic cops, district police officers, patrol officers, duty officers, interrogators, etc. In “authorities” they do not strive, but also "lower" they won't allow themselves.

Lower "suits"

On the first step leading down are the lawyers.

This crowd is cunning, crafty and, from the point of view of a normal operative, completely worthless, only able to throw a spoke in the wheel. “followers” set and cut clients' hair.

Everyone who ended up in the zone has their own account with the lawyer who promised to get him out, to prevent him from “landing”, but never fulfilled his promise. They are responsible for such would-be lawyers “shrunken” brethren.

And there is no one in the zone more despised than former prosecutors and judges. These office bureaucrats, who don’t know how to do anything except pass papers, always suck the blood of normal cops.

And these people, as a rule, do not know how to stand up for themselves. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that those who were incarnation life success and prosperity, they eke out a miserable existence in the zone.

It is from former prosecutors and judges that the inevitable category in any zone is often formed "roosters"


On “cop” physically strong people are held in high esteem in the zone, strong people who do not allow themselves to blossom and lose their shape.

Therefore, everyone here respects themselves "bees" They go in for sports, run, do pull-ups on the uneven bars.

There are no people in such zones who “goes into failure”, everyone works, because work is an opportunity to earn parole, as well as earn money to visit the prison store. Favorite activity on “cop” zones is legal correspondence.

In ordinary zones it is not customary to complain, but here it’s the opposite. Those who do not write complaints are considered broken, resigned to their fate.

That's why “Beesniki” they write petitions to various authorities, human rights foundations and other structures, without knowing how to get tired. For the most part, these are, of course, cassation appeals to the prosecutor's office and to higher courts.

Every day the administration of such a colony sends up to hundreds of letters.

In the 70-80s of the last century in the USSR there were ten places of detention, called “krytki” in criminal jargon. The Zlatoust and Tobolsk indoor prisons were considered especially harsh.
Everyone who had to go through the Tobolsk hell came out either morally broken or, conversely, spiritually hardened. It was a serious school of survival, and not everyone survived the trials that befell them.

Life and work under lock and key

In the Tobolsk special prison there were three residential two-story buildings: two for workers and one for non-workers. The working buildings accommodated 400 people each, and the non-working special building No. 2 – about 300. The special building contained malicious violators and those who categorically refused to work. Thieves in law were also sitting there.
It contained about 50 general (five-bed) cells and about the same number of “double” and “single” cells, which housed those who, for one reason or another, could not sit in general cells. Common cells were located on both floors on one side of the corridor, and “doubles” and “singles” were located on the other. Except for the short daily walk in a small courtyard, the prisoners in the special building had no right to anything else, except to go to the bathhouse once every ten days - in the same cell where there were hot water and several basins.
In the workers' buildings the conditions were better: the cells were more spacious, more possibilities communication. From the “bad” cells - they were called “scabies” - prisoners were taken to work separately. "Good" cameras had general conclusion: ten cells were opened and about a hundred people were taken out at the same time through underground tunnel to the work building. There, people went to work cells and were locked up until the end of the shift.
“Press-hut” for a careless word
Tobolsk prison, like any other, had a depressing effect on mental health person. Human life it wasn't worth anything. Any warden could, with one careless word, put a prisoner in a press cell, where he could be mutilated, violated or killed, and then present it as a heart attack.
And in order to deprive him of the opportunity to defend himself, they put him in a punishment cell where the prisoner was stripped naked. There was no point in resisting.
Imprisonment in a punishment cell was widely practiced. This is a special room in which prisoners convicted of violating prison order were kept. In the punishment cell, prisoners were kept under a stricter regime than in ordinary cells. There were rats in some punishment cells, there was ankle-deep water in the rooms, and the ceilings were low.
In the press cells - they were also called “press huts” - the prison authorities dealt with unwanted prisoners at the hands of other prisoners. Press cells were formed and staffed from among angry, physically strong, but morally broken prisoners.
Each building was assigned a separate operational worker, who distributed prisoners into cells and monitored the situation in the building entrusted to him.

Memoirs of prisoners

According to the memoirs of Vladimir Podatev, a former crime boss and now a human rights activist, “people from the prison, suspected of bringing money or other valuables to prison, were thrown “for unloading” into one of the press cells, where they were beaten and robbed.” . Money was usually carried in the stomach: it was sealed in cellophane and swallowed. The press chambers knew about this, so those who ended up there were often tied to a radiator and forced to stare at a newspaper under supervision until they were finally convinced that all the contents of their stomach had come out. Gold crowns and teeth were pulled out of the mouth or knocked out.
And here’s what another former crime boss, and now pastor Leonid Semikolenov, recalls: “Upon arriving once again at a closed prison, after a two-week stay in quarantine, they searched me and threw me into the press hut of the special corps. The operas were of the opinion that I had brought the little one for thieves. It was completely by chance that during the search they did not find a razor on me. Five press workers led by Cheese were sitting in the press chamber where they threw me. Cheese and I had an unpleasant dialogue, he tried to convince me to admit that I have a little one for thieves. Fifteen minutes later, another person was thrown into the cell; it was Sergei Boytsov. Sergei, immediately getting his bearings in the situation, gave me a sign. He, having chosen a good position for himself, hit the light bulb with his fist and stabbed the scissors into Cheese’s neck. I also cut another greyhound presser in the face with a blade. The other three rushed to the door and started knocking on it. The squad dragged Sergei and me out, beat us and put us in a punishment cell.”

How a prison became a museum

The Tobolsk prison witnessed not only the breakdown of criminal leaders, but also a real conflict between the thieves in law of the old and new formations. In the Tobolsk special prison, the status of thief in law Ded Khasan was restored, and the future “master” was accepted as a thief in law there. Far East Evgeny Vasin (Jem). Almost all thieves in law and authorities went through the Tobolsk prison.
In 1989, a decision was made to close the prison. The prisoners were transferred to other prisons. Corps No. 2 went to the Tobolsk diocese. Instead of the building where the prison workshops were located, an archive building was built. The headquarters building, the prison hospital building and buildings No. 1 and No. 3 belong to the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve, some of them are objects of museum heritage.

On the same topic:

Tobolsk “lid”: how they sat in one of the most scary prisons in the USSR
Tobolsk “cover”: why it was considered one of the most terrible prisons in the USSR Tobolsk "cover": one of the most terrible prisons in the USSR

In November 1472, Ivan III second once he gets married. This time his chosen one is the Greek princess Sophia, the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos.

White stone

Three years after the wedding, Ivan III will begin the arrangement of his residence with the construction of the Assumption Cathedral, which was erected on the site of the dismantled Kalita Church. Will this be related to the new status - Grand Duke By that time, Moskovsky will position himself as “the sovereign of all Rus',” or whether the idea will be “suggested” by his wife Sophia, dissatisfied with the “wretched situation,” it’s difficult to say for sure.

By 1479, the construction of the new temple will be completed, and its properties will subsequently be transferred to the whole of Moscow, which is still called “white stone”. Large-scale construction will continue. The Annunciation Cathedral will be built on the foundation of the old palace church of the Annunciation. To store the treasury of the Moscow princes, a stone chamber will be built, which will later be called the “Treasury Yard”.

Instead of the old wooden mansion, a new stone chamber will be built to receive ambassadors, called the “Embankment”. For official receptions will build the Chamber of Facets. Will be rebuilt and built large number churches. As a result, Moscow will completely change its appearance, and the Kremlin will turn from a wooden fortress into a “Western European castle.”

New title

With the appearance of Sophia, a number of researchers associate a new ceremony and a new diplomatic language - complex and strict, prim and strained. Marriage to a noble heiress Byzantine emperors will allow Tsar John to position himself as the political and ecclesiastical successor of Byzantium, and the final overthrow Horde yoke will do possible translation the status of a Moscow prince is out of reach high level national ruler of the entire Russian land.

“Ivan, Sovereign and Grand Duke” leaves the government acts and “John, by God's grace sovereign of all Rus'." The significance of the new title is complemented long list limits of the Moscow state: “Sovereign of All Rus' and Grand Duke of Vladimir, and Moscow, and Novgorod, and Pskov, and Tver, and Perm, and Yugorsk, and Bulgaria, and others.”

Divine origin

In his new position, the source of which was partly the marriage with Sophia, Ivan III finds the previous source of power insufficient - succession from his father and grandfather. The idea of ​​the divine origin of power was not alien to the ancestors of the sovereign, however, none of them expressed it so firmly and convincingly.

At the suggestion of the German Emperor Frederick III to reward Tsar Ivan with a royal title, the latter will answer: “... by God’s grace we are sovereigns on our land from the beginning, from our first ancestors, and we have been appointed by God,” indicating that the Moscow prince does not need worldly recognition of his power.

Double headed eagle

To visually illustrate succession fallen house Byzantine emperors, a visual expression will also be found: from the end of the 15th century, the royal seal will appear Byzantine coat of armsdouble headed eagle. There are a large number of other versions where the two-headed bird “flew” from, but it is impossible to deny that the symbol appeared during the marriage of Ivan III and the Byzantine heiress.

The best minds

After Sophia’s arrival in Moscow, a fairly impressive group of immigrants from Italy and Greece will form at the Russian court. Subsequently, many foreigners will occupy influential government positions, and will more than once carry out the most important diplomatic state assignments. Ambassadors visited Italy with enviable regularity, but often the list of assigned tasks did not include resolving political issues.

They returned with another rich “catch”: architects, jewelers, coiners and gunsmiths, whose activities were directed in one direction - to contribute to the prosperity of Moscow. Visiting miners will find silver and copper ore in the Pechora region, and coins will begin to be minted from Russian silver in Moscow. Among the visitors there will be a large number of professional doctors.

Through the eyes of foreigners

During the reign of Ivan III and Sophia Paleologus, the first detailed notes by foreigners about Rus' appeared. To some, Muscovy appeared as a wild land in which rude morals reigned. For example, for the death of a patient, a doctor could be beheaded, stabbed, drowned, and when one of the best Italian architects, Aristotle Fioravanti, fearing for his life, asked to return to his homeland, he was deprived of his property and imprisoned. Muscovy was seen differently by travelers, those who did not stay long in the bear region.

The Venetian merchant Josaphat Barbaro was amazed at the welfare of Russian cities, “abundant with bread, meat, honey and other useful things.” The Italian Ambrogio Cantarini noted the beauty of Russians, both men and women. Another Italian traveler Alberto Campenze, in a report for Pope Clement VII, writes about the excellent execution of the Muscovites border service, prohibition on selling alcohol, except holidays, but most of all he is captivated by the morality of Russians. “They consider it a terrible, vile crime to deceive each other,” writes Campenze. – Adultery, violence and public debauchery are also very rare. Unnatural vices are completely unknown, and perjury and blasphemy are completely unheard of.”

New orders

External attributes played a significant role in the rise of the king in the eyes of the people. Sofya Fominichna knew about this from the example of the Byzantine emperors. A magnificent palace ceremony, luxurious royal robes, rich decoration of the courtyard - all this was not present in Moscow. Ivan III, already a powerful sovereign, lived not much more widely and richly than the boyars. Simplicity was heard in the speeches of his closest subjects - some of them, like the Grand Duke, came from Rurik.

The husband heard a lot about the court life of the Byzantine autocrats from his wife and from the people who came with her. He probably wanted to become “real” here too. Gradually, new customs began to appear: Ivan Vasilyevich “began to behave majestically”, before the ambassadors he was titled “Tsar”, he received foreign guests with special pomp and solemnity, and as a sign of special mercy he ordered to kiss the Tsar’s hand. A little later, court ranks will appear - bed keeper, nursery keeper, stable keeper, and the sovereign will begin to reward the boyars for their merits.

After a while, Sophia Paleologue will be called an intriguer, she will be accused of the death of Ivan the Young’s stepson and the “unrest” in the state will be justified by her witchcraft. However, this marriage of convenience would last 30 years and would become perhaps one of the most significant marital unions in history.

As you know, police officers, police officers and employees security forces, convicted under criminal charges, are imprisoned special zones, colloquially referred to as “cop” ones.

There are no “thieves in law” here, however, morals in the “cop” zones are not much softer than in ordinary ones. There is nothing to be surprised here: a zone is a zone, with its own hierarchy, its own orders and traditions, which developed in such correctional institutions back in the days of the USSR.


Under Soviet rule, there was only one correctional colony in the country for convicted law enforcement officers - in Nizhny Tagil. Now there are five of them. The need for such “special zones” is dictated by life. In an ordinary “thieves’ zone”, a former employee (BS) - a “secret officer” will not last even a day. Killing a “cop” is an honor for any criminal and a ticket to a higher “suit” of the criminal hierarchy. ITK-13 in Nizhny Tagil appeared in 1951, during the period of confrontation between “thieves in law” and “thieves in law”, those who collaborated with the authorities during the war, fought in penal battalions, and generally forgot for a while in the face of a terrible danger about "thieves' concepts." Some had to be separated from others, and so the legendary “Tagil special zone” appeared, which by the end of the fifties finally acquired the status of a colony for convicted law enforcement officers. The Tagil “special zone” is designed for 1,200 “beesnikov” and 500 employees and security personnel. The remaining zones are approximately the same.

The authorities of the cop zone at all times included former employees penal colonies, prison operatives, “regime officers” of the pre-trial detention center. The elite also includes the criminal investigation team. These are harsh people, who have seen different types, and they prefer not to mess with such people. Next in the hierarchy of “trump suits” are employees of law enforcement units: riot police, special forces, capture groups, special rapid response units, various operational search groups. People who have gone through the school of such service can fight back against anyone.

"Medium" suits

The bulk of the “inmates” in cop zones are, just like in ordinary “thieves’” zones, average, neutral people. In the thieves' zones, these are "men" - ordinary people who have stumbled, who after serving time dream of returning to a normal life. In “cop” zones they correspond to various investigators, traffic cops, district police officers, patrol officers, duty officers, interrogators, etc. They do not strive to become “authorities,” but they will not allow themselves to be “lowered” either.

Lower "suits"

On the first step leading down are the lawyers. This crowd is cunning, nosy and, from the point of view of a normal operative, completely worthless, only able to throw a spoke in the wheels of the “sleuths” and cut off clients’ hair. Everyone who ended up in the zone has their own account with the lawyer, who promised to get him out, to prevent him from being “landed,” but who never fulfilled his promise. Their “dead” brothers are responsible for such would-be lawyers. And there is no one in the zone more despised than former prosecutors and judges. These office bureaucrats, who don’t know how to do anything except pass papers, always suck the blood of normal cops. And these people, as a rule, do not know how to stand up for themselves. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that those who in freedom were the embodiment of success and prosperity in life eke out a miserable existence in the zone. It is from former prosecutors and judges that the inevitable category of “roosters” is often formed in any zone.


In the “cop” zone, physically fit, strong people who do not allow themselves to let loose and get out of shape are held in high esteem. That’s why here all self-respecting “Bees” go in for sports, run, do pull-ups on the uneven bars. In such zones there are no people who “go away”; everyone works, since work is an opportunity to earn parole, as well as earn money to visit the prison store. The most favorite activity in the “cop” zones is legal correspondence. In ordinary zones it is not customary to complain, but here it’s the other way around. Those who do not write complaints are considered broken, resigned to their fate. Therefore, the “Beesniks” write petitions to various authorities, human rights foundations and other structures, never getting tired. For the most part, these are, of course, cassation appeals to the prosecutor's office and to higher courts. Every day the administration of such a colony sends up to hundreds of letters.

Original taken from Yurayakunin What were the rules in the zones in the USSR where former cops were imprisoned?

As you know, policemen, policemen and law enforcement officers convicted of criminal charges are put in special zones, colloquially referred to as “cop zones”.

There are no “thieves in law” here, however, morals in the “cop” zones are not much softer than in ordinary ones. There is nothing to be surprised here: a zone is a zone, with its own hierarchy, its own orders and traditions, which developed in such correctional institutions back in the days of the USSR.


Under Soviet rule, there was only one correctional colony in the country for convicted law enforcement officers - in Nizhny Tagil. Now there are five of them. The need for such “special zones” is dictated by life. In an ordinary “thieves’ zone”, a former employee (BS) - a “secret officer” will not last even a day. Killing a “cop” is an honor for any criminal and a ticket to a higher “suit” of the criminal hierarchy. ITK-13 in Nizhny Tagil appeared in 1951, during the period of confrontation between “thieves in law” and “thieves in law”, those who collaborated with the authorities during the war, fought in penal battalions, and generally forgot for a while in the face of a terrible danger about "thieves' concepts." Some had to be separated from others, and so the legendary “Tagil special zone” appeared, which by the end of the fifties finally acquired the status of a colony for convicted law enforcement officers. The Tagil “special zone” is designed for 1,200 “beesnikov” and 500 employees and security personnel. The remaining zones are approximately the same.

The authorities of the cop zone at all times included former employees of correctional colonies, prison operatives, and “regime officers” of the pre-trial detention center. The elite also includes the criminal investigation team. These are harsh people, who have seen different types, and they prefer not to mess with such people. Next in the hierarchy of “trump suits” are employees of law enforcement units: riot police, special forces, capture groups, special rapid response units, various operational search groups. People who have gone through the school of such service can fight back against anyone.

"Medium" suits

The bulk of the “inmates” in cop zones are, just like in ordinary “thieves’” zones, average, neutral people. In the thieves' zones, these are "men" - ordinary people who have stumbled, who after serving time dream of returning to a normal life. In “cop” zones they correspond to various investigators, traffic cops, district police officers, patrol officers, duty officers, interrogators, etc. They do not strive to become “authorities,” but they will not allow themselves to be “lowered” either.

Lower "suits"

On the first step leading down are the lawyers. This crowd is cunning, nosy and, from the point of view of a normal operative, completely worthless, only able to throw a spoke in the wheels of the “sleuths” and cut off clients’ hair. Everyone who ended up in the zone has their own account with the lawyer, who promised to get him out, to prevent him from being “landed,” but who never fulfilled his promise. Their “dead” brothers are responsible for such would-be lawyers. And there is no one in the zone more despised than former prosecutors and judges. These office bureaucrats, who don’t know how to do anything except pass papers, always suck the blood of normal cops. And these people, as a rule, do not know how to stand up for themselves. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that those who in freedom were the embodiment of success and prosperity in life eke out a miserable existence in the zone. It is from former prosecutors and judges that the inevitable category of “roosters” is often formed in any zone.


In the “cop” zone, physically fit, strong people who do not allow themselves to let loose and get out of shape are held in high esteem. That’s why here all self-respecting “Bees” go in for sports, run, do pull-ups on the uneven bars. In such zones there are no people who “go away”; everyone works, since work is an opportunity to earn parole, as well as earn money to visit the prison store. The most favorite activity in the “cop” zones is legal correspondence. In ordinary zones it is not customary to complain, but here it’s the other way around. Those who do not write complaints are considered broken, resigned to their fate. Therefore, the “Beesniks” write petitions to various authorities, human rights foundations and other structures, never getting tired. For the most part, these are, of course, cassation appeals to the prosecutor's office and to higher courts. Every day the administration of such a colony sends up to hundreds of letters.

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