Which made the sheets tremble with hot light. Analysis of the poem “I came to you with greetings” by Fet

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a man who, in his life’s journey, had to admit defeat, experience the bitterness of losing his beloved woman, and create masterpieces of Russian literature.
Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a rather mysterious person, difficult to understand. His life path In no way can one call it flat, ordinary or mediocre, nor can creativity. The secrets that shrouded Fet as a person and a poet go back to the very beginning, which raised a lot of questions among both art critics and ordinary poetry lovers. The most surprising thing is that even before Afanasy Afanasyevich, not all the doors to the past related to the origin of the surname given to him at birth were open.

Fet as a controversial personality in art and life

The life of the Russian lyricist was accompanied by love mysteries, detective twists and turns, which one day he would call the plots of his complex novel. The spirit of adventure was present in the writer’s life before his birth. Afanasy's mother, being pregnant, arranges an escape with her lover and leaves her legal husband, who was the father of her child.

At birth a boy receives noble surname Shenshin, which belongs to the mother's lover. When the young man turns 14, he suffers a fatal blow: the most important thing in life is taken away - his stepfather's surname, as well as the privileges of the nobility.

After such events, Fet is obsessed with the idea of ​​returning his last name, which defines him as a privileged person in society. As a student, he preferred philosophy, so he entered Moscow University.

IN student years the poet meets such writers as Yakov Polonsky and Vladimir Solovyov. After graduating from university, the poet does not forget about the calling to conquer noble title and goes to military service.

Love of my life Maria Lazic Overtaken by the lyricist at the service, despite unbridled passion, the beloved does not receive an offer. Afanasy could not imagine his life with a man who did not have material wealth, and ended his relationship with Maria.

The next fatal blow was the death of his beloved. After this, Afanasy, until the end of his life, was unable to calm the sea of ​​pain and loss that was seething in his heart.

The poet idolized the image of his beloved; she was his muse. When the author recalled her death, bitter tears poisoned his soul. Having studied the poet's poems, you can trace the theme of tragic love.

Fet is one of those creative personalities who made “art for art’s sake.” His life path, where he sought to gain material wealth and married an unattractive but wealthy woman, differed from his creative life.

The lyricist called for evaluating his poems according to the laws of art, and not determining which social value they have. The main motives of Afanasy’s creativity are the celebration of the beauty of nature and pure love. The technique of writing Fet's creations is impressionistic. There is no description of the picture as a whole; the author seems to be recalling excerpts from that moment that struck him.

The poet's lyrics are full of associative elements. When a poet chooses a subject, it is not his direct meaning, and what feelings and emotions it evokes. In his poems, Fet used the technique of sound writing, so when read, the text is melodic and easily fits the notes.

Fet's death occurred after unsuccessful attempt suicide, he remained in the memory of many as controversial personality, interest in which remains to this day.

Analysis of the poem “I came to you with greetings”

The text contains subjects of poetry: song, love and nature. Fet's concept of beauty lies in these three nouns, irreplaceable and inseparable. Confirmation of this line:

That I don’t know myself that I will
Sing - but only the song is ripening.

Tell me that with the same passion,
Like yesterday, I came again,
That the soul is still the same happiness
And I’m ready to serve you.

Tell that the forest has woken up
All woke up, every branch,
Every bird was startled

The main elements were words and combinations - “song”, “hello”, “happiness”, “sun”, “trembling of leaves”, “light”. The emotional context of each of these elements has something in common and forms the inspiration of the young man - love, fun, joy.

Fet actively uses features that help present the picture:

Epithets – “spring thirst”, “hot light”;

Personifications - “the forest woke up”, “the sun fluttered across the leaves”;

Metaphors - “the song is ripening”, “the soul is ready to serve happiness”;

Alliteration is the repetition of the sounds “s” and “v”.

Such techniques help to imagine spring awakening, hear the rustling of leaves, feel the wind rushing through the forest.

It should be noted that this is a work of four stanzas, to which the author applied psychological parallelism- clear correspondence of stanzas to each other. After reading the first two stanzas, the reader is immersed in a spring morning. The subsequent stanzas tell about the hero’s experiences and his state of mind.

The first quatrain is a description of the sun, which awakened everyone around. Fet uses the epithet “hot”, exalting the role of the sun. IN last line“It trembled across the sheets” the author used an associative device, with the help of which the reader can feel all the emotional shades of the text. The second quatrain tells about the moment when the energy of the sun awakened the entire forest. Revitalization is expressed in feelings lyrical hero, his spring joy.

The third quatrain is filled with rays of the sun, spring joys with which the lyrical hero is charged.

The final quatrain, like the last strokes of the brush, enhances the meaning of the previous stanzas, emphasizes the spiritual joy, the cheerful mood of the hero, and the praise of the song. Fet focuses the reader's attention precisely on last words, that’s why it’s located in them main idea poems.

If nature blossoms and awakens, then the state of the surrounding world is transmitted to the human soul. Fet provided the reader with the image of a lyrical hero who feels part of this world and wants to share with everyone the best emotions, and his heart is full of love.

Features of the poem “I came to you with greetings”

In the lyrics of Athanasius at all times special place took colorful description words in a meaning that is unusual for them, as well as the desire to share with spiritual joy with the reader. In the work, the reader observes how the words “spring”, “ sunlight“,” “happiness forms a melody” - all this personifies the soul of the poet, like the song of a young man who is inspired by a feeling of love and joy. The author was also able to choose words that help enhance the spring atmosphere - “fun blows,” “trembles.”

The poem consists of only one sentence in order to create the effect of the integrity of the reunification of nature and man. To write the poem, the poet chose a two-syllable trochee, which, in conjunction with feminine rhyme, adds song motifs, hence the musicality and tenderness of the work.

The work “I came to you with greetings” is a story of harmony of love, spring and man, which exists in one breath, like a light breeze, a certain moment in which you want to stay forever. This poem- this is a world in which the author is doing well, this is a place where he may not think about the loss of love.

Each line evokes admiration and a desire to comprehend the feeling that the lyrical hero has acquired. Fet gave Russian literature a bright tale about happy man who enjoys every moment.

When did Afanasy Afanasyevich decide to come with greetings?

The poem became for the Russian lyricist poetic manifesto, a monologue of an inspired young man to his beloved. This work of art appeared in 1843, when Afanasy was 23 years old. In his work, he conveyed all the tenderness and romanticism of that age. During this period, the young man’s life is still full of fearlessness. human condemnation, courage of loving actions.

The piece played important role in the works of Fet. The poet created a masterpiece as a hymn about eternal love, which never fades and is always with the hero. The reader first became acquainted with him in a magazine called “Domestic Notes.” The publication was placed on the first page as a title, and this says a lot. Magazines place in such a place only those materials that they appreciate and consider worthy of publication in the most prominent place. This publication once again emphasized the significance of Fet’s contribution to Russian literature.

Fet is a man with two life stories

Fet is a conservative in life, who defined happiness as material wealth. He is a lyricist who sang pure love to nature. The world of poetry for Fet was an abstraction from outside world, problems, social contradictions.

Despite the fact that as a person he could sympathize with few people, but as a poet he managed to conquer anyone human soul with your creation. At the same time, his work was repeatedly criticized, because not everyone likes to read about light and great feeling.

Some wanted to see social, topical topics in their poems; this is exactly what the poet avoided. In his world of poetry, he felt comfort, which he was deprived of in real life. He himself lives in the poems of Afanasy Fet, and the masterpiece “I came to you with greetings” is proof of this.

(Illustration: Gennady Tselishchev)

Analysis of the poem "I came to you with greetings"

Song of Dawn

The work of A. A. Fet is amazingly imbued with vivid feelings and internal depth unity with nature. The poem “I came to you with greetings” conveys the purity and sincerity of feelings, expressed in an unusual and lively form. This poem is filled with freshness and lightness; it pours out the song of the author’s soul. Every line of the verse is imbued with this lightness:

I came to you with greetings

Tell me that the sun has risen

Ease and some kind of childish naivety can be felt in his lines. Fet talks in this poem about the awakening of nature. He highlights in a special way morning sun, which “trembled in places with a hot light” and endows it with energy and life-giving force. This energy of the sun was immediately reflected in everything around:

...the forest woke up

All woke up, every branch,

Every bird was startled

And full of thirst in spring.

These lines describe not so much real phenomenon nature, as much as the internal state and feelings that overwhelm the author himself. These are the inner experiences of the lyrical hero, who is incredibly happy that morning has come. The morning gives him strength because he will be able to see his beloved again. He rushes to her on the wings of love to give her this morning, the warmth of the bright sun and the freshness of the awakened forest.

Tell me that with the same passion,

Like yesterday I came again,

That the soul is still the same happiness

And I’m ready to serve you.

The poet is in love and immensely happy: everything around him makes him uncontrollably happy, he sees only the most beautiful in everything. These feelings overwhelm the lyrical hero so much that a song of eternal love is already arising in his soul:

That I don’t know myself that I will

Sing - but only the song is ripening.

These lines most clearly reflect the state of love of his soul, which radiates joy and fun - the poet’s soul sings.

Fet managed in this poem to combine the state of morning nature and his experiences. He very subtly expressed in words all the shades of mood and clearly conveyed internal state and those feelings that filled his being.

Life is made up of individual moments that become links in one chain - Eternity. Afanasy Fet created huge world poetry, the “links” of which are his poems. In this world, everything is one and everything tells a person to live and enjoy the gift that has been given to us from above! Each verse is a swarm of impressions, thoughts, joys and sorrows, giving rise to the desire to penetrate into other worlds, to feel the greatness of the Universe - this is what makes us in common with the poet.

The poem was published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski in 1843. Before it saw the light of day, I.S. Turgenev insisted on cutting off the last two stanzas, although the author himself and N.A. Nekrasov did not agree. In 1863, Fet restored these stanzas. The lines of the poem were set to music by composers A. Arensky, M. Balakirev, N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

Theme of the poem

The main themes raised in the work are close to every spiritual and dreamy reader. These include:

  1. uniqueness of Russian nature
  2. love is the most cherished feeling
  3. philosophical reflections on the meaning of life and creativity
  4. beauty of the surrounding world

The work is dedicated to the most exciting and beautiful time of the year. The image of Spring is a favorite in Fet’s poetry. Awakening from sleep, the resurrection of the soul, an unprecedented rise in energy and strength, the expectation of everything fresh, pure and tender - all these are the main themes in the poem “I came to you with greetings.” This is a “solemn procession” of a powerful feeling and mood, which “puts an end” to the endless “hibernation” of humanity and calls to a bright, happy future.

Genre and composition

The content side of the composition is interesting: each stanza contains a separate “micro-theme”. In the first stanza there is a dawn coming in nature; in the second - the arrival of spring and the awakening to life of birds, “twigs” and “leaves” in the forest. The next stanza is when spring “settles” in the soul of the lyrical hero, opening towards happiness. In the final stanza, Spring and Love give birth to inspiration. The poet declares his poetic “creed”: to glorify beauty.

The form of the narrative fits within a “certain framework.” Each stanza (except the first) begins with the verb “tell.” The desire to be heard is the semantic side compositional construction. This technique allows you to attract the reader’s attention in order to explain to him the purpose of the author “burst” into the world of literature.

The address to the reader is written in a respectful manner, conducive to mutual conversation. Therefore, in terms of genre, this is most likely a message that also relates to landscape lyrics. However, Fet’s poem is not just an answer to the question about the purpose of the poet’s work. This is a philosophical discussion about love, about the feelings that overwhelm the soul, about the happiness of not only one person, but the entire universe.

The “Spring” poem is also a hymn to the eternal renewal of life, a hymn to the young, burning forces of nature.

Means of artistic expression

How does the poet achieve impression? Rhythm, arrangement of words, poetic syntax “tell” the reader a picture born in the poet’s soul.

Examples metaphorical way there are many conveyances of shades of feelings and thoughts in the poem: “the soul is ready to serve”, “the song is ripening”, he woke up “with every branch”, he perked up with “every bird”. The word “fun” does not mean idleness, but a mood for work and creativity.

An important artistic and visual means is personification, since for the poet nature and man are inseparable, interpenetrating concepts: the sun “rose”, “trembled”; the forest has “awakened”.

Reception rhythmic organization the text is anaphora (use of the repeated verb “tell”). Verbs give dynamism to the entire text. The repeated conjunction “what” creates the melodiousness of the poem, turning it into a “musical” work.

The work consists of four stanzas, each of which has four lines (quatrains), connected by cross rhyme. The meter of the poem “I came to you with greetings” is a dynamic tetrameter trochee. However, the use of pyrrhic in each line (two unstressed syllables in the stanza) do a line of poetry light and airy.

They convey it accurately emotional state a person who is confident in his thoughts and feelings, alliteration (“I came with greetings”) and assonance (TELL that the sun has risen).

These sound recording techniques associatively give rise to the idea of ​​a bold and energetic attitude towards life itself: enjoy every moment, act, don’t sleep!

Idea of ​​the work

What doesn't give you peace? What stirs your soul? What makes you appeal to the reader, what does the poet want to “tell”? - Oh the sun. About “leaves” and “branches”. About the soul. Oh happiness. Oh fun. About the song. These keywords in the poem - the answer to the questions posed.

However, there is another “side of the coin”. “I” is also the lyrical hero’s address to his beloved. In it, he expresses gratitude for the feelings that stirred his soul, for the passion that it instilled in his heart and brought to life poetic inspiration.

The originality of Afanasy Fet's creativity

The poet's lyrics are intimate and psychological. It is close to the paintings of impressionist artists, evoking different impressions in viewers. Likewise, Fet’s poetry gives rise to a range of contradictory feelings, but admiration, peace, charm, and tenderness prevail.

Many poems begin with a confidently stated “I.” However, it is almost impossible to “restore” the poet’s personality from them. She is present indirectly.

The discrepancy between the real and artistic worlds- This " business card» Afanasy Fet. He created a world where you can go and take a break from life problems. This poetic “island” is like an elixir that helps to avoid tragedy in all its forms.

The poet sees the purpose of lyrics in the ability to perpetuate the most insignificant detail of life. Seasons, natural elements, time of day are reflected in poetry. Fet’s nature is “humanized,” that is, it exists on equal terms with the thoughts and soul of man.

Afanasy Fet believed that everything on earth was created for the sake of love.

Drawing landscape paintings, “painting” love in all its manifestations, the master uses metaphorical and symbolic ways of depicting reality. In the guise of his beloved, he emphasizes childishness as a symbol of purity and sincerity. The image of fire is like a burn of memory. It “beckons”, “teases”, and serves as a test of sensitivity. Poems about love “speak” in the “language of flowers”: “the first lily of the valley” is the first sigh of love, “violet” is the love of a mother. The main flower of this feeling is the rose.

Musicality is clearly manifested in assonant repetitions and in the fact that each consonant is accompanied by vowel sounds. Rhymes in poetry convey the movement of thoughts and feelings. The originality of Fet’s work is the fusion of music, sound, feeling, nature and love, which has so attracted musicians of the romance genre at all times.

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“I came to you with greetings” Afanasy Fet

poetry I came to you with greetings,
Tell me that the sun has risen
What is it with hot light
The sheets began to flutter;

Tell me that the forest has woken up,
All woke up, every branch,
Every bird was startled
And full of thirst in spring;

Tell me that with the same passion,
Like yesterday, I came again,
That the soul is still the same happiness
And I’m ready to serve you;

Tell me that from everywhere
It blows over me with joy,
That I don’t know myself that I will
Sing - but only the song is ripening.

Analysis of Fet’s poem “I came to you with greetings”

Afanasy Fet is rightfully considered one of the most lyric poets, thanks to which Russian literature acquired its unusual softness, ephemerality and romantic flair. Not last role Fet’s European roots played a role in this, whose parents were hereditary Germans. It was from his mother, who, carrying the future poet under her heart and falling in love with the landowner Afanasy Shenshin, secretly fled with him to Russia, Fet inherited his dreaminess and the ability to see the world through the prism of personal experiences. With the genes of his father, the Darmshdat judge Wilhelm Feth, the poet received a sharp mind and a thirst for knowledge as a gift. Therefore, it is not surprising that the author famous poem“I Came to You with Greetings,” written in 1843, managed to achieve success both in the literary and military fields.

The immortal lines of this romantic and sublime poem came from the pen of a 23-year-old author. An age that is ideal for love, unclouded by conventions and social prejudices. Of course, by this time the poet already had a lady of his heart, whose name he carefully concealed. But the poem “I came to you with greetings” is dedicated to her, filled with lightness and a feeling of all-consuming happiness.

Using simple and figurative phrases, Afanasy Fet masterfully paints a picture of a warm spring morning, serene and painted in rainbow tones due to the fact that it is at this moment that the author meets his beloved. He did not come on a date, but only to wish his chosen one good morning and “tell that the sun has risen.” Fascination with the girl for whom the poet feels the most tender feelings, mixed with admiration for the beauty of the surrounding world, which is slowly awakening, preparing for the coming day and “full of spring thirst.” It is the consonance of feelings and sensations that brings the poet into such a complacent mood, he is ready to tell about his love not only to his chosen one, but to the whole world, which, as it seems to the author, promises to become a very grateful listener.

Addressing the mysterious stranger, the author emphasizes that “my soul is still happy and ready to serve you.” It is this romantic mood that can be felt in every line of the poem, which, when born, in itself makes the poet enjoy life and perceive new meeting with the lady of the heart, as a priceless gift of fate. The poet's soul is filled with boyish joy; he wants to sing, although the words of the song have not yet acquired meaning, form and outline. However, this does not bother the author at all, because at such a young age he still does not know how, and does not want to mask his feelings, considering their violent manifestation to be a completely natural phenomenon.

The poem “I came to you with greetings” can be called, without exaggeration, a hymn of love, which is filled with amazing light, serenity and naive purity. The poet’s feelings are not overshadowed by anything and are so sublime that they make you truly admire every line of this work. At the same time, the impetuous and dynamic rhythm of the poem, contrasting with its content, creates a feeling of the swiftness of the moment, which the author tried to capture, and emphasizes its transience. However, this short moment of life, filled with happiness, will forever remain in Russian poetry as a symbol of sincerity and spiritual beauty, which Afanasy Fet possessed. And he generously shared these qualities with everyone who had a chance to read the poem, devoid of pretense and high-society pomposity, which were characteristic of many Russian poets of the first half of the 19th century.

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