What year is it now according to the Slavic calendar? People born during this period, as a rule, are harsh and often hasty in their actions, often guided only by emotional considerations, very active, fearless, invariably full of grandiose plans. They love

The Slavic calendar is a gift from our ancestors. When Christianity had not yet come to Russian soil, the Slavs believed that each year corresponded to a patron animal.

This knowledge is still relevant today, because the Slavic calendar, like the eastern one, makes it possible to predict the future. According to Slavic calendar, 2018 will be the year of the Curled Hedgehog. Whether it’s a coincidence or not, in the Slavic calendar the characteristics of this patron animal are in many ways similar to the description of the Yellow Earth Dog in the Eastern calendar.

Main characteristics of 2018

The Year of the Curled Hedgehog was considered a slightly passive time and devoid of dynamics. People did not expect from such periods global changes. The Slavs always celebrated the Year of the Hedgehog with special fading hearts, because they believed that the Hedgehog was able to heal internal wounds.

This is a year of fertility and hard work. This is a purely material year, but its spiritual calm can work for the benefit of our general mood. This is a time of reconciliation and living hand in hand with those we care about.

Finance and work in 2018

The curled up Hedgehog is a symbol of austerity. The ancient Slavs believed that in the Year of the Hedgehog you should not spend a lot of money and give away your savings. At the same time, it is better to be as generous as possible with those who deserve it. Helping colleagues would be very appropriate now. By the end of the year, you can begin to reap the benefits of your generosity.

Callous people will be left behind. If the consequences of selfishness do not occur in 2018, they can be felt later when the time comes. Saving, however, has nothing in common with greed. Try to look for benefits everywhere and in everything. Sell ​​old items without bidding. In 2018, every penny counts.

Love and relationships in 2018

The Slavs believed that the Curled Hedgehog could change life for the better. In love this will be very noticeable. For people who want to know the most great happiness, we will have to improve relations new level. It will be very good year for weddings, weddings and marriage proposals. This is also a great time to conceive and give birth to a child.

A child born in the year of the Hedgehog will be strong in spirit and body, he will be healthy and unbending. This year can make you the same. The only thing required of you is desire. Any problems that you encounter should be regarded as a way to increase wisdom. Life experience- this is the greatest value in 2018. In love and relationships with people you need to be careful, because every new day you may encounter disagreements. A little diplomacy will help you stay afloat and maintain harmony.

This knowledge is still relevant today, because the Slavic calendar, like the eastern one, makes it possible to predict the future.

The Slavic calendar is a gift from our ancestors. When Christianity had not yet come to Russian soil, the Slavs believed that each year corresponded to a patron animal.

This knowledge is still relevant today, because the Slavic calendar, like the eastern one, makes it possible to predict the future. According to the Slavic calendar, 2018 will be the year of the Curled Hedgehog. Whether it’s a coincidence or not, in the Slavic calendar the characteristics of this patron animal are in many ways similar to the description of the Yellow Earth Dog in the Eastern calendar.

Main characteristics of 2018

The Year of the Curled Hedgehog was considered a slightly passive time and devoid of dynamics. People did not expect global changes from such periods. The Slavs always celebrated the Year of the Hedgehog with a special sinking heart, because they believed that the Hedgehog was able to heal internal wounds.

This is a year of fertility and hard work. This is a purely material year, but its spiritual calm can work for the benefit of our general mood. This is a time of reconciliation and living hand in hand with those we care about.

Finance and work in 2018

The curled up Hedgehog is a symbol of austerity. The ancient Slavs believed that in the Year of the Hedgehog you should not spend a lot of money and give away your savings. At the same time, it is better to be as generous as possible with those who deserve it. Helping colleagues would be very appropriate now. By the end of the year, you can begin to reap the benefits of your generosity.

Callous people will be left behind. If the consequences of selfishness do not occur in 2018, they can be felt later when the time comes. Saving, however, has nothing in common with greed. Try to look for benefits everywhere and in everything. Sell ​​old items without bidding. In 2018, every penny counts.

Love and relationships in 2018

The Slavs believed that the Curled Hedgehog could change life for the better. In love this will be very noticeable. People who want to know the greatest happiness will have to take their relationships to the next level. This will be a very good year for weddings, weddings and marriage proposals. This is also a great time to conceive and give birth to a child.

A child born in the year of the Hedgehog will be strong in spirit and body, he will be healthy and unbending. This year can make you the same. The only thing required of you is desire. Any problems that you encounter should be regarded as a way to increase wisdom. Life experience is the greatest value in 2018. In love and relationships with people you need to be careful, because every new day you may encounter disagreements. A little diplomacy will help you stay afloat and maintain harmony.

Follow the signs of fate - they definitely won’t be superfluous. Various little things that you may not have noticed before will lead you through thorns to the stars. Trust yourself and the Universe, which will be on your side in 2018.

Every new year is the same: horses, snakes, monkeys... Why do we need Japanese-Chinese symbols? Rus' had its own symbols to designate years. In pagan pre-Christian times in Rus', a totemic chronicle was in use - the Slavic horoscope of animals. It reflects the harmonious unity of man and nature.

The peculiarity of the chronicle is that its cycle consists of 16 years. Every 16th summer was called great. Every year a patron was approved - a totem in the image of an animal, to which completely human traits and qualities were attributed...

Slavic (totemic) chronicle

Dark Sokh (Elk) 1912 …1912 1928 1944 1960 1976 1992 2008
Stinging Hornet (Wasp) .1913 1929 1945 1961 1977 1993 2009
Lurking Lute (Wolf) 1914 1930 1946 1962 1978 1994 2010
Fire Veksha (Squirrel) ..1915 1931 1947 1963 1979 1995 2011
Pearl Pike …………1916 1932 1948 1964 1980 1996 2012
Bearded Toad …………..1917 1933 1949 1965 1981 1997 2013
Wild Boar (Boar) …….1918 1934 1950 1966 1982 1998 2014
White Owl………………1919 1935 1951 1967 1983 1999 2015
Hissing Snake……………….1920 1936 1952 1968 1984 2000 2016
Crouching Fox …………..1921 1937 1953 1969 1985 2001 2017
Curled Hedgehog …………1922 1938 1954 1970 1986 2002 2018
Soaring Eagle ……………..1923 1939 1955 1971 1987 2003 2019
Spinning Mizgir (Spider) 1924 1940 1956 1972 1988 2004 2020
Crowing Rooster …………..1925 1941 1957 1973 1989 2005 2021
Golden Horned Tur (Bull) …….1926 1942 1958 1974 1990 2006 2022
Firemane Horse ………….1927 1943 1959 1975 1991 2007 2023

A prickly but very cute hedgehog will become a symbol of 2018.

New Year 2018 - Year of the Hedgehog

The hedgehog is a very mysterious creature. He only seems small and touching, but in reality he is a fighter: stubborn, energetic, persistent. He easily enters into unequal battles and disputes and, characteristically, manages to win them - due to the fact that larger and more experienced opponents simply underestimate the prickly little one. A rebel in life, Hedgehog patronizes changes and reforms designed to break the old. However, this does not mean at all that he throws away everything that has been achieved before him: the thrifty (sometimes to the point of stinginess) Hedgehog takes truly important and valuable things with him to the work he has begun. new era. Well, what the lord of the year has prepared specifically for you depends on your personal totem - the animal that patronizes your year of birth.

What does the Curled Hedgehog symbol mean?

In ancient times, the hedgehog, due to its rounded shape, which allowed it to release spines in all directions, was identified as a solar sign and associated with self-defense. These animals, unique in many respects, inhabited the planet already 15 million years ago, and nature itself took care of their safety.

When meeting an enemy, small and in appearance harmless hedgehogs curl up into a ball, pointing sharp needles threateningly. In addition, they are resistant to the most toxic poisons; their diet even includes snakes and scorpions.

Hedgehogs are not afraid to enter into unequal fights, usually emerging victorious. They have an irrepressible life force leading strictly to the goal...

When the symbol of the year comes into its own

Our distant ancestors communicated with the forces of nature, so traditional Slavic holidays were closely tied to certain dates in accordance with the movement of the main heavenly body- The sun. In pre-Christian times in Rus', what year it would be was determined according to the ancient Slavic calendar.

It began on the pagan holiday Komoeditsa, which marked the onset of the spring equinox and was dedicated to the strengthening Sun-Yaril. In 2018 this day (according to modern Gregorian calendar) comes March 20...

How does the hedgehog sign affect a person?

How does the hedgehog sign affect a person?

It was believed that totems largely conceal a deep sacred essence, determine the characters and tastes of people, directly influencing fate.

Under the sign of the Curled Hedgehog, people are born with extraordinary personal qualities and abilities...

In 2018, representatives of the hedgehog sign born in 1938, 1954, 1970, 1986, 2002 will have good luck, especially business people striving for new achievements...

Psychological picture. Outwardly, hedgehog people may seem very active and rather fussy, but patience and prudence are not alien to them. They are real fighters for justice, they have their own opinions, although they do not always draw the right conclusions. Hedgehogs have a stubborn character and, once a decision is made, it is almost impossible to convince them. They are also characterized by unpredictability...

Career. An analytical mind, attention to detail, excellent memory, especially visual, pedantry, conscientiousness contribute to successful career growth...

Friendship. In communication, hedgehogs are quite prickly; if they want, they can offend even with a joke, but still in friendly relations they are very reliable people. If you ask for help, they will immediately come to the rescue. Although they don’t trust anyone completely, and choose their friends carefully...

Family. Caring about the arrangement of housing and a sincere desire for constancy make it possible to create strong marriages with hedgehogs. But you need to be prepared that they demand the same from their loved ones. Hedgehogs are neat and thrifty, although a little meticulous and grumpy...

Those who are planning a new baby now, keep in mind that hedgehog children can be restless and stubborn in childhood. Although, as they grow up, they will become calmer, more honest, homely people who will be able to achieve high heights in life...

What will the year be like?

By Slavic horoscope 2018 is a good year for reforms, random phenomena and is marked by prophecies and freedom. The year is perfect for starting a family and having children. To find the protection of heavenly forces you need to develop more positive features, inherent in this prickly animal.

Good luck in 2018 will definitely be brought by persistent work, for which there were no opportunities in previous years...

What year will it be like for people born under different totem signs?

Dark Sokh

This is a pioneer, leading others, who is patronized Higher power. The totem of a restless person, impetuous and proud, not stopping at the heights achieved, very often misunderstood and incomprehensible to those close to him. The less he doubts and thinks about his ideas, the more he will be able to give to this world.

Stinging Hornet

People born during this period are very active, fuss a lot and love to make noise. Hornets have strong intuition and determination. To achieve their goal, they use any means without bothering with morality.

From birth, they have an excellent memory, are extremely thrifty and jealous - they will never give up theirs to anyone, and besides, they can also take away someone else’s. Leaders by nature love to put others in their place, using all their causticity and wit.

Lurking Lute

People great strength, natural grace and ability to find a way out of the most difficult life situation. They have cat-like habits, but despite all their external softness and relaxation, they can manifest themselves very sharply and suddenly, instantly mobilize and show their claws and fangs.

Although they themselves do not like to create and maintain order, they do not forgive others for the slightest violation of it. Possessing generosity, patience and kindness of character, they will not allow even their loved ones to sit on their necks or limit their freedom. For Luke, there are only those frameworks, obligations and restrictions that he has set for himself.

Fire Veksha

This is the sign of a person who has Highest protection. Those born this year are extremely dexterous and agile, they play all the time and are slightly disingenuous. They have a lively mind - they grasp everything on the fly and instantly delve into the situation, finding the best way out. They have a nervous character and are often prone to mood swings and depression. In life they rely only on themselves, so they go to work early and start a family.

Pearl Pike

People born this year are under the protection of their deceased ancestors. These are conservatives and orthodox, endowed inner peace and confidence in their rightness, so in communication they are direct and frank.

Bearded Toad

A person with natural wisdom to create harmonious relationships with the world. He knows how to appreciate what he has, is very economical, thrifty, modest and neat. A wonderful family man and hospitable host, not particularly pretentious to his surroundings. This is a conservative who does not like change, loves his comfortable “swamp”, and clearly knows what he wants from life.

Wild Boar

In their calm state, Boars are extremely intelligent and do not take futile actions. People of this type usually take a long time to price and sway, after which, having gained momentum, they rush towards the goal, sweeping away everything in their path.

White Owl

This is a person who lives according to his own regime, leading a secluded lifestyle. Very suspicious, mysterious and superstitious. In a favorable environment, his talents for extrasensory perception can reveal themselves in an extraordinary way. Having found a friendly environment for his activities, the Eagle Owl is able to move mountains.

Hissing Snake

These are people who have the gift of harmonizing the space around them. They have a philosophical mindset; everything secret is more important to them than the obvious. They are a little secretive, do not like to talk much, are practical, efficient and thrifty. They move towards their chosen goal persistently, but flexibly, and when unexpected obstacles arise, they change their skin like a snake.

Crouching Fox

These are people mysterious fate And full of adventures life. They are dexterous, inventive, mocking, cunning, mocking, very careful and prudent - they never get into trouble, preferring to do everything quietly or on the sly. These are skillful intriguers who take life extremely seriously and know how to achieve their goals.

According to the Slavic calendar, unlike eastern horoscopes, who prophesy the coming of the Dog, will be patronized by the Curled Hedgehog in the coming 2018.

The calendar of our Slavic ancestors is radically different from the eastern one, since it has a different interpretation of chronology.

In pagan times Slavic people There was a totemic yearbook in use, where the years were united into sixteen-year cycles.

Every year a patron was approved - a totem in the image of an animal, to which completely human traits and qualities were attributed...

What does the Curled Hedgehog symbol mean?

In ancient times, the hedgehog, due to its rounded shape, which allowed it to release spines in all directions, was identified as a solar sign and associated with self-defense. These animals, unique in many respects, inhabited the planet already 15 million years ago, and nature itself took care of their safety.

When meeting an enemy, small and seemingly harmless hedgehogs curl up into a ball, pointing their sharp needles threateningly. In addition, they are resistant to the most toxic poisons; their diet even includes snakes and scorpions.

Hedgehogs are not afraid to enter into unequal fights, usually emerging victorious. They have an irrepressible vitality that leads strictly to their goal...

When the symbol of the year comes into its own

Our distant ancestors communicated with the forces of nature, therefore traditional Slavic holidays were closely tied to certain dates in accordance with the movement of the main celestial body - the Sun. In pre-Christian times in Rus', what year it would be was determined according to the ancient Slavic calendar.

It began on the pagan holiday Komoeditsa, which marked the onset of the spring equinox and was dedicated to the strengthening Sun-Yaril. In 2018, this day (according to the modern Gregorian calendar) comes on March 20...

How does the hedgehog sign affect a person?

It was believed that totems largely conceal a deep sacred essence, determine the characters and tastes of people, directly influencing fate.

Under the sign of the Curled Hedgehog, people are born with extraordinary personal qualities and abilities...

In 2018, representatives of the hedgehog sign born in 1938, 1954, 1970, 1986, 2002 will have good luck, especially business people striving for new achievements...

Psychological picture. Outwardly, hedgehog people may seem very active and rather fussy, but patience and prudence are not alien to them. They are real fighters for justice, they have their own opinions, although they do not always draw the right conclusions. Hedgehogs have a stubborn character and, once a decision is made, it is almost impossible to convince them. They are also characterized by unpredictability...

Career. An analytical mind, attention to detail, excellent memory, especially visual, pedantry, conscientiousness contribute to successful career growth...

Friendship. In communication, hedgehogs are quite prickly; if they want, they can offend even with a joke, but still in friendly relations they are very reliable people. If you ask for help, they will immediately come to the rescue. Although they don’t trust anyone completely, and choose their friends carefully...

Family. Caring about the arrangement of housing and a sincere desire for constancy make it possible to create strong marriages with hedgehogs. But you need to be prepared that they demand the same from their loved ones. Hedgehogs are neat and thrifty, although a little meticulous and grumpy...

Those who are planning a new baby now, keep in mind that hedgehog children can be restless and stubborn in childhood. Although, as they grow up, they will become calmer, more honest, homely people who will be able to achieve high heights in life...

What will the year be like?

According to the Slavic horoscope, 2018 is fertile for reforms, random phenomena and is marked by prophecies and freedom. The year is perfect for starting a family and having children. To find the protection of heavenly forces, you need to develop more of the positive traits inherent in this prickly animal.

Good luck in 2018 will definitely be brought by persistent work, for which there were no opportunities in previous years...

Who are you according to the Slavic horoscope?

Dark Sokh (Elk) 1912 1928 1944 1960 1976 1992 2008

Stinging Hornet (Wasp) 1913 1929 1945 1961 1977 1993 2009

Lurking Lute(Wolf) 1914 1930 1946 1962 1978 1994 2010

Fire Veksha (Squirrel) 1915 1931 1947 1963 1979 1995 2011

Pearl Pike 1916 1932 1948 1964 1980 1996 2012

Bearded Toad 1917 1933 1949 1965 1981 1997 2013

Wild Boar (Boar) 1918 1934 1950 1966 1982 1998 2014

White Owl 1919 1935 1951 1967 1983 1999 2015

Hissing Snake 1920 1936 1952 1968 1984 2000 2016

Crouching Fox 1921 1937 1953 1969 1985 2001 2017

Curled Hedgehog 1922 1938 1954 1970 1986 2002 2018

Soaring Eagle 1923 1939 1955 1971 1987 2003 2019

Spinning Mizgir (Spider) 1924 1940 1956 1972 1988 2004 2020

Crowing Rooster 1925 1941 1957 1973 1989 2005 2021

Golden Horned Tur (Bull) 1926 1942 1958 1974 1990 2006 2022

Firemane Horse 1927 1943 1959 1975 1991 2007 2023

Dark Sokh

This is a pioneer, leading others, who is protected by the Higher Powers. The totem of a restless person, impetuous and proud, not stopping at the heights achieved, very often misunderstood and incomprehensible to those close to him. The less he doubts and thinks about his ideas, the more he will be able to give to this world.

Stinging Hornet

People born during this period are very active, fuss a lot and love to make noise. Hornets have strong intuition and determination. To achieve their goal, they use any means without bothering with morality.

From birth, they have an excellent memory, are extremely thrifty and jealous - they will never give up theirs to anyone, and besides, they can also take away someone else’s. Leaders by nature love to put others in their place, using all their causticity and wit.

Lurking Lute

People of great strength, natural grace and the ability to find a way out of the most difficult life situations. They have cat-like habits, but despite all their external softness and relaxation, they can manifest themselves very sharply and suddenly, instantly mobilize and show their claws and fangs.

Although they themselves do not like to create and maintain order, they do not forgive others for the slightest violation of it. Possessing generosity, patience and kindness of character, they will not allow even their loved ones to sit on their necks or limit their freedom. For Luke, there are only those frameworks, obligations and restrictions that he has set for himself.

Fire Veksha

This is the sign of a person who has Higher protection. Those born this year are extremely dexterous and agile, they play all the time and are slightly disingenuous. They have a lively mind - they grasp everything on the fly and instantly delve into the situation, finding the best way out. They have a nervous character and are often prone to mood swings and depression. In life they rely only on themselves, so they go to work early and start a family.

Pearl Pike

People born this year are under the protection of their deceased ancestors. These are conservatives and orthodox, endowed with inner peace and confidence in their rightness, therefore in communication they are direct and frank.

Bearded Toad

A person with natural wisdom to create harmonious relationships with the world. He knows how to appreciate what he has, is very economical, thrifty, modest and neat. A wonderful family man and hospitable host, not particularly pretentious to his surroundings. This is a conservative who does not like change, loves his comfortable “swamp”, and clearly knows what he wants from life.

Wild Boar

This is very fearless people, always ready to repel anyone they consider an enemy. They strive for primacy in the business that interests them. After the desired is achieved, they usually seek solitude for relaxation and fall into apathy.

In their calm state, Boars are extremely intelligent and do not take futile actions. People of this type usually take a long time to price and sway, after which, having gained momentum, they rush towards the goal, sweeping away everything in their path.

White Owl

This is a person who lives according to his own regime, leading a secluded lifestyle. Very suspicious, mysterious and superstitious. In a favorable environment, his talents for extrasensory perception can reveal themselves in an extraordinary way. Having found a friendly environment for his activities, the Eagle Owl is able to move mountains.

Hissing Snake

These are people who have the gift of harmonizing the space around them. They have a philosophical mindset; everything secret is more important to them than the obvious. They are a little secretive, do not like to talk much, are practical, efficient and thrifty. They move towards their chosen goal persistently, but flexibly, and when unexpected obstacles arise, they change their skin like a snake.

Crouching Fox

These are people of mysterious destiny and life full of adventures. They are dexterous, inventive, mocking, cunning, mocking, very careful and prudent - they never get into trouble, preferring to do everything quietly or on the sly. These are skillful intriguers who take life extremely seriously and know how to achieve their goals.

Curled Hedgehog

Unpredictable, prickly, fussy and noisy people. They have an excellent memory and special pedantry to detail. Very reliable friends and faithful spouses.

Soaring Eagle

These are missionaries and reformers, obsessed with ideals and ideas. Their character is bold, changeable and proud, they do not tolerate manipulation and dictate, they live by their own rules and laws. They are very aristocratic, very scrupulous in communication, and usually faithful in friendship and love. They can predict impending troubles.

Spinning Mizgir

This is a man of the clan, he needs the support of family and friends like air. He loves and knows how to unite large groups people and create any organizations. He is very power-hungry, sensitive, knows how to systematically achieve his goals, using all his extraordinary talents to achieve this. creative potential. Mizgir is the keeper of traditions and hearth and home, a reliable support for family and society.

Crowing Rooster

People born during this period are harsh and hasty in their judgments and actions, very active, fearless and ambitious. They always try to be visible and have their own original opinion on everything. They love their home and children very much.

Golden Horned Tour

People born in this year harmoniously combine good nature and rage in their character. They love to patronize the weak. They are very hardy, stubborn and patient, and in case of danger they show extraordinary courage and aggression. They will stand to death for what is dear to them.

Firemane Horse

This is the year of active and courageous, honest and efficient people. They are very talented, romantic; resilient and purposeful. Horses love travel and extreme sports, so you can very rarely find them at home, as they are always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Good afternoon friends. Happy New Year 2018!

We celebrate so carefully and loudly New Year There's only us in the whole world. Have you ever wondered why? Everything is ready for Christmas, and we are preparing for the meeting two months in advance next year. It’s impossible to say that we don’t have enough holidays; we have an abundance of them, more than anyone else in the world! So, most likely, it’s about the values ​​of this event. Since childhood, we love fairy tales and, becoming adults, we continue to believe in magic. New Year's magic. And that's great. At least somewhere and in some way we are special and original!

Of course, everything is in the breadth of our Russian soul, although people from the former Soviet Union are no less happy about this event. Another reason is that our Christmas comes after the New Year. If it were in December like the Catholics, maybe we wouldn’t be so happy about the New Year. Although a replacement is hardly possible here, these two events are too different for us. I think that someday all Christians on earth will celebrate one Christmas on the night of December 25th, I would really like this. But will we be so faithful and active in preparing for this celebration - big question and something tells me that it’s unlikely...

But the topic of today's conversation: New Year 2018 and its symbols. According to the Chinese calendar, this is the Yellow Dog. About why we, descendants of Russians, suddenly became adherents of Eastern China lunar calendar, who had absolutely nothing to do with us, The explanations are simple. They didn’t keep their calendar-yearbook and joyfully and hastily picked up what the media easily imposed on us! Well, okay, Yellow Dog, let it be....

Yes, the prickly one will be able to defend itself, the peace-loving creature will not attack in vain, but it will not allow itself to be insulted, in any dangerous situation will curl up into a ball and “the grass won’t grow.” Although, if necessary, “the bear from the den will survive” and will emerge victorious from the unequal battle.

The hedgehog patronizes everything new and fresh, but he will not thoughtlessly throw away what has been gained before him, the animal is thrifty to the point of stinginess.

Let's add to his qualities: noisy, restless - a night hunter, restless and fussy, clings to little things, to details.

People born in the year of the Curled Hedgehog are unpredictable, have a prickly character, a sharp disposition, and are a little fussy and noisy. But there are also many advantages: they have excellent memory, in a good way pedantic, economical, sometimes scrupulous and concentrated, as a rule, intelligent.

“Hedgehogs” are reliable friends, faithful spouses, good housewives and caring fathers. If one of their loved ones is in danger, they will readily sacrifice themselves for their safety.

And in friendship, hedgehogs are loyal, they will not betray, they will not let you down, in love they are reckless, like “into the deep end,” without calculating or thinking about rationality, if their heart is on fire. Love for them is the goal of life, they are devoted until their last breath...

What will the Year of the Curled Hedgehog be like for us? Like anyone and everyone, it will be different, different for everyone. People, do not indulge in dreams and daydreams, do not listen to the prophetic statements of astrologers: how good and glorious the year of the Yellow Dog will be.

Fairy tales! It will be like in a dog's life: for some, like Tuzik, there is a booth in the yard and a night in the rain, for others - fluffy carpet under your sides and a sweet dream. C'est la vie! Well, you understand where, what, to whom :) But the Slavic totem promises everyone a peaceful life).

Health and well-being in the Year of the Curled Hedgehog

This year will be energetically calmer than the outgoing one. It is important to maintain composure in case of any problems that arise and not allow them to affect your health. Caution will help you maintain balance and easily solve all problems in love, business and finance.

The time for creativity and increasing spiritual potential is coming. You should spend more time with your family, find joy in communication and give each other not material gifts, but feelings and emotions.

We met miracle with miracle 🙂 - unique photo from the family collection of Konstantin Vervekin.

It is equally important to remember to be honest with others and yourself. The time is coming for the spiritual rebirth of man. It's time to transform the "man-nature" relationship into a format of peaceful coexistence and prosperity. Not only to take care of abandoned domestic animals, but also to give up hunting, limit fishing, revive meadows and forests, and clean them of dirt and waste. Each of us must become better this year!

Love and relationships

This year is a wonderful time for the family, all doubts will be dispelled, and in anticipation of the symbol of the year, we will open our doors to let the owner of the year into the house. This especially applies to newlyweds and parents with small children. If there were any problems in the past year, let them go away forever.

In love, the Hedgehog will help you survive difficult breakups, if they are inevitable, or merge with a new person, your “soul mate.”

For those who are still searching - wait for your finest hour and act more decisively when you notice “your” person on the horizon. If luck smiles on you, you can rest assured that the choice will be made correctly.

Trust is the ally of any relationship. And diplomacy will often help you in solving difficulties that arise. But remember, kindness does not open all doors. If you suddenly feel a threat to your love and happiness from the outside, do not stop at anything. Defend boldly and decisively, like hedgehogs 🙂! A little insolence will not go amiss, especially at the beginning of the year.

Finance and career in 2018

The Curled Hedgehog will not only force everyone to work hard, but will also not allow them to waste their earned money thoughtlessly. You can buy something necessary for your home, start making repairs, everything that is aimed at transformation and improvement. Hedgehog does not welcome spenders and useless purchases. But what is vitally necessary - green road. But austerity must be healthy so that it does not bring negativity into your emotional life.

Do not take on debt; treat loans with great caution, unless for serious purchases. This year will be good for savings and investments; by the middle of the year you will feel the impact on this front of activity.

The energy of 2018 will be orderly and creative. Remember that thoughts are material, which means it is important to do more planning, not allowing surprises and turmoil into your life.

How and where to celebrate this year

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