Who is the best in the army? Is it worth joining the army?


First of all, upon arrival at the unit, do not isolate yourself and your “grief.” Look around and you will see a lot around you great people, your colleagues with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Maybe from the crowd or grandfathers you will find your fellow countrymen who will support you at first. Identify people you can trust and those you should avoid. You should not switch from one company to another, because it is better to have one reliable and true friend than a group of acquaintances who will set you up at a crucial moment.

At first, it is better for a young fighter not to stand out from general crowd. Don't immediately proclaim your incredible talents, such as being a great runner or guitar player. You don’t want to run distances twice as long as the others during exercises, or play heartfelt games with your grandfathers all night long? During the first month or two, it is better for you to blend in with the crowd and not get into trouble.

During physical exercise and exercise, do everything that your comrades do. Believe me, it’s also hard for them to run at speed through the forest, but they puff and endure. You shouldn’t collapse with cries of exhaustion and hellish pain. It’s better to slow down and move to the tail of the company, but don’t show your weakness. Also, do not show your weakness during feeding. Even if you don’t have enough rations, you shouldn’t demand more, because grandfathers often beat such “shortages” for excessive appetite.

Write letters home. Send letters to your parents and friends regularly, because you will receive it in army- this is real. Such psychological support from home to incredibly young soldiers, so it should not be neglected. However, letters home do not tell my mother about all the hardships and deprivations of army life. She won’t be able to help you in any way, and her pity will only make things worse for you. It’s better to write letters in a positive way - tell us some funny things from your army life or describe pleasant moments.

As you know, the army is a harsh school of life from which real men emerge. During their service, soldiers go through fire, water and copper pipes. It is especially difficult for new recruits. There are several ways to help you cope with stress and complete your service with dignity.


First of all, carefully monitor your appearance. To avoid extraordinary outfits, you should look very neat and tidy. Don't slouch or lower your eyes, remember that this is how people behave potential victims. Always maintain your posture and confidence to show others that you are in complete control of the situation.

Naturally, all soldiers miss home. Don’t get hung up on this thought, you need to live for today and accept what happens. Don't think about what this moment your loved ones and relatives. Don’t isolate yourself, meet new people, because these are your closest circle for the coming year. Be interested in everything you are taught

And so I held the summons in my hands, trying to remember how it all began...

My summons said that I had to “appear at the military registration and enlistment office on November 22 at 6.30 am.” How exactly did this summons come to me? another story, with many interesting, sometimes unexpected and even funny to tears situations.

Why do you need to go to the military registration and enlistment office so early? Was it really impossible to let him sleep on the last day? These thoughts have been tormenting me for the second day. For myself, I decided that the military registration and enlistment office employees were simply creating a time gap for those who managed to be late. But my guess turned out to be wrong, because no one waited for anyone.

And on the fateful day, at the appointed time, I arrived at the military registration and enlistment office. There was already a crowd of people at the gate who were seeing off young recruits like me. After milling around in this crowd for a few more minutes, I discovered several familiar faces. After which we all went to the military registration and enlistment office building. There they counted us and allowed us last time say goodbye to your family.

When leaving the military registration and enlistment office, the orchestra started playing, it was nice, because they were playing in our honor. Moreover, our bus had an escort with flashing lights. All these little things were quite flattering.

Then there was the regional commissariat. The first “surprise” was that they lined us up in a column of 4 people and marched us to the toilet. Further, if someone needed to go to the toilet or smoke, we were also taken only in formation. Moreover, if one person needed to go to the toilet, then another 10-15 people had to go with him (for company), otherwise no one was allowed to go.

All dangerous and prohibited things were taken away from us (alcohol, pills, knives, etc.). Most had already been warned not to take anything like that with them, so a few confiscations were more likely to relieve boredom than to bring any trouble to their owners.

The distribution to military units lasted for several hours. We just sat and watched some TV series at that time. Well, then there was the road again...

IN military unit got there without incident. It was clear from the faces of my future colleagues that no one, except the captain accompanying us, knew what to expect from military service.


The first thing we were given was beluga(white pajamas, which consists of pants and a shirt). Moreover, there were two belugas - winter and summer (winter is fuller). The summer one is worn on the body, and the winter one on her. These belugas had to be worn day and night. No shorts or T-shirts, only belugas.
We put all our civilian clothes in bags and handed them over to the ensign for safekeeping.

Then they gave us trousers And jacket, then two belt(one for pants, one for belt).

They gave me white handkerchief, but they told me not to use it, they say, you should have it for beauty.

At the end they gave out three-fingered mittens, washcloth and rubber flip flops.

Well, just before the oath itself (3 weeks later) they also issued five-fingered “ceremonial” gloves.

The uniform was issued within 3-4 days, they looked for suitable sizes, and if they didn’t find them, they ordered them from warehouses. One comrade from a neighboring platoon was even given size 49 ankle boots (they look wow, how huge!).


Oh yes, I almost forgot. We were also given pots, iron mugs and spoons. The canteen in our unit was under reconstruction and throughout our service we ate from kettles. For those who are not familiar with a field kitchen, let me explain that it is much worse than a stationary one.

Firstly, you first need to scald the pots with boiling water (something like disinfection). Boiling water is poured with a ladle (soldiers standing in uniform) and this boiling water often ends up on your hands. Having been severely scalded several times in a row, I decided from now on to do this procedure only with mittens, even though it would be better for them to get wet than for me to “get burned.”

Secondly, after scalding, we went into the tent, where we received food (often also very hot), and in the most awkward positions we piled up pots with food. Six people were seated at the tables; peacoats were not removed, so we had to constantly sit in a cramped space.

Once a day they gave half a glass of juice, which had to be drunk immediately upon serving and the glass put back. They only took a mug of tea with them to the table. The tea was often hot and constantly sweet, so it did not quench my thirst at all.

Once a day they gave saika (sweet bun), once they gave an egg and once they gave a piece of cheese. Each time you could take two pieces of bread (brick) and one piece of loaf (when there was cod, there was no loaf). At lunch we were given additional soup, for breakfast and dinner only the first thing (potatoes, pasta, various cereals + stew, meat, chicken, canned food, but most often just gravy).

The tents where we ate were heated by potbelly stoves (stoves), but despite the fact that we did not take off our pea coats, as soon as the frost hit, it became cool in the tents. The walls, ceilings and windows of the tents were covered with a thick layer of ice and frost. And sometimes the ceiling was heated by the potbelly stoves, and it dripped heavily, flooding the tent in places.

As the frost hit, a signature army dish appeared - bread with ice. I haven't even seen this in films. If from time to time we were given stale pieces of loaf, with which I managed to crush the pot (when I showed their callousness to my colleagues) and which broke with such a crack as if they were plastic, then the iced bread did not break at all.

After eating, the pots had to be washed. Warm water was heated from the same potbelly stove, and there was always not enough of it for everyone. They washed the pots in the washbasin under cold water. With the advent of frost, the water heated up to the level of “cruel boiling water”; everything burned our hands. But what worse than that, the cold simply froze the taps, and sometimes there was no water at all. In such cases, the pots were washed at home.

Sometimes there were sponges, but they lasted for a couple of days, then they disappeared (no one values ​​other people’s property and the soldiers simply threw them away), and we had to wash the pots by hand. Detergent I also managed to see it a couple of times, but never managed to use it during the entire period of service.

Don’t think that I really didn’t like the food in the army, on the contrary, it was often very tasty, but it also happened that I simply carried it and threw away all the rations. At first we were not allowed into the chepok (a store on the territory of the unit), so we had to eat whatever they gave us. Then they started buying all sorts of goodies for themselves, there was especially a lot of food on Sunday, when everyone’s relatives and friends came to visit.

There was so much food that we simply distributed it to everyone.

In the army it is customary to share everything; those who hide and eat everything alone are very (well, VERY) not liked. So we immediately threw everything into one big common pile, and then everyone took from there what they wanted. By Monday there was no food left, otherwise everything would be confiscated.

If on Monday and Tuesday we somehow managed to finish the hidden candies, then on Wednesday or Thursday we went hungry again and remembered how cool it was on Sunday.


Lights out at 22:00 - at the command “company lights out” everyone runs and jumps into bed, trying not to toss and turn, because sergeants like to play the “three squeaks” game.

The beds in our arrangement were two-tiered; if the first tier is not held together strongly, then any movement on the second tier causes loud, nasty squeaks. That is why, after the command “company all clear,” everyone jumped into bed and tried not to move for the first fifteen minutes. If someone coughed or simply moved unsuccessfully, and out of 70 creaky beds there were 3 creaks, then the command “company rise” is given and we get up and run to line up on the central aisle.

For this I would even express special gratitude to our sergeants, because when they weren’t playing “three creaks” everyone started talking. It took me a long time to fall asleep in such noise.

I woke up constantly at night and was never able to sleep peacefully. You want to roll over to the other side, you wake up and hear someone snoring different ends location of about twenty people. It’s good if these are not nearby neighbors, otherwise you won’t be able to fall asleep for a long time. Many people talk in their sleep and sometimes even scream. And what the creaking of the beds is worth is absolutely indescribable. The beds themselves are from 1986, even tags are glued to them.

Rise at 6:00 - on the command “company rise”. My least favorite team. You sleep, it seems like you’re at home, everything is great, and then bam, you’re hit in the head with a log of “ROTA RISE” and you realize that you’re back in the army.

We had one sergeant (contract soldier), well, very tough guy. So he drove us around in the morning. After the command “company rise” it was necessary to rise in 1 minute. 10 sec. have time to jump out of bed, throw the blanket over the head of the bed, get dressed (pants, jacket and combat boots), get dressed and line up on the central aisle. If one person out of 150 (there were so many recruits in our barracks) did not have time, the command “company clear” was given and they had to undress, fold their clothes and go to bed in 45 seconds. Then the command “company rise” was given again and again we got dressed and lined up.


I think you already guessed from my previous description that everyone has their own bed. You cannot sit or lie down on the bed until lights out. Nothing should lie on it throughout the day. You can only sit on a stool. Each soldier also has his own stool. Well, or when there are no friends, you can sit on the neighboring chairs. Sometimes I even managed to take a nap on these chairs.

In addition to the bed and stool, the soldier is also allocated half a bedside table (one bedside table is shared by two soldiers). There should be nothing unnecessary in this bedside table. On the top shelf only - Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and one razor. On the middle shelf there should be: a notebook, a pen (pencil), a binder or fabric for filing (necessarily in a bag), toilet paper, shaving accessories (foam, cream, spare razors). It is also allowed to store books and cigarettes (no more than 2 packs per person). On the bottom shelf you can store cream and shoe brush, as well as socks packed in a bag.

Nothing else can be stored in the nightstand (I might have forgotten to include some little things). There should be no pills, no food - everything will be confiscated, as well as extra packs of cigarettes.


The water in the washbasins was exceptionally cold, and with the advent of frost, completely icy. The most inconvenient thing was shaving in cold water, but it was necessary to shave every day, this was closely monitored. I washed my socks every day, just like I washed my feet.

Wash your hair under ice water It didn’t work, my brains were completely frozen, so I poured water into my palms, warming it up in this way, and then wiped my almost “bald” head.

By the way, those who did not cut their hair on their own were then cut with a “one”, and some even with a “zero”. Even before demobilization, the ensign personally gave a couple of people a haircut once again to “zero”, so to speak, as a keepsake.

We went to the bathhouse once a week. The walk is three kilometers one way and the same amount back. Sometimes we walked single file, sometimes we ran (that’s how we were punished). “Banya” - several dozen souls were called, and from which flowed warm water. But for 70 people, 20 showers were not enough, and barely perceptible trickles of water flowed from many of them. There was good pressure in two or three places in total. We were given 15 minutes to wash ourselves, then the water was simply turned off. There, in the bathhouse, we received new (boiled old) belugas. Summer ones changed every week, and winter ones - once every two weeks.


The very first punishment that affected us was the smoking ban. If one is guilty (gets pregnant), then we don’t smoke today. In the army, everyone suffers because of one thing. And no one cares why you did something wrong.

Since I don’t smoke, this punishment didn’t upset me much, but my colleagues did. Sometimes they didn’t smoke for several days, so the guys there almost broke, especially the most heavy smokers.

The next punishment is a ban on the issuance of mobile phones. Us in free time After dinner (from 19:00 to 20:00) we were allowed to use mobile phones, then we handed them over against signature and they were locked in a safe.

Not very good either severe punishment, since I don’t like chatting on the phone, but call only on business. I was only upset when they didn’t give me cell phones before the weekend, because I had to call my family and tell them what I needed to bring (most often I asked for money and something tasty to eat).

Another punishment, and it should be noted that it is the most popular one, which was given out for all sorts of small mistakes - 51 push-ups. If you forgot to fasten a button, they’ll tear it off first, then you’ll do 51 push-ups and then run to sew it back on. If you didn’t change the hem, they’ll tear it off, you’ll do a push-up, and you’ll also have to go get it hemmed. And everything like that.
The most insatiable “hijackers” were given outfits out of turn. There were other punishments, but I think I will tell each individual case - Waste time.


Once we went to the firing range (in the first week of service) and shot with machine guns. We went into the forest twice, played war games and hid in trenches (in the snow). Once we were covering terrain in a prone position with a machine gun in front of the barracks. There were quite a lot of classes on drill and preparation for the oath. Couple practical classes there was chemical protection (as it should be with gas masks and OZK).

As far as studying the regulations is concerned, we were lucky there; we hardly studied it, we were more fiddling with it. We, as reservists, were asked an order of magnitude less than conscripts. But we took a lot of notes: political science, medical training, individual chapters charters, etc.


For the oath they were given an additional ration - three candies and three cookies.

After the oath, they were released until 18:00.

Here are some of my photos from this momentous event:

(I take the oath)

(We shout - HURRAY!)


Everyone in our platoon counted down how long they had left to serve and kept a calendar where they crossed out the days. The last week was the most tedious and long. Until the last moment, no one knew when we would be released. When this long-awaited day arrived, we handed over all the bedding, carefully put all the clothes in duffel bags and handed them over to the ensign for safekeeping. Afterwards, they received a monthly “salary” (almost $8), waited for the order and joyfully left the territory of the military unit. We all got there ourselves, the Ministry of Defense’s task is only to deliver you to your duty station, and how you will go home is already your problem.

This is how my first period went, there are three more periods ahead. The next one will be in the summer and twice as long. But they promised to give everyone a title junior sergeant, if there are no major flights.

Just two days later, I was already sitting at home at the computer and re-reading letters wishing a successful service from my subscribers. Involuntarily my gaze fell on some piece of paper. I extended my hand and saw that it was a summons. And so I held the summons in my hands, trying to remember how it all began...

I wrote this report for three days, I could have written the same amount more, but I decided that it would be better to write less and share with you earlier than vice versa.

All the pictures (except for the photos from my oath) were taken from the Internet because... You can’t use a camera in the army, and there’s nowhere to store it either.

In accordance with our legislation period of service in the Russian army, starting from 2008, it is 12 months, or 1 year!

Recruits 2019 service period 1 year

Military service (including the duration of its completion for all categories) is strictly regulated by the regulatory legal acts of the state, and the main one, of course, is the Constitution Russian Federation.

And many years after the reduction service life up to 1 year any major changes regarding the deadline military service there was no increase in service life or, conversely, a decrease in conscription and, it seems, is not expected.

Accordingly, in the 2019-2020 conscription, conscripts will serve no more than 1 calendar year. And right now you can find out how much and what service life has already been completed.

The length of service in the army and navy will not change

About the period of service in the army 1.8 years

But nevertheless, our website for conscripts and soldiers constantly receives the same questions from conscripts (future soldiers), conscripted military personnel, as well as their relatives and friends. The essence of all these appeals boils down to the fact that, allegedly, service life this year will increase to 1.8 years(1 year and 8 months).

What would you like to say about this? Until changes are made to the current legislation, no talk about increasing the service life has any basis. In other words, in the next year or two length of military service will not change and will remain as it is now for 1 year.

Reducing the length of military service by 45 days

Or the opposite questions come about reducing the service life by 45 days. It’s completely unclear where it comes from this information, but nevertheless, every year from draft to draft, we strongly recommend not to take these rumors seriously. Since this information has never been confirmed. Get information only from reliable sources!

The length of service in the army will not be increased or shortened!

The President on military service in 2019

Data talk about increasing or decreasing service life in the army in the course of or arise primarily due to the legal illiteracy of our population. Also, these rumors are published, and in some cases intentionally spread, by a number of media outlets.

But to all these unfounded conversations, our Supreme Commander- President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin - made an official statement that to increase and even more so to reduce service life in 2019 not planned.

After such a statement by the first person of our state, we have nothing more to add. I hope you have found the answer to your question and now you know for sure what is the length of service in the Russian army?

Uniform, platform, carriage, army

Military service not perceived equally by all recruits. Some accept service willingly, hoping to gain a specialty in the army, while others, on the contrary, go to the recruiting station, as they say, “under pressure.” Meanwhile, everyone must repay their debt to the Motherland, and this is stated in the law.

Military service is a year of life well spent.

The specialty that you can learn during this time will definitely be useful in the future. And the sports training that the army gives sufficient quantity time, will allow you to build muscles, turn from a teenager into a man. The army changes characters, disciplines, trains, strengthens body and soul.

In a year military service man passes real school life, transforming from a conscript into a well-trained soldier. The reform, which reduced the terms of service to one year, is not very to the liking of the officers who train recruits, but practice has shown that in one year it is possible to train a defender of the Motherland. The modern army is improving every year. Conditions army life become better, indispensable companions enter everyday life modern life: mobile phone, television and others technical advances. Now the soldier is allowed to certain time make calls on mobile phone relatives, and during the hour free from service, relax in front of the TV. And one-year students now have more days off—two rest days a week. At this time, you can visit relatives if the place of service is close to home.

A typical soldier's day is quite eventful. The soldier takes classes in tactical training, exercises on sports equipment, trains to shoot weapons, and participates in exercises. Such events are necessary for the development of special skills in a fighter that can be useful in combat conditions.

IN modern army Soldiers cannot be used in outfits not related to service. For example, you cannot send a fighter to the kitchen to peel potatoes or force him to sweep the parade ground. These types of work are now carried out by people specially hired for this purpose. Using a new recruit as a laborer may result in criminal prosecution for the person who decides to use him inappropriately. direct purpose. The army leadership vigilantly monitors the implementation of the law, which allows soldiers to calmly give debt to the Motherland.

Human rights activists are vigilantly monitoring to ensure that soldier's service complies with accepted standards. The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers is not far behind them. In general, the modern army is characterized by greater openness; This is evidenced by the fact that parents or any other relatives of a soldier can come to the unit to see how their son is served.

Despite still existing negative points soldier's life (hazing, etc.), there are changes in the modern army, and these are changes for the better. Army life - a useful stage that lays the “core” in male character, tempers his soul and makes his body strong.

How to behave in the army? This is a question that worries many, many conscripts who are preparing to go to a unit somewhere in the vastness of their vast homeland. Everyone knows that service is not sugar. It's not just daily physical exercise, but also a good mental test. Many, after serving, admit that it was the hardest to get used to in the first months - the psyche, accustomed in civilian life to a certain level of interpersonal contact, does not very adequately perceive the strange, perverted hierarchy in the unit.

Since you will have to serve in the army with a whole group of very different people, you should immediately assess the situation and approximately establish who is who. This is necessary because you need to be afraid of someone, since not all people are too friendly with their heads, and someone, although they will try to “stress”, will still normal person. At this stage, it is important to correctly calculate whether there are ethnic groups within the unit and how strong they are.

If there is a powerful diaspora, there is big chance find yourself pinned down in any situation. Ethnic groups in the Russian army are simply crushing part of them, forcing even local officers to tiptoe. Therefore, in such a situation, the best outcome would be to be of the correct nationality.

You should also be able to position yourself in the local community. Since it will not be possible to behave in the army as in civilian life, you should immediately figure out when to moderate and hide your ambition, and when, on the contrary, you can attack in response. Many recommend turning on the “fool” mode for the first six months - doing the wrong thing on purpose, exposing yourself to the command and generally behaving unfavorably for the “grandfathers” who are annoying you from above. If you “fail” the given task too many times, then, of course, after a scolding, they will forget about such a careless fighter and will not touch him.

If we consider how to behave in the army for the first time, then you should immediately understand that any thing that is not pinned down, hidden or put away automatically becomes the most tasty morsel. They steal everything from threads and needles to hygiene items and phones. At the same time, in the army there is no word “stolen” - there is the word “lost”. In order not to “lose” too much, you need to keep everything in the nightstand - that’s where the least amount of things go missing.

Another piece of advice on how to behave in the army is that you should not, especially at first, rush into food as if you were called from a hungry land. The desire to eat, twisting your stomach and making you think about homemade borscht, is the body’s psychological reaction to stressful situation. Especially to break this condition, they don’t give you too much time for lunch. Over the course of several weeks, the body and brain will get used to the situation, and it turns out that what they give is perfectly enough for one person and even remains on top. By the way, in the army they really don’t like those who stuff leftover food into their pockets to eat later. This should not be done under any circumstances if there is no desire to get a scolding.

Following these simple rules, you can serve in the army well without unnecessary problems. If you don’t want to be there at all, it’s better to find a way not to serve.

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