What do the shoulder straps of a junior sergeant look like? How to determine rank by shoulder straps in the police (photo)? Ordinary policeman -

VKontakte has a lot of information: interesting facts, news, articles. One day I came across a post about military ranks RF and quickly memorized them.

Now I decided to write a short article on how anyone can quickly learn them. I remembered it differently myself, but I’ll describe it here accessible language for everyone.

DO IT STRICTLY IN STEPS and by the end of reading the post you will remember all the ranks (military) and the corresponding shoulder straps!

It will take you no more than 5 minutes!

1. Private
2. Corporal
3. Junior Sergeant
4. Sergeant
5. Senior Sergeant
6. Sergeant Major
7. Ensign
8. Senior warrant officer
9. Junior Lieutenant
10. Lieutenant
11. Senior Lieutenant
12. Captain
13. Major
14. Lieutenant Colonel
15. Colonel
16. Major General
17. Lieutenant General
18. Colonel General
19. Army General (not in the picture above)
20. Marshal of the Russian Federation (not in the picture above)

Military ranks

1. Let’s encode some titles with associatively vivid visual images.

Private - carrot bed
Corporal - flute
Sergeant - earring
Major - mayonnaise
Lieutenant - watering can
Colonel - ladle
Lieutenant Colonel - bent ladle
Ensign - Borschik
Foreman - grandfather with a beard
General - crocodile Gena

2. We read and imagine the images, then look at the pictures.

Tomato: there is a row of carrots on the stems (Private), a flute pierces a tomato (Corporal).

Orange: on the leaf there is a small earring (Junior Sergeant), on the stem of medium size (Sergeant), on the peel there is a large earring (Senior Sergeant), in the pulp there is a grandfather with a beard (Sergeant Major).

Lemon: at one end there is a plate of borscht (Ensign), in the middle there is a pan of borscht (Senior Ensign), at the end there are 2 stars.

Grass: one behind the other is a small watering can (Junior Lieutenant), a medium watering can (Lieutenant), a large watering can (Senior Lieutenant), the Captain stands next to him, followed by a fairy wand.

Cloud: at one end there is mayonnaise (Major), in the middle there is a bent ladle (Lieutenant Colonel), a ladle (Colonel), a pregnancy tester with a star.

Marker: On the cap there is a crocodile Gena with mayonnaise (Major General), on the stem Gena with a watering can (Lieutenant General), in the middle Gena with a ladle (Colonel General).

Each item has a specific appearance with shoulder straps.

Tomato And Orange- only stripes (easy to remember)
Lemon— the stars begin (that’s why there are 2 stars hanging on the lemon)
Grass- a stripe and a star appear (fairy wand on the grass)
Cloud— a second stripe and a star appear (pregnancy tester on the cloud)
Marker- zigzag pattern (zipper on marker)

The sequential appearance of stars on ranks is not difficult to remember visually.
The last ones are the General of the Army and the Marshal of the Russian Federation; they are also easy to remember at the end.

Private, Corporal

Jr. Sergeant, Sergeant, St. Sergeant, Foreman

Ensign, St. Ensign

Jr. Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Senior Lieutenant, Captain

Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel

G.Major, G.Lieutenant, G.Colonel

3. Now let’s remember the colors of the rainbow.

Each (red - tomato)
Hunter (orange - orange)
Wishes (yellow - lemon)
Noble (green - grass)
Where (blue - sky)
Sitting (blue - marker)
Pheasant (we don’t need it 🙂)

This way we remember the order of all objects.
Repeat several times from memory.


Now you know all the ranks in order, and you can name the rank by shoulder straps and remember which ranks correspond to which shoulder straps.

At first you will name it slowly, but with each repetition the speed of recall will increase.
This is how you can quickly learn the ranks and shoulder straps of Russian military personnel.

P.S. If you liked it, repost and write comments. I will publish new posts like this.

Ranks, insignia and shoulder straps of the police of the Russian Federation

Russian police ranks are divided into four groups.
The first group is the junior command staff - sergeants, sergeants and warrant officers.
The second group is the middle command staff - lieutenants and captain.
The third group is the senior command staff - major, lieutenant colonel and colonel.
The fourth group is the highest commanding staff - major general, lieutenant general, colonel general and police general of the Russian Federation.
Police officers are given ranks for life. And upon retirement existing rank at that time, the “retired” attribute is added (for example, retired captain, retired major or retired colonel, and so on)
Russian police ranks are assigned sequentially. A police officer must serve a certain amount of time. In Russia, all ranks are divided into first and second.
The next title in the Russian Federation is not easy to achieve. When assigned, it is given special attention police education. But there are also times when a police officer can be awarded the next rank ahead of schedule, for any special distinction he has made for the benefit of his homeland. Although if a police officer at that time served in the previous rank for less than half of the allotted period, then the early assignment of the next rank or promotion is postponed.
All police ranks in Russia, from cadet to police general of the Russian Federation, have their own insignia and shoulder straps. But how to determine the rank and position of a policeman? Here is a visual table:

This table below is already a little outdated and has undergone changes, but not significant - on the shoulder straps of a private and other shoulder straps there is no “police” emblem next to the button, and on the shoulder straps of a sergeant major, according to the old one, there is a longitudinal wide stripe for the entire shoulder strap, and according to the new one, there is also a stripe longitudinal and wide, but short, which is clearly visible in the photo above. Well, the shoulder strap “General of Police of the Russian Federation” has been slightly changed, mainly in color. And so, everything is the same - the titles are as they are.

Shoulder straps and ranks of the Russian police

Shoulder straps

Ordinary policeman -

On the shoulder straps there are distinctive signs - a button and next to it the “police” emblem. Police cadets have a distinctive sign on their shoulder straps - the letter K

Junior command staff - sergeants, foreman and warrant officers.

Shoulder straps junior sergeant, sergeant and senior sergeant have rectangular stripes located transversely to the shoulder straps. Two stripes - junior sergeant, three stripes - sergeant, one wide transverse stripe - senior sergeant, the same wide stripe, but only longitudinal - vertical - foreman.


On the shoulder straps of ensigns there are small stars placed vertically without gaps, two stars, and three stars. Two stars - ensign. Three stars - senior warrant officer.

Middle command - lieutenants and captain

On the shoulder straps there is a vertical red stripe, which is called the clearance. The stars are small. Military rank of lieutenant. One star is located on the red stripe - junior lieutenant, two stars - two transverse stripes between them - lieutenant, three stars - two transversely, the third on the stripe - senior lieutenant, four stars - two transversely, and the third and fourth on the stripe - captain.

Senior command staff - major, lieutenant colonel and colonel

The shoulder straps have two gaps - red stripes located vertically along the entire shoulder strap.
Large stars from one to three. One star in the middle of the stripes is a major. Two stars located transversely on the stripes themselves - lieutenant colonel. Three stars - two on stripes transversely, one between the stripes slightly in front of the two - colonel.

Higher command staff - generals and police general of the Russian Federation

The stars are large without any gaps.
On the shoulder straps, the stars are in a vertical position.
One star in the middle - major general two stars - lieutenant general three stars - colonel general. One more larger size large star with a large three-headed coat of arms of Russia - police general Russian Federation.

Rank lengths of service in the Russian police are assigned in ascending order after a certain period of work experience.
Private - one year of service. The same term is 1 year for a junior sergeant. 2 years - with the rank of sergeant, 3 years - for senior sergeant. Ensign – up to junior lieutenant 5 years. The length of service for a junior lieutenant is 1 year, for a lieutenant - 2 years, for a senior lieutenant and captain - 3 years, for a major - 4 years. The lieutenant colonel has 5 years.
For colonel and general, promotion of ranks is awarded only for any special merits and differences before their native fatherland.
This rule does not apply to highest rank- General of Police of the Russian Federation.

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State public order is regulated and controlled through law enforcement agencies. In our vast country, these requirements are met police. To be able to distinguish shoulder straps foremen police, from the Major’s shoulder straps we wrote this article. The police of the Russian Federation have the main responsibilities and are authorized to perform the following actions:

  1. Organizing order and creating a safe environment for the citizens of the country.
  2. Detection and prevention of crimes and illegal actions, search for those responsible for committing a crime.
  3. Monitoring compliance with laws and suppressing violations of the law.

A short description of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation

The police on the territory of Russia is a complex of government bodies and services that are part of Ministry of Internal Affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs). The actions of this complex are to create and ensure safe life for the citizens of the state. Law enforcement officials must ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation.

The duties of police officers include protecting the rights of Russian citizens, as well as people from other countries who are located on the territory of the state.

The police began their activities in 2011, after a corresponding presidential decree. Article No. 14 in the regulations on Ministry of Internal Affairs RF.

A candidate for employment in Ministry of Internal Affairs the following requirements apply:

You will also need other materials; they are necessary when applying for a job. All information provided is intended for the commission to determine the personal characteristics of new employees police .

Shoulder straps police Russia

On the epaulettes of a police general, it is possible to see only one star. Its diameter is 40 mm.

Appearance of the police shoulder strap

It is important to note that each title has its own distinctive features on uniform. Among them are the following characteristics:

  1. By the number of stripes.
  2. The size of the stars.
  3. Color scheme.

On the lieutenant's shoulder straps there is a vertical stripe or clearance. It relates to senior and junior police officers. If the rank is increased, then instead of two stars, he will be given four.

Length of service in police

The law makes it possible to clearly examine the provisions that relate to the activities of police officers. You can also find out information about their length of service. In order to receive the long-awaited promotion in rank, you will need to work for a certain number of years.

Junior ranks, which include the ranks from private to junior lieutenant, take one year to obtain each rank.

Senior sergeants and police officers with rank lieutenant And captain will receive a new title after three years.

A major will need four years, and a warrant officer and lieutenant colonel will need five years.

The important fact is that in the police there are no such ranks as corporal or march, as well as positions like general and Colonel, and also foreman are not formally determined based on length of service.

The length of service in the police is described in detail in the provisions on the activities of the legislation. Promotion of rank in the service occurs after a certain period:

Interestingly, the length of service for the rank foreman , Colonel and the general is not determined. IN law enforcement agencies title doesn't exist corporal , marshal .

The types of placement of plates on shoulder straps differ depending on the position held:

The size of the stars attached to the epaulettes is influenced by the composition of the police, their rank and length of service.

13 mm sprockets go to employees from warrant officer to captain police. From major to lieutenant colonel, the size of the stars is 20 mm. For higher ranks, the sprocket size is 22 mm.

Officers and warrant officers police

Exists important feature: military and police shoulder straps They differ only in color. The same is true for warrant officers. This means that determining the rank of an employee is quite simple - you just need to look carefully at his shoulder straps, and by location, size of stars and other distinctive features draw a conclusion. All aspects appearance shoulder strap regulated by the state.

So, the rank system in the Russian police is divided into the following groups:

Sergeants are divided into:

  • junior sergeants;
  • sergeants;
  • senior sergeants.

Ensigns are divided into:

  • warrant officers;
  • senior warrant officers.

Lieutenants are divided into:

  • junior lieutenants;
  • lieutenants;
  • senior lieutenants.

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Semi-fitting dress in dark blue with a V-neck, decorated with a red silk scarf (included in the set). Fabric - gabardine. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 575, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of the dress at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve there is a chevron designating the service of a police/justice officer. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. The scarf is worn with the dress in a triangle folded into a scarf, the narrow ends are tied together and tucked into the back under the collar. The wide side is tucked inside under the neckline of the dress. It is allowed to wear a summer dress without a scarf in office premises. The length of the dress along the bottom edge should be at knee level. The Police/Justice dress with short sleeves is part of the new police uniform. Example of material pattern:

Semi-fitting dress in dark blue with a V-neck, decorated with a red silk scarf (included in the set). Fabric - gabardine. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 575, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of the dress at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve there is a chevron designating the service of a police/justice officer. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. The scarf is worn with the dress in a triangle folded into a scarf, the narrow ends are tied together and tucked into the back under the collar. The wide side is tucked inside under the neckline of the dress. It is allowed to wear a summer dress without a scarf in office premises. The length of the dress along the bottom edge should be at knee level. The Police/Justice dress with short sleeves is part of the new police uniform. Example of material drawing:

The jacket is part of the daily and weekend uniform of police officers of the new model. Worn with trousers. Material: Suit (wool blend) fabric. Composition: 75% wool, 25% polyester 280 g/m2 Lining: Twill 100% viscose 105% g/m2. Slim fit, single breasted, fastened with four buttons. Turn-down collar with lapels. Shelves with cut-off barrels. Horizontal welt side pockets in a “frame” with flaps. The back has a central seam, in the lower part of which there is a vent. Sleeves are set-in, two-seam. Jacket with lining. On the left shelf of the lining there is an internal pocket with a “leaf”. Designed for employees of internal affairs bodies with special police ranks, as well as for cadets (listeners) educational institutions higher vocational education Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Has red trim on the sleeves. According to Order No. 575 of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of a suit at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve a chevron indicating the service of a police officer is sewn. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. In addition, shoulder straps with buttons are sewn onto this jacket, and two lapel emblems are also attached. How to sew on shoulder straps? For this, in addition to the jacket itself and shoulder straps, you will need a ruler, scissors, a needle, a thimble and strong red thread. Be sure to put on a thimble, even if you are used to sewing without it, since sometimes the needle passes through the shoulder straps with with great difficulty, and you may hurt your fingers. If you find it difficult to pull the needle and thread out of the shoulder strap, you can use pliers or tweezers. 1) First of all, prepare the shoulder straps, i.e. attach all the required insignia to it, since it will be much more difficult to do this on an already sewn shoulder strap. 2) Take the shoulder strap and position it so that the side farthest from the button faces the seam that connects the shoulder of the jacket to the sleeve. At the same time, the upper edge of the shoulder strap, directed towards the back, should overlap the seam running along the shoulder by 1 cm. In other words, the shoulder strap should be slightly moved forward. 3) Thread a needle and fasten the shoulder strap to the jacket at three points: at the corners of the shoulder strap, at the place where it comes into contact with the sleeve seam and in the center of the semicircular cut. Now the shoulder strap will be securely fastened and will not move from correct position during the sewing process. 4) Then very carefully sew the shoulder strap around the perimeter, making stitches in such a way that only barely visible points remain on its surface in those places where the needle enters the shoulder strap, and the thread between two adjacent holes passes mainly from the wrong side (along the lining) of the jacket . Then the thread will not be noticeable even if its color does not exactly match the color of the shoulder straps. In this case, the optimal length of each stitch should be about 1 cm. 5) With the second shoulder strap, follow the same pattern. How to strengthen lapel emblems? On the collar of the jacket - along the bisector (the line dividing the corner of the collar in half), at a distance of 25 mm from the corner of the collar to the center of the emblem, vertical axis The symmetry of the emblem should be parallel to the flight of the collar. How to place awards on a police jacket? On the left side of the chest, awards are located in the following order: Insignia of special distinction are located so that the upper edge of the medal block is at the level of the ledge of the lapel of the tunic and jacket. When wearing two or more special insignia, they are arranged separately in one row, from right to left, with intervals of 10 mm between the lateral ends of the stars in in the order listed. Special insignia of one designation are arranged in the order in which they were awarded. Badges of orders, orders and medals are arranged horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to the edge, from top to bottom in the order listed. When wearing two or more orders or medals, their blocks are connected in a row on a common bar. Orders and medals that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows located below the first, also placing them from the center of the chest to the edge in the above order. The blocks of orders and medals of the second row must go under the orders and medals of the first row, while the upper edge of the blocks of the bottom row is placed 35 mm below the blocks of the first row. Subsequent rows are arranged in a similar order. Badges of orders, orders and medals are located on the single-breasted police jacket so that the upper edge of the block of orders and medals of the first row is located 90 mm below the level of the lapel ledge. On right side chest awards are arranged in the following order: Orders are located from left to right in the order listed. The upper edge of the largest order of the first row is located at the level established for the common bar (block) of the first row of orders and medals placed on the left side of the chest. Orders that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows located below the first, also placing them from the center of the chest to the edge in the indicated order. The centers of the orders in a row should be at the same level. The distance between orders and rows of orders is 10 mm. The sign of the number of wounds made of golden galun (for a severe wound) or dark red color (for a light wound) is located on the fabric strip of the top of the product. Braid width 6 mm, length 43 mm. The severe wound badge is placed below the light wound badge. The distance between stripes is 3 mm. The number of wounds sign is placed on the tunic and jacket to the right of the sign to honorary titles of the Russian Federation, and in his absence, in his place.

The women's demi-season raincoat is part of the new uniform for police officers. The raincoat has a semi-fitting silhouette, with a central inner hidden fastener with five loops and buttons and an additional top button and a through-stitched loop, on an insulated stitched lining. On the yokes in the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are two belt loops and one non-slit loop for attaching removable shoulder straps. Sleeves are set-in, two-seam. Patches are sewn into the lower part of the middle seam of the sleeve, fastened with a loop and a uniform button. Turn-down collar, with a detachable stand. The removable belt is threaded into belt loops located in the side seams and fastened with a buckle with a tongue, the free end of which is threaded into the belt loop. On the right hem there is an internal welt pocket with a leaf. Jacket fabric (100% polyester) with rip-stop weaving threads and water-repellent impregnation. The second layer is the membrane. Filler: Thinsulate 100 g/m. Recommended temperature regime: from +10°С to -12°С. Worn with a dark blue muffler or muffler white. It is allowed to wear a demi-season raincoat neatly folded with the front side out on the left hand. Demi-season raincoats are worn buttoned up. It is allowed to wear demi-season raincoats with the top button undone. Demi-season raincoats are worn with or without removable insulation and a belt fastened with a buckle. This cloak is worn removable shoulder straps dark blue and dark blue stripes.

Thanks to innovative technologies and high-quality materials that provide maximum protection from rain and wind, you will be in constant comfort, which helps reduce fatigue throughout the day. Characteristics Protection from rain and wind Regular cut Upper material: Rip-stop Insulation: Thinsulate

Jacket with a combined (stitched and removable) insulated lining, a removable insulated hood, a removable faux fur collar. The jacket is short, straight cut. The central clasp has a two-way detachable zipper, closed with a windproof flap with buttons. Turn-down collar with a pata fastener on a textile fastener. In the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are shoulder straps, shoulder straps View all products by tag shoulder straps on buttons with removable false stripes for attaching insignia. Shelves and back with yokes. Along the yoke line there is a red edging. Two chest pockets with flaps with buttons and textile Velcro fasteners. Two side pockets with flaps with buttons and textile Velcro fasteners. The burlap patch pockets have welt pockets with a zippered entrance. At the bottom of the jacket See all products by jacket tag there is a detachable belt, the volume of which is adjusted by the side sections with elastic braid stitched on a multi-needle special. chain stitch machine. Sleeves are set-in, two-seam. On the right sleeve there is a welt pocket with a zipper. A bandage with a reflective tape is sewn inside the pocket, fastened with a Velcro textile fastener. At the bottom of the sleeves there are stitched cuffs with elastic tape sewn on a multi-needle special stitch. chain stitch machine. Stitched insulated lining with insulation "Fibertek-200" C inside On the left shelf there is a pocket for a pistol (with a carbine on a cord for attaching a pistol) and a patch pocket with a vertical entrance with a zipper. The removable insulated hood is fastened with a detachable zipper. The volume is adjustable at the back of the head and the front neckline. The chin part is fastened with a Velcro textile fastener. A removable collar made of faux fur containing Kanekaron fiber (Made in Japan) is fastened with a detachable zipper. Removable insulated lining (vest) made of Fibertek 150 insulation, quilted on both sides with lining fabric, fastened with a detachable zipper. On the removable insulation there is a patch pocket with a horizontal entrance with a zipper. Fibertek insulation has a number of advantages over traditional fillers: - It perfectly retains its shape and restores it after washing. - Can be washed and dried multiple times. - Provides a greater heat-shielding effect compared to other materials of similar thickness and density. - Moisture resistant. - Stable during long-term use. - It is an environmentally friendly and non-toxic insulation material. - Practical in terms of price and quality ratio.

The jacket is short, straight cut. Fabric - gabardine. Designed for employees of internal affairs bodies with special police ranks. According to Order No. 575 of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of a suit at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve a chevron indicating the service of a police officer is sewn. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. Central closure with detachable zipper. Turn-down collar. Shelves with detachable yokes in the shoulder girdle area. On the shelves there are chest welt pockets with figured flaps with buttons. Two side welt pockets in a frame with a zippered entrance. Back with stitched yoke. There are soft folds along the yoke line for freedom of movement. The sleeves are set-in, single-seam, with stitched cuffs fastened with buttons. At the bottom of the jacket there is a one-piece belt, the volume of which is regulated by side sections with elastic braid. The back and shelf are lined with knitted fabric (mesh). The armholes are edged with edging braid. Straight-cut trousers. Stitched belt with six belt loops. The volume of the belt is regulated by side sections with elastic band. Two pockets in the side seams. One welt pocket with flap and internal button closure is located on the right rear half of the trousers. Red piping is inserted along the side seams of the trousers. It is part of the new police uniform. Example of material drawing:

Material: gabardine - Classic trousers with piping on the side seam. -The volume of the belt is adjusted by the side sections with elastic band. -On the belt-6 belt loops. -Two side pockets. -One welt pocket with a flap on the back half of the trousers. - Along the side seam - red piping Example of material pattern:

Without Velcro under the chevrons. The size is indicated by the collar. You can use shoulder straps Worn untucked The belt is adjustable in size using side elastic bands 2 pockets on the chest Material: 65% Polyester 35% Viscose

Uniform skirt for employees of internal affairs bodies. Summer version made from lightweight gabardine fabric. It is part of the daily uniform of internal affairs officers. According to order No. 575, the length of the skirt along the bottom edge should be at knee level. Example of material drawing:

Worsted wool blend fabric, certified and passed multiple tests, will make your stay at work comfortable and presentable. CHARACTERISTICS Regular cut MATERIALS Wool blend

The police shirt is made of polyester-viscose fabric. Thanks to this fabric, the shirt will last longer, will not lose its original appearance even after numerous washes, and will not electrify. CHARACTERISTICS For hot weather Regular cut MATERIALS 65% polye, 35% viscose

All-season jacket for police officers. The jacket is elongated, straight cut with a combined (stitched and removable) insulated lining, a removable insulated hood, a removable faux fur collar. The central fastener has a two-way detachable zipper, closed with a windproof flap with buttons. A turn-down collar. In the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are shoulder straps buttons with removable false shoulder straps for attaching insignia. In the area of ​​the shoulder girdle of the yoke, along the line of the yoke, a red edging is sewn in. Two chest patch pockets with flaps with buttons and Velcro textile fasteners. On the vertical side of the pocket there is a fold for volume. On the bottom of the side seams there are slits fastened with a zipper. The back has a yoke, a red edging is sewn in along the yoke line. The sleeves are set-in two-seam. On the right sleeve there is a patch pocket with a vertical entrance with a zipper. A bandage with a reflective tape is sewn inside the pocket, fastened with a textile Velcro fastener. On the left shelf under the windproof flap there is an internal pocket for a pistol with a vertical entrance with a textile fastener. Inside the pocket there is a sewn cord with a carabiner for attaching a pistol. Stitched insulated lining with Fibertek-200 insulation. On the left shelf on the lining there is a chest patch pocket with a vertical entrance with a zipper. On the right and left shelves there are patch pockets with a horizontal entrance with a zipper. Along the waist line on the lining there is a drawstring with an elastic perforated braid for adjusting the volume. The free end of the braid is fastened with a button. The removable insulated hood with a fleece lining is fastened with a detachable zipper. The volume of the hood at the back of the head is adjusted with a textile fastener. The volume along the front cutout is adjusted with a cord with clamps. The chin part of the hood is fastened with a Velcro textile fastener. A removable faux fur collar with Kanekaron fiber made in Japan is fastened with a detachable zipper and loops and buttons on the collar. The collar is fastened with a patta with a textile fastener. A removable insulating lining with sleeves with knitted cuffs - wristbands is fastened with a detachable “zipper”, loops and buttons along the shoulder seams and the bottom of the sleeves. On the right shelf there is a side patch pocket with a horizontal zippered entrance. At the bottom there is a drawstring with a cord to regulate the volume, at the ends of the cord there are clamps and tips. FIBERTEK INSULATION - Perfectly retains its shape and restores it after washing. - Can be washed and dried multiple times. - Provides a greater heat-shielding effect compared to other materials of similar thickness and density. - Moisture resistant. - Stable during long-term use.

The size is indicated by the collar. Without Velcro under the chevrons. You can use shoulder straps Worn untucked The belt is adjustable in size using side elastic bands 2 pockets on the chest Material: 65% Polyester 35% Viscose

Fabric - wool mixture. Designed for employees of internal affairs bodies with special police ranks. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 575, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of the suit at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve a chevron indicating the service of a police officer is sewn. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. The jacket is short, straight cut. Central closure with detachable zipper. Turn-down collar. Shelves with detachable yokes in the shoulder girdle area. On the shelves there are chest welt pockets with figured flaps with buttons. Two side welt pockets in a frame with a zippered entrance. Back with stitched yoke. There are soft folds along the yoke line for freedom of movement. The sleeves are set-in, single-seam, with stitched cuffs fastened with buttons. At the bottom of the jacket See all products by jacket tag - a one-piece belt, the volume of which is adjusted by side sections with elastic braid. The back and shelf are lined with knitted fabric (mesh). The armholes are edged with edging braid. Straight-cut trousers. Stitched belt with six belt loops. The volume of the belt is regulated by side sections with elastic band. Two pockets in the side seams. One welt pocket with flap and internal button closure is located on the right rear half of the trousers. Red piping is inserted along the side seams of the trousers. It is part of the new police uniform.

    Insignia in the Navy.

    empty shoulder strap - sailor

    one transverse strip (strap) - senior sailor

    two narrow stripes across - foreman of the 2nd article

    three narrow stripes across - foreman of the 1st article

    one wide stripe across - chief petty officer

    one wide longitudinal strip - chief ship's foreman

    two small stars along the shoulder strap - midshipman

    three small stars along the shoulder strap - senior midshipman

    one gap, there is one small star on it - junior lieutenant

    two stars across the shoulder strap - lieutenant

    1 star on a strip, 2 under this across on the sides - senior lieutenant

    two stars on the strip lengthwise, two across them underneath - lieutenant captain

    two gaps, one large star between them - captain of the 3rd rank

    two stars on stripes - captain of the 2nd rank

    three big stars, like senior lieutenant-captain 1st rank

    zigzag fill, one thick star - rear admiral

    two stars along - vice admiral

    three along - admiral

    four along - fleet admiral

    marshal - one star large size, painted shoulder straps.

    The only way out for those not liable for military service is to first remember a few shoulder straps and corresponding ranks and then gradually learn everything. But if in ordinary life If you rarely meet military personnel or just people in uniform, it’s problematic to remember for the rest of your life. It’s like education, which without practice is considered invalid after a short period of time. Shoulder straps differ in the number of stars and their location and edging in the form of red stripes, which can be located in the middle, on the sides or absent.

    This is a marshal's shoulder strap

    Army General has 4 stars

    Colonel General has three stars

    Lieutenant General two stars

    Major General gets one star and turns out to be a major lower in rank than a lieutenant

    Colonel's shoulder straps

    Senior Lieutenant

    A lieutenant has two stars and a red stripe in the middle, and a junior lieutenant has one star right on the stripe.

    The rank and file do not have stars on their shoulder straps; they previously had the rank of ensign, but apparently due to large quantity jokes title has been abolished. The rank of ensign appeared in the Soviet Union in 1972, and since 2009 it has been quietly eliminated along with the rank of midshipman.

    And these are tables, you can look at them and choose the most convenient one for yourself, find the differences and learn.

    These are police epaulets.

    The rank of a serviceman can only be determined by his shoulder straps. And it’s not at all difficult to do. First you need to see if there are gaps on the shoulder straps - colored longitudinal stripes. The absence of stripes classifies the rank as private or junior to the commanding staff:

    • empty shoulder strap - private,
    • one strip (transverse strip) - corporal,
    • two stripes - junior sergeant,
    • three stripes - sergeant,
    • one big badge - senior sergeant,
    • one continuous stripe over the entire shoulder strap, or stripe located along the shoulder strap - foreman,
    • two stars located along the shoulder strap - ensign,
    • three stars located along the shoulder strap in a row - senior warrant officer.

    If there is one colored stripe along the entire shoulder strap, that is, a gap, then the rank belongs to the middle command staff and we already have an officer:

    • one star in the light - junior lieutenant,
    • two stars - lieutenant,
    • three stars - senior lieutenant,
    • four stars - captain,

    If there are two gaps, then before us are the faces of the senior command staff:

    • one star between the stripes - major,
    • two - lieutenant colonel,
    • three - colonel.

    If there are no gaps and we see big stars, then this is already the highest commanding staff:

    • one star in the middle - major general,
    • two - lieutenant general,
    • three - Colonel General,
    • four - marshal.
  • Lowest rank- private (the chase is empty).

    After him - the corporal (stripe across).

    Then - junior sergeant (two stripes).

    After the junior sergeant comes the sergeant (3 stripes).

    Then - senior sergeant (one stripe but thick).

    After senior sergeant, the officer's rank is sergeant major (Again, one thick stripe, but in this case along the middle of the shoulder strap).

    Then comes the rank - ensign (2 small stars already appear along).

    Then the rank is senior warrant officer (in this case we already have three small stars along again).

    After this comes - junior lieutenant (one * in the middle)

    Then - Lieutenant (2*)

    Now senior officers

    1. Major (1 normal star)
    2. Lieutenant Colonel (2*)
    3. Colonel (***)
    4. General - Major (one Big Star in the middle)
    5. General - Lieutenant (2 stars)
    6. General - Colonel(3 stars)
  • Everyone has the same shoulder straps, but the number of stars is the difference.

    1st rank junior lieutenant

    2nd Lieutenant

    3rd Lieutenant


    1 large major (2 red stripes)

    2 large lieutenant colonel(2 stripes)

    3 large colonels (2 stripes)

    Description of the shoulder straps of a police officer of the Russian Federation.

    A police private, his shoulder straps are empty, as you can see in the pictures!

    junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant

    sergeant major, warrant officer, senior warrant officer

    junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain

    major, lieutenant colonel, colonel

    major general, lieutenant general, colonel general

    I will list only the officer ranks junior and senior officers Russian Navy.

    1 star junior lieutenant (1 lumen, 1 small star)

    2nd lieutenant (1 clearance, 2 small stars)

    3rd lieutenant (1 rank, 3 small stars)

    4-captain - lieutenant (1 rank, 4 small stars)

    1 captain 3rd rank (2 lumens, 1 large star)

    2 captain 2nd rank (2 clears, 2 large stars)

    3 captain 1st rank (2 clears, 3 large stars)

    Ground forces


    Junior Sergeant

    Senior Sergeant

    Sergeant Major


    Senior Ensign

    Junior Lieutenant


    Senior Lieutenant

    Lieutenant colonel


    Major General

    Lieutenant General

    Colonel General

    Army General

    The Navy is almost the same

    Ranks in the army, except for the Navy (I'm not strong there).

    Rank and file:

    So the most junior rank- This private, an ordinary soldier, they usually depict only the branch of the army and nothing else, i.e. The shoulder straps are completely empty.

    The next title is corporal- during the chase, one stripe appears across - snot.

    Next rank coming sergeant, these are three stripes across.

    U senior sergeant one thick strip across the shoulder strap.

    The rank and file is ending foreman- this is when there is one thick strip along the middle of the shoulder strap.


    If you see two small stars along the shoulder straps, then this title is ensign.

    But if there are three stars, that’s senior warrant officer.

    Junior officers:

    One small star almost in the middle - junior lieutenant.

    Two small stars across - lieutenant.

    Three small stars arranged in a triangle - senior lieutenant.

    When one more asterisk is added from above to the senior lieutenant, this is captain.

    Senior officers:

    One star, not a small one. but not big yet - major.

    Two stars across - lieutenant colonel.

    Three stars arranged in a triangle - Colonel.

    Senior officers:

    One big star - major general.

    Two big stars along the shoulder straps - lieutenant general.

    Three big stars along the shoulder straps - Colonel General.

    One healthy star along with a wreath and a star on top - army general.

    One hefty star on a pentagon and a coat of arms on top - Marshal of the Russian Federation.

    A military man can easily determine his rank by his shoulder straps, because this is the first thing a soldier needs to remember conscript service or a sailor. But for civilians, the stars on their shoulder straps often mean nothing. However, everything can come in handy in life. The soldiers of the army and navy identification marks The uniforms are the same.

    • the soldier and the sailor have neither stripes nor stars
    • for a corporal or senior sailor - 1 stripe
    • junior sergeant (in the navy - senior sergeant of the second class) - 2 stripes
    • a sergeant (first class sergeant major) has 3 stripes
    • A senior sergeant (chief petty officer in the fleet) has 1 wide stripe
    • the petty officer (in the navy, the chief petty officer) has wide and narrow stripes

    Junior officers have stars on their shoulder straps and a red longitudinal stripe that runs across the entire epaulette.

    • The ensign (midshipman) has 3 small stars on his shoulder straps
    • the senior warrant officer (senior midshipman) has 3 small stars
    • for a junior lieutenant - 1 star closer to the center of the shoulder strap
    • the lieutenant has 2 stars across his shoulder strap
    • the senior lieutenant has 3 stars (arranged in the form of a triangle)
    • The captain has 4 stars

    On the shoulder straps of senior officers, the stars are larger and there are two longitudinal stripes.

One of the largest organizations in the Russian law enforcement system is the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, headed by Colonel General of Police Vladimir Kolokoltsev. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, based on their years of service, are awarded special ranks in one of three possible categories - police, internal service or justice. The starting point in all three categories is the private. Maximum - not yet assigned to anyone by the Russian police.

Special ranks of the Russian police can only be obtained by adult citizens of Russia who have joined the internal affairs bodies and been appointed to one of the positions of ordinary or commanding personnel. According to Federal Law, these ranks are almost identical to special military ones. There are two exceptions - there are no corporals and marshals, and highest rank- General of Police of the Russian Federation. The main difference from similar army ranks is that there is an additional noun - “police”.


The youngest of the five possible compositions of employees is the private. Ordinary police officers do not have rank insignia. The only exceptions are cadets of educational institutions who have the letter “K”. Junior command personnel include sergeants, foremen and warrant officers of the police. The first ones have stripes () - two, three or one wide, indicating, respectively, a junior sergeant, a sergeant and a senior police sergeant.

The police sergeant's shoulder straps have one long vertical stripe. A police warrant officer can be distinguished by two small vertical stars; a senior police warrant officer has three such stars. The middle command staff is also the first officer. It includes almost extinct Russian army junior lieutenants (one small star), as well as lieutenants (two horizontal stars), senior lieutenants (three) and captains (four). All shoulder straps have one vertical stripe - the so-called clearance.

Big stars

For senior command staff (two levels) there are three possible officer ranks- major, lieutenant colonel and colonel. The shoulder straps of the first of them have one average star, the second has two, and the third has three stars. The highest commanding staff of the police, as in the Armed Forces, include generals who wear without lumens. A major general has one star, a lieutenant general has two, and a colonel general has three. Finally, the Russian police have four such stars. All insignia are located vertically.

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