Emperor's Royal Guard. Varangian Guard: elite guard of the Emperor of Constantinople

Composer Yuri Poteenko Editing Alexey Maklakov, Marina Vasilyeva Cameraman Sergey Machilsky Screenwriters Sergey Dyachenko, Marina Dyachenko, Sergey Snezhkin, more

Did you know that

  • The series was based on novel of the same name Mikhail Bulgakov.
  • According to the plan, the series was supposed to have 10 episodes, but in the end it was reduced to 8 episodes, and a song by Mikhail Shufutinsky was inserted into the end credits, which caused a conflict with the screenwriter.
  • The performers of the roles of Alexei Turbin and Viktor Myshlaevsky, Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkov, play the same roles in the Moscow Art Theater play "The White Guard".
  • Initially, the creators of the series planned to also shoot a full-length version of the film.
  • To give the streets of Kyiv the necessary appearance, decorators covered the windows with wooden covers, and the monument to Bulgakov was hidden behind a fence.
  • The producer of the series, Alexander Rodnyansky, played Myshlaevsky in the play “Days of the Turbins.”
  • The role of Myshlaevsky could be played by Vladimir Mashkov.
  • Before “The White Guard,” Alexander Rodnyansky and Marina and Sergey Dyachenko worked on the projects “Inhabited Island” and “Inhabited Island: Skirmish.”
  • The song “Hello, summer residents, hello, summer residents,” performed by Konstantin Khabensky, sounded in the film “Days of the Turbins,” filmed in 1976.

More facts (+6)


Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

December 1918. Kyiv is occupied by German occupation forces, and power over the city belongs to Hetman Skoropadsky. Petlyura’s army is approaching the city, and fighting is already taking place in the streets. The Turbin family - Alexey, a military doctor, young Nikolka and Elena - is in anxious anticipation of further events.

Elena's husband, Captain Sergei Talberg, comes home for a short time. He reports that the Germans are leaving the city, and Kyiv was left defenseless against the Petliurists. Sergei himself packs his things and leaves for the station to leave the country along with the Germans. In parting, he reports that he will soon arrive on the Don to see General Denikin, who is gathering troops to attack the Bolsheviks.

After Sergei's departure, family friends gather at the Turbins' house. Lieutenant Myshlaevsky, who returned from the cordon, arrived one by one, second lieutenant Stepanov, nicknamed Karas, and lieutenant Shervinsky, adjutant at the headquarters of Prince Belorukov, who is also a longtime admirer beautiful Elena. Over dinner, friends talk about the future of the country and the current situation and think about what will happen to them next, because the situation seems hopeless.

Soon, military units were formed in the city, assembled to protect against Petliura’s troops. Alexey Turbin takes over as a divisional doctor, and Karas and Myshlaevsky receive positions as officers in Colonel Malyshev’s mortar division. Nikolka becomes a corporal in an infantry squad.

Suddenly, Hetman Skoropadsky and Prince Belorukov flee the city, forgetting about their promises to lead military formations. The city's defenders are left without commanders, and some officers dismiss their subordinates, seeing the futility of attempts at defense. One of these officers was Colonel Nai-Tours, who heroically tried to organize the defense of Kyiv, but saw no hope. Other formations continue to unsuccessfully fight an enemy that is noticeably superior to them in strength.

Alexey Turbin faces a difficult choice: continue to defend the city from the Bolsheviks without a chance of victory or try to return to ordinary life without endless battles and political strife.

An Imperial unit of elite fighters whose exact quantity and whose capabilities remained a mystery to the Galaxy. The red-cloaked warriors who constantly accompanied Emperor Palpatine were deservedly considered the best of the best in the imperial troops. No one ever knew exactly how many such warriors could protect the ruler of the Empire - there could be from several tens to several thousand. Always remaining part of the Armed Forces of the Empire, the Guard was subordinate to only one person - Emperor Kos Palpatine.

The Guard was created during the time of the Old Republic shortly before the Clone Wars, as special unit Guardians of the Senate, and were called the Scarlet Guard. The new connection consisted of best soldiers Republican army, but not from the clones. The establishment of a detachment of personal bodyguards was prompted by an incident involving an attempt on the lives of Chancellor Palpatine and several senators. Only fast and effective actions Jedi Ronhar Kim from Naboo saved the Chancellor from death. Since the creation of a detachment of guards was not legalized, this became a reason for the opposition, led by Bail Organna, to criticize this decision and advocate for the dissolution of the Guard. The Jedi also agreed with the senators on this, believing that a mysterious Sith Lord might be hiding among the Scarlet Guards.

But soon the Scarlet Guard showed their worth during the Battle of Coruscant, when only their troops, led by Master Windu, defended the Senate Building from Separatist attacks. Being near the Supreme Chancellor during the battle, the guardsmen tried for a long time, but unsuccessfully, to persuade him to leave the residence and go under the protection of the Coruscant defense forces or to the Jedi Temple. Many Guardsmen died during Palpatine's abduction, but before they died, they took with them a great many Separatist soldiers.

After execution of order No. 66 and creation Galactic Empire Scarlet Guard turned into Imperial Scarlet Guard. Having retained the same structure, uniform and weapons, they took their place in the new state.

Personnel for the highest military unit in the Galaxy were selected extremely carefully. Only the best representatives of military academies were accepted into the Guard after lengthy checks. Warriors were selected who met strict criteria physical strength, mental abilities, personal loyalty to Scythe Palpatine and the New Order was sometimes tested and Force sensitivity was required. At the same time, the Guard itself had its own hierarchy, the highest level of which was the layer of elite elites - the Imperial Bodyguards. These fighters, going through the most impassable tests, were trained in all types of martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, the use of any technique, as well as feeling the Force and its adepts and using the basics of the Dark Side to fight them. Personal bodyguards accompanied Palpatine everywhere and always, and the main forces were gathered at the Eclipse destroyer, at the Academy on the planet Yinchor and at a secret base in the Byss system. To constantly accompany the Emperor, special Guard TIE interceptors were created, painted red, equipped with a hyperdrive and a protective field generator.

The rest of the Guard soldiers also trained using the best programs for training warriors in the Galaxy. A special language was developed especially for them, which only the guards themselves spoke. No one outside the guard knew the names of the warriors who were part of it except Emperor Palpatine.

The training of the Scarlet Guard took place at the Imperial Academy on Yinchor. The dead planet was better suited than others for training loyal and invincible soldiers of the Empire. Students were divided into classes of 40 people, in which they improved their skills and learned new things in military science within a year. Particular emphasis was placed on acting alone and in a team. The main martial art taught to beginners was Ichani fighting, which assumed the death of the enemy in any case. The result of the training was the survival of one or two students from the class. The final test for them was to fight each other to the death in front of the Emperor, who would decide if the winner was worthy of the honor of serving him.

Despite their comprehensive education and ability to fight in any circumstances using any forces and means, the guardsmen never fought as part of large connection. Any operations were carried out either in small groups, or individually. To constantly maintain shape, guard soldiers were secretly sent to ordinary units and other special units, where they fought on a par with ordinary soldiers.

After Palpatine's death at Endor, the bulk of the guardsmen gathered at their bases located on the planets Yinchor and Byss. Many Imperial leaders, such as Sate Pestage or Rear Admiral Teradoc, used men in Guard armor for their escorts to increase their weight in political world Empire, but there were no real guards there. Among Isane Isard's entourage were actual Imperial Guardsmen who had served under her even before Endor on the Emperor's orders. Several guardsmen were placed at the disposal of Dark Lady Lumiya and served as the main strike force of her forces. Among these was the young, but already reached the rank of personal bodyguard, Carnor Jax. Lumiya discovered his predisposition to use the Force and taught him the basics of Sith skill.

Another guardsman served the contender for the throne, the mutant Trioculus, who led the Council of Grand Moffs and the opposition to Isana Isard.
Some members of the Imperial Guard demonstrated that they were not so loyal to Scythe Palpatine: Guardsman Vin Northal defected to the rebel side, and Major Grodien Tiers gladly served Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Having waited for the return of their master, the faithful guards fought for him for another whole year. After the final death of the Emperor and the failure of the clonic program, the Scarlet Guard gathered on Yinchor, where they learned that one of them, the personal bodyguard Carnor Jax, was to blame for the death of their master. On that day, the Empire's guards swore an oath of vengeance on all traitors to the Empire and personally to Scythe Palpatine. High on the list of victims were Carnor Jax and the members of the Supreme Imperial Council, who had usurped power after their defeat in the last campaign. But the guards could not even leave Yinchor. Carnor Jax, realizing that his main enemy is his former brothers, sent a legion of Imperial stormtroopers to the Guard Academy on Yinchor. Thus, the elite of the Empire was exterminated in the same way as the Jedi Order three decades earlier. The Guard took with them almost all of their killers, but could not win. The only survivor was guardsman Cyrus Kanos. He fulfilled his oath by killing the traitor Jax in a duel and also organizing a hunt for members Supreme Council and everyone who considered themselves the ruler of the Empire.

Admiral Daala's attempt to recreate the Scarlet Guard from loyal stormtroopers was unsuccessful. Having served for some time as a symbol of the rebirth and revival of the Empire, new guard fell apart. Four of these guardsmen, a few years after the defeat of the Daala Liberation Campaign, became the leaders and inspirers of the Second Empire, creating the image of a surviving Emperor. With this idea, they took control of the Dark Jedi Academy and its fallen Jedi Master Brakiss. After their plot was discovered, the false guards fell by the sword of Brakiss himself.

Information about future fate the surviving guardsmen such as Kir Kanos and Dark Lady Lumiya's subordinates remain unknown. One fact is indisputable - the Imperial Guard disappeared along with their Emperor.

Famous guardsmen:

Imperial bodyguards:

Carnor Jax - disciple of Dark Lady Lumiya, commander of her guards, killer of Palpatine's clones, Supreme Ruler Empire.

Ordinary Guardsmen:

Guardian 22716
Kyle Hannad is a Guardsman survivor of Byss who reached Yinchor and reported Carnor Jax's betrayal to the others.
Cyrus Kanos is an Imperial Avenger.
Ved Kennede is a guardsman, a master at the Academy on Yinchor.
Min Kainyo, a master at the Academy on Yinchor, accompanied the Emperor on the Death Star.
Vin Northal is a guardsman who defected to the New Republic.
Grodien Tiers was a Guardsman who served Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Yinchor Academy students who failed the final test:

Boer Dunnidd
Alum Frost
Lemet Tauk

Chick Apla is a guard who organized the assassination attempt on Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade during their wedding.

Abstract on the topic:

Imperial Guard (Star Wars)


  • 1 History and traditions of the Guard
  • 2 Training Center
  • 3 Weapons and organization
  • 4 Dress code
  • 5 Rank insignia


Imperial Royal Guard(English) Imperial Royal Guard) - a fictional unit of the Imperial Army from the universe " Star Wars" This unit served as bodyguards under Emperor Palpatine.

1. History and traditions of the Guard

The predecessors of the Imperial Guards were the Senate Guards of the Old Republic. When Palpatine became Supreme Chancellor, he created an entire order of bodyguards that answered only to him personally. Not everyone who wanted to join the guard was accepted. Most of the future guardsmen were battle-hardened fighters elite units stormtroopers. The Imperial Guard is the pinnacle of the Imperial Stormtrooper's career. With the exception of the Emperor himself and a few of Palpatine's closest advisors, no one knew the exact number of the Guard.

Imperial Guard

The Imperial Guard is one of the most formidable military formations. She obeys only the Emperor himself and is fanatically devoted to him personally. The Emperor's Guard does not strive for orders and privileges. Their purpose in life and most desired cause of death is service to Emperor Palpatine and his Empire.

The Imperial Guard never openly took part in hostilities. However, in order to maintain combat readiness, some guardsmen served in regular detachments under the guise of simple stormtroopers and wore the same uniform as ordinary soldiers of the Empire. Usually all guardsmen served in one unit, and were not scattered among different units. It is said that not a single guardsman died in battle during “training.”

While some Guardsmen served in the Empire's assault forces, others carried out Palpatine's orders: organizing secret attacks, destroying assassins and eliminating the Emperor's enemies. They protected the emperor's palaces and temples and the cloning cylinders on Byss. Only the Emperor himself knew about their missions, and he very rarely appeared without at least two guardsmen accompanying him. Occasionally, the Guardsmen accompanied the most important individuals of the Empire, such as one of the twelve Grand Admirals or Grand Moffs. But such accompaniment took place only if there was a corresponding order from Emperor Palpatine.

2. Training center

The training center and headquarters of the guard are located on the planet Yynhorr. Yinchorr). Future Guard soldiers had to be tall, have excellent physical training, outstanding intelligence. Moreover, and most importantly, all Guardsmen must be loyal to Emperor Palpatine. Future guardsmen were subjected to a lot of tests to determine their endurance and reflexes in battle. Each new guardsman learned to fight using two short knives with pointed blades. The education and training of a Guardsman lasted one standard year. The Imperial Guards fought each other in endless duels, thus honing and improving their skills. Defeat for a guardsman, even in training, most often meant his death. Seeing his partner's skill and strength, the imperial guard had to reach his level, and seeing his weaknesses, he had to overcome his own shortcomings. The training took place at the Shkval arena. Of more than 40 candidates, only a small part survived to the final test in the face of Emperor Palpatine himself. In this test, candidates for the Guard had to prove their loyalty to the Emperor by fighting their partner until one of them died.

The training center on Yynkhorr was headed by Master Ved Kennede, who himself once served in the guard. Palpatine recognized him as one of the most best warriors and was given the honor of becoming the senior instructor of his entire guard. Guardsman's identity for ordinary people is a secret. Their faces and names are known only to Emperor Palpatine and other guardsmen. According to tradition, guardsmen called each other brothers.

3. Weapons and organization

The Imperial Guard has its own ranks. The best of the Guardsmen are called High Imperial Protectors. Imperial Sovereign Protectors). Their armor looks much more ceremonial than the armor of ordinary guardsmen, and is also decorated with ornaments. Some say the Protector's abilities have been enhanced by Dark Side Strength.

The usual weapon of the imperial guardsman is a two-meter power pike, more like a harmless addition to ceremonial armor, but in in capable hands any of the Imperial Guard turns into a deadly weapon - as deadly as the heavy blaster pistols hidden in the folds of red cloaks. The Imperial Royal Guards were sometimes armed with light poles.

After the death of Emperor Palpatine, the ranks of the Guard quickly dispersed. The Rebel Alliance has long believed that almost the entire guard died along with their master on the second Death Star. But the Imperial Guard survived. Some of the Guardsmen followed the warlords who became the new leaders of the Empire. Other guard warriors retreated to the worlds in the center of the Galaxy to later take their place next to the revived Emperor. Little is known about the further fate of the guardsmen. They say that they tried to seize power in some worlds of the Core, committed mass suicide, etc. It is possible that some guardsmen serve in the assault units of the Empire, others could hide in the Outer Regions.

4. Dress code

The red attire of the Imperial Guard consists of a wide cloak, helmet and armor. The flowing ceremonial cloaks were designed so as not to interfere with the movements of the warriors in battle. The uniforms of the guardsmen were based on the uniforms of the Solar Guard from Thyrsus and the Death Guard from Mandalore. These ancient bands of warriors were renowned for their ferocity and courage. The brilliance of the armor of the Imperial Guard made even the bravest opponents tremble with fear. The external, ceremonial appearance of the guards' armor is deceptive. Although it is thin and smooth, it is much stronger than stormtrooper armor.

5. Insignia

This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/18/11 06:21:52
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Imperial Scarlet Guard - the most formidable military unit in the Empire. She obeys only himself and is fanatically devoted to him personally. The Emperor's Guard does not strive for orders and privileges. The purpose of their life and the most desired cause of death is service to Emperor Palpatine and him.

The Guard was created back in the days of the Old Republic shortly before the Clone Wars, as a special unit of the Senate Guard, and was called the Crimson Guard. The new unit consisted of the best soldiers of the Republican army, but not clones. The establishment of a detachment of personal bodyguards was prompted by an incident involving an attempt on the lives of Chancellor Palpatine and several senators. Only the quick and effective actions of Jedi Ronhar Kim from Naboo saved the Chancellor from death.

Kir Kanos

Personnel for the highest military unit in the Galaxy were selected extremely carefully. Only the best representatives of military academies were accepted into the Guard after lengthy checks. Warriors were selected to meet strict criteria of physical strength, mental ability, personal loyalty to Scythe Palpatine and the New Order, and sometimes Force sensitivity was tested and required. At the same time, the Guard itself had its own hierarchy, the highest level of which was the layer of elite elites - the Imperial Bodyguards.

More detailed information on the Scarlet Guard can be gleaned from paragraph.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the detailed review dedicated to the emperor himself.

I wanted to collect this composition after I saw something similar in the famous collection.

My option

But with a few clarifications - I don’t like the image of the emperor. Perhaps the black shapeless robe and the embittered face covered with burns quite clearly conveys the image of universal evil, but I cannot imagine that the Emperor of the Galaxy should be such an ascetic. At a minimum, they could choose appropriate clothes, add a crown or mask as a symbol of power, and so... And from my personal political beliefs, I would like to see another person there.

And when I saw that the sides released the throne separately, I immediately realized that I needed to assemble a diorama.

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) it is practically impossible to find statues of guardsmen from Attacus, and they are expensive, and their size is not small. And here are the figurines from Genlte Giant I really liked it. And the price is reasonable, there are still some on sale, and the size is just right. By the way, I can’t help but boast that statue 0877/3000 I somehow grabbed for $16.50! Such miracles happen on eBay. True, rarely. Until it arrived, I completely thought that something was broken in it, but with the exception of a few spots with peeling paint, everything is in order.

Loyal and wild. The legend of the Varangian Guard tells of warriors with Viking origins who, in search of wealth and glory, traveled to Constantinople starting in the 10th century to serve the Byzantine emperors. Their military experience and oath of allegiance made them the most feared warriors of the time, for which some rulers - like Vasily II - brought them closer to themselves. Like no one else. The Varangians had to cross their axes even with the crusaders, who during the fourth Crusade besieged the richest city in the world at that time.

Meanwhile, the Varangian guards were the embodiment of not only loyalty and courage. Their reputation was somewhat tarnished by the fact that they drank until they passed out (for which they were nicknamed “the emperor’s wine barrels”), did not leave the city brothels and lost to smithereens at the hippodromes while waiting for the next campaign. In general, they were real Vikings who performed a wide variety of functions - from police to peacetime to heavy infantry in the military.

“The last battle in which the Varangian Guard is mentioned is the Battle of Pelagonia in 1259 during the wars between the “fragments” of the Byzantine Empire (countries formed as a result of the division of its territory by the crusaders). Although their units would exist until the Ottoman conquest of 1453, but with purely ceremonial functions,” says ABC, Rouge Loscertales, secretary of the cultural association “Heirs of History,” which deals with historical reconstructions of the era when these warriors fought in the service of Byzantium .


What is the true origin of the Varangians? There are several theories about this. Authors such as Carlos Canales and Miguel Del-Rey in their last book(“Northern Demons. Viking Expeditions”) argue that, despite common name, the Vikings came from different places: “They had different origins, but used one language to communicate with each other - Old Norse. The terms “Rus” and “Varangians” became synonyms, applied to all “northern warriors” without distinction.”

Professor historical sciences Maria Isabel Cabrera-Ramos, author of The Varangians in Constantinople: Origins, Rise and Epigones of the Mercenary Guard, explores the roots of this phenomenon, placing them in 9th-century Eastern Europe. She believes that these were Russian traders who inhabited Sweden, who in the region of the 9th century left the shores of the Varangian Sea and descended into the steppes in search of furs and slaves. “There they traded, pirated, and served as mercenaries for decades,” she writes in her study.

But besides this, the Varangians founded their small state, having previously conquered the surrounding settlements. And then they began to improve relations with Constantinople. Professor Michel Alain Dusselier speaks about this in his book “The Near Medieval East”: “Towards the middle of the 9th century, Rus traders appeared in Constantinople,” in other words, Varangians who crossed eastern Europe along lakes Ladoga and Onega to arrive at the capital of the Empire." “This path connected the Byzantine Empire with northern countries“adds the expert.

At first, the Varangians did not draw their swords and used this route to trade with Constantinople. But gradually the thirst for profit took possession of them, and in 860 they besieged the city and, although they were defeated, managed to make a terrifying impression on its defenders.

Patriarch Photius of Constantinople described the attack of these warriors as follows: “The people living somewhere far from us, barbaric, nomadic, proud of weapons, unexpected, unnoticed, without military art, so menacingly and so quickly surged into our borders, like sea ​​wave and he destroyed the inhabitants of the land, like the beast of the field the grass or the reeds or the harvest. One could see how babies, torn from their breasts, were deprived of milk and life itself, and the ready coffin for them was, alas, those rocks against which they were broken, and their mothers sobbed pitifully and were stabbed to death along with those who were torn and trembling before death. babies. In rivers, water turned into blood, springs and reservoirs were filled up dead bodies" This was one of the first contacts between two civilizations, which can hardly be called harmonious.

In subsequent decades, however, many of our heroes, without hesitation, decided to make money by hiring themselves as defenders of the very capital that they had previously tried to conquer. After all, they have already won the reputation of cruel and bloody warriors. According to Velasco, before the creation of the Guard, 425 northerners had already served as Byzantine mercenaries during the expedition to the Italian Peninsula, and 692 on the expedition to Crete. Thus, relations between both peoples gradually strengthened, and the Vikings showed their fighting abilities even more clearly.

Arrival in Constantinople

Historians Julian Donado Vara and Ana Echevarría Arzuaga (“ Medieval history I: V-XII centuries") claim that the Varangian Guard owes its origin to a curious international pact at the end of the 10th century. Then Vasily II finally settled on the throne of the Byzantine Empire and was considered “the highest power of the civilized world.” This title, however, did not prevent numerous lesser rulers from coming at him with weapons to take away power.

The title of emperor, countless riches and an impressive army did not help, and Vasily had to turn to the Grand Duke of Kyiv Vladimir I for help. This prince was famous for two things. First, he was baptized in 987 (according to other sources, between 988 and 989). Secondly, by his cruelty, since he executed and killed right and left without the slightest reason, simply to instill horror in his subjects.

Despite the controversial nature of this character, Vasily II turned to him for help to quell the unrest that threatened his empire. And he received it, although not for free. Alejandro Muñoz says in his book “Tsars of Russia”: “The Kiev prince was able to help the Byzantine, but in return he demanded the hand of Princess Anna, sister of Emperors Vasily II and Constantine VIII.”

Byzantium responded with a decisive refusal. At least at first. But when the Kiev resident decided to turn to the true God (in the form Orthodox Christianity) everything has changed dramatically. So much so that the wedding took place, and both rulers entered into an unshakable alliance. To reinforce it, Kyiv sent about 6 thousand soldiers to Constantinople with the goal of “repelling the constant raids of the powerful landowners of Asia Minor,” as it explains in its work “ Brief history Viking" writer and history expert northern peoples Manuel Velasco Laguna.

Cabrera-Ramos is a supporter of the version that the Varangians quickly occupied a special position in Constantinople. Not only because of the legendary cruelty of the Vikings (although because of that too), but also because, coming from distant lands, they had no connections with the treacherous local nobility. All this added to their again legendary devotion. “Basily II was the first to trust these “Scythians” more than the Greeks,” writes the researcher. From their arrival in the city until the 13th century, their number fluctuated between 5,000 and 6,000, although subsequently reduced to negligible numbers.

Personal guard

The decisive role of the Varangians in the defeat of the enemies of Vasily II, as well as their subsequent assistance in expanding the borders of Constantinople, were the reasons why the emperor elevated the guard to the rank of elite troops. This was partly due to the loyalty and courage they showed, but to a significant extent, it was also due to the fact that they had no personal or political connections with the unreliable capital bigwigs, who thought more about seizing power as soon as the opportunity presented themselves than about serving homeland.

Although the guard was formed by Basil II, one of its curious characteristics was that the soldiers swore an oath of allegiance not to a specific emperor, but to the imperial title, as Velasco recalls. This distinctive feature made them ideal soldiers in the imperial service, since when one ruler died, they automatically passed on to the next. “That is why they did not take part in the endless feuds and struggles for power at the Byzantine court,” the expert adds. However, over the two centuries of its existence, this army several times betrayed the one to whom it promised unconditional protection.

Del Rey and Canales specify that the Varangians “accompanied the emperor on all movements and military campaigns” as “an elite personal guard.” In the same capacity, they participated in public ceremonies in the capital and guarded key city sites (like the residence of the emperor). Thus, they gradually gained the reputation of his most devoted servants.

At the same time, 6 thousand soldiers of the Varangian guard also carried out huge amount functions. The main one was the emperor's guard in the palace. In addition, they were responsible for the integrity of the members imperial family and the treasury, as well as for the safety of the ruler in battle “by forming a real human shield around him” (writes Velasco). The guards could act as advanced heavy infantry during battles, as well as perform police functions in Constantinople. Plus, small groups of Varangians were used to “hunt pirates” on the high seas, as “special forces,” spies, and even for “shows of force in the face of subjects or foreign envoys,” as Carrera-Ramos notes.

For practical purposes, the guard was divided into “urban Varangians”, who worked in the capital, and “external”, who carried out tasks outside its borders. Carrera-Ramos describes the structure of the unit as follows: “The warriors were subordinate to their immediate commander of the detachment, who received orders from the “heterarch” and the “akoluf” (chief of a detachment of foreign mercenaries in imperial guard), who did not necessarily have to be a Varangian." In addition, the title of the “great translator of the Varangians” is also known.

Good reputation

The reason why the Varangians decided to join the personal guard of Vasily II is now, centuries later, obvious: glory and gold. The grateful emperor for their devotion and courage gave them a salary worthy of a noble person in that era, and also provided them with the best weapons. And not only so that they could fight well, but also in order to amaze their subjects with the brilliant appearance of their guards. “The appearance of these mercenaries impressed even the Byzantines, who were accustomed to seeing them on the walls and streets of the city. We were shocked by both the ferocious expression on their faces and their bulging eyes burning with rage, as well as their weapons,” adds the author.

The income that the soldiers of the Varangian Guard could count on was so high that other princes and other noble Vikings traveled halfway around the world to Constantinople to enter the service of the local emperor, make a fortune and return to their native lands with gold and glory. Canales and Del Rey write about it this way: “Serving in the Varangian Guard was an honor for thousands of Vikings. This opened the way for them to wealth, respect and fame. They tried to get into it as ordinary soldiers, so are princes and future kings.”

Cabrera-Ramos and Velasco share the same opinion. Cabrera-Ramos points out that “the fact of serving in the ranks of the Varangian Guard was considered truly honorable and served as an example for others” to such an extent that the outflow of young people abroad had to be controlled. Velasco writes that the salary was “huge” and included spoils of war. Few historians are surprised that hundreds of soldiers were heading to Constantinople. After all, in addition to sure wealth and a coveted reputation, the Varangians were waiting for an exotic and promised city, where they were revered (almost) as heroes.

Revelry and drunkenness

With its legendary origins, exotic appearance and luxurious military equipment, the Varangian guards were the talk of the town. But, as they say, all that glitters is not gold - and the mighty northern warriors had their flaws. Their exorbitant salaries allowed them to spend huge sums on earthly pleasures. For example, in city taverns they drank themselves into unconsciousness, for which they were nicknamed “the emperor’s wine barrels.” “Many chronicles of that time describe Varangian drinking parties,” adds Varela.

Cabrera-Ramos even reports that the excessive libations of his compatriots put such prominent figures as the Danish king Eric I, who visited Constantinople in the 12th century, to shame. However, drunkenness was not the main entertainment of the Varangians. They literally did not leave the city brothels and hippodromes. Cabrera-Ramos confirms this in her research: “They had a certain penchant for noisy parties, brothels, horse racing and drinking.”

Against the Crusaders

The Varangian guards fought for the Emperors of Constantinople until the 13th century. Then its warriors were gradually replaced by Anglo-Saxons. The most common theory claims that this happened after the almost complete defeat of the Varangians at the Battle of Manzikert.

This battle, which took place in 1071, became a serious test for the Byzantine Empire. "It was complete and decisive defeat Constantinople, foreshadowing its fall four centuries later,” says Francisco Veiga in his book The Turks: Ten Centuries at the Gates of Europe (Atril). On that day, the powerful Varangian axes could not stop the onslaught of the Seljuks. Emperor Roman IV himself was captured after his horse was killed under him.

The renewed Varangian Guard had to defend Constantinople from Christian troops during the Fourth Crusade. Initially, the crusaders did not intend to enter the capital of the empire on their way to Jerusalem. But when Emperor Alexei II offered them untold riches for their help in regaining the throne, the knights accepted the offer and appeared before the city walls. If they were lucky, they would receive a fair amount of money, which would help them achieve ultimate goal- Conquer the Holy City from the Muslims.

In 1203, the Varangian Guard entered into its most significant battle. This is how Hans Eberhard Mayer talks about it in “History of the Crusades” (ed. “Istmo”). “Some time after their arrival, the crusaders began an attack on Constantinople. On July 17, 1203, they attacked the city from land and sea, which was saved thanks to the British and Danes from the Varangian Guard.” Despite this, the city's stoic defense achieved nothing. Alexei III, who reigned at the time, chose to escape to save his life rather than continue participating in the battle. The invaders finally stormed the city walls on April 12, 1204, and a day later the capital was completely in their power.

And then the crusaders gave themselves free reign. “For three months there were indescribable murders and robberies in the city,” writes the author of the book. Violence and cruelty reigned all around, which spared neither the Orthodox Christians of Constantinople nor their treasury.

“Western knights seized the priceless relics that were in abundance in the Byzantine capital, arguing that they could not remain in the hands of schismatics,” writes Jacques Le Goff in The Argumentative Dictionary of the Medieval West (ed. Akal). ). This was the last nail in the coffin of the Varangian Guard. And although this elite guard was formally recreated in 1261 and existed until the 14th century, its role was insignificant.

Three questions for Maria Isabel Cabrera-Ramos

— Did the Varangian Guard fight Christians during all the Crusades?

— The Varangians did not fight with Christians during the first three campaigns. They had to protect Constantinople from the excesses of the crusaders, which were expressed in provoking the population, raids on surrounding villages and other outrages of the participants in the first and second campaigns during their stay in Greek capital. The matter did not come to a fight even when Godfrey of Bouillon and his knights besieged Constantinople in 1096. The mere appearance of the heavily armed Varangians stopped the crusaders, who were expelled from the city and quickly sent to Asia, where they began their long-awaited campaign. The Varangian guards fought fiercely with Christian knights during fourth campaign, becoming the only defense and hope of the city for the entire duration of the siege: from the moment the crusaders appeared under the walls on July 5, 1203 until early morning April 13, 1204, when Constantinople found itself in the grip of the barbarism of the Crusaders.

— Why was the guard abolished after decades of existence?

- The Varangian guard ceased to exist in one day, or rather overnight - at midnight from April 12 to 13, 1204. Fighting off the crusaders besieging Constantinople during those difficult times Byzantine capital and its inhabitants, the Varangians realized that they were not only surrounded, but also betrayed by the Greeks. This happened after grueling months of battles with superior enemy forces, during which the Varangians were the only force capable of resisting the enemy, while being controlled by weak-willed emperors, again and again abandoning their people and their personal guards to the mercy of fate. The Varangian guard disappeared after so many years of successful battles not only because of physical and moral “wear and tear” in the face of a more powerful enemy, it became, first of all, a victim of betrayal and the absence of a strong and intelligent leader, whom it could follow as faithfully as throughout its existence.

Byzantine Empire and its economy never recovered from the blow inflicted on it by the participants in the fourth campaign, and Constantinople could never again afford to maintain such an expensive guard, so from now on warlike Cretans were hired to protect the emperor.

— Did the Varangian guard consist primarily of Varangians in recent years existence?

- Definitely not. This military unit was originally formed from 6,000 Swedes sent prince of Kyiv Vladimir I to Vasily II in 988-989. Then it was 100% Varangian in composition. But in the last years, and even centuries of its existence, the guard warriors were mostly Anglo-Saxons. The Swedes, and therefore the Varangians, were no longer among them. If there were any northerners at the court of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade, then they were the Danes, as they should be archaeological finds and Latin Chronicles.

Roger Loscertales, secretary of the cultural association “Heirs of History”: “The formation of the Varangian Guard marked the emergence of a power structure devoted to the title of emperor, and not a specific ruler.”

— What weapons and means of protection did the soldiers of the Varangian Guard wear?

— We cannot say anything with certainty about the weapons and equipment of the members of the Varangian Guard due to the lack of descriptions from contemporaries. In addition, this unit adapted to its time, which means that the equipment of the warriors of the 10th century could not be the same in the 14th century. The only thing that can be established from Byzantine textbooks on military art is general trend equipment of the soldiers, bearing in mind that the Varangian guard was part of the Byzantine army, consisting exclusively of people of Germanic culture. The evolution of their equipment went through several stages.

— What are these stages?

— At first, the Varangians sent by the Bulgarian king apparently were dressed in the Western style: trousers, low shoes or boots, woolen or linen tunics, protective armor made of cotton-lined fabric or leather (including scaly ones) and rarely helmets. Their weapons were also meager, purchased, as a rule, with their own funds. It was probably an axe, a dagger, a shield and sometimes a sword. At the initial stage, only wealthy warriors could afford helmets.

At the second stage, the clothing of the Varangians, who were in the service of powerful emperor, must have changed the cut to Byzantine, and probably acquired some uniformity.

We believe that they wore scale armor, and also (which, however, cannot be said for sure) plate armor. Many Byzantine sources (not just the Viking Age) speak of them as warriors armed with axes. Considering their origin, we can assume that these were rather large axes with long handles, which were struck with two hands, like those of a similar elite guard in Scandinavia and England - the housecarls. Some theories claim that we're talking about about another type of hand-held weapon - the romphea, a two-handed sword with a blade curved like a scythe.

At this stage, the guard soldiers should have already been better equipped, including helmets (both with and without nasals) and shields of a different type than the round German ones. These were probably almond-shaped wrist shields with a bend along the central axis.

In one of the Byzantine sources that has come down to us, where the warriors of the Varangian guard are supposedly depicted (Skylitzes manuscript), they are dressed in full armor and round helmets with back caps and without nasals. However, in the same manuscript there is another scene where a woman kills a guard who does not have any protective clothing...

From the 12th century until the 14th century, the equipment of the Varangian Guard was to undergo significant changes under the influence of clashes between the Byzantine army and the Crusaders, Venetians, Muslims from the former Persia and the emerging Turkish Empire. But mainly under the influence of the development of metallurgy, which led to the appearance of armor made of metal plates superimposed on each other. And so on until the advent of firearms.

— How did the Varangians come into contact with the Byzantine Empire?

- Already in antiquity there was a legend about the German military honor. The rulers of Rome and Byzantium highly valued Germanic warriors for their legendary loyalty.

There are known facts of episodic service of the Varangians (as the Swedes were universally called in east direction expansion of the Vikings) and Rus (descendants of the Slavic and Scandinavian peoples, inhabitants of Kievan Rus) in 874-988 in the Byzantine army. Including as sailors during sea ​​voyages against the Emirate of Crete.

Throughout the 9th century, the Byzantine Empire waged continuous wars, including against Kievan Rus. Eventually, around 971, it was signed peace agreement, one of the conditions of which was the gratuitous transfer of part of the Russian army to serve the Byzantine emperor.

- Why did the Varangians occupy such a position at the court of Vasily II? strong position?

— Prince Vladimir I took advantage of the request for help from the Emperor of Byzantium Vasily II in 988 to fulfill the terms of the treaty, and at the same time get rid of too militant elements northern origin. And he sent 6,000 people to serve the emperor, thus fulfilling his obligations under the peace treaty.

By this, as well as by his conversion to Orthodoxy, Vladimir I achieved marriage to Anna, the daughter of the Byzantine emperor, and at the same time got rid of the need to pay pensions to Varangian veterans sent to Constantinople.

“What did it mean to be a member of the emperor’s personal guard?”

It was a very honorable position, but at the same time very dangerous due to constant political intrigue. At the same time, the formation of the Varangian Guard marked the emergence of a power structure devoted to the title of emperor, and not a specific ruler, which was extremely necessary.

The Varangian guard invariably accompanied the emperor. Its selected part - the palace Varangians - were with him constantly.

The guards swore an oath of loyalty unto death to the imperial title itself, avoiding the very possibility of "favoritism" on the part of any of the political factions, unlike what usually happened with Greek palace guards.

— To what extent did loyalty to the emperor extend?

- She was absolute. One day the guards were informed of an assassination attempt on Emperor Nikephoros II. When the guards reached the ruler's bedroom, his murderer John Tzimiskes had already proclaimed himself the new emperor, and the guards swore allegiance to him. They didn't take revenge specific person, and again took an oath to the title they protected.

- They say they drank a lot and rioted?

— The Varangian guards were well paid, they were well fed and supplied with the best weapons.

Their passion for drinking earned them the nickname “Emperor’s Wine Barrels.” The Varangians gave particular preference to wine, which was practically unknown in their homeland.

Although it may seem surprising today, at all times prostitution went hand in hand with military affairs. Members of the Varangian Guard (as well as their Greek colleagues) were regulars at brothels, leaving the lion's share of their salaries in them and accompanying their visits with rivers of wine.

— What was the participation of the Varangians in opposing the crusaders?

— Usually, when they talk about the Varangian Guard, they mean the 10th and 11th centuries, when it consisted mainly of northerners, and one of its captains was the future king of Norway, Harald the Severe. In fact, the guard existed for another four centuries and more than once clashed with the armies of the crusaders.

During the Fourth Crusade (1202-1204), the combined forces of the Crusaders, supported by the Venetian fleet, attacked Constantinople in order to overthrow the reigning emperor and transfer power to someone who would protect their interests.

The Varangian guard distinguished itself in defending the city, fiercely repelling the attacks of the crusaders in hand-to-hand combat. However, victory remained with the attackers, and they were able to elevate their protege to the throne.

— What is your work as a historical reconstruction club?

— Our tasks are the popularization of historical knowledge, interpretation historical heritage, consulting, research, historical reconstruction.

We usually hold our events in cultural and educational centers, universities, museums, schools... We also participate in lectures and medieval fairs, which are designed to recreate on the streets modern city atmosphere of the Middle Ages. We are trying to do this differently than is customary. So that the viewer has the opportunity to physically and visual contact with details typical of that era.

Sometimes we hold events that are tied not only to time, but also to a specific place. We conduct relevant research and recreate a picture of the desired era. A striking example Such work is the medieval festival in the town of Aiguaviva (Girona) “Aquaviva Medievalis”, which will be held on October 21-22 this year.

— How many people are in your association?

- There are fifteen of us now. The idea of ​​creating a club was born as a collective initiative of several of us. We were already members of other historical clubs, but our views on history and historical reconstruction were very different: some looked at it from an academic point of view, others were more interested in folk art, military affairs... We combined our strengths and ideas and created our own club.

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