Self-education report for a preparatory group teacher. Self-education plan for preschool teacher

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Combined kindergarten “Rodnichok”, Chishmy municipal district Chishminsky district Republic of Bashkortostan

Self-education report by Matrosova L.Z. "Development creativity children through theatrical activities."

r.p. Chishmy

Target: Promotion professional competence in the development of children's creative abilities through theatrical activities.


1. Study of methodological literature on this topic.

2.Apply the knowledge gained in working with children.

3. Summarize work experience on this topic.

While working with children, I paid attention to how children, when playing, various games, active, role-playing theatrical, I really like to transform into different images, changing his voice, using facial expressions, gestures, various attributes and costumes. Play is the leading activity of a preschooler; this is known to everyone. But among the many games, our children are most interested in “theater” games and dramatizations. But the most important thing is that theatrical activity is effective way formation of the child’s personality and has enormous educational significance. In any fairy tale, children see examples of friendship, kindness, justice, learn to empathize with what is happening, and do the right thing.

Huge value has theatrical activities for the development of a child’s speech and expressiveness. The habit of expressiveness public speech can be cultivated in a person by involving him in performing in front of an audience from childhood.

The purpose of theatrical play activity– through theater, teach a child to see the beautiful in life and in people, to generate the desire to bring beauty and goodness into life.

The development of creativity in preschoolers is a complex matter, but extremely important and necessary; creativity in theatrical and play activities manifests itself in three directions:

1.How is creativity productive (composing your own stories)

2. Performing (speech, motor).

3. Design (decoration and production of attributes).

The formation of a child’s readiness for theatrical play is carried out with the support of parents, their interest and assistance in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institution. Only the interest of the teacher and parents in the process of developing children’s theatrical activities allows the development of the child’s individual capabilities.

I achieve this goal by solving the following tasks:

    Creating conditions for the development of creative abilities through theatrical activities.

    Cultivating interest in various types of theatrical activities.

    Formation of basic skills acting(puppeteering skills, the ability to take on a role and act in accordance with the script, build a monologue, dialogue on behalf of your hero, forming a sense of the scene).

    Development of all components, functions and forms of speech activity.

    Improving cognitive processes.

I build the educational process taking into account the recommendations of researchers: M.D. Makhoneva, L.G. Milanovich, N.F. Sorokina, E.G. Churilova.

I solve these problems in a system of holistic work, including organizing the activities of preschool children (cognitive, speech, labor, play, artistic and creative), interaction with parents and specialists, using a set of methods and techniques, creating developmental subject environment, favorable emotional climate.

Children gain knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of becoming familiar with the world around them, in designing, drawing, modeling, appliqué, in gaming and cultural and leisure activities, during walks and excursions, in the process of role-playing and didactic games.

To achieve the goal, effective solution Particularly relevant tasks are the creation of a subject-development environment in the group, which includes:

    Children's artistic, educational and methodological literature.

    Attributes for organizing theatrical games (flannelgraph, screens, hats, masks, various types of theaters: bi-ba-bo, tabletop, finger, cone, on cans, on clothespins, on handkerchiefs, mitten theater).

    Didactic games (“Which theater are the dolls from”, “Name them in one word”, “Antoshka’s mood”, etc.).

All inventory and equipment meet safety requirements for the life and health of students, are bright, colorful, and multifunctional. This allows you to optimally organize the regulated and independent activity of preschoolers in a group.

Solving the assigned tasks is impossible without the activity of the children themselves. Therefore, I give priority in organizing work practical methods, among which I consider it necessary to highlight the game. The game contributes not only to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also mental development preschoolers (development of attention, intelligence, memory, speech). When organizing work with students in my group, I actively use creative, didactic, outdoor and theatrical games. At the same time, I take into account the individual characteristics of children differentiated approach(by age, level of preparedness of students), technology for organizing the game of dramatizations by T. Sorokina.

I have developed a card index of theatrical games, a card index of general developmental games, a card index of action games with imaginary objects, a card index of rhythmoplasty games “Development of motor abilities”, articulatory gymnastics, games and exercises to support breathing, to expand the range of the voice, creative games with a word, tongue twisters. A lesson plan for theatrical activities in the senior group has been drawn up, and scenarios for fairy tales according to age have been developed.

A daily tradition in the group is reading fiction and educational literature, which allows children to be introduced in a figurative form to theatrical art, various children's works (folklore, author's), which can become the basis for subsequent dramatizations.

During classes I use theatrical play as a gaming technique and a form of teaching children. I introduce characters into classes that help children acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Gaming techniques used in the classroom, they make it possible to explain this or that material to children in a more accessible way.

I consider it especially important to organize cooperation with the family. In this regard, a plan for interaction with parents has been developed, including questionnaires, consultations on issues of social and personal development of preschool children, conversations, visual campaigning, and involvement in participation in leisure and entertainment. I believe that only if parents are active and interested, their personal example will the most important condition ensuring the success of the organized work.

I believe that successful solution of problems in developing the creative abilities of preschoolers through theatrical activities is possible only with the close cooperation of all subjects of the pedagogical process (teachers, children, parents), the use of a set of means, methods, forms, the creation of a subject-developmental environment, diagnostics makes it possible to obtain positive result in my pedagogical activity. As a result of all the work done, there was a favorable ending; in 2015, the children of our group took 1st place in the fairy tale competition among the pupils of our kindergarten with a dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”.

The role of the microenvironment in the formation of social moral qualities preschoolers. Development of communication skills through role-playing games

Efimenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher of the speech therapy group of MBDOU d/s No. 18 “Alenka”, Safonovo

Description of material: Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a report on self-education on the topic: “The role of the microenvironment in the formation of social and moral qualities of preschool children. Development of communication skills with the help of role-playing games.”
This material will be useful for teachers of preschool institutions.

Target:raising your theoretical level, professional excellence and competence on this topic.

The topic of self-education is “The role of the microenvironment in the formation of social and moral qualities of preschool children. Development of communication skills with the help of role-playing games” was not chosen by me by chance. Since, in lately As teachers and parents increasingly note with alarm that many preschoolers experience serious difficulties in communicating with peers, self-education on this topic is very important to me.
In order to achieve mastery in teaching, you need to study a lot, get to know the child’s psyche, and the age-related characteristics of children’s development.
Different sides games have constantly been the subject of careful and detailed study. Games in the moral education of children are considered in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, J. Levy, R. Kaitz, J. Piaget, K.D. Ushinsky, J. Huizinga. Psychological analysis The role of play in moral education and personality development was given by L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin. Game as a means of forming a personality and developing its potentials is explored in the works of N.P. Anikeeva, O.S. Gazman, T.E. Konnikova, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, I.I. Frishman, S.A. Shmakov and many others .
Working with children preschool age, I came to the conclusion that many children need to correct their relationships with peers. And since play is the leading activity of preschool children, the easiest way to do this is in the process of role-playing play. Plot-role-playing play plays a leading role in the formation of positive relationships among children and the formation of positive moral qualities in the personality of preschool children.

In order to get started, I studied the methodological literature:
I took the Basic general education program preschool education “From birth to school” (N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.
“Moral education of preschoolers in kindergarten"edited by V. G. Nechaeva and T. A. Markova (I identified and set for myself goals and objectives in gaming activities aimed at developing the moral qualities of preschoolers).
“If you sow a habit, you will reap a character” L.I. Kaplan (I learned and applied in my work the experience of a teacher in the formation good habits in children).
“Raising Children in Play” by A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik (this manual helped me master the technique of involving children in play, helping them understand moral norms and ideas).
“A Child in Kindergarten” by T.I. Babaev (the book helped me in choosing games and game situations for the formation of moral qualities).
“The Role of Play in Raising Children” by A.P. Usov (the book helped me understand the meaning of play in moral development preschoolers).
"Organization story game in kindergarten" N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova (organization of independent play activities)
“Plot-role-playing games for preschool children” by N.V. Krasnoshchekova. (organization of independent gaming activities)

Based on the literature studied above, I chose the path that seemed to me the most correct - to educate preschoolers with the following moral qualities: a culture of behavior, humane relations(friendliness, responsiveness, caring attitude), the desire to provide assistance through play.
In accordance with modern requirements for preschool education and education, I formulated The goal of my work is to develop positive interpersonal relationships in the process of role-playing games.

To achieve this goal, I set the following tasks:
study of psychology - pedagogical literature on this issue;
creation in detail - gaming environment, answering modern requirements and promoting the development of independent play activities;
development modern technologies and methods of organizing the game;
development forward planning and conducting role-playing games in speech therapy group;
classification of games for the education of moral qualities and preparation of their support;
conducting diagnostics for the education of moral qualities;
increasing the competence of parents in the matter of moral education of children;
increasing personal competence in this matter.

A game can contribute to the development of moral qualities only if a number of conditions are met:
proper organization and game management;
correctly formulated motivation;
a variety of children's games aimed at developing positive qualities preschoolers, their aesthetics and attractiveness;
accounting individual characteristics child and his interests.

When solving the tasks we used following methods and working methods:
organizing life and play developmental situations that provide children with the opportunity to gain experience moral behavior and a friendly attitude towards peers and close adults;
performances with toys showing samples to children correct behavior and relationships in kindergarten and in the family;
communication and joint activities with the teacher - as a means of establishing trust, enrichment social ideas and interaction experience;
observation of the actions and relationships of adults in kindergarten (cook, nanny, doctor, janitor, teacher);
figurative games - imitations, round dances, theatrical, active, didactic, construction - for the development of emotional responsiveness and the joy of communicating with peers;
reading poetry, fairy tales on the themes of kindness, love for parents, caring for animals (educational methodology " Good fairy tales»);
examination of plot pictures, illustrations in order to enrich social ideas about people (adults and children), orientation in the immediate environment (in a group, preschool educational institution and in the family);
plot-role-playing games that unite children with a common plot, game actions, and the joy of reflecting the roles of adults.

Working on the topic, I developed planning for role-playing games, taking into account the capabilities of the kindergarten and taking into account the characteristics of preschool children in the speech therapy group.
I also made a card index of role-playing games. In the process of work, centers for the games “Doctor Aibolit”, “Shop”, “Hairdressing Salon”, “Library” were designed, which are replenished and expanded taking into account age characteristics, development and formation of the stages of game formation.
In preschool age, role-playing play is the leading activity, and communication becomes its part and condition. Children, of course, do not always find necessary methods establishing relationships. Conflicts often arise between them, when each defends his own desire, regardless of the desires and rights of his peers. But it is at this age that the child discovers the truth that without empathy for another, without concession to another, he himself remains a loser. In play, the child finds himself in a relationship of dependence on other children.

In my work I used the following principles organizing a game of children's team:
development of independence and self-organization in children;
developing the ability to agree on the topic of the game;
self-distribution roles;
discussion of the main plot development;
preparing the gaming environment.

In February of this year, I developed a synopsis of a plot-based role-playing game in preparatory group“Defenders of the maritime borders of our Motherland are military sailors!” the purpose of which was to develop in children the ability to combine various thematic plots into a single game plot.

During the organization and conduct of the role-playing game, the following tasks were solved:
- cultivate friendly relationships and a sense of collectivism in children;
- educate emotionally - positive attitude to warriors, which is expressed in imitation of them in agility, speed, courage, desire to be like them;
- to form patriotic feelings in children based on familiarization with the military actions of our people;
- expand the range of children's games;
- learn to play together (discuss the plot, come up with new roles and game actions);
- help create a game environment taking into account the theme of the game and an imaginary situation;
- learn to name your role, verbally define the events depicted;
- activate in children vocabulary: captain, ship, navigator, boatswain, radio operator, radiogram, route, fleet, anchor, porthole, cook;
- develop in children creative thinking, imagination, fantasy;
- develop speech and role interaction, coherent monologue and dialogic speech;
- develop strength, agility, endurance, motor and communication abilities.

Thus, role-playing play can become the basis for the development of positive communication skills of a child with peers. In conclusion, I would like to note that systematic work on developing communication skills through role-playing games helps improve social status child. The nature of future relationships of preschool children in society largely depends on how communication skills are developed and the ability to manage one’s emotions.

Assessment of children's awareness of moral standards in a speech therapy group, 2014 – 2015 academic year.
1.High level:
*start academic year - 20%
*end of the academic year - 60%
2. Intermediate level:
*beginning of the school year - 30%
*end of the academic year - 30%
3. Low level:
*beginning of the school year - 50%
*end of the academic year - 10%

I consider the most important indicator of the effectiveness of my work: when words of gratitude are heard from children, without my prompting, positive and negative actions are evaluated, when a child is sincerely happy upon achieving positive result in the game, all this lets me know that small “sprouts” of morality are sown in the souls of children, forming conscious moral actions. I believe that the direction of work I have chosen will help children in the future adapt painlessly to the new conditions of school life.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, I took on the topic of self-education: .

Relevance: Events last decades in our history make us take a fresh look at the seemingly quite familiar and completely understandable meanings of the words - patriotism and citizenship. Modern children have distanced themselves from national culture and the socio-historical experience of their people.

The period of senior preschool age is conducive to the education of patriotic feelings, since it is at this time that the formation of cultural and value orientations, the spiritual and moral basis of the child’s personality occurs, the development of his emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms of social adaptation in society, and the process of self-awareness in the world around him begins. . Also, the period of senior preschool age is favorable for the emotional and psychological impact on the child, because the images of perception of reality and cultural space are very bright and strong and therefore remain in the memory for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime, which is very important in the education of patriotism.

Problem: Is it possible to increase the motivation of 5-6 year old preschoolers in the education of patriotic feelings?

Goal: To increase your theoretical level, professional skills and competence on this topic: to study the ways, means and methods of patriotic education of preschoolers 5-6 years old.


  1. Analyze the literature on this topic.
  2. To study the principles of patriotic education of children 5-6 years old in kindergarten.
  3. Develop a card index of games for the patriotic education of 5-6 year old children in kindergarten.
  4. Set up a corner for patriotic education in the group.
  5. Orient the family towards spiritual, moral and patriotic education children.

When starting to work on this topic, I used the following literature:

  1. N.F. Vinogradova "Our Motherland" . M., Education, 2002
  2. HELL. Zharikov “Raise your children as patriots” M., Education, 2001.
  3. E.I. Korneeva “Folklore holidays and entertainment in the patriotic education of preschool children” . M., Education, 2007.
  4. E.Yu. Aleksandrova et al. - System of patriotic education in preschool educational institutions: planning, pedagogical projects, development thematic classes and event scenarios, Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
  5. E.K. Rivina “State symbols of Russia M., Education, 2005.
  6. R.I. Podrezova “Planning and notes for classes on the development of children’s speech in preschool educational institutions” (Patriotic education): M., Education, 2007.
  7. L.V. Loginova “What can a coat of arms tell us?” : M., Education, 2007.
  8. L.A. Kodrikinsky “Where does the Motherland begin?” : M., Education, 2007.
  9. G.Zelenova, L.E. Osipova "We live in Russia" (civic-patriotic education of preschool children): M., Education, 2007.

During the 2014-2015 academic year, I studied in detail the topic of self-education: “Patriotic education of children 5-6 years old in kindergarten” .

The choice of topic is connected with the goal of introducing more deeply to the methods, techniques and methods through which we, teachers, can cultivate in children patriotic feelings for what is most dear to them.

Raising children's love for their fatherland - this problem has always been relevant in modern stage, because ideals and value guidelines are collapsing, because the ecological way of life has changed.

The problem of patriotic education is becoming acutely relevant, but at the same time becoming extremely complex. These difficulties are caused by the rethinking in society of the very concept of patriotism, the unresolved question of what content should be used to cultivate this feeling and quality.

Patriotism is a worldview defined by love for the Motherland, native land, devotion to one’s fatherland, the desire to achieve a better future for it.

We all know that patriotism is manifested in a feeling of pride in the achievements of one’s native country, in grief for its failures and troubles. In respect for the historical past of your people. Taking good care of people's memory, to national and cultural traditions.

But how to teach all this to preschool children, in what form is it best to convey this knowledge to children.

The study of the topic began with the section: “Patriotic education of children 5-6 years old in kindergarten” . I studied the book by A.D. Zharikova “Raise your children as patriots” M., Prosveshchenie, 2001. I prepared a mobile folder for parents. Which talks in detail about patriotic education in preschool educational institutions. Patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks of a preschool institution. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content - it is love for one’s native places, pride in one’s people, a feeling of one’s inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one’s homeland.

Patriotic education of a child is complex pedagogical process. It is based on development moral feelings. A child’s sense of homeland begins with his relationship with his family, with close people mother, father, grandmother, grandfather - these are the roots connecting him with his home and immediate environment. The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, he is amazed at the plague and what evokes a response in his soul.

In October, I continued studying the topic from the section: “Principles of patriotic education of children 5-6 years old in kindergarten” . I studied an article from methodological literature on the topic “Moral and patriotic education of children” M., Education, 2007. According to this issue I had a consultation with my parents. I studied in detail the principles of patriotic education: The principle of personality-oriented communication provides for individual personal formation and development moral character person. Partnership, complicity and interaction are priority forms of communication between teachers and children.

The principle of cultural conformity. "Openness" different cultures, creating conditions for the most complete (taking into account age) acquaintance with the achievements and development of culture modern society and the formation of diverse cognitive interests.

The principle of freedom and independence. Allows the child to independently determine his attitude to cultural sources: perceive, imitate, combine, create, etc.; independently choose a goal, decide on motives and methods of action, and further application of the result of this action (activities) and self-esteem.

The principle of humane and creative orientation. This principle provides, on the one hand, mandatory receipt a child in interaction with the cultural environment of a product characterized by creative elements: imagination, fantasy, "opening" , insight, etc., usefulness, novelty; and on the other hand, creating conditions for the manifestation of diverse relationships (friendly, humane, business, partnership, cooperation, co-creation, etc.)

The principle of integration of various types of children's activities.

The implementation of the principle of integration is impossible without "quite certain security" , which includes the content of education, methods of its implementation, subject-developmental conditions of the organization (Wednesday).

In November, I continued studying the topic from the section: “The relevance of creating a favorable developmental environment for patriotic education” . The study began with an article by L.A. Kodrikinsky “Where does the Motherland begin?” : M., Education, 2006.

The group was replenished according to the age of the children (5-6 years) Patriotic education corner: “My Motherland is Russia” !, where children can visually get acquainted with their native country, hometown, symbols, look through books, illustrations, and look at photo albums. A card index of didactic games for patriotic education was also compiled.

Based on visual material, conversations, and games, I introduced the children to my hometown and began to form an idea of ​​Russia as a home country, about Moscow as the capital of Russia, the children got acquainted with the sights of the capital of our Motherland, with the cities.

The created aesthetic environment enriches children with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active creative activity, promotes intellectual development.

In December - January, the study of the topic continued: “Didactic games for patriotic education of children 5-6 years old” . I studied the book by E.Yu. Alexandrova, etc. - System of patriotic education in preschool educational institutions: planning, pedagogical projects, development of thematic lessons and event scenarios, Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. Within two months, I carried out a selection of didactic games on patriotic education: "Military professions" , "Collect the flag" , "Guests of the City" . "Birds of our region" and many others. DIY games were made: “Loto “Serving Russia!” , "Russian patterns" , “Sights of Balashov” , "Travel to Balashov" , large-scale layouts were also designed: "My kindergarten" , « Pedestrian zone Balashova. Center" , « Railway station» . The group had a project: “My favorite city is Balashov” . Where the final event was a visit "Museum of Local Lore" .

I use it as visual material during educational activities, conversations, and leisure activities. story pictures, illustrations and posters, made in-house. Visual material must meet certain requirements: objects must be known to children; didactic material must be varied; visual material should be dynamic and in sufficient quantity; meet hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic requirements

In February, I continued studying the topic from the section: “Patriotic education of preschool children through fine arts» . I continued to study methodological literature. During NOD and independent creative activities in drawing and appliqué, children depicted Russian flag, telling where he can be seen, they painted his native places in the city of Balashov, the Kremlin in Moscow, and made postcards for the holidays: February 23, May 9.

In March, I continued studying the topic from the section: “Our small Motherland is the city of Balashov” , when studying this section I used the site: http://www. bfsgu. ru/. A presentation was prepared and shown to the children: "Through the streets of our city" . The study of this site was the creation of albums "History of our city" , "Modern Balashov" . "Sights of our city" , "Red Book" Saratov region» , "Nature of our region" .

In April-May I finished studying the topic with the section: “The role of parents in the formation of patriotic feelings in children” . Studied methodological literature on the topic “Moral and patriotic education of children” , Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. Patriotic education and moral education connected to each other. Therefore, we must not forget that the moral atmosphere that shapes the child’s character is created in the family. Great influence The microclimate in the family affects the child. In order for a child to develop a feeling of love for the Motherland, it is necessary to cultivate in him an emotionally positive attitude towards the places where he was born and lives. Develop the ability to see and understand beauty surrounding life, the desire to learn more about the features of the region, nature, history. To develop a desire to provide all possible assistance to working people, native nature, to your region. As a result of this work, a survey of parents was conducted, in which parents answered questions about patriotic education in the family. As a result of summing up the questionnaires, conclusions were drawn: most parents devote time and tell their children about small homeland, about Russia, read books about the war, about heroes, visit the sights of our city and cultural and leisure places: « Museum of Local Lore» , "The House of Merchant Dyakov" , "Children's library" .

The formation of patriotic feelings is more effective if the kindergarten establishes close connection with family. The need to involve the family in the process of familiarizing preschool children with the social environment is explained by special pedagogical opportunities that the family has and cannot replace preschool: love and affection for children, emotional and moral intensity of relationships, their social rather than selfish orientation, etc. All this creates favorable conditions for the education of higher moral feelings. In its work with families, a kindergarten should rely on parents not only as helpers child care facility, but as equal participants in the formation of a child’s personality.


  • The level of formed patriotic knowledge and correct attitude to the world, country, nature among preschoolers.
  • Children have developed an interest in history, local fiction, natural resources native land.
  • The number of participants in competitions and local history events held in kindergarten, aimed at developing creativity, curiosity, and nurturing love for their small homeland, has increased.

Prospects for the 2017-2018 academic year:

  1. Continue working

Tatiana Polyakova
Self-education plan for preparatory teacher preschool educational institutions groups. Topic: "Development fine motor skills preschoolers"


IN preschool age work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part development of children's speech, skills formation self-care and writing preparation.

One of the important conditions for a child to fully master writing skills during the period preparing him for school, is development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements. The problem of increasing efficiency comprehensive work By development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements of the fingers of children 5-7 years old does not lose its relevance.

The wonderful teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips; from them, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of a child’s hand, the finer the interaction of the hand with a tool (pen, pencil., the more more complex movements necessary for this interaction, the brighter the creative element of the child’s mind, the more more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child.

Necessity development received active movements of the fingers scientific basis. Activity scientists baby brain, the psyches of children note the great stimulating value of the hand function. Employees of the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Sciences found that the level development speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers.

Famous researcher of children's speech M. M. Koltsova writes: "Movements of the fingers historically, during development humanity turned out to be closely connected with speech function". Development the functions of hand and speech went in parallel. She recommends stimulating speech development children by training the movements of their fingers, and this in turn Preparation child's hands to a letter. How deftly a child learns to control his fingers will determine his future development, because along with development of fine motor skills, memory development, attention, thinking, ZUN (knowledge, ability, skills, as well as vocabulary. And this, in turn, affects the emotional well-being of the child, his self-esteem, to his speech and successful learning at school.

Target: Development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in children preschool age through various types activities.

Improving conditions for development of fine motor skills of fingers, children's hands preschool age.


1. Improve coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm;

2. Improve fine motor skills of fingers, hands;

3. Improve general motor activity;

4. Promote the normalization of speech function;

5. Develop imagination, visual-figurative thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity;

6. Create an emotionally comfortable environment when communicating with peers and adults.

7. Improve subject matter developmental group environment for the development of fine motor skills.

Reporting form:

Make a consultation for teachers for the development of fine motor skills of preschoolers« Developing your fingers, improve speech".

Prepare consultation for parents topic: "What's happened fine motor skills and why is it so important develop?»;

Make a card index finger games, articulatory gymnastics, breathing exercises.

Forms of work:

Collaborative activities between teachers and children;

Individual work with children;

Free independent the activities of the children themselves.

Methods and techniques of work:

(Explanation, demonstration, conversation, game)

Hand massage;

Finger gymnastics, physical education sessions;

Finger games with poems and tongue twisters;

Finger Theater;

design: work with small designer;

Drawing with stencils;

Hatching in a given direction;

Finishing drawing (based on the principle of symmetry);


Didactic games;

Lacing, buttons, clothespins;

Games with small objects;

Puzzles, mosaics, nesting dolls, pyramids.

STAGE 1 information and analytical (introductory)

Study of scientific and educational methodological literature:

STAGE 2 - implementation into practice.

STAGE 3 - presentation of work experience on the topic.

Speech at the teachers' meeting, speech at the parents' meeting group meeting.

Self-education work plan

1. Study the literature on this topic.

2. Introduce it into work with children.

3. Make a card index of games for development of fine motor skills of hands, as well as a card index of games on breathing development, articulation gymnastics.

4. Turn on teacher finger games for notes different types classes, in morning exercises, physical education sessions, and free activities for children.

5. Consultation for educators: « Developing your fingers, improve speech".

6. Consultation for parents: « Development of fine motor skills in preschool children».

7. Exhibition for parents of educational games and teaching aids development of gross and fine motor skills in preschool children.

8. Exercises to improve statistical and dynamic coordination of finger movements.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, I studied the topic “Cognitive and research activities of children of senior preschool age.”

Purpose self-education work was: create optimal conditions for the development of cognitive and research activities of older preschoolers as the basis of intellectual and personal, creative development; to combine the efforts of teachers and parents to develop the cognitive and research activities of older preschoolers.

I set myself the following tasks:

Study methods, technologies for cognitive and research activities;

Create conditions to support children's research activity;

Support children's initiative, intelligence, inquisitiveness, independence, evaluative and critical attitude to the world;

Develop cognitive activity children in the process of experimentation;

Develop observation skills, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, develop cognitive interest children in the process of experimentation, establishing a cause-and-effect relationship, the ability to draw conclusions;

Develop attention, visual and auditory sensitivity.

During the year I studied the following literature:

Vinogradova N.F. Mystery stories about nature, Ventana-Graf, 2007

Dybina O.V. etc. Child in the world of search: Organization program search activity preschool children. M.: Sfera 2005

Dybina O.V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers. M., 2005.

Ivanova A.I. Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten. M.: Sfera, 2004

Ryzhova N. Games with water and sand. // Hoop, 1997. - No. 2

Smirnov Yu.I. Air: A book for talented children and caring parents. St. Petersburg, 1998.

Experimental activities of children 4-6 years old: from work experience/ed.-comp. L.N. Menshchikova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

Thanks to the literature I studied, I was able to compile a file of experiments with sand and clay, with water, with air, with a magnet, which helped me in my work with children senior group. Also, the literature I studied helped me in preparing material for parents and teachers.

With the help of parents, at the beginning of the school year, a “Young Researchers” corner was created and equipped in the group. The corner consists of three shelves on which material for conducting experiments is located. Materials and equipment of our corner: boxes and jars with natural materials - earth, sand - river and quarry, clay different colors, bumps from different trees(spruce, pine, larch, cypress), chestnut fruits, pebbles different forms, sizes and colors, shells - sea and river. Also in the corner there are postcards with pictures of exotic plants and reptiles and amphibians. Bottles, glasses different sizes, plastic films, rubber bands, ice molds, wooden and metal sticks, magnets, water mills - all this helped to carry out experiments and experiments throughout the school year. Special Interest caused natural material, which they independently took, examined and studied. Throughout the year, the “Newspaper for Curious Parents” was periodically published, from which parents learned about organizing children’s experiments at home, saw photographs of their children during experiments and experiments in kindergarten, and received advice on the development of curiosity and cognitive interest in children. Also in January our group had a day open doors, where parents were able to watch and participate in educational activities on the topic " Kingdom of Three winds."

Over the course of the year, I not only gained knowledge on this topic, but I shared it with my colleagues during speeches at the pedagogical council and at a workshop.

As a result of working on the topic of self-education, I was able not only to increase my level of knowledge on this topic, but also to arouse the interest of some parents in research and knowledge of the world around us. Creating conditions for children's research activities had a beneficial effect on the development of cognitive and research activities of children in the older group. Children began to ask questions more often about natural phenomena, objects, objects, conduct simple experiments on their own, and during a walk their attention was attracted unusual finds and already familiar natural materials with which they strive to replenish our “Young Explorer” corner.

I consider it necessary to maintain the interest of children and parents in cognitive and research activities, because it promotes the development of children's curiosity, an inquisitive mind and forms on their basis stable cognitive interests, which is very important when preparing a child for school.

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