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Katya talks about the holiday of love, which has interesting origins going back to the 5th century. Many years have passed since then, traditions have changed and improved, but the holiday has remained. The material can be used when carrying out extracurricular activity dedicated to this holiday.



Holiday "Valentine's Day"

This interesting holiday of love has no less interesting origins, which go back to the 5th century. Many years have passed since then, traditions have changed and improved, but the holiday has remained. It has a pagan nature and is rejected by all religions, but often people go against faith, because it is so nice to give loved ones a piece of warmth and tenderness, but with the modern rhythm of life this is forgotten. Valentine's Day is a great occasion!

History of the holiday

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14, and in many countries it is considered, as we know, a holiday of lovers and friendship. Lovers, young and married couples they use it to prove and tell each other about their love for the first time or to remind each other once again, to simply give delicate flowers and say warm words, exchange gifts or even propose marriage in order to go through life together with love.

Everyone associates the middle of the month exclusively with love and fertility, and this comes from antiquity. In the ancient Athenian calendar, the period from mid-January to mid-February was called the month of Gamelion, which was dedicated to the marriage of Zeus and Hera.

In ancient Rome, the holiday fell on February 15 and was called Lupercalia or in honor of the faun Lupercus, the god of fertility. The servants and worshipers of Lupercus sacrificed goats to him and, after this, after drinking wine in the grotto of Lupercus, they ran through the streets of Rome (only men) half naked and whipped passers-by with blessed goat skin thongs. Young women approached them themselves, since, according to legend, these touches could ease childbirth or give even a barren woman a child.

The day ended with a grand feast, during which a lottery was held, according to the results of which, by random selection, the girls found a mate and thus they spent the whole evening. The couple formed that evening, of course, could continue the relationship after it. This lottery was patronized by Juno, who is the goddess of marriage, motherhood and fertility, so the formation of such a couple has always been considered as the beginning of a new relationship and the creation of a strong family.

In history, there are 3 holy martyrs who bear the name Valentine. Their holiday was set for February 14th in the 5th century!

  • Valentin of Rome, he is a priest who suffered torture in Rome in the second half of the 3rd century. He was buried in Via Flaminia.
  • Valentin of Terni is the bishop of Interam, who was tortured in the second half of the 3rd century. Also buried in Via Flaminia.
  • Martyr from North Africa. There is no information about him.

Then the history of this holiday turned in a slightly different direction. In the 14th century, England and France believed that on February 14, when birds appeared in these parts, they formed pairs. Already at this time, many lovers exchanged their messages, which were called Valentines. One of these messages has survived and is in the British Library.

Even later, another ritual was invented:

Unmarried men simply went into the girls' houses, opposite their homes, and unmarried girls We did everything to please them. If everything went well, then for a whole year this man became a gentleman, gave gifts and took them to balls. If the girl failed to please the man, then he moved on. At the end of the day, a bonfire was lit in the city square, in which the girls burned portraits of Monsieur if they were not chosen. The burning process was accompanied by swearing. Over time, the tradition ceased to exist, as it was abolished by the French government due to unnecessary cruelty.

Legends of Valentine

  • On the eve of his execution, St. Martyr Valentine gave a small “Valentine” to the daughter of one of the prison guards; it had a beautiful signature: “from your Valentine.”
  • Another legend says that at a time when marriages were prohibited for Roman soldiers (bans introduced by Emperor Claudius II), St. Valentine honored them and secretly arranged weddings. And in fact, Claudius prohibited young people of military age from marrying in order to preserve the military resource of recruits. However, the “loving” priest Valentin considered himself obliged to marry everyone who asked, regardless of age and decrees of the state. Rumors, of course, about this priest, who boldly violated the imperial decree, instantly spread, attracting more and more young soldiers in love, but the rumor reached the emperor himself. The emperor sentenced the priest Valentin to beheading, and then a miracle happened. Having learned that the executioner's daughter was blind, he offered his help and cured the girl. But the execution took place anyway, but the miracle brought St. Valentine wide fame that he even went down in history.

In most legendary versions of the legends, February 14 is the date of execution of the priest Valentine. These legends became known long ago thanks to the poems of Otho Grandson, a poet and captain of the English court. In the early 15th century, Charles d'Orléans introduced Otho's poems to the French court. And later he himself wrote several dedicated to St. Valentine and the holiday.

Valentine's Day today in France

Today, St. Valentine's Day is also celebrated on February 14 and is a holiday of lovers who give each other goodies and beautiful things: chocolate, flowers, poems, souvenirs and tender words as proof of their love. As a rule, now not only lovers exchange gifts, but also good friends, as well as colleagues in honor and respect.

The first valentines - postcards with poetic confessions were invented by the French and they give them with great pleasure, and sometimes write the poems themselves. In France, February 14th is truly considered an excellent occasion to propose.

Love each other and give joy not only to your loved ones, but to the whole world, and then it will become a little kinder.


IN Western Europe Valentine's Day began to be widely celebrated in the 13th century. IN North America this tradition migrated to 1777. On this day it is customary to give flowers and gifts to your loved ones. Gifts traditionally include jewelry, sweets, perfume, or just a romantic evening for two. In the West, many men choose this day to propose marriage to their girls.

In Russia, this holiday appeared only at the end of the 20th century after the collapse of the USSR. Now it is celebrated on no less scale than in Europe and America. Even in schools, 14 they install special mailboxes where anyone can drop their valentine with a declaration of love, sometimes even anonymously. Many couples in Russia choose Valentine's Day to register their marriage. It is believed that a marriage entered into on this day will be long and happy. The excitement that can be observed in stores on the eve of this holiday can only be compared with the New Year and March 8th.

The history of the holiday VALENTINE'S DAY for children

The history of Valentine's Day dates back to the 14th century.

There are several versions of the origin of Valentine's Day

Version one . There is a belief that on February 14th nature makes a sharp turn towards spring, and birds begin mating games, fly in pairs in the sky and open the spring “season of love” with ringing bird voices.

Version two . The custom of celebrating the Valentine's Day on February 14 came from pagan rites associated with the Roman festival of fertility and spring. It was held on February 15 in honor of Faun - the god of fields, forests, pastures and animals - in a grotto on the slope of the Roman Palatine hill. All rituals were performed by priests - Luperci, who sacrificed an animal to the Faun. A kind of youth festival was taking place. The girls threw beautifully decorated letters into the vessel, and the boys pulled them like lottery tickets and thus chose a girlfriend for the next year.

Version three associated with the name of a young Christian doctor, Valentin, who, following a denunciation, ended up in prison when spring was raging in Rome and the birds were ushering in the “season of love.” According to one legend, children - fans of the young doctor - ran to the windows of the prison and threw notes to their older friend with declarations of love, greetings and wishes. The prison guard - a stern man who hated Christians - drove the children away. But when he read the children’s naive notes (the first “Valentines”), he learned about the prisoner’s unusual healing abilities. The warden's beloved daughter was blind from birth. She was not destined to find a loved one - who needs a blind bride? And then, breaking the law, the warden brought his daughter to the imprisoned doctor, not expecting that one tragedy would give way to another. Valentin restored the girl’s sight, and she fell in love with him. But her love was short and unhappy: Valentin was soon executed.

Version four . It is believed that Saint Valentine is the Bishop of Terni. As a priest, he married young couples contrary to the orders of Claudius II, who saw only his soldier in every single unmarried man. For this, the bishop was burned at the stake, according to one version, on February 14, 270 in Rome, and according to another, in 360 in Terni.

Valentine's day- this is also the day of the angel of everyone called Valentin and Valentina.

Now many in Russia are in favor of canceling this holiday and giving it the status holiday Memorial Day of Peter and Fevronia (July 8), patrons of family and marriage. Since 2008, State Duma deputies have proposed celebrating this day as the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Traditions of celebrating VALENTINE'S DAY

On this day, it is customary to congratulate not only the object of your sympathy, but all the people with whom you treat well.

In the Middle Ages the best way to assure the beloved of the sincerity of feelings was considered a serenade. It was performed by troubadours in the evening or at night under a window or balcony to the accompaniment of a string instrument, most often a guitar.

Back in the 15th century. The British began to view this magical date as an excellent opportunity to declare their love in writing, and in 1820 the production of holiday cards began. Each card had an image of a heart, which became the emblem of this holiday for all time.

Signs of February 14 - Valentine's Day

There is a list of things that, according to legend, cannot be given as a gift on this day.

A watch given to a loved one will limit the time of visits and count down last minutes love. Remember, lovers don’t watch the clock!

You should not give away kitchen utensils. Pots, pans, various dishes - all these are attributes of everyday life, which, as we know, kills romance.

Any black gifts are prohibited. This is the color of despondency, doom and death.

Almost every person on our planet knows that February 14th is the most romantic holiday of the year. ThisValentine's Day or Valentine's Day.

On such a day to your loved ones and most dear people give cute gifts symbolizing love. There is also a tradition of giving small heart-shaped cards on which poems, wishes or declarations of love are written. These cards are called valentines .

Let's take a look together today at the history of the origin of this wonderful holiday!

It is believed that Valentine's Day has been around for over 16 centuries. This may be true, but festivals dedicated to female fertility existed long before its appearance.

For example, in ancient Rome in 276 BC there was a holiday called Lupercleia (Lupercalia ) . This holiday was held annually from February 13 to 15 at the sacred place where, according to legend, the she-wolf fed Romulus and Remus. On this day, offerings were made to the god Faun (Luperk), pagan rituals were performed that were aimed at improving fertility.

There is a lot of controversy about this holiday. Someone thinks it bad influence West, someone is sure that this holiday is someone else’s. In fact, there is an alternative to it - Family Day, which we celebrate in the summer. But as for me, let there be as much love as possible! If a holiday inspires, inspires, and evokes good feelings- then why not? What do you think?

Legends of Saint Valentine

There are two legends about how Valentine's Day came to be.

Legend one. In ancient times, the Roman Empire experienced a shortage of legionnaires. And the empire was ruled by the cruel and powerful Emperor Claudius II, who decided that a man not bound by marriage would be better off fighting for the glory of the emperor, and therefore for the benefit of the state. His head will not be filled with thoughts of how to feed his family, and therefore, he will devote all his energy to the art of war. Therefore, Claudius issued a decree banning marriages: men cannot get married, and girls and women cannot get married.

Saint Valentine himself was a priest and sympathized with lovers. Therefore, secretly from everyone, he married loving friend friend man and woman. But soon this became known and Saint Valentine was put in prison, sentenced to death penalty. There he met the warden’s wonderful daughter, Yulia.

Before his death, the priest in love wrote a letter to the girl declaring his love and signed it “Your Valentine.” The execution took place on February 14, 269. And only after her death the girl read the letter. Apparently, that’s why it’s customary to write Valentine’s cards to your loved ones on this day.

According to second legend Roman patrician Valentine, who was secret Christian, who contacted new faith also his servants, once performed a wedding ceremony for two of them. By denunciation or by coincidence, all three were detained by guards.

Valentine, as a person belonging to the upper class, could avoid death, but not his servants. Then, wanting to encourage his doomed co-religionists, Valentin writes them letters in the form of red hearts, signifying Christian love.

A blind girl was supposed to deliver messages to the newlyweds, but suddenly Valentin himself came to the dungeons and persuaded the guards to release his servants in exchange for his life.

Before entering the arena of death, Valentin conveyed last letter, consecrated by faith and kindness, to a blind girl, who after that received her sight and became a beauty.

Did you know that...

    On this day, girls and boys got together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these pieces of paper into a jug, then everyone pulled out one piece of paper and found out the name of their loved one. In some countries, there is still a custom to choose February 14th for Valentines (of both sexes) for the entire next year.

    By February 14, many Valentine's greeting cards are issued, from simple ones with touching images to fold-out ones. And in the old days there were even postcards decorated with gold and lace.

    Italians consider it their duty to give sweets to their loved ones on this day. This day is called in Italy - sweet.

    The gallant French were the first to introduce love messages - quatrains.

    In Finland and Estonia this day is called Friends' Day. In addition to the fact that the holiday is celebrated by lovers, just friends (regardless of gender) give each other greeting cards. On the eve of this holiday, stores sell a variety of trinkets and gifts in the shape of hearts.

    The British also send messages of love to their animals, especially dogs and horses.

    In America these days, 108 million roses are sold, mostly red, and $692 million is spent on candy these days!

    Hearts for the holiday can be sewn, sculpted, drawn, knitted and even baked. A variety of materials are used to make hearts: beads, shells, feathers, dried flowers, pieces of fabric...

    A significant part of “Valentines” are anonymous and without a return address, written with the left hand or from right to left, which adds mystery to the message. But after the holiday, the work of private detectives increases: they receive quite a lot of orders to identify the senders of “Valentines”.

Or Valentine's Day. Since the 1990s, this holiday has become popular in Russia.

Initially, the celebration of the memory of St. Valentine was established as a veneration of his martyrdom, without any connection with the patronage of lovers. At the dawn of Christianity, three people bearing the name Valentin died as martyrs for their faith. All that is known about the first of them is that he died in Carthage along with a group of fellow believers.

The second Valentine was the bishop of Interamna (now the city of Terni, Italy), he was executed during the persecution of Christians and buried along the Flaminian Way in the vicinity of Rome.

The third martyr, Presbyter Valentinus, was beheaded between 268 and 270 and buried along the Via Flaminia. The relics of Prester Valentine rest partly in Rome, partly in Dublin, and the relics of the bishop are in the city of Terni.

During the reform of the Roman Catholic calendar of saints in 1969, the celebration of Valentine's memory as a pan-Church saint was abolished on the grounds that there was no information about this martyr, except for the name and information about beheading by the sword. In the Catholic liturgical calendar, the memory of saints is celebrated on February 14 Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

IN Orthodox Church both martyrs of Valentine have their own days of remembrance. Valentine the Roman, a presbyter, is venerated on July 19, and the Hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamna, on August 12.

The history of the emergence of the image of St. Valentine as the patron saint of lovers dates back to the Middle Ages and their romantic literature, and not to the circumstances of the lives of real martyrs who died at the dawn of Christianity.

The day of February 14 in England and Scotland was accompanied by a peculiar custom. On the eve of Valentine's Day, young people gathered and put tickets with the names of young girls written on them in an urn. Then everyone took out one ticket. The girl whose name was given young man, became his “Valentine” for the coming year, just as he became her “Valentine”. This meant that a relationship arose between the young people for a year, similar to those described medieval novels, arose between a knight and his “lady of the heart.” This custom was of pagan origin.

According to the custom established since ancient times, young men on this day sent their beloved gifts, as well as letters and poems in which they expressed their feelings and wishes.

The very first Valentine's card in the world is believed to be a note sent from prison to Tower of London in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, and addressed to his wife.

Valentine cards were very popular in the 18th century, especially in England. They were exchanged as gifts. The lovers made cards from multi-colored paper and signed them with colorful ink. By the beginning of the 20th century, as printing technology improved, printed cards began to replace handwritten ones.

Today is Valentine's Day in the form of hearts, with declarations of love, marriage proposals or just jokes.

Italians call February 14 a sweet day and give sweets and candies. Valentine cards are sent by mail in a pink envelope without a return address.

In Denmark they usually send dried white flowers to each other, and in Spain it is considered the height of passion to send a love letter by carrier pigeon.

Valentine's Day has been celebrated in Japan for decades now. This is not so much a declaration of love as a sign of attention. Friends exchange chocolate sets specially released for this day; many Japanese women buy “Valentine” chocolate for themselves. IN recent years the fashion for giving chocolate has reached primary schools and even kindergartens.

Giving chocolate on Valentine's Day is also common in South Korea, with only women giving gifts to their men. For the closest men of the resident South Korea make your own chocolate.

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