Quantum reality. Quantum Reality: Limitless Potential in Everything

– Irina Kaminkova

Laureates Nobel Prize in the field of physics have proven that, beyond any doubt, physical world is a single ocean of energy that appears and disappears milliseconds later, pulsating again and again.

There is nothing solid and solid. Such is the world of quantum physics.

It has been proven that only thought allows us to collect and hold together those “objects” that we see in this constantly changing field of energy.

So why do we see a person and not a blinking clot of energy?

Imagine a reel of film.

A movie is a collection of frames at approximately 24 frames per second. The frames are separated by a time interval. However, due to the speed with which one frame follows another, an optical illusion occurs, and we think that we are seeing a continuous and moving image.

Now think about television.

A TV's cathode ray tube is simply a tube with lots of electrons that hit the screen in a certain way, thereby creating the illusion of shape and movement.

That's what all objects are anyway. You have 5 physical senses(vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste).

Each of these senses has a specific spectrum (for example, a dog hears sound in a different range than you; a snake sees light in a different spectrum than you, and so on).

In other words, your set of senses perceives the surrounding sea of ​​energy from a certain limited point of view and, based on this, constructs an image. This is not a complete and not at all accurate picture. This is just an interpretation.

All our interpretations are based solely on the “internal map” of reality that we have formed, and not on objective truth. Our “map” is the result of experiences accumulated throughout life.

Our thoughts are connected to this invisible energy, and they determine what this energy forms. Thoughts literally go through the universe, particle by particle, to create physical life.

Take a look around.

Everything you see in our physical world began as an idea—an idea that grew as it was shared and expressed until it grew enough to become a physical object through several stages.

You literally become what you think about most.

Your life becomes what you believe in most.

The world is literally your mirror, allowing you to experience physically what you believe to be true for you... until you change your perspective.

Quantum physics shows us that the world around us– this is not something rigid and unchanging, as it might seem. Instead, it is something constantly changing, built on our individual and collective thoughts.

What we consider to be true is actually an illusion, almost a circus trick.

Fortunately, we have already begun to uncover this illusion and, most importantly, to look for opportunities to change it.

What is your body made of?

The human body consists of nine systems, including circulation, digestion, endocrine system, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal and urinary tract systems.

What are they made of?

From tissues and organs.

What are tissues and organs made of?

From cells.

What are cells made of?

From molecules.

What are molecules made of?

From atoms.

What are atoms made of?

From subatomic particles.

What are subatomic particles made of?

From energy!

You and I are pure energy-light in its most beautiful and intelligent embodiment. An energy constantly changing beneath the surface, but under the control of your powerful intellect.

You are one big stellar and powerful Human Being.

If you could see yourself under the powerful electron microscope and conduct other experiments on yourself, you would be convinced that you consist of a bunch of constantly changing energy in the form of electrons, neutrons, photons, and so on.

So is everything that surrounds you. Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be where and how we see it.

An object does not exist independently of its observer! So, as you see, your observations, your attention to something, and your intention, literally creates that object.

This is proven by science.

Your world consists of spirit, mind and body.

Each of these three elements, spirit, mind and body, performs a function that is unique to it and not available to the others. What your eyes see and your body feels is the physical world, which we will call the Body. A body is an effect created for a reason.

This reason is Thought.

The body cannot create. It can only sense and be felt... this is its unique function.

Thought cannot feel... it can only invent, create and explain. She needs the world of relativity (the physical world, the Body) in order to feel herself.

Spirit is All That Is, that which gives Life to Thought and Body.

The body does not have the power to create, although it gives such an illusion. This illusion is the cause of many disappointments. The body is simply a result and does not have the power to cause or create anything.

The key to all this information is the opportunity for you to learn to see the Universe differently in order to give embodiment to everything that is your true desire.

Many people are interested in quantum physics and reality; these are exciting areas of science where many are trying to find answers to questions about the origin of the Universe itself. Each modern cosmological theory also relies on quantum mechanics, with the help of which the behavior of the atomic is described and Quantum physics has fundamental difference from ordinary physics.

By using classical physics behavior is described material object, while quantum physics and reality focuses only on mathematical descriptions observations and measurements. Here we observe the disappearance of material material reality from the field of view. Nobel laureate W. Heisenberg said: “It has become clear that we will no longer be able to separate the behavior of particles from the processes of observation. As a result, we must get used to the fact that the law of nature, which with the help of quantum mechanics is formulated in mathematical form, has a relation not to behavior as such, but only to our knowledge about this particle.”

In quantum mechanics, together with the research tool, the element of the analyzed pictures is observers. But since it is used to describe the Universe, this is fraught with serious difficulties. Given the definition, each observer is a part of the Universe. In general, we have no means of introducing ourselves to outside observers. To formulate a version of quantum mechanics that does not require an outside observer, one of famous physicists J. Wheeler decided to propose a model, taking into account which the Universe is capable of splitting into various copies all the time. Each parallel universe there are observers who can see these specific sets of quantum alternatives, and each of these Universes is real.

The basic elements of quantum mechanics are a set (active and passive components electrically connected to each other) that perform a specific function. But the trouble of the scientist who used the method of materialistic reductionism does not end there. What is missing is that quantum physics, when applied to cosmology, can lead to an absurd and fantastic model. To assess the precariousness of a scientist’s hopes of ever finding the answer to how the Universe came about, it is necessary to take into account that they are using, most often, a theory that has not yet been created single field, the task of which is to combine the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.

Each of them hopes that with the help of this theory every force that is capable of acting in the Universe will be described using one compact mathematical expression. During this time, the theory of relativity is used to describe general structure place-time, and quantum physics is used to explain the behavior subatomic particle. However, each theory is a contradiction of one another. The first step towards the mathematical integration of each theory is as a quantum field theory. With the help of this theory, the behavior of the electron is described, quantum physics and private physics are united. Such a unification of concepts, in principle, turned out to be a very successful idea.

The second and most difficult step is the integration of ordinary relativity coupled with quantum mechanics, but now no one has the slightest idea of ​​how this is done. Even many recognized authorities, such as Nobel laureate S.P., Weinberg, agree that only to create a mathematical apparatus the latest theory it will take a lot of time.

Quantum physics has radically changed our understanding of the world. According to quantum physics We can influence the rejuvenation process with our consciousness!

Why is this possible?From the point of view of quantum physics, our reality is the source of pure potential, the source of raw materials from which our body, our mind and the entire Universe are composed. The universal energy and information field never ceases to change and transform, turning into something new every second.

In the 20th century, during physical experiments with subatomic particles and photons, it was discovered that the fact of observing the experiment changes its results. What we focus our attention on can react.

This fact is confirmed by a classic experiment that surprises scientists every time. It was repeated in many laboratories and the same results were always obtained.

For this experiment, a light source and a screen with two slits were prepared. The light source was a device that “shot” photons in the form of single pulses.

The progress of the experiment was monitored. After the end of the experiment, two vertical stripes were visible on the photographic paper that was located behind the slits. These are traces of photons that passed through the cracks and illuminated the photographic paper.

When this experiment was repeated automatically, without human intervention, the picture on the photographic paper changed:

If the researcher turned on the device and left, and after 20 minutes the photographic paper was developed, then not two, but many vertical stripes were found on it. These were traces of radiation. But the drawing was different.

The structure of the trace on photographic paper resembled the trace of a wave that passed through the slits. Light can exhibit the properties of a wave or a particle.

As a result simple fact observation, the wave disappears and turns into particles. If you do not observe, a trace of the wave appears on the photographic paper. This physical phenomenon is called the “Observer Effect”.

The same results were obtained with other particles. The experiments were repeated many times, but each time they surprised scientists. Thus, it was discovered that at the quantum level, matter reacts to human attention. This was new in physics.

According to views modern physics everything materializes from the void. This emptiness is called the “quantum field”, “zero field” or “matrix”. The void contains energy that can be converted into matter.

Matter consists of concentrated energy - this is a fundamental discovery of 20th century physics.

In the atom there is no hard parts. Objects are made of atoms. But why are objects solid? A finger placed against a brick wall does not go through it. Why? This is due to differences in the frequency characteristics of atoms and electric charges. Each type of atom has its own vibration frequency. This determines the differences physical properties items. If it were possible to change the vibration frequency of the atoms that make up the body, then a person would be able to walk through walls. But the vibrational frequencies of the atoms of the hand and the atoms of the wall are close. Therefore, the finger rests against the wall.

For any type of interaction, frequency resonance is necessary.

It's easy to understand at simple example. If you shine a flashlight on a stone wall, the light will be blocked by the wall. However, cell phone radiation will easily pass through this wall. It's all about the differences in frequencies between the radiation of a flashlight and a mobile phone. While you are reading this text, streams of a wide variety of radiation are passing through your body. This cosmic radiation, radio signals, signals of millions mobile phones, radiation coming from the earth, solar radiation, radiation that is created household appliances etc.

You don't feel it because you can only see light and hear only sound. Even if you sit in silence with eyes closed, millions pass through your head telephone conversations, pictures of television news and radio messages. You do not perceive this, because there is no frequency resonance between the atoms that make up your body and the radiation. But if there is resonance, then you react immediately. For example, when you think about a loved one who just thought about you. Everything in the universe obeys the laws of resonance.

The world consists of energy and information. Einstein, after much thought about the structure of the world, said: “The only reality existing in the universe is the field.” Just as waves are a creation of the sea, all manifestations of matter: organisms, planets, stars, galaxies are creations of the field.

The question arises: how is matter created from a field? What force controls the movement of matter?

The scientists' research led them to an unexpected answer. The creator of quantum physics, Max Planck, said the following during his acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize:

“Everything in the Universe is created and exists thanks to force. We must assume that behind this force there is a conscious mind, which is the matrix of all matter."


At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, new ideas appeared in theoretical physics that make it possible to explain the strange properties of elementary particles. Particles can appear from the void and suddenly disappear. Scientists admit the possibility of the existence of parallel universes. Perhaps particles move from one layer of the universe to another. Celebrities such as Stephen Hawking, Edward Witten, Juan Maldacena, Leonard Susskind are involved in the development of these ideas.

According to ideas theoretical physics- The Universe resembles a nesting doll, which consists of many nesting dolls - layers. These are variant universes - parallel worlds. The ones next to each other are very similar. But the further the layers are from each other, the less similarity there is between them. Theoretically, in order to move from one universe to another, one does not need spaceships. All possible options located one inside the other. These ideas were first expressed by scientists in the mid-20th century. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, they received mathematical confirmation. Today, such information is easily accepted by the public. However, a couple of hundred years ago, for such statements one could be burned at the stake or declared crazy.

Everything arises from emptiness. Everything is in motion. Objects are an illusion. Matter is made up of energy. Everything is created by thought. These discoveries of quantum physics contain nothing new. All this was known to the ancient sages. Many mystical teachings, which were considered secret and were accessible only to initiates, said that there is no difference between thoughts and objects.Everything in the world is filled with energy. The universe reacts to thought. Energy follows attention.

What you focus your attention on begins to change. These thoughts are given in various formulations in the Bible, ancient Gnostic texts, in mystical teachings that arose in India and South America. The builders of the ancient pyramids guessed this. This knowledge is the key to new technologies that are used today to control reality.

Our body is a field of energy, information and intelligence, in a state of constant dynamic exchange with environment. The impulses of the mind constantly, every second, give the body new forms to adapt to the changing demands of life.

From the point of view of quantum physics, our physical body under the influence of our mind, it is capable of making a quantum leap from one biological age to another, without passing through all the intermediate ages. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Many of you are reading books on quantum physics, and it is important for you to understand what exactly makes particles behave in quantum world so strange, dynamic and individual. Such a particle can be in any place at any moment in time, and that is why it is so difficult to predict where the particle is moving. Who gives these particles the command to unfold and collapse? Nobody. They do this because they are living, intelligent entities. They are endowed own life. In addition, they have an unlimited ability to transform into any state. When you study them, you interact with them. Do you think they don't know that we're talking about them now? If you understand this, then the possibility of conscious interaction with dynamic field called "quantum".

All these particles form special groups, which do not move randomly, but according to the movement of your thoughts. The quantum field is most deeply connected to the mind, and your mental actions correspond to the role of the Observer. But if the quantum field is inextricably linked with thinking, then what state of your mind is this or that quantum field tuned to? Whatever you do and whatever you think, your quantum field will instantly change and adapt to you. Everything that your eyes see becomes an object in your own reality. Everything around you is quantum tuned to what you think. This quantum state belongs to you!

Quantum particles have condensed according to your quantum state to become the stage for your life. It makes you who you are.

Your mind, your thinking has prepared a quantum field, a quantum state in which you, your body, your mind exist at the same time. And your whole life is equivalent to your experience of people, circumstances, things, time and events. This experience makes up your life, and you get it thanks to your mind. The mind oscillates in the same way that so-called quantum oscillations occur in a quantum field - by moving from one state of the field to another state.

Each of you has a special quantum state, and this state is your signature, or signature. Who is the creator of your quantum state? You yourself, since your body and your vast consciousness are composed of elementary particles and are under their control. This is the pattern your body and DNA are built on. At the same time, this is the potential with which your brain will begin to construct reality, as well as everything else in your life - from the wood for building your home and the gasoline for your car to your clothes. And all these objects - every little detail of your life - are consistent with the characteristics of your quantum state.

The quantum state corresponds to the state of thinking of the Observer. How does it affect our destiny? Your mind, your Spirit, your Soul, your consciousness follows this structure, which involves an extended, powerful stream of consciousness.

Your soul also connects to your quantum state and sends information into it. This state unfolds from childhood - from birth to death. Years go by, and you are still the same person, because the quantum state of your thinking has not changed at all.

In other words, nothing from outside, nothing from below, and nothing from outside can change the way you create your life from a quantum state. Your destiny is to live through the quantum field, and nothing different or new will happen to you because you are following a given course. Everything you have experienced in your life was already contained in your quantum state. There is no time in it, and the moment of death is known in it no worse than the moment of your birth. This same composition of the quantum state will be the same, but will have infinite possibilities of change. All we have to do is change this state.

A quantum state can only be changed when the change affects all people, all people, circumstances, things, times and events in your world. And a change of state is possible only with a change in thinking itself.

However, your quantum field may undergo changes and become completely different. The state you are in has infinite set opportunities. All quantum particles– this is not soulless dust, they are active and animated. This is a key consideration in in this case because if elementary particles, making up your quantum field, exist simultaneously in the past, future and present, then they exist in many dimensions and have unlimited possibilities.

Existence based on quantum thinking, will have completely different fluctuations. The automaticity of such thinking gives rise to a change in the quantum state. Only by changing our thinking can we change ourselves.

By contemplating who we really are, we thereby, from our quantum state, produce a reverse stimulation of quantum vibrations, which simply through contemplation bring changes, impart lightness and brightly illuminate our existence.

Are you ready to let go of the idea that you yourself are hindering your life?

Now that we have begun to understand the nature of the quantum field and the quantum vibrations that open up the infinity of possibilities within this field, we can transfer this knowledge to outside world. Having this knowledge means having opportunities. They protect against uncertainty and bring wisdom. Feelings of uncertainty are dispelled by knowledge.

In addition, I will cite some statements from Ramtha's book " Parallel lives and fluctuations of the quantum field” about the relationship between quantum physics, our thinking and our reality.

Does your life flow smoothly and continuously? This means that your quantum state is stable. Day after day you see the same house, the same flowers, the same things... This quantum state of yours regulates your perception of all people, circumstances, things, time and events. Not a single thing that is not involved in this quantum state of yours CANNOT enter your life. Every little thing in your life is consistent with the characteristics of your quantum state.

You might think that you are a victim of your own reality. BUT: you created it yourself! And that means you can change it!

Your quantum state is determined by the state of your thinking! Why are you in the same condition that you were born with and are still living with? Because your state of thinking has not changed. You follow a given course.

If you don't know HOW to change your quantum state, you won't change your reality. This means that you yourself are preventing changes in your life.

Are you ready to admit that there is you and there is a quantum field?

If you are ready for this, if you are aware of this, then know that you are at one with the greatest minds among quantum physicists exploring the deepest mysteries of quantum field potential.

When you are ready to take these ideas as a basis, you will be able to comprehend something very important about yourself, about why you have been a victim of your life circumstances all the previous years.

Would you believe that you are so special person that the laws of quantum physics do not apply to you? Will you believe that you are so special that your quantum state and all the life that emerges from it is just some form of radical conspiracy of God against you? Would you claim to be so peculiar, so burdened life problems, such a traumatized person that the quantum field must come up with some special punishment for you - for reasons unknown to you? Will you defend all the flaws in your life? Would you argue that a substance is intentionally harming you?

If you hold on to these statements, then you deserve it, and I will not help you.

Your quantum state contains your entire past, present and future. Quantum state embraces quantum field. That state called “You” is deeply woven into the quantum field.

The state you are in has an infinite number of possibilities.

All that remains is to master the techniques with which your thinking will change, and after it your quantum state and reality itself will change.

What are we being given to understand? newest discoveries in quantum physics, biology, genetics, medicine? This is what we imagine, model and then materialize the surrounding reality according to at will, consciously managing the process of fixation in physical dimension multidimensional vibrating fields of our vital energy. We create reality with our consciousness, manifesting information in material world through our DNA.

When we consciously imagine the desired reality from the depths of our essence, space and time become completely subordinate to us, as it was originally. Space-time is transformed due to high-frequency vibrations of our soul, which recreates the surrounding reality in its own image and likeness, following the example of the Prime Creator. In other words, the information of our soul or the quantum particles of our experience, with the help of our visualization, are emitted into the “external” world in the form of multidimensional energy-information waves and recreate themselves in the corresponding forms of matter. Thus, the surrounding reality shows us only what we expect to see.

We see around us only what our consciousness is tuned to - what our imagination constructs.

Therefore, if we do not want to experience something, we should NOT concentrate on such information, we should NOT record it in the form of experience - we need to live as if we simply DO NOT KNOW about such a probability of the emergence of a reality that we do not need . If, on the contrary, we want to ACQUISE something IN THE FORM OF EXPERIENCE, in the form of concrete reality, we should CONSCIOUSLY IMAGINE what we want, systematically FIXING OUR CHOICE in reality.

Through our problems, joys and sufferings, Reality loudly shouts to us:

“Well, finally make your choice! Decide what you want and who you are! Otherwise, all this is meaningless! How long can you hang around in space like a chaotic collection of atoms...?”

Quantum Resurrection: Healing with Vibrational Frequency and the Law of Attraction (Quantum Series Book 4)


Ukrainian events of late, which have attracted everyone's attention, increasingly give rise to the thought in me: “This is not my war, why am I interested in this, why am I stirring up the lower energies in myself?” The answer would seem to be on the surface: you need to know about this, just like about the Second World War and other wars and historical disasters, in order to learn lessons so that it never happens again.

We learn these lessons over and over again, so what? Isn't it repeated? Repeating...

I repeat the question: why do I need to know this? Why experience the unbearable negative emotions from events that have nothing to do with me?

Moreover, this is especially true in those moments when defense mechanisms psyches begin to rebel against horrifying facts and scenes of violence, causing somatic reactions of the whole organism to this, even spasms in the stomach...

Why the hell do I care???

It may be immoral, but I don't want to receive information that causes pain and suffering. And there is a scientific basis for this:

What do the latest discoveries in quantum physics, biology, genetics, and medicine tell us? This is what we imagine, model and then materialize the surrounding reality at our own will, consciously managing the process of fixing the multidimensional vibrating fields of our vital energy in the physical dimension. We create reality with our consciousness, manifesting information in the material world through our DNA.

When we consciously imagine the desired reality from the depths of our essence, space and time become completely subordinate to us, as it was originally. Space-time is transformed due to high-frequency vibrations of our soul, which recreates the surrounding reality in its own image and likeness, following the example of the Prime Creator. In other words, the information of our soul or the quantum particles of our experience, with the help of our visualization, are emitted into the “external” world in the form of multidimensional energy-information waves and recreate themselves in the corresponding forms of matter. Thus, the surrounding reality shows us only what we expect to see.

We see around us only what our consciousness is tuned to - what our imagination constructs.

That's why, if we do not want to experience something, we should NOT concentrate on such information, we should NOT record it in the form of experience - we need to live as if we simply DO NOT KNOW about such a probability of the emergence of a reality that we do not need. If, on the contrary, we want to ACQUISE something IN THE FORM OF EXPERIENCE, in the form of concrete reality, we should CONSCIOUSLY IMAGINE what we want, systematically FIXING OUR CHOICE in reality.

Through our problems, joys and sufferings, Reality loudly shouts to us:

“Well, finally make your choice! Decide what you want and who you are! Otherwise, all this is meaningless! How long can you hang around in space like a chaotic collection of atoms...?”

When I tried to delve deeper into the physics textbooks, I got bogged down (after all, everything has its time), so I skimmed a little “over the top” in a popular science style.

If you come across materials “for dummies”, drag them here - we’ll read them and take our minds off the hustle and bustle of vanities))




at one time I was completely struck by the idea that most the universe as such is emptiness. What matter directly occupies a very small part. but now I’ve somehow gotten used to it))))).


In my opinion, what is called matter is the result of the interaction of emptiness and energy...

Everything has shells, at least that's what it seems to us human perception... But studying these shells deeper and deeper, we do not find matter there, but only new shells... And the shells themselves are formed by energy. And you can feel this shell only by interacting with it with your energy...






Miracles modern world- lasers, Internet, computers, television, cell phones, radars, microwave ovens etc. - based on quicksand probabilities.

Something doesn't add up here...


Space-time is transformed due to high-frequency vibrations of our soul, which recreates the surrounding reality in its own image and likeness, following the example of the Prime Creator. In other words, the information of our soul or the quantum particles of our experience, with the help of our visualization, are emitted into the “external” world in the form of multidimensional energy-information waves and recreate themselves in the corresponding forms of matter. Thus, the surrounding reality shows us only what we expect to see.

Our egocentrism is incurable) It’s nice to think that the universe revolves around me and is concerned with my desires. Or maybe not just mine? Then the question is - how does it choose whom to please? If there are two people nearby emitting different “waves,” how is the shown real determined? If you show one, it won’t suit the first, if you show another, it won’t suit the second, if you show a mix, it won’t suit both. And when there are many people in one place, will there finally be a “quantum mess”?)) Or is reality the same, but everyone sees it differently? Then the conversation about tuning reality to suit the individual is meaningless and a huge section of philosophy about subjective perception begins.











To be honest, I didn’t quite catch the essence of what the author ultimately wants to say... The theory of probability is as old as the world, Pascal and Fermat worked on it...

But this phrase threw me into a stupor:

Something doesn't add up here...

This is no longer the same t.s. “flat” theory of probability, which we studied at school/in the 1st year and which is described by well-known mathematical functions.

Here we are talking about quantum probabilities, the principles of which scientists only “feel” so far, but there is essentially no evidence that can be “touched”...

That's how I understood it.

Here, for example:

Physicists saved "Schrödinger's cat"

The cat from the experiment of Australian scientist Erwin Schrödinger survived when scientists from the American University of Berkeley measured quantum system without disturbing her balance.

One of the creators of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger, came up with a thought experiment with a cat back in 1935.

Its essence is this: the cat is locked in a box for an hour, in the box there is also an ampoule with poisonous gas, radioactive atom and Geiger counter. The probability that the nucleus of an atom will decay within an hour is 50%.

If the nucleus decays, the Geiger counter reacts to radiation and opens an ampoule of gas - the cat dies. If the nucleus does not decay, then the cat remains alive.

At this hour, the probability that the cat is alive is 50%. And the same - that he is alive. In quantum physics, a radioactive atom, while we do not observe it, is at the same time slightly decayed and slightly not.

This is called “superposition of states.” To clarify, you need to destroy this very superposition, open the box and look inside. Schrödinger came up with an experiment with a cat to show the incompleteness of this branch of physics.

Scientists from the USA were able to organize observation of the system without disturbing the superposition state. For the experiment, scientists collected electrical circuit with a superconductor, and introduced it into a state of superposition, cycling between the states of zero and one. The researchers then determined the frequency of the oscillation without measuring the zero or one states directly. The result should have been information with a degree of unreliability, which at the same time could help in determining the properties of the object.

The scientists' intervention, which lasted only a few hundredths of a second, did not disrupt the state of the quantum system.

The practical benefit of the discovery is its use for design quantum computers future. Previously, it was not possible to study superpositions without destroying them, and this obstacle was a stumbling block to the creation of quantum computers.


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