People's encyclopedia of cities and regions of Russia. Cities

Iman, city ​​(since 1917) in the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located in the lower reaches of the river. Iman (tributary of the Ussuri). Railway station on the Khabarovsk - Vladivostok line, 28 thousand inhabitants (1970). Center of the woodworking industry (75-80% of the city's industrial workers): woodworking and house-building factories, a cooperage factory. Meat processing plant, vegetable canning plant. Veterinary College.

  • - Arsenyev, a city in the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located on the right bank of the river. Daubihe. Railway station on the branch Manzovka - Varfolomeevka. 43 thousand inhabitants ...
  • - Artyom, a city in the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located in the northern part of the Muravyov-Amursky peninsula, on the territory of the Artyomovsky brown coal basin. Railway station 45 km to the north-east. from Vladivostok...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Dalny, an urban-type settlement in the Tetyukhinsky district of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located 240 km to the north-east. from the railway Varfolomeevka station...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Zarubino, an urban-type settlement in the Khasansky district of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located on the shore of Posiet Bay, 12 km south of the railway. Sukhanovka station. Fish factory...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Iman, Ima, a river in the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR, a tributary of the Ussuri. Length 440 km, basin area 29,600 km2. It originates on the Sikhote-Alin ridge. In the upper reaches it flows in a narrow valley; below - in a strip of foothills, dividing into branches...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Kamenka, an urban-type settlement in the Tetyukhinsky district of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Japan. Fish processing plant, fur farming...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Kirovsky, an urban-type settlement, the center of the Kirovsky district of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located on the river. Ussuri, 18 km east of the Shmakovka railway station...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Livadia, an urban-type settlement in the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located on the shore of Vostok Bay of the Sea of ​​Japan, 45 km west of the railway. Pacific station. Fishing, ship repair, fur farming...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Nakhodka, a city of regional subordination of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Port in Nakhodka Bay of America Bay. One of the major transport and fishing centers of the Far East. Railway station. 116 thousand inhabitants...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Olga, urban-type settlement, center of the Olginsky district of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. A port on the shore of Olga Bay in the Sea of ​​Japan, 248 km to the north-east. from the railway Pacific station...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Popova, an urban-type settlement in the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR, subordinate to the Pervomaisky District Council of Vladivostok. Located on Popov Island in Peter the Great Bay, 25 km from Vladivostok. Fish processing plant, fur farm...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Primorsky, an urban-type settlement in the Khasansky district of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located 2 km from the shore of the Amur Bay. Railway station. Railway enterprises transport, metal products plant...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Putyatin, an urban-type settlement in the Shkotovsky district of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located on Putyatina Island, 6 km from the railway. Danube station, located on the mainland. Fish processing plant, fur farm...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Razdolnoye, an urban-type settlement in the Nadezhdinsky district of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located on the left bank of the river. Razdolnaya. Railway station 70 km north of Vladivostok. Construction materials factory...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Rudny, an urban-type settlement in the Kavalerovsky district of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located in the upper reaches of the river. Zerkalnaya, 124 km east of the railway. Novochuguevka station...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Slavyanka, an urban-type settlement, the center of the Khasansky district of the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR. Located on the shore of Peter the Great Bay. Railway station 225 km to the south-west. from Vladivostok...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

"Iman (city in Primorsky Krai)" in books

Kamenka (urban-type settlement in Primorsky Krai)

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(KA) of the author TSB

Popova (urban-type settlement in Primorsky Krai)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PO) by the author TSB

Zarubino (urban-type settlement in Primorsky Krai)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (ZA) by the author TSB

Kirovsky (urban-type settlement in Primorsky Krai)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CI) by the author TSB

Primorsky (urban-type settlement in Primorsky Krai)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PR) by the author TSB

The history of the city of Dalnerechensk goes back 145 years. From the very moment when, according to the decree of the Governor General Eastern Siberia Count N.N. Muravyov-Amursky, in summer 1859. on high bank Ussuri appeared Cossack village Grafskaya. The village was founded by immigrants from Transbaikal (35 families), Donetsk (6 families), Orenburg (8 families), Terek (6 families) and Kuban (1 family) Cossack troops.

The Cossacks were able to demonstrate that the region belonged to Russia. But to ensure the development of internal areas on our own or reliable protection territory they could not. These tasks were solved by units of the Russian army and civilians.

In the absence of dirt roads, the main transport route was rivers, so the confluence of the Iman and Ussuri had strategic importance. Here, since the 80s, a fortified area was formed, which in 1896 received the name “Headquarters of Count Muravyov-Amursky.”

Position local population fundamentally changed construction railway. In 1891 the Emperor Alexander III approved the decision on the construction of the South Ussuri railway Vladivostok – Nikolskoye – Spasskoye – Grafskoye. By 1893, work began railway station Muravyovo-Amurskaya (now Lazo).

The head of work on the construction of the Ussuri Railway, reporting on the progress of work on the northern section, indicated that by December 1, 1894, the main and siding tracks had been laid from the Muravyovo-Amurskaya station to the Iman pier, the foundation of a residential building had been laid at the Iman station, and temporary premises had been built for workers and employees. This was the beginning of another page in the history of the city of Dalnerechensk.

The first indigenous resident of Iman was Elizaveta Malakhievna Prokhorova. She was born on August 24, 1895.

Despite the difficulties, Iman grew and developed, turning into a trading and industrial center north of Primorye. Timber enterprises of the merchants Skidelsky, Streletsky, and Kuzin arose and successfully developed in Iman. Trade was carried out successfully, including large trading companies“Kunst and Albers”, the Pyankov brothers and others. They had their own canteens, restaurants, taverns, a tannery, a factory of artificial mineral waters, mills, 29 manufacturing stores, etc.

In 1897, Iman became the base for the ships of the Ussuri Cossack flotilla, the first commander of which was D.A. Lukhmanov, and the first ships were “Ataman” and “Kazak Ussuriysky” with the barge “Kazachka”.

Education could be obtained at a four-year higher primary school, the first Far East educational and demonstration workshop on wood processing (3 years of study), one- and two-year schools.

Member of the Amur expedition Zakrevsky wrote: “... the settlement of Iman is developing into a large populated area, being a Russian border stronghold on the Chinese border itself…”.

By 1908, about five thousand people lived in Iman, of which 2.5 thousand were Russian citizens, and the rest were foreigners, mainly Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. It was necessary to resolve issues of maintaining public order, establishing fire protection, improving the sanitary situation, and developing social sphere, carry out reclamation work.

June 30 (June 17) 1909 . was educated Iman district , separated from South Ussuriysk. Iman becomes the administrative center. It contained: the district military service presence, the Office of the peasant chiefs of the 12th and 13th sections, the justice of the peace, the inspector of public schools, the head of the section of the Ussuri Cossack Army, the bailiff, the forester, and the treasury. Postal and telegraph office, medical and veterinary stations, resettlement hospital, state agricultural warehouse of the resettlement administration, public meeting, illusion hall, agents of 3 insurance companies. First Mikhail Nikolaevich Kozlyanikov became the head of the district.

The struggle for the introduction of urban and rural regulation in Iman was difficult and long, it continued until 1917 and ended successfully: June 16 1917. The provisional government adopted a resolution “On the transformation of 41 settlements into cities with the introduction of urban status in them.” The resolution was signed by Minister-Chairman G.E. Lviv. Iman was transformed into the city of Imansky.

Soviet power was proclaimed in Iman at the beginning of 1918. The first chairman of the Workers' Council and soldiers' deputies became A.V. Tatarintsev. In March of the same year, E.E. Ryabukha was elected chairman of the district council. At the same time, zemstvo bodies continued to operate - the city duma and the council. The dual power ended in May 1918.

In September, power passed into the hands of the White Guards and Japanese interventionists. The garrison was commanded by A.G. Shiryaev, Japanese company - Anacha. Near the city, in an old training camp, captured Red Army soldiers and Bolshevik supporters were kept. White rule was overthrown in January 1920, the Japanese remained until October. Soviet power was restored in March 1922.

At the turn of the 1930s, new enterprises were created. They built timber mill No. 19, a rafting office, a cereal factory (Rice Factory), a cooperage factory, a fish factory, artels, and bakeries operated. The need to strengthen defense capabilities led to an increase in the military contingent. The 57th border detachment was created in Iman, and the formation of the 109th fortified area was underway near the city.

Before the Great Patriotic War They built three high schools, equipped some houses with radio, installed equipment in the club for showing sound films, established the work of a printing house and the editorial office of the Borba newspaper, opened a city hospital, a clinic, and a dental office. A children's library was separated from the district library.

During the Great Patriotic War, over 6,000 Imanians went to the front, 2,200 of them gave their lives in the name of the Motherland. From among the Dalnerechensk residents who went to the front - seven Heroes Soviet Union: Shumeiko A.A., Chepelyuk S.G., Rud N.N., Nikitchenko N.M., Kharlamov M.I., Baboshin V.N., Tyagushev E.V.

At the enterprises of the city, they produced shell boxes, made felt boots for the needs of the army, collected funds for the construction of the Primorsky Komsomolets tank column and the Soviet Primorye air squadron, and collected money for the defense fund.

On the opposite bank of the Ussuri River from the Iman, at the confluence with the Iman River, the Japanese created the Khutou fortified area. In August 1945, soldiers of the 109th fortified area fought heavy fighting against the Japanese militarists. Residents of the city helped wounded soldiers who were being treated in a hospital in the Grafsky garrison.

City Iman was renamed Dalnerechensk in 1972 .

Today Dalnerechensk is a center of forestry, woodworking, food industry. Lumber, carpentry, round timber, furniture, bakery and confectionery products are the main types of products.

The cultural center of the city unites 4 Houses of Culture, a museum of the history of the city, art schools, music and art, and 5 libraries. There are two vocational schools, branches of Lesozavodsky medical school and Far Eastern State technical university. Construction of the sports complex is nearing completion.

Founded Former names City with Square Center height Population Density

244.24 people/km²

Names of residents

Dalnerechentsy, Dalnerechenets

Time zone Dialing code Postal codes Vehicle code OKATO code Official website
K: Settlements founded in 1859

Dalnerechensk- a city in the Primorsky Krai of Russia, the administrative center of the Dalnerechensky district and the Dalnerechensky urban district. Located near the border with China. The northernmost and oldest city Primorye.


Before the revolution, the 1st Siberian Pontoon Battalion was stationed in the city.

The 15th was based in the city Separate brigade patrol ships border troops(15 OBSKR).



Timber processing

According to the results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, the urban population was 27,604 people (of which 12,642 were men; 14,962 women), and the rural population was 3,176 people (1,494 men, 1,682 women).

Notable natives and residents

  • Medvedev, Pyotr Ivanovich - Russian and Soviet artist, participant in the war with Japan.
  • In 1898-1899, after hard labor, the thief Sonya the Golden Hand lived in the city


The following are coming out in the city: periodicals: “Dalnereche”, “ Shock front", "People's News".


Climate of Dalnerechensk (norm 1981-2010)
Indicator Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, °C 2,7 5,8 17,6 26,6 32,9 34,9 34,6 36,8 29,7 26,5 16,4 8,8 36,8
Average temperature, °C −18,8 −14,1 −5,1 5,9 12,9 18,0 21,1 20,6 14,1 5,8 −5,7 −15,8 3,2
Absolute minimum, °C −42 −36,8 −31,8 −15,1 −3,7 2,1 5,3 4,4 −5 −16,2 −30,9 −38,2 −42
Precipitation rate, mm 12 11 25 40 66 77 117 120 71 52 27 19 637
Source: Tav °С and precipitation, Tmin °С and Tmax °С


Stele at the entrance to the city Railway station House of Culture "Vostok" Children's park St. Lenin Mass grave of Heroes of Damansky

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  1. Population Russian Federation By municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. Cossack troops Russia. Shishov A.V. - Veche. 2007. ISBN 978-5-9533-1749-8
  3. // Project “Territory: Primorsky Krai”
  4. People's Encyclopedia"My city." Dalnerechensk
  5. . Retrieved November 30, 2013. .
  6. (Russian) . Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. .
  7. (Russian) . Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. .
  8. (Russian) . Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. .
  9. . .
  10. . .
  11. . Retrieved January 2, 2014. .
  12. . Retrieved August 31, 2013. .
  13. . Retrieved May 31, 2014. .
  14. . Retrieved November 16, 2013. .
  15. . Retrieved August 2, 2014. .
  16. . Retrieved August 6, 2015. .
  17. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  18. (Russian) . Demoscope. Retrieved July 31, 2015. .


  • // Grigoriev - Dynamics. - M. : Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2007. - P. 264. - (Big Russian Encyclopedia: [in 35 volumes] / chief ed. Yu. S. Osipov; 2004-, vol. 8). - ISBN 978-5-85270-338-5.

) OKATO code: 05408
Founded: 1894
City from: 1917 City of regional subordination
Center: Dalnerechensky district Deviation from Moscow time, hours: 7
Geographic latitude: 45°56"
Geographical longitude: 133°44"
Height above sea level, meters: 160
Sunrise and sunset times in Dalnerechensk


Dalnerechensk: photo from space (Google Maps)
Dalnerechensk: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)
Dalnerechensk Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction.
By hyperlink in the column distance you can get the route (information kindly provided by the AutoTransInfo website)
1 57 (113) SW
2 Novopokrovka60 (73) IN
3 Luchegorsk70 (50) NE
4 Kirovsky95 (102) Yu
5 105 (99) NE
6 Spasskoye162 () SW
7 164 (180) SW
8 Yakovlevka169 (216) Yu
9 Stone-Fisherman188 (428) SW
10 Novosysoevka191 () Yu
11 194 (197) NE
12 Chuguevka196 (333) Yu
13 Chernigovka199 (218) SW
14 199 (264) Yu

Brief description

Located in the Ussuri Lowland, 412 km north of Vladivostok. Pier on the river Bolshaya Ussurka (tributary of the Ussuri). There are 3 railway lines within the city. stations: Dalnerechensk-I, Grushevoe, Lazo.

Territory (sq. km): 108

Information about the city of Dalnerechensk on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

Founded in 1894 in connection with the construction of the railway. The city of Iman by location on the river. Iman (now the Bolshaya Ussurka River) since 1917. In 1972, renamed Dalnerechensk; the name is artificial.

In May 1920, at the Muravyovo-Amurskaya station (now Lazo), revolutionaries S.G. were burned in a locomotive furnace. Lazo, A.N. Lutskin, V.M. Sibirtsev (at the site of their death there is a monument).

[Perhaps the working village of Verkhne-Imansky, 1.0 thousand inhabitants, 1959, became part of the city in 1961.]


JSC - "Primorsky Wood Processing Plant", "Dalnerechensky Sawmill and Wood Processing Plant", "Dalnerechensky Timber Processing Plant". Cooperage factory (produces barrels for the fishing industry).

Food industry enterprises: bakery plant, meat processing plant, Salskoye LLC (includes dairy, canneries, sausage shop), JSC "Kirbet" (brick, concrete).

In the Dalnerechensky district, grains, soybeans, potatoes, vegetables, and pears are grown. They raise cattle and poultry.

Deposits of coal, tungsten, rhodonite, polymetals. Gravel, stone, crushed stone are mined.

Mineral spring - Kisly Klyuch.

Main enterprises


OJSC "Primorsky DOK"
692100, Primorsky Krai, Dalnerechensk, st. Shevchenko, 1
Offers: Cabinet furniture, upholstered furniture, parquet, door blocks, lumber


OJSC "Pekar K"
692100, Primorsky Krai, Dalnerechensk, st. Chernyshevsky, 2
Offers: Pasta, bakery products, confectionery


Poultry farm "Solovyovsky"
692100, Primorsky Krai, Dalnerechensky district, village. Solovyovka
Offers: Poultry meat, egg

Culture, science, education

Museum of the History of the City (branch of the Primorsky United Museum named after V.K. Arsenyev).

Memorial at the grave of border guards who died during armed conflict on Damansky Island in 1969.

Universities of the city

Dalnerechensky Socio-Economic Institute (branch) of the Far Eastern State Technical University (FEPI named after V.V. Kuibyshev)
692130, Primorsky Krai, Dalnerechensk, st. Lenina, 69-a

Museums, galleries, exhibition halls

Museum of the History of Dalnerechensk
692100, Primorsky Krai, Dalnerechensk, st. Lenina, 81

Architecture, sights

Church (1913), building of the branch of the trading house "Kunst and Albers" (1908), complex of fortifications of the former garrison of the headquarters of Count N.N. Muravyov-Amursky.

City of regional subordination
Center: Dalnerechensky district, Primorsky Krai OKATO code: 05408
Founded: 1894
City from: 1917 Deviation from Moscow time, hours: 7
Geographic latitude: 45°58"
Geographical longitude: 133°47"

Dalnerechensk Nearest cities. Distances on the map (road), km, direction
1 58 (...) SW 8 304 (333) WITH
2 109 (129) WITH 9 308 (...) SW
3 175 (182) SW 10 311 (...) Yu
4 190 (...) WITH 11 329 (507) WITH
5 202 (...) Yu 12 336 (...) Yu
6 203 (...) SE 13 339 (401) SW
7 273 (306) SW 14 351 (557) Yu

Brief description

Located in the Ussuri Lowland, 412 km north of Vladivostok. Pier on the river Bolshaya Ussurka (tributary of the Ussuri). There are 3 railway lines within the city. stations: Dalnerechensk-I, Grushevoe, Lazo. Airport.

Historical sketch

Founded in 1894 in connection with the construction of the railway. The city of Iman by location on the river. Iman (now the Bolshaya Ussurka River) since 1917. In 1972, renamed Dalnerechensk; the name is artificial.

In May 1920, at the Muravyovo-Amurskaya station (now Lazo), revolutionaries S.G. were burned in a locomotive furnace. Lazo, A.N. Lutskin, V.M. Sibirtsev (at the site of their death there is a monument).


JSC - "Primorsky Wood Processing Plant", "Dalnerechensky Sawmill and Wood Processing Plant", "Dalnerechensky Timber Processing Plant". Cooperage factory (produces barrels for the fishing industry).

Food industry enterprises: bakery plant, meat processing plant, Salskoe LLC (includes a dairy, cannery, sausage shop), Kirbet JSC (brick, concrete).

In the Dalnerechensky district, grains, soybeans, potatoes, vegetables, and pears are grown. They raise cattle and poultry.

Deposits of coal, tungsten, rhodonite, polymetals. Gravel, stone, crushed stone are mined.

Mineral spring - Kisly Klyuch.

Culture, science, education

Museum of the History of the City (branch of the Primorsky United Museum named after V.K. Arsenyev).

Memorial at the grave of border guards who died on Damascus Island in 1969.

Architecture, sights

Church (1913), building of the branch of the trading house "Kunst and Albers" (1908), complex of fortifications of the former garrison of the headquarters of Count N.N. Muravyov-Amursky.

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