Read a folk tale about a fisherman and a fish. What is "The Tale of the Goldfish" about?

He lived with his wife near the seashore. One day, in the old man’s net, not a simple one comes across, but a... She speaks to the fisherman in a human voice and asks to let her go. The old man does this and does not ask for any reward for himself.

Returning to his old hut, he tells his wife about what happened. She scolds her husband and eventually forces him to return to the house to demand a reward from the wonderful fish - at least a new trough to replace the old, broken one. By the sea, an old man calls a fish, it appears and advises the fisherman not to be sad, but to go home calmly. At home, the old man sees the old woman's new trough. However, she is still dissatisfied with what she has and demands to find more useful application the magic of the fish.

Subsequently, the old woman begins to demand more and more and sends the old man to the fish again and again, so that he asks for a new hut as a reward, then nobility, and then the royal title. The old man goes to each time blue sea and calls out for the fish.

As the old woman's demands grow, the sea becomes darker, stormier, and more restless.

The fish fulfills all requests for the time being. Having become the queen, the old woman sends her “simp” husband away, ordering him to be kicked out of her palace, but soon again demands to bring him to her. She plans to continue to use him as leverage over the goldfish. She no longer wants to be a queen, but wants to be the mistress of the sea, so that she can goldfish served her and was on her errands. The goldfish did not answer this request, but silently swam away into the blue sea. Returning home, the old man found his wife in his old dugout, and in front of her was a broken trough.

By the way, it was thanks to this fairy tale that the popular phrase entered Russian colloquial culture catchphrase- “to be left with nothing,” that is, to end up with nothing.

Origins of the tale

Like most of Pushkin's fairy tales, "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish is based on folk folklore story and contains a certain allegorical meaning. Yes, she has the same storyline from the Pomeranian “About a Fisherman and His Wife” as told by the Brothers Grimm. In addition, some motifs echo the story from the Russian “Greedy Old Woman”. True, in this story, instead of a goldfish, the source of magic was a magic tree.

Interestingly, in the fairy tale told by the Brothers Grimm, the old woman eventually wished to become the Pope. This can be seen as an allusion to Pope Joan, the only female pope who managed to obtain this position by deception. In one of the first known editions of Pushkin's tale, the old woman also asked for the papal tiara and received it before demanding the post of mistress of the sea. However, this episode was subsequently deleted by the author.

An old man lived with his old woman
By the bluest sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man was catching fish with a net,
The old woman was spinning her yarn.
Once he threw a net into the sea -
A net arrived with nothing but mud.
Another time he cast a net -
A net came with sea grass.
For the third time he cast the net -
A net came with one fish,
With not just a simple fish - a gold one.
How the goldfish prays!
He says in a human voice:
"Let me go to sea, old man!
Dear, I will give a ransom for myself:
I'll buy you anything you want."
The old man was surprised and frightened:
He fished for thirty years and three years
And I never heard the fish speak.
He released the goldfish
And told her sweet Nothing:
"God be with you, goldfish!
I don’t need your ransom;
Go to the blue sea,
Walk there in the open space."

The old man returned to the old woman,
He told her a great miracle:
"Today I caught a fish,
Goldfish, not an ordinary one;
In our opinion, the fish spoke,
I asked to go home to the blue sea,
Bought at a high price:
I bought whatever I wanted
I didn’t dare take a ransom from her;
So he let her into the blue sea."
The old woman scolded the old man:
"You fool, you simpleton!
You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish!
If only you could take the trough from her,
Ours is completely split."

So he went to the blue sea;
He sees that the sea is a little rough.
A fish swam to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
"Have mercy, lady fish,
My old woman scolded me,
The old man gives me no peace:
She needs a new trough;
Ours is completely split."
The goldfish answers:
"Don't be sad, go with God.
There will be a new trough for you."

The old man returned to the old woman,
The old woman has a new trough.
The old woman scolds even more:
"You fool, you simpleton!
You begged for a trough, you fool!
Is there a lot of self-interest in the trough?
Turn back, fool, you are going to the fish;
Bow to her and beg for a hut."

So he went to the blue sea
(The blue sea has become cloudy).
He began to click on the goldfish.
"What do you want, old man?"
"Have mercy, lady fish!
The old woman scolds even more,
The old man gives me no peace:
A grumpy woman is asking for a hut."
The goldfish answers:
"Don't be sad, go with God,
So be it: you will have a hut."

He went to his dugout,
And there is no trace of the dugout;
In front of him is a hut with a light,
With a brick, whitewashed pipe,
With oak, plank gates.
The old woman is sitting under the window,
What the world stands on scolds her husband:
"You're a fool, you're a simpleton!
The simpleton begged for a hut!
Turn back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a black peasant girl,
I want to be a high-ranking noblewoman".

The old man went to the blue sea
(Restless blue sea).
He began to click on the goldfish.
A fish swam to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man answers her with a bow:
"Have mercy, lady fish!
The old woman became more foolish than ever,
The old man gives me no peace:
She doesn't want to be a peasant
She wants to be a high-ranking noblewoman."
The goldfish answers:
"Don't be sad, go with God."

The old man returned to the old woman,
What does he see? High tower.
His old woman is standing on the porch
In an expensive sable jacket,
Brocade kitty on the crown,
Pearls weighed down the neck,
There are gold rings on my hands,
Red boots on her feet.
Before her are diligent servants;
She beats them and drags them by the chuprun.
The old man says to his old woman:
"Hello, madam noblewoman!
Tea, now your darling is happy."
The old woman shouted at him,
She sent him to serve at the stables.

One week goes by, another goes by
The old woman became even more foolish;
Again he sends the old man to the fish:
"Turn back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a high-ranking noblewoman.
But I want to be a free queen."
The old man got scared and prayed:
“Why, woman, have you eaten too much henbane?
You can neither step nor speak.
You will make the whole kingdom laugh."
The old woman became even more angry,
She hit her husband on the cheek.
"How dare you, man, argue with me,
With me, a pillar noblewoman?
Go to the sea, they tell you with honor;
If you don’t go, they will lead you willy-nilly.”

The old man went to the sea
(The blue sea turned black).
He began to click on the goldfish.
A fish swam to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man answers her with a bow:
"Have mercy, lady fish!
My old woman is rebelling again:
She doesn't want to be a noblewoman,
She wants to be a free queen."
The goldfish answers:
"Don't be sad, go with God!
Good! The old woman will be a queen!"

The old man returned to the old woman,
Well? before him are the royal chambers,
In the chambers he sees his old woman,
She sits at the table like a queen,
Boyars and nobles serve her,
They pour her foreign wines;
She eats printed gingerbread;
A formidable guard stands around her,
They hold axes on their shoulders.
When the old man saw it, he was scared!
He bowed to the old woman's feet,
He said: “Hello, formidable queen!
Well, now your darling is happy?
The old woman did not look at him,
She just ordered him to be driven out of sight.
The boyars and nobles ran up,
They pushed the old man backwards.
And the guards ran up at the door,
Almost chopped me up with axes,
And the people laughed at him:
"Serves you right, you old ignoramus!
From now on, science for you, ignoramus:
Don’t sit in the wrong sleigh!”

One week goes by, another goes by
The old woman became even more furious:
The courtiers send for her husband.
They found the old man and brought him to her.
The old woman says to the old man:
"Turn back and bow to the fish.
I don't want to be a free queen,
I want to be the mistress of the sea,
So that I can live in the Okiyan-sea,
So that the goldfish may serve me
And she would be on my errands."

The old man did not dare to contradict
I didn’t dare say a word.
Here he goes to the blue sea,
He sees a black storm at sea:
So the angry waves swelled,
That's how they walk and howl and howl.
He began to click on the goldfish.
A fish swam to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man answers her with a bow:
"Have mercy, lady fish!
What should I do with the damned woman?
She doesn't want to be a queen,
Wants to be the mistress of the sea:
So that she can live in the Okiyan-sea,
So that you yourself serve her
And I would be on her errands."
The fish didn't say anything
Just splashed her tail in the water
And went into the deep sea.
He waited for a long time by the sea for an answer,
He didn’t wait, he returned to the old woman
Lo and behold, there was a dugout in front of him again;
His old woman is sitting on the threshold,
And in front of her is a broken trough.

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish– an imperishable work by A.S. Pushkin. The fairy tale has long become so beloved and popular that it will be unexpected for many that its literary roots are in Serbian folklore, and not at all in Russian. Words to the Wizard A.S. Pushkin managed to adapt it in such a way that all the described realities are close and understandable to our kids, so we see reading a fairy tale online as a wonderful activity for your child. On the pages of this site you can free read the tale of the fisherman and the fish online, and introduce your child to this most interesting work.

What is the benefit of the Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish?

We hasten to please those parents who scrupulously select reading for their children based solely on its usefulness. You have found not only fascinating reading, but also unique in its didactic and educational orientation. Online fairy tale about the fisherman and the fish will teach the child to balance desires with capabilities, not to be greedy and not to be arrogant. Kindness and a sharp mind are what will help your child not be left with nothing! Your child will certainly learn this if you allow him to read the delightful story about the fisherman and the fish online.

Getting to know The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish can become the bridge that will lead your child to wonderful world, created by an internationally recognized Russian poet. Surely the baby will want to get acquainted with other works A.S. Pushkin and, thereby, incredibly enrich your literary literacy.

An old man lived with his old woman
By the bluest sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man was catching fish with a net,
The old woman was spinning her yarn.
Once he threw a net into the sea -
A net arrived with nothing but mud.

Another time he cast a net -
A net came with sea grass.
For the third time he cast the net -
A net came with one fish,
With not just a simple fish - a gold one.
How the goldfish prays!
He says in a human voice:
"Let me go to sea, old man!
Dear, I will give a ransom for myself:
I'll buy you anything you want."
The old man was surprised and frightened:
He fished for thirty years and three years
And I never heard the fish speak.
He released the goldfish
And he said a kind word to her:
"God be with you, goldfish!
I don’t need your ransom;
Go to the blue sea,
Walk there in the open space."

The old man returned to the old woman,
He told her a great miracle:
"Today I caught a fish,
Goldfish, not an ordinary one;
In our opinion, the fish spoke,
I asked to go home to the blue sea,
Bought at a high price:
I bought whatever I wanted
I didn’t dare take a ransom from her;
So he let her into the blue sea."
The old woman scolded the old man:
"You fool, you simpleton!
You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish!
If only you could take the trough from her,
Ours is completely split."

So he went to the blue sea;
He sees that the sea is a little rough.
A fish swam to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
"Have mercy, lady fish,
My old woman scolded me,
The old man gives me no peace:
She needs a new trough;
Ours is completely split."
The goldfish answers:
"Don't be sad, go with God.
There will be a new trough for you."

The old man returned to the old woman,
The old woman has a new trough.
The old woman scolds even more:
"You fool, you simpleton!
You begged for a trough, you fool!
Is there a lot of self-interest in the trough?
Turn back, fool, you are going to the fish;
Bow to her and beg for a hut."

So he went to the blue sea
(The blue sea has become cloudy).
He began to click on the goldfish.
"What do you want, old man?"
"Have mercy, lady fish!
The old woman scolds even more,
The old man gives me no peace:
A grumpy woman is asking for a hut."
The goldfish answers:
"Don't be sad, go with God,
So be it: you will have a hut."

He went to his dugout,
And there is no trace of the dugout;
In front of him is a hut with a light,
With a brick, whitewashed pipe,
With oak, plank gates.
The old woman is sitting under the window,
What the world stands on scolds her husband:
"You're a fool, you're a simpleton!
The simpleton begged for a hut!
Turn back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a black peasant girl,
I want to be a pillar noblewoman."

The old man went to the blue sea
(Restless blue sea).
He began to click on the goldfish.
A fish swam to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man answers her with a bow:
"Have mercy, lady fish!
The old woman became more foolish than ever,
The old man gives me no peace:
She doesn't want to be a peasant
She wants to be a high-ranking noblewoman."
The goldfish answers:
"Don't be sad, go with God."

The old man returned to the old woman,
What does he see? High tower.
His old woman is standing on the porch
In an expensive sable jacket,
Brocade kitty on the crown,
Pearls weighed down the neck,
There are gold rings on my hands,
Red boots on her feet.
Before her are diligent servants;
She beats them and drags them by the chuprun.
The old man says to his old woman:
"Hello, madam noblewoman!
Tea, now your darling is happy."
The old woman shouted at him,
She sent him to serve at the stables.

One week goes by, another goes by
The old woman became even more foolish;
Again he sends the old man to the fish:
"Turn back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a high-ranking noblewoman.
But I want to be a free queen."
The old man got scared and prayed:
“Why, woman, have you eaten too much henbane?
You can neither step nor speak.
You will make the whole kingdom laugh."
The old woman became even more angry,
She hit her husband on the cheek.
"How dare you, man, argue with me,
With me, a pillar noblewoman?
Go to the sea, they tell you with honor;
If you don’t go, they will lead you willy-nilly.”

The old man went to the sea
(The blue sea turned black).
He began to click on the goldfish.
A fish swam to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man answers her with a bow:
"Have mercy, lady fish!
My old woman is rebelling again:
She doesn't want to be a noblewoman,
She wants to be a free queen."
The goldfish answers:
"Don't be sad, go with God!
Good! The old woman will be a queen!"

The old man returned to the old woman,
Well? before him are the royal chambers,
In the chambers he sees his old woman,
She sits at the table like a queen,
Boyars and nobles serve her,
They pour her foreign wines;
She eats printed gingerbread;
A formidable guard stands around her,
They hold axes on their shoulders.
When the old man saw it, he was scared!
He bowed to the old woman's feet,
He said: “Hello, formidable queen!
Well, now your darling is happy?
The old woman did not look at him,
She just ordered him to be driven out of sight.
The boyars and nobles ran up,
They pushed the old man backwards.
And the guards ran up at the door,
Almost chopped me up with axes,
And the people laughed at him:
"Serves you right, you old ignoramus!
From now on, science for you, ignoramus:
Don’t sit in the wrong sleigh!”

One week goes by, another goes by
The old woman became even more furious:
The courtiers send for her husband.
They found the old man and brought him to her.
The old woman says to the old man:
"Turn back and bow to the fish.
I don't want to be a free queen,
I want to be the mistress of the sea,
So that I can live in the Okiyan-sea,
So that the goldfish may serve me
And she would be on my errands."

The old man did not dare to contradict
I didn’t dare say a word.
Here he goes to the blue sea,
He sees a black storm at sea:
So the angry waves swelled,
That's how they walk and howl and howl.
He began to click on the goldfish.
A fish swam to him and asked:
"What do you want, old man?"
The old man answers her with a bow:
"Have mercy, lady fish!
What should I do with the damned woman?
She doesn't want to be a queen,
Wants to be the mistress of the sea:
So that she can live in the Okiyan-sea,
So that you yourself serve her
And I would be on her errands."
The fish didn't say anything
Just splashed her tail in the water
And went into the deep sea.
He waited for a long time by the sea for an answer,
He didn’t wait, he returned to the old woman
Lo and behold, there was a dugout in front of him again;
His old woman is sitting on the threshold,
And in front of her is a broken trough.

Archaeoastronomical interpretation of the tale by A.S. Pushkin

Text of the tale by A.S. Pushkin “About the Fisherman and the Fish”

An old man lived with his old woman
By the bluest sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man was catching fish with a net,
The old woman was spinning her yarn.
Once he threw a net into the sea, -
A net arrived with nothing but mud.
Another time he cast a net,
A net came with sea grass.
For the third time he cast the net, -
A net came with one fish,
With a difficult fish - gold.

How the goldfish prays!
He says in a human voice:
You, elder, let me go to sea,
Dear, I will give a ransom for myself:
The old man was surprised and frightened:
He fished for thirty years and three years
And I never heard the fish speak.
He released the goldfish
And he said a kind word to her:
“God be with you, goldfish!
I don’t need your ransom;
Go to the blue sea,
Walk there in the open space."

The old man returned to the old woman,
He told her a great miracle.
“Today I caught a fish,
Goldfish, not an ordinary one;
In our opinion, the fish spoke,
I asked to go home to the blue sea,
Bought at a high price:
I bought whatever I wanted.
I did not dare take ransom from her;
So he let her into the blue sea.”
The old woman scolded the old man:
“You fool, you simpleton!
You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish!
If only you could take the trough from her,

So he went to the blue sea;
He sees that the sea is playing up a little.

A fish swam to him and asked:

“Have mercy, lady fish,
My old woman scolded me,
The old man gives me no peace:
She needs a new trough;
Ours is completely split.”
The goldfish answers:

There will be a new trough for you."
The old man returned to the old woman,
The old woman has a new trough.
The old woman scolds even more:
“You fool, you simpleton!
You begged for a trough, you fool!
Is there a lot of self-interest in the trough?
Turn back, fool, you are going to the fish;
Bow down to her beg for a hut».

So he went to the blue sea
(The blue sea has become cloudy).
He began to click on the goldfish,

“What do you want, elder?”

The old woman scolds even more,
The old man gives me no peace:
A grumpy woman is asking for a hut.”
The goldfish answers:
“Don’t be sad, go with God,
So be it: you’ll have a hut.”
He went to his dugout,
And there is no trace of the dugout;
In front of him is a hut with a light,
With a brick, whitewashed pipe,
With oak, plank gates.
The old woman is sitting under the window,
For what it's worth, she scolds her husband.
“You are a fool, you are a simpleton!
The simpleton begged for a hut!
Turn back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a black peasant girl,

The old man went to the blue sea;
(The blue sea is not calm.)

A fish swam to him and asked:
“What do you want, elder?”
The old man answers her with a bow:
“Have mercy, lady fish!
The old woman became more foolish than ever,
The old man gives me no peace:
She doesn't want to be a peasant
She wants to be a high-ranking noblewoman.”
The goldfish answers:
“Don’t be sad, go with God.”

The old man returned to the old woman.
What does he see? High tower.
His old woman is standing on the porch
In an expensive sable jacket,
Brocade kitty on the crown,
Pearls weighed down the neck,
There are gold rings on my hands,
Red boots on her feet.
Before her are diligent servants;
She beats them and drags them by the chuprun.
The old man says to his old woman:
“Hello, madam, noblewoman!
Tea, now your darling is happy.”
The old woman shouted at him,

One week goes by, another goes by

Again he sends the old man to the fish.
“Turn back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a pillar noblewoman,
But I want to be a free queen.”

The old man got scared and prayed:
“What, woman, have you eaten too much henbane?
You can neither step nor speak,
You will make the whole kingdom laugh."
The old woman became even more angry,
She hit her husband on the cheek.
“How dare you, man, argue with me,
With me, a pillar noblewoman? -
Go to the sea, they tell you with honor,
If you don’t go, they will lead you willy-nilly.”

The old man went to the sea,
(The blue sea has turned black.)
He began to click on the goldfish.
A fish swam to him and asked:
“What do you want, elder?”
The old man answers her with a bow:
“Have mercy, lady fish!
My old woman is rebelling again:
She doesn't want to be a noblewoman,
She wants to be a free queen."
The goldfish answers:
“Don’t be sad, go with God!
Good! the old woman will be a queen!”

The old man returned to the old woman.
Well? before him are the royal chambers.
In the chambers he sees his old woman,
She sits at the table like a queen,
Boyars and nobles serve her,
They pour her foreign wines;
She eats printed gingerbread;
A formidable guard stands around her,
They hold axes on their shoulders.
When the old man saw it, he was scared!
He bowed to the old woman's feet,
He said: “Hello, formidable queen!
Well, now your darling is happy.”
The old woman did not look at him,
She just ordered him to be driven out of sight.
The boyars and nobles ran up,
They pushed the old man backwards.

And the guards ran up at the door,
Almost chopped her up with axes.

And the people laughed at him:
“Serves you right, you old ignoramus!
From now on, science for you, ignoramus:
Don’t sit in the wrong sleigh!”

One week goes by, another goes by
The old woman became even more furious:

The courtiers send for her husband,
They found the old man and brought him to her.
The old woman says to the old man:
“Turn back, bow to the fish.
I don't want to be a free queen,
I want to be the mistress of the sea,

So that I can live in Okiyan-Sea,
So that the goldfish may serve me
And she would be on my errands.”

The old man did not dare to contradict
I didn’t dare to say a word.
Here he goes to the blue sea,
He sees a black storm at sea:
So the angry waves swelled,
That's how they walk and howl and howl.
He began to click on the goldfish.
A fish swam to him and asked:
“What do you want, elder?”
The old man answers her with a bow:
“Have mercy, lady fish!
What should I do with the damned woman?
She doesn't want to be a queen,
Wants to be the mistress of the sea;
So that she can live in Okiyan-sea,
So that you yourself serve her
And I would have been on her errands.”
The fish didn't say anything

And went into the deep sea.

He waited for a long time by the sea for an answer,
He didn’t wait, he returned to the old woman -
Lo and behold, there was a dugout in front of him again;
His old woman is sitting on the threshold,
And in front of her is a broken trough.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows! Only modern Christians see a moral hint, but the ancient pagans also felt a cosmological hint. Let's try to understand how the fairy tale was experienced by those who created it and those for whom they worked. Let's start right away.

The Old Man and the Old Woman in the fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish,” as in many other fairy tales, are the Sun and the Moon. Blue Sea - starry sky- and, even more precisely, the Zodiac belt. Thirty years and three years are the essence of 33° of the ecliptic. These are the universal rules of allegorical mythology. Counting degrees from the “north point” of the Eternal Zodiac. Counting 33° from it, we find ourselves at the very beginning of Capricorn. Here is the New Year's point of the story era. For the words “years” and “years” were spoken.

The Old Man throws the net three times. Three throws are three calendar months. Their names are encrypted in the names of objects that end up in an empty net: mud and sea grass.

Old Russian months:

  • March - dry(zimobor, protalnik, rookery)
  • April- berezozol(snowdrift, caddisfly, primrose)
  • May - herbal(jarets, herbalist, pollen)
  • June - isok(colorful, hoarding, grain growing)
  • July - cherven(sufferer, haymaker, formidable)
  • August - glow(thick beetle, pickle, stubble)
  • September - howler(gloom, veresen, zarevnik)
  • October - leaf fall(dirtbag, wedding party, leaf buster)
  • november - chesten(semi-winter road, off-road, leafy)
  • December - icy(wind-winter, jelly, cold)
  • January - prosinets(winter, fierce, crackling)
  • February - section(blizzard, bokogray, snowfall)

Old months and new months do not have the same boundaries. The diversity in boundaries is caused by the transition from the pagan calendar to the Christian church (Julian) calendar. The transition happened in different Slavic peoples at different times.

In the pagan calendar, the months were counted so that their boundaries coincided with the solstices and equinoxes. New Year then began with the spring equinox. While in the modern Christian calendar, the New Year begins 10 - 11 days after the solstice. This day is called January 1, and the counting of the month begins with it.

That's why Traven is both April and May. In the “new pagan” calendar it is considered from April 17 to May 14. More accurate and correct for ancient era the month should be determined as follows: - the month of Traven occurs between Yaril Veshny (April 23), or Lelnik, later called St. George's Day (April 21), and Yaril Mokry (May 22). Sea grass in Grandfather's net is the month of Grass.

In this case, and the month of “sea mud”, that is, the month of spring mud, should be understood as March and April, more precisely from March 22 (vernal equinox, Larks, Avsen- first day of the month, the beginning of spring!) until April 23 (Yarila Veshny). This is the first month of astronomical spring.

Consequently, Grandfather’s third attempt, which was crowned with success, that is, with the capture “goldfish”, this is the third month of spring. It happened from May 22 (Yarila Wet) to June 22 (summer solstice, Snake Day - the day of snake weddings).

Surely the “goldfish” is the middle of the month. Surely, because the “golden” color or “golden” material in astronomical allegory is always associated with the summer solstice. And this is also a universal rule of allegorical cosmology. But the “goldfish” itself is undoubtedly the asterism Western Pisces in the modern zodiac constellation Pisces. The zodiac constellation in ancient times was the Horse, and Western Pisces, as an asterism of the zodiac Pisces, close to the ecliptic, was very suitable for the plot.

If the point of the summer solstice passed by the Western Pisces asterism, then, according to the law of mythology, it should have died. Grandfather would have to eat this fish. But she “begged and spoke in a human voice.” Did grandfather take pity? Why? Because he was kind and decent person? Surely so! And there is no doubt about this. But the reason is different - that the summer solstice point is moving towards reverse side(counterclockwise), and only enters Western Pisces - it still has about 15° of the ecliptic left to go there - the summer point will still move along the “goldfish” 1080 years.

The time has come to decide on the cross of seasons and the dating of the era when the plot was created. At this point, it was possible to understand that the point of the summer solstice is located next to the Western Pisces asterism (at the same level as it). Therefore, the New Year's point at the beginning of Capricorn or 33° from the “point of north” of the Eternal Zodiac can only be the spring equinox. There is no need to prove that between these two points lies exactly 75° of the ecliptic or 2.5 signs of the Zodiac. Azimuth of the summer solstice point and the entire solstice axis - 108° (33° + 75° = 108°). Remarkable result - 108 great magic number!

When the Old Man had been fishing not for 33 years, but for exactly 30, and the azimuth was 105° and not 108°, then the solstice axis would coincide with the axis of the same name great era"Creation of the World".

105° × 71.613286 = 7520 years ago or 5520 BC

When the Celestial Pole was on the same axis, but with opposite side its trajectory, then in mythology it happened most important event, namely full awareness and adequate understanding of precession as a secular celestial movement. IN Greek mythology this event is called the "victory of Zeus in the Titanomachy." But in the fairy tale by A.S. For Pushkin, this is much easier to experience - only Grandfather caught the “Golden Fish”. The epoch is calculated as follows:

180° + 105° = 285°

285° × 71.613286 = 20410 years ago = 18,410 BC

However, the azimuth of the solstice axis in front of the Golden Fish 108°, not 105°. A difference of 3° is expressed in years as 214.8 years or, for good measure, 216 years. For 216 years before the victory of Zeus or for 216 years before the “Creation of the World”. And again the great magic number! And again a wonderful result! And this magical axis is good because it passes through the star Arcturus in the constellation Bootes, taking into account its own movement.

The autumnal equinox point of the discovered cross of the seasons is simply found:

108° + 75° = 183°

183° from the north point of the Eternal Zodiac falls at the beginning of the sign Gemini. Just 3° (in the same 216 years) from the south point of the Eternal Zodiac.

Dot winter solstice- in the middle of the sign Virgo - 288°. And another great magic number!

Having understood these astronomical and cosmological foundations of the plot of the fairy tale, you can go even further and trace the movement of the Sun in the annual movement from the beginning of spring (from the New Year), and during three months spring. The matter here is complicated by the fact that the speed of movement daylight increases noticeably from month to month.

For the first month of spring mud(30 days) The Sun will pass along the ecliptic 27° and reach the border of the signs Capricorn and Aquarius of the Eternal Zodiac.

During the second month of spring, month of grass(30 days) The Sun will travel another 25° along the ecliptic and will be level with the triangular head of Pegasus (ε, θ and ζ Pegasus), which can, with imagination, be mistaken for a wooden Broken Trough .

During the third month of spring (30 days), the Sun will travel another 23° and end up at the summer solstice point. General path- 75°. WITH outside the ecliptic here is “Golden Fish”, and with inside ecliptic - Pegasus Square, which will perfectly cope with the role Dilapidated Zemlyanka.

The plot continues with three orders from Grandma: a new trough, a new hut and nobility. Orders follow one after another without interruption. These events should be understood together as close interaction between the Sun and the Moon, which is possible only during the new moon. New moon on the summer solstice. Amazing! From the last crescent of the Moon in the morning to neomenia (the first crescent of the new Moon) just three days pass. The moon is not visible for three days. Consequently, the trough and the hut, like specific items, belong to the period of the invisible Moon, and nobility, as a status concept, is already neomenia.

The beginning of the new moon (first day) takes place at a distance of 20° from the Sun (summer solstice point). Here, on the inner side of the ecliptic, there is the “head of a horse,” that is, the Broken Trough. It, at the request of Grandma Luna, becomes New Koryt. And on the new moon itself, the Old Dugout (Pegasus Square) becomes narrower New Izba with a light. In another 20°, the Moon will leave the constellation Pisces, neomenia will happen to her, and she will receive noble status.

And here's another thing:
« I don't want to be a black peasant girl
I want to be a pillar noblewoman.”

Here, it seems, everything is simple and clear! However, the correct expression was “black-growing peasants,” that is, peasants on state land. One might think that Pushkin also used the vulgar slogan “black peasant woman” instead of the competent expression “black-haired peasant woman.” However, the place in the sky in which the events of the fairy tale’s plot take place is also called the “black island.” It ends just under the Pleiades, near the point of the autumn equinox. The transition to the equinox point is associated with the intersection of the main meridian of the Eternal Zodiac, the main “pillar” of the coordinate system. So an expression can live in two contexts at the same time. But it is more productive to interpret this expression as a designation of invisibility (blackness), and visibility in the form of a sickle and a disk (noble class).

The astronomy of the Moon is such that if the new moon occurs on the summer solstice, then the first quarter occurs in the vicinity of the autumn equinox, the full moon occurs in the region of the winter solstice, and the last quarter occurs quite close to the spring equinox. In this case, a week passes between adjacent phases of the Moon, and full circle lasts a month.

At the same time, the Sun moves away from the point of the summer solstice by 23° in a month, and reaches an important place on the ecliptic in the sign of Aries, which is now called the Christian “zero of Aries” (0° Aries). When the point of the vernal equinox was in this place of the ecliptic, then Christ was born - the era of the beginning of a new era. Here ends (ends for the movement of the Sun and Moon, and begins for the movement of the points of the season in precession) the zodiac constellation Pisces (ecliptic longitude of the star α Pisces). At this time, Grandfather’s power over the “goldfish” ceases, and the end of the fairy tale comes:

The fish didn't say anything
Just splashed her tail in the water
And went into the deep sea.

Further (after neomenia) the plot follows two orders from Grandma, following at long intervals of one to two weeks (“one week, another goes by”). This interval is the most important place fairy tales The phases of the moon alternate every other week. The cycle lasts 4 weeks. Half a cycle, 2 weeks - from the new moon phase to the full moon phase. The full moon itself visually also lasts about 3 days.

The fulfillment of nobility is a phase of the moon called neomenia. Moon with a crescent - the state of the noble class (nobility, kingdom). Moon without a crescent (new moon) - black peasantry. After this desire is fulfilled, the Moon moves away from the Sun by 75°, but also by a right angle (in the cross of the seasons). This is called squaring. Quadrature is always understood as attack and aggression. Quadrature is enmity. This is why Grandmother is so unfriendly to Grandfather:

The old woman shouted at him,
She sent him to serve at the stables.

After the first quarter, a full moon will certainly occur in a week. The Full Moon in Virgo is as strong as the Summer Solstice in Pegasus Square (in Pisces). The ancient house of the mistress of the lunar, left, female, wild and witchcraft half of the Zodiac (the left bank of the celestial river Milky Way) has always been in Virgo. And the house of the owner of the right, male, solar, cultural, rational half of the Zodiac (the right bank of the celestial river Milky Way) has always been in the Pegasus Square. The grandmother very justifiably and naturally lays claim to royal power.

“I don’t want to be a pillar noblewoman,
But I want to be a free queen.”

However, the full moon is also the opposition of the Sun and Moon. The opposition aspect is cruel - the aspect is murderous. The grandfather remained to live, but he suffered beyond all measure, and completely innocently.

The old woman did not look at him,
She just ordered him to be driven out of sight.
The boyars and nobles ran up,
They pushed the old man backwards.
And the guards ran up at the door,
Almost chopped her up with axes.
And the people laughed at him:
“Serves you right, you old ignoramus!
From now on, science for you, ignoramus:
Don’t sit in the wrong sleigh!”

After a week or two, Grandfather-Moon sends Grandfather-Sun with the last task to the “goldfish”.

The full moon passes quickly (visually - three nights, but the moment itself is very short) and the last quarter begins (after passing the vernal equinox). And then, at the end of the second week, that is, on the 27-28th day of the cycle, the Moon returns to the previous point of the summer solstice. She has the last sickle left in the dawn rising sun(end of the state of the noble class). At this critical moment a strange and impossible wish:

“I don’t want to be a free queen,
I want to be the mistress of the sea,
So that I can live in Okiyan-Sea,
So that the goldfish may serve me
And she would be on my errands.”

Members solar family(Sun, Moon and five visible planets) have their own celestial nature, fundamentally different from the nature of the constellations and individual stars (members of the celestial Dragon family). The Moon cannot become a zodiac constellation or an asterism. This is unnatural. In addition, the power of Grandfather Sun over the “goldfish” ends. One can even assume that the Moon wants to become the Sun itself. And this is impossible by definition.

But the Moon’s mistake is different - it does not take into account the Sun’s own movement among the stars. In 4 weeks, it moved 22° from the place of the previous meeting, that is, the point of the summer solstice, and reached the border of the constellation Pisces.

It turns out that the miracle is performed by the Sun, and not by the “goldfish”. But the Sun becomes a magician only at short time, within one month, and only because the summer solstice happens to him at the “magic” azimuth 108°. To receive magical gifts, you need to be in right time and in the right place!

Well, then the Moon disappears (it is invisible in the sky) and approaches the Sun at close distance new moon A connection happens. This new moon is already in Aries, and not in Pisces, and it is no longer “golden”. Grandfather, returning from the stormy sea, finds Grandma in an interesting, but simple and natural position:

Lo and behold, there was a dugout in front of him again;
His old woman is sitting on the threshold,
And in front of her is a broken trough.

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