Natalya Rum speech technique. Natalia Rom I want to speak beautifully! Communication techniques

Well-produced voice, clear and correct speech this is your guarantee successful communication. Because your voice has a very strong influence not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the interlocutor. Mastery of the art of speech will help you find common language and mutual understanding with any of your interlocutors. People always react very sensitively to the speaker's speech. It is speech that reveals your mood. Your speech can tell how confident you are in your words, as well as determine your status and social standing.

HOW to learn to control your speech? HOW to make your speech bright and expressive? HOW to learn to speak beautifully?

To speak beautifully means to speak convincingly, logically, with good diction and intonation. That's what everyone wants to say. But, unfortunately, many of us speak poorly. Why? Because you need to work on your own speech, as well as on your voice. Just like you, for example, work on your body if you go to the gym, how you improve your skills if you want to achieve career growth. Vocal cords and speech apparatus You also need to train to develop your voice and achieve clear pronunciation.

Your voice is as important as your appearance and manners. This is the tool with which you can enhance the meaning of what was said. With your voice, you can move people or put them to sleep, charm or alienate. The human voice is a powerful instrument.

Some of you will probably say now that he doesn’t like his voice. However, it doesn't matter what voice you were born with. Through practice, you will be able to acquire the voice that yours truly deserves. professional excellence and yours bright personality. You can get rid of a regional dialect if you strictly monitor the correct pronunciation. You can get rid of nasal sounds if you skillfully use your vocal apparatus. You can learn to clearly articulate and pronounce sounds correctly. You can develop your voice and learn to speak so that you will be heard in the very last row of the audience without the slightest tension from your side. Finally, you can develop into an eloquent, skilled speaker. All this is truly within your power.

Here is a list of some symptoms that indicate that your speech is far from perfect and you should work on it:

Listeners often ask you to repeat what you just said.

You have a noticeable accent.

Your throat gets tired after a ten-minute conversation.

Your listeners' eyes begin to wander after a while as you speak in a monotone.

You have to explain to your audience that you are a manager (or other high position), because you can’t tell from your speech.

If you find at least one of the above points, then you really need to work on your speech and train your voice.

The exercises presented in the training are taken from the program of theater universities from teachers in stage speech. Be sure to record your workouts on audio media so that you can listen to your speech and work on mistakes. I recommend saving your training records in order to hear and realize how much your speech and voice will change. Working on your speech requires patience and diligence. Just be persistent and gradually improve your speaking skills step by step.

1. Speech technique

Speech technique includes four main sections: breathing, voice, diction and spelling.

Let's look at the role of each section.

Our breathing is a purely reflex function. human body. But when we talk, sing or give a speech, we can control our breathing. For what? – you ask. To make it easier for our vocal cords to work. Because when we breathe correctly, with the diaphragm, our voice is born from the depths of the chest and sounds beautiful. And the vast majority of people use shallow breathing, thereby increasing the load on the vocal cords. This is why the voice becomes so silent and, when speaking for a long time, quickly gets tired, becomes hoarse, or even sits down.

Try an experiment. Take any text. It's better if it's something long piece. Start reading the text out loud meaningfully and with expression. How long will your strength last? Or rather the power of your voice. IN best case scenario one two pages. Those who have spoken in public know how difficult it is to hold a speech for a long time. Therefore, you must learn to control your breathing and manage it during speech. This type of breathing is called speech breathing, and it requires special training.

By learning to breathe correctly, you can not only change your voice and speech, but also significantly improve your physical condition. For example, a healthy complexion, blush, good skin is the result of proper breathing, since breathing supplies all our cells with oxygen and improves blood circulation. Correct breathing important for everyone, and especially for those whose work involves a heavy load on the speech apparatus.

Voice The basis of voice sonority is correct breathing. Improper breathing makes the voice less sonorous. To raise your voice means: first, learn to breathe correctly with your diaphragm; second, learn how to use resonators (sound amplifiers).

Natalia Rom

I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques. Communication techniques

I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques. Part 1


A well-trained voice, clear and correct speech is the key to your successful communication. Because your voice has a very strong influence not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the interlocutor. Mastery of the art of speech will help you find a common language and mutual understanding with any of your interlocutors. People always react very sensitively to the speaker's speech. It is speech that reveals your mood. Your speech can tell how confident you are in your words, as well as determine your status and social standing.

HOW to learn to control your speech? HOW to make your speech bright and expressive? HOW to learn to speak beautifully?

To speak beautifully means to speak convincingly, logically, with good diction and intonation. That's what everyone wants to say. But, unfortunately, many of us speak poorly. Why? Because you need to work on your own speech, as well as on your voice. Just like you, for example, work on your body if you go to the gym, how you improve your skills if you want to achieve career growth. The vocal cords and speech apparatus also need to be trained in order to develop your voice and achieve clear pronunciation.

Your voice is as important as your appearance and manners. This is the tool with which you can enhance the meaning of what was said. With your voice, you can move people or put them to sleep, charm or alienate. The human voice is a powerful instrument.

Some of you will probably say now that he doesn’t like his voice. However, it doesn't matter what voice you were born with. Through practice, you will be able to acquire the voice that your professional excellence and your vibrant personality truly deserve. You can get rid of a regional dialect if you strictly monitor the correct pronunciation. You can get rid of nasal sounds if you skillfully use your vocal apparatus. You can learn to clearly articulate and pronounce sounds correctly. You can develop your voice and learn to speak so that you can be heard in the very last row of the audience without the slightest effort on your part. Finally, you can develop into an eloquent, skilled speaker. All this is truly within your power.

Here is a list of some symptoms that indicate that your speech is far from perfect and you should work on it:

Listeners often ask you to repeat what you just said.

You have a noticeable accent.

Your throat gets tired after a ten-minute conversation.

Your listeners' eyes begin to wander after a while as you speak in a monotone.

You have to explain to your listeners that you are a leader (or occupy another high position) because you can’t tell from your speech.

If you find at least one of the above points, then you really need to work on your speech and train your voice.

The exercises presented in the training are taken from the curriculum of theater universities from teachers of stage speech. Be sure to record your workouts on audio media so that you can listen to your speech and work on mistakes. I recommend saving your training records in order to hear and realize how much your speech and voice will change. Working on your speech requires patience and diligence. Just be persistent and gradually improve your speaking skills step by step.

1. Speech technique

Speech technique includes four main sections: breathing, voice, diction and spelling.

Let's look at the role of each section.

Our breathing is a purely reflex function of the human body. But when we talk, sing or give a speech, we can control our breathing. For what? – you ask. To make it easier for our vocal cords to work. Because when we breathe correctly, with the diaphragm, our voice is born from the depths of the chest and sounds beautiful. And the vast majority of people use shallow breathing, thereby increasing the load on the vocal cords. This is why the voice becomes so silent and, when speaking for a long time, quickly gets tired, becomes hoarse, or even sits down.

Try an experiment. Take any text. It would be better if it were some kind of long piece. Start reading the text out loud meaningfully and with expression. How long will your strength last? Or rather the power of your voice. At best, one or two pages. Those who have spoken in public know how difficult it is to hold a speech for a long time. Therefore, you must learn to control your breathing and manage it during speech. This type of breathing is called speech breathing, and it requires special training.

By learning to breathe correctly, you can not only change your voice and speech, but also significantly improve your physical condition. For example, a healthy complexion, blush, good skin is the result of proper breathing, since breathing supplies all our cells with oxygen and improves blood circulation. Proper breathing is important for everyone, and especially for those whose work involves a heavy load on the speech apparatus.

Voice The basis of voice sonority is correct breathing. Improper breathing makes the voice less sonorous. To raise your voice means: first, learn to breathe correctly with your diaphragm; second, learn to use resonators (sound amplifiers).

You have probably felt more than once that your voice “let you down” during long negotiations, debates, speeches or during a normal conversation. The voice “sits down”, hoarseness and hoarseness appear, your throat begins to feel sore, and by the end of the performance you get tired and switch to lower intonations. Improvement can correct this situation. speech technology. Voice work, voice production. True, there are voices supplied by nature itself, but such cases are extremely rare. Every person is endowed with a voice that can become strong, agile, flexible, sonorous and have a wide range. To do this, it must be developed and strengthened.

Speech techniques

To speak beautifully means to speak convincingly, logically, with good diction and intonation. That's what everyone wants to say. But many of us speak poorly. Why? Because you need to work on your speech and voice.

A well-trained voice, clear and correct speech is the key to successful communication. Because the voice has a very strong influence not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the interlocutor. This is the tool with which you can enhance the meaning of what was said. By mastering your voice, you can stir people up or put them to sleep, charm or repel them. This is why there is so much emphasis on speech in the business world these days.

Of course you can take courses oratory skills, take private lessons in voice and speech production from teachers at theater universities. Or you can simply listen to this training and develop your voice and work on your speech on your own. The author demonstrates speech exercises that are easy to repeat. Through training and practice you will significantly improve your voice and speech.

Communication techniques

WHAT should you answer to your interlocutor to keep the conversation going? WHAT to say and what words to utter in order to achieve mutual understanding? WHAT to answer to avoid conflict and manipulation?

The question “WHAT to say?” – is, if not the main problem of the dialogue, then, in any case, one of the first. But there are answers to all questions! You only need to listen carefully and write down the phrases, turns and techniques presented in the training in order to successfully use them in everyday life. Then you can easily reach mutual understanding. People around you will say that you are an excellent conversationalist. You will be able to speak confidently in front of an audience or hold congratulatory speech at a corporate evening.

The main condition: try to immediately apply all the phrases in everyday communication. It is necessary to ensure that the presented techniques become a habit and are firmly rooted in vocabulary. It just takes practice and time.

And remember to be known sociable person, you need to learn to formulate about yourself from the first minutes of conversation good impression. Your first words are as important as your appearance. These two components instantly form an opinion about a person that will remain forever!

I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques. Part 1


A well-trained voice, clear and correct speech is the key to your successful communication. Because your voice has a very strong influence not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the interlocutor. Mastery of the art of speech will help you find a common language and mutual understanding with any of your interlocutors. People always react very sensitively to the speaker's speech. It is speech that reveals your mood. Your speech can tell how confident you are in your words, as well as determine your status and social standing.

HOW to learn to control your speech? HOW to make your speech bright and expressive? HOW to learn to speak beautifully?

To speak beautifully means to speak convincingly, logically, with good diction and intonation. That's what everyone wants to say. But, unfortunately, many of us speak poorly. Why? Because you need to work on your own speech, as well as on your voice. Just like you, for example, work on your body if you go to the gym, how you improve your skills if you want to achieve career growth. The vocal cords and speech apparatus also need to be trained in order to develop your voice and achieve clear pronunciation.

Your voice is as important as your appearance and manners. This is the tool with which you can enhance the meaning of what was said. With your voice, you can move people or put them to sleep, charm or alienate. The human voice is a powerful instrument.

Some of you will probably say now that he doesn’t like his voice. However, it doesn't matter what voice you were born with. Through practice, you will be able to acquire the voice that your professional excellence and your vibrant personality truly deserve. You can get rid of a regional dialect if you strictly monitor the correct pronunciation. You can get rid of nasal sounds if you skillfully use your vocal apparatus. You can learn to clearly articulate and pronounce sounds correctly. You can develop your voice and learn to speak so that you can be heard in the very last row of the audience without the slightest effort on your part. Finally, you can develop into an eloquent, skilled speaker. All this is truly within your power.

1. Speech technique

Speech technique includes four main sections: breathing, voice, diction and spelling.

Let's look at the role of each section.

Our breathing is a purely reflex function of the human body. But when we talk, sing or give a speech, we can control our breathing. For what? – you ask. To make it easier for our vocal cords to work. Because when we breathe correctly, with the diaphragm, our voice is born from the depths of the chest and sounds beautiful. And the vast majority of people use shallow breathing, thereby increasing the load on the vocal cords. This is why the voice becomes so silent and, when speaking for a long time, quickly gets tired, becomes hoarse, or even sits down.

Try an experiment. Take any text. It would be better if it were some kind of long piece. Start reading the text out loud meaningfully and with expression. How long will your strength last? Or rather the power of your voice. At best, one or two pages. Those who have spoken in public know how difficult it is to hold a speech for a long time. Therefore, you must learn to control your breathing and manage it during speech. This type of breathing is called speech breathing, and it requires special training.

1. Breathing

How to learn to BREATHE “correctly”?

In speech practice, there are two types of breathing: UPPER and LOWER.

Upper breathing is light, shallow breathing; with it, only the upper part lungs. This breathing, as a rule, is not used during active speech load.

Lower breathing is deep breathing, in this case, the diaphragm, the lungs, the rib muscles, and the abdominal muscles are involved. This type of breathing is considered correct and is used as a basis for speech breathing.

In speech textbooks, in vocal schools, in theater universities Speech breathing is called differently: chest, costal, diaphragmatic, as you like and as it is convenient for you, the essence does not change. For example, speech teachers at a theater university use the phrase “breathe with the stomach” or “breathe with the diaphragm.” Perhaps this name, in my opinion, is more justified. Because when you breathe correctly, you see your stomach actively moving, not your chest. The main thing is to understand the principle of speech breathing - ribs to the sides, stomach forward! This is how your diaphragm should work as you inhale.

2. Voice

Having learned to breathe correctly, we can begin to train your voice. Its strength, volume, and sonority depend not on physical efforts, which strain the muscles of the larynx and vocal cords, but on correct, active speech breathing and the ability to use resonators - sound amplifiers, which transform a weak and inexpressive sound into a strong three-dimensional and beautiful voice. A person uses two resonator systems:

– this is the skull, nasal and oral cavities;

Including the chest cavity.

Now let's move on to training your voice. Take 5-10 full (but not deep) breaths in and out (breathe through your diaphragm); inhale – full, but short through the nose, exhale – slow, long. After this, start voice exercises.

1 exercise “Moaning”.

as you usually pronounce it, but with closed mouth.


The result will be something similar to a moo. Moan. Do this quietly, without tension, while exhaling. Everything should be free: the muscles of the face, neck, legs, arms. Now tilt your head slightly down, to the right, to the left, continue to moan. The mouth is closed, lips slightly touching. Quiet moan. You will soon feel how easy it is to vocal cords the sound will fill the upper resonators, the lips will begin to vibrate, the vibration will be reflected on the hard palate, in the nasopharyngeal cavity. Resonance can be felt by placing your fingers alternately on the lips, forehead, crown, and back of the head. If the sound is directed correctly, your fingers will feel a slight vibration.

3. Diction

The basis of good diction is the clear and energetic work of all muscles involved in the speech process. The presented exercises will help you develop and maintain the elasticity and mobility of the speech apparatus.

Before you start training correct pronunciation vowels and consonants, you need to warm up your speech apparatus.

The speech apparatus includes: lips, tongue, jaws, teeth, hard and soft palate, small tongue, larynx, posterior wall of the pharynx (pharynx), vocal cords. Some of them passively participate in speech, while others, like the tongue, lips, soft palate, small uvula and lower jaw, take an active part, so they can and should be trained.

Exercise 1.

Mouth opening. The first condition for clear, clear speech is a free and well-opening mouth. Starting position – mouth closed, lips and jaws relaxed, tongue lying flat, freely touching the lower front teeth.

Make a sound

several times without effort or tension: uuuuu. Now make a sound

Open your mouth in a vertical direction, the lower jaw will drop approximately two fingers (≈ 3 cm). Open your mouth to

it is necessary with soft, slow movements, do it 5-6 times.

I want to speak beautifully! Communication techniques. Part 2


Hello friends!

I want to ask you. How often, when meeting new people or communicating with friends, do you experience discomfort during the conversation? And you suddenly feel that you don’t know WHAT to answer to your interlocutor in order to maintain the conversation? AND WHAT is so nice to say to give a compliment and gain a person’s favor? WHAT to say and what words to utter in order to achieve mutual understanding? WHAT to answer to avoid conflict and manipulation?

The question “WHAT to say?” – is, if not the main problem of the dialogue, then certainly one of the first. But believe me, this problem is very solvable. All WHAT questions have answers. And you just need to listen carefully and write down all the phrases, phrases, and techniques presented in the training in order to successfully use them in everyday life. Then you can easily reach mutual understanding. People around you will say that you are an excellent conversationalist. You will even be able to speak confidently in front of an audience or give a congratulatory speech at your next corporate event. And finally, you can confidently write the word SOCIABLE on your resume, because sociability will become your main character trait and a strong advantage. It is this quality that gives you the opportunity to be an active and confident person.

What is SOCIABILITY or what kind of person is SOCIABLE? Sociability is a personality trait that expresses a person’s need and ability to communicate, make contact with other people, and establish mutual understanding with them. A sociable person is characterized by: ease of contacts, the ability and ability not to get lost in communication situations, the desire for initiative, for leadership in a group.

To be known as a sociable person, you need to learn to form a good impression of yourself from the first minutes of a conversation. Your first words are as important as your appearance. These two components instantly form an assessment of a person, and this opinion will remain forever. On occasion, I’ll give you a little story as an example.

1. Types of communication

Communication is one of the universal forms of personality activity (along with cognition, work, play). Communication is manifested in the establishment and development of contacts between people. Communication shapes interpersonal relationships and creates a need for joint activities.

Human communication resembles a kind of pyramid consisting of four sides: we exchange information, interact with other people, get to know them and, at the same time, experience our own emotions that arise as a result of communication.

However, communication is not only words, but also your actions and deeds. Scientists have found that about 70% of personal communication is carried out through non-verbal channels, these are human movements, postures, gestures and facial expressions. 20% includes your tone of voice and intonation of sound. And only 10% are your words and relate to the verbal channel. In other words, it doesn't matter what you say, it's how you say it and what gestures and movements you use.

Yes, nonverbal communication plays a fundamental role in relationships, and we'll talk a little about nonverbal channels a little later. But, no matter how important your gestures and facial expressions, feelings and emotions are, communication involves not only the transfer emotional states, but also the transfer of information. The content of information is transmitted using language, that is, it takes verbal or verbal form.

Verbal communication

This is communication through verbal language system transfer of information. Communication is carried out through speech.

2. Lies and manipulation in communication

In business and personal communication We sometimes encounter lies and deception, so every person needs to learn to recognize the signals of lies. This recognition is possible on different levels: psychophysiological, verbal and non-verbal.

Since the main channel is non-verbal communication, lies are instantly manifested in the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor. Once you have learned to control your gestures, you may be wondering: Is it possible to fake body language? Most specialists in non-verbal means communications think no.

Even if you use gestures that inspire confidence in your interlocutor for some time, your facial expressions, eyes and other body microsignals will quickly show the discrepancy between gestures and spoken words.

This means that lies are quite clearly visible and identifiable.

Let's consider

Physiological symptoms of interlocutor lying

3. Criticism and compliments

You all have to deal with criticism and negative statements addressed to you. The question is how each of us reacts to such comments. In most cases, this is still a painful perception. As a rule, in response we begin to snap back and say the same nasty things. In the family this can lead to swearing and scandal, and on the street or at work it can ruin your mood for the whole day.

Dealing with criticism is quite simple, but first you need to understand that the one who criticizes you usually expects that his words will be listened to carefully and his opinion taken into account. When you don't even want to listen to your interlocutor, you leave the problem unresolved and aggravate it by expressing personal rejection. This leads to an aggravation of the situation. And as a result, you both lose.

Reduction techniques negative impact critics:

In reducing the negative impact of criticism, it is best to use the principle of depreciation. You are like a spring, calmly succumbing to pressure, agreeing with the claims in whole or in part. In this way, you knock out the critic’s weapon and preserve your strength and emotions. The main thing is that it costs you nothing.

4. Questions and answers

The importance of questions in business interaction:

– a question is a convenient form of motivation (“Could you...?”);

– using questions to attract the attention of partners;

– questions carry certain information;

– using a question, you can guide your partner to the desired answer (contained in the question itself, for example, a question requiring agreement);

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I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques. Part 1


A well-trained voice, clear and correct speech is the key to your successful communication. Because your voice has a very strong influence not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the interlocutor. Mastery of the art of speech will help you find a common language and mutual understanding with any of your interlocutors. People always react very sensitively to the speaker's speech. It is speech that reveals your mood. Your speech can tell how confident you are in your words, as well as determine your status and social standing.

HOW to learn to control your speech? HOW to make your speech bright and expressive? HOW to learn to speak beautifully?

To speak beautifully means to speak convincingly, logically, with good diction and intonation. That's what everyone wants to say. But, unfortunately, many of us speak poorly. Why? Because you need to work on your own speech, as well as on your voice. Just like you, for example, work on your body if you go to the gym, how you improve your skills if you want to achieve career growth. The vocal cords and speech apparatus also need to be trained in order to develop your voice and achieve clear pronunciation.

Your voice is as important as your appearance and manners. This is the tool with which you can enhance the meaning of what was said. With your voice, you can move people or put them to sleep, charm or alienate. The human voice is a powerful instrument.

Some of you will probably say now that he doesn’t like his voice. However, it doesn't matter what voice you were born with. Through practice, you will be able to acquire the voice that your professional excellence and your vibrant personality truly deserve. You can get rid of a regional dialect if you strictly monitor the correct pronunciation. You can get rid of nasal sounds if you skillfully use your vocal apparatus. You can learn to clearly articulate and pronounce sounds correctly. You can develop your voice and learn to speak so that you can be heard in the very last row of the audience without the slightest effort on your part. Finally, you can develop into an eloquent, skilled speaker. All this is truly within your power.

Here is a list of some symptoms that indicate that your speech is far from perfect and you should work on it:

Listeners often ask you to repeat what you just said.

You have a noticeable accent.

Your throat gets tired after a ten-minute conversation.

Your listeners' eyes begin to wander after a while as you speak in a monotone.

You have to explain to your listeners that you are a leader (or occupy another high position) because you can’t tell from your speech.

If you find at least one of the above points, then you really need to work on your speech and train your voice.

The exercises presented in the training are taken from the curriculum of theater universities from teachers of stage speech. Be sure to record your workouts on audio media so that you can listen to your speech and work on mistakes. I recommend saving your training records in order to hear and realize how much your speech and voice will change. Working on your speech requires patience and diligence. Just be persistent and gradually improve your speaking skills step by step.

1. Speech technique

Speech technique includes four main sections: breathing, voice, diction and spelling.

Let's look at the role of each section.

Our breathing is a purely reflex function of the human body. But when we talk, sing or give a speech, we can control our breathing. For what? – you ask. To make it easier for our vocal cords to work. Because when we breathe correctly, with the diaphragm, our voice is born from the depths of the chest and sounds beautiful. And the vast majority of people use shallow breathing, thereby increasing the load on the vocal cords. This is why the voice becomes so silent and, when speaking for a long time, quickly gets tired, becomes hoarse, or even sits down.

Try an experiment. Take any text. It would be better if it were some kind of long piece. Start reading the text out loud meaningfully and with expression. How long will your strength last? Or rather the power of your voice. At best, one or two pages. Those who have spoken in public know how difficult it is to hold a speech for a long time. Therefore, you must learn to control your breathing and manage it during speech. This type of breathing is called speech breathing, and it requires special training.

By learning to breathe correctly, you can not only change your voice and speech, but also significantly improve your physical condition. For example, a healthy complexion, blush, good skin is the result of proper breathing, since breathing supplies all our cells with oxygen and improves blood circulation. Proper breathing is important for everyone, and especially for those whose work involves a heavy load on the speech apparatus.

Voice The basis of voice sonority is correct breathing. Improper breathing makes the voice less sonorous. To raise your voice means: first, learn to breathe correctly with your diaphragm; second, learn to use resonators (sound amplifiers).

You have probably felt more than once that your voice “let you down” during long negotiations, debates, speeches or during a normal conversation. The voice “sits down”, hoarseness and hoarseness appear, your throat begins to feel sore, and by the end of the performance you get tired and switch to lower intonations. Improving speech technique can correct this situation. Voice work, voice production. True, there are voices supplied by nature itself, but such cases are extremely rare. Every person is endowed with a voice that can become strong, agile, flexible, sonorous and have a wide range. To do this, it must be developed and strengthened.

Diction Clear, clear diction– the first and mandatory condition for good speech. Otherwise, speech becomes slurred and unintelligible. This is expressed in “eating” the final consonant or sounds within a word, sounding “through the teeth.” This occurs due to a fixed upper lip and a flaccid lower lip. This especially interferes with the clear and distinct pronunciation of many whistling and hissing consonants.

The main deficiencies in pronunciation are formed in childhood. Disadvantages include: burr, lisp, lisp, lethargy or unclear speech. The reason is simple - improper use of the speech apparatus. Speech can also be unintelligible because the speaker pronounces words too quickly, in a tongue twister. You need to speak smoothly and learn to open your mouth well. When you open your mouth well, the sound becomes clearer. By working on your diction, you can make it a habit to clearly articulate all speech sounds. Your speech will become clear and expressive.

AND latest technologyOrthoepy. This is the section where the rules and laws of correct pronunciation are studied. Do not confuse with spelling - the science of correct spelling. The word orthoepy comes from Greek words orthos – straight, correct and epos – speech, and means “correct speech”. It is clear what inconsistency and illiteracy in writing would lead to. Compliance general rules and laws in pronunciation is just as necessary as in writing. Deviations from generally accepted norms interfere language communication, distract the listener from the meaning of what is being said and interfere with understanding it. Therefore, knowledge of the rules and laws of pronunciation is as important as knowledge of grammar.

It is important to remember when working on speaking techniques.

Every time before you start speech exercises, do some physical exercise. This is a must. If you've been backstage at a theater, you've probably seen many artists and singers walking along the corridors before going on stage. They don't just remember the words of their role; thus they contribute better blood circulation. Sometimes they even make small ones physical exercise, something like charging. This helps to warm up the muscles, relax the forearms, shoulders and neck - all those muscles that are indirectly associated with the voice.

You can do the most ordinary exercises. For example:

1. tilt the head to the sides: right, left, forward, backward; circular rotation of the head;

2. cervical-brachial region: swing arms to the sides; alternating change of hands: one hand goes up, the other goes down

3. turns the body to the right and left; tilting the body to the sides. Circular movements hips alternately in one direction or the other.

Physical exercise not only helps to warm up the muscles, but also relieves any physical and emotional pressure.

After you do your exercises, be sure to do a few relaxation exercises. Relaxation is needed to make your breathing smooth. Lie on the floor, relax your body. Imagine that you are lying on the seashore, on warm soft sand. The waves gently wash your feet, and the sun warms your body. A light sea breeze is blowing, clean air. You breathe slowly, easily and freely. Make a few deep breaths and exhalations.

Only after warming up the body muscles and relieving tension can you begin to practice speech classes.

And lastly, speech apparatus very fragile and delicate. This delicate instrument needs to be taken care of, and this can be done in various ways.

Avoid excessive fatigue and tension by keeping your neck muscles relaxed. Calm voice comes only from a calm body. A tense body strains the vocal cords, raising the pitch of the voice, disrupting resonance, and reducing audibility.

Warm tea with lemon has a soothing effect on the throat. Many announcers constantly sip water at room temperature with a few slices of lemon to keep their throats comfortable.

1. Breathing

How to learn to BREATHE “correctly”?

In speech practice, there are two types of breathing: UPPER and LOWER.

Upper breathing is light, shallow breathing, with only the upper part of the lungs actively working. This breathing, as a rule, is not used during active speech load.

Lower breathing is deep breathing, in this case the diaphragm, lungs, rib muscles, and abdominal muscles are involved. This type of breathing is considered correct and is used as a basis for speech breathing.

In speech textbooks, in vocal schools, in theater universities, speech breathing is called differently: chest, costal, diaphragmatic, as you like and as it is convenient for you, the essence does not change. For example, speech teachers at a theater university use the phrase “breathe with the stomach” or “breathe with the diaphragm.” Perhaps this name, in my opinion, is more justified. Because when you breathe correctly, you see your stomach actively moving, not your chest. The main thing is to understand the principle of speech breathing - ribs to the sides, stomach forward! This is how your diaphragm should work as you inhale.

If you haven’t yet understood “where your diaphragm lives,” I’ll give you a hint. When you are hungry, you use the phrase “sucks on the pit of your stomach” and automatically place your hand on your stomach exactly where your diaphragm is. Somewhere in between chest and belly. Surely your hand has now automatically touched exactly this place. Have you decided now? Then let’s proceed directly to the practice of speech breathing.

Before you and I learn to breathe “correctly,” we need to do one more thing: important condition, without which it is impossible to breathe properly. Your posture, your muscle corset. If your mother did not monitor your posture as a child, you can easily change your posture yourself. It won't take long. Plus, good posture will make you more attractive and give you confidence.

So. Posture. The main condition. Do this exercise five minutes a day for a month. Try to remember the feeling that accompanies correct posture and walk with that feeling.

"Wall" Lean your entire body firmly against the wall. Press your back, shoulders, arms, palms, buttocks, and heels against the wall. Stand in this position for five minutes. Take 7 deep breaths. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Then, without changing the position of your body, fix it - imagine that the wall is stuck to your back and you are taking it with you. With such a straight back-the-wall, walk around the room (take steps in any direction, with any gait, but without changing the position of your back) - the more, the better.

I repeat. The main thing is to do this exercise for five minutes a day for a month. You will see how your posture will change.

And also, if you are away from home and you do not have the opportunity to do these exercises, then just tell yourself: “I am brave, I am determined!” What will happen then? Feeling the spirit of courage and determination within you, your body will instantly straighten and your shoulders will move back. This way you can maintain your posture and at the same time instill confidence in yourself!

Now that you have secured your posture, you can begin breathing training. How is speech breathing different from normal breathing?

Breathing in life is involuntary. Inhalation and exhalation are performed through the nose, they are short and equal in time. The sequence of physiological or normal breathing is inhalation, exhalation, pause.

For speech, especially prolonged speech, normal physiological breathing is not enough. Speaking and reading aloud require more air, a constant respiratory supply, its economical use and timely renewal.

In everyday life, we breathe through our nose. But, during public speaking We can use nasal breathing only before the start of speech or during long pauses. During short pauses, air is taken in through the mouth, since it is impossible to quickly, fully and silently inhale through the nose. In speech breathing, inhalation and exhalation are not equal; the latter is much longer than the inhalation.

Since speech sounds are formed when you exhale, it is very important to learn how to inhale and exhale through your mouth correctly. The goal of speech breathing training is to train long exhalation. It is important to learn how to gradually use up your air supply while speaking. To do this, it is necessary to train the muscles involved in the respiratory process not to relax passively immediately after inhalation, but to relax slowly and gradually.

Let's start by checking the activity of your diaphragm. To do this, lie on the floor, place the palm of your left hand on the area between the chest and abdomen and, after exhaling, inhale, trying not to lift your chest. If your hand rises when you inhale, then your diaphragm is working well. Take a few breaths and exhales and observe the movement of your hand, that is, the diaphragm. If the hand remains motionless during inhalation, then the diaphragm acts sluggishly, and then it is necessary to develop its activity with the help of training exercises.

So, if your diaphragm moves sluggishly while breathing, train your breathing with the following exercises.

1 Exercise“Candle” – slow exhalation training. Imagine that you are blowing out a candle. You can light a real candle. Focus on the belly. Slowly blow on the “flame”. It deviates, try to keep the flame in a deviated position while exhaling.

Instead of a candle, you can take a strip of paper 2-3 cm wide and 10 cm long. Place your left palm between your chest and stomach, take a strip of paper in your right, using it as a candle, and blow on it calmly, slowly and evenly. The paper will be deflected if the exhalation is smooth, and it will remain in the deflected position until the end of the exhalation. Pay attention to the movement of the diaphragm - the left palm seems to “slowly sink” during exhalation. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Exercise 2. “Stubborn Candle” – training for intense strong exhalation. Imagine a candle large size, you understand that it will be difficult for you to pay it off, but you definitely need to do this. Inhale, hold your breath for a second and blow on the “candle”; the flame deviates but does not go out. (The left palm lies between the chest and stomach.) Blow even harder, even stronger! More! More!

Can you feel the movements of the diaphragm with your palm? Do you feel how your lower abdomen has tightened? This exercise makes it possible to feel the active movements of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise 3. “Put out 10 candles.” With one inhalation (without additional breath), first “extinguish” 3 candles, dividing your exhalation into three portions. Now imagine that you have 5 candles. But the inhalation volume is still the same! Now – 7 candles. Don't try to breathe in as much air as possible. Let the volume remain the same, just each portion of air as you exhale becomes smaller. And now there are 10 candles. The volume of air is still the same. Portions of exhaled air are more economical. Can you feel the movements of the diaphragm with your palm? They are rhythmic, intermittent and active. Repeat 2-3 times.

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Natalia Rom
I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques. Communication techniques

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I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques. Part 1


A well-trained voice, clear and correct speech is the key to your successful communication. Because your voice has a very strong influence not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the interlocutor. Mastery of the art of speech will help you find a common language and mutual understanding with any of your interlocutors. People always react very sensitively to the speaker's speech. It is speech that reveals your mood. Your speech can tell how confident you are in your words, as well as determine your status and social standing.

HOW to learn to control your speech? HOW to make your speech bright and expressive? HOW to learn to speak beautifully?

To speak beautifully means to speak convincingly, logically, with good diction and intonation. That's what everyone wants to say. But, unfortunately, many of us speak poorly. Why? Because you need to work on your own speech, as well as on your voice. Just like you, for example, work on your body if you go to the gym, how you improve your skills if you want to achieve career growth. The vocal cords and speech apparatus also need to be trained in order to develop your voice and achieve clear pronunciation.

Your voice is as important as your appearance and manners. This is the tool with which you can enhance the meaning of what was said. With your voice, you can move people or put them to sleep, charm or alienate. The human voice is a powerful instrument.

Some of you will probably say now that he doesn’t like his voice. However, it doesn't matter what voice you were born with. Through practice, you will be able to acquire the voice that your professional excellence and your vibrant personality truly deserve. You can get rid of a regional dialect if you strictly monitor the correct pronunciation. You can get rid of nasal sounds if you skillfully use your vocal apparatus. You can learn to clearly articulate and pronounce sounds correctly. You can develop your voice and learn to speak so that you can be heard in the very last row of the audience without the slightest effort on your part. Finally, you can develop into an eloquent, skilled speaker. All this is truly within your power.

Here is a list of some symptoms that indicate that your speech is far from perfect and you should work on it:

Listeners often ask you to repeat what you just said.

You have a noticeable accent.

Your throat gets tired after a ten-minute conversation.

Your listeners' eyes begin to wander after a while as you speak in a monotone.

You have to explain to your listeners that you are a leader (or occupy another high position) because you can’t tell from your speech.

If you find at least one of the above points, then you really need to work on your speech and train your voice.

The exercises presented in the training are taken from the curriculum of theater universities from teachers of stage speech. Be sure to record your workouts on audio media so that you can listen to your speech and work on mistakes. I recommend saving your training records in order to hear and realize how much your speech and voice will change. Working on your speech requires patience and diligence. Just be persistent and gradually improve your speaking skills step by step.

1. Speech technique

Speech technique includes four main sections: breathing, voice, diction and spelling.

Let's look at the role of each section.

Our breathing is a purely reflex function of the human body. But when we talk, sing or give a speech, we can control our breathing. For what? – you ask. To make it easier for our vocal cords to work. Because when we breathe correctly, with the diaphragm, our voice is born from the depths of the chest and sounds beautiful. And the vast majority of people use shallow breathing, thereby increasing the load on the vocal cords. This is why the voice becomes so silent and, when speaking for a long time, quickly gets tired, becomes hoarse, or even sits down.

Try an experiment. Take any text. It would be better if it were some kind of long piece. Start reading the text out loud meaningfully and with expression. How long will your strength last? Or rather the power of your voice. At best, one or two pages. Those who have spoken in public know how difficult it is to hold a speech for a long time. Therefore, you must learn to control your breathing and manage it during speech. This type of breathing is called speech breathing, and it requires special training.

By learning to breathe correctly, you can not only change your voice and speech, but also significantly improve your physical condition. For example, a healthy complexion, blush, good skin is the result of proper breathing, since breathing supplies all our cells with oxygen and improves blood circulation. Proper breathing is important for everyone, and especially for those whose work involves a heavy load on the speech apparatus.

Voice The basis of voice sonority is correct breathing. Improper breathing makes the voice less sonorous. To raise your voice means: first, learn to breathe correctly with your diaphragm; second, learn to use resonators (sound amplifiers).

You have probably felt more than once that your voice “let you down” during long negotiations, debates, speeches or during a normal conversation. The voice “sits down”, hoarseness and hoarseness appear, your throat begins to feel sore, and by the end of the performance you get tired and switch to lower intonations. Improving speech technique can correct this situation. Voice work, voice production. True, there are voices supplied by nature itself, but such cases are extremely rare. Every person is endowed with a voice that can become strong, agile, flexible, sonorous and have a wide range. To do this, it must be developed and strengthened.

Diction Clear, precise diction is the first and mandatory condition for good speech. Otherwise, speech becomes slurred and unintelligible. This is expressed in “eating” the final consonant or sounds within a word, sounding “through the teeth.” This occurs due to a fixed upper lip and a flaccid lower lip. This especially interferes with the clear and distinct pronunciation of many whistling and hissing consonants.

The main deficiencies in pronunciation are formed in childhood. Disadvantages include: burr, lisp, lisp, lethargy or unclear speech. The reason is simple - improper use of the speech apparatus. Speech can also be unintelligible because the speaker pronounces words too quickly, in a tongue twister. You need to speak smoothly and learn to open your mouth well. When you open your mouth well, the sound becomes clearer. By working on your diction, you can make it a habit to clearly articulate all speech sounds. Your speech will become clear and expressive.

And the last technique - Orthoepy. This is the section where the rules and laws of correct pronunciation are studied. Do not confuse it with spelling - the science of correct spelling. The word orthoepia comes from the Greek words orthos - straight, correct and epos - speech, and means “correct speech”. It is clear what inconsistency and illiteracy in writing would lead to. Compliance with general rules and laws in pronunciation is just as necessary as in writing. Deviations from generally accepted norms interfere with linguistic communication, distract the listener from the meaning of what is being said and interfere with its understanding. Therefore, knowledge of the rules and laws of pronunciation is as important as knowledge of grammar.

It is important to remember when working on speaking techniques.

Each time, before you start performing speech exercises, do some physical exercises. This is a must. If you've been backstage at a theater, you've probably seen many artists and singers walking along the corridors before going on stage. They don't just remember the words of their role; thus, they promote better blood circulation. Sometimes they even do small physical exercises, something like exercises. This helps to warm up the muscles, relax the forearms, shoulders and neck - all those muscles that are indirectly associated with the voice.

You can do the most ordinary exercises. For example:

1. tilt the head to the sides: right, left, forward, backward; circular rotation of the head;

2. cervical-brachial region: swing arms to the sides; alternating change of hands: one hand goes up, the other goes down

3. turns the body to the right and left; tilting the body to the sides. Circular movements of the hips alternately in one direction or the other.

Physical exercise not only helps to warm up the muscles, but also relieves any physical and emotional pressure.

After you do your exercises, be sure to do a few relaxation exercises. Relaxation is needed to make your breathing smooth. Lie on the floor, relax your body. Imagine that you are lying on the seashore, on warm soft sand. The waves gently wash your feet, and the sun warms your body. There is a light sea breeze and clean air. You breathe slowly, easily and freely. Take a few deep breaths in and out.

Only after warming up the body muscles and relieving tension can you begin to practice speech classes.

And lastly, speech apparatus very fragile and delicate. This delicate instrument needs to be taken care of, and this can be done in various ways.

Avoid excessive fatigue and tension by keeping your neck muscles relaxed. A calm voice comes only from a calm body. A tense body strains the vocal cords, raising the pitch of the voice, disrupting resonance, and reducing audibility.

Warm tea with lemon has a soothing effect on the throat. Many announcers constantly sip water at room temperature with a few slices of lemon to keep their throats comfortable.

1. Breathing

How to learn to BREATHE “correctly”?

In speech practice, there are two types of breathing: UPPER and LOWER.

Upper breathing is light, shallow breathing, with only the upper part of the lungs actively working. This breathing, as a rule, is not used during active speech load.

Lower breathing is deep breathing, in this case the diaphragm, lungs, rib muscles, and abdominal muscles are involved. This type of breathing is considered correct and is used as a basis for speech breathing.

In speech textbooks, in vocal schools, in theater universities, speech breathing is called differently: chest, costal, diaphragmatic, as you like and as it is convenient for you, the essence does not change. For example, speech teachers at a theater university use the phrase “breathe with the stomach” or “breathe with the diaphragm.” Perhaps this name, in my opinion, is more justified. Because when you breathe correctly, you see your stomach actively moving, not your chest. The main thing is to understand the principle of speech breathing - ribs to the sides, stomach forward! This is how your diaphragm should work as you inhale.

If you haven’t yet understood “where your diaphragm lives,” I’ll give you a hint. When you are hungry, you use the phrase “sucks on the pit of your stomach” and automatically place your hand on your stomach exactly where your diaphragm is. Somewhere between the chest and stomach. Surely your hand has now automatically touched exactly this place. Have you decided now? Then let’s proceed directly to the practice of speech breathing.

Before you and I learn to breathe “correctly,” it is necessary to fulfill one more very important condition, without which it is impossible to breathe correctly. Your posture, your muscle corset. If your mother did not monitor your posture as a child, you can easily change your posture yourself. It won't take long. Plus, good posture will make you more attractive and give you confidence.

So. Posture. The main condition. Do this exercise five minutes a day for a month. Try to remember the feeling that accompanies correct posture and walk with that feeling.

"Wall" Lean your entire body firmly against the wall. Press your back, shoulders, arms, palms, buttocks, and heels against the wall. Stand in this position for five minutes. Take 7 deep breaths. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Then, without changing the position of your body, fix it - imagine that the wall is stuck to your back and you are taking it with you. With such a straight back-the-wall, walk around the room (take steps in any direction, with any gait, but without changing the position of your back) - the more, the better.

I repeat. The main thing is to do this exercise for five minutes a day for a month. You will see how your posture will change.

And also, if you are away from home and you do not have the opportunity to do these exercises, then just tell yourself: “I am brave, I am determined!” What will happen then? Feeling the spirit of courage and determination within you, your body will instantly straighten and your shoulders will move back. This way you can maintain your posture and at the same time instill confidence in yourself!

Now that you have secured your posture, you can begin breathing training. How is speech breathing different from normal breathing?

Breathing in life is involuntary. Inhalation and exhalation are performed through the nose, they are short and equal in time. The sequence of physiological or normal breathing is inhalation, exhalation, pause.

For speech, especially prolonged speech, normal physiological breathing is not enough. Speech and reading aloud require more air, a constant respiratory supply, its economical use and timely resumption.

In everyday life, we breathe through our nose. But during public speaking, we can use nasal breathing only before the start of speech or during long pauses. During short pauses, air is taken in through the mouth, since it is impossible to quickly, fully and silently inhale through the nose. In speech breathing, inhalation and exhalation are not equal; the latter is much longer than the inhalation.

Since speech sounds are formed when you exhale, it is very important to learn how to inhale and exhale through your mouth correctly. The goal of speech breathing training is to train long exhalation. It is important to learn how to gradually use up your air supply while speaking. To do this, it is necessary to train the muscles involved in the respiratory process not to relax passively immediately after inhalation, but to relax slowly and gradually.

Let's start by checking the activity of your diaphragm. To do this, lie on the floor, place the palm of your left hand on the area between the chest and abdomen and, after exhaling, inhale, trying not to lift your chest. If your hand rises when you inhale, then your diaphragm is working well. Take a few breaths and exhales and observe the movement of your hand, that is, the diaphragm. If the hand remains motionless during inhalation, then the diaphragm acts sluggishly, and then it is necessary to develop its activity with the help of training exercises.

So, if your diaphragm moves sluggishly while breathing, train your breathing with the following exercises.

1 Exercise“Candle” – slow exhalation training. Imagine that you are blowing out a candle. You can light a real candle. Focus on the belly. Slowly blow on the “flame”. It deviates, try to keep the flame in a deviated position while exhaling.

Instead of a candle, you can take a strip of paper 2-3 cm wide and 10 cm long. Place your left palm between your chest and stomach, take a strip of paper in your right, using it as a candle, and blow on it calmly, slowly and evenly. The paper will be deflected if the exhalation is smooth, and it will remain in the deflected position until the end of the exhalation. Pay attention to the movement of the diaphragm - the left palm seems to “slowly sink” during exhalation. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Exercise 2. “Stubborn Candle” – training for intense strong exhalation. Imagine a large candle, you understand that it will be difficult for you to extinguish it, but you definitely need to do this. Inhale, hold your breath for a second and blow on the “candle”; the flame deviates but does not go out. (The left palm lies between the chest and stomach.) Blow even harder, even stronger! More! More!

Can you feel the movements of the diaphragm with your palm? Do you feel how your lower abdomen has tightened? This exercise makes it possible to feel the active movements of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise 3. “Put out 10 candles.” With one inhalation (without additional breath), first “extinguish” 3 candles, dividing your exhalation into three portions. Now imagine that you have 5 candles. But the inhalation volume is still the same! Now – 7 candles. Don't try to breathe in as much air as possible. Let the volume remain the same, just each portion of air as you exhale becomes smaller. And now there are 10 candles. The volume of air is still the same. Portions of exhaled air are more economical. Can you feel the movements of the diaphragm with your palm? They are rhythmic, intermittent and active. Repeat 2-3 times.

Once you understand how your diaphragm works during speech breathing, you should try to apply this type of breathing in your daily life. Yes, at first, you will have to control your breathing. But after a couple of months, you will feel that diaphragmatic breathing will become automatic. It all depends on your training and breathing control at first. Pay special attention to your breathing while talking.

When you breathe correctly, you maintain both body balance and calm. You automatically adjust your voice box to use the diaphragm. This muscular partition allows you to create good resonance and a beautiful voice.

2. Voice

Having learned to breathe correctly, we can begin to train your voice. Its strength, volume, and sonority depend not on physical efforts that strain the muscles of the larynx and vocal cords, but on correct, active speech breathing and the ability to use resonators - sound amplifiers that transform a weak and inexpressive sound into a strong, spacious and beautiful voice . A person uses two resonator systems:

top– this is the skull, nasal and oral cavities;

bottom including the chest cavity.

Now let's move on to training your voice. Take 5-10 full (but not deep) breaths in and out (breathe through your diaphragm); inhale – full, but short through the nose, exhale – slow, long. After this, start voice exercises.

1. exercise “Moaning”. To ensure freedom of voice, stand up straight, keep your “posture”, arms, shoulders, neck – free. Make a sound M as you usually pronounce, but with your mouth closed. DEMONSTRATION. The result will be something similar to a moo. Moan. Do this quietly, without tension, while exhaling. Everything should be free: the muscles of the face, neck, legs, arms. Now tilt your head slightly down, to the right, to the left, continue to moan. The mouth is closed, lips slightly touching. Quiet moan. You will soon feel how easily, without any tension on the vocal cords, the sound will fill the upper resonators, your lips will begin to vibrate, the vibration will be reflected on the hard palate, in the nasopharyngeal cavity. Resonance can be felt by placing your fingers alternately on the lips, forehead, crown, and back of the head. If the sound is directed correctly, your fingers will feel a slight vibration.

2. exercise Strengthening the sound M in the “moan” exercise, gradually add vowel sounds to it: i-e-a-o-u-y. “M-mmmm” sounds continuously on one note, occasionally interrupted at regular intervals by short vowels: “Mmmmm-I-mmmm-E-mmmm-A-mmmm-O-mmmm-U-mmmm-Y.”

3. exercise Continuing to moan at the sound M, say it together as one word, next phrase: “Mom, mom, would we like some milk?” Opening your mouth slightly on vowels, immediately gently return your mouth to its original position on M- groan. The phrase is pronounced with a “moan” mmamm-mmamm-mmolokabynnamm….

Moan in different keys: tired of moaning on one note, then either raise or slightly lower the tone of your voice.

4. exercise. In this exercise we will alternate the semi-singing method of pronouncing words “on a groan” with the spoken one. While groaning, pronounce the already familiar phrase: “mmmm-mmamm-mmolokabynnamm.” And here is the speech utterance: Mom! Mom! We would like some milk!

Do this several times. Avoid excessive activity when pronouncing, maintain the same freedom and lightness as with a semi-chanted “moan”. Watch your breath!

5. exercise: We say a tongue twister. Memorize or write it down. “In the shallows we lazily caught burbot and exchanged the burbot for tench. About love, weren't you sweetly begging me? and into the fog-estuaries they beckoned me?” We pronounce the tongue twister slowly and at the same time massage the resonators.

It sounds something like this.

massage your forehead and say:

Broke, broke

Broke, broke, broke

massage the sinuses:

- we are lazy

we are lazy, we are lazy

We are lazy, we are lazy, we are lazy.

massage the cheeks:

- burbot was caught

burbot caught, burbot caught

Burbot caught, burbot caught, burbot caught

Massaging lips:

And we exchanged burbot for tench

And we exchanged burbot for tench, we exchanged tench for you

Tapping the sternum:

for love, weren’t you sweetly begging for me, weren’t you begging for me?

We tap (bending over) the back

and into the fog-estuaries they beckoned me? and into the fog-estuaries they beckoned me?

This is very good exercise, as it makes it possible to feel your body as a single vocal instrument.

6. exercise"Beep." Standing, maintaining your “posture”, while exhaling, without tension, lips in the “proboscis” position, begin to pull the vowel sound together, like a beep U: uuuu... After that, combine with the vowel table:





The main thing is not to articulate all vowels exactly, but to “darken” them, that is, to keep your lips in the sound position all the time U, proboscis.

A well-produced voice sounds smooth and stable. To develop these qualities, take a poem with long lines, such as a hexameter. Remember, yes, from school knowledge A hexameter is a verse, each line of which consists of six words - feet. By reading this verse you will learn to develop a long exhalation. Begin to read the first line calmly, evenly, clearly, without much tension. At the end of the line, pause for breath and again, at the same middle tone, read the second line, then the breath, and so on. Read each line of the poem as you exhale. Remember to breathe, watch your diaphragm. In theater universities, speech teachers to practice this skill suggest working with A. V. Pryanishnikov’s poem “Rules of Reading”, it lists all the rules of diction, breathing and voice, and recommendations for this exercise. I suggest you listen to this poem several times, or better yet, write it down on paper, learn it and practice it yourself.

So, Pryanishnikov’s poem “Reading Rules”

Remember firmly that before you begin the word in the exercise,
The chest cage should be expanded slightly and at the same time
Select the lower abdomen to support breathing and sound.
The shoulders should be at rest and motionless while breathing.
Speak each line of poetry in one breath.
And make sure your chest doesn't contract as you speak,
Because when you exhale, only one diaphragm moves.
Having finished reading the lines, do not rush to move on to the next one:
Pause briefly at the pace of the verse, at the same time
Get some air, but only using your lower breath.
Hold your breath for a moment, then continue reading.
Make sure every word is heard:
Remember to use clear and pure diction on consonant sounds;
Don’t be lazy to open your mouth so that the path is clear for your voice;
Do not muffle the sound of voices with an aspirated dull hue -
The voice, even in a quiet sound, must retain its metallic quality.
Before doing exercises on tempo, height and volume,
You need to pay attention to the evenness and stability of the sound:
Listen closely so that your voice does not tremble or sway anywhere,
Exhale sparingly - for a whole line.
Composure, sonority, flight, stability, slowness, smoothness -
This is what you first look for in the exercise with attentive hearing.

Thanks to these exercises, you can make your voice bright and deep. Resonance will give your voice strength and confidence.

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