Parade of planets from the earth. The parade of planets is one of the most majestic natural phenomena

An astronomical event that occurs only once every 179 years took place on March 10, 1982, on this day all nine planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were on the same side of the Sun in the sector with angle 95 degrees.

Astronomers do not like the word “parade”, preferring to call such phenomena “convergence of planets.” But the name stuck. People usually expect the parade of planets as a rare, beautiful and nerve-wracking event. After all, each of these parades is a reason to expect the end of the world due to giant tides and catastrophic earthquakes.

This event is truly rare. Although the so-called “small parades”, in which four planets participate, and “big parades” with the participation of six planets occur quite often, once every few years. But “full parades” of all nine planets have occurred only ten times since the Nativity of Christ, and on June 11, 1128, the parade was exceptional: all nine planets gathered on one side of the Sun in a sector with an angle of 40 degrees.

Planetary parades are spectacular only in movies about planetary parades or in a color picture in a textbook. IN real life you will have to observe the planets with the help of at least amateur telescope or good binoculars, and even planets must be found in a fairly wide sector of the starry sky. Even a very bright minor parade of planets in May 2011 in a sector with an angle of less than 10 degrees could hardly have been observed by an inexperienced person in astronomy with binoculars.

But what angers professional astronomers and astrophysicists most of all is the joyful anticipation of the apocalypse that grips the Earth’s population on the eve of the next parade of planets. In 1974, the book “The Jupiter Effect” was published, written by two young English astrophysicists John Gribbin and Stephen Pleijmann. It described terrible disasters, including catastrophic earthquake in California on March 10, 1982, when a full parade of planets was expected.

The book instantly became a bestseller and began to be translated in other countries. Scientists did not expect such frivolity from their colleagues and tried to expose them in the eyes of the public, but to no avail. The young people made good money and became famous all over the world, much more famous, for example, scientific supervisor thesis Pleijmann, the English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle, who first introduced the concept into cosmology big bang, and in free time wrote fantasy novels, quite popular in its time.

In February 1982, on the eve of the parade of planets, Gribbin and Pleijmann's second book, The Jupiter Effect: Revisited, appeared on the shelves and again became a bestseller, although a month later absolutely nothing of what they promised had happened. And in the new book they were no longer so categorical about disastrous effect parade of planets on humanity.

Today, few people remember two young, enterprising British scientists. But before every small and large parade of planets, routine apocalyptic predictions appear. By the way, the next full parade of planets will take place in 2161.

Definition 1

Parade of planets - this is how in astronomy they call a situation when planets solar system find themselves on one side of the Sun, relatively close to each other.

Parade of planets in astronomy

In astronomy, the following types of planetary parades are distinguished:

  • Minor Planetary Parade – This phenomenon occurs when four planets can come together.
  • A large (or great) parade of planets occurs when five planets gather together.

Small parades occur approximately once every 20 years. Large parades of planets occur much less frequently.

Visible and invisible parades of planets are also distinguished:

  1. Visible parades of planets. This definition refers to a planetary configuration in which the five planets of the solar system, namely Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, approach each other relatively close distance. And these planets become visible in one time period in a certain small area of ​​the sky.
  2. Parades of planets are called invisible when the planets in the sky are too close to the Sun.

Note that in order for all five planets of the Solar System to be simultaneously visible to observers, the following conditions must be fulfilled: following conditions. The planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn should have approximately equal longitude and should be visible near the inner planets terrestrial group. In turn, Mercury and Venus should be in eastern elongation from the Sun in spring, and, accordingly, in western elongation in autumn.

Definition 2

The elongation of a planet is the name given to the difference in longitude between the ecliptic of a planet and the Sun.

It is noted that such astronomical phenomena as a parade of planets can be observed in the sky either in the morning or in the evening.

It is worth saying that the so-called small or mini planetary parades, in which the four planets of the solar system participate, occur frequently. And small parades with the participation of three planets can be observed every year or even twice a year, but at the same time, for different latitudes Earths exist different conditions to observe such a phenomenon.

Note 1

It is worth saying that planetary parades also include such a rare arrangement of the planets of the solar system, when they all line up in one line.

So the last such parade was astronomical event March 10, 1982. The next such phenomenon will not occur very soon, only in 2161.

Planetary parades have played a role in space exploration. So, given the close proximity of the giant planets in a relatively narrow sector outer space V in the right direction and construction, it became possible for spacecraft to reduce travel time and thereby save time and fuel.

It was precisely by focusing on the parades of planets that the following were sent to explore the solar system and interstellar space spacecraft like Voyager 1 and Voyager 2.

Parade of planets in astrology

In astronomy, there is still no clear definition of the so-called proximity of planets. However, in astrology, the parade of planets has a clearer meaning. In astrology, convergence refers to a situation when planets are in the same zodiac constellation.

But here we should remember what astrology is.

The word itself comes from Greek words“astro” - star and “logos” - teaching.

Note 2

So, it turns out that astrology is a kind of teaching, the adherents of which sincerely or not really believe that the fate of both individuals and the fate of entire nations and states is influenced by the location of the stars and planets relative to one or another constellation.

Astrologers, based on the location of planets and stars relative to a particular constellation or zodiac sign, make predictions about the fate and character of people.

Astrology has developed since ancient times, along with the accumulation of astronomical knowledge. But gradually, their paths diverged. Astronomy, how scientific discipline, relies on observations and their verification. With the help of astronomy, it is possible to understand the world surrounding our planet and push the boundaries of the unknown.

How can you check astrological research? Thus, the Russian scientist astronomer V.G. Surdin describes in his article the methods and results of testing astrological predictions.

An example is the work American psychologist from the University of Michigan B. Silverman, who studied the influence of the so-called zodiac sign, which corresponded to the date of birth of each spouse, on the likelihood of their divorce. He used information on 2,978 weddings and 478 divorces registered in Michigan. B. Silverman compared these data for the period from 1967 -1968 with the predictions of two different astrologers about the well-being of marriage and its dissolution. Astrologers, of course, took into account the location of the zodiac signs and the date of birth of the spouses. The result was that there was no correlation between divorces or indissoluble marriages and any given zodiac sign.

Quite a few such studies have been conducted and all of them gave negative results for astrology. It follows that under no circumstances should such horoscopes and predictions be taken seriously.

Sometimes astrological predictions are also associated with the parade of planets. Moreover, according to the logic of astrologers, such parades should lead to certain significant events. So, in the late 1990s, all kinds of mystical media wrote about the end of the world threatening the inhabitants of the Earth in connection with the parade of planets. But the end of the world never came, nor did the splendor promised in 2013 in spiritual life.

But what real influence do planets have on Earth?

The influence of the parade of planets on Earth

In our harsh reality Certain laws of physics and cosmic factors exist and operate, which have a certain influence on the nature of our planet, humans and technology.

Such known factors include, in particular, the tidal forces of our luminary the Sun and our satellite the Moon, as well as infrequent falls large meteorites to our planet.

As for the influence of the planets themselves on the Earth, it is negligible.

Thus, the maximum gravitational influence on the Earth is exerted by Jupiter as the most big planet Solar system. However, his gravitational influence due to its great distance, it is 103 times less than the influence of the Moon’s gravity on our planet.

A visible parade of planets is a planetary configuration when the five bright planets of the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) in their movement across the sky come close to each other and become visible at the same time in a small sector (10 - 40 degrees ) sky.

In order for all five bright planets to be visible at the same time, the condition must be met that Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have approximately the same longitude and are visible around inner planets, and Mercury and Venus were in eastern elongation from the Sun in spring, and in western elongation in autumn (for northern hemisphere Earth and for mid-latitudes). It is during such elongations that Mercury can be observed for quite a long time. Venus has less severe visibility conditions, because its maximum elongation is 48 degrees (for Mercury it is 28 degrees).

From what is described above, it is clear that the parade of planets can be observed either in the evening or in the morning. Mini-parades of planets with the participation of four planets occur more often, and mini-parades of planets with the participation of three planets can be observed annually (or even twice a year), but the conditions for their visibility are not the same for different latitudes of the Earth.

For example, a wonderful parade of 4 bright planets in mid-May 2011, when the planets will gather in the sector of 7 degrees (!), can be observed in the equatorial regions and southern hemisphere Earth, and for residents of the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere the parade will be practically invisible, because the planets will rise at the same time as the Sun.

The next mini-parade of planets will take place in August 2008 (sector 20 degrees). Visible parades of planets with the participation of five bright planets occur no more often than once every 18-20 years, and the next close parade of 5 planets in the 38 degree sector will take place in March 2022, but its visibility conditions will be unfavorable for residents of Russia.

But already in June 2022, the residents of Russia will still be lucky, and they will see all five planets at the same time, but already located in the sector of 115 degrees, and they will be located Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. This combination happens even less often than a parade of 5 planets.

In addition, there will be no End of the World on December 23, 2012, as the ancient Mayans allegedly predicted. This was stated by Alfonso Arellano, an employee of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Thus, the scientist refuted the interpretation of certain Indian “prophecies” that was widespread in esoteric circles.

A specialist from the Institute of Philological Research UNAM explained that this date marks the end of the “current cosmic cycle,” as it was imagined in one of the greatest pre-Columbian civilizations.

According to Mayan hieroglyphic inscriptions classical period(III-IX centuries AD), it began on August 13, 3113 BC and should end on December 23, 2012.

This circumstance gave rise to many pseudo-scientific, apocalyptic speculations. Although the texts on which they are based are not prophecies, but records telling about the actions of local rulers.

However, on the significant day of December 23 it will be possible to observe astronomical phenomenon of extraordinary beauty - a parade of planets. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up, and, as the scientist says, “a huge “star” will be visible.” Thus, according to the ideas of time of the ancient Mayans, a new 5125-year cycle will begin.

In 2018 there will be an amazing event called the Parade of the Planets. It will have a significant impact on the lives of earthlings. In order to secure influence celestial bodies, you need to find out better what the parade of planets will be like in 2018. Armed with such knowledge, you can confidently move on with your life and make plans for the future.

What date will this event take place?

This unique phenomenon will occur in early January 2018, and will last almost a month: 01/06/18 – 01/31/18. At this time, some celestial bodies of our system and other formations will line up in a row. Thus, a conditional axis is formed connecting the center of the Galaxy and its periphery. Such an event could lead to a phenomenon that astronomers call gravitational hole. During this period, the influence of individual planets on each other changes. So on our planet the weight of bodies may change, and a displacement will also occur magnetic poles. This can lead to many natural disasters, such as:

  • powerful earthquakes;
  • massive volcanic eruption;
  • floods caused by tsunamis;
  • melting ice;
  • numerous tornadoes and hurricanes;
  • climate change towards cooling;
  • increase in background radiation.

All this can change our planet in the worst side. Solar radiation can negatively affect all life on Earth. Considering such negative consequences, many people are interested in what time this event will happen.

So, the five celestial bodies of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up in one line in the first month of 2018. This can be observed throughout the month an hour before sunrise.

Should I beware of this event?

Full-scale planetary alignments occur very rarely. As a rule, such an event occurs only once in one hundred and fifty years. Last time this happened in 1982. The next full-scale event will occur in 2161. The following facts speak about the consequences of this phenomenon:

Gelendzhik (USSR) An airliner crashed, killing eighteen people.
Washington (USA) Boeing 737 crashes, killing seventy-eight people.
Washington (USA) Subway train crash, killing three people.
Brazil One hundred thirty-seven people died as a result of the plane crash.
USSR Death of L. Brezhnev.
England The son of M. Thatcher disappeared.
Vatican Attempted assassination of the Pope.
Lebanon The war has begun.
UK, Argentina The beginning of the war for disputed territories.
Moscow (USSR) The plane crashed, killing ninety people.
USA The most big frosts throughout US history.

What could happen

Of course, during this phenomenon in January 2018, such large-scale events as those described above will not occur. However, astrologers suggest that negative points will still come in our lives.

A similar alignment of celestial bodies in Capricorn took place in 1962. As is known, it was then that Cuban missile crisis. At that time, the world was on the verge of a nuclear confrontation. In a similar situation, in 1989 the Soviet Union began to collapse.

Astrologers warn that in 2018 relations between Russia and the United States will again deteriorate to the limit. Establishing relationships will not happen in the near future. The parade of planets can play a fatal role for one of the states.

Conflicts in the world will also not stop. This is due to the influence of Pluto, which is considered the most unstable planet.

People who were born during the parade of planets in Capricorn will be incredibly strong in 2018. You can expect from them decisive action. It's about O:

  • Abdullah ibn Hussein, who is the King of Jordan;
  • Bashar al-Assad, who is the President of Syria;
  • Dmitry Medvedev, acting Prime Minister of the Russian Federation;
  • Petro Poroshenko, who is the President of Ukraine.

In 2018, elections to the President of the Russian Federation will be held in our country. I wonder if it will appear politician, born in similar conditions.

How will the parade of planets affect Ukraine?

As P. Globa stated, strong changes can occur in this country. This is connected with President P. Poroshenko. He will have strong influence and will certainly manifest itself with even greater force.

In Russia, D. Medvedev will have similar positions. For him, in 2018 the time for decisive action will come.

Interesting, strong positions these two leaders can somehow influence the situation in neighboring country? Maybe these two politicians will start discussing relations between the two countries and sit down at the negotiating table? Who knows, maybe soon the war in Ukraine will end, and relations between our states will again become good neighborly. God willing, everyone is already tired of the war in which they die civilians, and from the tension between the two fraternal peoples.

The influence of the parade of planets on humans

Each of the celestial bodies participating in this event will influence a person in its own way:

Sun Our luminary will not influence our lives in any special way. At the same time, it will enhance the impact of a single planet, both positively and negatively.
Venus This planet influences a person's sexuality and his sensory perception. When Venus is especially strong, all sorts of intrigues occur. An example of this is the romance between M. Monroe and D. Kennedy.

During this period, rash actions are committed. Although, this does not apply to 2018, since Mars will have an insignificant effect on Venus.

Saturn The planet influences a person’s intuition and intelligence. Very often, on the eve of a negative event, a person has a presentiment that something is wrong.

Big things could happen in 2018 scientific discoveries V different areas knowledge.

Saturn and our satellite will contribute to an overabundance of information.

Pluto This planet without Jupiter will affect people differently. There will be changes in your personal life.

Astrologers have noticed that when Pluto is strong, negative events. In this regard, one can recall the reign of A. Hitler.

Moon During the alignment of the planets, the Black Moon will be observed. It will affect us all in a special way. For example, Yu Caesar, born during such a Moon, had incredible abilities. He was able to do a lot of work in a short period of time, and remained in history as great figure that time.

Heaven has always attracted people; at first, representatives of humanity admired space, the stars, worshiped and feared the formidable manifestations of the sky.

Then with development technical progress began to study in detail starfalls and planets, phases of the moon and eclipses. One of the most mysterious remains the so-called parade of planets.

This material will attempt to answer the questions of what this astronomical phenomenon, when will people be able to observe it in the near future, does it have an impact on human life and health, or is it completely safe and does not pose any threats.

How do astronomers explain this phenomenon?

In astronomy this is beautiful name, like a parade of planets, a phenomenon has arisen in which several planets find themselves in a fairly small sector, on one side of the Sun.

At maximum approach space objects scientists talk about the connection, although in fact this does not happen. There is a division into various types parades of planets, for example, large and small, visible and invisible.

Not all stars of our galaxy can become “participants” in the parade; this opportunity is given only to some of them - Earth, Uranus, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter.

Mercury, united with Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter, forms a minor parade. IN big parade six planets are involved, of the above, only Mercury is “on the sidelines.”

The visible parade of planets can take place under certain conditions; from its name it is clear that such an astronomical phenomenon can be observed by a person with the naked eye. Accordingly, the invisible parade “passes”, but out of sight without a telescope.

Should we be afraid of him?

The parade of planets is a fantastic phenomenon, although it is very difficult for people on Earth to appreciate the scale of what is happening. It remains a mystery whether one should be afraid of this or prepare for observations with pleasure.

Some scientists who have been researching this phenomenon for many decades note that the consequences of planetary parades for earthlings can be the most fantastic.

The parade of planets that the galaxy “created” 26 thousand years ago is considered fatal. Scientists put forward the version that it was this astronomical phenomenon that provoked climate change on the planet, and, as a result, the extinction of all living things, that is, the onset of the apocalypse.

A similar arrangement of planets was expected in 2012, when different corners The earth began to talk about the coming of a new end of the world.

As we see, this prediction did not come true, although the parade of planets took place to “stormy applause” from astronomers and scientists of other specialties. Another parade of planets, as astronomers say, fantastically coincided with tragic events 1941 – introduction Nazi Germany The Barbarossa plan, an attack on the USSR, marked an increase in the number of earthquakes on the planet.

The next parade of planets (small, but with the participation of the “five” bright celestial bodies) will take place in 2022, so you can start preparing for observations today.

True, astrologers immediately warned that not in all regions of the planet this phenomenon will be visible in all its glory, for example, Russians better plan a trip to other countries.

The impact of this phenomenon on people

Most scientists are skeptical about claims that large or small, visible or invisible parades of planets can influence each person and humanity as a whole.

Every year, events of various sizes take place on the planet, and therefore there is always the opportunity to “falsify” the facts. For example, one can “attribute” man-made and natural disasters, military actions, etc.

Astrologers say that planets lined up in a row influence certain signs of the zodiac, which are protected by these same planets.

Therefore, if a person is subject to suggestion and cannot live without an individual horoscope and day, then he should especially carefully prepare for the parade of planets, especially if his “patrons” are participating.

Thus, the parade of planets is just an astronomical phenomenon that has already been well studied by scientists. All that remains is to prepare to observe the next heavenly miracle, and believe that it brings only good things.

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