The root causes of the inversion of the earth's magnetic poles. Inversion of the Earth's magnetic field: a natural pattern or a fatal event? The danger of cosmic radiation

During the existence of the Earth, its magnetic field has already changed polarity several times. According to one assumption, when the next coup occurs (the deadline is 2021), it will destroy most of planet and its population, since the magnetic field will not be able to adequately protect the Earth from the increase in 2011-2012. solar radiation, as it usually happens. IN as a last resort, a magnetic revolution will disable all computers and other devices, thereby causing universal chaos.

Scheme of the movement of the north magnetic pole in the period from 1900 to 1996. Source geo magnetic field is the outer core.

Firstly, you should not confuse two concepts: magnetic field reversal and pole shift, because an inversion is a complete replacement of the locations of the south and north poles with the opposite one, and a shift is a larger-scale event that occurs no more than four times every million years. Both events are actually normal geological pattern, and as analysis of centuries-old deposits shows, they cannot lead to any dramatic consequences. Regarding magnetic inversion, there are several scientific points view:

Magnetic reversal occurs in parallel with the pole shift. The Earth's magnetic field arises due to electrical flows produced by the movement of the liquid outer shell earth's core. Rotational movements internal solid core leads to rupture, and later to the resumption of the magnetic field, which is the essence of magnetic inversion. Such events weaken the planet’s magnetic field, which gives rise to the theory of the end of the world due to perturbations of the magnetic field. According to various experts, last time the inversion occurred 13 thousand or 11,803 years ago. Some experts really believe that the inversion can shake the stability of life on Earth. Others do not see anything supernatural in it.

NASA believes that magnetic field reversal is nothing more than a natural geological phenomenon that has been repeated several times already in our era. The inversion cycle is about 800 thousand years and is not minute-by-minute and unexpected. When the event ends, the compass needles that were previously pointing south now begin to point north, and vice versa. For NASA, magnetic field reversals are the rule rather than the exception.

Another group of scientists believes that inversions are the norm, not the exception. And they appear every 20-30 thousand years. According to their theory, the magnetic poles do not completely change, but only begin to move back and forth, moving to unusual latitudes.

Some geologists are confident that magnetic fluxes The earths have already begun to bend, creating intricate patterns at the magnetic poles. If this process continues, then soon auroras can be seen even at the equator. This can provoke strong and long periods drought, which will significantly change the modern climate.

Another theory says that magnetic zones are in continuous motion, and this should neutralize the global magnetic field after some time. Its adherents explain the reason for the appearance of a magnetic field on our planet in the same way as the first theory given here: by the rotation of a metal molten liquid core around a solid iron core and the resulting electric current.

Another theory denotes geomagnetic reversal affected by solar activity, creating global destruction. According to this theory, the Earth will be completely deprived of a magnetic field, and therefore protection from harmful solar radiation and coronary matter emissions. Analysis of past materials has not revealed evidence confirming that the magnetic field ever disappeared. Although in the future it may well be weakened, and this should not cause any special problems and the planet’s atmosphere will continue to fulfill its protective functions, protecting us from radiation.

The fact that the viscous shell of the core is moving is shown by displacements magnetic poles Earth. The magnetic north pole extends further north and has moved as much as 1,100 km since the 19th century, when it was first identified. Over time, the speed of its movement only increases and is about 64 km per year. At the beginning of the 20th century, this speed was only 16 km. While scientists cannot create full picture what impacts such shifts might have.

Despite the fact that scientists have not yet been able to accurately predict the conditions under which the poles begin to move, no evidence has been found in ancient sediments that previous pole changes led to the destruction of all forms of life or the integrity of the planet itself. It is unlikely that this will happen during the expected new inversion. It can only bring significant benefits to companies involved in the production of compasses.

Research by a group of scientists from Germany has proven that in human memory there has been a very rapid inversion of the Earth’s magnetic poles once. This happened approximately 41 thousand years ago. And nothing catastrophic happened on our planet at that moment, although magnetic protection, according to calculations, fell twenty or even thirty times.

The horror story that, due to the reversal of the poles of the Earth’s magnetic field, we will all have a very, very bad time, has been disturbing the minds of readers for several years now from the pages of the media and websites. And it should be noted that scientists had some reasons for concern. Although, of course, purely theoretical, since none of them could directly observe this inversion from beginning to end - it usually lasts quite a long time, several thousand years.

Let me remind you that the inversion of magnetic poles refers to the displacement of those relative to their previous positions. As a result, the north pole “moves” to the south, and the south pole to the north. Accordingly, the direction changes and power lines magnetic field, and traces of these changes are recorded by various rocks capable of magnetism. By the way, geologists who studied the magnetization of various deposits were the first to know that this was happening at all.

The current reversal of magnetic poles is believed to have begun sometime around 1885. According to the results of observations, over the past 100 years the magnetic pole in southern hemisphere moved almost 900 km and reached Indian Ocean. And his namesake from the Arctic began to move towards the East Siberian world magnetic anomaly through Arctic Ocean, and from 1973 to 1984 covered 120 km, and from 1984 to 1994 - more than 150 km. That is, the inversion is really in full swing.

However, this is not what worries scientists, but the fact that during such shifts the strength of the earth's magnetic field always drops. True, she does this unevenly. Thus, according to research data, over the past 22 years it has decreased by an average of 1.7 percent, and in some regions, for example, in the southern part Atlantic Ocean by as much as 10 percent. Nevertheless, calculations show that in some places the magnetic field strength, contrary to general trend, on the contrary, it has increased. So, apparently, everything is much more complicated than theory suggests.

However, the fall in tension, in theory, should have a negative impact on all inhabitants of our planet, and not only those who can speak and walk on two legs. The fact is that if the magnetic field weakens, then it ceases to effectively reflect streams of particles coming to Earth from space (primarily from the Sun). As a result, our planet may receive an increased dose radioactive radiation, which, you know, is not useful to anyone.

In addition, large streams of particles rushing headlong are quite capable of damaging transistors and other components of modern electronics. This cannot but affect the operation of computers and other electrical appliances, without which most people now cannot imagine their existence. So the easing of tension can not only cause a whole series of man-made disasters, but also provoke something worse (for example, nuclear explosions - after all nuclear power plants and missiles carrying corresponding warheads are also controlled by people via computers).

Needless to say, the prospect is rather gloomy. However, how realistic is such an “apocalyptic” scenario? A recent study by a group of scientists from the Helmholtz Association of German research centers under the leadership of Norbert Nowaczyk and Helge Artz showed that everything is not as bad as some imagine. From their point of view, rumors about the danger of a drop in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field are very, very exaggerated.

Researchers working with sediment samples obtained from the bottom of the Black Sea unexpectedly discovered that they had “recorded” information about one inversion that was previously unknown to scientists. Moreover, it happened somewhere 41 thousand years ago, that is, within the memory of mankind. However, this is not what is surprising, but the fact that the displacement was very rapid by geological standards. “The geometry of the field of inverted polarity, the lines of which pointed in the exact opposite direction of the current configuration, existed for only 440 years and was associated with a magnetic field that was a quarter of the current strength. The actual polarity change lasted only 250 years. On geological time scales, this is very fast.” “, - this is how Dr. Norawczyk comments on the results. So, according to all calculations, it turns out that over this quarter of a millennium the magnetic field was twenty times weaker than the current one. By the way, this is confirmed by the results of the analysis radioactive elements in samples. Thus, it is during this period that the maximum concentration of radioactive beryllium-10 and carbon-14 occurs. That is, then exactly what scientists were so afraid of happened - for some time the Earth was left without magnetic protection. And what did this lead to?

The most interesting thing is that there is nothing special. Against the background of a 250-year twenty-fold drop in magnetic field strength, neither happened mass extinction species, nor a catastrophic reduction in their numbers. Simply put, ecosystems simply didn’t notice. And humanity did not suffer particularly - it went through a sharp decline in numbers much earlier, 100-74 thousand years ago, and during specified period an increase was observed in all populations.

Moreover, if we take into account that usually at the magnetic equator the strength of the planet’s magnetic field is half as much as at the poles, and 1.5 times less than on average, it turns out that the tropical regions should have been hit the hardest. There, tension could decrease by more than thirty times. And as luck would have it for all modern models, it was tropical biocenoses that demonstrated the greatest stability at that time. There was even an expansion of the zone rain forests on all continents - and these ecosystems are the most sensitive to changing conditions, and if something goes wrong, they prefer to “die out, but not give up.”

So, it turns out that there is no danger to life at all during strong drops in tension. And for everything else, by the way, too. The fact is that the discovery of German scientists also cast doubt on the popular hypothesis about why there is no water on Mars now. According to it, the Red Planet, which has a very small magnetic field, has lost a significant part of its former oceans and atmosphere due to direct impact solar wind, which carried them into space. However, during the period of the strongest weakening of the magnetic field, nothing similar was observed on Earth, similar to Mars - all the oceans remained in their places, and so did the atmosphere.

In 1930, Motonori Matsuyama, a Japanese mathematician and physicist, began studying magnetic properties rocks. He looked more closely at the reason why some rocks pointed in one direction while others pointed in another. Matsuyama studied magnetic anomalies and put forward the idea that they were the result of a magnetic reversal.

When geologists sampled lava flows in Hawaii and elsewhere, they found that some lava samples contained grains with reversed polarity. This means that thousands of years ago the north magnetic pole was where the south magnetic pole is now and vice versa.

Determining the age of lavas is possible using a method based on measuring 40K/40Ag. Using radiometric dating and magnetic field polarity measurements in layers of ancient igneous lavas together, geologists were able to record the average between magnetic field reversals. They found that, on average, the magnetic poles flip about every 200,000 years. On geological time scales the reversal occurred overnight, but in reality field reversals occur gradually over a period of between 300 and 1000 years.

The magnetic field jump begins with the inversion of some region of liquid flow deep in the Earth's core. As this region grows larger and becomes more polar, opposing currents cause it to rise and begin to influence the magnetic fluxes in earth's crust and atmosphere. When this happens, regions of the external magnetic field begin to weaken. The lower countercurrents balance the excitations above.

Weakened areas in the magnetic field are called anomalies. The magnetic anomaly can be high or low, almost round, like ridges, valleys, or oval, if you study the magnetic topographic map. The range of magnetic intensity values ​​over a magnetic anomaly or area is called magnetic relief.

The South Atlantic Anomaly is one of these weakened areas. In this area, the magnetic field is 30% weaker than in other areas of the planet, and this area is growing. Geologists studying magnetic field reversals over the past 10 years, along with analysis of thousands of lava samples and compass readings from British officers' logbooks navy over the past 300 years, have used supercomputer programs. The result was an excellent prediction method magnetic inversions.

These studies revealed that the Earth was long overdue for a magnetic reversal. The last significant inversion occurred over 700 thousand years ago. Knowing this, geologists now suggest that the South Atlantic Anomaly is the beginning of a magnetic pole jump. If this model is correct, then the leap will not occur within our lifetime, but sometime in the next 1000 years.

Magnetic polarity can be minor or significant. Impact of magnetic inversions on tectonics and environment unknown. Scientists have only now begun to study the consequences of planetary magnetic reversals.

Periods of mostly normal polarity, such as the one we have today, or periods of mostly reverse polarity, are called magnetic epochs, or chrons. The Matsuyama Epoch, an important magnetic reversal around 0.5 to 2.5 million years ago, is named after Motonori Matsuyama.

As lavas from many magnetic eras accumulate on top of each other, they gradually form layers with opposite magnetic polarities.

Igneous rocks provide geologists with many clues to the wild and crazy actions of ancient and modern magmas as they exploded or slowly made their way to the Earth's surface in different magnetic fields.

You must have heard that the Earth's magnetic field sometimes changes direction. Scientists say that this happens very rarely - after many millions or hundreds of thousands of years. In fact, scientists are wrong. The last reversal of the planetary magnetic field occurred only 25 thousand years ago, and the next one is already on its way. But if so, what about studies that directly or indirectly contradict what was said? We'll start with them.

The following material requires the reader to first familiarize himself with the page “Earth’s Magnetic Field,” which outlines the principle of the planet’s creation of a main magnetic field.

In 1958, scientists discovered interesting magnetic anomalies in the northwestern part of the seabed. Pacific Ocean. The relatively narrow stripes, up to 40 km, were magnetized either negatively or positively, and the intensity of magnetization along each of the stripes almost did not change. The same stripe-like character of the magnetic field was discovered in all oceans in subsequent years. The figure on the left, for clarity, shows a section of the anomaly in the Northeast Pacific Ocean.

The phenomenon required explanations, which were not slow to appear: the reverse and direct magnetization of the stripes, according to researchers, is directly related to their age. Acquiring the sign of magnetization at the moment of their formation, the basalts are subsequently moved apart by new portions of magma, which, in turn, acquire the sign of polarity of a different era, when the magnetic field inversion took place. Inversions create a “mattress-shaped” pattern of the magnetic field, and its symmetry is explained by the expansion (spreading) of the ocean floor.

It is believed that the width of bands of magnetic anomalies of the same sign in the oceans located on both sides of middle ridge, is directly proportional to the duration of the epochs of polarity of the Earth's magnetic field. On this basis, lines of the same age of the ocean crust - isochrones - were drawn, and each anomaly was assigned its own number. The theory was confirmed by the results of deep-sea drilling - it turned out that . Detailed maps of the age of the ocean crust have now been compiled, and geological events of the last 170 million years are supposedly clearly tied to them.
According to the oceanic magnetic zebra, from which magnetic chronology originated, the last polarity reversal occurred approximately 700 thousand years ago, and over the past 10 million years the polarity has changed 18 times in a completely random order. At the same time, the process of reversals of the planetary magnetic field took many hundreds of years.
Let's imagine the Earth without a magnetic field. It's like living in an X-ray machine, not far from the epicenter nuclear explosion. This is exactly the amount of hard solar radiation that will hit the surface of the planet if you remove it even for a minute. magnetic shield. Naturally, all the animals on the surface will instantly become covered in blisters and die, and the trees will die. The fact that land fauna exists on Earth for hundreds of millions of years, is in no way consistent with the scientific interpretation of isochores. This is the first thing that comes to mind if you are not an academician, but an ordinary person.
But scientists need grants and Nobel prizes. Therefore, they stubbornly stood their ground, even despite the fact that the oceanic isochores did not correspond to the land scale of inversions.

Here you are. On the left is the magnetic scale of other scientists, no less scientists. According to it, magnetic field reversals occur much more often. Four reversals in just the last 50 thousand years. Which scale do you think won?
The ocean scale won. The fact is that it was “discovered” by US scientists. And since the USA is great country, gradually the land scale throughout the world was brought into line with the ocean scale. This good cause was based on the idea that if something is wrong on land, then the cores were simply taken from the wrong place. And God bless him that with such inversions we would not exist in the world.

The ocean time scale has another problem. Below, in the figure, the size of the yellow arrows is proportional to the rate of divergence of the ocean floor. The fastest spreading was measured in the East Pacific Rise (up to 8 cm/year).

Let's take average speed spreading - four centimeters. Then, in 100 million years, the Earth's equator will increase by 4 thousand kilometers. And in a billion years the expansion will exceed modern length equator. It just doesn't happen that way. Either the Earth is much younger, or the spreading rate is not constant.
An advanced reader can tell whether spreading is compensated by subduction. Let me explain to non-specialists: subduction is a phenomenon of rock compression. That is, it is believed that if there is spreading in one place, then subduction will be observed in another. During subduction, sections of the planetary crust either creep under each other, or form hills, or both.
There is no evidence that spreading is completely compensated by subduction. But today every intelligent schoolchild knows that the Earth is gaining mass and diameter. Satellites record an increase in the diameter of the planet by a couple of centimeters per year, which suggests that spreading is almost not compensated by subduction.

Can you imagine the process? Magma came out, pushed the shell of the planet and froze. Accordingly, the shell increased in area and the volume of the Earth increased. The resulting volume is filled by the mantle. But where do the additional millions of tons of mantle material come from? This behavior The earth is coming contrary to one of the main scientific mantras, which talks about the impossibility of matter arising from nothing. That's why scientists have their horns pointed at subduction.

After what has been said, who will guarantee that the spreading process is uniform over time? Nobody will. But then how can one judge the actual duration of magnetic epochs based on the unknown speed at which magnetic stripes are formed? There is no way to judge. But if you really need to, you can accept the expansion as constant over 170 million years, naturally ignoring reality.
Half a century ago they did not yet know about the expansion of the Earth, but now it is known. Nevertheless, no one questions the scale of inversions.

Not only that, Nobel laureates somehow they don’t particularly say that the black and white stripes do not quite correspond to the opposite magnetizations of the rocks. The direction towards Northern Hemisphere, not on North Pole. The same for the South. In other words, the direction is plus or minus many degrees from the strict direction to the pole. If we also take into account the thousand-kilometer drifts of the magnetic poles, it becomes clear that using magnetic anomalies to date reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field is only possible out of necessity, and with an error of 100%.
Well, since" the age of ocean floor sediments above magnetic anomalies agrees well with the calculated age of the magnetic anomalies themselves", the method for determining the age of sediments on the ocean floor also has a 100% error.
Therefore, let students of geological faculties take the magnetic scale for granted. And we are free people, and we can afford own views for natural science. They are such that the existing explanation for magnetic anomalies needs to be reexplained.

In fact, magnetic anomalies simultaneously record two types of planetary cataclysms - magnetic field reversals and lithosphere displacements (slippage of the Earth's surface relative to the mantle). When the lithosphere shifts, the magnetic poles remain at the same latitude and longitude, since the magnetic field is formed by the core, and the planetary crust shifts along with the ocean faults.
When you want to make sure that lithosphere displacements are occurring, you go to Siberia and dig up a ton of mammoth tusks there. Next, you analyze the fossil material and make sure that the tusks are quite fresh - around 10-15 thousand years old (our usual). This means that Siberia some 10-15 thousand years ago was closer to the equator.
Displacements of the lithosphere have nothing to do with continental drift; they occur quickly and immediately by 30-40-50 degrees. Several lithospheric displacements can easily turn the Mid-Atlantic or another ridge, either front to the North, or even backwards or sideways (a matter of chance) in three or four jerks. And the rock will record a magnetic field reversal. Only this is not a field inversion, but a displacement of the rock relative to the stationary magnetic poles.
And between displacements of the lithosphere, magnetic reversals necessarily occur, and the rock again records a change in the direction of the magnetic field.
So it turns out that oceanic magnetic anomalies do not record magnetic epochs in any way. It's like checking the time on a watch whose hands move haphazardly and without interconnection with each other.

Finally, look at the zebra stripe for yourself and try to identify the clear stripes there. You'll wash yourself off, because the drawing is more similar to the skin of the said animal than to measuring scale. Not stripes, but some kind of camouflage with multidirectional patterns.

In the figure, the usual polarity is indicated in blue, and the reverse in red. Further material will be devoted to explaining where this scale came from.

Let's return to our gyroscopes.
If a tilting force is applied to the top, it will begin to fall at 90 degrees to the force, and thereby generate precession. If you pull the top simultaneously in two, non-coinciding directions, you get a different picture. Especially when the moments change direction. To understand what has been said, look at the picture.

In front of you, neither less nor more, is a planetary clock! Big yellow the arrow marks a precessional cycle of 26 millennia (mantle precession, yellow dotted line). The small white arrow shows the precessional cycle of the nucleus - 16 thousand years (magnetic precession, white dotted line).
The clock is set to 10,450 BC. (B.C). Then the Earth's axis pointed to the constellation Leo, and the magnetic poles were shifted from the geographic ones to the maximum distance. It may surprise you, but the North Magnetic Pole at that time was located somewhere in the mid-latitude region. The MF intensity was maximum and exceeded the modern average value by more than two times.

Turn on the clock. Their arrows will go in the opposite direction. Moreover, the small arrow is faster.

As we can see, the precession of the mantle has not yet reached a quarter, and the precession of the core has already gone one hundred and thirty degrees. The clock shows the fifth millennium BC.
We can mentally connect the ends of the arrows and thus obtain a segment corresponding to the strength of the planetary magnetic field at that time. Elementary vector addition and no mysticism.
The yellow arrow shows where the axis of the core is turned, and the white arrow shows where it wants to turn. The mantle, holding the core on a common axis, thus exerts a force that compensates for the white arrow. At a fixed moment in time, this force is directed inside the magnetic precession of the nucleus (Fig. 2a, red arrow).
If we mentally scroll the white arrow further, ninety degrees, we will get a different reaction - the force will be directed outward from the magnetic precessional circle of the core.

Thus, we have two states of the gyroscope system. Externally, these states are reflected in the form of a steady polarity of the magnetic field. But there is a third state, in which the red arrow will be directed neither inward nor outward, but will become tangent to the magnetic precessional circle of the core.
The third state is very fleeting and is characterized by non-equilibrium of the system. You must have understood where the author was going with this. At the specified point in time, the mantle does not force the core. Although it holds the core on a common axis, the leveling moment causing gyroscopic effect, absent. There is only an attempt to speed up or slow down the rotation of the core. Depending on the latter, the next polarity of the magnetic field is established for many millennia.
In general, it's a dick, and the domains in the kernel are turned over. May the ladies forgive the author, but it is difficult to express this phenomenon in any other way. This is the case when words are not enough. Moreover, this work does not qualify for the Peace Prize. It remains to determine when the storm will strike:

The planetary clock shows our time. Precession of mania (by scientific fallacy- Earth), 12.5 thousand years have passed. During this time, magnetic precession slowly caught up with it, and the time came when the segment connecting the precession points became tangent to the magnetic precession circle.
Gentlemen, we have lived a long and happy life! But those who come after us will live even happier - without television and presidents.

As you understand, the moment of polarity reversal is determined not only by time, but also by the angle of precession. The angle of the 26 thousand year cycle is known. The angle of magnetic precession is unknown to science, as is the precession itself. But it is approximately known to the author, since science knows the position of the planetary magnetic poles.
From the author’s calculations it follows that our civilization is on the verge of a magnetic cataclysm. Exact date not given here for a number of technological reasons:
1. The author's calculations give a fairly high error.
2. The author does not want to sow panic among suggestible individuals, nor to get involved in current politics.
3. The author knows that many people are slowly preparing for the worst, but many will not do this even if the year is given to them. Instead of preparing for a cataclysm, such subjects will spend all their energy to interfere with others. Remember the legend of the Ark? Noah built it under the sneers and quiet anger of his fellow citizens.
4. To be honest, the author is not eager to convince or persuade anyone. Explore the entire site and you will understand why.

According to the Mayans, the world will end on December 21, 2012. The date itself, at first glance, does not mean anything. Well, the priests came up with it and pulled it out of thin air. It’s just not possible to accuse the priests of being unprofessional. Many thousands of years ago they easily determined the day winter solstice in 2012.
Such accuracy is alarming in itself. And if you understand at least a little about the mechanism of MF inversion, it becomes not at all comfortable: on the indicated day, the Earth will reach the point when the equalizing moment from the Sun is maximum. That is, on December 21, the Earth will be at one of the annual extreme points. The second such point occurs on the summer solstice.
The inversion time can be calculated, but only with a certain error. The Mayans could not take this error into account (author’s opinion). They couldn’t, because the calculations require taking into account lunar nutation. Its period is very short - only 18.5 years (modern data). However, the MP reversal is highly likely to occur on one of the days of the winter or summer solstice.
This tragic day may refer to 2012, 2013, 2014-2021. The polarity reversal could have happened as early as 2003, and will clearly happen before 2021, but not necessarily in 2012.
In 2012, the end of the world is expected with a probability of no more than 6 percent. December 2012 - the probability is less than a fraction of a percent.

You probably already guessed that inversions are periodic phenomena. But if lithospheric displacements occur strictly every 20.5 thousand years, then polarity reversals are repeated at standard unequal time intervals, which are tied to lithosphere displacements. Below, for comparison, both types of disasters are shown.

The inversion process will take several hours. At the beginning of the process, the magnetic poles are blurred and the Earth is deprived of its magnetic field. Then, the surface of the planet reaches the disturbances that arose in the melt of the outer core. The field is then restored to the same intensity, but with the opposite polarity.
If you accidentally find yourself in a church, ask the Creator to place you on the night side of the planet during the cataclysm. During the day, because you will instantly receive a critical dose of radiation.
Unfortunately, the author does not have Gogol’s writing gift, and cannot convey the full horror of the cataclysm in the form of a mind-blowing dance of witches, Viev and other evil spirits. The wind will rise strong, the Sun will disappear in the dust raised to the heavens, many people will lose their minds. But not you. You will climb into some gap and calmly wait until the Earth calms down, because you now know how everything will be.

The current strength of the planetary magnetic field does not correlate in any way with the inversion. That is, the opinion that polarity reversal occurs as a result of a decrease in tension is fundamentally wrong. Tension is determined by how much the precession of the core and mantle diverge. The closer the precession points, the lower the tension.

Before the reversal, the drift of the magnetic poles accelerates. The reason for this is the Moon. The closer to the inversion, the stronger the weak lunar nutational oscillations of the Earth affect the “jumps” of the magnetic poles. When the nucleus approaches the polarity reversal point, even minute fluctuations geographic poles, caused by lunar nutation, lead to rapid, relatively short movements of the magnetic poles.

An inversion may occur once, or it may occur three times over an interval of several years. The process is influenced by the phase of lunar nutation. If the polarity reversal point coincides with the extremum of lunar nutation, the magnetic field will change once. If it does not match, three inversions will follow. That is, first the North will exchange with the South, then everything will return as it was, and finally, in the third cycle, the North will become the South stably.

As we see, a magnetic cataclysm is quite predictable. No Nibiru or asteroids are required for the inversion of the MP, the Earth. The planet's magnetic field depends on:
1. Core masses
2. Masses of the rest of the planet
3. Distances to the star.
4. The speed of rotation of the planet (in steady state depends on the mass and distance to the star).
5. Tilt of the planet's rotation axis
6. Degrees of freedom of the nucleus

Hence the nature of the Earth's magnetic field can be extrapolated to other planets solar system. Let's start with Mercury.

Mercury is 2.5 times smaller than Earth and is closest to the Sun of all the planets. Its rotation axis is almost perpendicular to the ecliptic, which means that the star makes almost no attempt to rotate the planet. Naturally, Mercury's precession is negligible. The magnetic field of such a planet will also be miniscule, it is approximately 70 times less than that of the Earth.

Venus, in addition to rotating against the grain, also rotates very slowly - 243 times slower than the Earth. We must assume that the rotation speed will slow down further until the planet stops. And then acceleration will begin in the right direction. Unless, of course, Venus stops rotating and falls on its side. If it fails (and it will fail), it will arrive in a group of anomalous planets. Venus should not have a magnetic field for two reasons - its rotation is too slow and its axis is minimally tilted. He doesn't exist.

Mars. The axis tilt is almost like that of the Earth, but the radius is half that. The earth was like this a long time ago. Considering the distance to the Sun, there will not be a significant magnetic field on Mars. Now Mars has a tiny, underdeveloped core that can create only a hundredth of the strength of the Earth's magnetic field. Most likely, over time, the insides of the planet will freeze even before it can sufficiently heat itself from the inside. Mars can only be revived by dragging it into the orbit of Venus. In this case, in half a billion years, the planet can be populated by dinosaurs.

Jupiter. By the time dinosaurs appear on Mars, Jupiter will begin to heat well in the infrared. It is no longer quite a planet, but the magnetic field is created according to the planetary one. The tilt of Jupiter's spin axis is now only 3.1 degrees. Nutation and precession are still unknown to humans. But even with such a small axis tilt, Jupiter’s magnetic field is 23 times more powerful than Earth’s. Not surprising since Jupiter is 11 times more than Earth, and even rotates 2.4 times faster (on the issue of the dependence of rotation speed on mass).

Saturn is 9 times larger than Earth. The tilt of the axes is close. Saturn's magnetic field is 1.7 times more powerful than Earth's. The planet appears to be at its maximum tilt to the ecliptic when the field is at its minimum. And Saturn is a long way from the Sun.

Uranus is 4 times larger than Earth. Remarkable for its anomalous rotation on its side (which is what Venus is going towards). Despite the distance to the Sun, the precession of Uranus should be no less than the Earth’s - the star’s desire to place the planet as it should is too great (i.e., like Mercury). Uranus has a decent core, so its magnetic field is 4.5 times stronger than the Earth’s. In addition, the core is displaced from the center of the planet. In general, Uranus is now a very upset system of gyroscopes. In just a thousand years, its magnetic field may change beyond recognition.

Neptune is also 4 times larger than Earth, and its magnetic field is 4 times weaker. The axle tilts are close. This is where it comes into play long distance to the star. And then: the Earth’s magnetic field will weaken by one and a half times, and Neptune’s magnetic field may increase three times.

In general, everything said looks like fortune telling. Without knowing the nutation cycles of the planets, we can speak with confidence only about Mercury and Venus, whose nutations should be fractions of a degree. Mercury has little mass, rotates slowly, and is located close to the Sun. The sun has long since leveled it. Venus is a very weak gyroscope due to its very slow rotation.

This concludes with the inversion. The findings will be summarized general phrase: the Earth’s magnetic field is quite natural and predictable if you look at the world with open eyes. Another thing is that we prefer not to look. Next, I will answer some questions from readers:

In the process of inversion, the Earth, like a natural electrical machine, axial rotation will slow down, perhaps until its rotation completely stops.

A very clever idea, apparently arising from reading stories that the Earth rotates due to the interaction of the planet’s magnetic and (or) electrostatic fields with the radiation of the star. Why then does Mars rotate? It has almost no magnetic field. Why does the Sun rotate?

Have you made approximate calculations of the harmfulness of solar radiation to humans in the absence of the planet’s magnetic field? What are its primary and secondary damaging factors. What kind of protection will be sufficient at maximum radiation intensity: curtained with an awning, hidden in the basement of a multi-story building, hidden in a metro station, with a depth of at least n-meters?

The level of solar radiation will be determined by the activity of the Sun at the moment of polarity reversal on Earth. If the Sun is calm, it is enough to sit in the house. Just don’t forget that earthquakes will follow the inversion.
If the polarity change coincides with activity on the Sun, which is quite likely, it is better to hide in the basement or cellar. I don’t recommend the metro; you might not be able to get out of it later. However, from the basement of a high-rise building too. Ideal option- good cellar.
In general, there are too many “ifs”, and therefore the calculation of n-meters will be useless. Such calculations are available in works on civil engineering, taking into account that solar radiation is in many ways similar to the radiation from the explosion of a hydrogen munition. But the power of the ammunition and the duration of radiation in the problem will be unknown.

Reversals (inversions) of the geomagnetic field, when the North and South poles of a permanent magnet (which is the Earth) change places, occur regularly. In the early sixties, as a result of determining the absolute age of the corresponding lavas using the potassium-argon method, a scale of geomagnetic field reversals was developed, consisting of alternating epochs of normal (i.e., the same as today) and reverse polarity; This scale became the basis for a fundamentally new section of stratigraphy - magnetostratigraphy.

In the real magnetic field of the Earth, the time during which the polarity sign changes can be either short, up to a thousand years, or millions of years. The magnetostratigraphic scale is essentially a global scale of geomagnetic polarity over an observable portion of geological history. Currently, hundreds of thousands of determinations of direct and reverse polarity have been carried out in rock samples of various ages, dated both using isotope radiological methods, that is, with obtaining absolute age rocks, and using methods of relative geochronology, that is, paleontological methods.

The first scale of reversal of the earth's magnetic field for the last 3.5 million years was created in 1963 by A. Cox, R. Doll and G. Dalrymple. Within this interval, they established two zones of direct polarity (like the modern field) and one zone of reversed polarity. Since then, many magnetostratigraphic scales have been compiled, the completeness and lower age limit of which are increasing, and the division itself is becoming more and more fractional. The time intervals of predominance of any one polarity are called geomagnetic epochs, and some of them are named after the outstanding geomagnetologists Bruness, Matuyama, Gauss and Hilbert (Fig. 3). Within epochs, shorter intervals of one polarity or another are distinguished, called geomagnetic episodes. The most effective identification of intervals of direct and reverse polarity of the geomagnetic field was carried out for geologically young lava flows in Iceland, Ethiopia and other places. A limitation of these studies is that the lava eruption was an intermittent process, so it is possible that some magnetic episode may have been missed. It is a completely different matter if the magnetic properties of sedimentary rocks in the oceans are measured during drilling deepwater wells. Such drilling became possible in 1968, when it was carried out on a special drilling ship, the Glomar Challenger, and later from the Joydes Resolution. During this time, over a thousand wells have already been drilled in different oceans and some of them went 1.5 km deep into the rocks of the seabed.

The most important benefit of studying magnetic properties well core (a column of drilled rocks) lies in the continuity of the stratigraphic section, when there are no gaps in the layers, and we are confident in the completeness of the geological record. Analysis of the magnetic properties of samples from rocks of the ocean floor made it possible to compile a detailed scale of field reversals up to and including the late Jurassic period, that is, for a time interval of 170 million years, which made it possible to reconstruct the Earth's magnetic field during this time. Until the milestone of 570 million years - for everything

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