Grand Tataria. Great Tartaria: a powerful country or an empty fantasy? Tartaria in the “World History” of Dionysius Petavius


Alexander I the Blessed (December 12, 1777 - November 19, 1825) - Emperor of All Russia - grew up at the court of Catherine the Great; teacher - Swiss F.S. La Harpe introduced him to the principles of humanity of Rousseau, the military teacher Nikolai Saltykov introduced him to the traditions of the Russian aristocracy, Father Paul I conveyed to him his passion for military parades.

At the beginning of his reign, he carried out moderate liberal reforms developed by the Secret Committee and M.M. Speransky. In foreign policy he maneuvered between Great Britain and France. In 1805-1807 participated in anti-French coalitions. In 1807-1812. temporarily became closer to France. He fought successful wars with Turkey (1806-1812), Persia (1804-1813) and Sweden (1808-1809). Under Alexander I, Russia was annexed Eastern Georgia(1801), Finland (1809), Bessarabia (1812), Azerbaijan (1813), Duchy of Warsaw (1815). After Patriotic War 1812 headed in 1813-1814. anti-French coalition of European powers. Was one of the leaders Congress of Vienna 1814-1815 and the organizers of the Holy Alliance.

This was all he was: understanding everything, keeping his true passions and principles in the depths of his soul, a cautious and attentive politician. One involuntarily recalls the assessments given to him by memoirists and historians: timid, two-faced, passive, etc. Was all this said about him? Real life shows something completely different - a purposeful, powerful, exceptionally lively nature, capable of feelings and experiences, a clear, perceptive and cautious mind, a flexible character, capable of self-restraint, mimicry, taking into account what kind of people one has to deal with.

In the last years of his life, he often spoke of his intention to abdicate the throne and “retire from the world,” which, after his unexpected death in Taganrog, gave rise to the legend of “elder Fyodor Kuzmich.” According to this legend, it was not Alexander who died in Taganrog, but his double, while the tsar lived for a long time as an old hermit in Siberia and died in Tomsk in 1864.

Personality of Alexander I

Alexander I was a complex and contradictory personality. With all the variety of reviews from contemporaries about Alexander, they all agree on one thing - the recognition of insincerity and secrecy as the main character traits of the emperor. The origins of this must be sought in the unhealthy environment of the imperial house.

Catherine II adored her grandson and predicted, bypassing Paul, to be the heir to the throne. From her, the future emperor inherited flexibility of mind, the ability to seduce his interlocutor, and a passion for acting bordering on duplicity. In this, Alexander almost surpassed Catherine II. “A real seducer,” M.M. wrote about him. Speransky Speransky M.M. Projects and notes. - M.: Nauka, 1961, p. 145.

The need to maneuver between the “big court” of Catherine II in
Petersburg and the “small” - father Pavel Petrovich in Gatchina, Alexander was taught to “live on two minds” by V.O. Klyuchevsky. Essays. - M.: Mysl, 1989. T. 5, p. 14., developed distrust and caution in him. Possessing an extraordinary mind, refined manners, and, according to his contemporaries, “an innate gift of courtesy,” he was distinguished by his masterly ability to win over people of different views and beliefs.

Everyone who wrote about Alexander noted his gentleness, modesty, curiosity, great impressionability and receptivity, grace of thought, great personal charm, piety and mysticism at the end of his life, and among the negative qualities - timidity and passivity, idleness and laziness of thought, dislike of systematic studies, inactive daydreaming, the ability to quickly light up and cool down quickly.

The main educator of the heir was the Swiss republican F.S. Laharpe. In accordance with his convictions, he preached the power of reason, the equality of people, the absurdity of despotism, and the vileness of slavery. His influence on Alexander I was enormous Vallotton A. Alexander I. - M.: Progress, 1991, p. 13.

All his policies were clear and thoughtful. Alexander I was called the “Mysterious Sphinx” at court. A tall, slender, handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes. Fluent in three European languages.

In 1793, Alexander married Louise Maria Augusta of Baden (who took the name Elizaveta Alekseevna in Orthodoxy) (1779-1826). Both of their daughters died in early childhood. Elizaveta Alekseevna always shared her husband’s views and concerns and supported him, which was confirmed more than once, especially in the most difficult days for Alexander.

For 15 years, Alexander practically had a second family with Maria Naryshkina. She bore him two daughters and a son and insisted that Alexander dissolve his marriage to Elizaveta Alekseevna and marry her. Alexander, despite all his passion for Maria Antonovna, persisted and cited political motives, realizing that she was a stranger to him. Researchers also note that from his youth Alexander had a close and very personal relationship with his sister Ekaterina Pavlovna.

Essentially, Alexander’s involvement in a secret conspiracy against Paul began precisely in the mid-90s with the active assistance of Catherine. At the same time, fear and disgust for this terrible intrigue grow in him Eidelman N.Ya. Edge of centuries. - M.: Bookplate, 1992, p. 51..

Opponents of Paul I already in 1800 suggested that Alexander force his father to abdicate the throne by force and take power into his own hands, but he refused. Some historians believe that he hesitated and that, as events unfolded, he only gradually came to support the conspirators and entered into direct contact with them. However, subsequent events show: Alexander had no hesitations about removing his father from power; brought up in conditions of palace intrigue, with well-organized ambition, possessing a character that was certainly firm, decisive, but extremely secretive, disguised by external softness and compliance, he was concerned with only one thing - the absolute success of the enterprise and maintaining his political and dynastic unsullied in the brewing dramatic situation. faces. This is precisely what all his efforts were aimed at in 1800 - early 1801.

Alexander agreed to remove his father from power, even to imprison him in a fortress, however, on the condition that his life would be safe. The illusory nature of this “noble” agreement was obvious to everyone. Alexander knew perfectly well how this kind of coups in Russia ended: his grandfather Peter III was killed by conspirators, supporters of Catherine II.

Thus, what Catherine could not decide on in relation to Paul, and Paul himself could not decide on political and, as a result, physical elimination in relation to Alexander, the blue-eyed “angel”, soft and intelligent Alexander, decided, which indicates not only his fear before his father for his own life, but also for his enormous ambition, strong character, and determination, which he would demonstrate more than once during the years of his reign.

At the beginning of 1801, Pavel ordered the arrest of more than two dozen prominent nobles, whom he suspected of oppositional sentiments. Then the emperor began to openly express threats against his wife Maria Feodorovna and his eldest son, Alexander. A real threat loomed over 23-year-old Alexander: he would spend the rest of his days in prison. It was under these conditions that he had to make the final choice. Suspicious and vindictive, Pavel, not without reason, believed that his son was involved in a conspiracy, and Alexander could only be saved by opposing his father.

So, Alexander agreed to deprive his father of supreme power and to imprison him in Peter and Paul Fortress. At half past twelve on the night of March 12, 1801, Count P.A. Palen informed Alexander about the murder of his father. Already in the first hours he experienced the full force of the consciousness of parricide. No lofty goals expressed, in particular, in his manifesto on the occasion of his accession to the throne, could justify him to himself.

Power approached Alexander immediately, without preparation, and for his human personality the question was whether he would be able to adequately resist it, as he imagined in the time of his youthful dreams, or whether it would crush him and give him another ready-made example of a ruler - cruel, unprincipled , ready to do anything to keep her. He solved this question throughout his life, without giving either a negative or a positive answer to it. And this, apparently, was his drama as a person and as a ruler.

The idea of ​​redemption terrible sin The prosperity of the Fatherland will pass through his entire life, until 1825, therefore, Alexander’s entire subsequent life should be viewed through the prism of his constant efforts to achieve this correspondence, which was extremely difficult both in purely human terms, but especially in terms of government in Russia at that time.

As for his purely human qualities, he, despite all the terrifying cruelty of the system in which he lived, fought all his life to find himself, to return to his former self. He pursued this personal, human line, despite the dictates of power, traditions, and temptations, throughout his entire life, and sometimes he succeeded, although not without retreats, concessions, and weaknesses, which gave rise to talk about duplicity, hypocrisy, Alexander's insincerity.

His almost ascetic lifestyle is also striking: early rise, difficult work with papers and people, a very limited environment, lonely walks or horseback rides, the pleasure of visiting people he likes, the desire to avoid flattery, gentle even treatment of servants. And all this remained the dominant feature of life for many years, although the situation required going out into the world and frequent departures; The passion for the army and paradomania, which became a passion almost from childhood, have also been preserved.

Even Alexander’s endless travels had some kind of peculiar coloring. On these trips, he not only attended balls and dinners, met with the top of the local nobility and merchants, and organized a review of army units, but was also interested in the life of all levels of society. So, he reached the “Kyrgyz steppe” and visited the yurts of nomads, visited the Zlatoust factories, went down to the Miass mines, visited Tatar families in the Crimea, visited hospitals, communicated with prisoners and exiled settlers.

His biographers note that on the road he had to face considerable difficulties: eating poorly, experiencing various inconveniences, getting into unpleasant road accidents, walking for a long time. But he had a personal idea of ​​how Russia lived. And the deep disappointments that befell him at the end of his life were probably, to a certain extent, caused by this very difficult information, which dispelled his last remnants of illusions regarding his efforts for the benefit of the Fatherland.

For some reason, numerous cases of compassion, philanthropy, and help he showed towards people remain unnoticed. So, on the banks of the Neman, the emperor saw a barge hauler hit by a broken rope. Alexander got out of the carriage, helped lift the poor man, sent for a doctor and, only after making sure that everything possible had been done for him, continued on his way.

History has preserved a lot similar examples from the life of Alexander, talking about his unostentatious interest in people, philanthropy, tolerance and humility Sakharov A.N. Alexander I. - M.: Science. 1998, p. 129. At the same time, there are known cases of cruel orders of Alexander I regarding the rebel soldiers of the Semenovsky regiment, military settlers S.V. Mironenko. Autocracy and reforms. Political struggle in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. - M., 1989. pp. 84-85.. Wherever he showed himself as an individual, Alexander acted as a very humane person, and where he showed himself as a representative and leader of the system, he sometimes acted in the spirit of the principles of unlimited autocracy.

! - an independent state with its capital in Tobolsk.
At the same time, MOSCOW TARTARY, according to the statement Encyclopedia Britannica 1771, WAS THE BIGGEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. This is depicted on many maps of the XVIII
century. See, for example, one of these cards.

We see that Moscow Tartary began from the middle reaches of the Volga, from Nizhny Novgorod. Thus

Moscowwas very close to the border with Moscow Tartaria. Its capital is the city of Tobolsk, the name of which is underlined on this map and shown in TOBOL form

A question arises. Where did this huge state go?
One has only to ask the question, and facts immediately begin to emerge and be interpreted in a new way, showing that UNTIL THE END OF THE 18TH CENTURY, A GIANT STATE EXISTED.

Since XIX centuryhe was expelled from the worldhistory. They pretended it never existed. As evidenced by maps XVIIIcentury, until this era, Moscow Tartaria was practically inaccessible to Europeans.
But in late XVIII
centurythe situation changes dramatically. A study of geographical maps of that time clearly shows that a stormy conquest of these lands began. It came from both sides at once. The Romanov troops entered Russian-Horde Siberia and the Far East for the first time. And for the first time, United States troops entered the Russian-Horde western half of the North American continent, stretching all the way to California to the south, and to the middle of the continent to the east. On the world maps compiled at this time in Europe, a huge “blank spot” finally disappeared. And on the maps of Siberia they stopped writing in large letters " Great Tartaria"or "Moscow Tartaria".

What happened at the end of the 18th century? century? After everything we've learned abouthistoryRus'-Horde, the answer is apparently clear. AT THE END OF THE 18TH CENTURY THE LAST BATTLE BETWEEN EUROPE AND THE HORDE TAKES PLACE. The Romanovs are on the side of Western Europe. This immediately makes us look at the so-called “peasant-Cossack uprising of Pugachev” of 1773-1775 with completely different eyes.

Famous warwith Pugachev of 1773-1775 was by no means the suppression of the “peasant-Cossack uprising,” as they explain to us today. It was a real big onewarThe Romanovs with the last independent Russian-Horde Cossack state - Moscow Tartaria. The capital of which, as the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771 tells us, was the Siberian city of Tobolsk. Let us note that this Encyclopedia was published, fortunately, before the war with Pugachev. True, in just two years. If the publishers of the Encyclopedia Britannica had delayed its publication by even two or three years, it would have been much more difficult to restore the truth today.

It turns out that ONLY HAVING WON THE WAR WITH PUGACHEV, that is, as we now understand, with Tobolsk, THE ROMANOVS GOT ACCESS TO SIBERIA FOR THE FIRST TIME. Which was previously naturally closed to them. The Horde simply did not let them there.
And only after this the United States gained access to the western half of the North American continent for the FIRST TIME. And they quickly began to capture her. But the Romanovs apparently weren’t dozing either. At first they managed to “grab” Alaska, directly adjacent to Siberia.
But in the end they couldn’t keep her. I had to give it to the Americans. For a very nominal fee. Very.
Apparently, the Romanovs simply could not really control the vast territories beyond the Bering Strait from St. Petersburg. We must assume that Russian population North America was very hostile to the power of the Romanovs. Like the conquerors who came from the West and seized power in their state, in Moscow Tartary.

This is how the division of Moscow Tartary ended already in the 19th century. century. It is amazing that this “feast of the victors” was completely erased from the pages of textbookshistory. More precisely, I never got there. Although completely obvious traces of this have been preserved. We will talk about them below.
By the way, the Encyclopedia Britannica reports that in the XVIII
centuryThere was another “Tatar” state - Independent Tartary with its capital in Samarkand. As we now understand, this was another huge fragment of Great Rus'-Horde of the 14th-16th centuries.
Unlike Moscow Tartary, the fate of this state is known. It was conquered by the Romanovs in the middle of the 19th century
century. This is the so-called "conquest of Central Asia." This is how it is evasively called in modern textbooks. It was bloody.
The very name of Independent Tartary disappeared from the maps forever. It is still called a conventional, meaningless name Central Asia. The capital of Independent Tartary, Samarkand, was taken by Romanov troops in 1868. All
warlasted four years, 1864-1868.

The case of Emelyan Pugachev, according to the testimony of A.S. Pushkin, was considered an IMPORTANT STATE SECRET, and was never published during the time of A.S. Pushkin, in 1833, when he wrote about it. It is appropriate to recall here that A.S. Pushkin wrote “The History of Pugachev.” In which, as he writes, “collects everything that was published by the government regarding Pugachev, and what seemed to me reliable in foreign writers who spoke about him."
However, A.S. Pushkin only had enough materials for a relatively small amount of work. His “History of Pugachev” occupies only 36 pages in the publication. At the same time, A.S. Pushkin himself apparently realized that his work was very incomplete. Although he tried to find everything possible. A.S. Pushkin writes: “The future historian, who WILL BE ALLOWED TO PRINT THE CASE ABOUT PUGACHEV, will easily correct and supplement my work.”
The case is still classified.

Today we do not know the true name of the Tobolsk Tsar-Khan-Ataman of that time and the true name of the leader of the Russian-Horde troops. The name Pugachev was probably simply invented by Romanov historians. Or a simple Cossack with such a meaningful name was selected. After all, one cannot help but see that “Pugachev” is just a “scarecrow”, a “scarecrow”.
In exactly the same way, the Romanovs picked up " suitable surname"and for Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich. Allegedly also an “imposter,” as they carefully portrayed it. He was given the “surname” OTREPYEV, that is, simply RAB. Like, that's who attempted to kill royal power. Thief, scum, scarecrow. The goal is completely clear. Develop a negative attitude towards these people. Emphasize the “obviousness” of their “imposture.” All this is an understandable psychological technique of experienced propagandists.

As evidenced by maps XVIII century, the border of Moscow Tartaria passed very close to Moscow. It is not surprising that such a dangerous neighborhood greatly worried the Romanov occupiers.
That is why Peter I made the only right decision in such a situation - to move the capital further away, to the marshy shores of the Gulf of Finland. Here, on his orders, they built new capital- Petersburg. This location was convenient for the Romanovs in several respects.
Firstly, now the capital was far from the Horde’s Moscow Tartaria. And it was more difficult to get here. In addition, if the Siberian-American Horde attacks, then it is much easier to escape from St. Petersburg to the West than from

Note that for some reason they were not afraid of attacks by sea from the WEST. In St. Petersburg, it is enough to board a ship standing at the threshold of the royal palace and quickly sail to Western Europe. That is, on historical homeland pro-Western house of the Romanovs.
Now it becomes clear why Ermak never conquered Siberia!

This engraving depicts mass executions of Cossacks.

Where to look for the pyramids of Tartary?

Many have already heard about Great Tartary. Some researchers and even scientists have discovered it on ancient maps digitized by Western libraries and museums or photographed at historical exhibitions in Russia and neighboring countries. Tartaria was an empire, had its own ruling dynasty, coat of arms, flag and other attributes independent state with its own characteristics and its own history.

Tartaria new facts. The pyramids are the tombs of the emperors and the capital. The formation and collapse of the Great Empire

This legendary country, founded by Scythians by origin, has become a bone in the throat official version history. Unfortunately, the topic of Tartary is discredited in every possible way by various theories that are shocking, but at the same time, hardly stand up to criticism. One of these versions says that the political center of the country was located in southern Siberia, a little to the south modern city Anadyr, and the tombs of the Tartar emperors are or were in Chukotka. We decided to test these two versions and were amazed at the results of our research.

Indeed, what prevents you and me from being explorers of Tartary for a while? We offer you a fascinating journey into the depths of centuries, to a time when Moscow was still a small fortress, and Samarkand was a huge metropolis.

Where was the center of Tartary?

In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, European cartographers had little idea of ​​what continents, state borders, and coastlines actually looked like. They knew little about the real distances from one region to another. At that time, based on Christian ideas about the world and biblical events, cards were depicted in the form of the letter T placed in a circle.

Asia was usually placed at the top, Europe at the bottom left, and Africa at the bottom right. After the global flood, which supposedly happened several thousand years before the birth of Jesus Christ, the land was distributed among the sons of Noah - Shem, Ham, Japheth. Which region went to whom is an open question, because opinions on this matter differ in different sources. Jerusalem and Noah's Ark were often placed at the center of such maps.

On maps dating back to approximately the 13th century, next to the countries that were modern at that time, there is no Tartaria, but there is Scythia. But the Scythians should have disappeared from the maps of their contemporaries back in the seventh century! Tartaria appears on maps already in the 14th century - exactly on the site of Scythia, and the new state acts as an empire. Europeans persistently write about a certain Tartar emperor, whose residence is located in the Catay region (Catayo, Cathay, Catai).

At the same time, the borders, sizes, cities, rivers, and reservoirs of Tartary are known to Europeans quite approximately, everyone molds them wherever he pleases.

Somehow in the second half of the 14th century, and perhaps later, an atlas of the world was created in Spanish Catalonia. If you believe its authors, the capital of Tartary was at that time somewhere in northeast Asia; the concept of “Siberia” did not exist in the minds of Europeans at that time. This atlas does not include Chukotka or Kamchatka. Toponyms and country names are scattered in Asia according to the “somewhere there” principle.

1452nd year from the birth of Christ. Venice. We approach the map, over which a Catholic monk is crowing... His name is Fra Mauro. Let's look over our shoulder... what do we see? The majestic capital of Tartary Khanbalik or Kambalu with the residence of the Great Khan is located somewhere in the territory of modern Siberia. The tombs of the emperors are located not so far away, approximately on the territory of modern Chukotka. So far everything is coming together.

We are moving closer to our time... Yes, this is Christopher Columbus himself! Shortly before his famous discovery of America, the legendary traveler imagined the world something like this: (map of Christopher Columbus). The map dates from the late 15th century.

On it, the Tartar regions of Cathay and Tenduk are located much further south than previously thought, the kingdom of Gog and Magog is somewhere in the northeast.

Asia itself and Tartaria are written with the prefix “Magna”, that is, “Great”. Please note that the outlines of Asia are generally drawn very approximately - there is no Hindustan, Chukotka, Kamchatka, Korean Peninsula, African continent totally crooked. The northwestern part of Eurasia also “fell ill.” In fact, everything is logical. At that time, Europeans did not have a clear idea of ​​the location of certain Asian states and regions.

Sixteenth century! Where will we go? Let's visit Nicolas Desliens. It's 1566 now. Northern and South America, but their outlines on maps are still far from ideal. The same applies to Asia, the south has already been sufficiently studied, but Europeans practically did not go deep into the continent, to the center and north of this part of the world. Thus, the north of Asia is sketched uncertainly, without detailed place names and coastlines. Moreover, across the north of Eurasia there is an inscription: “Terra Incognita” - “Unknown Land”. This means that the northern part modern Russia did not exist in the geographical understanding of the inhabitants of Europe.

A similar situation exists with other maps of this period. Here, for example, is the famous atlas of Abraham Ortelius from 1570, on which New Earth- this is almost an entire continent in the Arctic Ocean.

The outlines of the north of Asia are already close to real, but the regions that Columbus himself placed in central Asia are located here in its northern part. It is obvious that the geographical data on these territories is fragmented. The inscription “Catay” as the center of Tartary, together with neighboring regions, “wanders” from the center of Asia to its north; this happens on different maps approximately at the same time. Therefore, it is under no circumstances possible to use at least one of them as a sample for comparison with satellite images.

Seventeenth century. Towards the end of the century, Moscow Tartary and Siberia appeared on the maps of Europeans. In reality, this means a gradual conquest, as we would now say, annexation of the western part of Tartary by the Moscow kings from the Romanov dynasty. In parallel with the formation of Moscow Tartary, the Great Tartary also appears, in which the Tartar capital of Khanbalyk and the residence of the Great Khan no longer exist.

On some atlases you can still find the Cathay region - that same political center with neighboring regions and cities. And, by the way, in Russian culture the memory has been preserved that Cathay or China is the basis around which a fortress, a kingdom, an empire is built. Look at Moscow's China Town from above - the Kremlin, Moscow, then Muscovy, and even later the Russian Empire were built around it.

And this is the year 1626. Map of the Englishman John Speed. Cathay moves further south to such an extent that it practically borders on the Great Wall of China.

A similar trend can be seen in other 17th-century maps. We see the same thing on the Manesson-Mallett map of 1683, and so on.

Want to see the missing territories? Here is a French atlas of travel and discoveries from 1752. And here it is, finally - Chukotka and Kamchatka, drawn as they should be! We see adequate coastlines and dimensions. There is an inscription across these lands that the Muscovites discovered them 20 years ago!

And the Russian official version of history pushes this date back almost 100 years earlier! We are told that Kamchatov discovered the peninsula in 1658-61, and a Russian reconnaissance detachment visited these places in 1696... Considering that since the reign of Peter the Great, that is, since the end of the 17th century, relations between Russia and Europe became denser than denser, we can say with confidence: the French in 1752 had reliable data about the geographical discoveries of the so-called “Muscovites”.

Collapse of Tartaria. The fate of the Cathay region

So what do we get? The closest successors of Peter the Great are actively developing the territories of Siberia, renaming cities, villages, rivers, lakes, building new fortresses, establishing infrastructure, because these regions have not developed for a long time due to the fact that Tartary has been stuck in an economic, industrial and political crisis for decades: it has lost the ruling dynasty, the capital and broke up into kingdoms, or in our opinion, republics. And after some time, they were snapped up by neighboring empires.

Western cartographers are surprised to learn that there are hundreds of millions of unexplored hectares of northern and northwest Asia. The former political center of Tartary, Cathay, on the maps of European and Russian scientists, has shifted to Central Asia, namely to Mongolia and the expanses of modern Northern China. And this is the most correct location of the capital of Tartaria, Khanbalyk or Kambalu. That’s why we say “China” and not “China” or “China” - because in our language the memory has been preserved that the Cathay region, that is, the center of the Horde, on which we have long depended, is located somewhere there, in the south Mongolia. On maps of the 18th century, Cathay was still present for some time - between the lands of modern Mongolia and the Great Wall of China.

Khanbalik's neighboring cities, such as Campion, Guza or Zuza, Kamul, as well as the Tangut region, continue to stand in their places - that is, in Central Asia. Approximately from the middle of the 18th century, Western cartographers got used to the new name of these places and signed them with the word “Ordos” or “Ortus”. And it was not for nothing that French travelers in Chinese Tartary, even in the 19th century, found ruins and fragments of palaces similar to European ones and completely unusual for Chinese architecture.

In the north and northwest of modern China, mummies of white people - Scythians, as well as pyramids are often found. This circumstance constantly prevents the PRC authorities from promoting the idea of ​​a great ancient China, a great Chinese culture and a great Chinese future. Therefore, they try to advertise the mummies of the Scythian Tartars as little as possible, and plant the pyramids with trees, while secretly carrying out excavations to which mere mortals are not allowed.

Pyramid tombs of the great khans of Tartary

The political center has been dealt with. Based on ancient maps and the real location of the main residence of the emperors, we will try to find their tombs. In fact, there is no need to reinvent the wheel here. Since European cartographers remembered the burial places of the rulers of Tartaria for quite a long time and always placed them in the Altai Mountains - as in early maps 15th, 16th centuries, and later, for example, 18th centuries. Closer to the time of the collapse of Tartaria, Europeans stop changing the name “Altai” into “Aytai” or “Antai” and have finally decided on the location of this mountain system.

Together with KATAY and its neighboring cities, the tombs of emperors in the form of pyramids (as contemporaries describe them) cease to “roam” and finally “settle” in Central Asia.

Now it becomes clear to us, like Western cartographers of that time, that the Altai Mountains with the pyramids of the great khans should be looked for not in the north of Asia, not in Chukotka, but in the region of Mongolia, as well as in the Altai Republic. And the capital of Tartary and the former region of KATAY is in the north of present-day China-China.

Over time, Western scientists realized that Altai is located at a fairly decent distance from political center Tartary, but when this became clear, the KATAY region ceased to be listed on maps starting from the second half of the 18th century. Instead of KATAY, ORDOS appeared, which means “PALACES” in Mongolian.

Let's go back to our time...

Now mummies of the Scythian-Tartar elite are being found in Altai. Let us recall, for example, the Altai princess and other mummies of white people found in the Altai Mountains region. Perhaps the tombs of the great khans are hidden much more reliably, and we cannot find them? Maybe, imperial tombs have long been secretly studied, and all traces are hidden. Or European pundits and travelers like Marco Polo were wrong, and Altai had nothing to do with it at all, and the tombs were not pyramids. Or are the Chinese pyramids the same tombs?

We need research not only from European written sources, but also from Russian-language sources, which for some reason are hidden from us. Research of documents in other languages ​​is needed. It is important to raise the topic of Tartaria to a high level of study and begin a professional analysis of the area, archaeological finds, cultural similarities and so on - both in Russia and in China, other countries whose lands were once part of Tartary. It’s time to expose this lie about the Tatar-Mongol yoke, so that in the future there will be no scope for intentional or accidental distortion of historical truth.

Before the adoption of Christianity and Islam, Rus' had the VEDIC and TENGRIAN FAITH. Our ancestors bowed to the laws of nature, knew and respected them. The concept of the word God among our ancestors was completely different from what it is now. The gods were people who went much further in their development than everyone else. The gods could heal, influence the state of nature, and understand the world around them. In other countries, Rus' was also called Tartaria and its inhabitants Tartars.

On the pages of the Great Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771, interesting facts were recorded. In the geography section, you can see maps of that time, where the largest state is Great Tartaria and a description of this country is given.

"TARTARY, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie south of Muscovy and Siberia, are those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, located north -west of the Caspian-sea; the Calmuc Tartars, who lie between Siberia and the Caspian-sea; the Usbec Tartars and Moguls, who lie north of Persia and India and lastly, those of Tibet, who lie north-west of China; ".

(Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887.)

Translation: "Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west, which is called Great Tartaria. Tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia, called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, living in the northwest of the Caspian Sea, called Kalmyk Tartars and who occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India, and, finally, Tibetans, living northwest of China."

(Encyclopedia Britannica, first edition, Volume 3, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887).

Today there are different versions of the interpretation of the word Tartary.

According to the Slavs, the history of Great Tartary goes back tens or maybe hundreds of thousands of years ago and suggests that we are the descendants of alien beings-Gods who populated our planet and formed their settlement in this very part of the planet.

In 1999, a stone slab with a three-dimensional image of the area was found in the village of Chadar. A three-dimensional map of the Ural region with the Belaya, Ufimskaya, and Sutolkaya rivers is applied to the plate. In addition, on this stone map hydraulic structures are noted: a system of canals with a length of 12 thousand kilometers, dams, powerful dams. It is possible to create something like this only with information from satellites and technology unfamiliar to modern civilization.

The gods called themselves ASSA, hence the name of this continent ASIA.

The gods who populated our planet were very tall, they gave people culture, language and knowledge to understand the world. Gradually, people are adapting to earthly conditions life, began to decrease in height, but achieve the same physical parameters we never succeeded. There are still very many on earth tall people. above 2 meters, which look unusual between us. These people have not completely lost the blood of their ancestors. The gene of the Gods (height) constantly mutates in our veins and little parents suddenly, completely unexpectedly, have a giant child. God probably singles out such people for some reason.

When the great glaciation of the planet began, people began to leave these places and explore new, warmer lands, in particular Europe, where no one lived 5000 years ago. There is a lot of historical data confirming that the first founders of Europe were peoples who came from the Euro-Asian continent. .

According to medieval sources, Dalmatian historian Mavro Orbini (1563-1610), the Slavs and Turks fought with almost all countries of the world. They ruled Asia, North Africa, and occupied most of modern Europe.

They were the ones who destroyed the Roman Empire. Entered modern edited history as " Germanic tribes" - Franks, Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Vandals, Lombards, Goths, Alans, etc. They founded their kingdoms throughout Europe: from North Africa (Vandals-Vendas-Venetas) and Spain to the British Isles. The Slavs founded almost all royal and most noble families Europe, for example the first princely family modern France - the Merovingian dynasty (founder Prince Merovey). And the Franks themselves are a union of tribes of crows.

There is a huge amount of evidence that history has been rewritten to please European monarchs. They cannot accept that until the 10th-12th centuries, European culture was the history of the Slavs and their wars.

Sword famous KING ARTHUR.
"...In the picture we show an image of a cross from a tomb, considered today to be the tomb of King Arthur. The inscription on it is of great interest. It can be considered written in Latin: “Here lies...” and so on. At the same time we can assume that the inscription begins with the Greek word NICIA, that is, NICEA, or NIKA, which in Greek means WINNER. Further, it is extremely interesting to see how the name of King Arthur is presented in the inscription. We see that it is written like this: REX ARTU. RIUS. That is, TSAR OF THE HORDE RUS or TSAR OF THE RUSSIAN HORDE. Please note that ART and RIUS are separated from each other, written as two. individual words... Later, apparently, starting from the 18th century, the name of the king began to be written in a new way, as ARTURIUS, combining two words together, HORDE and RUS. And, thereby, slightly clouding the rather clear Russian-Horde origin of this name-title..."

Source – V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko “New chronology of Rus', England and Rome”,

Let's return to our Great Tartaria, which has disappeared in historical space. There are several versions of the interpretation of this word.

The Slavs call Tartaria in honor of the God Tarkh, he was also called Dazhdbog (The Giving God) and his sisters, the Goddess Tara. Therefore, our ancestors said to foreigners: “We are the children of Tarkh and Tara.” Residents of other countries called our ancestors “Tarkhtars”, and later, due to the difficulty of pronunciation, “Tartars”. This is where the name of the country came from - Tartary.

The Tatars believe that “Tartaria” - this name among Western Europeans meant nothing more than “Tataria”, and the name “Tartar” - “Tatar”. The British were forced to write “Tartar” in English, because in English, if you write “Tatar”, when you read it you will get: “Tatar”.

The second version of the origin of this word seems more truthful. For us down-to-earth people, it is simple and understandable, which is why it seems the most real. If this is so, then what does it have to do with ancient word"Tartar" belongs to the present-day Tatars, who in those days were called Bulgarians or, more correctly, Bulgars. They were a great people who at one time formed Great Bulgaria. Lenin made the Tatars, it is unclear what reason he had for this, the Bulgars after 1917.

Then we can take as a fact the third version, the name of this word, BUDDHIST. When addressing the gods, the shamans beat the tambourines: “Tat-tar-tar”, they tried to wake up the Gods in this way, so they began to call this country Tar-tar-ia.

The Bulgars had the Tengrian Faith, which is very close to the Vedic. In those days, faith did not separate people as it does now, but rather united them. People of the Tengrian and Vedic faiths, Slavs and Turks gathered in the same temples and glorified their Gods.

Great Tartaria, in the modern sense, was a Republic of people's self-government, in which the people themselves were the ruler. Countries with such governance can create great culture, science, every normal person dreams of living in such a country, but unfortunately, such formations, due to openness and kindness, cannot protect themselves from countries controlled by the devil, who put hatred and thirst for profit at the forefront.

The meaning of the word Tartary can be explained in different ways, but the main thing is that we all must understand that it was chosen and created by the Gods.

To understand who the Tartars were, let us turn to the sources that have come down to our time. And one of these independent experts can be the book of the great European traveler Marco Polo (1254-13240). In it, the traveler describes in detail his journey through ASII and his seventeen-year stay in the court of Kublai Khan. The drawings made by this guru are especially priceless there.

As can be seen from the pictures, the appearance of these people is quite European and there are no signs Mongoloid race in the people depicted in these illustrations there is no. Look at the blade of Genghis Khan, clearly a Russian sword and not a Mongol saber.

But the most interesting thing happened quite recently. In 1987, a cemetery of white people with Caucasian features, buried 4000-5000 years ago, was found in Northern China. These people have been preserved in very good condition, as they were buried in a dry and very salty desert. Studies have shown similarities with people from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. All the dead had light skin color and many of them had blond hair.

Tombs of white people have been found throughout northern China. Chinese government began to classify search data and no longer advertises it.

And the Chinese were silent about the pyramids, which are located in large numbers in Northern China, until in 1945, American Air Force pilot James Gausman flew across central China. His memories looked absolutely fantastic:

“After flying through the mountains, I turned left and found myself over a flat valley, in the middle of which there was a white giant pyramid. It looked like something indescribable from a fairy tale, because it reflected a very bright white light. It could be metal or a special type of stone, emitting pure white light from all sides. We no longer wanted to fly anywhere else, we wanted to land directly to her."

Having told the world about it in 1947, this story was forgotten for several decades. To the researchers' question: why don't you dig them up? Chinese archaeologists answer: “This is a matter for future generations. We don’t want to break traditions”...

Previously, China was called (and even now) China, and this means people, settle, i.e. settled people. Where and when did he settle?

It is also highly doubtful great monument ancient Chinese civilization, the so-called “Chinese” wall. Who built this structure and for what purposes?

THE LOOPHOLES on a significant part of the wall ARE NOT DIRECTED TO THE NORTH, BUT TO THE SOUTH towards China! And this is clearly visible not only in the most ancient sections of the wall, but also in the drawings of Chinese artists.

All this clearly indicates that people of the Caucasian race lived in the lands of Northern China, perhaps even before the Chinese appeared there.

It turns out that the wall was also built by the northern white neighbors, or, most likely, they supervised this process.

History has been written and adjusted for centuries by the rulers of all countries to please, justify and self-aggrandize their power.

If a historian dares to accept as truth conclusions that do not correspond to current interpretations, he will have to reshape the entire historical concept, familiar, comfortable, long established, cemented by scientific tradition, entangled in millions of published and unpublished books and articles on history.

A man feels his duty
only if
if he's free


Just 250 years ago it was the largest state. Now official historians don’t even mention him. Why is there a conspiracy of silence? Apparently, for the same reasons that the history of the USSR is distorted. They do not need Eurasian civilization; it interferes with the establishment of a “new world order.”
Original taken from masterok to Great Tartaria

Just recently, a few years ago, the word “Tartaria” was completely unknown to the vast majority of Russian residents. The most that a Russian person who heard it for the first time associated with was the Greek mythological Tartarus, the well-known saying “fall into tartars,” and, perhaps, the notorious Mongol-Tatar yoke. (In fairness, we note that all of them are directly related to Tartary, a country that relatively recently occupied almost the entire territory of Eurasia and the western part of North America).

However, not so long ago, they began to become widespread on the Internet. Maps of Great Tartary. Let's find out a little more about this topic...

But back in the 19th century, both in Russia and in Europe, the memory of her was alive, many people knew about her. The following fact serves as indirect confirmation of this. In the middle of the 19th century, European capitals were fascinated by the brilliant Russian aristocrat Varvara Dmitrievna Rimskaya-Korsakova, whose beauty and wit made Napoleon III's wife, Empress Eugene, green with envy. The brilliant Russian was called “Venus from Tartarus.”

“TARTARY, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie south of Muscovy and Siberia, are those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, located north-west of the Caspian-sea; the Calmuc Tartars, who lie between Siberia and the Caspian-sea; the Usbec Tartars and Moguls, who lie north of Persia and India; and lastly, those of Tibet, who lie north-west of China".

(Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887).

Translation: “Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west, which is called Great Tartary. Tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, living in the northwest of the Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk Tartars and who occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India and, finally, Tibetans, living northwest of China").

(Encyclopedia Britannica, first edition, Volume 3, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887).

“As follows from the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771, there was a huge country of Tartaria, the provinces of which had different sizes. The largest province of this empire was called Great Tartaria and covered the lands of Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In the southeast it was adjacent to Chinese Tartary [please do not confuse it with China]. To the south of Great Tartary there was the so-called Independent Tartary [Central Asia]. Tibetan Tartary (Tibet) was located northwest of China and southwest of Chinese Tartary. In the north of India was the Mongol Tartary (Mogul Empire) (modern Pakistan). Uzbek Tartary (Bukaria) was sandwiched between Independent Tartary in the north; Chinese Tartary in the northeast; Tibetan Tartary in the southeast; Mongol Tartary in the south and Persia in the southwest. In Europe there were also several Tartaries: Muscovy or Moscow Tartary (Muscovite Tartary), Kuban Tartary (Kuban Tartars) and Little Tartary.

What Tartaria means was discussed above and, as follows from the meaning of this word, it has nothing to do with modern Tatars, just as the Mongol Empire has nothing to do with modern Mongolia. Mongol Tartary (Mogul Empire) is located on the site of modern Pakistan, while modern Mongolia is located in the north of modern China or between Great Tartary and Chinese Tartary."

Information about Great Tartary was also preserved in the 6-volume Spanish encyclopedia “Diccionario Geografico Universal” published in 1795, and, in a slightly modified form, in later editions of Spanish encyclopedias. For example, back in 1928, the Spanish encyclopedia “Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Europeo-Americana” contains a fairly extensive article about Tartary, which starts from page 790 and takes up about 14 pages. This article contains a lot of truthful information about the Motherland of our ancestors - Great Tartaria, but at the end the “spirit of the times” already affects us, and fiction appears that is familiar to us even now.

We provide a translation of a small fragment of the text of the article about Tartaria from this Encyclopedia of the 1928 edition:

“Tartaria - for centuries this name was applied to the entire territory of inner Asia inhabited by hordes of Tartar-Mughals (tartaromogolas). The extent of the territories that bore this name differs in area (distance) and the relief features of the 6 countries that bear this name. Tartary extended from the Strait of Tartaria (the strait separating the island of Sakhalin from the Asian continent) and the Tartarian mountain range (also known as Sikhota Alin - a coastal mountain range), which separates the sea from Japan and the already mentioned Strait of Tartary on one side, and to the modern Tartar Republic , which extends to the Volga (both banks) and its tributary the Kama in Russia; to the south are Mongolia and Turkestan. On the territory of this vast country lived the Tartars, nomads, rude, persistent and reserved, who in ancient times were called Scythians (escitas).

On old maps, Tartary was the name given to the northern part of the Asian continent. For example, on the Portuguese map of 1501-04, Tartary was the name given to a large territory that extends between Isartus (Jaxartus) to Occardo (Obi), to the Ural Mountains. On the map of Ortelius (1570), Tartary is the entire vast region from Catayo (China) to Muscovy (Russia). On the map J.B. Homman (1716) Tartaria has an even greater extent: Great Tartaria (Tartaria Magna) stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Volga, including all of Mogolia, Kyrgyzstan and Turkestan. The last three countries were also called Independent Nomadic Tartaria (Tartaria Vagabundomni Independent), which stretched from the Amur to the Caspian Sea. Finally, on the world map la Carte Generals de toutes les Cosies du Blonde et les pavs nouvellement decouveris, published in Amsterdam in 1710 by Juan Covens and Cornelio Mortier, Tartary is also mentioned under the name Grande Tartarie. from the Amur Sea, which is located in the Amur delta, to the Volga. On all maps published before the end of the 18th century, Tartary is the name given to a huge area that covers the center and north of the Asian continent...” (Translation by Elena Lyubimova).

The fact that Europeans were very well aware of the existence of various Tartaries is also evidenced by numerous medieval geographical maps. One of the first such maps is the map of Russia, Muscovy and Tartaria, compiled by the English diplomat Anthony Jenkinson, who was the first plenipotentiary ambassador of England in Muscovy from 1557 to 1571, and also a representative of the Muscovy Company - the English trading company founded by London merchants in 1555. Jenkinson was the first Western European traveler to describe the coast of the Caspian Sea and Central Asia during his expedition to Bukhara in 1558-1560. The result of these observations was not only official reports, but also the most detailed map at that time of areas that were practically inaccessible to Europeans until that time.

Tartary is also in the respectable world Mercator-Hondius Atlas early XVII century. Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612) - Flemish engraver, cartographer and publisher of atlases and maps in 1604 bought printed forms of Mercator's world atlas, added about forty of his own maps to the atlas and published an expanded edition in 1606 under the authorship of Mercator, and indicated himself as the publisher.

Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598) - Flemish cartographer, compiled the world's first geographical atlas, consisting of 53 large format maps with detailed explanatory geographical texts, which was printed in Antwerp on May 20, 1570. The atlas was called Theatrum Orbis Terrarum ( lat. Spectacle of the globe) and reflected the state of geographical knowledge at that time.

Tartary appears both on the Dutch map of Asia in 1595 and on the map of 1626 by John Speed ​​(1552-1629), an English historian and cartographer who published the world's first British cartographic atlas of the world, “Review of the Most famous places world" (A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World). Please note that on many maps the Chinese Wall is clearly visible, and China itself is located behind it, and before it was the territory of Chinese Tartary.

Let's look at a few more foreign cards. Dutch map of Great Tartary, the Great Mogul Empire, Japan and China (Magnae Tartariae, Magni Mogolis Imperii, Iaponiae et Chinae, Nova Descriptio (Amsterdam, 1680)) by Frederik de Wit, Dutch map by Pieter Schenk.

French map of Asia 1692 and map of Asia and Scythia (Scythia et Tartaria Asiatica) 1697.

Map of Tartary by Guillaume de Lisle (1688-1768), French astronomer and cartographer, member of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1702). He also published a world atlas (1700-1714). In 1725-47 he worked in Russia, was an academician and the first director of the academic astronomical observatory, and from 1747 - a foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

We have presented only a few of the many maps that clearly indicate the existence of a country whose name cannot be found in any modern textbook on the history of our country. How impossible it is to find any information about the people who inhabited it. About the Tartars, who are now called Tatars by everyone and are classified as Mongoloids. In this regard, it is very interesting to look at the images of these “Tatars”. We will have to turn again to European sources. Very significant in this case famous book“The Travels of Marco Polo” - that’s what it was called in England. In France it was called “The Book of the Great Khan”, in other countries “The Book of the Diversity of the World” or simply “The Book”. The Italian merchant and traveler himself entitled his manuscript “Description of the World.” Written in Old French rather than Latin, it became popular throughout Europe.

In it, Marco Polo (1254-1324) describes in detail the history of his travels across Asia and his 17-year stay at the court of the “Mongol” Khan Kublai Khan. Leaving aside the question of the reliability of this book, we will direct our attention to the fact how Europeans portrayed the “Mongols” in the Middle Ages.

As we see, there is nothing Mongolian in the appearance of the “Mongolian” Great Khan Kublai Khan. On the contrary, he and his entourage look quite Russian, one might even say European.

Oddly enough, the tradition of depicting the Mongols and Tatars in such a strange European form has continued to be preserved. And in the XVII, and in the XVIII, and in 19th centuries Europeans stubbornly continued to portray the “Tatars” from Tartary with all the signs of the people of the White Race. Look, for example, at how the French cartographer and engineer Malet (Allain Manesson Mallet) (1630-1706) depicted the “Tatars” and “Mongols,” whose drawings were published in Frankfurt in 1719. Or an engraving from 1700 depicting a Tartar princess and a Tartar prince.

From the first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica it follows that at the end of the 18th century there were several countries on our planet that had the word Tartaria in their names. In Europe, numerous engravings of the XVI-XVIII and even early XIX centuries, which depict the citizens of this country - the Tartars. It is noteworthy that medieval European travelers called Tartars the peoples who lived on a vast territory that occupied most of the continent of Eurasia. With surprise we see images of oriental tartars, Chinese tartars, Tibetan tartars, Nogai tartars, Kazan tartars, small tartars, Chuvash tartars, Kalmyk tartars, Cherkasy tartars, tartars of Tomsk, Kuznetsk, Achinsk, etc.

Above are engravings from the books of Thomas Jefferys, “Catalogue of the National Costumes of Various Nations, Ancient and Modern,” London, 1757-1772. in 4 volumes (A Collection of the Dresses of Different Nations, Antient and Modern) and a collection of travels of the Jesuit Antoine Francois Prevost (Antoine-Francois Prevost d "Exiles 1697-1763) entitled "Histoire Generale Des Voyages", published in 1760 year.

Let's look at a few more engravings depicting various Tartars who lived on the territory of Great Tartary from the book of the German, professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Johann Gottlieb Georgi (1729-1802) “Russia or a complete historical report on all the peoples living in this Empire” ( Russia or a compleat historical account of all the nations which compose that Empire) London, 1780. It contains sketches of the national costumes of Tartar women from Tomsk, Kuznetsk and Achinsk.

As we now know, in addition to the Great Tartaria, which, according to the testimony of Western cartographers, occupied Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East, there were several more Tartaries in Asia: Chinese Tartary (this is not China), Independent Tartary (modern Central Asia), Tibetan Tartary ( modern Tibet), Uzbek Tartary and Mughal Tartary (Mughal Empire). Evidence of representatives of these Tartars is also preserved in historical European documents.

Some names of peoples were unknown to us. For example, who are the Taguris tartars or the Kohonor tartars? The aforementioned “Collection of Travels” by Antoine Prevost helped us solve the mystery of the name of the first tartars. It turned out that these were Turkestan Tartars. Presumably, geographical names helped identify the second tartars. Qinghai Province is located in west-central China, bordering Tibet. This province is rich in endorheic lakes, the largest of which is called Qinghai (Blue Sea), which gave the name to the province. However, we are interested in another name for this lake - Kukunor (Kuku Nor or Koko Nor). The Chinese captured this province from Tibet in 1724. So Kokhonor tartars may well be Tibetan tartars.

It was not clear to us who Tartares de Naun Koton ou Tsitsikar were. It turned out that the city of Qiqihar still exists today, and is now located in China northwest of Harbin, which, as is known, was founded by the Russians. Regarding the founding of Qiqihar, traditional history tells us that it was founded by the Mongols. However, it is not clear where the Tartars could have come from there?

Most likely, the founders of the city were the same Mongols who founded the Mughal Empire in northern India, which now contains modern Pakistan, and which has nothing in common with modern state Mongolia. These two countries are thousands of kilometers apart, separated by the Himalayas and inhabited by different peoples. Let's look at some images of these "mysterious" Mughals made by the French cartographer Allain Manesson Mallet, the Dutch publisher and cartographer Isaac Tirion (1705-1769) and the Scottish historian and geographer Thomas Salmon (1679-1767) from his book Modern History or the Present State of all Nations), published in London in 1739.

Having looked carefully at the clothes of the Mughal rulers, one cannot help but notice their striking similarity with the ceremonial clothes of the Russian tsars and boyars, and the appearance of the Mughals themselves has all the signs of the White Race. Pay attention also to the 4th picture. It depicts Shah Jahan I (1592-1666), ruler of the Mughal Empire from 1627 to 1658. The same one that built the famous Taj Mahal. The signature in French under the engraving reads: Le Grand Mogol. Le Impereur d’Indostan, which means the Great Mogul - Emperor of Hindustan. As we can see, there is absolutely nothing Mongolian in the Shah’s appearance.

By the way, the ancestor of Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, is the great warrior and outstanding commander Tamerlane (1336-1405). Now, let's look at his image. The engraving says: Tamerlan, empereur des Tartares - Tamerlane - Emperor Tartarus, and in the book “Histoire de Timur-Bec, connu sous le nom du grand Tamerlan, empereur des Mogols & Tartares”, written by Sharaf al Din Ali Yazdi in 1454 and published in Paris in 1722, he is, as we see, called the Emperor Mughal and Tartarus.

We also managed to find images of other Tartars and see how various Western authors depicted representatives of Little Tartary - Zaporozhye Sich, as well as Nogai, Cherkasy, Kalmyk and Kazan tartars.

“The reason for the appearance of so many Tartaries is the splitting off of outlying provinces from the Slavic-Aryan Empire (Great Tartary), as a consequence of the weakening of the Empire as a result of the invasion of the Dzungar hordes, which captured and completely destroyed the capital of this Empire - Asgard-Irian in 7038 from SMZH or 1530 from R.H.”

Tartary in Dubville's "World Geography"

Recently we came across another encyclopedia that talks about our Motherland, Great Tartary - the most big country peace. This time the encyclopedia turned out to be French, edited, as we would say today, by the royal geographer Duval d'Abbwille. Its title is long and sounds like this: “World Geography, containing descriptions, maps and coats of arms of the main countries of the world” ( La Geographie Universelle contenant Les Descriptions, les Сartes, et le Blason des principaux Pais du Monde) Published in Paris in 1676, 312 pages with maps. In the future we will simply call it “World Geography”.

Below we present to you a description of the article about Tartary from “World Geography” in the form in which it is given in the Puzzles library, from where we copied it:

“This ancient book is the first volume of a geographical atlas with accompanying articles describing contemporary states around the world. The second volume was the geography of Europe. But this volume has apparently sunk into history. The book is made in a pocket format measuring 8x12 cm and about 3 cm thick. The cover is made of papier-mâché, covered thin skin with gold embossed floral pattern on the spine and ends of the cover. The book contains 312 numbered, bound pages of text, 7 unnumbered bound pages title pages, 50 pasted unfolded sheets of cards, one pasted sheet - a list of cards, among which, by the way, are listed European countries. On the first spread of the book there is a bookplate containing the coat of arms and the inscriptions: “ExBibliotheca” and “Marchionatus: Pinczoviensis”. The dating of the book is written in Arabic numerals 1676 and Roman “M.D C.LXXVI”.

"World Geography" is a unique historical document in the field of cartography and represents great importance for all countries of the world in the field of history, geography, linguistics, chronology. It is noteworthy that in this geography, of all countries (excluding European ones), only two are called empires. These are the Tartarian Empire (Empire de Tartarie) on the territory of modern Siberia, and the Mogol Empire (Empire Du Mogol) on the territory of modern India. In Europe, one empire is indicated - the Turkish (Empire des Turcs). But, if in modern history you can easily find information about the Empire of the Great Mogul, then Tartary, as an empire, is not mentioned in textbooks either on world or domestic history, or in materials on the history of Siberia. 7 countries have coats of arms, including the Empire of Tartary. Interesting combinations of geographical names that have survived to this day and have sunk into time. For example, on the map of Tartary, it borders in the south with CHINE (modern China), and nearby on the territory of Tartary, behind the Great Wall of China, an area called CATHAI is indicated, a little higher are Lake Lak Kithay and populated area Kithaisko. The first volume included the contents of the second volume - the geography of Europe, in which, in particular, Muscovy (Mofcovie) is indicated as an independent state.

This book is also of interest to historical linguists. It is written in Old French, but, for example, the use of the letters V and U, which are often substituted for each other in geographical names, has not yet been established. For example, the names AVSTRALE and AUSTRALES on one insert sheet between 10-11 s. And the letter “s” in many places is replaced by the letter “f”, which, by the way, was the main reason for the difficulty of translating the text by specialists who do not know about such a replacement. For example, the name of Asia was written as Afia in some places. Or the word desert is written as defert. The letter "B" from the Slavic alphabet is clearly corrected to "B" from the Latin, for example, on the map of Zimbabwe. And so on".

Below is a semantic translation of the article “Tartaria” from Dubville’s “World Geography” (pp. 237-243). The translation from Middle French was made by Elena Lyubimova especially for “The Cave”.

We have placed this material here not because it contains some unique information. Not at all. It is placed here simply as another irrefutable evidence that Great Tartary - the Motherland of the Rus - existed in reality. You also need to keep in mind that this encyclopedia was published in the 17th century, when the distortion of world history by the enemies of Humanity was almost universally completed. Therefore, one should not be surprised at some inconsistencies in it, such as the fact that “ the Chinese wall built by the Chinese." The Chinese are not able to build such a wall today, and even more so then...


Occupies the most extensive territory in the north of the continent. In the east it extends to the country of Esso (1), the area of ​​which is equal to the area of ​​Europe, since it occupies more than half of the northern hemisphere in length and is much larger in width than East Asia. The very name Tartary, which replaced Scythia, comes from the Tatar River, which the Chinese call Tata because they do not use the letter R.

The Tartars are the best archers in the world, but are barbarically cruel. They fight often and almost always defeat those they attack, leaving the latter confused. The Tartars were forced to surrender: Cyrus, when he crossed the Araks; Darius Hystaspes, when he went to war against the Scythians of Europe; Alexander the Great, when he crossed the Oxus [modern. Amu Darya. - E.L.]. And in our times, the Great Kingdom of China could not escape their domination. Cavalry is the main one impact force their numerous armies, contrary to what is practiced in Europe. She is the one who attacks first. The most peaceful of them live in felt tents and keep livestock, doing nothing else.

At all times, their country has been the source of many conquerors and founders of colonies in many countries: and even the great wall that the Chinese have built against them is not able to stop them. They are ruled by princes, whom they call khans. They are divided into several Hordes - this is something like our districts, camps, tribes or council of clans, but this is the little that we know about them, like the fact that their common name is Tartars. The object of their great worship is the owl, after Genghis, one of their sovereigns, was saved with the help of this bird. They don't want anyone to know where they are buried, so each of them chooses a tree and someone who will hang them on it after their death.

They are mainly idolaters, but there are also a large number of Mohammedans among them; we learned that those who conquered China professed almost no special religion, although they adhered to several moral virtues. As a rule, Asian Tartary is usually divided into five large parts: Desert Tartary (Tartarie Deserte), Chagatai (Giagathi), Turkestan (Turquestan), Northern Tartary (Tartarie Septentrionale) and Kim Tartary (Tartarie du Kim).

Desert Tartary has this name because most of its land is left uncultivated. She recognizes for the most part the Grand Duke of Moscow, who receives beautiful and rich furs from there, and subjugated many people there, because this is a country of shepherds, not soldiers. Its cities of Kazan and Astrakhan are located on the Volga, which flows into the Caspian Sea with 70 mouths, in contrast to the Ob, which flows in the same country, and which flows into the Ocean with only six. Astrakhan conducts an extensive trade in salt, which the residents extract from the mountain. Kalmyks are idolaters and are similar to the ancient Scythians due to raids, cruelty and other traits.

The Chagatai and Mawaralnahr peoples have their own khans. Samarkand is the city in which the great Tamerlane established a famous university. They also have the trading city of Bockor, which is considered the birthplace of the famous Avicenna, philosopher and physician, and Orcange, almost on the Caspian Sea. Alexandria of Sogd became famous because of the death there before famous philosopher Callisthene.

The Mughal tribe (de Mogol) is famous because of the origin of their prince of the same name, who rules over most of India. The inhabitants there hunt wild horses with falcons; in several parts they are so disposed and so inclined towards music that we have observed their little ones singing instead of playing. Those of the Chagatays and Uzbeks (d"Yousbeg) who are not called Tartars are Mohammedans.

Turkestan is the country from which the Turks came. Tibet supplies musk, cinnamon and coral, which serve as money for local residents.

Kim(n) Tartaria is one of the names given to Cathai, which is the largest state of Tartaria, for it is heavily populated, full of rich and beautiful cities. Its capital is called Kambalu (2) or more commonly Manchu (Muoncheu): some authors have spoken of wonderful cities, the most famous of which are called Hangzhou (Quinzai), Xantum (?), Suntien (?) and Peking (Pequim): they They also report on other things that are in the Royal Palace - twenty-four columns made of pure gold and another one - the largest of the same metal with a pine cone, cut precious stones, for which you can buy four big mountains ode. We undertook a journey to Cathai by different roads, in the hope of finding there gold, musk, rhubarb (3), and other rich goods: some went by land, others by the northern sea, and some again ascended the Ganges (4).

The Tartars of this country entered China in our time, and the king of Niuche (5), who is called Xunchi, is the one who conquered it at the age of twelve, following the good and faithful advice of his two uncles. Fortunately, the young conqueror was distinguished by great moderation and treated the newly conquered peoples with all the gentleness that one can imagine.

The old or true Tartary, which the Arabs called by various names, is located in the north and is little known. They say that Shalmanasar, king of Assyria, brought tribes from the Holy Land, which are the Hordes, which to this day have retained their names and customs: both his and the imams known in ancient times, and the name of one of the largest mountains in world.

Translator's Notes


1. The country of Jesso was designated differently on French medieval maps: Terre de Jesso or Je Co. or Yesso or Terre de la Compagnie. This name was also associated with different places - sometimes with about. Hokkaido, which was depicted as part of the mainland, but mainly called the western part of North America. (See 1691 map by French cartographer Nicolas Sanson 1600-1667).

2. During the Mongolian Yuan dynasty, founded by Kublai Khan, the city of Beijing was called Khanbalyk (Khan-Balyk, Kambaluk, Kabalut), which means “Great Residence of the Khan”, it can be found in the notes of Marco Polo in the spelling Cambuluc.

3. Rhubarb is a medicinal plant, widespread in Siberia. In the Middle Ages it was an export item and constituted a state monopoly. The habitats of the plant were carefully hidden. It was unknown in Europe and began to be widely cultivated only in the 18th century.

4. On medieval maps, the Liaodong Gulf was called the Ganges. (See Italian map of China from 1682 by Giacomo Cantelli (1643-1695) and Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi.)

5. The northeastern fragment of an Italian map of China from 1682 shows the kingdom of Niuche (or Nuzhen), which is described in the description as conquering and ruling China, which occupied the north of Liaodong and Korea, in the northeast lies the lands of Yupy Tartars (or Fishskin Tartars), and Tartari del Kin or dell'Oro (Kin Tartars or Golden Tartars).

In the text of the article about Tartary the name Tamerlane appears, who is called the great. We found several engravings of him. Interestingly, Europeans pronounced his name differently: Temur, Taimur, Timur Lenk, Timur i Leng, Tamerlane, Tamburlaine or Taimur e Lang.

As is known from the course of orthodox history, Tamerlane (1336-1406) is “a Central Asian conqueror who played a significant role in the history of Central, South and Western Asia, as well as the Caucasus, Volga region and Rus'. Outstanding commander, emir (since 1370). Founder of the Timurid empire and dynasty, with its capital in Samarkand."

Like Genghis Khan, today he is usually depicted as a Mongoloid. As can be seen from photographs of original medieval European engravings, Tamerlane was not at all the same as orthodox historians portray him. Engravings prove the absolute fallacy of this approach...

Information about huge country The Tartarians are also contained in the 4th volume of the second edition of A new and complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, published in London in 1764. On page 3166 a description of Tartaria is given, which was later included in its entirety in the first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, published in Edinburgh in 1771.

“TARTARY, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie south of Muscovy and Siberia, are those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, located north-west of the Caspian-sea; the Calmuc Tartars, who lie between Siberia and the Caspian-sea; the Usbec Tartars and Moguls, who lie north of Persia and India; and lastly, those of Tibet, who lie north-west of China".

“Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west, which is called Great Tartaria. Tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, living in the northwest of the Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk Tartars and who occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India, and, finally, Tibetans, living northwest of China.”

Tartaria in the “World History” of Dionysius Petavius

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