Poster on compliance with safety rules on a ship. During the cruise on the ship it is prohibited

1. Don't take dangerous items on the plane

To ensure your flight is safe, it is prohibited to take flammable or explosive items on board. The rule applies to aggressive substances (mercury and acids), ammunition, firearms and bladed weapons, gas pistols, and spray cans. Full list prohibited items posted on back side ticket

Competition of drawings and posters of safety rules on ships and planes

2. Follow transportation rules hand luggage and luggage

The weight of hand luggage must be no more than 5 kg, and its dimensions must not exceed 50x50x100 cm; it must be labeled “Into the cabin”. Depending on the flight route and class of service, the free baggage allowance may vary. Information about baggage rules is indicated on the ticket. Existing size and weight restrictions are related to the technical capabilities of the aircraft and directly affect the safety of passengers. If an unscheduled situation occurs on board, it is necessary that everyone has easy access to emergency exits, and the alignment of the aircraft is maintained.

There is a list of things that you can carry with you in your arms, these include the following items:

  • the press that you will read during the flight;
  • folder for papers or handbag;
  • baby food, travel cradle;
  • raincoat or coat;
  • cane or umbrella;
  • Important documents and securities.

3. Fasten your seat belts

Seat belts are designed to keep passengers safe during takeoff and landing of an airliner, and throughout the flight. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury if the aircraft enters an area of ​​air turbulence. Since it is impossible to detect entering this zone in advance, it is better to remain buckled throughout the flight. When dangerous situations arise for passengers, the command “Fasten seat belts” will appear on a special display. If your seat belt was not fastened before, this command should be executed immediately.

Before each flight, passengers receive information about what technical means should be used in case of emergency. Since on different ships they can differ not only in their appearance, but also in their location, you should pay attention to everything that they tell you. If danger arises, you will be able to act quickly, thereby increasing the chances of a positive outcome from the current situation. At your request, the aircraft crew is obliged to provide you with all information related to the flight.

5. Turn off electronic devices during flight

Use is strictly prohibited electronic devices which may interfere with the operation of the aircraft's navigation and radio devices. These include portable video cameras, computers that are equipped with television screens, toys that run on remote control, laser disc recorders. At the same time, voice recorders, electronic games liquid crystals allowed by the rules. Full information You can get information about which devices you can use on board and which ones you cannot use from the airliner’s flight attendants.

6. Avoid smoking

Due to the large burning part of cigars and pipes, smoking them on board an aircraft is prohibited. Smoking is prohibited throughout the airfield, when entering and exiting the aircraft, as well as in the toilet, if the “No Smoking” sign lights up on the board. In addition, economy class passengers are prohibited from smoking on flights within Russia.

7. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages

Passenger use alcoholic drinks should not cause conflicts with other flight participants. It is prohibited for a person under the influence of alcohol to board an aircraft. It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages brought with you.

8. In the event of a plane crash

  • Lean forward, clasping your head with both hands. Quickly remove all sharp objects, including watches and jewelry. Hold the children close. Do not get up from your seat until the plane has come to a complete stop. If passengers begin to leave their seats and move around the cabin without permission, panic may arise on board and the alignment of the aircraft may be disrupted. Follow all instructions from the ship's commander and crew.
  • Damage to the hull, a broken window, and a malfunction of the pressure maintenance system cause decompression and depressurization of the airliner. There is a rumbling noise in the cabin, oxygen fog, and the pressure is unstable. Within a short time, the crew will lower the airliner to a height where there is sufficient quantity oxygen. In order not to suffocate while the pilots perform necessary actions, be sure to use an oxygen mask. It should not be pressed to your face, but put on so that it cannot fall if you lose consciousness.
  • Fires on board are among the most dangerous emergency situations. The resulting smoke spreads very quickly throughout the cabin; passengers have no more than three minutes to leave the aircraft cabin - this is the time for which most airliner models are designed. It will be possible to move inside the liner only on all fours, since smoke will very quickly fill the entire space. If the passage is blocked, you must lower the backs of the seats and move along them.
  • After stopping movement, you must immediately leave the plane, for which use emergency hatches and special inflatable slides. If there are injured people or children on board, help them get out. While on the street, you must retire to safe distance away from the plane and lie down on the ground. Cover your head with your hands to avoid injury from fragments in the event of a fuel explosion.
  • The wounded must be given first aid medical care. If you find yourself in a deserted area, you need to build shelters from available materials, where the wounded and children will be placed, and find a source drinking water and send several people for help.

In conclusion

Upon boarding the aircraft, the passenger will find in the seat pocket detailed instructions, which indicates the locations of emergency exits and other necessary information, which may be useful during the flight. To resolve any issues that arise during the flight, the passenger can contact the flight attendant. You can also check out useful information even before the flight, by visiting the sites

Nowadays, the airplane is the main means of travel, which is why every tourist should know and follow the rules of conduct on an airplane. Neglecting them is fraught with best case scenario– injury, and in the worst case – it can cost lives, not only of the offender, but also of all passengers on the plane.

On board, passengers are served by a flight attendant, who should be greeted upon boarding the plane. During the flight, you can call her with a special button, but you should not abuse this, since she needs to work with all passengers.

Before departure, you need to straighten the backs of your seats, fasten your seat belts and turn off your mobile phones. All this is done to ensure flight safety, so in no case should these requirements be neglected. Particular attention should be paid to mobile phone: If left on during flight, it may cause malfunction electronic systems air liner.

Baggage Please remember that carry-on luggage has strict weight restrictions. Don’t take anything extra with you on the road, much less large items unless necessary. Although this is not prohibited by the rules of behavior on the plane, it will certainly create inconvenience for both you and other passengers on board the plane.

Upon entering the cabin, you need to place your belongings in a special compartment, which is located above the seats for passengers. If you have a lot of things, calmly wait for the moment when all passengers are seated in the places indicated on the tickets, and put your things on the remaining free upper shelves. This way you will not violate the norms required by the rules of conduct on an airplane, and at the same time solve the problem of stowing your luggage.

On the plane you can read, write, draw, work on the computer, and sleep. During long flights, videos are often shown. In this case, you need to draw the curtain on the porthole, and if you don’t want to watch a movie with everyone, you can use the lamp above the chair.

Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not contribute to a pleasant and easy flight. It just dulls the feeling of fear a little and helps you relax a little. But the body, being in unusual conditions, will receive a double load. If you need to cope with serious overload and pressure, you also impose on him the responsibility to cope with alcohol in the blood. You can have a drink small quantity red wine offered by the flight attendants, and leave the remaining strong drinks until the time of arrival at the airport.

References Life safety. Textbook / S.V.Belov, V.A.Devisilov, A.F.Kozyakov and others. Ed. S.V. Belova. - M.: graduate School, With. Gromov V.I. Encyclopedia of Security / V.I. Gromov, G.A. Vasiliev - M.: Higher School, - 1262 p. Kuznetsov I.N. " Modern etiquette", Moscow, Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and K", - 496 p.

Very soon new instructions will appear on all our aircraft, but for now we invited four famous artists to rethink the rules of behavior on board, talk about serious things with humor and draw the attention of passengers to the importance of flight attendant and pilot briefings and announcements. After all, flight safety is a priority for S7 Airlines.

Every week, new stories from writer and artist Linor Goralik, comic book author Duran, illustrator Gudim and artist Alexander Pokhvalin will appear on the S7 Airlines blog.


The first comic of our joint project was the work famous artist Duran is about a suitcase that was not placed correctly on a plane and, having lost its place in life, irreversibly interferes with the course of history.

Duran's illustrations are different unique look on the most ordinary things and irrational humor, which makes them real hits on social networks.

  • Duran, where did you get such a pseudonym?
  • If I had known at the time of registering my nickname how long I would have to live with it, I would certainly have come up with something better. But no, I thought for about three seconds.

I believe that the fewer details in the drawing, the faster the idea reaches the viewer.

  • Why do artists sometimes hide their real names and come up with pseudonyms?
  • By various reasons. Some people don’t want to be found in “real life.” Some people think that he will be better remembered under a pseudonym. My case is that I don’t want the viewer to see my work in the context of me.
  • How did you come to the style of comics you work in now? Have you always drawn this way? What appeals to you personally about this approach?
  • I believe that the fewer details in the drawing, the faster the idea reaches the viewer. Nothing should be misleading or distracting. It's like jokes: they don't unnecessary words, because initially they were passed on from mouth to mouth, and everything unnecessary was forgotten somewhere in between.
    Over the years, I began to draw “even worse”: I almost gave up color and switched to extremely schematic drawings. I think I'm on the right track!
    The speed of creation is also attractive in this approach. The idea never gets boring.
  • How do you come up with stories for your comics?
  • Half comes out of nowhere, half comes from everyday conversations. You notice some funny oddity in generally accepted concepts, some hidden pattern, regularity. Or you just fantasize about how something could be arranged differently than it actually is. Often you just want to express your attitude towards something, positive or negative.
  • What got you interested in the project of illustrations for safety instructions on airplanes?
  • I have long dreamed of putting my indignation at the abundance of evil insects in Australia somewhere.
  • Do you love to fly?
  • “Yes” is at the beginning, and “yes” is at the end. But in the middle long flight rather "no".
  • Did ideas for new works come to you on board the plane?
  • It seems so. But since I have to turn off my phone during the flight, I can’t record them. And most likely I forget.

Anton Gudim

Anton Gudim is an artist from Moscow, whose work is inspired by situations from everyday life. Each drawing is an observation, as if accidentally snatched from the surrounding reality, supported by the subtle irony of the beholder.

  • Anton, your illustrations are ironic sketches from life modern man. Tell us why this particular topic is the main one for you?
  • Because it’s more interesting for me to play out situations that I personally face. My drawings are alternative version the life that I invented.

I just draw, and the style develops on its own.

  • The funniest and most absurd are those things that we do not consciously, but because it is “necessary”, “accepted”, “others do it”.
  • How did you come to artistic style your comics?
  • I just draw, and the style develops on its own. I have never focused on style; for me the main thing is that it is simple and neat.
  • Tell us about a comic whose idea came to you in some unusual way. Which interesting stories or are moments from life “hidden” behind your works?
  • There were no unusual stories, but once, for example, I had no inspiration for a long time. I haven't painted for over two weeks and it's been putting a little pressure on me. Then I simply portrayed a character and described my state at that time in the form of advertising slogans “super-tired”, “2 depressions in 1”, etc.
  • Anton, do you travel often? In what cities or countries does inspiration come to you?
  • I try to leave the country a couple of times a year, but, of course, I would like to do it more often. Usually, when I travel, I get distracted and forget about creativity, I just relax, stop the flow of my thoughts, and gain strength.
  • Do you follow safety rules on board an airplane?
  • I follow the rules. And here, of course, you can find a contradiction with the answer to question No. 2. So let me explain: that answer is not about breaking the rules, but about behavior, habits and actions.

Linor Goralik

Linor Goralik is a writer, publicist, teacher, author of comics about the PC Hare and his imaginary friends - F, Shch, a hot water bottle and a pork chop with peas. A subtle sense of the world and the ability to penetrate into the very essence of things without becoming deliberate and boring is what distinguishes Linor from others.

  • Linor, you are a person who combines several activities at once - you create comics, write children's books, teach. What part of your life does comics about the Hare OC occupy?
  • In fact, quite large - and very strange: he comes when he wants, but he can leave for six months. He may agree to “work” for some publication once every two weeks, or he may refuse - and then he cannot be forced. But in general, of course, he gives me some space for expression, very different from my own: he is more socially attentive than I am.

Sometimes I feel like I half live on airplanes.

  • The main character of the comic expresses your attitude to the current reality or is he a completely separate character who “lives his own life”?
  • He and I do not disagree in our views, but we differ in our intonation and methods of expression. For example, he is a big fan of speaking on behalf of the collective “we,” and I treat this form with great caution.
  • How do you usually come up with ideas for new stories for a comic book about the Hare and his imaginary friends?
  • From what is happening to me and my small social stratum. The PC hare is sensitive to sore spots (much more sensitive than I am) and is sharper in his attempts at reflection; what, for example, evokes pure compassion in me, evokes in him a desire to analyze - and here we diverge quite far.
  • How important is it for you to travel and how often do you do it? Which countries would you consider to be your favorites?
  • Sometimes I feel like I half live on airplanes; I fly a lot for work and not very much for fun, but if we talk about favorite cities where you try to fly as soon as possible, then these are London and Kyiv. For some reason I always feel good there.
  • What do you like to do during a flight?
  • Etgar Keret has an essay about how a person on board differs from himself on earth; and I, it seems, completely coincide in my feelings with the heroes of this essay. I almost always work - and I try to work on board too (it would seem - here’s four hours of productive rest), but these attempts turn out to be somehow half-asleep. Still, on board you do not completely belong to yourself, but belong to some closed collective entity; It takes a pretty toll on me.
  • Is compliance with safety rules on board a necessity or something you take responsibility for?
  • I am a person who is both responsible and lazy; Laziness persuades me not to listen to anything and not to pay attention to any explanations from the staff or instructions on the cards, but responsibility forces me to remember the locations of the emergency exits and leaf through the safety instructions. Just in case.

Alexander Pokhvalin

Alexander Pokhvalin is an artist whose style is easily recognizable among the millennial generation, because he for a long time created all the illustrations for The Village portal, including the beloved “Unknown Citizen” section. Alexander's creative style is closest to classic comics, but presented with a light romantic mood.

  • Alexander, in your opinion, can an artist create while remaining impartial to the subject of the image?
  • Maybe, but then he is no longer an artist, but a craftsman. This doesn't mean you can't do it with a cool head. good job. Quite the contrary. Simply, in my opinion, if we're talking about about art, then bright emotions about the chosen subject (both positive and negative) help to better understand it and, accordingly, better reflect and convey it in the work.

I love waiting at the airport more than the flights themselves.

  • How important is it for a creative person to travel? Do you think travel influences the development of an artist and inspires new unusual ideas?
  • I believe that traveling is important for any person. This, of course, broadens your horizons and gives you new experiences for inspiration, but for this you need to be open and try to look for something new, and not follow the beaten path.
  • Where are you most comfortable creating?
  • In general, the location is not important to me. I worked with approximately the same comfort in a hotel room in Las Vegas and at Geneva airport and in public library underground city Coober Pedy in Australia. Since I work mainly on a computer, the main thing is that there is electricity and the Internet :)

Plan notes on the world around us, grade 1

“Why do you need to follow safety rules on a ship and on an airplane?”

Date: 05/15/15

Target : First-graders will learn to behave correctly on a ship and on an airplane.


    Learn how to behave correctly on a ship and on an airplane;

    Learn to be safe;

    To instill morality, good manners, and caution in a child.

Lesson progress:

    Org. moment

    Updating knowledge.

Guys, let's remember last topic lesson.

What did we learn in the lesson?


    Subject message.

And today we will talk to swami about the rules of conduct on a ship and on an airplane.

Do you think it is necessary to know these rules?

Can they be useful to us?

    New topic lesson.

learned to sail boats a long time ago, many thousands of years ago. But the boat has changed a lot since then. Modern ship now it looks like a city. There are streets, shops, swimming pools, and cafes. It is built firmly and reliably, but even today on rivers, in seas, in oceans they drown or burn every day.

The ship can go off course, run aground, run into an iceberg, like the famous Titanic, there can be a collision between ships, storms, hurricanes, fires and explosions on ships and much more, which can lead to a dangerous situation on the ship.

To feel more confident on the ship, avoid unnecessary problems on the water, you need to know what is where, follow the rules safe behavior on the ship.

    Fizminutka .

    Continuation of the lesson.

    Therefore, it is necessary to carefully inspect the ship in order to find out the way and, if it happens dangerous situation– do not run along the corridors, but immediately go to the exit.

    It is also worth looking at where life jackets are stored and learning in advance from the instructions how to use them.

    And although the crash passenger ships occur much less frequently than on small fishing boats, but even on large ships there are situations when sailors are unable to cope with an accident on their own. And then the captain decides to evacuate. And then your salvation largely depends on you, on your behavior. The worst and most unpleasant thing is the panic and crush near the side. According to maritime laws, women and children are the first to board lifeboats. To escape the cold, you need to put on warm clothes, then a life jacket. You are allowed to take documents, money, medicine, blanket, matches, food with you. You can’t take luggage - it’s useless, and there’s no time. The captain is the last to leave his ship.

    If there are no floating devices left, you need to jump into the water. To do this, press your chin to your chest, tense the back of your head, without tilting your head forward too much, so as not to hit your face on the water. Cover your nose and mouth with one hand and hold onto your life jacket with the other.

    emerge from with open eyes, trying not to get under the ship, and try to swim away from the sinking ship to a safe distance as quickly as possible, so as not to be pulled deeper into the ship along with it. And then try to catch on to some floating object.

    Life jackets are equipped with lights powered by special batteries, a whistle and a signal mirror, so you can give signals.

    It is recommended to wear life jackets even for those who are good swimmers. Since you can hit the water and lose consciousness; may be overwhelmed by a wave; your legs may cramp; wet clothes will be pulled down.

    You cannot be near the side of the vessel if you find yourself in the water. Can be pulled deeper by the current. You can't drink sea ​​water, because it’s salty, and it will make you want to drink even more.
    And when you find yourself on the plane, you also need to comply simple rules For wellness, comfortable flight and safety on the way.

    Independent work.

Task 1. Review the rules of safe behavior on a ship and on an airplane. Now find the continuation of each rule.

Task 2 . Design and draw a poster calling for compliance with safety rules on ships and on planes.


Did you like the lesson?

Were the tasks clear?

What new have you learned?

What interesting things did you learn?

    Lesson summary.

Always remember and follow these rules!

See you in the next lesson!

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