Underground cities of the secret world government. Underground cities of reptilians

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2018 has only just arrived, but it already seems to be casting the first big shadows that are preparing us for big events. Events that could free the entire planet.

This includes the arrests of many elites around the world. Alternative media reports that more than ten thousand indictments have been filed in the United States, leading to the arrest of leading New World Order (NWO) apologists.

According to unconfirmed information, many of them were taken to the naval base in Guantanamo Bay to await their trial. But many NWO leaders will try to avoid this charge.

They either flee to safe countries or, alternatively, to long-prepared underground cities. There are many of them all over the world.

If this information is correct, the elites planned their retreat to underground shelters decades ago. Did you know then that one day the day would come when everything would suddenly collapse overnight, that the entire current world carefully built by the global elite would suddenly collapse like a house of cards, and that the world of the future would be different from today?

After all, the elites are told that they have a penchant for magic and clairvoyance, and indeed, in the past there were many prophets who foretold new land. A land where the old systems will no longer have a place, where even the dark elites will no longer have a place, simply because they are the stewards and enforcers of this old system.

Will 2018 be the year of the new earth, and will this mean a mass retreat underground?

What is currently changing on earth should not have escaped the careful observer. Many things are about to change or are already in the process of transition.

Huge moles made of steel

Secret underground cities are not a conspiracy theory, as many may argue now. Rather, they are real, and they exist all over the world, but especially in the United States. According to whistleblower Corey Goode, these facilities have been under construction since the end of the First World War. Many facilities are still under construction.

The construction of such cities became possible after the invention and creation of high-tech modernster machines, which still amaze our imagination. Machines that work so mysteriously, they are misunderstood as anti-gravity ships flying through space.

No one can even imagine what these mechanisms are capable of. For example, in the United States there is a huge machine that belongs to the US Air Force. This “monster” really works like a moth. This is a nuclear tunnel boring machine capable of crushing even the largest pieces of rock and vitrifying them at the same time.

Tunnel boring machines have different sizes, they create the largest tunnels in the most different types breeds Drilling machines of this type have already created tunnel systems far below the ocean, around the Earth, and now they connect entire continents.

Built deep underground, the city's structures are as futuristic as the most luxurious hotel in Dubai. A luxury that ordinary mortals cannot even imagine and, above all, cannot afford.

These facilities were not created for people to take refuge there in the event of nuclear war, no, these facilities were built for the elite.

Military underground structures for infantry are designed in a much more spartan way - without frills and luxury, and the space here is one thing above all: and it is limited.

During the construction of these giant underground structures, among other things, uses an explosive substance that can turn even the hardest rocks into dust. The explosion makes an almost spherical hole.

In these underground foundations, among other things, a hydroponic plant is created with plants to compensate for CO². In addition, all these cities have their own autonomous system water supply

Electricity is obtained in the form of geothermal energy, others through hydrodynamics. By the way, one of the most advanced bases was recently completed in Brazil.

High-tech metros connect continents

Of course, such underground cities must constantly maintain their life support. Technical staff Access to the facilities is provided through special buildings and service elevators. The metro ride only takes a few minutes. Those who have never been there will not understand what this means. Because this is a journey to another world.

Of course, everyone should understand that there are no cars or planes here.

The only one vehicle here is high-tech metro. Those who go underground will be transported to another part of the world in less than two hours.

Apparently, technology is already working here, which is still hidden from the world community.

According to unconfirmed information, there are currently more than a hundred underground bases around the world. But throughout the world there should be numerous underground bases of other civilizations and, above all, unearthly bases.

This also confirms my assumption that the unknown flying objects inevitably originate from the vast universe, but have their bases deep within the earth and have access to mountains, volcanoes or seas.

I have already written several times about alien bases in the depths of Antarctica and expressed my suspicions. This is one of the reasons for the large-scale German Arctic expedition in 1938 and 1939, and Operation Highjump under Admiral Richard E. Byrd.

Of course, 2018 will bring big revelations and many interesting surprises. Let's keep all our eyes and ears open over the next twelve months. It definitely pays off and...

...stay alert as always!

American military engineer Philip Schneider, after the death of his friend Ron Ranel, violated a non-disclosure agreement and in 1995 told the world about underground shelter cities created for the “elite” in the event of a nuclear war or major natural disasters. These cities were designated D.U.M.B. as an abbreviation for “Deep Underground Military Base” or “deep military base.”

There is no official information about these bases. However, F. Schneider claimed that, together with his friend, he participated in the creation of these 17 years underground cities working for American government. He was a geologist and engineer at the most classified US bases. He was also one of the few survivors of the incident with the "grays" at the Dulce underground base, which had seven underground levels.

This is what he stated: "My main goal- is to tell what is really happening at these underground military bases. It's called the "new world order"... These bases are the size of big cities, they are connected high speed trains magnetically suspended. They have special equipment that digs these cities. The speed of progress is 14 kilometers per day. Huge amounts of money are spent on the construction of these bases. And for these purposes there is the so-called. "black budget"

The "black budget" is a secret budget equal to a quarter of US GDP. About a trillion dollars is spent on shadow programs such as underground military bases. A total of 129 bases have now been built, and this is only in the USA... This worries me very much. There are people who lie to the government, who refuse to tell the truth about the purpose of these bases."

In total, according to Schneider, about 1,500 such underground cities of refuge were built in the world. Most of these bases were built on the site of underground caves. On average, one such base is designed to accommodate about 60 thousand people, but there are also larger ones. All underground cities are interconnected by many kilometers of tunnels. The funds spent on this project in the USA alone amount to up to a third of the GDP of this state.

Schneider managed to give 30 lectures on this topic and survived 13 assassination attempts before supporters of the “new world order” managed to kill him, just like his friend a little earlier in 1993. Schneider's murder occurred on January 17, 1996. And if the information he voiced was not reliable, then no one would need his death and the death of his friend, with whom they were preparing a book about the underground cities of the “elite” for publication. All materials prepared for publication after Schneider's death disappeared without a trace.

American journalist David Wilcock claims that the deaths of Schneider and Ramvel frightened many people who also wanted to make statements about underground cities. And since 1946, more than 3 thousand people have been killed by the servants of the world “elite” for trying to talk about these underground bases. What caused this curtain of secrecy? What kind of terrible information are the representatives of the “new world order” hiding from us?

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S. Sall states: "The information that has been disseminated over the past 10 years suggests that almost the entire territory of the United States underground is covered with a network of underground tunnels and underground shelters. The largest shelter is the Denver airport, a truly colossal shelter, where there are underground cities, underground factories and even underground greenhouses so that the “elite” could take refuge there and consume fresh vegetables.”

And here is what D. Wilcock says about this, who spent many years studying underground bases and found people who had been there: “The history of these cities is very strange and you need to know that there are technologies that were hidden from us, and thanks to which it was possible to build these cities. There are skyscrapers, roads, buildings, cars, which, by the way, do not burn gas. They use free energy , electric cars. There is no pollution in these cities.

I asked: “Do you really feel the same there as you do outside? Like you’re on the surface?” They answered: “Well, to be honest, it feels like none of this is real”... They use, if they can find, deep natural underground caves through which water flows. They create beautiful rivers and lakes from them. There are also trees and birds, in general, everything that is on the surface of the Earth."

Now everything becomes more or less clear. Turns out for many years, at first, under the pretext of protecting the population from nuclear war, the world “elite”, in secret from the peoples, and often governments, built underground shelter cities equipped with last word science and technology, including including technology free energy, the existence of which is carefully hidden and denied at the official level. Why would that be?

Yes, the fact is that this entire world “elite”, together with its “sixes” and servants, planned the destruction of the rest of humanity. Remember, in the tablets from the state of Georgia it is written that humanity should not exceed 500 million people. How to achieve this by following the orders of the lizard-headed masters?

Well, firstly, it is possible to provoke a global thermonuclear war even before the “cannon fodder” written off by the “elite” perishes in the fire thermonuclear explosions or from the consequences of a nuclear winter, the “elite” itself, together with its devoted servants, will take refuge in underground cities of refuge. Secondly, the same can be done if there is a threat of falling large meteorites, or others global disasters, such as the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano, which can be “helped.” After all, those who have such shelters do not risk anything.

Surely, for representatives of this “elite” and their “sixes” there are conditioned signals that make it possible to notify everyone in such cases the right people and evacuate to the nearest shelters certain routes without arousing suspicion among the rest of the population. It is possible to exist in these shelter cities absolutely autonomously, given the level of technology used in them.

Well, it is not at all necessary for the people living on the surface and suffocating from the ruined ecology to know about these technologies and about the shelter cities themselves. After all, they are not included in the “golden” 500 million of the Earth’s population, whom the “owners” allowed to continue living. And it’s very good that these plans dark forces some unknown, but very powerful force intervened, which had already destroyed only in the USA several dozen of the largest cities of refuge for the “elite”. And perhaps it is precisely for this reason that the world “elite” has not yet organized a thermonuclear apocalypse for us.

The dungeon is one of the most reliable ways hide from prying eyes. It is no coincidence that the first Christians preferred to meet in the catacombs. Construction of underground settlements people practiced long before the advent of Christianity. Protection from the enemy was main function tunnels. In case of danger, you could hide underground. Special category secret cities are made up of catacombs that were built for the elite, for example, the richest people in the country or rulers. Probably, even today, underground secret cities hide the government from humanity.

In case of the Apocalypse

Legends about the end of the world have always excited people's minds. Before the end seemed more fantastic. According to views religious people, angels (horsemen) must come to earth, announcing the Last Judgment. Modern performance about the end has a completely different character. He is portrayed terrible disaster: flood, meteorite fall, earthquake, etc. Climate change makes such fears quite realistic. If due global warming glaciers will melt, most of sushi may flood. Ozone holes in the atmosphere lead to the fact that it ceases to be a natural shield for “uninvited guests” from space in the form of large meteorites.

The absolute reality of the threat forces world elite think about saving humanity. However, salvation does not mean concern for the lives of seven billion people living in at the moment on the ground. It is simply impossible to hide every earthling from the elements. It costs too much and requires a lot of resources. In addition, no one knows exactly when the disaster will occur and what it will look like. There will probably be even more people on the planet by then.

Only the best of the best should be saved. From these people the human race will be revived. By the best, the earthly elite means themselves. Many famous politicians, scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, etc. have already built or are still building underground shelters that will be useful to themselves or their descendants. The movie “2012,” which was popular several years ago, perfectly illustrates the idea that only the most solvent need to be saved. IN real life the elite will not be hiding on giant ships, and in the dungeon.

For those in power

The catacombs have always been required by representatives of the ruling elite. Secret passages underground were built for almost every major representative of government, who should have been able to leave his home in the event of an attack by external or internal enemies. Underground cities and bunkers are designed to hide the government from humanity and protect it from danger. Among the most famous underground shelters are:

1. Burlington. The secret city is located in Great Britain. It was built in the middle of the last century and was intended exclusively for the government. You can hide in a bunker in the event of a nuclear war. The area of ​​the premises is only 1 km². However, according to the creators of the bunker, this is quite enough to accommodate four thousand people. The city has hospitals and underground routes. There is also a lake here with drinking water. The bunker was in a state of combat readiness until the early 90s.

2. Secret city for Mao Tse-tung. In the late 1960s, by order of the helmsman, construction of an underground city began. The decision to build a bunker was prompted by Mao Tse-tung due to deteriorating relations with Soviet Union. In case armed conflict the government could find a safe refuge here. The bunker is located near Beijing. It stretches for 30 km. The underground city housed schools, restaurants, hair salons, a roller skating rink and theaters. At the beginning of the new millennium, the secret city was opened to tourists.

3. Putin's city. This is the name of the shelter built in Mount Yamantau near the city of Magnitogorsk in the Southern Urals. The construction of this bunker, intended not only for the president, but for everyone Russian government, began during the Cold War. In the early 1990s, rumors about the creation of an underground city reached the American government. But attempts to find out details about this construction were never successful.

In any state, the authorities have to fight not only with the external, but also with internal enemy. The harm from the latter is often much greater than from the former, simply because the ruler does not always expect an attack from his own fellow citizens. Underground cities often hide the government from humanity during riots and rebellions. However, even such measures are not always effective. A government that has fallen out of favor with the people risks being overthrown, despite numerous tricks.

Underground cities and government: video

D.U.M.B: Deep Underground Military Basov

One of the darkest state secrets is the hidden underground city project called DUMBS.
D.U.M.B is an abbreviation for "Deep Underground Military Basov".

Underground cities. Whose and for whom?

The issue of DUMB has always been extremely sensitive. Mainstream media never touches them. However, some information is leaking out thanks to the people who work on the construction of these cities. The budget for this is highest degree The secret project is said to account for about 25 percent of America's GDP, or $1.25 billion a year.

Eyewitnesses report that these secret bases are approximately the size of medium-sized cities. These underground cities range in area from 10 to 30 miles wide, with an average depth of four and a quarter miles underground. And some are even deeper.

There are about 140 DUMBS in America and they have allegedly been built day and night since the 1940s.

It is estimated that there are approximately 1,500 DUMBS worldwide.

James Casbolt, Tim Weiner, Fletcher Prouty, and Philip Schneider, have spoken publicly about the existence of underground facilities located at US Air Force Bases, Naval Bases, FEMA Military Training Camps, DHS Control Centers, Area 51, Northrop Facility in Antelope Valley, and "Lockheed installation near Edwards, California." Former employees claimed that these deep “underground cities” are connected by tunnels through which they move high speed trains at speeds up to 1500 MILES.

The video below, SagaciousNewsNetwork, contains many photos from DUMBS.

Philipp Schneider, one of the most famous DUMBS whistleblowers, gave a public lecture in 1995 about his discoveries. He was a former civil engineer in the government sector and was involved in the construction of underground military bases in the United States.
He was aware of the construction on these underground military bases. He not only exposed the DUMBS, but also claimed that they were inhabited by alien creatures.
During the last two years of his life, Schneider lectured about government cover-ups and black budgets going into these underground cities.
On January 17, 1996, he was found murdered in his apartment with a piano wire wrapped around his neck. He was severely tortured before his death.
Someone really didn't want him to reveal even more.

Below is a short excerpt from his interview:

Black Budget is a hidden budget that will account for 25% of the gross national product United States.
It currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year and is used to finance black programs, including the construction, concealment and protection of DUMBS.
Every underground city costs between $17 and $26 billion to build and employs between 10,000 and 18,000 workers.

Tim Weiner, author of "Let's Check the Pentagon's Black Budget," writes: “There are two governments in the United States today. One is visible. The other is invisible. The first is power, which citizens read about in newspapers. The second is very secretive, carrying out agendas hidden from the eyes of citizens.

James Casbolt, a former MI6 agent who worked for Black Ops in London between 1995 and 1999, was another witness who saw “living alien beings” in these underground cities. He said the cities were about the size of a small city.
His grandfather was from Naval Intelligence, his father was from MI6 who was also involved in the "Black Ops" and his uncle was an MI5 officer in Logistics.
James was part of a group of "ex-intelligence people" who worked in these underground bases and other ET related projects.
Exists huge number children and adults who disappear around the world and end up in these underground bases.
How former Agent mi-6, he saw alien creatures “with his own eyes” and has inside information, which will shock even the most unbelieving people.

Here we need to remember one more witness. According to a former Canadian officer, no one wants to believe and accept the truth of an ominous nature, which relates to the secrets surrounding thousands of deep underground military bases scattered around the world.
He used the name "Timothy", but that is not his real name. “I’m not about using my name and risking imprisonment from the moment I reveal the truth in violation of the State Secrets of our country.
More than 3,000 people were killed for trying to talk about what was happening in these underground bases. This is essentially a death sentence..."

Timothy spoke of underground military bases where animal and human sacrifices take place for “alien creatures” that lived on this earth long before the appearance of man.
"He doesn't expect anyone to believe him, saying that most people will think he's telling science fiction. But still, he feels obligated to speak out at the risk of his life," Timothy said, speaking at length from Germany, where he worked in the aerospace industry.

Several books have been written about secret underground cities, including 'Underground Bases and Tunnels: What the Government is Trying to Hide' by Richard Sauder.

Imagine a machine crawling underground at a speed of seven miles (11.2 km) a day, crushing rock and clay. Imagine this giant drill being heated to melt the rocks being drilled. A car with a compact at its heart nuclear reactor with circulating liquid lithium. This machine melts a 40-foot (or 12-meter) diameter tunnel into the ground and even injects magma into cracks to seal the tunnel walls as much as possible. It leaves no waste behind.
The drill in question was created at Los Alamos National Laboratory. It was patented back in the 70s.

Behind all this is the power that I spoke about. L Fletcher Prouty:
In 1973, L Fletcher Prouty, retired American Colonel BBC, wrote a book called 'The Secret Team'.
From 1955 to 1963, Prouty was the liaison between the central intelligence agency and the Ministry of Defense on the issue military support what he calls Special Operations.
His position gave him access to a wide range of political, analytical and military issues - all the way from Washington and the Pentagon to the farthest corners globe. He noted the full spectrum covert operations and politics.

The Secret Team is the name of a “powerful, brutal and cunning International team,” says Prouty, “with operatives in the academic world (scientists), in the intelligence agencies (spies), in the military (commissioned and private), in private industry ( businessmen), in the world of corporate and public sector high finance (bankers, financiers and stockbrokers), in the media (electronic and printed media), in the publishing industry in the United States and abroad (publishers).
" It has powerful connections in dozens of countries around the world. According to Prouty, the secret Team overthrows and influences governments virtually all over the world. The Secret Team is based on members of the CIA Council National Security, and various military and civilian officials, intelligence officers, businessmen and scientists."

The Secret Team is a "real power structure" that Prouty compares to a "sprawling" octopus.
It has enormous real power and a deadly grip in the world and the United States.
Prouty provided evidence on the system secret tunnels in the USA and MagLev technology.
He showed and talked about a gigantic branched network of underground cities that are invisible from the outside. He also gave facts about underwater operations navy. He spoke about special secret underwater construction teams and departments engaged in construction under the ocean floor.


What if all these witnesses are telling the truth?
What if a hidden, secret network of underground cities and tunnels really exists throughout the world?
What if all the sinister things that witnesses said were actually happening there?
What is everyone preparing for us then and what awaits us?

Humanity has been building underground cities long before our era. With the outbreak of the First World War, the construction of underground cities for fortification purposes acquired a new scope. It is known that in the territory former USSR there were more than 2 thousand underground settlements, some of them were built by our ancestors BC.

Catacomb settlements can be found all over the world. There are them in Paris, Rome, Cappadocia and other cities of the world. Each such underground structure contains many secrets and mysteries, but not every one is able to withstand the destructive blow it was created to inflict.

The construction of underground cities in case of emergency was carried out under the heading “secret”. Not every participant in this construction knew how to keep state secrets as they should be, and information about such structures went into masses, overgrown with myths and legends.

Mysterious underground cities of Russia

Many people know exactly where the underground cities are located only by the name of the area and rumors. Some walk over them every day and don’t even realize it. Only those who have access to the underground city know how to get to the underground city. state secret, live, work or guard in them. The entrance to such a city can be inside any ordinary city building.

All secret underground cities are supervised by the FSB of the Russian Federation and the Main Directorate of the Russian Presidential Intelligence Service. Conversations about them began to be widely discussed in the early 90s of the last century. This was preceded by the declassification of some KGB archives.

Underground city in Ramenki

One of these mysterious underground cities is located in one of the capital's districts - Ramenki. It is believed that a city was built under them in case the Third War began. world war, designed for 12-15 thousand people. It is completely autonomous. It has its own power supply, sewerage, water and air supply systems. The location of the underground city is determined between Moscow State University and Udaltsova Street. This area of ​​the capital long time was not built up.

The underground city in Ramenki is associated with the mysterious Moscow Metro-2, which is sometimes called Stalin’s subway. It was built in parallel with the existing metro of the capital. Articles have repeatedly appeared in the media that the depth of underground Moscow buildings, which could become a shelter from the outbreak of the Third World War, can reach 300 meters.

You can get to the underground city from the existing Moscow metro, which was built with the possibility of being used as a bomb shelter for residents and guests of the capital. There is an opinion that there are other ways to get into the city. This can be done from one of the buildings of Moscow State University, the Rossiya Hotel, the Kremlin and other places. In Ramenki themselves there are elevator shafts for descending deep into the earth.

In case, this underground city can be used as command post. It has underground connections to Vnukovo airport and other strategic sites.

Secret cities in Russia

IN modern Russia there are cities and production closed type. They are under the jurisdiction and control of the Russian Ministry of Defense. All of them have a ground and underground part, which can go deep into the ground significantly below 10 floors. All such buildings are autonomous and have food and water supplies for at least three months. They are scattered throughout the country, but it is impossible to find them on maps until the special secrecy label is removed from them. Instead of a name, they have a letter. An example is the well-known, declassified city of Arzamas 16.

For a very long time it was impossible to find it on the map of the country. Nizhny Novgorod region. Now the general public knows how. Next to this closed city There is a place sacred to many believers - Diveevo. The local monastery houses the relics of Seraphim of Sarov, which people go to touch Orthodox people from all over the world. Despite the large number of tourists, not a single stranger can get past the Sarov checkpoint, and one can only guess about the depth of the underground buildings and their reliability.

Total of these closed cities in Russia 32. most of them are located in the Moscow region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Chelyabinsk region and the Ural region. The most famous of them are Zarechny in Penza region, Lesnoy in Sverdlovsk region on the banks of Tura, Zheleznogorsk and Zelenogorsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Underground city Yamantau

Sixty kilometers from Magnitogorsk is the Abzakovo mountain resort. In the media of many countries around the world you can find articles about this remarkable place. This is due to rumors that next to this resort in Mount Yamantau there is an underground city - the secret residence of Putin and a military headquarters in the event of World War III.

For the first time, such a well-known American publication as the New York Times wrote about this secret residence of the Russian Government. This happened in April 1996. The construction of the city itself was carried out according to rumors since the time cold war. From Beloretsk it is connected to Yamantau railway and highway, the top of the mountain is carefully guarded. Any nuclear weapons will not be able to damage the strength of the shelter structure.

The official status of Yamantau is a repository of state values. Very often, the Abzakovo mountain resort is visited by Putin. This gives rise to speculation about secret bunker President in case of nuclear war.

Where will the Chinese government hide from a nuclear attack?

In 1969, Mao Tse-tung ordered the creation of a reliable underground bunker for the Government. The Third World War, in the Chinese understanding, is inevitable. It is very important to preserve leadership of the army and the country as much as possible in the event of use by the aggressor. Beijing was chosen to build such a shelter. The length of the government bunker underground is 30 kilometers. It's practically a city within a city. It has shops, schools and even an ice skating rink. There are quite a lot of similar bunkers in Beijing. 40% of the population of the Chinese capital will be able to escape in them if nuclear weapons are used.

In addition to the Beijing bunker, a network of secret tunnels has been created in the Celestial Empire, which has been called the “Great Underground Wall of China.” The tunnels are connected to underground facilities where nuclear weapons are stored. They are located in the Urumqi region - in the direction of Russia, next to Korean Peninsula- opposite Vietnam, India and Taiwan.

Where did the Americans build underground cities?

You can even find a well-equipped bomb shelter in the USA in the courtyard of a private house. The fear of World War III has lived in Americans since the days of Cuban missile crisis and Khrushchev’s promises to show them Kuzka’s mother. The FSB probably knows where the American government will be hiding. Ordinary people can only guess. Large quantity Articles have appeared in the media over the past few years about underground construction in the Denver Airport area. Many journalists describe the pace of construction of the facility as feverish. Construction of the facility began back in the 50s.

Underground sites in the United States can be found in Mount Cheyenne, Colorado, in Virginia - the Greenbrier Bunker and Mount Weather, Massachusetts - Iron Mountain, Pennsylvania-Maryland - the Raven Rock mountain complex. All these shelters will be used in the event of a nuclear war American elites to save your life. There is also a deep underground base on the territory of a US Air Force facility called Area-51, which became famous after the Rosewell incident involving a UFO crash.

Underground Crimea

There are quite a lot of catacombs on the territory of the peninsula, which played the role of a reliable shelter during the Second World War. While part of Ukraine, many secret underground facilities were declassified and lost their strategic relevance. Among such objects is underground command post No. 221 near Sevastopol. At Cape Ak-Burun there is object No. 100 - an underground shelter for coastal ships. Between Sevastopol and Yalta there is the “Barrel of Death” and the concrete casemates of the Southern Fort of Balaklava.

Between Sudak and Feodosia there is underground facility No. 76. During Soviet times, nuclear weapons were stored there.

Secret underground cities of the world

There are secret underground cities or bunkers in all capitals nuclear powers. All of them are equipped with systems for autonomous power supply, communications, water supply, air supply, sewage system and food and water supplies. Information about the presence of such facilities in any country in the world is secret. The protection of such objects is carried out by the internal security services of the state.

There is a high probability that in the event of the outbreak of the Third World War, underground cities will become the only objects under which humankind is possible. After all, the series nuclear bombings will lead to an effect such as nuclear winter, which will provoke a number of natural disasters, starting with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, ending with large-scale tsunamis and, as a result, floods.

After the Earth's atmosphere ends and becomes unsuitable for human habitation, contaminated air and radioactive ash will cover the entire planet. Even those people who do not fall into the bombing zones will one way or another be doomed to a slow death. Take care of the lives of yourself and your loved ones; if you do not belong to the scientific, military or political elite of the country, you still have a chance to find refuge in one of the civilian bomb shelters that are available in almost every city. Civilian objects are not classified as classified; a list can be provided to you at the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations.

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