Happy anniversary to a man in Asadov style. Interesting birthday greetings in prose

On the eve of the wedding, the bride and her bridesmaids last time enjoying his single life. Fun competitions for the bachelorette party will help diversify the pre-wedding party.

The wedding itself traditionally begins with a bride price. The bridesmaid and other young girlfriends arrange funny tests and obstacles for the groom on the way to his beloved’s door.

The wedding feast will be helped to dilute the moving funny games. They will cheer up and amuse your guests.

Interesting competitions for your wedding anniversary will help you have a wonderful time and make the holiday original and unforgettable.

    Game "My Bird"

    The game involves 3 guys. Each of them receives 20 colored hair ties. One is red, the second is blue, and the third is yellow.

    The guys’ task is to ring in a short period of time (for example, 1 minute) maximum quantity women. At the presenter’s signal, the participants rush to the ladies and try to persuade them to put an elastic band on their ankle. Girls can resist.

    After the time has passed, the presenter counts the ringed birds (the number of rubber bands of each color worn) and announces the most talented and charming ornithologist.

    2 people participate in the competition. 2 candles are placed between them. Each participant receives a box of matches and a large green apple.

    The presenter lights the candles. Participants begin to eat an apple. They can interfere with each other by blowing out their opponent's candle. After all, while the candle is not burning, he cannot bite or chew the apple. To continue eating, the participant needs to light their candle. You cannot cover the candle with your hand. The one who eats the apple the fastest wins.

    Competition for dance lovers. It involves 2 guys from the groom’s side and 2 girls from the bride’s side. They swear to the leader to dance, no matter what.

    Happy music starts. The dancers move to the beat. And then the presenter announces that the launched poisonous arrows hit their legs, and they were paralyzed. Participants are now unable to move their legs. They must move other parts of their body. The music changes, it becomes more rhythmic. The presenter announces that the thighs of the dancers have also suffered from the rising curare poison, and so on higher and higher until only the head remains.

    Whoever forgets and moves the paralyzed parts of the body is eliminated from the competition. The most attentive and artistic participant wins.

    3 couples participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need three panties. large size family type(preferably with cheerful colors) and three scissors.

    Men wear family shirts over their pants. Women are given scissors. Ladies must cut out bikinis from these briefs in 1 minute, and then, like real fashion designers, organize a fashion show. Men can complement their outfit by tying their shirts in the American style.

    The winner is determined by the applause of the guests. Not everything depends on the woman. Decisive role the artistry of the model can play a role.

    Game "Iron Auction"

    At this auction you are allowed to sell anything: figurines, pencils, sweets, cosmetics, books, notebooks etc. Its peculiarity is that you can buy a lot only for hard money. For items of interest, it is recommended to include a black box in which it is not known what lot it is. You can get a hint by asking a few leading questions.

    As with any auction, the highest bid amount wins. Participants can join together to purchase particularly interesting lots. The proceeds go to the newlyweds' fund.

    Participants in the competition can be people different ages. Girls-girls-women-grandmothers line up in 2 lines of 5 people. At the end of the line they place the most beautiful girl. The task of the men who participate in the competition is to proceed to the end of the line with a serious face in order to kiss the girl. The task of women is to try with all their might to make a man laugh. The winners are those male participants who never smiled or laughed on the way to the kiss.

    To make the competition more spectacular, you can prepare comical outfits, wigs, and think through lines and makeup in advance.

    A fun music competition. The groom passes it in front of the entrance or at the gate. Friends from the bride's side give his comrades musical instruments in the form of saucepans, rattles and tambourines. You can add a guitar. The more original and louder the music, the better.

    The groom's friends are dismantling the instruments. To their accompaniment, the lover must perform a serenade for his lady of the heart. This might be her favorite song.

    If a love song melts the bride's heart, she should give a sign (for example, throw a handkerchief from the window). Then the groom can continue on his way to his beloved.

    Game "Imminent Threat"

    To play the game you will need 2 identical opaque jugs. One is filled with water and the other with confetti, but this must be kept secret. During the dance, bandits should burst into the hall, grab the bride and tie her to a chair. They hold a jug of water above the girl's head. The groom is shown that it contains water, but then they quietly change it to a jug of confetti.

    Then they ask him to answer questions in order to free his wife. If he makes a mistake, the water from the jug will end up on the bride’s head. First they ask simple questions, to which the groom easily answers: his wife’s birthday, her apartment number, the name of her pet. To the question: “What are the names of the spouse’s parents?” he answers their names. This is considered an error. Their names are mom and dad.

    The jug begins to descend, everyone freezes. And then confetti starts pouring out of it. You need to turn the jug over quickly - the groom may rush to save the bride because he thinks there is water in there.

    Game "Detective"

    You can't hide anything from a woman. In this challenge game, the bride has to prove it. To do this, she is blindfolded and various drinks are placed in front of her: vodka, wine, champagne, juice. To complicate the task, you can put a glass with a “screwdriver” cocktail. The girl must recognize the drinks by smell.

The groom is given a towel and asked to tie it as much as he loves his bride. After the towel is tied into a strong knot, the groom is asked to untie this knot as easily as he would resolve any conflicts.

Portraits for memory

All guests are divided into two parts: from the groom’s side and from the bride’s side. Guests from the bride's side take a large sheet of paper, a lot of pencils and, accordingly, draw the bride. Guests from the groom's side draw a picture of the groom.
At the end, the drawings are compared, but not to determine the winner. There are no winners in this competition at all. It is carried out so that the painted portraits remain with the bride and groom as a keepsake.

Dress someone else

All competition participants are divided into pairs. Each couple is given a bag of clothes (the presence of comic clothing items is possible). Next, one of the pair is blindfolded. The task of this player is to dress the other one.
What comes out in the end makes everyone happy.


Participants are divided into pairs. One person in the couple is blindfolded, and many clothespins are attached to the other's clothing. The blindfolded player's task is to remove all the clothespins or at least them most of from your partner. The couple that completes this task the fastest can be considered the winner. The competition is quite exciting and interesting.

Husband and wife are one Satan

Each of the guests in turn stands up and wishes: let the husband be ..., and the wife - ..., inserting instead of dots words that are interconnected in life and perfectly complement each other. For example, the husband is the head, and the wife is the neck, the husband is strong tea, and the wife - sweet sugar, the husband - delicious bread, and the wife - tender butter, and so on. Thus, the newlyweds will receive many compliments and instructions on how they should be, and the guests will show all their imagination.

Get to know your wife

A classic wedding competition is one in which a blindfolded groom tries to recognize his wife by her knee or hair. The groom should be called and blindfolded. In addition, the competition will require many participants, among whom the groom will recognize his wife. At the end of the competition, the groom is awarded a diploma “ best husband».

Pour into a glass

To participate in the competition you need to invite a guy and a girl, or preferably several couples. The girl holds a glass between her legs, and the guy holds a bottle of water. The guy’s task is to reach the girl with this bottle and fill the glass with water. The main thing is not to spill a drop. After this, the guy must drink water from the glass without using his hands. The girl can help him, but again without using her hands.
The couple that completes the task faster than the rest is the winner.

Wedding battle

The guests are divided into two teams: the groom's team and the bride's team. The presenter asks questions about the newlyweds in turn, and the teams answer them: the groom's team must answer questions about the bride and vice versa - the bride's team answers about the groom. Example questions: What color is the bride's prom dress? In what class did the groom get the first D? On which musical instrument Can the bride play? What troops did the groom serve in? and so on. The team that gives the most correct answers will win.


Participants in the competition must tie threads to their belts, and apples must be tied to the end of these threads: each player - one apple. Before each participant, an empty one must be placed on the floor. matchbox. The task of the competition participants is to move the boxes to a certain line using their apple. The jerking movements that the participants will make will make everyone laugh.

Tear the paper

Several young people sit on chairs. A piece of paper is placed on their laps medium density. Next, girls sit in the arms of the young men. The girls' task is to tear the paper without using their hands, that is, they must fidget and do whatever they want, but the paper must be torn.
The pair whose paper has more tears is considered the winner.

A wedding lottery competition will help you have a pleasant time and please the dinner party with memorable comic gifts. For a nominal fee, the toastmaster or his assistant distributes beautifully designed lottery sheets with numbers according to the number of...

A fun wedding celebration is not complete without interesting games, tasks and competitions. In order for the audience to have fun, it is necessary to include original competitive program. The heroic test is carried out for men, and...

To diversify the wedding banquet program, organizers need to select interesting games, tasks, entertainment for the relaxation of those present. The sandwich competition is a game, the essence of which is as follows: the toastmaster chooses to participate...

As a rule, one funny competition is held at weddings - “Air Bombers”. The essence of the competition is as follows: men (or so-called pilots) sit on chairs that are lined up in a row. Balloons are placed on their laps...

Funny videos Wedding competitions are the highlight of the evening. Such tests will allow you to add a fresh stream of fun to a banquet that has already become quite sad. When the audience is of different ages, you should carefully select participants for the game so as not to get into trouble.

Golden wedding competitions are an important part of the 50th anniversary celebration program life together. When choosing one or the other, be sure to make allowances for the age of the heroes of the day and the guests they invited. Our list will help you select interesting challenges.

Table games for a wedding must be prepared in advance, because during the banquet they can provide you with an invaluable service. General fun is guaranteed if the participants and their roles, musical accompaniment, and timing are correctly selected.

Wedding competitions with balloons are loved by the people, because they amuse guests and contribute to the creation of a bright festive atmosphere. To conduct them efficiently, you need to stock up on attributes and small prizes in advance, study the essence of the tests and identify participants.

Competitions for pearl weddings should be developed in advance so that on the day of the celebration everything goes as it should. When coming up with an option, think about who you choose to participate - this will amuse everyone present. Get ideas from the article, supplementing them with your own ideas.

How to choose competitions for a wedding

The entertainment program includes all kinds of shows and performances, performances by dancers, magicians and musical groups. Quizzes are another popular way to add variety. festive event, make it fun and unforgettable. It is necessary to wisely approach the choice of entertainment activities. It is important that the program is as diverse as possible.

Types of wedding competitions

Nowadays, professional wedding hosts come up with all sorts of entertainment, which may involve the participation of both several guests and large quantity participants. There are games arranged specifically for witnesses or, for example, parents of the bride and groom. It is important that the entertainment program is within the bounds of decency.

What competitions are suitable for a wedding banquet?

During a festive feast, it is extremely important to maintain a cheerful, friendly atmosphere among the guests. Fun, unobtrusive games will help you with this, the participation of which will help to relax and lift the spirits of those invited. Unusual pranks, funny scenarios and quizzes with the presentation of comic symbolic gifts - all this will make the holiday unforgettable.

Who should be entrusted with holding competitions?

Carrying out a wedding celebration, including organizing games and entertainment, usually falls on the shoulders of professional hosts and event organizers. To find a good toastmaster, you need to look on the Internet or contact your friends. If the newlyweds intend to celebrate the wedding at home, entrust entertainment program should be responsible witnesses or relatives of the young people.

Young people and guests are looking forward to one of the most important and interesting parts wedding celebration - a festive feast with fun competitions and dancing. A lot of interesting things happen in the banquet hall: giving gifts, touching wishes family and friends, as well as a delicious banquet and long-awaited wedding dessert! However, the most fun part of the celebration can confidently be called the wedding games and fun competitions that the newlyweds prepared together with the host to create a cheerful and warm mood in the hall. All games selected by the toastmaster for the wedding must be agreed upon with the bride and groom. They should be kind and funny and definitely match your taste. Avoid stupid and vulgar competitions that only show a lack of tact: your task is to leave good impression from a holiday with loved ones.

On the wedding portal site you will learn about which games for a wedding will be especially fun and memorable, as well as how to properly organize competitions and what props to prepare!

Active games for a wedding: three fun ideas

The wedding feast lasts quite a long time, so all guests feel the need to move a little. Take into account several active competitions for guests and witnesses, which will allow participants not only to have fun, but also to warm up a little. If girls take part in the games, the host may invite them to take off their shoes for a while.

Mother-in-law's pancakes

  • Participants: two teams of 5 people.
  • Props: frying pan, pancakes.

Games and competitions for a wedding can be not only fun, but also delicious. Two mixed teams of 5 people are invited to participate in the team game. Teams of men and women can also compete with each other. Participants line up and receive props - heavy cast iron frying pan, on which lies a fresh pancake. The participant’s task is to run with the frying pan to the designated point, where they need to throw the pancake so that it turns over, and return back to the starting position, passing the frying pan to the next participant. Don't be upset if your pancake falls on the floor: in the game it is only a prop, so quickly pick it up and run to the other participants. The team that completes the relay race faster becomes the winner and receives a delicious pancake dessert as a gift.

Shall we dance?

  • Participants: two couples.
  • Props: not required.

Dancing games for a wedding always cause a storm of emotions among guests, as it is always unusual, creative and fun. Two couples in love (boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife) are invited to participate in the competition. The presenter turns on the music different styles, and couples need to quickly change the style of their dance, trying not to interrupt it. So, starting with a waltz, participants can end with a belly dance. The couple whose dance was the brightest and most daring receives a fun prize, for example, a children's microphone. The losing couple must dance their last farewell dance - “Swan Lake”. Such dance competitions will invigorate and amuse even the most gloomy and sleepy guests!


  • Participants: 10 guys.
  • Props: 100 multi-colored rubber bands.

Wedding games for guests can be very diverse, the main thing is that they contain some humor and creativity. 10 men are selected as participants in the “Lovelace” competition, to whom the presenter gives 10 rubber bands, each different colors. The participants' task is to put rubber bands on ring fingers ladies in the banquet hall. The more girls a participant “rings”, the better chances he has to win. Each girl in the hall can only put one elastic band on her finger. The winner receives a gift of kisses on the cheek from all the girls with rubber bands of the same color.

Wedding table games: three fun competitions

Tired after active games, guests can sit at the table for a while and taste delicious holiday treats. To maintain a cheerful atmosphere in the hall, the host can offer several funny wedding competitions right at the banquet table.

Who's louder

  • Participants: all guests.
  • Props: A phone with a program that measures sound volume.

Cheerful and unusual game At a wedding, guests will check the volume of the voices of your family and friends. It is best to divide the participants into two teams, for example, the right table and the left table. The presenter stands in the center and turns on special program on your phone (for example, “Sound Level Meter”), which will measure the volume in decibels. Each team will be asked to sing a line from a song as loudly as possible: the loudest ones will win!

Strong chain

  • Participants: all guests.
  • Props: not required.

Guests are divided into two large teams, for example, the right and left half of the table. The essence of the game is for guests to form a strong chain by grabbing onto that part of their table neighbor’s body that the host names (for example: nose, arm, leg, elbow, knee, ear). Teams take turns playing against the clock. The presenter quickly names the parts of the body, and the participants must grapple with each other as quickly as possible. If the chain breaks, the team automatically loses. If both teams can easily form strong chains, the fastest team wins.

The most savvy

  • Participants: three guests.
  • Props: cards with tongue twisters.

This competition is good to hold closer to the middle or end of the feast, when all the guests have not only eaten well, but also drank a little. The host watches the guests throughout the evening and selects the funniest and not so sober guys for the competition. The participants’ task is to pronounce as much as possible more tongue twisters written on prepared cards. Three attempts are given to read, after which the turn is passed to the next participant. The most savvy and focused guest wins. This game will cause a storm among the guests positive emotions and a sea of ​​laughter.

On the website Svadebka.ws you learned about what wedding games and competitions can be held at your celebration, so that guests remember the wedding as a fun and bright event!

    A wedding reception as a formal banquet with dancing after the feast is generally accepted and boring. Games and competitions at a wedding are a great way to set the right mood, introduce guests to each other, create a relaxed atmosphere, and make the holiday bright. This article will tell you how to have a fun wedding.

    A wedding banquet usually lasts 5-6 hours. Accordingly, the program of this event must be clearly structured and have a specific scenario

    Good manners suggest that guests begin to arrive about half an hour before the bride and groom appear.

    IMPORTANT: If there is a host at the wedding, his responsibilities include introducing the arriving guests. Acquaintance should be unobtrusive, without familiarity or ingratiation.

    Fun photo shoot

    The wait for the banquet to begin can be brightened up not only with a light aperitif in the Wellcome zone, but also with a fun photo session with funny accessories in a special photo zone.

    Photo zone design ideas

    Wedding wish tree

    Guests can also write wishes to the newlyweds and decorate the wish tree with them.

    Memorable interview

    The invitees can be interviewed in order to edit them later.
    funny surprise interview.

    VIDEO: Comic interview for a wedding

    Wedding crossword

    "Crossword about a couple"

    A pre-written Couple Crossword will keep guests of all ages entertained.

    Questions for the bride and groom at a wedding

    List of sample questions:

    Place of the first meeting of the bride and groom
    Bride's birth city
    Groom's favorite movie
    Tender nickname for the bride
    Groom's pet name
    Favorite movie of newlyweds
    Where will the newlyweds go on their honeymoon?

    Help to create a “Crossword about a couple” online programs compiling crossword puzzles. The crossword puzzle should be printed in a format that will be convenient for reading and filling out even for elderly guests.
    The first guest or group of guests who correctly fill out the crossword puzzle can be awarded a memorable prize from the bride and groom.

    Wedding competition "Intuition"

    • Perfect for the first stage of dating and will allow new relatives and friends to get to know each other better.

    You need to prepare for the competition in advance:

    • remember the invitees
    • some features
      interesting facts from life
      their hobbies
      the specifics of each person’s profession (if the circle of guests is small) or several of the most interesting guests (if there are many invited)
    • Of course, the characteristics should be interesting and individual.

    IMPORTANT: It would not be entirely appropriate to state a fact regarding the presence higher education or holidays abroad.

    Characteristics are written down or printed on cards and placed in bags or boxes. One bag contains the characteristics of the guests from the groom's side, the other - the bride's. Both all guests in turn and an expert group of several people can test their intuition.

    Wedding table games and competitions for guests

    The purpose of holding wedding table games and competitions is to activate guests and bring them closer together. Guests, as a rule, respond quite actively to the presenter’s offer to have fun themselves and please the bride and groom.

    Flash mob “Unusual wedding congratulations”

    The host reads out the words of congratulations, and the guests unanimously illustrate what was said with gestures.
    When the word sounds
    “love” the guests simultaneously draw hearts in the air,
    “health” - men show off their biceps, their companions or ladies sitting next to them express admiration for the strength and prowess of the opposite sex,
    “luck” is a popular gesture “okay”,
    “happiness” - they send air kisses to the bride and groom.

    Wedding table game “Guess the word”

    Letters are hidden in advance on the tables. The task of the guests, at the command of the presenter, is to find these letters and make one of them from them. topic words: wedding, bride, married, heart, love, etc.

    VIDEO: Table interactive “Guess the word”

    Traditional wedding competitions: “Locomotive”, “All from Nothing”

    Weddings have always been played. That is why, among the many new trends and fashionable interactions in weddings, there is always a place for the well-known classics.

    Round dance "Locomotive"

    Round dance is a favorite entertainment for many. In order for guests to take a more active part in the general dance, you can announce that those who wish the young people to:
    happy life
    Good luck

    VIDEO: Wedding round dance “Locomotive”

    While the presenter, voicing all possible wedding wishes, walks around the hall, collecting “cars”. When the bulk of the guests have formed a “train”, rousing music is turned on and the dance begins.

    You can diversify the round dance by arranging an obstacle course with the “train”: run around the columns, change the speed, try to catch the last “train”. At the end of the melody, you can invite the round dance participants to hug their neighbors.

    Wedding competition “All from nothing”

    The conditions of this competition are extremely simple, and the implementation does not require complex props. Couples are invited to participate: man-woman.
    Female participants are given a roll toilet paper. You need to make a tie for your gentleman out of paper.

    It doesn’t matter what kind of tie it is: classic or bow tie. Main goal- use all the paper.
    At the end of the competition, the presenter counts how many turns of paper the participant has made around the gentleman’s neck and offers to kiss him the same number of times.

    The Mummy competition is no less popular as a wedding entertainment.

    Fun wedding competitions with dancing for newlyweds and guests, video

    A wedding must definitely dance. Wedding competitions with dancing for newlyweds and guests are always remembered with bright and positive emotions.

    VIDEO: Dance flash mob at a wedding

    VIDEO: Wedding competition “Dance Battle”

    VIDEO: Master class “Wedding Dance School”

    Conducting wedding competitions without a toastmaster. Photo

    A small wedding party requires no toastmaster. Will entertain guests:

    Wedding karaoke competition with theme songs

    Wedding game "Cornhole"

    The game "Cornhole" will appeal to guests of all ages.
    Rules of the game: teams try to throw pillows filled with peas or corn into holes on special platforms. For hitting the target, the team receives 3 points, 1 point - if the projectile stayed on the slippery platform but did not hit the target.

    Wedding game "Ring toss"

    Throwing rings. To play you will need three plastic rings and five pins (for an open area) / five bottles (for an indoor area). The four pins/bottles are placed to form a square, the fifth piece is placed in the center of the square. Players try to put rings on the pins. For hitting the ring on the corner pin, the player receives 5 points, and on the central pin - 10. The number of attempts is set by the newlyweds

    Wedding game "Limbo"

    Limbo - classic happy parties. To the cheerful music, the dancers bend back lower and lower.

    Wedding game: "The Leaning Tower"

    "The Leaning Tower" (Jenga). The game is suitable for both open areas and the coffee table. It all depends on the size of the wooden blocks. The blocks are stacked in a wooden tower. On each new floor, the laying direction alternates. Players begin to pull out one block at a time from the lower floors and move them upstairs. The tower is getting higher, but less and less stable.

    Interesting competitions and games for wedding toastmasters

    The main trend of modern wedding celebrations is to reflect the characters, hobbies, and affections of the couple. However, we should not forget about the guests, because the main thing that makes a wedding memorable is the festive atmosphere.

    VIDEO: Game for guests “Guess the melody”

    VIDEO: Game for guests “Orange”

    VIDEO: Interactive with children at a wedding

    VIDEO: Quiz competition at a wedding

    Wedding giveaways with fun prizes. Cash competitions at weddings

    The tradition of buying a piece of a wedding loaf has been known since time immemorial. Guests bought pieces of the wedding loaf for “good luck.” A tribute to an ancient tradition - modern wedding cake auctions.

    VIDEO: Wedding auction

    Competition for the most original congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding

    There are a lot of ideas for original wedding congratulations: from verbal congratulations and toasts to creating collages from photos of the couple. But the most popular are video congratulations.

    VIDEO: Congratulations to friends on their wedding

    VIDEO: Congratulations to friends and relatives on their wedding

    VIDEO: Clip-congratulations from friends

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