Examples of subordinate objectives in English. What are subordinate clauses in English?

As is known, the proposal ( sentence) is a combination of words that expresses a specific complete thought. Being the minimum unit of speech, a sentence can be as simple as ( simple), and complex in its structure. Everything is in the article of the same name on our blog. And if you missed something or didn’t notice something while studying them, read the article again.

From the material in the article you will learn that complex sentences can be compound in composition ( compound) and complex ( complex). The difference between them is that in the first all parts of the sentence are equal, and in the second there is a main sentence ( principal clause) and one or more subordinate clauses ( subordinate clauses), which explain it.

Subordinate clauses in English are introduced into a complex sentence with the help of , of which there are not so few. The main ones are that, because, as, if, whether, when, since, after, before, till, unless, though and others.

Types of subordinate clauses in English

Since subordinate clauses in English explain the main thing, they act as various members of a sentence, hence their types and names. So, subordinate clauses are:

  1. Subject clauses (the subject clause), introduced by unions that(What), if / whether(li), who(Who), what(What), which(which), when(When), where(Where), how(How), why(Why).

    Whether we met there or does not mean anything now. “Whether we met or not doesn’t matter now.”

    What she told me yesterday turned out to be the truth. “What she told me yesterday turned out to be true.”

  2. Predicate clauses(predicative – the predicative clause), which uses the same conjunctions as the previous subordinate clause in English.

    The question is whether he knows about her betrayal or not. “The question is whether he knows about her betrayal or not.”

    The problem was that he treated us as people unfamiliar. “The problem was that he treated us like strangers.”

  3. Additional clauses(the object clause), which are attached to the main clause using conjunctions that, if / whether, what, who, which, where, how, why.

    He told us that he had seen us buying a bouquet of flowers. – He said that he saw us buying a bouquet of flowers.

    I don't understand what I must do now. – I don’t understand what I should do now.

  4. Subordinate clauses (the attributive clause), and to work with them you will need such unions as who(which), whose(whose), which / that(which), where(Where), why(Why).

    The house where we once lived has been burned. “The house we once lived in burned down.

    The woman who helped us was a doctor from our local hospital. “The woman who helped us was a doctor from our district hospital.

  5. Subordinate adverbial clauses (the adverbial clause) which have their own classification.

    First of all, this subordinate clauses of place (the adverbial clause of place), which, based on the name, require only conjunctions where(where, where) and wherever(wherever, wherever).

    The dog sleeps wherever he wants. - The dog sleeps wherever he wants.

    Do you know where he plays football? – Do you know where he plays football?

    Then follow such subordinate clauses in English as adverbial clauses of time (the adverbial clause of time). Accordingly, they require conjunctions that define time parameters: when(When), after(after), before(before), till(until), while(while), since(since), as soon as(as soon as).

    She was still crying when he entered the room. “She was still crying when he entered the room.

    By the time you get married, I will have a family with three children. - By the time you get married, I will already have a family and three children.

    Next, we select a group such as subordinate clauses circumstances (the adverbial clause of reason) and explain them by conjunctions because(because), as / since(because).

    I called you because I needed money. - I called you because I needed money.

    He can’t go to the party because he caught cold. He can't go to the party because he has a cold.

    Smoothly move on to adverbial clause of purpose (the adverbial clause of purpose). Remembering introductory conjunctions that(to), so that / in order that(in order to), lest(so as not to...).

    She must speak louder so that everyone could hear her. “She must speak louder so that everyone can hear her.”

    He works hard in order that he can afford himself to buy a house of his dreams. – He works hard to afford to buy his dream house.

    Of course, we don’t forget about such subordinate clauses in English as subordinate clauses circumstances (the adverbial clause of condition), based on unions if(If), provided that / on condition that(provided that).

    If you find the book I asked, I will fulfill my promise. “If you find the book I asked for, I will fulfill my promise.”

    I won't be free unless you tell me about this. “I won’t be free until you tell me so.”

    There are still subgroups of subordinate adverbial clauses course of action (the adverbial clause of manner), comparisons (the adverbial clause of comparison) And concessions (the adverbial clause of concession). The first and second subgroups of subordinate clauses in English need conjunctions as(How), as if / as though(ostensibly). But for the third one they are suitable though(Although), no matter how(no matter how), no matter what(whatever it is, anyway).

    She is looking at her mother as if she doesn’t recognize her. “She looks at her mother as if she doesn’t recognize her.

    He reads as quickly as he can. – He reads as fast as he can.

    No matter what he says, I do not believe him. “No matter what he says, I don’t believe him.”

That's how many types subordinate clauses in English formed. Although, despite their number, they are all understandable and not at all difficult. You just have to remember the conjunctions and features of each group of subordinate clauses. And with the help of this information you will be able to quickly navigate such complex topic, How .

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Subordinate clauses in English are found in complex sentences. They differ in that their meaning will not be fully understood without the presence of the main clause.

Types of subordinate clauses

Depending on the grammatical function, subordinate clauses can be subject clause, predicative, attributive, object, and adverbial. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


Performs the function of the subject. Please pay Special attention on the structure of the main part, which is in this case lacks a subject, because this is the subject clause.

What I want to tell you is something very important. – What I want to tell you is very important.

  • If the subordinate clause comes after the main clause, then the pronoun it is placed at the beginning of the sentence.

    It was always possible that they can break up. “The possibility that they could separate has always existed.

    Please note: in order for the perception of the phrase to remain pleasant to the ear and readable in Russian, the structure can be completely changed during translation.

  • If, whether, that, who, which, what, whatever, whoever, where, when, why, how are used as connecting elements, or they may not exist at all.

    What was done could not be undone. – What’s done is done (it can’t be undone).

Subordinate clauses in English


Performs the function of a predicate or predicate. The unusual nature of such constructions lies in the fact that the sentence contains only part of the compound nominal predicate(linking verb), and the second part is the entire predicative clause.

  • The conjunctions that, if, whether, as if are used as connectives.

    I felt as if someone poured a bucket of water over my head. “I felt as if a bucket of water had been poured on my head.”

  • Functional words what, which, who, where, when, how, why.

    That was why you asked him so many questions. “That’s why you asked him so many questions.”

    Please note: as a rule, predicative clauses are not separated by commas, the exception is the presence of several predicative clauses that are consistent with each other.

Additional subordinate clause

They serve as a complement and refer to the word in the main sentence.

I have no idea what he is talking about! – I have no idea what he’s talking about!

Ligaments may be absent altogether.


Determinative clauses in English refer to the noun (pronoun) in the principal clause. Depending on the meaning and type of connection, they are divided into relative and appositive. The first type can have both union and non-union connections, the second - only union.

Relative (attributive relative) can be restrictive and descriptive.

  • Restrictive ones narrow the meaning of the word being defined, and without their presence the entire meaning of the statement changes. Because of this close connection with the main clause they are not separated by a comma and are introduced by relative pronouns - who, whose, which, as, that; relative adverbs – when, where.

    All that could have been done had been done. “Everything that could be done was done.”(If we remove “that could have been done” from the sentence, the meaning of the phrase changes radically.)

  • Descriptives do not limit the meaning of the word being defined and introduce Additional information about him, which we can remove without changing the meaning of the phrase. Because the connection here is not as close as in the previous case, then the sentences are separated by a comma. For input use who, which and where, when.

    She, who was always very persistent, gave up. “She, always being very persistent, gave up.

  • Appositives serve as an application, revealing the meaning of an abstract noun. If you remove them, the meaning will not change. They are introduced using that, whether, how, why.

    He stopped in the hope that she would say something. – He stopped in the hope that she would say something.(The qualified abstract noun is hope.)


Adverbial clauses act as adverbs and define a verb, adjective or adverb. Depending on the meaning, adverbial sentences can be associated with:

You can also learn about subordinate clauses from the video:

In a complex sentence, the subordinate clause performs a number of functions: adverbials, nominal parts compound predicate, subject, definition and object. Subordinate clauses in English are introduced into complex sentences. Conjunctions are used for this that, if, before, because, as, unless, though till, when, since, after etc.

Classification of subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses are divided into many types.

1. Subordinate clauses (Subject Clause). They act as the subject of a sentence and answer the questions who? What? Subjects are connected by conjunctions that, whether, i f, who (whom), whose, what, which, when, where,how, why.

Where I live is a wonderful place. (The place where I live is wonderful)

How he behaves drives me mad. (His behavior is driving me crazy).

2. Predicative clauses. These sentences perform the functions of the nominal part of a compound predicate. Predicates are connected by the same conjunctions as subjects, and answer the question: what is the subject? (what is it? what is the subject?).

The problem is whether they are able to study. (The problem is whether they can learn)

The result was that we hadn’t got any presents. (As a result, we did not receive any gifts)

3. Additions (Object Clause). In a sentence they serve as a direct or prepositional indirect object. These sentences answer the question what?

They said that they did all the tasks. (They said they did all the tasks)

I was told that I was a strange person. (They told me I'm a strange person)

4. Definitions (Attributive Clause). In a sentence, they perform the functions of definition and answer the questions: what? which? whose? In turn, they are connected by unions who, whose, which, that, where, when, why.

I like the song that I heard in the club. (I like the song I heard in the club)

He wears the coat which he bought long ago. (He is wearing a coat that he bought a long time ago)

5. Circumstances (Adverbial Clause). These sentences perform the functions of various circumstances. When do they answer questions? Where? Where? Why? How? and etc.

In English, this kind of sentence, which performs the functions of adverbials, is divided into 8 types according to their meaning:

  • time;
  • places;
  • causes;
  • consequences;
  • mode of action and comparison;
  • concessionary;
  • goals;
  • conditions.


They are connected to each other by alliances when, while, as, as soon as, since, till, untill, after and others.

I won’t eat until you join me. (I won't eat until you join me)

You haven’t slept since morning. (You haven't slept since this morning)


The main clause is connected with conjunctions where, wherever.

She leaves where the forest grows the biggest. (She lives where the thickest forest grows)

Wherever I lived, I was always satisfied. (Wherever I lived, I was always happy)


They are connected to the main clause by conjunctions because, since, as, now, for.

I caught a cold because I was reckless. (I caught a cold because I was careless)

Since you study well, you may get some privileges. (Since you are a good student, you can get some privileges)


Connect with the main clause with a conjunction so that(so... that), instead of which in colloquial speech so is often used.

I was a good boy so I can get sweets. (I was good boy so I can get sweets)

Mode of action and comparison

I'll think like want to. (I'll think the way I want)

Comparative clauses with the main clause are connected by conjunctions than, as…as, not so...as, the…the.

He is as handsome as his father. (He is as handsome as his father)


United by unions though, although, however, whoever and others.

She was never in love though many boys like her. (She never fell in love, although many guys liked her)


Conjunctions are used so that, in order that, lest.

Do this work right now so that we may start another work. (Do this work now so we can start other work)


Conjunctions are used if, in case, unless, provided (that) and others.

If we try better, we’ll finish the work by noon. (If we try harder, we will finish the work by noon)

Subordinate clauses in English differ in their functions in a sentence and meaning.

Types of subordinate clauses in English

I. Subordinate clause - subject
that - what
if, whether
who - who
what - what, which
which - which
when - when
where - where
how - how
why - why

Whether we played there or not means nothing now. - Whether we played there or not, it doesn’t matter now.
That she understands his fault is clear. - It is clear that she understands her guilt.
What she told me yesterday proved to be correct. “What she told me yesterday turned out to be true.”
Who spoke at that meeting has escaped my memory. - I can’t remember who spoke at this meeting.
Which of the knives is good for our kitchen has to be decided yet. - Which knife is suitable for our kitchen will still be decided.
Where she is hiding now is not known. - Where she is hiding now is unknown.
When he arrives is not mentioned. - When he arrives is unknown.
Why they have chosen that way was known only to their guide. - Why they chose this path was known only to their guide.
How you have managed to do it is very strange. - It’s very strange how you managed to do this.
II. Subordinate clause - predicate (is noun part predicate) are the same as for the subordinate clause
This is what I told you about. - What I told you about.
The question is whether the weather is sunny. - The question is whether the weather will be sunny.
III. Subordinate clause - addition
if, whether
what - what, which
who - who
which - which
where - where
how - how
why - why
Tom asked if he could take that book. - Tom asked if he could take this book.
We know that she is pretty. - We know that she is beautiful.
I don't know what Jimmy should do now. - I don't know what Jimmy should do now.
I wonder why penguins don't fly. - I wonder why penguins don’t fly?
The secretary told us how we can arrange our offers. - The secretary told us how we can prepare our proposals.
…where to sleep. -...where to sleep.
… which bag to buy. - ... which bag to buy.
IV. Subordinate clause - attributive
who - which
whose - whose
which - which
that - which
where - where
why - why
The room has a stove which faces the door. - The room has a stove, which is located opposite the door.
It is the same person whom we saw last month. - This is the same man we saw a month ago.
Do you know the reason why Maria was late? - Do you know the reason why Maria was late?
The time when MaryI was young has long passed. - The time when Mary was young is long gone.
The castle where we once had dinner has disappeared. - The castle where we once had lunch has disappeared.
V. Circumstances of the place
where - where
wherever - wherever, wherever.
Put the vase where it belongs. - Put the vase in its place.
Wherever you go, you should be careful. - Wherever you go, you must be careful.
VI. Circumstances of the time
when - when
after - after that
before - before
till - until
while - while
since - since
as soon as - as soon as
After you go there, you can call on me. - When you go there, you can visit me.
When summer comes, we'll go to the country. - When summer comes, we will go to the village.
By the time Amy arrives, I’ll be ready. - By the time Amy arrives, I'll be ready.
Let me smoke a cigar before I go. - Let me smoke a cigar before I go.
VII. Circumstance of the reason
because - because
as - since
since - since
Tim can’t go to the concert because he is busy. - Tim can't go to the concert because he's busy.
VIII. Circumstance of the course of action
as - how
that - what
as if = as though - as if
She chews so loudly that everyone can hear her. - She chews so loudly that everyone can hear her.
IX. Circumstance of the goal
that - to
so that or in order to - in order to
lest - so as not to...
Eva had to talk louder, so that everyone could hear her. -Eve had to speak louder so that everyone could hear her.
X. Circumstances of the condition.
if - if
provided that = on condition that - provided that
If she is free today, he might be at the conference. - If she is free today, she should be at the conference.
I will read you an

An English sentence can be compared with a Russian one in that their structure is partially similar, and we're talking about not about the members of a sentence, but about parts of one phrase. So, they are found in the language. The second ones, which will be discussed in this article, in turn, are complex, where all parts are equal and independent, and complex. A complex sentence is so called because one or more of its parts are subordinate to another, and these subordinate parts themselves can answer different questions and act as different components of a phrase. These features determined the emergence of such a concept as clauses, and determined the classification of types of clauses in accordance with their role in the sentence. This will be discussed in this article. We will look at what subordinate clauses are in English, what types of them are distinguished and how they differ from each other.

General information about subordinate parts

The translation of the word clause will be “part”, and further we will talk about those parts complex sentence, which can convey different meanings and answer different questions. In general, there are main / principal - main and subordinate clauses - subordinate clauses in English (parts). This division is very clearly visible in subjunctive mood, because conditional sentences in English consist directly of the following components: the main sentence carries the main essence, and the subordinate part contains the condition.

It is worth noting that parts of a complex sentence can be connected either through conjunctions or other connecting words, or not have any connecting units. Example of a union connection:
She was sure that nobody would come to see her off“She was sure that no one would come to see her off.”

An example of a non-union connection:
I wish I had been there a few days before– It’s a pity that I wasn’t there a few days before.

It is also impossible not to note the fact that subordinate clauses do not have any specific place, i.e. they can either precede the main parts or come after them:

· It was hard to overcome the problem because the task was too difficult– It was difficult to overcome the problem because the task was too difficult

· When he phoned in the evening, I was watching my favorite TV program – When he called in the evening, I was watching my favorite program

The translation of clauses today can also be considered all subordinate clauses, including those that contain the main members of the sentence. This is perhaps due to the fact that the types of subordinate clauses are very numerous, and when we are talking about parts of a complex sentence, it is important to emphasize all fragments of the phrase without exception. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the types of clauses in more detail, give examples from different categories, and determine what questions each type answers.

Main types of subordinate parts

It is customary to distinguish the following types of subordinate clauses in English:

1. Subject clause

or, more simply put, a part that contains a subject. It shows the relationship of this clause to the predicate and can appear either at the beginning or at the end and be preceded by various conjunctions or connecting words (who, what, which, where, that, etc.):

What does he want to do is to go away right now – What he wants to do is leave right now

2. Predicative clause - subordinate predicates

They are in many ways reminiscent of the previously described subject clauses, since they also contain one of two main members. In addition, approximately the same conjunctions and connecting elements are also used before them - who, what, that, how, why, etc. The only difference is that those subordinate clauses in English that have a predicative usually appear in the second half:

The problem was how the boys could reach that place- The problem was how the boys could get to that place

3. Object clause - additional clauses

In fact, they serve as a full-fledged supplement. Connect with main part additional subordinate clauses can be used through a variety of conjunctions and connecting elements - that, is, what, who, whatever, whoever, etc. Such parts are also called explanatory and answer questions indirect cases: What? about whom? etc.:

He always does what his mother tells him to do– He always does what his mother tells him to do.

4. Attributive clauses

They act as definitions and are associated with either nouns or pronouns that appear in the main clause. Determinative clauses in English can be linked to main clauses by different elements: these can be relative pronouns (who, that, which, etc.), relative adverbs (when, where), and the method can also be non-union. Complex sentences with attributive clauses are quite popular because of the possibility different ways coordination with the main part; Usually the attributive clause answers the question which? and may look like this:

He started in the hope that everyone would support him– He started in the hope that everyone would support him

5. Adverbial clauses

which constitute perhaps the most large subgroup. Complex sentences with adverbial clauses are very common, since they convey a lot of meaning and have several separate subtypes. It is logical to assume that SPP with adverbial adverbial clauses has a part inside in the adverbial function, which can have different meanings and be used to display different situations. So, any table with these types will offer the following options:

a) Adverbial clause of time - subordinate time in English

Quite often, parts of time and conditions stand together, since both subordinate conditions and time are clearly reflected in the subjunctive mood, where they have special grammatical norms for the formation of time. Temporal clauses have conjunctions that precede them - as, as soon as, till, until, when, etc.:
As soon as I saw her, I called my friends to tell them this news – As soon as I saw her, I called my friends to tell them this news

b) Adverbial clauses of place

There is usually nothing complicated in them, and the words that precede them are somehow connected with the place - where, wherever:
I feel good where I live– I feel good where I live

c) Adverbial clauses of purpose

Their essence lies in the name itself: they convey the purpose for which the action is performed. They are preceded by such known structures, as in order, so that, etc.:

I looked at him so that he could understand the seriousness of my intention– I looked at him so that he could understand the seriousness of my intentions

d) Of cause - reasons

This part is designed to show one reason or another in relation to the main part. May begin with conjunctions because, for, since, as, etc.:

I decided not to go there since I didn't know anyone at that party– I decided not to go there because I didn’t know anyone at that party

e) Of condition – subordinate clauses of condition

They are quite familiar to those who remember Subjunctive Mood and conditional sentences. Conditional clauses usually begin with conjunctions such as if (whether), unless, in case, etc.:

In case she comes, nobody will meet her – If she comes, no one will meet her

f) Of comparison

Their essence is quite simple: their translation begins with the words “as if”, “as if”, which are usually expressed through identical conjunctions as if/as though or other structures: as – as, so – as, etc.:

He looked as if nothing could frighten him“He looked like nothing could scare him.”

g) Of result – result or, as they are also called, consequences

The translation of such constructions is “so much that...”, “such that...”. Such clauses are usually expressed through the so that structure, but this case of its use should not be confused with an adverbial clause of purpose, where the essence will be completely different. Here's what a corollary clause looks like:

We were deeply involved in working on the project, so that we didn’t hear he come– We were so involved in working on the project that we didn’t hear it arrive

h) Of manner - way of action

The conjunction as usually shows how an action is performed, that is, the way it is performed. For example:
He did everything as you ordered him- He did everything as you ordered him

i) Adverbial clause of concession - concessions

A typical translation with which such a part will begin is “although”, “despite”, etc. The following meanings are expressed through the conjunctions although, though, however, despite, etc.:

Though he was free, he refused to help us – Although he was free, he refused to help us

As can be seen from all of the above information, there are quite a few types of subordinate clauses of a sentence, but each of them has individual distinctive features in the form of conjunctions that introduce them, so studying this extensive topic usually does not cause major problems and difficulties.

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