Professional English for psychologists. English for psychologists: useful resources and learning tips

ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS - twice laureate All-Russian competition for the best scientific book and awarded diplomas from the Development Fund national education. The textbook covers a wide range of psychological problems, consists of seven thematic chapters and is designed for 380 hours classroom work and 300 hours independent work. The texts are intended to be read with or without a dictionary....

ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS - twice winner of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific book and awarded diplomas from the Foundation for the Development of Domestic Education. The textbook covers a wide range of psychological problems, consists of seven thematic chapters and is designed for 380 hours of classroom work and 300 hours of independent work. The texts are intended to be read with or without a dictionary. The varying complexity of text material allows them to be used for reading with understanding, for translation, as well as for discussion and annotation in the first and second years of non-linguistic universities. A variety of pre-text assignments will help students better understand professional vocabulary, post-text exercises will prepare them for conversation in professional themes. The tasks in each chapter are aimed at developing speech and communication skills. Group and pair work provided in the textbook will help the teacher better use creativity students. Psychological tests and logic problems, questionnaires and humorous tasks will help make classroom lessons interesting and will have a positive effect on students’ motivation to study foreign language. The publication may be useful for preparing for candidate exams and scientific and practical conferences. Russian-English and English-Russian dictionary can be used not only when reading the texts of this publication, but also when translating scientific articles and preparing reports for self-study English for professional use. Complies with the current requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard higher education. Recommended for students of psychology departments of higher educational institutions, as well as specialists in this field.

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E.V. Nikoshkova

ENGLISH language

For psychologists A textbook for students of higher educational institutions


UDC 811.111:159.9 (075.8) BBK 81.2Eng:88ya73 N64

Nikoshkova E.V.

H64 English for psychologists: Textbook. allowance for st-ud. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2003.- 160 p.

ISBN 5-305-00053-Х.

The manual consists of eight lessons built around original texts on general psychology, lexical and grammatical exercises for them, as well as exercises to develop speaking skills on the topics of the lessons.

The “Appendix” contains eight texts that are similar in topic to the main texts of the manual, which can be used as additional or home reading.

UDC 811.111:159.9(075.8) BBK81 .2English:8$я73

© Nikoshkova E.V., 2002 © VLADOS-PRESS Publishing House LLC, 2002 © Series “Textbook for Universities” and serial design. VLADOS-PRESS Publishing House LLC, 2002 © Layout. LLC Publishing House VLADOS-ISBN 5-305-00053-X PRESS, 2002


This manual is intended for second-year university students specializing in psychology. Working with the manual is recommended at the second stage of teaching English at a university - the transition to reading original literature in the specialty.

The purpose of the manual is to develop the following skills in students:

    be able to maintain a conversation in English and make messages within the framework of the topics being studied;

    adequately translate original psychological texts of average complexity.

The need to solve the assigned problems predetermined the structure of the manual.

The manual consists of eight lessons. In the center of each lesson is a text on one of the sections general psychology(for example, “Sensations”, “Perceptions”, “Memory and Thinking”, etc.) All texts included in the manual, popular science in nature, are original and not adapted. However, they were subjected to some abbreviations, which was dictated by the educational purposes of the manual.

Each text is preceded by a list of active vocabulary, or high frequency in psychological literature, or absolutely necessary for the subsequent oral discussion of the topic of the lesson.

The active vocabulary of the lesson is consolidated during the implementation of post-text lexical exercises. These are exercises for translating phrases and short sentences from English into Russian and from Russian into English, intended mainly for oral classroom work. In addition, as lexical exercises, the manual includes exercises for filling in the gaps and final exercises for the written translation of coherent texts from Russian into English. Necessary

emphasize that all the rest of the material in the manual (in particular, the grammatical sections) is based on active vocabulary, which ensures its high repeatability and good assimilation.

The manual also includes exercises on individual word-formation modes ate and, the most widespread in the psychological literature. This is dictated by the fact that knowledge of such models significantly expands the potential vocabulary of students.

In general, it is assumed that in the course of working on the manual, students will be able to learn and actively use up to 300 - 350 new lexical units that are highly frequent in the psychological literature.

Along with the activation of vocabulary, the manual devotes a significant place to the study of grammatical material. This is second-year receptive material and is usually not given enough attention in school English courses (non-finite verb forms, complex revolutions with them, conditional sentences, etc.) The grammatical topics to be studied are given in a list at the beginning of each lesson. Since the selected grammatical material is used mainly for receptive assimilation, among grammar exercises exercises on identifying individual grammatical forms and phenomena and translation of sentences with them. The manual also includes general exercises on - ed, - ing forms, functions Jo have, to he, should, would etc. to systematize students' knowledge in the field of English grammar.

It should be said that since the topics of the texts are already familiar to students from the general psychology course, they can be used to successfully develop oral speech skills. This is, first of all, a question-and-answer form of work on texts, a retelling of individual provisions from texts, a retelling of the whole text, student reports about the state of the problems raised in the texts in modern Russian psychology, as well as about their different interpretations in Russia and abroad and etc.

The manual is equipped with an appendix consisting of eight original texts, which, with their themes and vocabulary, are most closely related to the main texts of the manual. The application texts can be used for both group and individual work after completing the corresponding basic texts.

To make your work easier, the manual is equipped with a dictionary that basically covers all the vocabulary in the manual.

Classes I And II (primary consolidation of the material). Work on the main text and dictionary: reading and translating the text; working on the vocabulary of the text and performing lexical exercises of the lesson, question-and-answer conversation on the text to check understanding of the content of what was read.

Classes III And IV (secondary consolidation of the material). Work on the entire lesson vocabulary. Working on the grammar section of the lesson. Translation and oral discussion of additional texts on related topics to develop oral communication skills.

Class V (completion of work on the lesson). Retelling the main provisions of the text, composing dialogues and discussing individual points on the topic of the lesson; lexico-grammatical test work on the studied material.

At this point, work on the main section can be completed, but it continues for two more lessons, using the corresponding section of the application or, at the discretion of the teacher, other texts as educational material.

It should be said that real work- second expanded edition. The first was published under the title “A Manual on the English Language for Students of University Psychology Faculties” at Yaroslavl State University in 1975. The manual was approved by specialists. At the same time, there was a desire to expand the sections aimed at developing speaking skills. As a result, the manual was replenished with exercises for composing dialogues on the topic being studied, as well as new texts to cover the content, highlight the main idea and discuss them. Working on these texts develops students' initial skills in summarizing and annotating. The updated, expanded version of the manual was made and tested when working with students at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Clearly aware that all difficulties could not be overcome, the author will be grateful for all comments and suggestions aimed at improving the manual.

The textbook became a laureate of the competition for best book 2009, approved by the Foundation for Development of Domestic Education. The manual is aimed at developing reading skills and colloquial speech in English on professional topics and professional level. The publication will help students prepare for speeches at scientific student conferences, for participation in scientific disputes and for speeches and presentations in their specialty. Each chapter of the textbook includes several texts various levels difficulties with tasks, as well as humorous psychological tests and questionnaires, sociological surveys, psychological and logical tasks. In addition, the publication contains a glossary, English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries of psychological concepts.

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  2. Psychology students or practicing professionals appreciate the opportunity for career growth abroad. That is why the course “English for psychologists” has become increasingly popular lately. How is this course different from the General English course? Firstly, a huge amount professional terms you should know. Secondly, there are many idioms and phraseological expressions standard phrases, which is used mainly by psychologists in their speech.

    It is also worth noting that when applying to foreign universities, you must not only speak general English, but also know the vocabulary of your specialty at a fairly good level. We recommend studying English for psychologists using textbooks by famous authors:

    • Kovalenko P.I. K56 English for psychologists. Rostov n/d: “Phoenix”, 2000. – 352 p.
    This training manual created specifically for students of psychological specialties. The textbook can be roughly divided into three parts: the first of them presents English grammar; secondly, excerpts from a course of lectures on the history of psychology from the best universities in the USA. The third part of the textbook is a selection of texts from the works of classics in psychology.
    • Nikoshkova E.V. English for psychologists / textbook for students of higher educational institutions, Moscow, 2004. – 152 p.

    Useful resources for learning English for psychologists

    Large-scale dictionary of psychology terms in English. On the portal you will find the most common phrases, names of diseases and symptoms, processes and transformations, services. Knowledge professional terminology is also necessary for work, as well as for studying a specialty abroad.

    A resource that presents classic texts on psychology. You can select the text by author or topic. Thanks to the texts, you will not only learn as much useful information as possible, but also expand your vocabulary with new words and improve your reading skills.

    A giant glossary of psychology terms in English.

    You can expand your vocabulary thanks to special programs And . You can also study English for psychologists not only on the basis of regular English courses, but also in one of the best

    We wish you success in learning the language!

    “English for Psychologists” is a two-time winner of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific book and was awarded diplomas from the Foundation for the Development of National Education. The textbook covers a wide range of psychological problems, consists of seven thematic chapters and is designed for 380 hours of classroom work and 300 hours of independent work. The texts are intended to be read with or without a dictionary. The varying complexity of text material allows them to be used for reading with understanding, for translation, as well as for discussion and annotation in the first and second years of non-linguistic universities. A variety of pre-text tasks will help students better understand professional vocabulary, and post-text exercises will prepare them for conversations on professional topics. The tasks in each chapter are aimed at developing speech and communication skills. Group and pair work provided in the textbook will help the teacher better use the creative potential of students. Psychological tests and logical tasks, questionnaires and humorous tasks will help make classroom lessons interesting and will have a positive impact on students’ motivation to learn a foreign language. The publication may be useful for preparing for candidate exams and scientific and practical conferences.
    The Russian-English and English-Russian dictionary can be used not only when reading the texts of this publication, but also when translating scientific articles and preparing reports when independently studying English for professional use. Complies with Federal State educational standard fourth generation higher education. Recommended for students of psychology departments of higher educational institutions, as well as specialists in this field.

    What is psychology? How is it connected to biology? What's the origin of the word? Read the definitions and try to explain in your own words.
    Psycho- is a learned borrowing from Greek meaning breath, soul, spirit, and mind. In Greek mythology Psyche (soul or butterfly) was the human bride of Eros, the god of love. Before she is allowed to many Eros she is forced to undergo many difficult orders. Apuleius tells the story of Eros and Psyche in his Metamorphoses. Psychology was considered a study of the soul.

    Psychology is 1) the science of the mind or of mental states and processes: the science of human nature: 2) the science of human and animal behavior; 3) the sum of the mental states and processes of the person or of a number of persons, especially as determining action (e.g. the psychology of a soldier at the battle). Literally, the word psychology means the science of the mind. Most contemporary psychologists would define psychology as the science of the behavior of organisms. By behavior they mean activities and processes that can be observed objectively - both the isolated reactions of muscles, glands and other parts of the organisms and the organized, goal-directed patterns of reaction that characterize the organism as a whole. Psychologists also interpret behavior to include internal processes - thinking, emotional reactions and the like- which one person cannot observe directly in another but which can be inferred from observation of external behavior.

    Behavior is determined by a complex of factors that are partly biological, partly anthropological, partly sociological, and partly psychological. Therefore, psychology is closely connected to both the biological and the social sciences. Psychologists study basic functions such as learning, memory, language, thinking, emotions, and motives. They investigate development throughout mental and physical health care. They also treat people who are emotionally distressed.

    Introduction to psychology
    CHAPTER 1. The sense organs
    (A review of basic grammatical structures: Present Tenses, Passive Voice
    Reading 1. The sense of hearing
    Reading 2. The senses of smell and taste
    Reading 3. The sense of sight
    Reading 4. The sense of touch. The meaning of touch
    Reading 5. Scientists say aromas have major effect on emotions
    CHAPTER 2. The human brain and its functions
    (A review of basic grammatical structures: Past Tenses, question
    Reading 1. The human brain - new discoveries
    Reading 2. The mental edge
    Reading 3. Personality - nature or nurture?
    Reading 4. The bilingual brain
    Reading 5. Do you know your right brain from your left?
    Reading 6. Left-handedness
    Reading 7. What is intelligence? Psychometric approach
    Reading 8. Gardner's eight intelligences. Learning styles
    Reading 9. The brain gain
    CHAPTER 3. Memory
    (A review of basic grammatical structures: Passive Voice, Perfect Tenses, question types, prepositions)
    Reading i. How good is your memory?
    Reading 2. A memory for all seasonings
    Reading 3. May's boy
    Reading 4. Mistaken identity
    CHAPTER 4. Stress
    (Modal verbs and related structures)
    Reading 1. Introduction to stress
    Reading 2. History of stress research
    Reading 3. Stress and illness
    Reading 4. Chocolate: a world favorite
    CHAPTER 5. Perception
    (Infinitives, Gerunds and other verb forms)
    Reading 1. Perception
    Reading 2. Perception and perceiver-distortion illusions
    Reading 3. Illusions
    Reading 4. Illusions of psychiatric significance
    Reading 5. What’s your favorite color? Color in my life
    CHAPTER 6. Abnormal psychology
    (Infinitives, Gerunds, Modals and other verb forms)
    Reading 1. Introduction to mental disorders
    Reading 2. Mental disorders
    Reading 3. Phobic disorder or neurosis
    Reading 4. Afraid to fly?
    Reading 5. Children's fears
    CHAPTER 7. Miscellaneous readings
    (Conditions. Comparative and superlative adjectives)
    Reading 1. Shyness and blushing
    Reading 2. Handwriting analysis
    Reading 3. Headaches
    Reading 4. Sleep and dreams
    Reading 5. The secrets of your dreams
    Reading 6. Talk to yourself
    Reading 7. Learn to lighten up and live longer. Translating blushes and other body language. How to control hostility
    Reading 8. Bad body image. Physiognomy
    Answer keys to chapters
    Extension activities and brainteasers
    Answer keys to extension activities and brainteasers
    Grammar reference
    List of abbreviations
    Russian-English vocabulary
    English-Russian vocabulary

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    The following textbooks and books:

    • English in Dentistry, English in Dentistry, Ageeva I.V., Suponina E.G., 2013 - The purpose of the manual is to develop students’ English-language communicative competence, which allows them to use English as a tool for professional communication and ... Books on English
    • Practical course of modern English, Khvedchenya L.V., 2009 - It is a basic textbook for students of universities in the humanities. Designed for 300 hours of classroom time and provides the entire academic... Books on English
    • Start speaking English, Start Speaking English, Intensive course, Khristorozhdestvenskaya L.P., 2011 - The manual is presented intensive course teaching spoken English. Consists of 39 lessons, sequentially related thematically, lexically and grammatically. ... Books on English
    • English language, Kolykhalova O.A., Makaev V.V., 1998 - The textbook was written by young specialists in the field of philology and pedagogy, using in their work classical principles didactics and modern trends V … Books on the English language Books on the English language
    • Non-finite forms of the English verb, Bedretdinova Z.N., 2011 - The purpose of this manual is to reveal the features of English non-finite forms - infinitive, participles and gerunds - and constructions ... Books on English

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