Russian horde. Horde and Rus' - a union of Eurasian peoples, now called the "yoke"

Mongol Empire. The Mongolian state received official registration at a meeting of the Mongolian tribal nobility, the kurultai, held in 1206. It was led by Khan Temujin, proclaimed Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan was endowed with unlimited power as an eastern ruler. For relatively short term he managed to create powerful empire, which had a large army. Thanks to this, he was able to conquer northern China, Persia, the Khorezm Empire, and the North Caucasus.

Battle on the Kalka River. The first battle with Russian troops took place on the Kalka River in 1237. Mongol-Tatar hordes led by Genghis Khan’s relative, Batu Khan, crossed the Volga and began their destructive campaign against the appanage Russian principalities. Ryazan was the first Russian land to be hit. The princes of Vladimir and Chernigos refused to defend the Russian land together with the Ryazan soldiers. As a result, Ryazan fell on the sixth day of the siege. The princely family and surviving townspeople were killed.

Battle of Kolomna. After the capture of Ryazan, the invaders moved deep into the Russian land along the ice of the Oka River. A major battle with the Vladimir-Suzdal army took place near the city of Kolomna, where the border between the two principalities passed. Having defeated the Russian army, the foreign invaders headed towards Moscow. After a five-day siege, Moscow was taken and burned. Its inhabitants suffered the same fate as the defeated inhabitants of Ryazan. The residents of Vladimir did not defend themselves for long. The Mongol-Tatars defeated them all one by one.

Battleon r.City. On March 4, 1238, across the Volga on the City River, a battle took place between Batu’s army and the main forces of northeastern Rus', which the Vladimir prince Yuri Vsevolodovich managed to gather. The Russian army, inferior in number to the invaders, was defeated. The Mongol-Tatars moved to Novgorod. Having taken Torzhok by storm, the foreigners moved to the north western part Rus'. But the spring thaw changed their plans. Not reaching Veliky Novgorod a hundred miles, they turned back to the Polovtsian steppes. On the way we came across the small but impregnable city of Kozelsk on the river. Zhizdre. For seven weeks the residents resisted the Mongol-Tatar invaders. After the capture of Kozelsk, an angry Batu ordered to burn " evil city", and its surviving inhabitants exterminated without exception.

Siege of Kyiv. In the spring of 1239, Batu Khan rushed with his army to the south of Rus'. This time his eyes turned to the Kyiv land. First, Batu defeated the Chernigov principality. Then in 1240, having crossed the Dnieper, he besieged Kyiv. After numerous attacks, the attackers managed to open the gates to the city. The capital of Kievan Rus was mercilessly burned and plundered by the victors.

In 1241, the Galicia-Volyn principality was destroyed. And everywhere the invaders, taking advantage of the fragmentation and lack of cohesion of the Russian princes, achieved victory. Therefore, within four years (1237-1241), the Russian troops were defeated one by one, and the Russian principalities were captured by the troops of the Mongol Empire. Thus, feudal fragmentation contributed to the establishment of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus'.

Consequences of the yoke for Rus'. Mongol invasion and gold Horde yoke became one of the reasons for the lag of Russian lands behind the developed countries of Western Europe. Huge damage was caused to the economic, political and cultural development of Rus'. Tens of thousands of people died in battle or were taken into slavery. A significant part of the income in the form of tribute was sent to the Horde.

The old agricultural centers and once-developed territories became desolate and fell into decay. The border of agriculture moved to the north, southern fertile soils received the name "Wild Field". Russian cities were subjected to massive devastation and destruction. Many crafts became simplified and sometimes even disappeared, which hampered the creation of small-scale production and ultimately delayed economic development.

The Mongol conquest preserved political fragmentation. It weakened the ties between various parts states. Traditional political and trade relations with other countries. The pace of cultural development of Russian lands has slowed down.

After the defeat of the Russian principalities by the troops of Khan Batu, the leaders appanage principalities fell into the position of tributaries Mongolian state.

Historians claim that the Horde yoke included up to 13 types of different taxes. The invaders recognized the house and family as a unit of taxation. Merchants paid tax on capital or turnover. The Russian Orthodox Church and monasteries were exempt from taxes. This is evidenced by special Golden Horde labels issued to metropolitans. The regularity of tribute payment was controlled by the khan's officials - the Baskaks, who had armed punitive detachments at their disposal. To avoid evasion of tribute by other categories of the population, the Baskaks conducted a census three times. Those who were unable to pay were taken into slavery.

In addition to tribute, the population of Rus' was involved in a number of natural duties. A prominent place among them was occupied by “yam” - the duty to organize inns with horses along the route of the khan’s messengers, ambassadors and other officials. Thus, Rus' was included in the general system of communications of the Mongol Empire. Inn with ready horses on the roadways was called “yam”, and its servants were called coachmen (from the Mongolian “yamchi”).

An effective means of keeping Rus' in obedience was repeated Mongol raids - punitive measures against rebellious princes and popular riots. However, gradually the Mongol-Tatars transferred supervision of order in the captured Russian lands to local tributary princes. If strife arose among the Russian princes, the khan could call them to his Horde, where “the great trial before the princes of Orda” took place. 

Shortcut to reign. Russian princes who fell into vassalage to the Mongol khans received so-called labels for reigning. They were a semblance of Russian charters and were issued first by the Great Khan himself in the capital of the Mongol state, and then by the Khan of the Golden Horde. The Khan had supreme power throughout the Russian lands. He not only judged the Russian princes, but also imposed tribute and taxes on them, and obliged them to send soldiers to his army. The enormous wealth of the princes was spent on gifts to the khan, his relatives and ambassadors, and on bribing the Horde Baskaks officials who collected tribute from Russian lands.

Russian princes were significantly limited in their rights by the authorities Mongol Khan. At first, they could only have their own armed retinue and judge their subjects. Then their rights were somewhat expanded. The Khan of the Golden Horde, at his discretion, issued a label for the great reign to one of the influential Russian princes. This label gave the right to collect tribute not only in their possessions, but also in other principalities. Thus, the institution of the grand ducal system of governance of Russian lands was partially restored.

Novgorod was one of the first to receive a label for the great reign in Kyiv from the Khan. Prince Alexander Nevsky. However, the Russian prince made his capital not the destroyed Kyiv, but first Novgorod, and later Vladimir, the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. Justifying this label, the national hero, who defeated the Swedes on Lake Peipus, helped the Khan's Baskaks impose tribute on the Russian population, organized a census of taxpayers, and even suppressed uprisings of his compatriots against foreign conquerors. 

The principle of “divide and conquer” was manifested in the creation of four great principalities on the territory of conquered Rus', each of which was directly subordinate to the khan, and their princes, who received labels for the great reign, independently collected tribute for the Golden Horde. Such principalities, in addition to Vladimir-Suzdal, were Tver, Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod. 

In addition, the invaders divided Rus' according to the decimal system into “tens”, “hundreds”, “thousands” and “darkness” - 10 thousand, similar to the military organization of the Horde. They strictly established that, by order of the khan, the Russian lands would send one recruit from ten men living in the given territory to the Mongol army. Severe punishment was imposed for the population's evasion of military service. According to the Great Yasa, a set of Mongol laws and customs, disobedient people faced the death penalty by hanging, being torn apart by horses, or having their spines broken.

The criminal law of the Golden Horde was generally distinguished by its exceptional cruelty. According to Great Yasa death penalty was imposed not only for refusal to join the army, but also for treason, disobedience to the khan, other feudal lords and officials. Death overtook a person for unauthorized transfer from one military unit to another, failure to provide assistance in battle, compassion and assistance to a prisoner with food and clothing, for advice and assistance to one of the parties in a duel, lying in court, appropriation of someone else's slave or an escaped captive. It was also imposed in some cases for murder, property crimes, adultery, bestiality, spying on the behavior of others, especially the nobility and authorities, magic, slaughtering cattle in an unknown way, urinating in a fire and ashes. The barbarians even executed those who choked on a bone during the feast. 

Under the conditions of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, many Russian princes built relations between their principalities on a contractual basis. Thus, the agreements concluded by the Vladimir, Tver and Ryazan princes established the boundaries of possessions, the procedure for resolving territorial disputes, the amount of trade duties, etc. An important point of these treaties was an attempt to develop a unified policy towards the Golden Horde.

However, most Russian princes at that time did not think about getting rid of the invaders. Seeing the power of the Golden Horde, they sought to avoid open clashes and protect their subjects from death or slavery. This non-resistance to evil through violence led to the fact that the Russian princes began to turn into obedient “officers” of the Mongol khans, for whom the will of the khan is the law.

Influence of the Golden Horde. The Golden Horde was founded by Khan Batu in the Lower Volga, not far from Astrakhan. It was a typical feudal state. All land was the property of the khan, who could grant individual lands to his subjects for service. The distribution of estates strengthened vassalage. The power of the Supreme Ruler was absolute, that is, unlimited by anyone or anything. The nature of government of the Golden Horde could not but influence the nature of government in the Russian principalities themselves. The Russian vassal princes, forced to unquestioningly obey the will and orders of the khan, no longer wanted to put up with the former relative freedom of the senior squad, their boyars and nobles. The nature of their relationship gradually underwent changes and in many ways began to resemble the Golden Horde order. The boyars, when addressing their prince-superiors, increasingly called themselves serfs and showed their submission in every possible way. Thus, the Mongol-Tatar yoke interrupted the natural process of development of vassalage in Rus', when the boyars and nobles had a certain freedom and guarantees of their rights and privileges.

In a similar way, the Horde yoke influenced the curtailment of the rights and civil liberties of Russian cities. The veche, democratic method of government in cities gave way to authoritarian rule. In the conditions of enslavement by the Mongol-Tatars, the consolidation of princes and townspeople looked more natural than their confrontation or confrontation. According to historians, “the role and importance of the prince in conditions of constant external danger increased immeasurably, which entailed the suppression of urban liberties.”  Then, with the accelerated centralization of the Russian state, public administration acquired the features of autocracy and despotism, in which basic civil rights and freedoms were taken away from society.

The influence of the Mongol-Tatar invasion on the nature of state power and public administration in Russia was noted by many historians. They explained the Asian way of ruling and the slavish obedience of the Russian people by almost two hundred and fifty years of yoke since Karamzin times. As evidence, they referred to the Mongolian system of government, their organization and taxation procedure, the population census in the interests of tax administration, as well as the similarities in the organization of the army, the Yam service, the treasury, etc. Moreover, quite convincing evidence was given that the Russian princes quite widely used a strict order of administration, taxation and military mobilization, established by the Mongols in Rus'.

This theme was also developed by fighters against tsarist autocracy. For example, V.I. Lenin more than once noted “the endless forms of Tatarism in Russian life” and called for the slave to be squeezed out of oneself drop by drop.

Golden Horde isolated Rus' from the countries for two and a half centuries Western Europe, where democratic traditions arose and developed in public administration. The remnants of patrimonial psychology, which were strengthened during this period in the minds of the great princes under the influence of the yoke, formed a persistent habit of treating the state as their property, as their fiefdom. And this led to complete lack of control and irresponsibility of the highest state power, just as it was in the Mongol Empire and the Golden Horde. The problem of lack of control and independence of power has become key in Russia over time. This applies not only to the absolute monarchy, the Russian autocracy, but also more late period our history. The problem of Yeltsin’s entourage, the so-called “Family,” which, according to some political scientists, “privatized state institutions,” is a phenomenon of the same order.  It points to the surviving traditions of omnipotence in public administration and the lack of control from civil society.

Photo: painting by Pavel Ryzhenko “Sartak”

In Kazan, the historical park “Russia is my history” is located on the site of the Kazan Fair exhibition center. This is a multimedia complex in which more than 1000 years of Russian history is reflected using touch screens, projectors, tablets and 3D cinemas. We decided to show how the creators of the park reflected the Horde period in the history of our country, which Russian historiography looks quite contradictory.

Period Horde Rus' The researchers who created the content for the historical park define the years from 1242 to 1359.

"Russian ulus" of the Golden Horde

The territory of Rus' after its subjugation to the Golden Horde is referred to in the park’s exhibition materials as “Russian Ulus”. At that time, it consisted of several dozen different principalities, among which Vladimir and Kiev stood out.

Despite the fact that the “Russian Ulus” was in the power of the Horde khan with his headquarters in Sarai, the executive and judicial powers remained in the hands of the grand dukes. Actually, they were collecting taxes for the Golden Horde.

It is especially worth noting that it was during this period that rivalry for leadership in the region of Moscow and Tver developed; the former, thanks to the support of the Horde khans, gained victory.

Golden Horde and reforms in the Russian army

Interaction with the Horde helped reform the Russian army, researchers note. “Thanks to the conscription system, Russian soldiers became acquainted with and learned many of the strategic and tactical techniques of the Mongols,” the text of the multimedia material says.

The very principle of universal military service was subsequently borrowed from the heirs of Genghis Khan. Now rural people began to be attracted to the service. The princely squad was transformed into the princely court and boyar detachments. The city's militia was replaced by an effective army. It is noted that borrowing from the Mongols ultimately helped Dmitry Donskoy quickly collect big army and win the Battle of Kulikovo.

Privilege Orthodox Church

One of the key organizers of the project is the Russian Orthodox Church. The authors of the project did not forget to mention that during the rule of the Horde, the church was not only legal, but also received significant benefits from the political authorities.

An important point is that the Orthodox clergy were exempt from paying tribute. The construction of temples continued on the territory of Rus'.

Several generations of Russian residents are accustomed to seeing the heirs of Genghis Khan, the Golden Horde, as wild tribe, and the Horde period itself - as heavy burden, which pulled the country back centuries. But this is far from the case, which is confirmed by the presence of religious tolerance and sufficient pluralism of opinions for that period.

Tolerance was so developed that the Russian Orthodox Church could afford missionary activity in the Horde itself. So many Horde members accepted Orthodoxy. As an example, the nephew of Khan Berke, Prince Dair Kaydagul, baptized Peter, is given. “Having been baptized, he moved to Rostov, where he founded the Peter and Paul Monastery and took monastic vows. He was subsequently canonized,” according to park materials.

The rise of Moscow with the support of the khan's power

The Horde period in the history of Russia is characterized by two seemingly opposite processes - the emergence of new territorial principalities and the unification of Russian lands around two main ones. It was during this period that the city of Moscow, the capital of present-day Russia, began to take on the leading roles.

Subsequently, Khan Uzbek executed Prince of Tver Dmitry the Terrible Eyes for arbitrariness, and the great reign went to his brother Alexander. A year later, during the uprising in Tver, the Horde ambassador Cholkhan was killed, and the prince had to flee. After these events, the great reign went to the brother of Yuri of Moscow - Ivan Danilov Kalita.

Genghisids and religious tolerance

The exhibition paid special attention to the issue of religious tolerance in the Empire of Genghis Khan and the Golden Horde. So Genghis Khan granted all his subjects freedom to choose their religion, and exempted all clergy from duties and taxes. “During the period of the yoke, Russian monasteries were not subject to tribute, and crimes against Orthodox clergy were severely punished,” according to the materials of the historical park.

To confirm this, the following words are given: Italian traveler Marco Polo about Kublai Khan (1260 – 1292). “Knowing that Easter is one of our main holidays, he commanded the Christians to bring him the Gospel and, having solemnly smoked this book with incense, reverently kissed it; All the nobles had to do the same on his orders. This is his constant custom at every major holiday among Christians, at Christmas and Easter. He observed the same on the holidays of the Saracens, Jews and pagans,” says the traveler.

According to the historical park, the Horde was the only state in the entire history of Eurasia where religious disputes were held at the expense of the treasury. These events were open in nature. They could be visited by Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims.

The influence of the Great Yasa of Genghis Khan on Russian society

About how the code of laws of Genghis Khan ( Great Yasa) influenced Russian society, as described in one of the materials of the historical park. It is noted that the main goal of the Genghisid empire was military expansion and the conquest of new territories. The laws of the ruler also answered this task.

Eastern choice of Alexander Nevsky and twinning with the Horde Khan

“In the difficult conditions of choosing between the fight against invaders from the West and the rule of the Horde, Alexander Nevsky chose the second option. This allowed the prince to establish mutually beneficial relations with the Horde and preserve Rus',” begins the section dedicated to the difficult choice of Alexander Nevsky.

It is noted that the prince established peaceful relations with the Golden Horde. The choice, according to experts, was also connected with the negotiability and religious tolerance of the Horde.

A visitor to the historical park is presented with a legend about the twinning of Alexander Nevsky with the Horde Khan.

Referring to the hypothesis of Lev Gumilyov, the authors of the historical park talk about a possible twinning alliance between Alexander Nevsky and the Horde ruler Sartak. It is noted that the ritual of fraternization in different forms was known to both parties.

Tikhon Shevkunov: Thanks to the ancestors of the current residents of Tatarstan, our country became the heir to the Chingizid empire

“We are very glad that a historical park is opening in Kazan, because the history of Tatarstan, the history Tatar people for many centuries are also the history of Russia. We were just walking with one of our colleagues, talking about the difficult periods of our history and noticed that it was largely thanks to the ancestors of the current residents of Tatarstan that our country became the heir to the Genghisid empire. Sometimes we don’t even think about it,” these words were spoken at the opening of the park in Kazan by the ideologist of the project, Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Tikhon (Shevkunov).

A day after the material about this appeared on the website of the Tatar-inform news agency, the bishop’s words through National service The news was commented on by the famous historian and political scientist Nikolai Svanidze. The expert said that this is “another statement of an imperial fact.”

We are indeed the heirs of Genghisids, but we are not the only ones. They have plenty of heirs: all of Central Asia, present-day Central Asia, China, not to mention Mongolia itself. This statement in itself means nothing. Many people can say the same about themselves. Of course, this is all unscientific. Moreover, the Tatars themselves consider themselves descendants Volga Bulgars. And they, in turn, have nothing to do with the descendants of Genghis Khan. But then everything got mixed up. From a distance, yes, this is a scientific thesis. But I repeat, half the world is the heirs of the Genghisids! The thesis is reasonable, but we can just as well say that we all descended from monkeys. Or, just as confidently, Romanians can call themselves heirs of the Roman Empire. Because they even speak similar language, and their country is called Romania, this is from the word Roma, that is, Rome,” said the historian.

Perhaps so. Statement of fact. However, it is worth recognizing that previously at the level federal project it was hardly possible to see or hear a point of view about the Golden Horde that differed from the one that had developed in the minds of the average person

Cameraman Morad Abdel Fattah Screenwriter Olga Larionova Artists David Dadunashvili, Yuri Grigorovich, Maria Yuresko

Did you know that

  • Writing the script took two and a half years.
  • The series has two versions: one of them is intended to be shown on Channel One, and a more violent and erotic version is intended for video services on the Internet.
  • The main character, Prince Yaroslav, is a completely fictional character.
  • Casting for the series took more than five months and over 2,000 actors took part in it.
  • Pavilion shooting took place in Moscow and the Moscow region, and location shooting took place in Crimea.
  • In total, more than 2,000 historical outfits were sewn and ordered for filming. Some of them were used on the filming of the Soviet films “Sadko” and “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.
  • Filming of the series took 135 days.

More facts (+4)

Errors in the series

  • In the series, the Tatars start a fire in Novgorod, and also lure Russian soldiers into the Horde army. In fact, they didn't do anything like that.
  • In the series, Khan Berke is depicted as a cruel man who abuses his wives. However, according to historical sources, he was quite peace-loving, and never showed cruelty to his wives.
  • In the series, the city of Suzdal belongs to Prince Boris. However, in reality, Suzdal did not have such a ruler at that time.
  • The Horde in the series are depicted as savages living in tents in the steppe, but in fact the Golden Horde was very well developed and had large cities.
  • In the series, Khan Berke holds the title of Great Khan. In reality, the Mongol Empire collapsed at that time, and Berke never received the title of Great Khan.
  • In the series, the warriors of the Golden Horde are pagans. However, in fact, Khan Berke was the first ruler of the Horde to convert to Islam. And by the period described in the series, all the Horde members clearly should have already accepted the same religion that their ruler accepted.
  • Prince Yaroslav in the series is a fictional character, which is not based on any real historical figure. For example, in the series, Yaroslav rules in the city of Vladimir, but at that time the city was ruled by Alexander Nevsky, who was not mentioned at all in the series.

More bugs (+4)


Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

Golden Horde. The Great Khan Berke learns that the Ilkhan of Persia, Hulagu, is planning to go to war against him. He sends his military leader Khan Mengu-Temir to Rus' to gather auxiliary troops there. In total, forty thousand Russian soldiers need to be brought to the Horde.

Berke is sick, and Sartak, whom he killed, constantly appears to him. The doctor tells the khan that his days are numbered, but Berke sends him away. He still hopes to meet a woman who will bear him a son. And while he beats his wives with a whip, other forms of love are no longer available to the khan.

In Vladimir, Grand Duke Yaroslav is informed of the approach of the Tatar embassy. The tribute has already been paid. Therefore, the prince guesses the purpose of the visit. I don’t want to give up so many warriors after so many people have already been taken to the Horde. To rise up against the yoke? Yaroslav gathers the princes for council. His son Vladimir comes to him from Novgorod, his brother Boris comes from Suzdal. His wife Ustinya also comes with Boris. At the council, Vladimir proposes to raise an uprising, the governor Yaroslav recommends giving up the army. Boris refrains from expressing his opinion.

The Tatar embassy arrives. At the feast in honor of Mengu-Temir, Princess Ustinya leads small talk. The Tatar ambassador does not take his eyes off her.

Yaroslav is trying to dissuade Mengu-Temir from carrying out Berke’s order in full. He says that he agrees to give in. But for this he wants to get Ustinho. Then Yaroslav can send not 40, but 10 thousand soldiers to the Horde. Yaroslav refuses: you cannot give away a married woman.

Ustinya invites her husband to go to Mengu-Temir on his own and talk to him alone. If he manages to come to an agreement with Tatar ambassador, his brother will not forget this to him. And they have long dreamed of changing Suzdal to the more prestigious Pereslavl. If you win the favor of Mengu-Temir, he can put in a word for Boris when the question of who to transfer the label to the great reign is decided. Boris goes to Mengu-Temir. He says that Boris has what he needs, but he is unlikely to want to give it away. Boris swears that he will fulfill any wish of Mengu-Temir. He says that he needs Ustinya. Boris informs his wife about Ambassador Berke's demand. If you were sitting in Suzdal, you wouldn’t go where you shouldn’t! And now I’ll give you up, even if they drag you on a rope to the Horde. Before leaving, Ustinha throws such a tantrum that an uprising almost breaks out in the city.

Taking into account the above facts, it is obvious that the traditional version of the “Tatar-Mongol” invasion, the yoke and, more broadly, the creation of the empire of Genghis Khan is a myth. Moreover, this myth is very beneficial to Russia’s geopolitical “partners” both in the West and in the East. It allows you to sharply narrow the historical, chronological and territorial space of Russian civilization and the superethnos of the Rus.

The time frame is usually limited to the first princes of the Rurik dynasty and the baptism of Rus' (IX-X centuries). Although with the advent of the theory of the state “Ukraine-Rus”, when all the first centuries of the Russian state led by the Rurik dynasty and all the first princes were “Ukrainized”, Russian history was cut short right up to the formation of the “Old Russian people”, the creation of Vladimir-Moscow Rus'. At the same time, the Russians were even deprived of their Slavic community - they are now descendants of “Ugro-Finns, Turks, Mongols with a slight admixture Slavic blood" And the “Ukrainians” were declared the “true” heirs of ancient Kievan Rus.

The territorial scope of settlement of the superethnos of the Rus is limited to the region of the Dnieper region, the Pripyat swamps. From there, the Russians allegedly settled throughout the rest of the lands, displacing and assimilating the Finno-Ugrians, Balts and Turks. That is, everything is within the framework of the myth of the “prison of nations,” where the Russians allegedly conquered and oppressed neighboring tribes from ancient times.

Thus, the superethnos of the Rus was deprived of thousands of years of history, coming from Great Scythia and the legendary Hyperborea. And the territory of settlement of the Rus is from Europe in the west to Pacific Ocean in the east, from North Arctic Ocean in the north to the borders of Iran, India and China in the south, was shortened to "Kievan Rus".

It is clear that some researchers have seen weak points official version"Tatar-Mongol" invasion. Trying to restore the true story, they took several paths. The first attempt to give a different explanation of events XIII century- this is the so-called “Eurasianism” by G. Vernadsky, L. Gumilev and others. Historians of this school retain the traditional factual basis of the “Mongol” invasion, but carry out a complete ideological revision, where the minuses become pluses.

That is, the “Eurasians” did not question the origin of the “Mongols”. But, in their opinion, the “Tatar-Mongols” were generally friendly to Rus' and were with it as part of the Golden Horde in a state of idyllic “symbiosis”. Generally sound facts are given about positive impact the power of Genghis Khan and the first rulers after him to the vast Asian expanses. In particular, merchants could easily overcome huge distances, without fear of the robbers, they were destroyed; a well-organized postal service was created. North-Eastern Rus', with the support of Batu, survived the fight against the Western “dog knights”. Later, Moscow became the new center of the “Eurasian empire”, continuing the common cause.

The Eurasian version is useful in that it deals a strong blow to the “armor” classical history written by Germans and Westerners for Russia. She showed the deception of the stereotype about the eternal enmity of “forest” and “steppe”, the incompatibility of the Slavic world with the cultures of steppe Eurasia. Westerners attributed the Slavic world to Europe. They say that the Slavs fell under the Horde yoke, and their history was subjected to harmful “distortions” from the “steppe”. Like the “totalitarianism and tyranny” of the Mongol rulers. Moscow inherited the “Asian” traditions and attitudes of the Horde, instead of returning to the “European family.”

The version of the “Tatar-Mongol yoke”, which was proposed by the authors of the theory of a radical revision of history, the so-called. “new chronology” - A. T. Fomenko, G. V. Nosovsky and other authors. It must be said that the authors of the “new chronology” used more early ideas Russian scientist N.A. Morozov. “Fomenkovites” revised the traditional chronology in the direction of its reduction, and believe that there is a system of historical doubles, when some events are repeated in another time and in another region. The “New Chronology” caused a lot of noise in the historical and near-historical world. Created the whole world"new chronology". In turn, the subversives wrote a whole bunch of exposés.

According to Fomenko and Nosovsky, there was a single Russian-Horde Empire(Nosovsky G.V., Fomenko A.T. New chronology of Rus'; Nosovsky G.V., Fomenko A.T. Rus' and the Horde. The Great Empire of the Middle Ages):

- The “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was simply a period of military rule in the Russian state. No foreigners conquered Rus'. Supreme ruler the commander - the Khan-Tsar - appeared, and in the cities there were civilian governors - princes who collected tribute for the maintenance of the troops.

The Old Russian state was a single Eurasian empire, which included a permanent army - the Horde, consisting of professional military men, and a civilian part that did not have standing army. The notorious tribute (Horde exit), familiar to us from the traditional presentation of history, was simply a state tax within Rus' for the maintenance regular army- Hordes. The famous “tribute of blood” - every tenth person taken into the Horde is a state military conscription. Like being drafted into the army, but for life. Later, recruits were also taken away - for life. The so-called “Tatar raids” were ordinary punitive expeditions-raids into those Russian regions where the local administration and princes did not want to obey the royal will. It was not for nothing that Alexander Nevsky so rigidly established control of the Horde in the Novgorod-Pskov land. For him, the unity of the state was an obvious necessity in the face of invasion from the West. Russian regular troops punished the rebels, as they would later do in other periods of history.

- « Tatar-Mongol invasion" - This internal war Russians, Cossacks and Tatars within one single empire. The Golden Horde and Rus' were part of the huge power "Great Tartary", which was predominantly inhabited by Russians. Greater Rus' (“Tartaria”) was split into two fronts, into two rival dynasties - the western and eastern, and the eastern Russian Horde and were those “Tatar-Mongols” who took and stormed the cities of Vladimir-Suzdal, Kievan and Galician Rus. This event went down in history as the “invasion of the filthy”, the “Tatar yoke”.

The Russian-Horde empire existed from the 14th century until early XVII centuries and her era is over great turmoil. As a result of the unrest, which was initiated in Rome with the help of part of the Russian “elite,” the pro-Western Romanov dynasty came to power. She carried out a “cleansing” of sources, caused a split in the church with the emasculation of Orthodoxy, when religion became a formality and one of the tools for controlling the people. Russia under the Romanovs (except for some periods when patriotic emperors were at the head of Russia) set a course for “restoring” unity with the West. However, this course contradicted the “Russian matrix” - the cultural code of the Russian superethnos. As a result, the lack of unity between the “elite” and the people led to a new turmoil - the disaster of 1917.

The Romanovs, in order to retain and maintain power, as well as pursue a pro-Western course, needed a new history that would ideologically justify their power. New dynasty from the point of view of previous Russian history was illegal, therefore it was necessary to radically change the coverage of previous Russian history. This is what the Germans did. They “wrote” a new history of Rus', removing facts that contradicted the new order and cutting off Russian history in the interests of the West and the new authorities. Professionals worked without essentially changing the facts; they were able to distort the entire Russian history beyond recognition. The history of Rus'-Horde with its class of farmers and military class (horde) was declared the era of “foreign conquest”, “Tatar-Mongol yoke”. At the same time, the Russian army (horde) turned into mythical aliens from a distant unknown country.

The famous writer Vasily Golovachev adheres to the same version: “All our lives they told us: Tatar-Mongol yoke, Tatar-Mongol yoke, implying that Rus' was in centuries-long slavery, without its own culture, its own written language. What nonsense! There was no Tatar-Mongol yoke! Yoke in general from ancient Slavic means “rule”! The words “army” and “warrior” are not originally Russian, they are Church Slavonic and were introduced into use in the seventeenth century instead of the words “horde” and “horde”. Before forced baptism, Rus' was not pagan, but Vedic, or rather Vestic; it lived according to the traditions of Vesta, not religion, but ancient system universal knowledge. Rus' was great empire, and views were imposed on us German historians about the supposedly slave past of Russia, about the slave souls of its people... A conspiracy against true Russian history existed and is still in effect, and we're talking about about the most vile distortion of the history of our fatherland to please those who are interested in hiding the secrets of the accession to the throne of the Romanov dynasty, and most importantly - in the humiliation of the Russian race, supposedly a race of slaves who groaned under the unbearable burden of the three-hundred-year Tatar-Mongol yoke, who did not have their own culture. ... There was a great Russian-Horde empire, ruled Cossack chieftain- daddy, - hence, by the way, the name-nickname - Batu, - spread over an area larger than former USSR. Is this not a reason for the Pharisees who lived in America and Europe to imagine that everything was the other way around, that it was not they who occupied a dominant position, but the Slavs?”

The “new chronology” of Fomenko and Nosovsky raises many questions and is apparently erroneous. But the main thing is that the “Fomenkovites” published in their works large number traces of the presence of Russian-Rus in Europe and throughout Eurasia. Although according to the “classical” version of history, Eastern Slavs(Russians) crawled out of the swamps and forests only somewhere in the period of the 5th-6th centuries. (others give an even later date), their statehood was created by the “Viking Swedes”, and the Russians allegedly have nothing to do with “ real history", which was shown in Europe and Asia.

True, having found numerous traces of the presence of Russians in Europe and Asia, where they should not officially be, Fomenko and Nosovsky made a strange conclusion: the Russians, together with the Cossacks and Turks, conquered Europe during the reign of Ivan III and ruled it for a long time. Europe was part of the Russian Empire. Then the Russians were gradually driven out of Europe, and their traces were tried to be destroyed so that there would be no doubt about their greatness European civilization.

Here we can agree with the last conclusion: the Vatican, the later Masonic orders and lodges really did everything to destroy the traces of the Slavs and Rus in Europe, as well as write the “history” of Rus'-Russia in their own interests. But this could not be done completely, because the Russians were not short-term invaders of Europe, as it seems to supporters of the “new chronology”. There was no conquest of Europe; the Rus were an autochthonous (indigenous) population of Europe, as they had lived in Europe since ancient times. Our ancestors - the Wends, Venets, Venets, Vandals, Vrans-Crows, Rugs-Rarogs, Pelasgians, Rasens, etc. - lived in Europe from the most ancient times.

This is confirmed by most of the toponymy of Europe (names of rivers, lakes, localities, mountains, cities, settlements, etc.). Since ancient times, the Rus have inhabited the expanses of the Balkans, including Greece-Gorecia and Crete-Skryten, modern Poland, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Northern France, Northern Italy, Scandinavia. The process of their physical destruction, assimilation, Christianization, and displacement from Europe began around the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. It was the Slavic-Russian tribes that completely crushed the late, rotten Rome (“Germanic” tribes, which are considered Germans, have nothing to do with them, for example, the “Germanic” Vandals are the Venedian Slavs). But the flag of the “Roman infection” was already picked up by Western Christian Rome and the Roman (Byzantine) Empire, and the protracted war, which went on for a thousand years (and continues to this day, because the “Russian question” has not yet been resolved). The Slavic Russians were destroyed, turned into “mute Germans”, who were thrown at their brothers who had not yet forgotten their language and race, and were pushed to the east. A significant part of them were destroyed or assimilated, turning into “Germans” and included in the new Romanesque and German-Scandinavian nationalities. Thus, an entire Slavic civilization in the center of Europe - Western (Varangian) Rus' - was destroyed. You can read about this in the work of L. Prozorov “Varangian Rus': Slavic Atlantis” or the work of Yu. D. Petukhov “Normans. Rus of the North."

Other Slavic Russians were inoculated with the virus of Catholicism, the Slavs were subordinated to the Western matrix, making enemies of their brothers. In particular, in this way the Polish Poles were turned into stubborn enemies of Rus'. Nowadays, according to the same scheme, the southern and western parts of the superethnos of the Rus are being turned into “Ukr-Orcs”. In Belarus, Russians are turned into “Litvins.” In Russia itself, Russians are turned into an ethnographic mass, biomaterial - “Russians”.

Thus, the positivity of the “new chronology” is that it shows the absence of “Mongols from Mongolia” in the vastness of Rus'. Proves the fact that true story Russia has been cut off in many ways, distorted to please the masters of the West.

The third version is proposed by supporters of the idea that Russian civilization and the superethnos of the Rus have always existed, often creating great (world powers), and within the borders Northern Eurasia. Since ancient times, Northern Eurasia was inhabited by our ancestors, the Rus, whom sources know as different names- Hyperboreans, Aryans, Scythians, Tauro-Scythians, Sarmatians, Roxolans-Rossolans, Varangians-Vends, Dew-Rusichs, “Mughals” (“powerful”), etc.

Thus, in the work of N. I. Vasilyeva, Yu. D. Petukhov “Russian Scythia” it is noted that on the territory of Northern Eurasia - from the Pacific Ocean and the borders of China to the Carpathians and the Black Sea - anthropological, cultural (spiritual and material culture), often political unity can be traced back to Neolithic times and Bronze Age(the time of the Proto-Indo-Europeans, Aryans) until the Middle Ages.

There are facts that indicate that our direct ancestors lived on the territory of modern Rus'-Russia from the very appearance of the modern type of man - the Cro-Magnon Caucasian. Thus, a group of scientists from Russia and Germany, after many years of research, came to the conclusion that it was the Russian land that was the cradle of European civilization. The results of the latest research have proven that man of the modern Caucasian type arose by the 50-40th millennium BC. and initially lived exclusively within the Russian Plain, and only then settled throughout Europe.

According to the British BBC radio company, scientists made such conclusions after examining a human skeleton discovered in 1954 near Voronezh in the ancient burial place of Markina Gora (Kostenki XIV). It turned out that the genetic code of this person, buried about 28 thousand years ago, corresponds to genetic code modern Europeans. To date, the Kostenki complex near Voronezh has been recognized by world archaeologists as the most ancient habitat of a modern type of man, a Caucasian. Thus, modern territory Russia was the cradle of European civilization.

According to Yu. D. Petukhov, author of a series basic research on the history of the Rus (“History of the Rus”, “Antiquities of the Rus”, “Roads of the Gods”, etc.) vast forest-steppe spaces from Northern Black Sea region through the Southern Urals and to Southern Siberia, modern Mongolia, which Western historians gave to the “Mongol-Tatars”, in the XII-XIV centuries. actually belonged to the so-called. "Scythos-Siberian world" Caucasians have mastered huge spaces from the Carpathians to the Pacific Ocean even before the departure of the wave of Aryan-Indo-Europeans in 2 thousand BC. e. to Iran and India. The memory of tall, fair-haired and light-eyed warriors has been preserved both in China and in neighboring regions. The military elite, the nobility of Transbaikalia, Khakassia and Mongolia were Indo-European Caucasians. It is from here that the legend of the light-haired and blue-eyed (green-eyed) Genghis Khan-Temuchin arose, European appearance Batu, etc. It was these heirs of the great northern civilization - Scythia, who were the only real military force, which could conquer China, Central Asia(which was previously within their sphere of influence), the Caucasus, Rus' and other regions. Later they were dissolved among the Mongoloids and Turks, giving a passionary impulse to the Turks, but retained the memory of themselves as fair-haired and light-eyed “giants” (for the physically less developed Mongoloids they were giant heroes, like the Rus of Kyiv, Chernigov and Novgorod for the Arabs travelers).

The relatively rapid assimilation (within the framework of the historical process - only a few centuries) of the Rus of the Horde should not be surprising. Thus, northern Caucasians captured China more than once (in the Celestial Empire they don’t like to remember this), but they all disappeared into the mass of Mongoloids, their subjects. Also, after the disaster of 1917, thousands and tens of thousands of Russians ended up in China. Where are they? They would be a significant part of modern Chinese society. However, they were assimilated. Already in the second and third generations, everyone became “Chinese”. Not only racial, but also linguistic, cultural differences have been lost. Only in India the descendants of the Indo-European Aryans (our brothers) were able to preserve their appearance, cultural traditions(Old Russian language - Sanskrit) in the huge mass of the “black” population, thanks to the rigid caste system. Therefore, the modern castes of Kshatriya warriors and Brahmin priests are very different from the rest of the Indian population.

The Horde did not adhere to the principles of caste division, so the Horde in China and other areas that the Mongoloids had mastered dissolved, transferring some of their characteristics and passionary charge to the Mongoloids and Turks.

Some of these Scythian-Russians came to Rus'. Anthropologically and genetically these late Scythians were the same Russians as the Russians living in Ryazan, Novgorod, Vladimir or Kyiv. Outwardly, they were distinguished by their manner of dressing - the “Scythos-Siberian animal style”, their dialect of the Russian language, and the fact that they were mostly pagans. That’s why the chroniclers called them “filthy,” that is, pagans. This is the solution to the phenomenon that the three-century “Mongol” yoke did not introduce the slightest anthropological changes to indigenous people Rus'. Therefore, the Scythians-Rus of the Horde (the word “horde” is a distorted Russian word"rod", "rada", in German preserved as “order, ordnung”) quickly found common language with most of the Russian princes, they became related and fraternized. It is doubtful that the Russians would begin to establish relations with absolute Mongoloid strangers in the same way.

Cities of the Scythians and their neighbors that existed before the new era (according to I.E. Koltsov). 1 - Dnieper Scythians; 2 - neurons; 3 - agaphyrs; 4 - androphages; 5 - melanchlena; 6 - helons; 7 - boudins; 8 - Sarmatians; 9 - brands; 10 - tissagets; 11 - irki; 12 - breakaway Scythians; 13 - argippea; 14 - issedons; 15 - arimaspi; 16 - Hyperboreans; 17 - ancestors of the Kalmyks; 18 - Massagetae; 19 - royal Scythians; 20 - Yenisei Scythians; 21 - Indigirsky Scythians; 22 - Trans-Volga Scythians; 23 - Volga-Don Scythians.

Scythian swastikas-solstice

This version immediately puts into place many pieces of the puzzle that do not find a place in the traditional version. The Siberian Scythians-Russ had thousands of years of developed spiritual and material culture, production base, military traditions(similar to the later Cossacks) and could form an army capable of crushing China and reaching the Adriatic Sea. The invasion of the Scythian-Siberian pagan Rus pulled pagan Turks, pagan Cumans and Alans into its mighty wave. Subsequently, the Siberian Rus created the Great “Mongol” Empire, which began to degenerate and degrade only after increasing Islamization, which was facilitated by the influx into the Golden (White) Horde significant amount Arabs. Islamization became the main prerequisite for the death of the mighty empire. It fell apart into many fragments, among which Muscovite Rus' began to rise, which would restore the empire. After the Battle of Kulikovo Field, Moscow gradually came to the fore as the capital of the new Russian empire. In about a century and a half new center will be able to restore the main core of the empire.

Thus, Russian state in the 16th-19th centuries it did not conquer foreign lands, but returned to its territory territories that had been part of northern civilization since ancient times.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the 16th-17th centuries, and sometimes until the 18th century most of Eurasia in Europe was called Great Scythia(Sarmatia) or Great Tartaria-Tataria. The origins of that time identified the ancient Scythians-Sarmatians and their contemporary Russian-Slavs, believing that all of forest-steppe Eurasia, as before, was inhabited by one people. Not only the authors who used literary sources, but also travelers. The Roman humanist of the 15th century Julius Laetus traveled to “Scythia”, visited Poland, the Dnieper, the mouth of the Don and described the life and customs of the “Scythians”. The traveler spoke about the “Scythian” honey and mash, about how the “Scythians” sitting at oak tables, they proclaim toasts in honor of the guests, wrote down a few words (they turned out to be Slavic). He said that “Scythia” extends to the borders of India, where the “Khan of the Asian Scythians” rules.

Arab (Egyptian) historian mid-XIV century Al-Omari, reporting about the “lands of Siberia and Chulyman,” reports a strong cold and the fact that beautiful, remarkably built people live there, distinguished by the whiteness of their faces and blue eyes. In China, under the rule of the Yuan dynasty (1260-1360s) in the capital great value had a guard recruited from Yasses, Alans and Russians. Some names of the “Alan” commanders are also known - Nikolai, Ilie-bagatur, Yuvashi, Arselan, Kurdzhi (George), Dmitry. The famous commander “Hundred-Eyed” Bayan bore the Slavic pagan name. In 1330, Emperor Wen-tsung (great-grandson of Kubilai) created a Russian formation of 10 thousand soldiers - translated from Chinese into Russian its name sounds like “Eternally Loyal Russian Guard”. Considering the fact that by the middle of the 14th century the former unified “Mongol” empire had collapsed, it is difficult to imagine that thousands of Russian soldiers came to China from Vladimir-Moscow Rus'. Most likely, they were from closer places. Thus, the Chinese Van Hoi and Yu Tan-Jia, who lived in the 14th century, wrote: “Russians are descendants ancient people"Usun." And the Usuns are Siberian Scythians, who in ancient Europe were called Issedons (they occupied territories Southern Urals and Siberia).

Russian historical tradition before outside intervention, she directly traced the origins of the Russian people to the Sarmatian Alans. The author of “Scythian History” A. Lyzlov identified the Sarmatians-Sauromatians with the Russians. In the “History” of V. N. Tatishchev and M. Lomonosov it is reported that the Russians descended from the Sarmatians-Roxalans (Eastern Rus), on the one hand, and from the Wends-Vends (Western Slavic Russians) - on the other.

Thus, it is clear that almost the entire history of Western Europe is a myth. The winners, i.e. the masters of the West, simply ordered the history for themselves, and tried to clean up or hide unnecessary pages. But we don’t need their myth; we can’t build our state on other people’s fairy tales. We need our own Russian history, which will help preserve our civilization and the Russian family.

Taking into account the above facts, it is obvious that the traditional version of the “Tatar-Mongol” invasion, the yoke and, more broadly, the creation of the empire of Genghis Khan is a myth. Moreover, this myth is very beneficial to Russia’s geopolitical “partners” both in the West and in the East. It allows you to sharply narrow the historical, chronological and territorial space of Russian civilization and the superethnos of the Rus.

The time frame is usually limited to the first princes of the Rurik dynasty and the baptism of Rus' (IX-X centuries). Although with the advent of the theory of the state “Ukraine-Rus”, when all the first centuries of the Russian state led by the Rurikovich dynasty and all the first princes were “Ukrainized”, the Russian was cut off right up to the formation of the “Old Russian nationality”, the creation of Vladimir-Moscow Rus'. At the same time, the Russians were even deprived of their Slavic community - they are now descendants of “Ugric-Finns, Turks, Mongols with a slight admixture of Slavic blood.” And the “Ukrainians” were declared the “true” heirs of ancient Kievan Rus.

The territorial scope of settlement of the superethnos of the Rus is limited to the region of the Dnieper region, the Pripyat swamps. From there, the Russians allegedly settled throughout the rest of the lands, displacing and assimilating the Finno-Ugrians, Balts and Turks. That is, everything is within the framework of the myth of the “prison of nations,” where the Russians allegedly conquered and oppressed neighboring tribes from ancient times.

Thus, the superethnos of the Rus was deprived of thousands of years of history, coming from Great Scythia and the legendary Hyperborea. And the territory of settlement of the Rus - from Europe in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the borders of Iran, India and China in the south, was reduced to “Kievan Rus”.

It is clear that some researchers saw weaknesses in the official version of the “Tatar-Mongol” invasion. Trying to restore the true story, they took several paths. The first attempt to give a different explanation of the events of the 13th century is the so-called. “Eurasianism” by G. Vernadsky, L. Gumilev and others. Historians of this school retain the traditional factual basis of the “Mongol” invasion, but carry out a complete ideological revision, where the minuses become pluses.

That is, the “Eurasians” did not question the origin of the “Mongols”. But, in their opinion, the “Tatar-Mongols” were generally friendly to Rus' and were with it as part of the Golden Horde in a state of idyllic “symbiosis”. Generally sound facts are given about the positive influence of the power of Genghis Khan and the first rulers after him on the vast Asian expanses. In particular, merchants could calmly travel vast distances without fear of robbers, who were destroyed; a well-organized postal service was created. North-Eastern Rus', with the support of Batu, survived the fight against the Western “dog knights”. Later, Moscow became the new center of the “Eurasian empire”, continuing the common cause.

The Eurasian version is useful in that it dealt a strong blow to the “armor” of classical history written by the Germans and Westerners for Russia. She showed the deception of the stereotype about the eternal enmity of “forest” and “steppe”, the incompatibility of the Slavic world with the cultures of steppe Eurasia. Westerners attributed the Slavic world to Europe. They say that the Slavs fell under the Horde yoke, and their history was subjected to harmful “distortions” from the “steppe”. Like the “totalitarianism and tyranny” of the Mongol rulers. Moscow inherited the “Asian” traditions and attitudes of the Horde, instead of returning to the “European family.”

The version of the “Tatar-Mongol yoke”, which was proposed by the authors of the theory of a radical revision of history, the so-called. “new chronology” - A. T. Fomenko, G. V. Nosovsky and other authors. It must be said that the authors of the “new chronology” used earlier ideas of the Russian scientist N.A. Morozov. “Fomenkovites” revised the traditional chronology in the direction of its reduction, and believe that there is a system of historical doubles, when some events are repeated in another time and in another region. The “New Chronology” caused a lot of noise in the historical and near-historical world. A whole world of “new chronology” has been created. In turn, the subversives wrote a whole bunch of exposés.

According to Fomenko and Nosovsky, there was a single Russian-Horde empire (Nosovsky G.V., Fomenko A.T. New chronology of Rus'; Nosovsky G.V., Fomenko A.T. Rus' and the Horde. The Great Empire of the Middle Ages):

- The “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was simply a period of military rule in the Russian state. No foreigners conquered Rus'. The supreme ruler was the commander - the Khan-Tsar, and in the cities there were civilian governors - princes who collected tribute for the maintenance of the troops.

The Old Russian state was a single Eurasian empire, which included a standing army - the Horde, consisting of professional military men, and a civilian part that did not have a standing army. The notorious tribute (Horde exit), familiar to us from the traditional presentation of history, was simply a state tax within Rus' for the maintenance of the regular army - the Horde. The famous “tribute of blood” - every tenth person taken into the Horde is a state military conscription. Like being drafted into the army, but for life. Later, recruits were also taken away - for life. The so-called “Tatar raids” were ordinary punitive expeditions-raids into those Russian regions where the local administration and princes did not want to obey the royal will. It was not for nothing that Alexander Nevsky so rigidly established control of the Horde in the Novgorod-Pskov land. For him, the unity of the state was an obvious necessity in the face of invasion from the West. Russian regular troops punished the rebels, as they would later do in other periods of history.

- “The Tatar-Mongol invasion” is an internal war of Russians, Cossacks and Tatars within the framework of one single empire. The Golden Horde and Rus' were part of the huge power "Great Tartary", which was predominantly inhabited by Russians. Greater Rus' (“Tartaria”) was split into two fronts, into two rival dynasties - the western and eastern, and the eastern Russian Horde and were those “Tatar-Mongols” who took and stormed the cities of Vladimir-Suzdal, Kievan and Galician Rus. This event went down in history as the “invasion of the filthy”, the “Tatar yoke”.

The Russian-Horde empire existed from the 14th century to the beginning of the 17th century, and its era ended in great turmoil. As a result of the unrest, which was initiated in Rome with the help of part of the Russian “elite,” the pro-Western Romanov dynasty came to power. She carried out a “cleansing” of sources, caused a split in the church with the emasculation of Orthodoxy, when religion became a formality and one of the tools for controlling the people. Russia under the Romanovs (except for some periods when patriotic emperors were at the head of Russia) set a course for “restoring” unity with the West. However, this course contradicted the “Russian matrix” - the cultural code of the Russian superethnos. As a result, the lack of unity between the “elite” and the people led to a new turmoil - the disaster of 1917.

The Romanovs, in order to retain and maintain power, as well as pursue a pro-Western course, needed a new history that would ideologically justify their power. The new dynasty was illegal from the point of view of previous Russian history, so it was necessary to radically change the coverage of previous Russian history. This is what the Germans did. They “wrote” a new history of Rus', removing facts that contradicted the new order and cutting off Russian history in the interests of the West and the new authorities. Professionals worked without essentially changing the facts; they were able to distort the entire Russian history beyond recognition. The history of Rus'-Horde with its class of farmers and military class (horde) was declared the era of “foreign conquest”, “Tatar-Mongol yoke”. At the same time, the Russian army (horde) turned into mythical aliens from a distant unknown country.

The famous writer Vasily Golovachev adheres to the same version: “All our lives they told us: Tatar-Mongol yoke, Tatar-Mongol yoke, implying that Rus' was in centuries-long slavery, without its own culture, its own written language. What nonsense! There was no Tatar-Mongol yoke! Yoke in general from ancient Slavic means “rule”! The words “army” and “warrior” are not originally Russian, they are Church Slavonic and were introduced into use in the seventeenth century instead of the words “horde” and “horde”. Before forced baptism, Rus' was not pagan, but Vedic, or rather Vestic; it lived according to the traditions of Vesta, not religion, but the most ancient system of universal knowledge. Rus' was a Great Empire, and the views of German historians about the supposedly slave past of Russia, about the slave souls of its people were imposed on us... A conspiracy against true Russian history existed and is still in effect, and we are talking about the most vile distortion of the history of our fatherland to please those who are interested in hiding the secrets of the accession to the throne of the Romanov dynasty, and most importantly - in the humiliation of the Russian family, supposedly a family of slaves who groaned under the unbearable burden of the three-hundred-year Tatar-Mongol yoke, who did not have their own culture. ... There was a great Russian-Horde empire, ruled by a Cossack ataman - Batka - hence, by the way, the nickname - Batu - spread over a territory larger than the former USSR. Is this not a reason for the Pharisees who lived in America and Europe to imagine that everything was the other way around, that it was not they who occupied a dominant position, but the Slavs?”

The “new chronology” of Fomenko and Nosovsky raises many questions and is apparently erroneous. But the main thing is that the “Fomenkovites” in their works published a large number of traces of the presence of Russian-Russians in Europe and throughout Eurasia. Although, according to the “classical” version of history, the Eastern Slavs (Russians) crawled out of the swamps and forests only somewhere in the period of the 5th-6th centuries. (others give an even later date), their statehood was created by the “Viking Swedes”, and the Russians supposedly have nothing to do with the “real history” that was going on in Europe and Asia.

True, having found numerous traces of the presence of Russians in Europe and Asia, where they should not officially be, Fomenko and Nosovsky made a strange conclusion: the Russians, together with the Cossacks and Turks, conquered Europe during the reign of Ivan III and ruled it for a long time. Europe was part of the Russian Empire. Then the Russians were gradually driven out of Europe, and their traces were tried to be destroyed so that there would be no doubt about the greatness of European civilization.

Here we can agree with the last conclusion: the Vatican, the later Masonic orders and lodges really did everything to destroy the traces of the Slavs and Rus in Europe, as well as write the “history” of Rus'-Russia in their own interests. But this could not be done completely, because the Russians were not short-term invaders of Europe, as it seems to supporters of the “new chronology”. There was no conquest of Europe, The Rus were an autochthonous (indigenous) population of Europe, as they had lived in Europe since ancient times. Our ancestors - the Wends, Venets, Venets, Vandals, Vrans-Crows, Rugs-Rarogs, Pelasgians, Rasens, etc. - lived in Europe from the most ancient times.

This is confirmed by most of the toponymy of Europe (names of rivers, lakes, localities, mountains, cities, settlements, etc.). Since ancient times, the Rus have inhabited the expanses of the Balkans, including Greece-Greece and Crete-Skryten, modern Poland, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Northern France, Northern Italy, and Scandinavia. The process of their physical destruction, assimilation, Christianization, and displacement from Europe began around the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. It was the Slavic-Russian tribes that completely crushed the late, rotten Rome (“Germanic” tribes, which are considered Germans, have nothing to do with them, for example, the “Germanic” Vandals are the Venedian Slavs). But the flag of the “Roman infection” was already picked up by Western Christian Rome and the Roman (Byzantine) Empire, and a protracted war began that lasted a thousand years (and continues to this day, since the “Russian question” has not yet been resolved). The Slavic Russians were destroyed, turned into “mute Germans”, who were thrown at their brothers who had not yet forgotten their language and race, and were pushed to the east. A significant part of them were destroyed or assimilated, turning into “Germans” and included in the new Romanesque and German-Scandinavian nationalities. Thus, an entire Slavic civilization in the center of Europe - Western (Varangian) Rus' - was destroyed. You can read about this in the work of L. Prozorov “Varangian Rus': Slavic Atlantis” or the work of Yu. D. Petukhov “Normans. Rus of the North."

Other Slavic Russians were inoculated with the virus of Catholicism, the Slavs were subordinated to the Western matrix, making enemies of their brothers. In particular, in this way the Polish Poles were turned into stubborn enemies of Rus'. Nowadays, according to the same scheme, the southern and western parts of the superethnos of the Rus are being turned into “Ukr-Orcs”. In Belarus, Russians are turned into “Litvins.” In Russia itself, Russians are turned into an ethnographic mass, biomaterial - “Russians”.

Thus, the positivity of the “new chronology” is that it shows the absence of “Mongols from Mongolia” in the vastness of Rus'. Proves the fact that the true history of Russia is largely cut off and distorted to please the masters of the West.

The third version is proposed by supporters of the idea that Russian civilization and the superethnos of the Rus have always existed, often creating great (world powers), and within the borders of Northern Eurasia. Since ancient times, Northern Eurasia was inhabited by our ancestors, the Rus, whom sources know under different names - Hyperboreans, Aryans, Scythians, Tauro-Scythians, Sarmatians, Roxolans-Rossolans, Varangians-Veneds, Dew-Rusichs, “Moguls” (“powerful”), etc.

Thus, in the work of N. I. Vasilyeva, Yu. D. Petukhov “Russian Scythia” it is noted that on the territory of Northern Eurasia - from the Pacific Ocean and the borders of China to the Carpathians and the Black Sea - anthropological, cultural (spiritual and material culture), often political unity can be traced from the Neolithic and Bronze Age (the time of the Proto-Indo-Europeans, Aryans) to the Middle Ages.

There are facts that indicate that our direct ancestors lived on the territory of modern Rus'-Russia from the very appearance of the modern type of man - the Cro-Magnon Caucasian. Thus, a group of scientists from Russia and Germany, after many years of research, came to the conclusion that it was the Russian land that was the cradle of European civilization. The results of the latest research have proven that man of the modern Caucasian type arose by the 50-40th millennium BC. and initially lived exclusively within the Russian Plain, and only then settled throughout Europe.

According to the British BBC radio company, scientists made such conclusions after examining a human skeleton discovered in 1954 near Voronezh in the ancient burial place of Markina Gora (Kostenki XIV). It turned out that the genetic code of this person, buried about 28 thousand years ago, corresponds to the genetic code of modern Europeans. To date, the Kostenki complex near Voronezh has been recognized by world archaeologists as the most ancient habitat of a modern type of man, a Caucasian. Thus, the modern territory of Russia was the cradle of European civilization.

According to Yu. D. Petukhov, the author of a number of fundamental studies on the history of the Rus (“History of the Rus”, “Antiquities of the Rus”, “Roads of the Gods”, etc.), vast forest-steppe spaces from the Northern Black Sea region through the Southern Urals and to Southern Siberia, modern Mongolia, which Western historians gave to the “Mongol-Tatars”, in the XII-XIV centuries. actually belonged to the so-called. "Scythos-Siberian world" Caucasians conquered vast spaces from the Carpathians to the Pacific Ocean even before the departure of the wave of Indo-European Aryans in 2 thousand BC. e. to Iran and India. The memory of tall, fair-haired and light-eyed warriors has been preserved both in China and in neighboring regions. The military elite, the nobility of Transbaikalia, Khakassia and Mongolia were Indo-European Caucasians. It was from here that the legend of the light-haired and blue-eyed (green-eyed) Genghis Khan-Temuchin, the European appearance of Batu, etc. arose. It was these heirs of the great northern civilization - Scythia, who were the only real military force that could conquer China, Central Asia (which was previously part of into their sphere of influence), the Caucasus, Rus' and other regions. Later they were dissolved among the Mongoloids and Turks, giving a passionary impulse to the Turks, but retained the memory of themselves as fair-haired and light-eyed “giants” (for the physically less developed Mongoloids they were giant heroes, like the Rus of Kyiv, Chernigov and Novgorod for the Arabs travelers).

The relatively rapid assimilation (within the framework of the historical process - only a few centuries) of the Rus of the Horde should not be surprising. Thus, northern Caucasians captured China more than once (in the Celestial Empire they don’t like to remember this), but they all disappeared into the mass of Mongoloids, their subjects. Also, after the disaster of 1917, thousands and tens of thousands of Russians ended up in China. Where are they? They would be a significant part of modern Chinese society. However, they were assimilated. Already in the second and third generations, everyone became “Chinese”. Not only racial, but also linguistic, cultural differences have been lost. Only in India, the descendants of the Indo-European Aryans (our siblings) were able to preserve their appearance, cultural traditions (Old Russian language - Sanskrit) among the huge mass of the “black” population, thanks to the rigid caste system. Therefore, the modern castes of Kshatriya warriors and Brahmin priests are very different from the rest of the Indian population.

The Horde did not adhere to the principles of caste division, so the Horde in China and other areas that the Mongoloids had mastered dissolved, transferring some of their characteristics and passionary charge to the Mongoloids and Turks.

Some of these Scythian-Russians came to Rus'. Anthropologically and genetically, these late Scythians were the same Russians as the Russians living in Ryazan, Novgorod, Vladimir or Kyiv. Outwardly, they were distinguished by their manner of dressing - the “Scythos-Siberian animal style”, their dialect of the Russian language, and the fact that they were mostly pagans. That’s why the chroniclers called them “filthy,” that is, pagans. This is the solution to the phenomenon that the three-century “Mongol” yoke did not bring the slightest anthropological changes to the indigenous population of Rus'. Therefore, the Scythian-Rus of the Horde (the word “horde” is a distorted Russian word “clan”, “rada”, in German it was preserved as “order, ordnung”) quickly found a common language with the majority of Russian princes, became related, fraternized. It is doubtful that the Russians would begin to establish relations with absolute Mongoloid strangers in the same way.

Cities of the Scythians and their neighbors that existed before the new era (according to I.E. Koltsov). 1 - Dnieper Scythians; 2 - neurons; 3 - agaphyrs; 4 - androphages; 5 - melanchlena; 6 - helons; 7 - boudins; 8 - Sarmatians; 9 - brands; 10 - tissagets; 11 - irki; 12 - breakaway Scythians; 13 - argippea; 14 - issedons; 15 - arimaspi; 16 - Hyperboreans; 17 - ancestors of the Kalmyks; 18 - Massagetae; 19 - royal Scythians; 20 - Yenisei Scythians; 21 - Indigirsky Scythians; 22 - Trans-Volga Scythians; 23 - Volga-Don Scythians.

Scythian swastikas-solstice

This version immediately puts into place many pieces of the puzzle that do not find a place in the traditional version. The Siberian Scythians-Rus had thousands of years of developed spiritual and material culture, a production base, military traditions (similar to the later Cossacks) and could form an army capable of crushing China and reaching the Adriatic Sea. The invasion of the Scythian-Siberian pagan Rus pulled pagan Turks, pagan Cumans and Alans into its mighty wave. Subsequently, the Siberian Rus created the Great “Mongol” Empire, which began to degenerate and degrade only after increasing Islamization, which was facilitated by the influx of a significant number of Arabs into the Golden (White) Horde. Islamization became the main prerequisite for the death of the mighty empire. It fell apart into many fragments, among which Muscovite Rus' began to rise, which would restore the empire. After the Battle of Kulikovo Field, Moscow gradually came to the fore as the capital of the new Russian empire. In about a century and a half, the new center will be able to restore the main core of the empire.

Thus, the Russian state in the 16th-19th centuries did not conquer foreign lands, but returned to its composition territories that had been part of the northern civilization since ancient times.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in the 16th-17th centuries, and sometimes until the 18th century, most of Eurasia in Europe was called Great Scythia (Sarmatia) or Great Tartaria-Tataria. The origins of that time identified the ancient Scythians-Sarmatians and their contemporary Russian-Slavs, believing that all of forest-steppe Eurasia, as before, was inhabited by one people. This was the opinion not only of authors who used literary sources, but also of travelers. The Roman humanist of the 15th century Julius Laetus traveled to “Scythia”, visited Poland, the Dnieper, the mouth of the Don and described the life and customs of the “Scythians”. The traveler spoke about the “Scythian” honey and mash, about how the “Scythians”, sitting at oak tables, proclaim toasts in honor of the guests, wrote down a few words (they turned out to be Slavic). He said that “Scythia” extends to the borders of India, where the “Khan of the Asian Scythians” rules.

The Arab (Egyptian) historian of the mid-14th century, Al-Omari, reporting on the “lands of Siberia and Chulyman”, reports severe cold and the fact that beautiful, remarkably built people live there, distinguished by their white faces and blue eyes. In China, under the rule of the Yuan dynasty (1260-1360s), the guard, recruited from Yasses, Alans and Russians, was of great importance in the capital. Some names of the “Alan” commanders are also known - Nikolai, Ilie-bagatur, Yuvashi, Arselan, Kurdzhi (George), Dmitry. The famous commander “Hundred-Eyed” Bayan bore the Slavic pagan name. In 1330, Emperor Wen-tsung (great-grandson of Kubilai) created a Russian formation of 10 thousand soldiers - translated from Chinese into Russian its name sounds like “Eternally Loyal Russian Guard”. Considering the fact that by the middle of the 14th century the former unified “Mongol” empire had collapsed, it is difficult to imagine that thousands of Russian soldiers came to China from Vladimir-Moscow Rus'. Most likely, they were from closer places. Thus, the Chinese Van Hoi and Yu Tan-Jia, who lived in the 14th century, wrote: “The Russians are the descendants of the ancient Wusun people.” And the Usuns are the Siberian Scythians, who in ancient Europe were called Issedons (they occupied the territories of the Southern Urals and Siberia).

Russian historical tradition, before outside intervention, directly traced the origins of the Russian people to the Sarmatian Alans. The author of “Scythian History” A. Lyzlov identified the Sarmatians-Sauromatians with the Russians. In the “History” of V. N. Tatishchev and M. Lomonosov it is reported that the Russians descended from the Sarmatians-Roxalans (Eastern Rus), on the one hand, and from the Wends-Vends (Western Slavic Russians) - on the other.

Thus, it is clear that almost the entire history of Western Europe is a myth. The winners, i.e. the masters of the West, simply ordered the history for themselves, and tried to clean up or hide unnecessary pages. But we don’t need their myth; we can’t build our state on other people’s fairy tales. We need our own Russian history, which will help preserve our civilization and the Russian family.

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