Wrong fasting leads to God leaving a person. Some of us have blue eyes

Very often, incorrectly placed emphasis during fasting leads to the fact that God leaves the fasting person with his help and he falls into a gross violation of fasting.

Let’s say, after strictly fasting for two and a half weeks, a person suddenly yells in rage at his wife or child, or quarrels with a colleague at work.

We know the patristic formula that where the fall occurred, it was preceded by pride. And in a situation of “breakdowns” during Lent, we need to think about how we have alienated ourselves from God, what needs to be reconsidered in ourselves.

It is very important to find and extend during Lent something internal state, which we are really looking forward to, for which the Churches are very grateful, because we receive important, deep spiritual gifts. The means for this can be Wednesdays and Fridays - fasting days - at other times of the year.

If we look at the Helmsman’s Book, we will see that in many canons, Pentecost, Wednesdays and Fridays are perceived by the Church equally. For violation of Lent, violation on Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year, the same penance is imposed.

It is clear that on Wednesdays and Fridays we should not fast as strictly as during Great Lent, but it is important to strive for the same inner mood. The one that arises in Clean Monday: This special condition, when you enter the world of Lent. You are ready for a lot, you want to work hard, you are jealous. This is how you should feel on Wednesday morning and Friday morning.

A post for those who have been in the Church for a long time

During the neophyte period, God gives a person valuable gifts. Like a traveler, it lifts him high, high and shows him a wonderful city that he needs to get to, so that later he knows what to look for. And then he puts it on the ground again: now go through windbreaks, ravines, thorns and bushes. And the person begins to understand how far he is from the final goal.

In the first period, during the period of neophyte burning, God's advance, we perceive ourselves completely inadequately. God covers, and we do not see the extent of our sinfulness, our fall.

Therefore, we can say that our first fasts, which we remember as a miracle that came into our lives, when we discovered spiritual experience, the amazing culture of fasting, were God’s gift, unearned and undeserved.

Now you need to come to this perception yourself, and this may take a lot of time. Christianity is a school.

On September 1, in the first grade, they gave you a gift, they didn’t ask you anything for the first month, they gave you maximum encouragement, and you considered yourself an excellent student. And then when real studies began, and with it grades of three and two, you realized that you had to work.

So there is nothing wrong if we no longer feel the “burning” that we experienced in the first posts. Now we need to work.

God has a purpose for our fasting: for us to humble ourselves. Mark the Ascetic has wonderful words in which he says that God gives man grace not for virtues, not for the labors incurred to acquire them, but for the humility received during these labors.

So the result of fasting will be when we humble ourselves, that is, we see ourselves as weak as we really are.

God is forced to limit us so that we work with humility. And then, sooner or later, the perception of fasting that was at the beginning of our church life will return.

If during fasting you cannot pacify anger or other passion...

– You definitely shouldn’t despair. We must believe that God is merciful, He knows in advance that we are sinners. But He educates us, leads us to Himself, carefully preserves us, loves us.

In fact, the question is not to shake yourself up with Lent. A Christian must “shake himself up” every morning, at a minimum. Better - several times a day. Live in the presence of God. Let us remember the words of David: “I will foresee the Lord before me, as he is at my right hand, so that I will not be moved.” That is, David constantly felt God nearby.

Lent and holidays

– I think that those of our relatives for whom February 23 and March 8 are important should definitely be congratulated and shown love.

As for family holidays, my name day is almost always during Lent. And we, of course, celebrate them. The meaning of the holiday is not to necessarily eat something savory, but that loved ones, loving friend friends got together. This is the luxury of the holiday.

On a visit?

We can imagine how difficult it was St. Seraphim come out of prison. But the Mother of God told him to go and receive several dozen people every day.

And so, people with such pain, dirt, squabbles, squabbles, passions came to him, a hermit who continuously remained in prayer, in the contemplation of God... What is it like for the saints with us? We and the Mother of God are constantly nagging about some of our concerns that are not so important in a global sense.

But they do not disdain us, they listen, and prayerfully intercede before the Lord.

We don’t want, for example, St. Nicholas or the healer Panteleimon to say: “You know, earthly health“It’s not important, there’s no point in dealing with all this nonsense.” And we go to the saints with all our painful and troubling needs.

So are we really ordinary people, will we somehow contrast ourselves with our relatives and friends who are waiting for us, happy to see us? Are we really going to hurt them, citing the fact that they are fasting now?!

It’s clear, you don’t need to call your friends and say: “I posted something, invite me to have fun.” This is about something else.

I repeat, man is given the luxury of communicating with his loved ones. And you can communicate with them without violating the rules of fasting. But if for the sake of love you have to break the rules, you need to break it, and then repent of it. This also happens. We know similar examples, including from the lives of saints, for example, St. Spyridon.

Or here’s the story: Saint Philaret of Moscow, not having time to consecrate the house of some nobleman on Maslenitsa, unexpectedly arrived during the first week of Lent. When I was sprinkling the house, I entered the kitchen, and there they were preparing meat dishes: The nobleman was not at all expecting the saint today.

The saint is a monk who has not tasted meat for several decades. He was faced with a dilemma not just to break the fast, but the entire monastic tradition (Russian monks do not eat meat) or to reproach the person and glorify him to the whole world, which is how fasting takes place.

The saint made an unmistakable decision: he came up, tasted the meat, praised the cooks and went on to sprinkle it. This is Lent! But he was able to show what love for a person means. Moreover, even just looking at his icon, you can understand what kind of faster he was.

Post and "media"

“Media post” is very important. Please note: the first thing we ask from God, the first litany in almost any service, is “about the world above,” that is, about the peace of God coming from above. Virtual space is catastrophically destroying this world.

Waste of time in in social networks, endless comments, correspondence, immersion in someone’s posts (the word seems to be the same, but its meaning is different) - internally it ruins a person very much. During Lent it is better to move away from this. If it’s really hard to give up, skim the headlines once a day.

And there is no need to be afraid of falling out of the information space or missing something. News in Lately very difficult, and perhaps it is more important to strengthen the prayer of reconciliation with fasting, because when Christians pray, they are much more active in this world than when they are worried about bad news. If we are simply nervous and worried, it means that the space of unkindness has reached us and defeated us.

If we cannot restrain ourselves from such inner devastation while living in information space, it’s better to isolate yourself from him for a while.

Moreover, it seems to me that now so many people have fallen under a strong addiction to the Internet, which can be compared to alcohol or drugs.

Therefore, try not to sit in front of the screen in the evening when you return from work. Maybe your teenager will start playing less computer games? Yes, it will seem like it at first not an easy task, but then it will become easier and other interests, more useful, will appear. For example, family conversations, family communication...

What about those who simply don’t eat meat and don’t go to church?

Of course, there should be no disdainful attitude. Even if a person decides to fast, simply limiting himself to some foods, this can be such an unconscious step towards God, and this is very important.

I remember the children were at sports training at the temple, and while waiting for them, I started talking with one person. I was just walking Lent. This man is very powerful, athletic, and tells me: “I can’t live without meat. At least during Lent? How long does it last? Forty days and a week?! What are you doing?!”

Then I suggested trying to abstain for at least Holy Week. "Seven days? I’m afraid I can’t,” the interlocutor replied. “What if it’s three days,” I suggested. This man thought deeply and said, clearly gathering his will: “I’ll try.”

I realized that if this powerful athlete fasted for three days, then this would be more work than all my fasts and fasting days for the year.

The Lord does not look at the external, but at the internal, and sometimes such attempts are much more than our statutory complete fasting, so where should we judge another person!

Of course, if such a person asks us, we can point out to him the purpose of fasting. But not in a way that “you are sinning, you are wrong,” but to show how much he is losing by not attending such wonderful Lent services. This is a loss that cannot be made up for.

If you come only to the Easter service, then you will feel and understand less than if you attend the services of Holy Week, which are a real treasure. You can tell us how you first discovered these treasures for yourself. Tell us about the service of the 12 Gospels, about why there is no Liturgy on Good Friday...

So for those who are starting Lent for the first time, I would advise you to think about what you can limit yourself to. Maybe you shouldn’t take upon yourself all the rigor of fasting that long-churched Christians bear. You need to choose a measure that is less heavy, but which you can withstand the entire fast.

You should definitely discover the services of Lent. Be at the reading at least once Canon of Penance To understand what it is, go around on Sundays, on weekdays, to pray in a half-empty church during Lenten services. Be sure to prepare for communion on Maundy Thursday.

Archpriest Fyodor Borodin

Most of us create problems for ourselves by interfering too often in other people's affairs. We do this because we believe we are doing this the best way, and that our logic is the only correct one. As a result, we criticize those who disagree with us and try to instruct them on Right way, i.e. on our way.

This type of our attitude denies the existence of individuality, and therefore the existence of God, since he created each of us unique.

There are no two people who think exactly the same way and do the same things. All men and women act as the divine within them tells them to do. God looks after everyone and everything. You shouldn't worry about others! Take care of yourself!

Learn to forgive and forget.

This is the most effective method achieving peace of mind. We often carry within ourselves negative feelings to the person who offended us. We forget that the offense was inflicted only once, and constantly feed our discontent. All this leads to the fact that we are always “scratching the same wound.”

Believe in the justice of God and karma. Let him judge the actions of those who hurt you. Life is too short to waste it on trifles. Forgive, forgive and keep moving forward.

Don't seek public recognition.

There are enough selfish people in this world. They rarely value people without seeking personal gain. Moreover, no one is perfect.

Then why do you value the words of praise from a mortal like you? Why do you crave recognition so much? Believe in yourself. Other people's praises don't last long. When performing your duties, do not forget about morality and sincerity. The rest is left to God.

Forget about envy.

We all know how envy can disrupt our peace of mind. You know you worked harder than your colleagues, but they got the promotion, not you. Should you envy them? No.

Remember that the life of each of us is built in accordance with the karma of our past actions and deeds.

If you are destined to be rich, then nothing in the world can stop you. You will achieve nothing by blaming others for your failures. Envy will lead you to nothing but worry.

If you want to change the world, start with yourself.

Do not try to change the world around you alone, you are unlikely to succeed. Isn't it better for you to change yourself? And then even an unfriendly environment will become pleasant and harmonious for you.

Accept what cannot be changed.

This better way turn disadvantages into advantages. Every day we are faced with inconvenience, irritation, illness and accidents that are beyond our control.

We must learn to accept them, saying to ourselves: “God willed it this way. Let it be so". After all, the logic of God is beyond our understanding. Believe this, and you will become more tolerant, strong and strong-willed.

“Don't bite off more than you can eat.”

We often take on more responsibilities than we can fulfill. We do this to satisfy our Ego. Therefore, balance your capabilities. Free time try to devote to prayers, introspection and meditation.

This will help reduce the number of thoughts that prevent you from feeling self-sufficient people. The fewer thoughts, the more peace of mind.

Don't be sorry, don't call, don't cry, just take care of yourself 7 times

Practice meditation regularly.

Meditation frees the mind from thoughts, which is the highest state of peace of mind. If you meditate for 30 minutes every day, you will be able to maintain a state of calm for the remaining 23 hours and 30 minutes.

Your mind will no longer be tense as it was before. This will help improve your performance and you will perform more work in less time.

Never let your brain sit idle.

An empty mind is the abode of the devil. All bad deeds originate in the mind. Try to occupy your mind with something positive and worthwhile. Get yourself a hobby. You must decide for yourself what is more important to you – money or peace of mind. Your hobby may not bring big money, such as work public figure, but it will give you a feeling of self-realization and success. Even when you are physically resting, keep yourself busy with reading.

Don't hesitate and don't be sorry.

Don’t waste time thinking “Should I do this? Or is it not necessary? You can waste days, weeks, and even years on these useless internal debates.

It is impossible to plan and calculate everything, since it is impossible to predict all future events. Always remember that God has His own plan. Calculate your time and take action. If something doesn’t work out for you, then there’s nothing to worry about. You can always correct your mistakes and succeed next time. If you just sit and worry, it will get you nowhere. Learn from your mistakes, but don't hold on to the past.

Never regret anything! Everything that happened was destined to happen this way. Accept this as the will of God.

“There is as much science in every discipline as there is mathematics in it,” Immanuel Kant said. Therefore, we can continue: “Each country has as much intelligence as there are children with developed mathematical thinking". A country with a low mathematical culture is doomed to poverty, vegetation and extinction. This is probably why the ruling American consulting companies(- according to E. Fedorov) everything is being done to worsen mathematical education in Russia. It seems Yaroslav Kuzminov from HSE with...


This is what consequences are about. Homo Erectus... turned out to be a Counting Man! Many animals walk, but only people count.

As for the technique itself, I think it’s not that interesting?

This technique belongs to the developmental care system. It uses play activities, which are called “Fingering” - from the second week of the baby’s life. - [link-1]

I tested this method: it is super effective, 100% kids love Tyulenev-style play activities - they simply adore “Fingermatics”, they watch without stopping and stop crying and being capricious.
At least they’re mine, at least wash them, at least sprinkle them... - they stare at their daddy, who is showing them the finger! Well, then they repeat finger numbers, finger numbers, etc. (see in the book).

“Finger medicine” acts on them like hypnosis!

Then we smoothly move on to games with another wonderful toy - with MathCad - a mathematical package specially selected and recommended since 1996 by P.V. Tyulenev, which uses the same symbols and formulas as in ordinary mathematical writing, and you don’t need to know programming in algorithmic languages.

So by the age of 8-9 years, a child without any tutors or financial expenses becomes a real mathematical “pro”...

Thus, thanks to “Fingermatics” and the “Count before walking” technique, the problems of the best in the world mathematics education in Russia and among caring and intelligent parents no longer exists.

Each cream has a paraben! Probably every woman at least once in her life has had to read the list of ingredients of some cosmetic product. This activity, as a rule, brings little benefit. Complex chemical names and it’s difficult to pronounce, and it’s completely unrealistic to understand what it is. What, for example, might a mere mortal think when he reads that his favorite cream contains “cocamide diethanolamine” or “sodium tetraborate”? Agree, nothing pleasant comes to mind...


The main thing here is to find golden mean, i.e. choose a preservative that would protect the cream from infection, but would also be safe for humans.
For the same reason, you need to think about packaging, storage location...yes, it’s important, because... provocation for microorganisms is done at 28-30C, add to this the humidity of the bathroom and you will get very good environment habitat of microorganisms...

My sister lives in Poland and I once asked her what creams the Polish women around her use, so she said that all her friends order creams from pharmacies and they have an expiration date of about a month.

03/18/2003 12:05:27, Assol 30

Good morning! I know that mothers of children studying at the lyceum sometimes talk here. I would like to ask, since I am slightly confused after the add. Now my child is studying at a school that is quite comparable in fame to 1553, but narrowly focused (which, in fact, was the reason to think about transferring) and diametrically opposite in atmosphere :) I’m used to hearing questions about scores, success in olympiads, number of hours in certain subjects, additional classes. Yesterday it happened...


I have another problem - I’m sure that this school is ideal for my child, and the child is fine in his own... And she went to the test on the condition that I would not force her to enroll... She was called for an interview, but even if they take it, she has no time to go to the evening party :-(
It seems to me that they didn’t ask about academic success at the meeting because they had already looked at the website in advance, or wherever they looked...

I looked at the list, more than half are second or third children, younger brothers and sisters. In my opinion, this is significant.

While model standards continue to trend downward, the population continues to improve, and the gap will widen even further in the future—by 2030, 87% of the American population, for example, will be significantly overweight or obese. In Europe, women have won the right to look the way nature programmed them, they are increasingly less likely to strive to meet the glossy standard of slimness, and this leads to the fact that the percentage of obese and overweight decreases. In Russia, the desire of women under 30 to be fashionably thin is extremely high, and here is the result: Russian women- the most complete in Europe. The average BMI of a Russian woman, according to a Harvard study, is 27.1; the slimmest were residents of Switzerland, France and Italy. Please note that these are countries where National cuisine full...


There’s something I don’t understand, is it necessary to strive to lose weight or is it not necessary? I agree with one thing: the female body is very dependent on everything that happens to it... pregnancy, childbirth or menopause - all this leaves an imprint on the weight or figure. ((And here you can’t cope with diets alone. I’m wondering if you take all these weight loss supplements – does this make sense or not? After all, there are those that are specifically designed for women, and even taking into account age.

Very interesting and necessary information.

Dysarthria in children. User's blog Children's clinic...

Dysarthria is the most severe speech disorder, as it is associated with disorders in the central nervous system. This disease is manifested by a violation of the pronunciation of sounds, the replacement of some sounds by others, changes in the tempo of speech, and the strength of the voice. All this leads to speech becoming slurred and difficult to understand. Children with dysarthria understand that their speech is different from the speech of their peers, it is difficult for them to communicate, it is difficult to find common topics for conversations. In addition, young children...

I’m already confused about who I sent it to and who I didn’t, so I’m giving the exercises here. These exercises were given by one advanced mother at this conference about 2 years ago, so they are with her comments. Complex for extinguishing tonic reflexes. The labyrinthine tonic reflex (LTR) manifests itself in two positions - on the back and on the stomach. On the back, LTR is manifested by an increase in tone in all extensor muscles of the body. This leads to the fact that the spine and legs are straightened, the tone in the...

[blank]. User's blog on 7ya.ru

The child has colic. Warm bath, osteopathy or earplugs: what to choose?


We suffered from colic until a neurologist told us to see an osteopractor. Therefore, I give a thumbs up to the author of the article for his advice to resort to craniosacral techniques. The doctor brought our nervous system back to normal, and as a result, the peristalsis began to work normally. No intestinal spasms - no pain. Now I am studying osteopractice techniques on my own to help both myself and my children when my stomach hurts.

In a person who has been drinking a lot for a long time, the pH of the blood shifts towards acidification, and the content of ions and microelements in it decreases. This causes water to move from the blood into intercellular space, the person swells and sweats, his blood is thick, and it is very difficult for the heart to circulate it throughout the body, the pressure jumps, the head hurts. The liver cannot cope with the load, its cells die, the body is poisoned not only by alcohol, but also by the remains of its own dead cells. The person feels very bad, and he wants to drink more to subjectively feel better. But after a few weeks or months of binge drinking, the body is so poisoned that the person simply cannot take it anymore. He...

In the plateau phase, the vagina adapts to the male genital organ, and partners begin to feel each other especially well. In the outer third of the vagina, that is, almost at the entrance, the so-called orgasmic cuff begins to form. The orgasmic cuff occurs due to the strong blood flow to the venous plexus of the vagina in this area and to the vestibular bulb. This causes the vaginal opening and outer third to swell and become very narrow, tightly enveloping the penis. It is during the female plateau phase that a man most often experiences ejaculation (orgasm) - this is due to the fact that the strong grip of the penis with an orgasmic cuff significantly enhances the pleasant sensations, and the man cannot stand it. Etc...


In my opinion, the issue of orgasm has already been lost in my head.
. No matter how many articles I read - everywhere common words and about the “main erogenous zone” - the head. And nothing specific. And this article is great. Everything is laid out clearly and clearly. Thanks to the author! May the force of the orgasmic cuff be with us :-)

05/19/2015 00:52:23, Mamalisa

You can immediately see what the man wrote:) From the series “where and how to rub correctly so that she cums faster.” And not a word about the fact that the main prerequisites for orgasm in women are formed not in the clitoris or vagina, but in the head.

Oh, how many vivid memories we get by attending just one performance at the circus. Amazing gymnasts and magicians, charming animals and mesmerizing tightrope walkers. Sparkling costumes and amazing special effects. And, of course, funny clowns, at whose jokes both adults and children laugh loudly. But are the jokes of mischievous people with painted faces funny to everyone? After all, many reprises are built on falls, bruises, deception and other, not the most positive human...

16 good qualities of "bad girls". Popular psychology

Ehrhardt gives 16 principles that all women should adopt. Already Florence Nightingale, the founder of the first sanitary schools, in her own way belonged to their number. She refused to obey her parents, rejected a “promising” marriage and made an open, long break with her family. Although Florence suffered from a quarrel with her mother, she insisted on her own. As Monica Siegel wrote, &laq...

Where does the wind come from?

The wind is a natural phenomenon, which causes air to move as a result of certain changes, wind appears when pressure changes. The riddle of the wind is perhaps the most difficult to understand not only for children, but also for adults, which is why many of us cannot really explain to our children why the wind blows and what it is? In fact, the wind is formed as a result uneven distribution pressure in the atmosphere and is directed away from the zone high pressure to low. Look...

The fact is that even with the most skillful performance of a caesarean section after the operation, the woman in labor is in such a state that she cannot show towards the child the fullness of feelings that the baby who has suffered discomfort expects from her. The psychological contact between them is disrupted exactly as much as the mother’s health suffers after the operation. In almost all cases, she is prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection from getting into the postoperative scar. This leads to the baby being put to the breast late. If, while taking antibiotics, the mother nevertheless begins to breastfeed, the milk causes discomfort in the abdomen: bloating, intestinal colic, accompanied by either constipation or diarrhea. It often happens that a child refuses to breastfeed on his own, and the psychological gap...


Before the cesarean (in November) I read this article and cried. I had a narrow pelvis and a weak retina. We thought that the child would be born weighing 3400-3500, but was born weighing 3980!!! Imagine what would happen if I gave birth myself! And there was also an entanglement in the umbilical cord. Now about the psychological aspects. It is purely psychologically difficult for a mother who has undergone a caesarean section, and even in maternity hospitals there is still an opinion that giving birth yourself is a feat, and having a caesarean section is just like going for a walk. And then they write all sorts of shit. Girls, don’t believe it, everything will be fine.

02/15/2004 11:04:21 AM, NOVA

I was especially “pleased” by the last paragraph: “In order for pregnancy to be successfully completed in a physiological way that does not harm either the mother or the baby, several conditions are necessary: ​​physical and psychological readiness, the choice of a doctor and a maternity hospital." Yes, and I will receive a guarantee that I will give birth without intervention! And if, when all the conditions are met, the water flows out, and contractions do not occur, even with stimulation? Is it possible to speak so categorically about something you have no idea about? concepts?...

He wrapped himself in the umbilical cord twice, the uzist woman insistently recommends: “talk to him so that he can unravel.” Of course, I believe in the power of thoughts and I send positive messages, but I can’t talk or communicate with the child. The question is: does something really help to unravel? Or does it happen more randomly when the baby is spinning?


Don't worry unnecessarily, ultrasound is a very unreliable method. They found some kind of entanglements that could not have happened in principle - the umbilical cord was short, 20 cm!

08/28/2009 12:42:24, I’ll calm you down

You probably won't believe it. helps. turned over, unraveled - we are not alone. There are no accidents in nature. “randomness is the language of God” (c) if possible, read Grof or about Grof about perinatal matrices(about the pelvic as a possible offense to the child, etc.) and Chamberlain “the mind of your child, very interesting.

I usually spoke to myself. Mentally. But sometimes out loud. I spent half an hour in the soul of the trandella until my fingers stuck together :) When I read about the offense, I compared what the offense could have been for, I realized that he did not understand why I was crying and worried (my beloved cat died), and I began to explain to him. I felt that the child feels my feelings (I cry - he cries, I laugh - he laughs), but, unlike me, he does not always understand what causes them. and can perceive this as a consequence of some of his actions, presences. and my task, as a mother, is to explain to him that he is desirable and joyful, but I was and am upset about this and that. and I also asked him for forgiveness for the fact that I could have offended him without realizing it myself.

I explain it very schematically. do not be shy. Only stupid people or prudes are embarrassed by such things. and finally, you don’t have to tell anyone that you are chatting with your child about this and that :))) remember Almodóvar’s film “Talk to Her”. Remember the funny statistics about how the milk yield of cows is higher if they play Mozart, remember how the structure of water changes from kind words. Or that flowers grow better for those who talk to them. Well, even if not EVERYONE does this, shouldn’t you put it down to EVERYONE who is more important to you - your dear one or some standard ALL with their “correctness”? :)))

By state program“7 nosologies” provides only one drug free of charge - the enzyme mucolytic dornase alfa. How the patient will receive the remaining medications is decided locally. However, this often leads to the fact that the patient has to purchase a significant portion of the medications at his own expense. Another problem is when, against the background of improvement in well-being, the patient’s disability is removed, which means he loses benefits for drug provision. Myth 4. Cystic fibrosis deprives a person of talent. There is an assumption that the great composer Frederic Chopin had cystic fibrosis. Judging by the descriptions of the biographers of the musical genius, he had everything...

When will Easter be celebrated this year?

Easter this year will be celebrated by Orthodox Christians and everyone who tries to observe Orthodox traditions on Sunday, April 15. Easter, unlike Christmas (January 7) or Annunciation (April 7), does not have a certain day celebrations. Every year this holiday falls on a different date. What is this connected with? The date of Easter is determined each time from the ratio of lunar and solar calendars. The celebration begins on the first Sunday after the full moon, which comes after the day...

For example, if a mother (or another close adult), nervous, reaches for a cigarette, the child will remember that this is the way to relieve stress. If a group of parents and their friends smoke during the holidays, the baby will learn that smoking is an integral part of communication and fun. All this leads to the fact that the child will have a desire to smoke on a subconscious level. Therefore, with conscious arguments, with the help of persuasion, demands, logical evidence, it will be difficult for you to protect him from a cigarette. Sociological research confirm that children of smoking parents become smokers more often than their peers whose families are not susceptible to this addiction. How to quit smoking forever? If it were...
...This means wasting time nap child only for himself, and not for washing dishes or telephone conversations, as well as master relaxation and meditation techniques that will allow you to get as much rest in an hour as you previously received in half a day lying on the couch. A woman quitting smoking needs to be prepared for the difficulties that await her. A smoker without a cigarette becomes unprotected: the problems remain, but the usual way of dealing with them is lost. A psychologist, a special group of quitters, or an acquaintance with experience in dealing with addiction will help a person develop new ways of interacting with the world. The author thanks psychologists Alla Doranilova, Anna Tikhomirova and director...


Like most of us, I quit smoking when the test showed the coveted two lines. Until the last drop of milk (and this happened very early - at 4 months, because the university session was coming and I had to be there for 55 days from 8:30 to 18-19 hours) I did not smoke.
but I got through the session..exams..all my old friends smoking...beer after passing the exam...I couldn’t restrain myself..the session passed and I started running to work (my mother was on vacation at that time and I worked for a month). Even those who have never seen a cigarette before smoke there (we are a legal service)..
Now I’m just sitting at home.. (I work from home), my husband doesn’t smoke, but I can’t stop..
I smoked since I was 16..
I understand how disgusting all this is, but alas.......

09/12/2002 09:25:14, SvetlaNa

I’m 27 years old, my son is 2 years old. 7 months old. I’ve been smoking since I was 16 (I started “for company”). When I found out that I was pregnant, I quit immediately. I just knew that he, my baby, didn’t need THIS. I didn’t break even when I was divorcing husband (5 months pregnant). I thought that was it, I quit forever. But no...
As soon as feeding stopped (at 2.5 months), the desire to smoke became irresistible. Well...you understand.
I don’t smoke very much, only R1 minima, but nevertheless I smoke, and the most interesting thing is that I’m not going to quit. I feel so comfortable, I feel so good. Of course, there is a feeling of guilt in front of my son, but I don’t think that this will necessarily do his smoker. There are many examples when a child of non-smoking parents starts smoking (me, for example) And vice versa. And regarding motivation, I absolutely agree. Until each of us, smokers, decides for herself that enough is enough, there are no persuasion or prohibitions outside will not help.
I would be glad if anyone responds to my review. Sorry if it turned out a little chaotic.

04.09.2002 16:57:50, kola

Look at the current selection of kindergartens: with short-day groups and night groups - for every taste and opportunity; great amount agencies offering professional nannies and governesses, development centers and hobby groups. Almost all kindergartens and schools have child psychologists. All this leads to the fact that it becomes easier for parents to combine work and raising children. Often a working mother, missing her child (and feeling somewhat guilty that she spends little time with him), tends to shower the child with gifts and lets him get away with all the pranks. “Indulgence brings no satisfaction to children and makes them more greedy,” wrote Benjamin Spock. A mother should not be embarrassed to interrupt play with her child if...

There are several reasons for this. The growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach and moves it upward, where it occupies an unnatural position. The pregnancy hormone is progesterone, which relaxes many of the smooth muscles in the body. And the esophageal sphincter is no exception. All this leads to the fact that the sphincter does not close completely, and gastric juice enters the esophagus. Medicines for heartburn Gastroenterologists prescribe the following groups of medicines for heartburn. Antacid drugs. They contain salts of magnesium, calcium, aluminum, which neutralize hydrochloric acid. Now the contents of the stomach, entering the esophagus, do not irritate its mucous membrane. Alginates. In the acidic environment of the stomach, alginates form gels...

In addition, twins have problems personal development. They find it very difficult to separate themselves from their co-twin. This leads to the fact that one of them considers the other as part of himself. Some personality traits developed in one person are not sufficiently developed in another. At the same time, the twins do not feel their shortcomings. By emphasizing the similarities of such couples, those around them thereby form an even greater psychological identity for them. Geminis have difficulty getting used to changes in the situation and to the team. They are content with communicating with their brother (or sister) and do not strive to get closer to other children, and sometimes actively...

With a transverse or pelvic presentation of the child, the contact belt is not formed, and all the waters rush to the lower part of the amniotic sac. This leads to the fact that the shells cannot withstand the pressure and rupture. Cervical insufficiency In this case, the cervix is ​​not completely closed, which leads to the fact that the amniotic sac protrudes into the cervical canal, becomes easily infected and can rupture even with slight physical exertion. Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling These diagnostic methods can sometimes lead to rupture of the membranes. Bad habits of the mother Women who smoke and abuse alcohol are more at risk of PPROM. Multiple pregnancies and uterine anomalies Any anomaly or multiple pregnancy V...


Yeah, very good test. I was tormented so much. They poked some papers, then all sorts of smears. It is not clear what they accomplished there. They recommended Amnishur and bought it. The result is positive. They immediately placed me in a sterile room, where I stayed until the birth, for which I bow to the doctors. My daughter was born healthy and without complications.

A very interesting, albeit long article. My colleagues from the Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology are very pleased with the use of the described test. It’s better to stock up on them just in case, especially now, before the summer period.

05/31/2011 18:28:09, Rama

Firstly, disruption of the normal functioning of one of the leading speech analyzers leads to particularly serious deviations in speech development children, which cannot help but draw the reader’s attention. Secondly, correct understanding parents and their timely adoption of corrective and preventive measures will allow them to do a lot to preserve their children’s speech. It is customary to distinguish between two main categories of children with hearing impairment: deaf and hard of hearing, and among the deaf - early- and late-deafened. The last ones are deaf before the onset...

Most of all diseases begin with fever and intoxication, which, together with information about vaccination, forces parents, and sometimes the doctor, to think about a post-vaccination complication while he is ill, for example, an acute respiratory infection. This leads to the fact that timely diagnosis of the disease is not carried out and appropriate therapy is not started. Therefore, if a vaccinated child gets sick, first of all it is necessary to call a doctor and decide whether this is a disease or a complication associated with the vaccination. When post-vaccination complications occur, treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms: in case of excessive strong reactions antipyretic drugs are used, for allergies - anti...


Doctors operating on tuberculosis themselves admit that the disease has mutated so much that medications have not helped for a long time (and therefore, vaccination too)

Every parent has a choice. Do you want to vaccinate your child, protect him from “all diseases”, now they seem to have invented vaccinations against cancer, and maybe they will be included in the national vaccination calendar, and “normal mothers” will run to get them? Maybe we should first take care of natural immunity, making sure our children eat healthy food, hardened, and any colds, even with a low rise in temperature, were not treated with antibiotics on the advice of pediatricians. For example, our pediatrician, having come to my 9-month-old son, whose temperature had risen to 39 degrees without any other manifestations, said: knock it down and take antibiotics just in case. As a result, the child was diagnosed with rosiola, after which he acquired lifelong immunity to the herpes virus type 6. And we must listen to such doctors unconditionally and vaccinate our children, because the bonuses of our local police officers depend on this. And don’t get too excited, parents of children whose children easily survived the invasion of immature, just emerging immune systems by vaccinations. Yes, so far so good, but who knows what other unexplored diseases our age of universal vaccination will present to us.

08/26/2008 23:30:11, Sveta

As soon as a focus of inflammation occurs in the body, mast cells receive a signal from other cells, become activated and release “charges” of histamine and other substances into the blood. Histamine causes expansion of capillaries and increases the permeability of their walls. This leads to swelling occurring in the area, blood flow increasing and slowing down, which means more and more concentrated protective cells(neutrophils and lymphocytes). They will help the body cope with inflammation. The same thing happens with Quincke's edema (only there is no focus of inflammation itself, and completely other factors, sometimes quite harmless, provoke the release of histamine). And here mast cells release histamine, which causes dilation of capillaries, increases the permeability of their walls,...

This is a passion for shaping, running, lifting weights. The next stage is overeating. Patients become depressed because sole purpose their life is to lose weight, and they are full again. All means are already being used here - from artificial vomiting to various laxatives. All this leads to teenagers being brought to the hospital who have lost 50% of their weight. And the further the body is depleted, the more they suffer internal organs. Teeth and hair begin to fall out, and the skin peels off. This is what happens to teenagers sometimes. In the meantime, your little one is very small, listen to him, his gastronomic desires and preferences, and everything will be fine with you! Kristina Chumikova Article provided by...


Maybe you should try supplementing with formula? replace 1 feeding with some high-calorie formula (for example, infatrini.) My neighbor feeds her, they gained a kilo in a month. And they don’t know any problems now.

no one practical advice. child 1.6 thin eats not catching or pushing in a single piece

10/31/2008 19:46:13, Tanya

And it takes time for the partner’s microflora to adapt to the woman’s body and begin to be considered “their own.” Nowadays, many young girls today date several partners at once. This leads to the fact that the composition of the vaginal microflora is constantly disrupted. Therefore, inflammatory diseases of the vagina are much more common in age group from 16 to 20 years and are more difficult to treat than at older ages. A gynecologist is a doctor who often knows even more about his patients than their husbands or relatives. And teenage gynecologists are often aware of things that parents are not even aware of. On average 7 out of 10 modern girls start sex life at the age of 15, and after a while many of them already have several partners. And...

This is not the first panel house I live in... but this is the first time I have heard such audibility. Moreover, you can hear the neighbors upstairs. Neither from below, nor from the side... You can hear everything - steps, laughter, stomping, you can hear the floor being washed or the vacuum cleaner “crawls” along the floor. And the question is - why is this so? What could be done on the floor so that they could be heard like that? It’s true that their apartment is empty, almost without furniture... well, there’s laminate on the floor, we also have laminate, but the neighbors downstairs don’t hear us like that, although my two kids make a decent noise :))) I also thought... could it be so make noise...


we are also suffering..this is the first time we have such audibility:((I just hate the upstairs neighbors: they constantly drop something, walk around the house in heels, wake up at 6 in the morning and let everyone rattle:((((

We have a Stalinist house, we don’t have anything like it yet, but now we are moving to a panel house - I think that all this awaits us

As a man ages, his sexual activity changes. As practice shows, not in better side. She is declining, there is no former passion and attraction to opposite sex. This can happen at the most inopportune moment. Mostly aged 35-40 years. Many men do not pay due attention to this problem. As a result, their condition only gets worse.

Lack of sexual desire is pathological condition in men. Since by their nature they need sexual relations with the opposite sex. This makes it possible to prolong the human race.

But sometimes a man is unable to perform his main task, which is fertilization. The reason for this is physical disturbances in the structure of the penis. He cannot go into a state of sexual arousal. Even if it is possible to do this, then a short time. It is not enough for sexual intercourse.

Men are ashamed of this condition and try to hide it, since sexual failure becomes a real blow to their pride. Some begin to tell colorful fables about their sexual exploits, others simply hush up the problem, remaining alone with it.


Can lead to impotence different reasons and this is not surprising, because an erection is. It consists of different reactions that occur in the body. If everything functions normally, then the sexual organ assumes a similar state quite quickly. It will take less than one minute. Provides this nerve impulses, which come from the subcortical and cortical structures of the brain. What leads to such problems in men? This question worries many men. Since, knowing the causes of the problem, you can avoid them. Thus, minimizing the likelihood of developing the disease. The main reasons include:

  1. Disruption of some body systems. For example, genitourinary, nervous and endocrine;
  2. Stress and emotional shocks that lead to mental disorder;
  3. Sexual excess;
  4. Passive lifestyle, sedentary work, poor nutrition, thermal underwear; Excess weight and bad habits. For example, smoking, drinking alcohol.

Smoking definitely does not have health benefits, but it is worth noting separately harmful influence on the genital system. When smoking, harmful substances enter a man’s body. They have a negative effect on the erection process. The way they suppress the sex centers in the brain. It will take more time for the penis to accept the necessary condition, and with age it will not be able to function normally.

Experts have conducted a number of studies, which have determined that smoking leads to impotence at a young age. WITH similar violations in the sexual sphere is faced by 40% of men who abuse cigarettes. If you smoke, be prepared for similar problems.

Radiation has a special influence on the development of the disease. It leads to the disruption of the functional abilities of the gonads. As a result, the spermatogenic epithelium of the seminiferous tubules deteriorates significantly. Irradiation causes sperm to die and impotence occurs. The sexual reflex is dulled, and sexual function weakens.


Masturbation is the name given to self-satisfaction of one's sexual needs. Not only men, but also women do it. This is a natural phenomenon. But masturbation affects the male body not only positive action, but also negative. It can cause many problems with his health.

The need for masturbation is mainly adolescence . And this is not surprising. What happens in the body is accompanied by a hormonal surge. There is no regular sexual life as such. In this case, masturbation becomes a real salvation, as it allows you to relieve tension.

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The main danger of masturbation is psychological dependence from the process. As a result, the man gives preference not to masturbation, but to masturbation. He not only conducts mechanical impact on the penis, but also fantasizes. Masturbating becomes extremely dangerous. This leads to depletion of the central nervous system. As a result, impotence develops. With such an illness, traditional sexual intercourse becomes impossible and difficult to perform. This leads to a complete loss of interest in the opposite sex.


At first, masturbation brings a lot of pleasure, but then it declines. As a result, the erection becomes short, and ejaculation does not occur. All this will cause new problems to arise. They mainly manifest themselves in the form of acute and chronic prostatitis.

If masturbation is performed every day, the penis loses its sensitivity.

As a result, it will take a lot of time for a man to satisfy himself. This is the situation during sexual intercourse with the opposite sex. Upon completion, orgasm may not occur. Stimuli that are responsible for excitation no longer have the same meaning as before. Now an erection can occur only if certain conditions are met.

As practice shows, prostatitis becomes main reason impotence. If during time you notice changes in genitourinary system and take measures to eliminate them, you can avoid similar consequences. Otherwise, prostatitis leads to:

  • Blood circulation in the gonads deteriorates. Since swollen tissues put pressure on blood vessels;
  • The genitourinary system can easily become infected with any infections;
  • Testosterone, which is synthesized by the genitals, decreases in volume;
  • The functional abilities of the gonads are impaired;
  • Neurohumoral regulation undergoes changes;
  • Getting worse mental condition. There is a high probability of developing depression against the background of male incompetence.

If these and other signs appear, you should consult a specialist. It will help you cope with the problem and regain your former sexual activity. But it is worth noting that treatment should be aimed not only at eliminating impotence, but also prostatitis. Because last state is the reason main problem. Only by eliminating the cause can you get rid of the disease.

Types of impotence

Impotence happens different types. In this regard, it is classified into:

  • Organic;
  • Psychogenic;
  • Mixed.

With organic potency, changes are observed in the process of sexual arousal and impulses towards sexual intercourse. This suggests that the man has sexual desire, but the necessary reaction with the genital organ does not occur. There is no erection.

The psychogenic appearance indicates disturbances in the process of formation of the excitation impulse. Since it is fundamental for the initiation of sexual intercourse, its implementation becomes impossible. In this case, the erectile ability of the reproductive system does not start.

The most common type of illness is mixed look. Since it combines the two previous ones. They not only complement each other, but also give rise to emergence.


Every man can protect himself from impotence. It is enough to monitor your lifestyle and nutrition. Don't abuse it bad habits. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is important to note the adherence to the culture of natural sex. Any sophistication can have serious consequences.

In addition, you should not indulge in self-pleasure too much. Such events will have a detrimental effect on a man’s health. Only drug therapy. There are many ways to treat impotence. Only a doctor can help you choose the most effective one, based on its type and causes.

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We all know school biology went through evolution. And although evolutionary changes can occur for centuries, scientists around the world are tirelessly studying this issue.

We are in website decided to talk about evidence that humans are evolving to this day.

1. Adults can drink milk

The gene that helps humans digest milk has evolved during evolution. Initially, people could drink and metabolize milk only in infancy. But after the domestication of cows, goats, sheep and the development of cattle breeding, the necessary gene appeared in our body.

Now lactose is absorbed in the bodies of about a third of people on the planet. These are mainly those people whose ancestors lived in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South Asia.

The ability to drink milk without problems is called lactase persistence, and recent genetic evidence has shown that it evolved independently in different parts world over the past 10 thousand years as a result of natural selection.

2. Not everyone has wisdom teeth.

The jaws of modern man are smaller than those of his ancestors. This has led to the fact that the teeth themselves have become slightly smaller, and in some people they are already Wisdom teeth are completely or partially missing.

The thing is that the diet of our ancestors was very different from modern, softer food. In addition, third molars usually erupt between the ages of 18 and 25. By this time most of teeth of human ancestors worked out its work. That is, third molars were vital. Now they are most often removed.

3. Some of us have blue eyes

Initially, all people were brown-eyed. But about 6–10 thousand years ago a mutation appeared that gives blue eyes.

If you remember your school biology course, you probably already realized that the gene allele responsible for blue eyes is not dominant. Nevertheless, she still manages to “survive.”

On the one hand, this is due to a specific genetic profile in men, called the Y-haplotype I-M170, which correlates with height. The increasing frequency of this profile in the population causes the average height of men to also increase.

But still, nutrition and human health have a much greater influence on growth.

5. Hair loss has decreased

The amount of hair on the body of a modern person differs significantly from hairline our ancestors. However, our skin is covered with fine and light hairs. The scalp, armpits and groin area are exceptions. Even now, the hair in them can be thick and dark. But it cannot be said that hair is a rudiment.

Reduced hair density and size in humans plays a role important role in thermoregulation through sweating. Eyelashes and hair in the nose and ears provide some protection from environment. Eyebrows prevent sweat from getting into your eyes. Hair on your head can help stabilize your brain temperature.

Therefore, it is too presumptuous to say that in the future a person will completely lose hair. Among other things, hair can act as one of the indicators in sexual selection.

7. We have back pain

Modern people move on two legs, unlike our distant ancestors, who walked on four limbs. Over the course of evolution, our spine has adapted to walking upright. But still, many of us experience lower back pain.

The study found that such problems are more common in humans, who have vertebral elements that are shaped in a manner indistinguishable from those in the chimpanzee spine. And although humans and chimpanzees have split from common ancestor approximately 8–9 million years ago, some of us still retained what appears to be a common vertebral pattern between both groups. This causes pain in the lower back, since in this case the spine is not so well adapted for walking on two legs.

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