“Rus and the Golden Horde. Golden Horde watch online

Taking into account the above facts, it is obvious that the traditional version of the “Tatar-Mongol” invasion, the yoke and, more broadly, the creation of the empire of Genghis Khan is a myth. Moreover, this myth is very beneficial to Russia’s geopolitical “partners” both in the West and in the East. It allows you to sharply narrow the historical, chronological and territorial space of Russian civilization and the superethnos of the Rus.

The time frame is usually limited to the first princes of the Rurik dynasty and the baptism of Rus' (IX-X centuries). Although with the advent of the theory of the “Ukraine-Rus” state, when all the first centuries of the Russian state led by the Rurik dynasty and all the first princes were “Ukrainized,” Russian history was cut short right up to the formation of the “Old Russian nationality”, the creation of Vladimir-Moscow Rus'. At the same time, the Russians were even deprived of their Slavic community - they are now descendants of “Ugric-Finns, Turks, Mongols with a slight admixture of Slavic blood.” And the “Ukrainians” were declared the “true” heirs of ancient Kievan Rus.

The territorial scope of settlement of the superethnos of the Rus is limited to the region of the Dnieper region, the Pripyat swamps. From there, the Russians allegedly settled throughout the remaining lands, displacing and assimilating the Finno-Ugrians, Balts and Turks. That is, everything is within the framework of the myth of the “prison of nations,” where the Russians allegedly conquered and oppressed neighboring tribes from ancient times.

Thus, the superethnos of the Rus was deprived of thousands of years of history, coming from Great Scythia and the legendary Hyperborea. And the territory of settlement of the Rus - from Europe in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the borders of Iran, India and China in the south, was reduced to “Kievan Rus”.

It is clear that some researchers have seen weak spots official version of the “Tatar-Mongol” invasion. Trying to restore the true story, they took several paths. The first attempt to give a different explanation of the events of the 13th century is the so-called. “Eurasianism” by G. Vernadsky, L. Gumilev and others. Historians of this school retain the traditional factual basis of the “Mongol” invasion, but carry out a complete ideological revision, where the minuses become pluses.

That is, the “Eurasians” did not question the origin of the “Mongols”. But, in their opinion, the “Tatar-Mongols” were generally friendly to Rus' and were with it as part of the Golden Horde in a state of idyllic “symbiosis”. Generally sound facts are given about the positive influence of the power of Genghis Khan and the first rulers after him on the vast Asian expanses. In particular, merchants could calmly travel vast distances without fear of robbers, who were destroyed; a well-organized postal service was created. North-Eastern Rus', with the support of Batu, survived the fight against the Western “dog knights”. Later, Moscow became the new center of the “Eurasian empire”, continuing the common cause.

The Eurasian version is useful in that it dealt a strong blow to the “armor” of classical history written by the Germans and Westerners for Russia. She showed the deception of the stereotype about the eternal enmity of “forest” and “steppe”, the incompatibility of the Slavic world with the cultures of steppe Eurasia. Westerners attributed the Slavic world to Europe. They say that the Slavs fell under the Horde yoke, and their history was subjected to harmful “distortions” from the “steppe”. Like the “totalitarianism and tyranny” of the Mongol rulers. Moscow inherited the “Asian” traditions and attitudes of the Horde, instead of returning to the “European family.”

The version of the “Tatar-Mongol yoke”, which was proposed by the authors of the theory of a radical revision of history, the so-called. “new chronology” - A. T. Fomenko, G. V. Nosovsky and other authors. It must be said that the authors of the “new chronology” used earlier ideas of the Russian scientist N.A. Morozov. “Fomenkovites” revised the traditional chronology in the direction of its reduction, and believe that there is a system of historical doubles, when some events are repeated in another time and in another region. The “New Chronology” caused a lot of noise in the historical and near-historical world. A whole world of “new chronology” has been created. In turn, the subversives wrote a whole bunch of exposé works.

According to Fomenko and Nosovsky, there was a single Russian-Horde empire (Nosovsky G.V., Fomenko A.T. New chronology of Rus'; Nosovsky G.V., Fomenko A.T. Rus' and the Horde. The Great Empire of the Middle Ages):

- The “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was simply a period of military rule in the Russian state. No foreigners conquered Rus'. The supreme ruler was the commander - the Khan-Tsar, and in the cities there were civilian governors - princes who collected tribute for the maintenance of the troops.

The Old Russian state was a single Eurasian empire, which included a standing army - the Horde, consisting of professional military men, and a civilian part that did not have a standing army. The notorious tribute (Horde exit), familiar to us from the traditional presentation of history, was simply a state tax within Rus' for the maintenance of the regular army - the Horde. The famous “tribute of blood” - every tenth person taken into the Horde is a state military conscription. Like being drafted into the army, but for life. Later, recruits were also taken away - for life. The so-called “Tatar raids” were ordinary punitive expeditions-raids into those Russian regions where the local administration and princes did not want to obey the royal will. It was not for nothing that Alexander Nevsky so rigidly established control of the Horde in the Novgorod-Pskov land. For him, the unity of the state was an obvious necessity in the face of invasion from the West. Russian regular troops punished the rebels, as they would later do in other periods of history.

- “The Tatar-Mongol invasion” is an internal war of Russians, Cossacks and Tatars within the framework of one single empire. The Golden Horde and Rus' were part of the huge power "Great Tartary", which was predominantly inhabited by Russians. Greater Rus' (“Tartaria”) was split into two fronts, into two rival dynasties - western and eastern, and the eastern Russian Horde and were those “Tatar-Mongols” who took and stormed the cities of Vladimir-Suzdal, Kievan and Galician Rus. This event went down in history as the “invasion of the filthy”, the “Tatar yoke”.

The Russian-Horde empire existed from the 14th century to the beginning of the 17th century, and its era ended in great turmoil. As a result of the unrest, which was initiated in Rome with the help of part of the Russian “elite,” the pro-Western Romanov dynasty came to power. She carried out a “cleansing” of sources, caused a split in the church with the emasculation of Orthodoxy, when religion became a formality and one of the tools for controlling the people. Russia under the Romanovs (except for some periods when patriotic emperors were at the head of Russia) set a course for “restoring” unity with the West. However, this course contradicted the “Russian matrix” - the cultural code of the Russian superethnos. As a result, the lack of unity between the “elite” and the people led to a new turmoil - the disaster of 1917.

The Romanovs, in order to retain and maintain power, as well as pursue a pro-Western course, needed a new history that would ideologically justify their power. The new dynasty was illegal from the point of view of previous Russian history, so it was necessary to radically change the coverage of previous Russian history. This is what the Germans did. They “wrote” a new history of Rus', removing facts that contradicted the new order and cutting off Russian history in the interests of the West and the new authorities. Professionals worked without essentially changing the facts; they were able to distort the entire Russian history beyond recognition. The history of Rus'-Horde with its class of farmers and military class (horde) was declared the era of “foreign conquest”, “Tatar-Mongol yoke”. At the same time, the Russian army (horde) turned into mythical aliens from a distant unknown country.

The famous writer Vasily Golovachev adheres to the same version: “All our lives they told us: Tatar-Mongol yoke, Tatar-Mongol yoke, implying that Rus' was in centuries-long slavery, without its own culture, its own written language. What nonsense! There was no Tatar-Mongol yoke! Yoke in general from ancient Slavic means “rule”! The words “army” and “warrior” are not originally Russian, they are Church Slavonic and were introduced into use in the seventeenth century instead of the words “horde” and “horde”. Before forced baptism, Rus' was not pagan, but Vedic, or rather Vestic; it lived according to the traditions of Vesta, not religion, but the most ancient system of universal knowledge. Rus' was a Great Empire, and the views of German historians about the supposedly slave past of Russia, about the slave souls of its people were imposed on us... A conspiracy against true Russian history existed and is still in effect, but we're talking about about the most vile distortion of the history of our fatherland to please those who are interested in hiding the secrets of the accession to the throne of the Romanov dynasty, and most importantly - in the humiliation of the Russian race, allegedly a race of slaves who groaned under the unbearable burden of the three-hundred-year Tatar-Mongol yoke, who did not have their own culture. ... There was a great Russian-Horde empire, ruled by a Cossack ataman - Batka - hence, by the way, the nickname - Batu - spread over a territory larger than the former USSR. Is this not a reason for the Pharisees who lived in America and Europe to imagine that everything was the other way around, that it was not they who occupied a dominant position, but the Slavs?”

The “new chronology” of Fomenko and Nosovsky raises many questions and is apparently erroneous. But the main thing is that the “Fomenkovites” in their works published a large number of traces of the presence of Russian-Russians in Europe and throughout Eurasia. Although, according to the “classical” version of history, the Eastern Slavs (Russians) crawled out of the swamps and forests only somewhere in the period of the 5th-6th centuries. (others give an even later date), their statehood was created by the “Viking Swedes”, and the Russians supposedly have nothing to do with the “real history” that was going on in Europe and Asia.

True, having found numerous traces of the presence of Russians in Europe and Asia, where they should not officially be, Fomenko and Nosovsky made a strange conclusion: the Russians, together with the Cossacks and Turks, conquered Europe during the reign of Ivan III and ruled it for a long time. Europe was part of the Russian Empire. Then the Russians were gradually driven out of Europe, and their traces were tried to be destroyed so that there would be no doubt about their greatness European civilization.

Here we can agree with the last conclusion: the Vatican, the later Masonic orders and lodges really did everything to destroy the traces of the Slavs, Rus in Europe, and also write the “history” of Rus'-Russia in their own interests. But this could not be done completely, because the Russians were not short-term invaders of Europe, as it seems to supporters of the “new chronology”. There was no conquest of Europe; the Rus were an autochthonous (indigenous) population of Europe, as they had lived in Europe since ancient times. Our ancestors - the Wends, Venets, Venets, Vandals, Vrans-Crows, Rugs-Rarogs, Pelasgians, Rasens, etc. - lived in Europe from the most ancient times.

This is confirmed by most of the toponymy of Europe (names of rivers, lakes, localities, mountains, cities, settlements, etc.). Since ancient times, the Rus have inhabited the expanses of the Balkans, including Greece-Greece and Crete-Skryten, modern Poland, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Northern France, Northern Italy, and Scandinavia. The process of their physical destruction, assimilation, Christianization, and displacement from Europe began around the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. It was the Slavic-Russian tribes that completely crushed the late, rotten Rome (“Germanic” tribes, which are considered Germans, have nothing to do with them, for example, the “Germanic” Vandals are the Venedian Slavs). But the flag of the “Roman infection” was already picked up by Western Christian Rome and the Roman (Byzantine) Empire, and a protracted war began that lasted a thousand years (and continues to this day, since the “Russian question” has not yet been resolved). The Slavic Russians were destroyed, turned into “mute Germans”, who were thrown at their brothers who had not yet forgotten their language and race, and were pushed to the east. A significant part of them were destroyed or assimilated, turning into “Germans” and included in the new Romanesque and German-Scandinavian nationalities. Thus, an entire Slavic civilization in the center of Europe - Western (Varangian) Rus' - was destroyed. You can read about this in the work of L. Prozorov “Varangian Rus': Slavic Atlantis” or the work of Yu. D. Petukhov “Normans. Rus of the North."

Other Slavic Russians were injected with the virus of Catholicism, the Slavs were subordinated to the Western matrix, making enemies of their brothers. In particular, in this way the Polish Poles were turned into stubborn enemies of Rus'. Nowadays, according to the same scheme, the southern and western parts of the superethnos of the Rus are being turned into “Ukr-Orcs”. In Belarus, Russians are turned into “Litvins.” In Russia itself, Russians are turned into an ethnographic mass, biomaterial - “Russians”.

Thus, the positivity of the “new chronology” is that it shows the absence of “Mongols from Mongolia” in the vastness of Rus'. Proves the fact that true story Russia has been cut off in many ways, distorted to please the masters of the West.

The third version is proposed by supporters of the idea that Russian civilization and the superethnos of the Rus have always existed, often creating great (world powers), and within the borders of Northern Eurasia. Since ancient times, Northern Eurasia was inhabited by our ancestors, the Rus, whom sources know as different names- Hyperboreans, Aryans, Scythians, Tauro-Scythians, Sarmatians, Roxolans-Rossolans, Varangians-Vends, Dew-Rusichs, “Mughals” (“powerful”), etc.

Thus, in the work of N. I. Vasilyeva, Yu. D. Petukhov “Russian Scythia” it is noted that on the territory of Northern Eurasia - from the Pacific Ocean and the borders of China to the Carpathians and the Black Sea - anthropological, cultural (spiritual and material culture), often political unity can be traced from the Neolithic and Bronze Age (the time of the Proto-Indo-Europeans, Aryans) to the Middle Ages.

There are facts that indicate that our direct ancestors lived on the territory of modern Rus'-Russia from the very appearance of the modern type of man - the Cro-Magnon Caucasian. Thus, a group of scientists from Russia and Germany, after many years of research, came to the conclusion that it was the Russian land that was the cradle of European civilization. The results of the latest research have proven that man of the modern Caucasian type arose by the 50-40th millennium BC. and initially lived exclusively within the Russian Plain, and only then settled throughout Europe.

According to the British BBC radio company, scientists made such conclusions after examining a human skeleton discovered in 1954 near Voronezh in the ancient burial place of Markina Gora (Kostenki XIV). It turned out that the genetic code of this person, buried about 28 thousand years ago, corresponds to the genetic code of modern Europeans. To date, the Kostenki complex near Voronezh has been recognized by world archaeologists as the most ancient habitat of a modern type of man, a Caucasian. Thus, the modern territory of Russia was the cradle of European civilization.

According to Yu. D. Petukhov, the author of a number of fundamental studies on the history of the Rus (“History of the Rus”, “Antiquities of the Rus”, “Roads of the Gods”, etc.), vast forest-steppe spaces from the Northern Black Sea region through the Southern Urals and to Southern Siberia, modern Mongolia, which Western historians gave to the “Mongol-Tatars”, in the XII-XIV centuries. actually belonged to the so-called. "Scythos-Siberian world". Caucasians conquered vast spaces from the Carpathians to the Pacific Ocean even before the departure of the wave of Indo-European Aryans in 2 thousand BC. e. to Iran and India. The memory of tall, fair-haired and light-eyed warriors has been preserved both in China and in neighboring regions. The military elite, the nobility of Transbaikalia, Khakassia and Mongolia were Indo-European Caucasians. It was from here that the legend arose of the light-haired and blue-eyed (green-eyed) Genghis Khan-Temuchin, the European appearance of Batu, etc. It was these heirs of the great northern civilization - Scythia, who were the only real military force that could conquer China, Central Asia (which was previously part of into their sphere of influence), the Caucasus, Rus' and other regions. Later they were dissolved among the Mongoloids and Turks, giving a passionary impulse to the Turks, but retained the memory of themselves as fair-haired and light-eyed “giants” (for the physically less developed Mongoloids they were giant heroes, like the Rus of Kyiv, Chernigov and Novgorod for the Arabs travelers).

The relatively rapid assimilation (within the framework of the historical process - only a few centuries) of the Rus of the Horde should not be surprising. Thus, northern Caucasians captured China more than once (they don’t like to remember this in the Middle Kingdom), but they all disappeared into the mass of Mongoloids, their subjects. Also, after the disaster of 1917, thousands and tens of thousands of Russians ended up in China. Where are they? They would be a significant part of modern Chinese society. However, they were assimilated. Already in the second and third generations, everyone became “Chinese”. Not only racial, but also linguistic, cultural differences have been lost. Only in India, the descendants of the Indo-European Aryans (our siblings) were able to preserve their appearance, cultural traditions (Old Russian language - Sanskrit) among the huge mass of the “black” population, thanks to the rigid caste system. Therefore, the modern castes of Kshatriya warriors and Brahmin priests are very different from the rest of the Indian population.

The Horde did not adhere to the principles of caste division, so the Horde in China and other areas that the Mongoloids had mastered dissolved, transferring some of their characteristics and passionary charge to the Mongoloids and Turks.

Some of these Scythian-Russians came to Rus'. Anthropologically and genetically, these late Scythians were the same Russians as the Russians living in Ryazan, Novgorod, Vladimir or Kyiv. Outwardly, they were distinguished by their manner of dressing - the “Scythos-Siberian animal style”, their dialect of the Russian language, and the fact that they were mostly pagans. That’s why the chroniclers called them “filthy,” that is, pagans. This is the solution to the phenomenon that the three-century “Mongol” yoke did not introduce the slightest anthropological changes to indigenous people Rus'. Therefore, the Scythian-Rus of the Horde (the word “horde” is a distorted Russian word “clan”, “rada”, in German it was preserved as “order, ordnung”) quickly found a common language with the majority of Russian princes, became related, fraternized. It is doubtful that the Russians would begin to establish relations with absolute Mongoloid strangers in the same way.

Cities of the Scythians and their neighbors that existed before the new era (according to I.E. Koltsov). 1 - Dnieper Scythians; 2 - neurons; 3 - agaphyrs; 4 - androphages; 5 - melanchlena; 6 - helons; 7 - boudins; 8 - Sarmatians; 9 - brands; 10 - tissagets; 11 - irki; 12 - breakaway Scythians; 13 - argippea; 14 - issedons; 15 - arimaspi; 16 - Hyperboreans; 17 - ancestors of the Kalmyks; 18 - Massagetae; 19 - royal Scythians; 20 - Yenisei Scythians; 21 - Indigirsky Scythians; 22 - Trans-Volga Scythians; 23 - Volga-Don Scythians.

Scythian swastikas-solstice

This version immediately puts into place many pieces of the puzzle that do not find a place in the traditional version. The Siberian Scythians-Rus had thousands of years of developed spiritual and material culture, a production base, military traditions (similar to the later Cossacks) and could form an army capable of crushing China and reaching the Adriatic Sea. The invasion of the Scythian-Siberian pagan Rus pulled pagan Turks, pagan Cumans and Alans into its mighty wave. Subsequently, the Siberian Rus created the Great “Mongol” Empire, which began to degenerate and degrade only after increasing Islamization, which was facilitated by the influx of a significant number of Arabs into the Golden (White) Horde. Islamization became the main prerequisite for the death of the mighty empire. It fell apart into many fragments, among which Muscovite Rus' began to rise, which would restore the empire. After the Battle of Kulikovo Field, Moscow gradually came to the fore as the capital of the new Russian empire. In about a century and a half new center will be able to restore the main core of the empire.

Thus, the Russian state in the 16th-19th centuries did not conquer foreign lands, but returned to its territory territories that had been part of northern civilization since ancient times.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in the 16th-17th centuries, and sometimes until the 18th century, most of Eurasia in Europe was called Great Scythia (Sarmatia) or Great Tartaria-Tataria. The origins of that time identified the ancient Scythians-Sarmatians and their contemporary Russian-Slavs, believing that all of forest-steppe Eurasia, as before, was inhabited by one people. This was the opinion not only of authors who used literary sources, but also of travelers. The Roman humanist of the 15th century, Julius Laetus, traveled to “Scythia”, visited Poland, the Dnieper, the mouth of the Don and described the life and customs of the “Scythians”. The traveler spoke about the “Scythian” honey and mash, about how the “Scythians”, sitting at oak tables, proclaim toasts in honor of the guests, wrote down a few words (they turned out to be Slavic). He said that “Scythia” extends to the borders of India, where the “Khan of the Asian Scythians” rules.

The Arab (Egyptian) historian of the mid-14th century, Al-Omari, reporting on the “lands of Siberia and Chulyman”, reports severe cold and the fact that beautiful, remarkably built people live there, distinguished by their white faces and blue eyes. In China, under the rule of the Yuan dynasty (1260-1360s) in the capital great importance had a guard recruited from Yasses, Alans and Russians. Some names of the “Alan” commanders are also known - Nikolai, Ilie-bagatur, Yuvashi, Arselan, Kurdzhi (George), Dmitry. The Slavic pagan name was borne by the famous commander “Hundred-Eyed” Bayan. In 1330, Emperor Wen-tsung (great-grandson of Kubilai) created a Russian formation of 10 thousand soldiers - translated from Chinese into Russian its name sounds like “Eternally Loyal Russian Guard”. Considering the fact that by the middle of the 14th century the former unified “Mongol” empire had collapsed, it is difficult to imagine that thousands of Russian soldiers came to China from Vladimir-Moscow Rus'. Most likely, they were from closer places. Thus, the Chinese Van Hoi and Yu Tan-Jia, who lived in the 14th century, wrote: “The Russians are the descendants of the ancient Wusun people.” And the Usuns are the Siberian Scythians, who in ancient Europe were called Issedons (they occupied the territories of the Southern Urals and Siberia).

Russian historical tradition, before outside intervention, directly traced the origins of the Russian people to the Sarmatian Alans. The author of “Scythian History” A. Lyzlov identified the Sarmatians-Sauromatians with the Russians. In the “History” of V. N. Tatishchev and M. Lomonosov it is reported that the Russians descended from the Sarmatians-Roxalans (Eastern Rus), on the one hand, and from the Wends-Vends (Western Slavic Russians) - on the other.

Thus, it is clear that almost the entire history of Western Europe is a myth. The winners, i.e., the masters of the West, simply ordered history for themselves, and tried to clean up or hide unnecessary pages. But we don’t need their myth; we can’t build our state on other people’s fairy tales. We need our own Russian history, which will help preserve our civilization and the Russian family.

Let us remind the reader that among historians there are two points of view on the interaction between Rus' and the Horde.

The first (school), coming from historians of the 18th century (Miller, Bayer, Schletser, etc.) claims that in the first half of the 13th century, the original Russian state was completely conquered by newcomers from the East - the Tatar-Mongols - supposedly immigrants from the steppes modern state of Mongolia. Let us immediately recall that Mongolia really emerged as a real state only in the 20th century. Today it is at a low level of development, and in particular from a military point of view. Of course, this is not an argument, however, today it is almost impossible to imagine that this state in the Middle Ages was one of the most powerful aggressors, conquering “half the world” and extending its influence all the way to Western Europe and Egypt! We can only assume that this powerful empire has degenerated in some strange way. Within the framework of traditional history, this is not surprising. The Scaligerian version of history offers us such examples quite often: the fall and disappearance of the Babylonian kingdom, the fall of the Roman Empire, the savagery of Europe in the dark Middle Ages, etc.

However, there is another point of view. The fact is that the usual theory about the Mongol conquest and the Mongol yoke in Rus' is in no way confirmed by Russian sources (which does not prevent it from being taught in schools, referring specifically to Russian chronicles). Therefore, some historians believed that Rus' and the Horde were two states that coexisted at the same time as equal empires. At the same time, from time to time one or the other side gained the upper hand. For example, I wrote a lot and convincingly about this famous historian L.N. Gumilyov. Gumilyov also argued that Rostov-Suzdal Rus' deliberately entered into an alliance with the Horde in the face of a threat from the West (p. 526).

We will not repeat L.N. Gumilyov’s argumentation, referring the reader to his books. Let us immediately emphasize that we do not share L.N. Gumilyov’s theory of the so-called “passionarity”. In his opinion, it is this mysterious “passionarity” that leads to the periodic repetition of events in history. However, Gumilyov’s undoubted merit is that he was the first to openly declare that the theory of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus' (in its usual, Millerian version) has no documentary basis, since it is not confirmed by either the Russians or foreign evidence from contemporaries. In particular, in his public lectures in the early 80s (for example, at the Institute of Atomic Energy of the USSR Academy of Sciences named after I. Kurchatov), ​​Gumilyov rightly noted that the theory of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus' was created only in the 18th century by foreigners (Bair , Miller, Shletser) in response to a certain “social order”, under the influence of ideas about the supposed “slave origin of Russians.”

An important contribution to the analysis of the interaction between Rus' and the Horde is made by A.A. Gordeev’s book “The History of the Cossacks” (see). Based on Western European descriptions of Mongolia and Russian sources, Gordeev showed that the ancestors of the Russian Cossacks were an integral part of the Tatar-Mongol military forces.

Our own study of sources on Russian history (both domestic and foreign) led us to the conviction that Gordeev and Gumilev were on the right path. However, they did not fully understand what was going on.

Brief formulation of our hypothesis

The key to Russian history is that MEDIEVAL MONGOLIA AND Rus' ARE SIMPLY THE SAME.

More precisely, we are talking about our next hypothesis.

1) Medieval Mongolia -- multinational state, spread over an area roughly coinciding with the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century. This state was NOT CONQUERED BY FOREIGNERS. It was originally inhabited by peoples who originally lived on their land (Russians, Tatars, etc.).

2) The very name “Mongolia” (or Mogolia, as Karamzin and many other authors write, for example) probably comes from the Greek word “Megalion”, i.e. "Great". The word "Mongolia" ("Mogolia") does not appear in Russian historical sources. But it meets" Great Rus'"It is known that foreigners called Rus' Mongolia. In our opinion, this name is simply a translation of the Russian word “Great”.

3) The so-called “Tatar-Mongol yoke” is simply a specific period in the history of our state. This was a time when the entire population of the country was divided into two parts. One of them is a peaceful civilian population ruled by princes. The other part is a permanent regular army-Horde under the control of military leaders (who could be Russians, Tatars, etc.). At the head of the Horde was a king or khan. He owned the supreme power in the state. Thus, in the Russian state of this period two administrations acted hand in hand: the military in the Horde and the civilian in the localities.

4) We all know that Rus' paid tribute to the Horde as a tenth of the property and a tenth of the population. This is considered, in particular, evidence of the Tatar yoke and the subordination of Rus'. In our opinion, here we are talking about a tax that actually existed in Rus' for the maintenance of its own Russian regular army - the Horde, as well as about the conscription of youth into the army. In those days, people were drafted into the army (Horde) in childhood, and the recruited Cossack warriors never returned home. This military recruitment was the very “tagma” (tribute of blood) that the Russians allegedly paid to the Tatars. A similar order, by the way, existed in Turkey at least until the 17th century. But this was not “a tribute of the conquered people to the conquerors,” but the state practice of conscription in the empire at that time. For refusal to pay tribute, the military administration punished the population in the form of punitive expeditions to the offending area. These operations are presented today by historians as supposedly “Tatar raids” on Russian regions. Naturally, such pacification operations were sometimes accompanied by bloody excesses, executions, etc.

5) There was no so-called “Tatar-Mongol” conquest, i.e. there was no invasion of foreigners into Rus'. In fact, what is today declared the “Tatar-Mongol conquest of Rus'” was in fact an internal process of unifying the Russian principalities and strengthening tsarist power in the country. Below we will talk in more detail about this “invasion” - the unification of Rus' in the 14th century.

6) The remains of the regular Russian army of that time have survived to this day. These are Cossack troops. The opinion of some historians that the Cossacks were runaway slaves who fled (or were forcibly evicted) to the Don in the 16th-17th centuries does not stand up to the slightest criticism. Back in the 17th century, Cossacks were distributed throughout the ENTIRE TERRITORY OF Rus'. Sources of that time mention the Cossacks: Yaik, Don, Volga (, vol. 2, p. 53,80) Terek, Dnieper, Zaporozhye, Meshchera (, vol. 2, p. 76), Pskov (, p. 73), Ryazan (, vol. 5, chapter 4, p. 230; , vol. 5, p. 215), as well as urban, i.e. located in CITIES (, ). Cossacks of the Horde, Azov, Nogai, etc. are also mentioned. (, vol. 5, p. 231).

Let us inform the reader that, according to the “Cossack Dictionary-Reference Book” (article “Zaporizhian Cossacks”), the Dnieper or ZAPORIZHIAN COSSACKS were called HORDE COSSACKS until the 16th century. Moreover, “Zaporozhye Bottom was considered the yurt of the Crimean Cossacks” (p. 257). This once again confirms the hypothesis that the Cossacks are the troops of the Mongol Horde. By the way, let us note that the word "yurt" ("yurt" - encampment, dwelling, village) was constantly used in Cossack everyday life to designate their camps and settlements. So, “the Mongolian word yurta-yurt” is just one of the Cossack terms. For example, “The Zaporozhye Cossacks did not cede their former Yurt on the Dnieper-Bug wedge to the Turks. Crimea, obviously, did not consider the severance of official relations with its HORDE COSSACKS as a reason for depriving them of their former YURT” (, p. 256).

Cossacks of the Dnieper, Cherkasy of Kanev, Little Russia, Cossacks, Don and Volga, Meshchera, Gorodets (Kasimovites), Orda, Azov, Nogai, Terek, Yaik, Perekop (, p. 254), Belgorod (, p. 254), policemen.

Let us note that today we know about the Nogai and Kasimov Tatars. Was it not these Tatars that Karamzin called Cossacks?

It turns out that even at the end of the 16th century, the Zaporozhye Cossacks “had no reason to treat the Crimean Tatars, their neighbors and RECENT COMPANIONS with hostility. They (i.e., the Cossacks - Author) left the khans for their submission to the Turks. Living apart At first, the Nizovites did not quarrel with the Tatars. They even participated in the struggle of the court parties of the Crimea. However, the khans became more and more Turkish, FORGETING THE FORMER CLOSE TO THE COSSACKS. The Cossacks began to maintain good relations with them (i.e. with the khans of the Crimea - Author). more and more difficult, but the final break between one and the other began to emerge MUCH LATER” (p.256).

7) The royal dynasty of Ivan Kalita of the XIV-XVI centuries is the dynasty of the khan-kings of the Horde. Therefore, it can be conditionally called the Horde dynasty (this is our term). Let us repeat once again that it was RUSSIAN, and not some kind of foreign dynasty.

8) This unique Horde period in the history of Rus' covers the XIII-XVI centuries. Its end is the famous turmoil in the history of Rus' in early XVI I century. The last ruler The Horde dynasty was Boris Godunov.

9) The turmoil and civil war of the early 17th century ended with the coming to power of fundamentally new dynasty The Romanovs are from Western Rus' (from Pskov). In the civil war of this period, the Horde dynasty was defeated. The era of the Horde is over. A new era has begun in the history of Rus'. Thus, the end of the era, then declared the “famous Tatar-Mongol yoke” in Rus', is the beginning of the 17th century (and not the end of the 15th century, as is believed in traditional history).

10) The new Romanov dynasty needed to strengthen its position on the throne. The fact is that at that time there were also other surviving descendants of the former Horde kings. They claimed the throne. In particular, they apparently included the Crimean khans and some of the Cossack clans. Therefore, it was important for the Romanov dynasty to present the khans as the original enemies of Rus'. For this purpose, a historical theory was created about the military confrontation between Rus' and the Horde, Russians and Tatars. The Romanovs and their historians called the previous Russian royal Horde dynasty the “Tatar dynasty,” thereby giving a completely different perspective to the ancient Russian history of that era, introducing the concept of an “enemy” that had to be fought. Thus, without changing the historical facts in essence, they extremely distorted the entire concept and the entire meaning of the previous history of Rus'.

11) Of course, then, as now, the Russian state included the TATARS (as well as Mordovians, Chuvashs, etc.). However, the contrast between Tatars and Russians, the depiction of some as conquerors and others as vanquished, is an “invention” of historians of the 17th-18th centuries. It was they who distorted Russian history and presented it as if in the Middle Ages there were two opposing forces on the territory of Rus': “Russian Rus'” and the “Tatar Horde” (and Rus' was conquered by the Horde).

12) The famous “White Horde” means Belarus, i.e. White-Russia. By the way, this name used to mean not only modern Belarus, but also a much larger territory. For example, at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th centuries, all Moscow State called WHITE RUSSIA (p.64). Perhaps this is where the famous nickname of the Moscow Tsar came from - “White Tsar”. The Golden Horde or the Volga Kingdom is the Volga region, also called Siberia in those days. From here - the city of Simbirsk on the Volga. The third famous Horde - the Blue Horde - is modern Ukraine and Crimea. The name “Blue” apparently came from “Blue Waters” (the modern Sinyukha River, a tributary of the Southern Bug; see, p. 257).

13) As a result of the distortion of ancient Russian history, geographical shifts of some names also occurred. In particular, the name Mongolia “went” far to the east and overlapped with the territory that is known to us today under this name. The peoples who lived here were thus “destined to be Mongols.” Until now, historians are convinced that the ancestors of modern Mongols are the same “Mongols” who conquered Europe and Egypt in the Middle Ages. On the territory of modern Mongolia, as far as we know, not a single ancient chronicle has been found that would tell about the campaign of the Mongol Khan Batu to the distant western country of Rus' and the conquest of this country. Following the name “Mongolia”, the name “Siberia” also went east.

The reader must get used to the unusual idea that place names in the Middle Ages moved around the map for one reason or another. With the beginning of the era of printing, this drift of names naturally stopped, as mass-produced maps and books appeared that recorded the geography and names of peoples, cities, rivers, etc. Only after this did geography largely freeze.

We'll stop here for now. The main points of our hypothesis about the identity of Mongolia and Russia of the 13th-16th centuries have been formulated. Let's quote the documents.

Who are the Mongols-Tatars?

Who did the Mongol troops consist of?

Western documents preserve DIRECT indications that RUSSIANS WERE CALLED TATARS. For example: “In the documents of Roussillon, “white Tatars” are often mentioned, along with “yellow ones”. The names of the “white Tatars” - Lukia, Martha, Maria, Katerina, etc. - speak of their Russian origin" (, p. 40).

“Rashid ad-Din talks about adding to the army of Khan Tokta “troops of RUSSIAN, Circassian, Kipchak, Madjar and others.” The same author says that it was a RUSSIAN horseman from Tokta’s army who wounded Nogai in battle in 1300. Telling about Uzbek and its capital Sarai, the Arabic author al-Omari says “the sultans of this state have armies of Circassians, RUSSIANS and Yasses” (p. 40-41). It is known that Russian princes and their troops participated in the Tatar army! (, p.42). “A.N. Nasonov believed that already in the first years of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the Darugs recruited in Rus' detachments from the Russian population that were at the disposal of the Baskak” (p. 42). Let us note the obvious sound similarity: darugs are friends, warriors. But it was precisely the chosen warriors of the prince who were called vigilantes in Rus'. Naturally, they were entrusted with recruiting new soldiers into the princely squad. So weren’t the Mongolian “darugs” simply Russian warriors, warriors of princely squads?

Historians believe that Russian participation in the Tatar forces was forced. But they have to admit that “probably later the forced participation of Russian soldiers in the Tatar army ceased. There remained mercenaries who had already VOLUNTARILY entered into Tatar troops" (, p.43).

Ibn-Batuta wrote: “there were many Russians in Sarai Berke” (p. 45).

Moreover: “The bulk of the armed service and labor forces of the Golden Horde were Russian people” (vol. 1, p. 39).

Let's stop for a moment and imagine the absurdity of this situation: for some reason the victorious Mongols hand over weapons to the “Russian slaves” they conquered, and they (being armed to the teeth) calmly serve in the troops of the conquerors, constituting the “main mass” there! Let us remind you once again that the Russians were allegedly just DEFEATED in an open and armed struggle! Even in traditional history, Ancient Rome never armed the slaves it had just conquered. Throughout history, the victors TOOK weapons from the vanquished, and if they later accepted them into service, they constituted a significant minority and were, of course, considered unreliable.

What do we read about the composition of Batu’s troops?

“The notes of the Hungarian king and a letter to the pope were left about the composition of Batu’s troops. “When,” the king wrote, “the state of Hungary from the Mongol invasion, like a plague, for the most part was turned into a desert, and like a sheepfold was surrounded by various tribes of infidels , namely, Russians, wanderers from the east, Bulgarians and other heretics from the south "..." (, vol. 1, p. 31).

Let's ask a simple question: where are the Mongols here? Mention is made of Russians, Brodniks, Bulgarians, i.e. - Slavic tribes. Translating the word “Mongol” from the king’s letter, we simply get that “great (= megalion) peoples invaded,” namely: Russians, Brodniks from the east, Bulgarians, etc. Therefore, our recommendation: it is useful to replace the Greek word “Mongol=megalion” with its translation = “great” every time. The result will be a completely meaningful text, for the understanding of which there is no need to involve some distant immigrants from the borders of China (by the way, there is not a word about China in all these reports).

"Towards the west, protection of the borders (of Mongolia - Author) against Poland, Lithuania and Hungary was required. To monitor and protect the borders in this direction, Batu along the right bank of the Dnieper River formed a military settlement from the population withdrawn from the Russian principalities. Settlement This covered the territory of the entire Horde from the west. In the direction of the neighboring Mongol uluses of the Supreme Khan and the Central Asian, military settlements were formed along the Yaik and Terek rivers. The border settlement on the Terek line included Russian peoples from the North Caucasus, Pyatigorsk Circassians and Alans. strong defense was required towards the West from the flow of the Don and the north-western borders of the Russian principalities, the so-called Chervonny Yar. This area served for the settlement of one of the significant groups of Russian people withdrawn from their homeland - Sarai. - postal lines were installed in all directions, for thousands of miles. Yams were installed along all lines at 25 miles. Ferry and boat crossings were installed on all rivers, which were also serviced by the Russian people. The established system of governance of the Golden Horde was served primarily by the Russian people. The Mongols DID NOT HAVE THEIR HISTORIANS" (vol. 1, pp. 41-42).

We see how it was organized Mongolian state= Golden Horde. There are Russians everywhere. In the troops, in the vital nodes of the empire. The Russians control the routes of communication and communication. Where are the Mongols? They tell us - at the highest command posts. But for some reason they are not overthrown by the “conquered slaves”, who are not only armed and make up the OVERWHELMING PART OF THE ARMY, but also own crossings, etc. This looks extremely strange. Isn’t it easier to consider that the Russian state is being described, which was not conquered by any external enemy?

Plano Carpini, driving through Kyiv, supposedly JUST CONQUERED by the Mongols, for some reason does not mention a single Mongol commander. Vladimir Eykovich calmly remained the Desyatsky in Kyiv, as before Batu (vol. 1, p. 42). Carpini saw the first Tatars outside the city of Kanev. Thus, it turns out that many important command and administrative posts were also occupied by Russians. The Mongol conquerors turn into some kind of invisible people, whom for some reason “no one sees.”

Were there many Mongols? Mongols through the eyes of contemporaries. How did the Mongols and Russians dress at that time?

From school course History we know that the Mongols-Tatars (or Tatar-Mongols) are wild nomadic tribes who did not have literacy, who invaded the territory of Rus' on horseback from the distant borders of China. It is believed that there were “a lot” of Tatar-Mongol newcomers. At the same time, modern historians in special works paint a completely different picture - after the conquest of Rus', the Tatar-Mongols occupied only command positions, i.e. "There are very few of them." And the main part are Russians (see details above). But then it becomes completely incomprehensible how a small number of horse savages who came from afar - from the borders of China - could conquer many powerful civilized countries (even Egypt), forcing the population of these countries to serve in their army.

Let's see what their contemporaries write about these Mongols.

A good overview of information about the Mongols in Western sources was given by Gordeev.

“In 1252-1253, from Constantinople through the Crimea to Batu’s headquarters and further to Mongolia, the ambassador of King Louis IX, William Rubricus, traveled with his retinue, who, driving along the lower reaches of the Don, wrote: “Russian settlements are scattered everywhere among the Tatars; The Russians mixed with the Tatars... adopted their customs, as well as their clothes and way of life... Women decorate their heads with headdresses similar to the headdresses of French women, the bottom of their dresses is lined with furs, otters, squirrels and ermine. Men wear short clothes: caftans, chekmen and lambskin hats... All routes of movement in the vast country are served by the Rus; at the river crossings there are Russians everywhere" (vol. 1, pp. 52-53).

Let us draw the reader's attention to the fact that Rubricus travels through Rus' only 15 years after its conquest by the Mongols. Didn't the Russians mix too quickly with the wild Mongols, adopted their clothes, preserving them until the beginning of the 20th century, as well as their customs and way of life?

There is no need to think that this “Tatar-Mongolian” clothing in those days was different from WESTERN EUROPEAN. Rubricus writes: “Russian wives, like ours (he himself is a Western European - Author) wear jewelry on their heads and trim the hem of their dresses to the knees with stripes of ermine and other fur; men wear outerwear LIKE GERMAN" (, vol. 5, Chapter 4, note 400). Karamzin directly writes that “travelers of the 13th century did not even find any difference in the clothing of ours and Western peoples” (vol. 5, chapter 4, p. 210). Thus, Russian clothing of the 13th century (under the Tatar-Mongols) did not differ in appearance from Western European clothing.

"Tatar-Mongol conquest" and the Orthodox Church

“At the khan’s headquarters, from the first days of the formation of the Horde, an Orthodox temple was built. With the formation of military settlements within the Horde, churches began to be built everywhere, the clergy were called upon and the church hierarchy was established. Metropolitan Kirill from Novgorod came to live in Kiev, where he restored the metropolis of All Rus'. Russian princes... bore the name of princes: great, middle and small; prince of the Ulus (i.e. Urus, Russian? - Author), appanage, Horde, Tatar prince of the people and the Metropolitan enjoyed significant power from the Mongol. benefits; his power, in comparison with the princely, was extensive: while the power of the prince was limited to the possessions of his principality, the power of the metropolitan extended to all Russian principalities, including the people settled in the steppe zone, in the direct possessions of various nomadic uluses" (, vol.1, p.37).

Our comment.

This behavior of the conquerors - the Mongols, who were inveterate pagans (as traditional history assures us) is more than strange. The behavior of the Russian Church is even more strange. From reliable history we know that the Russian Church has always called on the people to fight ALIEN conquerors. The only exception is her behavior towards the “foreign conquerors the Mongols.” Moreover, SINCE THE FIRST DAYS of the conquest, the Russian Church has provided direct support to the foreigners, pagans and Mongols. It is amazing that Metropolitan Kirill arrives in conquered Kyiv to Batu FROM NOVGOROD, which was not even conquered by the Mongols! Of course, we may be told in response to this that the Russian Church was corrupt. Moreover, they can say that everyone has sold out and bent: the church, the princes, and indeed the entire Russian people. Strictly speaking, this is the concept of the historians of the 18th century and their followers today. This all seems extremely strange to us.

We offer a different perspective on Russian history. After all, it is enough to translate the word “Mongol” and read it as “great”. And immediately all these absurdities disappear, and we see the normal life of a normal state.

Karamzin writes that “one of the... consequences of Tatar rule... was the rise of our clergy, the proliferation of monks and church estates. Church estates, free from Horde and princely taxes, prospered” (vol. 5, chapter 4, p. .208; vol.5, chapter 4, p.223). Moreover, “very few of the current Russian monasteries were founded before or after the Tatars: all others remained a monument of this time” (vol. 5, chapter 4, vol. 5, chapter 4, p. 224). Simply put, as we see, ALMOST ALL RUSSIAN MONASTERIES were founded under the Tatar-Mongols. And it’s clear why. Many of the Cossacks, leaving military service in the Horde, went to the monastery. This was accepted among the Cossacks even in the 17th century. Since, according to our hypothesis, the Cossacks are the troops of the Horde, the construction of monasteries in large numbers under the Horde is completely natural, even from a state point of view (to give a well-deserved rest to army retirees). Therefore, monasteries in those days were exceptionally rich and exempt from taxes (vol. 5, p. 208--209). They even had the right to duty-free trade (see ibid.).

Cossacks and Horde

Let us repeat the hypothesis once again: the Cossacks were the armed forces of the Horde, the Mongol = great state. That is why, as we have already shown above, the Cossacks were distributed throughout the country, and not just along its borders, as had been the case since the 18th century. With the change in government, the Cossack regions on the border of the empire in to a greater extent retained their original military structure. Therefore, we see that Cossack settlements in the 19th-20th centuries outline the borders of the former Mongol=great empire. These borders practically coincided with the borders of the Russian Empire of the 20th century. As for the Cossacks inside the country, by the 18th century they either had already lost their Cossack military life, or were pushed out to the borders and merged with the border Cossack settlements. This process probably began with the civil war of the Great Troubles, as well as war XVII century (in particular, the war with Razin), when the Horde dynasty (relying on the Cossack troops - the Horde) lost the fight for the Moscow throne. Nevertheless, apparently, representatives of the old Horde dynasty remained in the Cossack troops for some time, laying claim to the throne.

The last attempt to restore the power of the Horde in Russia was probably the wars of Stepan Razin. From documents that have reached our time, it follows that Stepan Timofeevich Razin was probably not a simple Cossack, but a man of very noble origin. The very use of his patronymic in letters with “vich” - “Timofeevich” - meant at that time that he belonged to the highest stratum of the nobility. Foreign evidence has been preserved that he was the Astrakhan and Kazan TSAR, p.329. In Fig. 3 we show one of Razin’s old images - a German engraving. The signature under it is remarkable: “The Tsar’s (?) Image of Stepan Razin, the Head of the Rebellion in Muscovy.” There is a turban on Razin’s head! This turban is also not accidental (we will talk about this below).

After the military failures of the 17th century, the military remnants of the Horde, i.e. the Cossacks were probably partially pushed out of the center of the empire onto its borders as unwanted troublemakers. This finally happened after Peter’s army reforms, when recruitment was introduced, and the army began to be built according to a different model.

Let's take Kostomarov's book "Bogdan Khmelnitsky". It is striking that the Cossacks fight exclusively together with the Tatars. In all military operations, the Cossacks and Tatars are spoken of as a mixed army (as permanent allies). Moreover, even in POLISH troops Cossacks and Tatars are present. One gets the impression that all of Ukraine in the mid-17th century was filled with Tatars. According to our hypothesis, Tatars here are the Cossacks who came to the aid of the Cossacks (also Cossacks!) from other places - from the south of Russia.

However, we note that in the texts of the 17th century treaties cited by Kostomarov, THE WORD TATARS IS NOT PRESENT, but the word HORDE is very often mentioned. This means that the remnants of the Russian - (= Mongol) - Tatar Horde in the form of Cossack troops were actively operating on the territory of Russia even in the 17th century. Let's take for example the Belotserkovsky Treaty (agreement) between the Poles and Cossacks, cited by Kostomarov on pp. 545-548. The text mentions the Horde several times, but the word “Tatars” is never used. Of course, historians, when they see the word “Horde,” immediately begin to talk about the Tatars. But perhaps we are talking about the Cossacks, since the Horde is just an army.

Let us also note that from Kostomarov’s book one gets the impression that all Tatars know the Russian language perfectly, or, on the contrary, all Ukrainians, Russians and Poles are fluent in the Tatar language. There is NO mention of any translators!

Of course, they may object to us: “How can historical sources call Russians Tatars? After all, Tatars are the name of a people who still exist today under this name. If before the 17th century Russians (Cossacks) were called Tatars, then why today is this name at all another nationality? When and how did the word “Tatars” change its meaning?

The “Article list of the embassy to England of nobleman Grigory Mikulin and clerk Ivan Zinoviev, preserved to this day, helps to answer this question. May 1600, June 13-14, 1601.” It was published by Prince M.A. Obolensky in. This list gives a detailed account of the embassy of Tsar Boris to England in 1601-1602. In particular, it contains the following conversation between the Russian Ambassador Grigory Mikulin and the Scottish Ambassador in London.

"... the ambassador (Scottish ambassador - Author) asked Grigory: “How are things with your Great Sovereign Tatars now?” And Grigory and Ivashko said to the ambassador: “Which Tatars are you asking about? Our Great Sovereign and His Royal Majesty serve many Busurman Tsars and Tsareviches and many Tatars, the Kingdoms of Kazan and Astorokhan and Siberia and the COZATSK and Kolmatsky Hordes and many other Hordes, and the Nagai of the Trans-Volga region, and the Kazyev ulus in direct servitude" (, link IV , page 31).

We see that at the beginning of the 17th century, the Russian ambassador could not even understand the foreigner’s question about Moscow’s relations with the “Tatars.” The Scotsman clearly calls Tatars some peoples who are foreign to the Moscow state, i.e. uses the word “Tatars” in its current, familiar sense to us.

However, the Russian ambassador puts a completely different meaning into this word. From his answer it is absolutely clear that he does not call “Tatars” foreigners, but only subjects of the Russian Tsar. At the same time, he does not call this one specific nationality, but several peoples or communities that were part of the Moscow state. Moreover, when listing various “Tatars” he directly names COSSACKS. And he called the Cossack troops HORDES!

On the contrary, speaking about the Crimean state (which today's historians call "Tatar"), the Russian ambassador never used the word "Tatars". For him, Tatars are only Russian subjects. For example, telling a Scot about the war with the Crimea, he says: “Our Great Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Duke Boris Fedorovich of All Rus', the Autocrat, asking God for mercy, went against him (the Crimean Tsar - Author) with his Royal troops, Russian and Tatar and pink (i.e. other - Author) states with military ones with many people" (bundle IV, p. 32).

Here again it is emphasized that Russians and Tatars are subjects of the Russian Tsar (whose troops also included subjects of other states, but this does not apply to the Tatars). The Crimeans, according to the Tsar's ambassador, are not “Tatars”.

So, we see that the modern use of the word “Tatars” most likely dates back to the Western European tradition. In Russia, until the 17th century, Tatars were the name given to military communities of Cossacks, Kalmyks, Volga Tatars (in the modern sense of the word), etc., that existed on the territory of Rus'. But in Western Europe in the 17th century, only Crimeans and Muslims of the Volga region began to be mistakenly called Tatars. Hence the Scotsman’s question: “How is it now with your Great Sovereign of Tatars?” misunderstood by the Russian ambassador of Tsar Boris. And subsequently, after the Romanovs came to power, in Russia the word “Tatars” began to be used in this Western European understanding. Most likely, this was done deliberately, as part of the general distortion of Russian history under the first Romanovs.

So what is the Horde?

The Horde is, in modern language, a Russian army, an army. From this point of view, such expressions in Russian chronicles as “prince such and such came out of the Horde to reign” or “prince such and such served the tsar in the Horde and after the death of his father came to reign in his patrimony”, etc. P. Translating to modern language, we get: “nobleman such and such served the Tsar in the army and then returned to his estate.” Of course, in the 19th century there were no more inheritances. But in earlier times, the children of princes served in the army = the Horde, after which they returned to reign in their native places. This was the case in Western Europe, where the children of rulers served the king in the army, then after the death of their fathers they returned as owners to their estates.

One more example. The spiritual letter attributed to Ivan Kalita says: “Not knowing what the Almighty is preparing for me in the Horde, where I am going, I leave this spiritual letter. In the event of death, I order the city of Moscow to my sons” (, vol. 4, ch. 9--10 ). The spiritual meaning is completely clear. Going to the ARMY (Horde), Ivan, in case of possible death in a long military campaign, leaves a will to his children. They are trying to convince us that the princes wrote such wills every time they went to the Horde, simply out of fear of the “bad khans of the Horde” who could execute them. This is weird. Of course, the king could execute his subject. But nowhere was there a practice of writing such wills before each regular departure to the court of the sovereign. In Rus' they were supposedly written all the time! Moreover, cases of execution of princes in the Horde were rare.

We offer a simple explanation: these were wills before leaving for military campaigns (in which, of course, they could easily have been killed). Writing such wills is common practice.

About the conquest of Siberia

It is widely believed that Siberia was conquered by the Russians for the first time in the 16th century during Ermak's campaign. Before that, supposedly, completely different peoples lived there, obviously not Russians. It is usually believed that only after Ermak’s campaign did the power of Moscow spread beyond the Urals - to Siberia.

It turns out that this is not so: the Russians were from Siberia, at least from the 15th century, and Siberia recognized the rule of Moscow even BEFORE ERMAK’S CAMPAIGN. Ermak's campaign was, in fact, caused by a palace coup at the court of the Siberian Khan, and the refusal of the new Khan to pay tribute to Moscow. Thus, Ermak’s campaign was a punitive expedition to restore the previous order in this part of the empire. Note that the population of Siberia at that time was called Ostyaks. This name still refers to the RUSSIAN population of modern Siberia.


“In the middle of the TWELFTH CENTURY, independent tribes lived in eastern and central Asia, bearing the name COSSACK HORDES. The most significant “Cossack horde” lived in the upper reaches of the Yenisei River and occupied lands in the east from Lake Baikal and in the west to the Angara River. In Chinese chronicles, this horde was called Khakass, which, according to the research of European scientists, is equivalent to the word “Cossack.” According to notes left by contemporaries, “Khakass” or “Cossacks” belonged to the Indo-Iranian race. They were blond and fair-haired, with green-blue eyes. , proud and wore rings in their ears. (Richter, German historian 1763-1825, “Joachim” Notes on Mongolia)” (vol. 1, p. 16).

Before Ermak’s conquest of the Siberian Kingdom, it turns out there were already Russians there. “The rulers of the Siberian kingdom were the descendants of the Mongol khans. Russian people penetrated to the Ob River back in the 15th century, took tribute from the local population and the Moscow princes were recognized by them as rulers. In 1553, the Siberian king Edigei sent two officials to Moscow with gifts and was obliged to pay tribute to the tsar. But in 1553, Kuchum... killed him and became the ruler of the Siberian kingdom and all the lands along the Irtysh and Tobol rivers, and over the uluses of the Tatars and Ostyaks. Initially, Kuchum paid tribute to the Moscow tsar, but... expanding his possessions to Perm, he took over. hostile situation towards Moscow and began to attack the Perm lands" (vol. 2, p. 59). At the request of the Stroganovs, Ermak’s punitive detachment was sent to pacify the unrest (vol. 2, p. 53). Note that the campaign ultimately ended unsuccessfully. So the honor of “the first conquest of Siberia” does not belong to Ermak in the 16th century. In his time, Siberia had long been Russian.

A note about the word "Cossack"

Regarding the name guz = kaz = Cossack, let’s add the following. O. Suleimenov in his book “Az and Ya” drew attention to the fact that Cossack = Kaz-ak in Turkic means “white goose” or “white swan”.

Let us add on our own that perhaps this was once the name for people who raised white geese (geese - goose?). Let us note that some German peoples still have a favorite and widespread (folklore) symbol of the white goose: in ornaments, in shop windows, in family coats of arms, etc. Doesn't this indicate a certain historical relationship between the Cossacks and the Germans? The same desire for self-organization, for order, high military qualities.

Further, the Cossacks are military cavalry, horsemen, people on horses. And today in Germany you will see shops called ROSS und Reiter = Horse and Rider, selling accessories for horses, riding, etc. Moreover, the word Ross = horse is considered an old expression, since in modern German a horse is called Pferd. The word Ross is instantly associated with Russians: Russians = people on horses, horsemen, Cossacks! Here it is appropriate to recall the Prussians (Russians?). There are many common features between the Cossack dress and the dress of a German woman (national folklore version): a wide frill at the bottom of a wide skirt, a tightly fitted blouse, often with a peplum or a detail similar to a peplum, etc. The melody of Cossack songs is similar to the melody of many German folk songs; in some regions of Germany there is some external resemblance to the Cossacks (large people, thick, long eyebrows). All this may indicate ancient connections between these peoples, and it is possible that these connections are a consequence of the interaction between the Russian Horde and Western Europe in the Middle Ages. It would be useful to explore these connections in more depth.

Tatar and Russian names in Rus'

Tatar names as nicknames

The reader probably thinks that in the Middle Ages in Rus' approximately the same names were in use as today. Today our names are mainly of Greek or biblical origin: Ivan, Maria, Alexander, Tatyana, etc. These are the so-called godnames, i.e. names included in the Orthodox Saints and given at baptism. In the 18th-20th centuries these names were and are used in Everyday life, in official documents, etc. But it was not always so.

Until the 17th century in Rus', in addition to godparents, people had other names, and they were used in everyday life and in official documents. It turns out that many of these nicknames WERE TATAR. More precisely, for the ear modern man they sound like Tatar in the modern sense of the term. However, in the Middle Ages, these TATAR NAMES WAS BEARED BY RUSSIAN PEOPLE.

We open the famous study by E.P. Karnovich “Clan nicknames and titles in Russia”. He writes: Godfather names in Moscow were very often replaced not only by other Christian names, BUT ALSO BY TATAR names, for example, Bulat, Murat, Akhmat, so that from such false names semi-patronymic names were produced, which later turned into family nicknames of people who were PURELY RUSSIAN ORIGIN" ( , p.51).

Gordeev reports: “Among Don Cossacks there was a strong layer of the population of Tatar origin. During his reign Vasily III Among their atamans, many were known with Mongol-Tatar names. According to historian S. Solovyov, the number of atamans with Tatar names in more was among the mounted Cossacks... By the time of the beginning of the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich, at the head of the Don Cossacks, both mounted and lower, atamans exclusively with Russian names became known, such as Fedorov, Zabolotsky, Yanov, Cherkashin, Ermak Timofeevich and others." (, vol. 2, pp. 5-6).

Of course, there could (and were) Tatars among the Cossacks. But “Tatar names,” as we see, were also worn by purely Russian people. If this was the case in Moscow, then why couldn’t it be among the Don atamans? By the end of the 16th century, Tatar names basically disappeared in Moscow. On the Don, as we see, the same thing is happening. Apparently, the custom of using godnames rather than nicknames is spreading.

For example, the nickname "Ermak", which was considered Russian (see above), can easily be mistaken for Tatar. However, it apparently comes from Ermak's godname, which was HERMAN. It is clear that this name could have variations: German - Erman - Ermak (vol. 2, p. 62). The border between Tatar and Russian nicknames is blurred.

N.A. Morozov drew attention to this circumstance. He wrote: “Extracts from Chechulin’s brochure are interesting. This is all taken from various archival records. Of the modern historical names we see here only the name of Yaroslav, and of the other historical names only Mamaia and Ermak. And the rest of the old Russian names are all: or names of animals: Mare , Cat, Cat, Fox, Fly, or the names of rivers (Volga, Danube, Pechora), or the numbering of birth (First, Second, Tenth) From the church there are only Dyak, Krestina and Papa, and from the Greek ones - not a single name! ".

Let us add that among these nicknames there are many names that sound purely Tatar. They are mixed with Slavic names. For example, Murza, Saltanko, Tatarinko, Sutorma, Epancha, Vandysh, Smoga, Sugonay, Saltyr, Suleisha, Sumgur, Sunbul, Suryan, Tashlyk, Temir, Tenbyak, Tursulok, Shaban, Kudiyar, Murad, Nevryuy (! - see above ) etc. Let us recall once again that Batu is probably just one of the forms of “father” = “father”, “father” (among the Cossacks), and Mamai is one of the forms of the word “mother”, i.e. "mother's son"

So, we see that at that time the “Tatar name” did not yet mean that its bearer was a Tatar. Moreover, many Russian people in the Middle Ages could bear Tatar nicknames. In the modern Tatar language, many of these nicknames do not make sense (i.e. do not have a meaningful translation), just as in Russian. The question of the origin and meaning of Tatar and Russian names is, of course, very complex and we are not going to offer any definite answer here. We only want to emphasize that there are many cases where RUSSIAN people had nicknames that sounded TATAR. It is well known that the Russian language contains an admixture of Turkic.

Modern historians will say: this admixture is the result of the Mongol conquest.

Our hypothesis is different: the Turkic influence on the Russian language is explained by the fact that the Great (= Mongolian) Empire included both Russian and Turkic peoples. Naturally, they were mixed and lived side by side for many centuries. This is still the case today. Therefore, the mutual influence of languages ​​on each other is more than natural. At the same time, we note that the state acts that have reached us were written exclusively in Russian or Slavic.

The “strange” influence of the Mongol conquest on Russian culture

But how did the Tatar-Mongol invasion affect our Russian language? It is absolutely clear that the barbarian horde that flooded the country hopelessly distorted and trampled the original Russian speech, lowered the level of literacy and plunged the people into the darkness of ignorance and illiteracy (cities, libraries, monasteries, ancient books are burning, treasures are being plundered, etc.). Historians are convinced that the Tatar conquest stopped the development of Russian culture for several centuries and threw the country back into the past.

Let's see if this is true. One of the generally accepted indicators of the level of culture is the “correctness” of the written language: barbarian Latin, correct Latin, classical regular Latin. For example, in the West: the times when classical Latin was written are considered the times of the highest flowering of culture and an immortal role model. On the contrary, the use of vulgar Latin or vernacular languages ​​is considered clear evidence of the decline of culture. Let us apply the same criterion to Ancient Rus', “conquered by the Mongols” from the 13th to the 15th centuries. Three hundred years! And what do we see?

“Our language,” writes Karamzin, “from the XIII to the XV centuries ACQUIRED MORE PURITY AND CORRECTNESS” (vol. 5, chapter 4, p. 224). Further, Karamzin writes that under the Tatar-Mongols, instead of the former “Russian, uneducated dialect, writers more carefully adhered to the grammar of church books or ancient Serbian, which they followed not only in declensions and conjugations, but also in pronunciation” (vol. 5, ch. 4, p.224) . So, in the West, classical Latin arises, and in our country, the Church Slavonic language arises in its CORRECT classical forms. Applying the same standards as for the West, we will have to admit that the Mongol conquest was the era of the flowering of Russian culture. These Mongols were strange conquerors!

Russian and Tatar names using the example of the Verderevsky family tree

An interesting evidence of what names the Horde Tatars had before they were baptized is contained, for example, in the “Genealogical Book of the Verderevskys” of 1686 (Collection of the Moscow Archives of the Ministry of Justice, Moscow, 1913, pp. 57-58).

It tells how in 1371, at the request of the Great Ryazan Prince Oleg Ivanovich, the Tatar “Solohmir Miroslav’s son with strength” “came to him from the Great Horde.” This Solohmir was then baptized and married the daughter of the Grand Duke, laying the foundation for the famous Russian boyar family of the Verderevskys. His godname was Ivan. The godnames of his children also sound familiar: “Ivan Miroslavich (that’s what they began to call a baptized Tatar - Author) has a son, Grigory, Grigory Ivanovich Solokhmirov has children: Grigory and Mikhailo, nicknamed ABUMAILO, and Ivan, nicknamed KANCHEY, and Konstantin, nickname "WONDERFUL".

All this is extremely interesting. An unbaptized Tatar, who has just arrived from the Great Horde, bears, it turns out, a purely Slavic name: Solokhmir = Solokha + Mir. And his father (also obviously a Tatar), it turns out, was Miroslav - also with a Slavic name. What follows is even more interesting. Having been baptized, he acquired the name of the godfather (according to the calendar), like his descendants. But, as we have already said, godparents were not used in everyday life. Therefore, children were given a nickname along with a name. And so we see what nicknames the children of the boyars received at the court of the Russian Ryazan prince: Abumailo, Kanchey, Divnaya. Two of them today sound “purely Tatar”. One is Slavic.

How can one, after all this, with a scholarly air, draw conclusions about the “Turkic origin” of the Kancheevs, Abumailovs, etc. mentioned in Russian chronicles!

And where did the Miroslavs come from in the Great Horde? Our conclusion: there were many Slavs in the Horde, with Slavic-pagan names. And “Tatar names” are nicknames of the same Russian people, used in everyday life.

Now it’s clear why the correct one came into use with the Horde Church SLAVIC language. Because the power of the Horde was the power of the Russian people in a multinational empire. Where, of course, the Tatars also lived, just as they do today.

One more detail. Sometimes in the chronicles the Tatars are called “filthy”, i.e. pagans. Nothing surprising. This is what Russian UNBAPTIZED people were called. It is very likely that at first there were many of them in the Horde.

What is Mongolian language?

What is Mongolian language? During its existence, the huge Mongol Empire turns out to have left behind virtually no written monuments in its “Mongolian language.” As Kazan University professor O.M. Kovalevsky wrote at the end of the 19th century: “Of the monuments of ancient Mongolian graphics, to this day we KNOW ONLY the INSCRIPTION ON STONE, from the time, as they say, of Genghis Khan, recently explained by Mr. Shmit, and the letters of Argun and Ulzeit, the Persian kings, also explained by Mr. Shmit in a brochure published by him in St. Petersburg in 1824. Europe has another kind of manuscripts written in Mongolian letters in the Tatar language, for example, a translation of the Persian novel Bakhtiyar-Name. .These letters remained UNDEFINED for a LONG time, without a name. Finally, it seemed to some orientalists to accept the name Turk oriental or Ouighour for them (i.e. - Uyghurs - Author). But in ancient times, weren't they a Mongol tribe?" (, link 1, pp. 21--23).

What do we see?

1) The huge Mongol Empire supposedly left behind only a few meager inscriptions: one on a stone, a couple of letters and a novel. A little! Moreover, the novel was actually written in Tatar, and not in Mongolian! Only the letters, according to historians, are “Mongolian”.

2) Yes, and all these meager texts were, it turns out, translated and deciphered by the same person - a certain Shmit.

3) For some reason, the “remnants of the Mongol conquerors” that have survived to this day turn out to be Turks! And only modern historians know for sure that these Turks were once, of course, Mongols. The Turks themselves do not think so.

In what language were the famous khan's labels written?

But on the other hand, we all “know” that Mongol khans clothed all their decrees in the form of so-called labels. Moreover, judging by the chronicles, there were a lot of these labels. These are the authentic monuments of the great Mongolian writing! Let's see what we know about them today. Let us immediately note that from the time of the “Mongol yoke” in Rus' there remained many documents written IN RUSSIAN - treaties of princes, spiritual letters, etc. One must think that there are no fewer “Mongolian” texts left, since they came from the central government and had to be preserved especially carefully. But what do we really have? We have two or three labels found in the 19th century. Moreover, not in state archives, but in the papers of historians. For example, the famous label of Tokhtamysh was discovered only in 1834 “among the papers that were once in the Krakow crown archive and were in the hands of the Polish historian Narushevich” (bundle 1, pp. 4-5). (I took documents from the state archives to the house and did not return them! It happens.) Regarding this label, Prince M.A. Obolensky wrote: “It (i.e. Tokhtamysh’s label - Author) resolves POSITIVELY (!? - Author) the question: in what language and in what letters were the ancient khan’s labels to the great to the Russian princes. Of the acts hitherto known to us, this is the SECOND diploma" (bundle 1, p. 28). It turns out further that this label “is written in various Mongolian scripts, infinitely different, not at all similar to the Timur-Kutlui label of 1397 already printed by Mr. Hammer” (link 1, p. 28).

So. There are only two “Mongolian” labels left (the rest, later ones, from the Crimean khans are written in Russian, Tatar, Italian, Arabic, etc.). Moreover, the two “Mongolian labels” are from the same time, since Tokhtamysh and Timur-Kutluk are contemporaries. And their labels, it turns out, are written in “not at all similar language and letters.” This is weird. Surely the LETTERS of a hypothetical Mongolian language could not have changed so dramatically in ten years? After all, letters (writings) in real languages ​​change slowly - over centuries!

So, two Mongolian labels were found in the west. Where are the Mongolian labels from Russian archives? This question came to the mind of Prince Obolensky after the discovery of the mentioned label of Tokhtamysh. He wrote: “The happy discovery of Tokhtamyshev’s label prompted me to use all possible efforts to find the originals of other khan’s labels of the Golden Horde and thereby resolve the QUESTION AND POUNCING UNKNOWLEDGE of many of our historians and Orientalists about whether these originals exist in the Moscow main archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Unfortunately , the result of all the research was the exact conviction that ALL THE OTHER genuine labels, perhaps even more curious, probably perished during the fires" (link 1, p. 28).

1) If we say all this briefly, we get the following: in Russian official archives For some reason there are NO TRACES of Mongolian labels.

2) Those two or three labels that were found (but not here, but for some reason in the West and for some reason under dubious circumstances: in some papers of historians, and not in archives!) were written in different letters(!). This suggests that these are fakes. Therefore, the letters are different (the falsifiers did not agree with each other).

3) By the way, Tokhtamysh’s label also exists in RUSSIAN. “Moreover, the Tatar label is not entirely similar to the corresponding letter in Russian. It can be reliably concluded that the label in Russian was also made in the office of Tokhtamysh” (link 1, pp. 3-4).

4) It is remarkable that Tokhtamysh’s “Mongolian label” is written on paper with the already familiar “bull’s head” filigree. Let us recall that the copies of the “Tale of Bygone Years” were written on paper with the same filigree, considered today by historians to be the most ancient, but, as we showed above, apparently made in Konigsberg in the 17th-18th centuries! But then Tokhtamysh’s “Mongolian label” came out of the same workshop and at the same time (XVII-XVIII centuries). By the way, it immediately becomes clear why it was found not in the state archive, but in the papers of the Polish historian Narushevich.

The sheets of the "Mongolian label" are numbered with ARABIC NUMBERS. “On the back of the second sheet... there is a number two, which probably should mean sheet 2” (link 1, p. 14). On the back of the first sheet of paper there are notes in Latin “in the handwriting of the 16th or 17th centuries” (link 1, p. 10).

Our hypothesis: this “famous Mongolian label” was written in the 18th century. And its Russian version was written, perhaps a little earlier, and was the original from which the “ancient Mongolian translation-original” was made.

In contrast to these two extremely dubious “Mongolian labels,” real Tatar labels that have come down to us, for example, from the Crimean khans, look completely different. Let us take, for example, a letter from the Crimean Khan Gazi-Girey to Boris Fedorovich Godunov, written in 1588-1589. The document has an official seal, and on the back there are official notes: “translated in 7099”, etc. See (, link 1, p. 46). The letter is written in standard, easy-to-read Arabic letters. There are letters from the Crimean khans, for example, in Italian. For example, a letter from Mengli-Girey to the Polish king Sigismund I was written in Italian.

On the other hand, quite a lot of documents actually remain from the era of the “Mongol yoke,” but they were written IN RUSSIAN. These are letters of great princes, simple princes, spiritual letters, church documents, etc. Thus, the “Mongolian archive” exists, but in Russian. Which is not surprising. According to our hypothesis, “Mongol Empire” = “Great Russian Empire”. They wrote in it, naturally, in Russian.

Defenders of Miller's version will probably answer us: after the fall of the Horde, all Mongol documents were destroyed, the Mongols quickly turned into Turks and forgot about their Mongol past, etc. If this is so, then another question arises. What evidence then remains of the “Mongol yoke” in its traditional presentation? The traditional theory about the “Mongol conquest of Rus'” is a serious thing. And there must be serious evidence at its foundation. There is none of them. The “theory” itself most likely arose in the works of historians of the 18th century. Previously, they knew nothing about the “Mongol yoke.” Several chronicles setting out the “theory” were also created, probably no earlier than the 17th-18th centuries (see above). To substantiate such a serious theory, genuine state acts (with seals, etc.) are needed, and not literary chronicles, which are easily rewritten and tendentiously edited. And moreover, we see obvious attempts to forge documents.

About Russian and "Tatar" letters

It is known that old Russian coins often contain inscriptions made in strange, unusual letters or icons for us today. It is usually believed that these are “Tatar” inscriptions. Russian princes, they say, were forced to write on coins in Tatar to please the conquerors. At the same time, researchers cannot read these “Tatar” inscriptions and are forced to recognize them as “meaningless.” The situation is exactly the same with old Russian seals. They also often contain inscriptions made in strange symbols and impossible to read. See, for example, pp. 149--150 and the illustrations given there.

“In 1929, the famous Russian linguist M.N. Speransky published a mysterious inscription of nine lines, which he discovered on the flyleaf - a sheet next to the binding - of a 17th-century book. The scientist considered the inscription “completely indecipherable”: the entry contained Cyrillic letters , but they alternated with some incomprehensible signs" ().

It turns out that " mysterious signs are found in the cipher of Russian diplomatic documents, in the inscription (425 letters) on the Zvenigorod bell, cast under Alexei Mikhailovich in the 17th century, in the Novgorod cryptography of the 14th century, in Serbian cryptograms... Particularly curious are the parallel combinations of mysterious monograms with Greek inscriptions on coins of an earlier time. Many of the same designs were found in the ruins of ancient Greek cities - colonies in the Black Sea region... Excavations showed that in these centers there existed in parallel two writing systems, alphabetic - Greek and some kind of mysterious one" ().

So, it turns out that the “Tatar” language has absolutely nothing to do with it. Not only in Russian, but also in Greek and Serbian, Cypriot, etc. In ancient texts, along with the well-known Cyrillic alphabet today, there were incomprehensible icons. Moreover, there were often even significantly more such icons than the Cyrillic alphabet. For example, in the mentioned inscription on a book of the 17th century there are 77 percent of them, and only 23 percent of Cyrillic (); on old Russian coins and seals the ratio is approximately the same.

The reader may think that we are talking about some kind of old cipher, secret writing. Historians and archaeologists believe exactly this: non-Cyrillic icons that they do not understand are ancient cryptography ().

It is amazing that reading this “secret writing”, it turns out, is not particularly difficult. For example, the inscription on the book, which the famous linguist M.N. Speransky considered “completely indecipherable,” was twice independently deciphered by AMATEURS (). Both times the result was exactly the same. It is not surprising - after all, there was no “cipher”, no secret writing, in this inscription. It’s just that the person who wrote it used a slightly different alphabet than we use today. He made the usual inscription on the book: “This is the book of the steward of Prince Mikhail Petrovich Boryatinskov,” etc. (cm. ).

We see that the Cyrillic alphabet, as the only alphabet for Russian (Greek, Serbian, etc.) writing, was established not so long ago, since


They were used on seals, coins, in inscriptions on bells, and even inscribed on books. Can secret writing be used on COINS?

So, the mysterious “Tatar”, Golden Horde letters on Russian coins turn out to be simply other variants of the outline of Russian letters that are well known to us. A table of the meanings of some of these styles is given in.

Fragment of the book by G.V. Nosovsky, A.T. Fomenko "Rus and Rome", chapter 3. "Our hypothesis. Rus' and the Horde"





Ancient Rus' (or Kievan Russia - in the understanding of the classical orthodox school) consisted of the so-called lands, which, it is believed, arose on the basis of the territories of ancient tribes or tribal unions. Each such land had a state in the form of a principality, with its own prince sitting in the capital city.

The ethnic unity of the Russian land, in a broad sense, was supported, among other things, by the so-called “princely ladder” of the Russian Family, which led to the constant movement of each prince from one table to another (as a result of all sorts of dynastic changes). Such movements of princes between lands became the phenomenon of “rotation” of princes. Thus, the strength of the single Russian Family was constantly maintained at a fairly high level. At the same time, the cooperation of these foreign princes (aliens from afar) with the separatist groups of the local boyar nobility that naturally formed in each land, focused primarily on their narrow economic interests and least of all thinking about the popular, national and state interests of all Rus', was extremely difficult. The prince, who sat down on some table, turned out to be a kind of commissar, as if with a mandate of the entire Russian Family (this “princely collective farm”, which was the collective overlord of all Rus'). The prince, relying on military force, automatically, even reflexively, suppressed all manifestations of separatism, rightly seeing in them an attack on his personal well-being.

The prince's squad consisted of two hierarchical layers: the senior and junior squads. The senior warriors - the boyars - each led his own detachment of warriors and received significant plots of land for food with peasant farmers in hereditary possession - estates.

It was necessary to assemble a senior squad for the war, but as time went on it became more and more difficult. The younger warriors - gridni, gridi, youths - were constantly in the capital city at the court of their prince and constituted his personal guard. They were well trained, loyal and reliable, but for a real war their number was completely insufficient.

Naturally and very quickly, it happened that the prince’s senior squad (his boyars) sat down on the ground, turning into large feudal patrimonial lords. Thus, the senior squad moved away from the prince and his interests and was drawn into purely local, potentially separatist interests! The boyars became less princely and more local. Thus, real military strength and local power increasingly moved away from the princes, gradually concentrating in local boyar structures. And if the prince wanted to play at least some role in his principality, he was forced to reckon with this local power. And the more the princes took into account “the locality,” the more they themselves were drawn into local games and the faster they settled on the earth, establishing themselves in the principality no longer as a part of Rus', but as their own personal possession.

The Russian clan was disintegrating, the princely ladder was faltering and slipping, the rotation of the princes stopped. Princely civil strife began, and Rus' became fragmented. Ancient, or Kievan, Rus' ended...

For those princes who were power-oriented and sought to put an end to this endless state self-destruction of Rus', difficult times came. All their undertakings were extinguished in the viscous swamp of countless local political groups (as if in the sticky web of corruption of officials who had reached the point of complete lack of control). It was apparently not possible to overcome this colossal element of decay.

But there had to be a way out. And he was found. A certain alternative reservoir of military strength and power was formed, practically unconnected with the boyars, officials, princes, cities, or peasants. Virtually unconnected with a country hopelessly mired in corruption and civil strife. Located somewhere away from her, as if in “virtual space”. This reservoir was named Horde(in German the term is known as horda; the concept is widespread throughout the European north princely squad - Hird, which replaced the clan squad, the “hundred” - drets, dirt). [Word horde comes from the ancient Aryan root “rd”, meaning order, organization: row, order, genus, Motherland, people, breed, glad, rite, charge, hail, city, horde, Hird, garda, guard, order, ordo, order, resident, orderly, ordnung. The Horde is a power based on the principle of absolute order.

Some weak reflection of the Russian Horde in Europe were knightly and monastic orders... Most likely, the word “order” is secondary and lexically auxiliary in relation to the word “horde”, expressing affiliation. Then order means "Horde". And this is reflected in Western languages: horda - horden (horde - order), Russia - Russian (Russia - Russian). This means that the European orders were local, tactical units of the Russian Horde...

Orthodoxy - ortho-doxy, Horde-dox(“permitted by the Horde”, “indicated by the Horde”)...]

Order was maintained decisively and brutally. All attempts at rebellion or strife were extinguished immediately...

The new political reality led to very large savings in military resources, which had previously been wasted in fruitless civil strife. Now all these forces were accumulated in readiness for use.

But the enormous military potential quickly accumulated inevitably had to result in conquest. It poured out...

The Horde was a stunning conceptual breakthrough in the social, political and military spheres. The idea of ​​the Horde is one of the greatest achievements of Russian civilization, which has overcome its own collapse!

The reservoir of the Horde organization was filled with such tremendous military power that next to it all the traditional princely and royal squads - large and small, senior and junior - simply lost all significance. The only (absolute) military reality in Rus' and Europe for a long time - for centuries - was the Horde!

This was a transition to a completely new quality of strength, as if entering a different orbit of possibilities. In our time, this could partly correspond to the transition of a power to the nuclear missile and space level, to the level of a superpower...


The Horde arose as a kind of military monastery with its own special charter and initiation ritual, as an almost isolated " a parallel world", or as a kind of virtuality that has a powerful, irresistible influence on everyday reality...

The creation of a new reality of the Horde also required the development of a new language - at first, probably as slang, as military jargon. This is how practical bilingualism in Rus', surprising historians, arose when two languages ​​were spoken at the same time: Russian-Slavic - national, and Horde - or, as we now call it, Turkic - the cult language of the Horde warriors. And mixtures of two languages ​​that now seem bizarre to us were formed. The Turkic language then, during the almost limitless conquests of the Horde, spread widely among previously non-Turkic-speaking peoples. But - within the Russian Empire...

Baptism - and the adoption of any new religion - requires giving a person a new name, baptismal, which often existed simultaneously and next to the old traditional pagan one, which persisted for centuries (after all, everyone is familiar with the abundance of names among the Spaniards). So, for example, Malyuta Skuratov, the formidable chief of counterintelligence of Tsar Ivan, was at the same time Grigory Lukyanovich Belsky. So joining the brotherhood of the Horde, this military super-monastery, gave a person a new, Horde, name. Therefore, at least two or three names for one leader became the rule: pagan Russian, baptismal Christian, and Horde. For example: Ivan Kalita - Janibek(“Ivan-bek”); Dmitry Donskoy - Tokhtamysh. And how many very telling names of the kings of the Horde were there, like: Urus Khan, Urus-bek("Uzbek"?)…

In the same way, the sovereign should henceforth have two titles (head of state and country - Grand Duke; head of the Horde - tsar), hence the accepted official form “tsar and grand duke”.

According to our current ideas, the tsar is greater than the grand duke, therefore, in the title of the sovereign, the mention of the “grand duke” is, as it were, completely superfluous. This indicates the imperfection of our ideas about Russian history, based on the Norman tradition. The title form “tsar and grand duke” was supposed to mean power over the country - like ordinary secular power, and over the Horde, that is, over all the military forces of the new formation. Titles differ not in degree, but in type of power. Therefore, the king, emphasizing his importance as the military leader of the Horde, was called “Tsar-Father”. Here you can see the military root “bat” (Lug Vran, “Tatars”)...

A symbolic reflection of the dual nature of the power of the new sovereign was the double-headed eagle - a visual image of such power: one sovereign with two heads, the Horde (royal) and the national (grand ducal).

“The double-headed eagle is the coat of arms of Russia, first found on coins of the Golden Horde” (Encyclopedia of Pagan Gods. A. A. Bychkov. Veche. Moscow, 2001).

The Horde brought the double-headed eagle to conquered Asia Minor, where the Horde began to be called by country over time Tark- Turk- Tursha (Thrace- Trakia) Turks(and the Horde language is Turkic).

And already the Turks, having captured Constantinople, hoisted an eagle, this symbol of their victory, on Byzantium-Rome-Constantinople-Istanbul itself.

[At the same time, the symbol of Russian Orthodoxy, the unified religion of the Horde, was also divided - the cross (the sign of Heaven, God and Man), standing on the crescent bowl (the sign of Peace and Earth). The Turks made the crescent moon the emblem of their religion, which has since become a permanent symbol of Islam. However, on most Russian churches, not only one cross, as on Catholic ones, is still preserved, but the former single symbol with a cross and a crescent.]

Naturally, the ritual of joining the Horde arose. Any person could once and forever join the Horde, as if they were a spiritual monastery or a secret society. The entry was accompanied by some kind of solemn ritual, which emphasized the great importance in a person’s life of the step he was taking. The best warriors, master craftsmen, and masters of art went to the Horde. Such a step meant a change in the structure of all life, its transition to some other state...

But the leader of the country, the head of state, the Grand Duke, by his position, was obliged to quite regularly make such a transition in both directions. And each time he was forced to perform a Horde ritual specific to the prince. It was called “The Grand Duke went to the Horde.”

At the same time, the physical distance of the trip and its mileage did not matter significantly (it could be zero). What was important was the fact of the transition, the change in the person’s condition. Upon his transition, the Grand Duke became a king. The ruler and sovereign of the country became the leader of the strongest army in terms of its capabilities.

It looks like the Horde had its own mobile center (capital, royal headquarters) - Barn(word Barn means “royal”, from the word sar- tsar). Sarai was not any ordinary town at all. It was the nomadic center of the Horde, coexisting with the national capital, which was in Vladimir (the very name of the city means “Rule of the World”, “Owner of the World” - very suitable for the center of a truly global empire), then, with Dmitry Donskoy, in Moscow.

And Sarai, this city on wheels, was the royal headquarters in any place. Since the Horde was of enormous importance for Rus' and all its peoples, the name “Sarai” could be assigned to various specific localities in which the Tsar and his Sarai stayed. That is why there are so many such local Sarai (Sarai-Batu, where the Sarai stood in the Batu era; Sarai-Berke, where the Sarai stood in the Berke era, and so on). That’s why in Russian a temporary structure is now called a shed...

[According to the Norman tradition, Dmitry Donskoy and Tokhtamysh simultaneously fought against the evil Lithuanian Mamai. Both won glorious victories over Mamai in the same year. But Tokhtamysh is unknown where, and Dmitry is on the Kulikovo field. According to one version, the classical one, on the banks of a tributary of the Don Nepryadva, and according to another - on the banks of the Moscow River (Nepryadva, or Oka-Nepryadva, a tributary of the Don-Volga), “on a field on Kulichki”; and then Dmitry built Moscow, its first white-stone Kremlin...

When the uprising against Dmitry began in Moscow, the Grand Duke hastily left the capital. Moreover, the rebels quite correctly released the Grand Duchess and her children, but the Metropolitan had a very hard time. And then he approached Moscow King Tokhtamysh with the Horde troops. Horde leaders, former Russian princes, demanded to surrender. Tokhtamysh burned Moscow, suppressing the uprising.

And after that Grand DukeDmitry Ivanovich calmly continued to reign in pacified Moscow.

If Tokhtamysh is not another name for Dmitry Donskoy, then why did this tsar do nothing for himself, but put all his efforts into ensuring the interests of the Moscow Grand Duke? And then who is Tokhtamysh, what did he do that would help separate him from Dmitry? And why, according to the Norman tradition, in pursuit of Tokhtamysh, Timur invaded Rus'?]

...We see clearly that the idea of ​​the Horde is a Russian idea, arising from the entire structure of Russian life, from Russian collapse and the characteristically Russian desperate desire for the revival of a great power.

...In the creation of the Horde, a very large role was played by the Iranian-speaking Tatars-Goths (Cherkasy-Bulgars-Sarmatians), who are so difficult (and almost impossible) to separate from the Slavs or from the Rus.

It was the Tatars, who entered (in the interests of creating their own strong power and victory over the sworn enemies of the Polovtsians) into a close fraternal alliance with the Vladimir princes-power-holders, who gave impetus to the process of sharp strengthening of the Vladimir power and ensured the creation of the Russian Horde, which became a common phenomenon for both Russians and and for the Tatars. Unity was maintained until the separation of the Turks...

Word Tatars after that, for a long time it became not an ethnonym, but a common noun for the warriors of the Horde, including (and mainly) the Russian Horde. So earlier and the Bulgarian knightly term Khazars (hussar) became the designation of an equestrian knight in all countries. Subsequently, for a long time it referred to the Cossacks. This served as the basis for those who consider the terms Tatars And Cossack synonyms. This opinion cannot be simply dismissed; it is quite justified, although perhaps somewhat simplified.

Most likely, the meaning of these words changed over time, as is usually the case, until it became familiar to us. That’s why they wrote in documents phrases like “the king with his Cossacks,” “the king with his Tatars.” Tatars - warriors of the Russian Horde...

[Future historians may be able to record in their books that at the beginning of the twentieth century Russia was suddenly conquered by unknown Soviet wild nomadic tribes(drinking human blood and eating Europeans alive), who came from nowhere (from China? From Vietnam? “So-Viet”!) under the leadership bekov- commissioners And khans- secretaries general.

Instead of conquered Russia, a commissar dynasty of tribes Co-Viet created the Soviet Union. Russia disappeared from the field of view of the West, and in its place the carousel of Soviet empires spun - uluses: Adviсe, USSR, EmpireEvil, Politburo, Rocket- nuclearShield, CPSU, Comecon, Central Committee, VarshavskyPact, GeneralCongress(for a thoughtful historian this is an abundance nomadictribes simply mesmerizing)…

I tried to fight hopelessly RedRussia, but in an unequal struggle she too fell (even mentions of her disappeared). Soviet yoke lasted until the end of the century, and then it was overthrown, terrible Vietnamese cannibals with- Vietnamese exterminated, and Russia reappeared before an astonished Europe...

What did Europeans write before? Rus' suddenly disappeared, “crushed by the yoke of the Tatar Horde”; in the place of Rus', Europeans now saw only this Horde (drinking human blood and eating Europeans alive).

Then, centuries later, already under Ivan the Fourth, the Horde seemed to disappear, and “Russia reappeared before the eyes of astonished Europe.” Obviously, Russia threw off the yoke of the Horde, and the terrible Tatars were exterminated...]

According to classical history, church and spiritual knightly orders were created in Europe at the same time. But then it follows that, most likely, they arose under powerful influence Russian Horde.

But it is possible, and under the influence of the same general forces. Only under similar conditions did everyone do something of their own, something corresponding to their potential. Rus' - the great Horde. Europe - local orders.

However, as mentioned above, the European orders (whether knightly or monastic) were merely local divisions of the great Russian Horde, and the order means “Horde”, “part of the Horde”: horda - horden (horde - order)…


At the instigation of unscrupulous Norman scientists, the myth about the invasion of Rus' from the Far East by certain “Mongoloid” peoples of the fictional “Turkic race”, who received the name “Tatar-Mongols” or “Mongol-Tatars” from the Normanists, spread and became commonplace. This idea formed the basis of the tale of the “three-hundred-year yoke” imposed on Rus'...

Andrei Burovsky in the book “Russia that never existed-2. Russian Atlantis” writes quite stereotypically about the excavations of Kyiv, which was taken by storm by the Tatars:

“...Some of the dead were tall Caucasians, armed with straight swords, typically Russian shields, and wearing equally typical armor and chain mail. And the other part is a mixture of Caucasians, people with slight Mongoloidity, and even pronounced Mongoloids. And these people are armed with curved sabers, their shields are small, round, typical for horsemen, and their armor is typical for Central Asia.”

Firstly, about the shells. If you believe the four-volume edition “History of Martial Arts” edited by G. K. Panchenko (M.: Olymp; Ast Publishing House LLC, 1997), armor appeared already in the Moscow era and, from a technological point of view, was a simplification of chain mail (so instead of An armored spike was used using a chain mail nail). [The chain mail could consist of 25 thousand rings and weigh 7-12 kg, and the shells could have up to 53 thousand small rings and weigh from 3.5 to 12 kg].

It is possible, however, that Burovsky here does not mean a shell, but plate (laminar or lamellar type) armor (plates are fastened with straps without a base) or scales (metal plates sewn overlapping onto a leather or fabric base) ...

Secondly, Burovsky is captive of the popular belief that if there are two certain similar facts, one in Russia, the other somewhere outside Russia, then it is absolutely necessary to recognize the primacy of the foreign fact. Simply because he is foreign.

So, if Burovsky sees in Kyiv, say, “shells” typical of Central Asia, then, according to his logic, they were brought to Kyiv from there.

Naturally, no Russophobe admits the idea that something was brought from Russia to Central Asia...

Thirdly, about “Mongoloidity”. Here the Normanists managed to maliciously confuse so many things with “races” and “racial characteristics” (the lie about the “Turkic Mongoloid race”) that for at least some understanding you need, at a minimum, a desire to understand the problem...

Russian colonization of the future Vladimir-Moscow region occurred mainly from the South and South-West. The regions of Russian Zalesye were developed by the princes and their small squads. These princes tried, if possible, to attract as many peasants as possible from the old inhabited lands to new places with benefits.

Nevertheless, there were always very few Russian colonists in the new lands of Zalesye, and the North-East seemed like a desert to the people of Kiev. But from time immemorial, these lands were inhabited by “Finns”, or “Finno-Ugrians”, or “Ugric-Finns”, or people of the “Uralic language family”. And no matter how many Russian colonists settled in the new lands, there were more Finnish aborigines: Mordva, Murom, Perm (this picture is also typical for the Bulgarian, from the South, colonization of the Volga region and the Kama basin)...

Princely power in the new lands of the Northeast developed without a serious counterbalance in the form of cities with their veche system. The prince was an almost all-powerful autocrat here. Here, it was not the ancient cities that, by decision of the people, invited the prince to serve, limiting his actions by a treaty. Here the prince built new cities in the desert. And he was, naturally, the complete master of his cities.

It was here, in Moscow, that all the foundations of the future Horde and the Russian autocratic system, so characteristic of Moscow, were born...

As a result of the enormous role of the princely power, the Finnish aborigines were subjected to powerful processes of Russification. The princely power brought local Finns into contact with Russian settlers and new cities. In the new country just being born in the virgin lands, there was an acute shortage of workers. There was too much to do. The authorities lacked reliable people. Therefore, a wide stream of Finnish population freely flowed into the united (Finno-Russian) people of the new lands. Thus, under the powerful racial influence of the Finnish aborigines, the Great Russian people were formed...

Likewise, the troops of the Vladimir Grand Dukes consisted both of Russian warriors themselves, who came with the princes from the Russian South and inherited the ancient Russian phenotype (similar to the people of Kiev), and of representatives of racial mixing with Finnish aborigines, bearers of Finno-Uralic racial characteristics (to a greater or lesser extent )…

Unlike the mythical “Turkic race,” the Finnish (Uralic) race, with characteristic racial characteristics, really existed and exists. Anyone can easily be convinced of this, just look at the local residents of the entire Russian North from Finland to the Ob.

Among the special characteristics of this race is, as pre-revolutionary Russian researchers called it, “cheekbones”: wide, low-set cheekbones that widen the face, making it round.

It was the massive influx of Finnish blood that gave the Great Russians characteristic external signs, for example, that very cheekbones (which the Old Russian people and the inhabitants of Kyiv, defeated by the Great Russian high-cheeked Horde, did not have).

And this cheekbones of some of the warriors Yuri Dolgoruky and Andrei Bogolyubsky (after all, it was they who repeatedly, and with terrible cruelty, destroyed Kyiv!) the Normanists declare to be signs of the “Mongoloid” nature of the “Turkic race” they invented. And Burovsky, following them, writes about the Mongoloid conquerors of Kyiv - the “Mongols”. By the way, the inhabitants of today’s “Mongolia” themselves, the Khalkha people, do not have such cheekbones. Their cheekbones are compressed and raised high...

[By the way, in the Finno-Ugric languages ​​of the Urals and Ob, housing, dwelling, house is called “yurt”. This word was borrowed from the Finns by many peoples, from whom it came to mean not a wooden house, but a mobile, collapsible round dwelling made of felt strips wound onto a light frame of curved poles - that is, the familiar steppe yurt of nomads...]

On the issue of swords and sabers. It is generally accepted that sword fighting, widespread among the hereditary environment of professional equestrian warriors, was characteristic of the so-called Ancient, or Kievan Rus. Saber fighting spread to the Zalessk North-East, Vladimir, and then Moscow Rus'. These lands of the future Great Russia became the birthplace of equestrian saber combat in Rus' - combat characteristic of the Russian Horde...

When Moscow conquered Veliky Novgorod, two military styles collided tactically: Moscow (Horde) highly mobile horse and saber combat against Novgorod sword and foot combat. As a result, several hundred Moscow Horde soldiers on the Shelon River won a convincing victory over tens of thousands of demoralized Novgorodians...

And Lithuania-Belarus always, until its corruption by Poland, used the Horde’s highly maneuverable cavalry saber combat. And she won...

Is it any wonder that in the ruins of Kyiv, destroyed by the Vladimir Russian Horde, next to the remains of its defenders, remains are found with signs (in terms of phenotype and weapons) characteristic specifically of the North-Eastern lands of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir - one of the main centers of the Russian Horde?

I think it’s important to understand the meaning of the word itself. Finn. For now, I can only mention the presence of this term in the meaning of “warrior” among the peoples of the far west of Europe. The Irish, for example, used the concept of the “Army of the Finns”, or the “Army of the Fians”. Finns- Fyany defended Ireland from the onslaught of the migrating Danes (Vikings). And in present-day Ireland there is either a movement, or a party, or a militant organization with the same name. And in England there is Finnberry...

May be, Finns was the name of one of the waves of Aryan (Russian) settlement from the Urals and from Western Siberia. This wave was before the Indo-European Celts. Either it was the Iberians, or the Finns were even before the Iberians (Lug Vran, “The Aryan Roots of the Ancient Jews”).

The settlers began to call their best warriors, the most worthy of the glory of their ancestors, by this sacred name. And among the population that remained in the center of settlement, the current Finns (Ural community), this name was preserved as an ancient ethnonym...

The Finnish territories (Ugra) of the Urals and the Ob and Irtysh basins became the center of powerful settlement of people of the Finnish racial type not only to the west, to the Great Russian Plain, but also to the east (to Eastern Siberia), southeast (Altai) and south, to present-day Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Finnish, Ugric, racial influence apparently did not reach India. But in Western Turkestan it became very significant ( fall asleep, who superimposed their characteristic phenotype on the purely European appearance of the former Scythian inhabitants of Kazakhstan - Sakov) and provided stable signs of the Finno-Ugric race among the local population (it is here that the origins of the supposedly “Turkic”, but in fact Finnish, yurt originate).

Subsequently, Norman historians called these racial characteristics Turkic, or Mongoloid, referring to the “Turkic race” they invented...


The leading wave of conquest and influence of the Russian Horde in the southern direction was called the Arabs. The word itself Arab contains a distinct Aryan root “ar”: perhaps “father of the Aryans” (ar-av, ar-ab).

[Term Arab can be understood in a different way: in that era, one of the official royal titles was “Servant of God.” It was believed that a mere mortal is not a servant of God, he is a slave of the king; and the king himself is a servant of God, who has received power from God, and is accountable only to God - his Master.

The term Islam, according to official tradition, means “submission.” Then maybe a word Arab means “slave”, “submissive to God”, “servant of God”. “There is no God but God”! But “a-rab” can also mean “not a slave”...

Word Arab, understood in this way, is a name so proud that it is no longer surprising that the persistent desire of the heterogeneous population of half the world to accept this name - as if to put on a beautiful royal crown...]

Tatar, or true, Cossack The Arabs of the Russian Horde were not like the current “Arabs” (who borrowed the name from the Russian Horde conquerors Arab) Semitic-speaking. They were Indo-European and Russian in language. The Europeans called these Horde Arabs Tatars Saracens, as they used to call all Iranian-speaking Indo-European peoples...

The conquering Arabs carried the banner around the world Islam(slam, break, break, break, conquer- salem, salaam, sholom- that is" world " ) , a new, just emerging religion of the warriors of the Russian Horde...

The Russian Arabs considered the prophet, the founder of their new religion, Islam, Mohammad. This name, Semitized in the Middle Eastern environment, nevertheless has distinct Aryan, Russian characteristics. The name of the prophet consists of two roots: “Moss” and “mat”. Moss- this is obviously Hyperborean Mos- Moses- Musa- Mosch- Meskh- Mosk(from which the name comes Moscow and many ethnonyms around the world, including American Mexica-Astecs, who gave their name to Mexico. And - Messiah, mashiach). Mat Can mean mother, or life, or death. It turns out that the prophet Mohamat (Mahmud) has the same name as the prophet Mos-Moses-Moshe! But the holy book of Islam, Al-Quran(“Reading”) has in general the same content as the sacred Pentateuch of Moses, which came down to the Jewish tradition, Torah("Law"). Al-Quran speaks of the same thing as the Torah, only from a different perspective, meaning a return to ancient roots, the purification of the ancient true religion.

[The word itself Koran(in Arabic “reading”), according to the military translator from Arabic N. N. Vashkevich, obtained by the method appeals Russian word narok(“covenant”). Obviously, for the Holy Scriptures, the Russian explanation is much more adequate and suitable (readers gave me a link to Vashkevich)...]

In French there are two eloquent words for "mosque". One, older one, which arose in 1351 (apparently this is the real time of the birth of Islam and the Arabs), is written as musquette, that is, “Muscovite”! Another, newer one, recorded in 1553, is written Moscow, that is, “Moscow”! In modern French it is used mosquee. And in English - mosque.

In German - Moschee. In Italian - moschea.

Spanish - mezquita, that is Muscovite...

From the same word “Muscovite”, only in simplified voicelessness ( MSKVT- MSKUT- mscot, according to the transition of “in” to “u” or “o”, which is common for all languages, and the pronounced pronunciation, the Hebrew (and Arab-Semitic) word “mosque” appeared - ???? ( misgad; in Russian reading it sounds even more ringing - misgad).

For example, in Romanian mosque - mecet, that is, “place”, like Russian itself mosque. In a word place a settlement of “urban type” was designated, not having the status of a city or town. Therefore, all places gravitated towards their center, the city, and were inhabited by “subjects of the city” (according to the Czech expression about the formation of Prague, for example: “Old Town”). An important center of the Russian Horde and the center of Islam was Moscow (pronunciation option - Mecca), so everyone around places- mosques were guided by Mecca-Moscow (from the root Meskh, Mosch, Mosk, Moss, Mokk), which is reflected in their name and - Muscovite, Moscow

The Russian (and Bulgarian - among the Kazan “Tatars”) word “Muslim” also turns out to be primary in relation to the secondary form “Muslim” (shortened Muslim), accepted in modern Arab-Semitic and Hebrew-speaking environments. Word Muslims can be explained as muz-ol-man, that is, “man-God-man” (“man-God-mighty”?). Compare with "A-rab"!

The word for Islamic priest is mullah, mall, which means in Russian “prayer”, “praying”, “praying”. Perhaps the cursive script that appeared only recently, which became the written language of Islam, Arabic, was not understandable to all parishioners, and the priest reading the Scripture received this name - “pleading to God”, “praying to Allah”, mall

The Russian, or Tatar, Saracen Arabs made their base in a country in the Middle East, which they called RUS. Or WITHUR. It depends on how to read this written name - from right to left or from left to right. And then they read and wrote this way and that way. The same runic text could be written across a line: one to the left, the other to the right - with a snake. Now we call this country Syria. And the local Semitic-speaking (and reading from right to left) population calls their country Suriya. There are cities in Syria that have the root “rus” in their names, for example: Russa (Rossa, Rugia, Ruya, Rurcia) - now Ruyat.

And the old Syrian surname is common there Rousseau

[Syrians are similar in appearance to Russians (light-eyed and fair-haired, broad-faced), and they are also Russian in character. And they preserved the old Soviet naval base in Latakia for Russia - the only ones not only among the Arabs, but also in the entire Mediterranean!]

In countries that now call themselves Arab, names with the root “Rus” are widespread: the peninsula in the United Arab Emirates Ruus el Jibal(“Mountain Tops”), capes in the Persian and Oman Gulfs: Ras al-Bidniya, Ras Tanura, Ras May. Yemeni terrain Bilyad er-Rus(“Rus Country”) and there is a salt marsh Aba er-Rus(“Father Rus”)...

The Tatars (“warriors”) of the Russian Horde, the Arab conquerors, brought to the Middle East the tradition of metallurgy developed in Sarmatia, the ability to create excellent steel ( Suburgan- saburgan, from the people Savir- subar), unsurpassed blades, helmets and chain mail. Main center Russian Saracen Arabs created weapons metallurgy in their main Middle Eastern base - the country Rus- Sur (Suriya- Syria), in the city of Damascus. This is how the famous Damascus steel.

By the way, it was Damascus that was the first capital of the Arab Caliphate (the name of the city, Damascus, can mean “De-Mask”, “Theo-Mosk”, “God Mosk”).

Having conquered Spain, the Saracen Arabs founded a local center of arms metallurgy for the needs of their troops - in the city Toledo(“Theo Ledo”, “God of Casting”, “God of Metal” - these are words of the same root: ice, lido, ice, pour). This is how the phenomenon of the famous Toledo blades arose.

It is worth noting here that the picture offered by the official Russophobic history of the development of such supermetallurgy among the Semitic-speaking Bedouins of present-day Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia, is so weak that it does not stand up not only to criticism, but even to one glance (after all, to this day there is no metallurgy in Saudi Arabia )…

The Arabs had a new title for leader - caliph, caliph, wickets. According to this title, the southern, Arab, part of the empire of the Russian Horde was named Caliphate. This title is Russian and means "Collector", "Conqueror", "Defender". It comes from the root Feces- Cali- Calais, expressing magical protection from the forces of Evil:

Cali- goddess in Hinduism, the incarnation of Devi (hypostases: Kali, Durga, Parvati...), wife of Shiva, protector of the Universe, conqueror of all demons;

Kalina- a berry that magically protects against evil spirits (children wore viburnum beads);

Kalinov Bridge- “bridge” of the fateful battle between Good and Evil, Life with the undead, Reveal with Navya, goyim with Kashchei, Ivan the Peasant Son with Miracle Yud;

Kalin the Tsar;

Kalita (Ivan Kalita), wickets- "Caliph - protector of the faithful." From the title Kalit is happening Arabic name Halit- Khaled. Hence the Arab-Semitic caliph- "replacement";

Kalita- wallet, as if “protecting money”;

Gate- protects the entrance opening in the fence;

Kala, Cali, Calais- fortress in Turkic, “defense”;

Qala al-Magus- a fortress city of fire-worshipping magicians near Qom;

Caledon- old name for Scotland ( Calais- Don: “Fortress of the Don”, “Stronghold of the Danes”);

Calais- a sea fortress and port in France, and so on...

The first such great conqueror, defender and founder of the Russian Horde was called Ivan Kalita. Some researchers suggest that his main Horde name was Genghis Khan, and, in addition, Janibek (Gianni-bek,"Ivan-bek")

[By the way, another name of Genghis Khan was, as is commonly believed, Temujin, which is conceptualized as “Theo-Man.”

And the well-known Manchurian root ginseng, which resembles a human figure and harmonizes relations with the female sex, literally means “woman” in Russian...]

The Arab wave brought the Saracens of the Russian Horde from Rus' to the Middle East and Europe and the new kind cursive letters - Arabic. The Arabic alphabet originated from one of the styles of Russian writing widespread in Rus' (Lug Vran, “Russia is the center of the world”) and traces of its widespread use in Rus' from ancient times are ubiquitous and well-known. The Arabs themselves initially called the Arabic alphabet “Turkish letter”, and the Turks called it “Rik letter”, “state letter”...

In their conquests, the Saracen Arabs used the revolutionary new multi-echelon tactics of the Russian Horde. Typically, four echelons were involved in succession:

1. Morning of the dogs barking (Guard Regiment, skirmishers- ertouly);

2. Help Day (Advanced Regiment);

3. Evening of shock (Big, Right And Left arms of the regiment and reserve of the Great Regiment);

4. Prophet's Banner (Ambush Regiment- general reserve).

Dmitry Donskoy used the same scheme on the Kulikovo field against the Lithuanian Mamai...

Russian, Tatar, Horde Saracen Arabs carried Islam throughout the Middle East, throughout the Maghreb countries in North Africa, crossed Gibraltar, conquered Spain, and conquered all of Europe, even distant England.

They gave a new religion and their name to the population of half the world...

In the Mediterranean, Arabs were often called Normans, "northern people". The Rus were like that for the southerners. Sea raids Arabs And Normans- “Vikings” were carried out in the Mediterranean Sea at the same time, to the same countries (Italy, France, Spain), and fleet bases Arabs And Normans were in the same places: in Tunisia, Sicily, Corsica...

The local Semitic-speaking population of the Middle East, conquered by the Russian Arab Horde, borrowed a proud name from their conquerors Arab, a new religion - Islam, concepts about the prophet Muhammad (from the root Mos-Musa-Moses-Moh) and the holy city of the Arabs: Mecca - Moskov, Moscow.

Only the language of the aborigines remained the same, Semitic, and historians “moved” Mecca-Moscow to Saudi Arabia - probably already in the 17th century...

The power of Turkey was established in all the lands conquered by the Saracen Arabs, Atamanskaya Cossack empire- atamanov, separated during the split of the united Russian Horde (about Turkey, see below). For a long time Europeans also called Turks Saracens(like Tatars, like Arabs)…


...We see that the main core of world history for the last 600-700 years has been Rus' and the Russian Horde. This allows us to understand many complex subtleties that other approaches remain without satisfactory explanation. Let's say, the amazing attitude of Europeans towards Russia, the attitude is clearly manic, as if completely inadequate, somehow physiologically hateful. But if we proceed from the fact of the existence of the Horde (undisputed by anyone) and the fact of its Russian character (this is not yet generally accepted), then fear clearly comes to the fore in the European psychofield. Fear of the Horde. Fear of Russia.

Then the pathological anger of Europe towards Russia, the irrational desire to destroy, eliminate the threat, fence off the threat in every possible way with Cordons Sanitaires and Iron Curtains, or at least close your eyes so as not to see this inevitable threat (as a child, frightened by scary stories, pulls a blanket over his head, hiding from mythical monsters), endlessly rewriting history, creating a false reality of the greatness of the West and the insignificance of Russia - all these reactions of the European mass consciousness turn out to be quite adequate. Understandable. Corresponding to the realities of the greatest conquest that happened in the relatively recent past, the wild horror of which was ingrained into the subcortex of the population and was fixed physiologically...

[Armored cavalry in knightly Europe was called dextrariis coopertis or faleratis coopertis. The discoverer of the important fact of the priority of the Horde in the appearance of this phenomenon in Europe was Köhler(Kohler, 111, 2, 44). "With the first designation d extrariis coopertis Köhler was first encountered in sources from 1238” (Hans Delbrück, “Chivalry”). A Viollet-Duc claims (ibid.) that knightly horses began to be covered with armor only at the end of the 13th century!

Armored cavalry appeared in Europe during the Horde era! Now the meaning of the following passage from the well-known Russian chronicle for 1252 about the embassy of Daniil Galitsky is revealed in a new way: “The Germans marveled at the Tatar weapons: there were horses in masks and in koyars (horse iron armor - Lug Vran), also leather ones, and people in yaryks, his lordship’s regiments were great, with shining weapons.”

There was something to marvel at the Europeans! So, armored cavalry first appeared in Europe during the Horde era - and precisely as the cavalry of the Russian Horde.

A logical question would be: did cavalry appear in Europe in general, cavalry as a branch of the military, for the first time only in the form of Russian cavalry?

And did Europe know cavalry as such before the Horde yoke?

Ancient Aryan, Russian term knight- “roaring” - “warrior-bear” - “warrior-rykas” (with a characteristic “ar” or “sar”), which in the Polish-Slavic version is pronounced as knight, in late German (post-Slavic) pronunciation transformed into ritter (Ritter), and then in France turned into reitara (Reiter). This very word (“knight”) can be safely attributed to the undoubted Russian heritage, which in its Sarmatian form has entered the very flesh and blood of Europe.

However, the indisputable fact is that in the West in the Middle Ages, synonyms for the word knight were still more common: gentleman, Chevalier (chevalier), knight (knight, bollard) And hidalgo- clearly shows where the “knightly” wind actually blows from (Lug Vran, “Great Sarmatia”). Rykas(bear)- knight- knight- ritter- reitar. Here's the armor Yaryk (Yaryka- yaryga) and "horse yaryk" ko-yar, kojar

Then, in the 13th century, during the era of the Horde, knights’ castles became real stone fortresses, and before that they were simple wood-earth shelters from wild animals rather than from skilled warriors...]

...This is the malice of the weak against the strong. This is the fear of the weak before the strong. Let us recall here the very close to us in time phenomena of mass psychosis in the West associated with the Cold War and the nuclear threat, when high-ranking Pentagon officials threw themselves out of the windows of skyscrapers shouting: “The Russians are coming”!

[ Maurice Druon on Europe’s attitude towards Russia: “The French press and the Western press in general begin to experience a kind of mental rheumatism when it comes to Russian affairs.” “We have not freed ourselves from the latent fear that the Soviet empire inspired,” notes Druon. Source: Russian Line]

The strong win wars, and the weak write history, and at least on paper, give vent to their grievances. Lacking the strength to fight, the weak can sublimate their libido only on paper. But all these paper imaginary triumphs of the weak over the strong only increase his anger and envy.

[ Contrary to popular belief, history is not written by the winner, but simply by the one who lives in ink. Russia, the creator and main character of world history, the winner of all wars, does not write history. Russia lives history. The blood of Russia is world history. And every insignificant little thing simply smears this holy Blood with inky mud…]

What do we see now? The West is rich, it has a lot of money again. Robbed Russia is poor, but it again has a lot of weapons. The situation is obvious. And how this could end is easy to guess, even without being a smartass.

How many more centuries will the rich West pay tribute to the New Horde simply for the right to live? Will all states have time to receive the label? During the last Horde, they tried with all their might, vying with each other to make it in time...

[ Label- German word, from Jahr- “year”, that is, “license for a year”: jahrlicke- “vassal obligation for a year”; jahrlich- “honorary annual title”; jahrlish- “tenure right for a year.”

And everyone in Russia was familiar with the Romanovs shortcuts on bottles and flasks in German pharmacies, from German pharmacists.]


The Russian Horde after the civil war in the eighties of the thirteenth century broke up into several parts (except for Turkey, Ataman parts of the Horde, with the endless Arab possessions it inherited), having the characteristic “wa” in their name:

1. Lithuania- Belarus. Belarus was perhaps the main core of the nascent Horde. In any case, Lithuania-Belarus did not seem to be affected by the “Batu defeat” during the establishment of the Horde. Why? Is it because she herself was the center of the emerging Horde? By the way, in Belarus there is such a surname: Horde. Protracted wars between Lithuania and Moscow immediately began “for the inheritance of the Rurikovichs,” “for the Horde heritage,” for power over Eastern Europe.

Root lit means military dignity, belligerence, military affairs. Litsman- “warrior” in Danish, and in Old English - “sailor” (which in that era was equal to the concept of “warrior” - “Varangian”).

Tactics of the Belarusian troops ( Lithuania) was a typical Horde tactic (see below). Today's Baltic Lithuania has nothing in common with historical Lithuania, as present-day Belarus was called.

Belarus-Lithuania founded Crimean Khanate (and established the Girey dynasty there), which for a long time became a bargaining chip in the struggle between Lithuania, Turkey and Moscow

[Devlet (Hadji) Giray, born in Lithuania (Belarus), grew up at the court of the Lithuanian king, in 1434-1443 (according to the official chronology), at the head of Lithuanian troops and with the support of a heterogeneous Crimean population, created the Crimean Khanate].

By the way, it was in Belarus that there was a famous Belaya Vezha, as if “discovered” by Artamonov on the Don - his concept “Sarkel - White Vezha”. But Belovezhskaya Pushcha in Belarus puts everything in its place;

2. Moscow. The root is MOSK-MOSH (in the Torah - MOSHECH. In Hebrew meshech, moshech can mean anything. Let's say verb pulls, or a certain “extension in time”).

One of the waves of resettlement of the Aryans from Tula (Hyperborea) under the leadership of the patriarch Mosya (Mosha, Mosca- from which the name came Moscow), son Trojan, And BanaYara (Yar - Ory, Yarun, Jaruna) passed to the mainland through the waters of the parted White Sea with the help of his wife Yara pitchforkWreeds(and the historical tradition of Judaism is based on the cult of the prophet Moses- Moshe who was accompanied by the high priest Aaron. These leaders led the people of Israel through the parting of the sea called Yam Suf. This is how Judaism preserved the ancient story of Mose And Jarun - Moshe And Aaron).

Many peoples called themselves after this greatest Aryan patriarch. There was a known Caucasian tribe that lived on the territory of modern Adjara and was called moskh, Moskhi. Modern people took their name from this ethnonym. Meskhi, Turks- Meskhetians. Another people called Mysians, moved from Thrace-Thrace to Asia Minor. The Assyrians called the Mysians front sight.

This influence is clearly visible in America. Thus, the Indian civilization of Mesoamerica, destroyed during the conquest, was in the previous era under the determining influence of the people Aztecs- Astekov, also known as mexicans. Their capital Tenochtitlan had another, sacred name - Mexico City, from which the subsequent name of the city, the people and the entire country comes - Mexico(exclusively under the name Mexica the Aztecs appear in the eyewitness chronicle of the events of B. Diaz).

Hence holy city Arabs: Mecca - Moscow, Moscow(from root Mesk, Meskh, Mosk, Mosch, Fur, Mecca, Moss, Mokk). Hence MESHECH (Extent), MASHIACH (Savior), BAG (Kalita?). Root Mosch known in the following forms: Husband- Moose- Muse- Miz- Mies- Meuse- Between- Mesh- Meshik- Man- Maho- Macho- Mucho.

As it appears, Moscow initially they called not just one city (this meaning appeared later) or a small river, but a huge region, probably the entire region of North-Eastern Zalesskaya Vladimir Rus'. And also the people inhabiting this country. Therefore, for centuries expressions like “Moscow has gone on a campaign”, “Moscow’s hordes are approaching”, “Gods of Moscow” have been in use.

Having two meanings of a word Moscow: country and city - confirms two lexical forms (“in Moscow” and “in Moscow”).

The name came into widespread use Muscovy. By the way, the form Moscow, used in the West to this day ( Moscow), is certainly the oldest in relation to the Horde form Moscow.

Word Moscow belongs to the same series as Rostov, has the same lexical nature, the same characteristic Russian suffix of ownership “ov”, and means “belonging to Mosk”, “coming from Mosk”.

And the form Moscow has no explanation in Russian vocabulary. In Europe they use a form familiar from antiquity, while in Moscow itself there has been development, shifts have accumulated and forms have changed, the old has given way to the new.

Maybe a word Moscow was a Finnish-language version of the Russian word that spread during the Horde era Moscow

[ Moscow (Moscow, "Horde Mosca"),

Moscovite (Mosco-vit, "God-Mosk"),

Moskal (Mosk-al, "Empire Mosk"),

Moskvich (Mosk-vich, “Knight, husband, descendant of Mosca”)].

One of the oldest districts of the Portuguese capital, Lisbon, is called Moscow(“Moshkovia”);

3. Mordva(almost entirely became part of Moscow and contributed to the formation of the psychotype of Moscow, the Finnish gene pool and the appearance of the Great Russians);

4. Tatarva(Tatars are originally a Sarmatian people of the Goths, closely related to the Polovtsians. Later, the warriors of the Russian Horde and the best warriors in general, in all surrounding countries, began to be called Tatars). And only later did this word acquire a derogatory meaning;

5. Moldova(one of the basic southern parts of the Horde, separated from Wallachia-Romania-Romania).

What does this root "va" mean? In Finnish languages ​​it means “water”, and specifically “fresh water”. For example, a river Neva, lake Nevo(“not water”, “bad water”)... Or does it still have another meaning? Everything speaks about this meaning: va- “Horde”.


Horde Russian tactics, designed for active maneuvering, massive shelling from bows and throwing sulits-darts, repeatedly repeated sums (fights, stupas, attacks with touching the enemy, but without tightly engaging), was intended specifically and precisely to counter the knightly tactics of the interlocking armies of the West .

Knightly tactics provided for the possibility of one single blow, after which the knights became a chaotic crowd of fighters fighting alone. The European commander of the army could only count on the fact that he would be able to bring his knights to the field of the upcoming battle in relative order and, if possible, in full force, without losing them at local beauties or taverns along the way. He had some chance of commanding an attack and hoped that the knights would carry out his command all together. But supplying the army, bringing it to the battlefield and a one-time attack - this was the only way to control the knightly army. It was not possible in principle to command a combat dump. If the command organized its army into several large detachments or several echelons, then each such detachment and each echelon, in principle, COULD carry out its own attack. But only one attack!

Any enemy whose troops were able to actively maneuver and inflict repeated blows on the enemy (even if only two or three blows!) received a decisive advantage over the knightly army.

The Horde's troops were organized in such a way that continuous, incessant maneuvering, exhausting the enemy, massive terrible archery, throwing murderous bullets in endlessly repeated sums - all this was the very essence of the Horde's tactics.

And such tactics, based on the appropriate organization of the army and weapons, reduced the military significance of knight-type armies to almost zero.

The Horde had for its cavalry excellent horses of the Moscow breed (not very tall, but shaggy, strong and hardy, capable of withstanding harsh winters and heavy snow), indispensable for the conditions of Russian forests; apparently similar to Belarusian (Lithuanian) swamp horses Drygantov.

The image of such a horse has come to us in the descriptions of epics - heroic Sivka-Burka (Burushka- Kosmatushka) with mane reaching to the ground.

Such horses are depicted in European miniatures showing fights between knights and Tatars and Horde soldiers.

A European miniature (1353) shows a battle between knights and Tatars. Top left - the beginning of the battle; at the bottom left is the ending, when the knights were defeated and their banners were trampled by the Horde cavalry. At the top right is an enlarged fragment of the lower part of the miniature (end of the battle), showing the characteristic Russian banner of the Tatars of the Horde, the typically Russian faces of the Tatars, the Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms, flying over the Tatars (otherwise - the Russian soldiers of the Virgin Mary, the Cossacks)…

Are there any signs of the Far Eastern people here? Khalkha?


Türkiye, Turkey- a country allegedly founded in Asia Minor by the Seljuks who came from what is now Turkmenistan in the 11th century (?).

The official version explains the name of Turkey by the fact that the Seljuks were Turks (?!). Were they Turks? Did they come from Turkmenistan - the “country of the Turks” or did Turkmenistan itself later be named after the Turks? But what are Turks? What are Turks? Was there a Turkic race? Or was it simply a Turkic language? Are Türks, Turks a Turkic-speaking people, or a people of the Turkic race? There is no clarity in official “science”...

Perhaps the “Turkic race” is the same malicious invention of the Normanists, like the Mongol yoke, like the Great Migration of Peoples from China. There was no Turkic race. And there was “Mongolian”, “Mongoloid” - in the sense of “yellow”, “eastern”. The peoples who speak Turkic all belong to the Caucasian race.

Turkic-speaking Caucasian peoples live in the area around the Caspian and Black Seas, and many of them have the ethnonym "Turk-Turk": Turkmens, Turks- Seljuks, Turks- Ottomans, Torques (BlackHoods Porosya, Black Forest)…

In Asia Minor itself the root Turk (tour) is very ancient. Lydia in ancient times, according to Herodotus, was called Tursha (Turkey?).

One of the Sea Peoples from Asia Minor was named tours (Turk).

Migrated to the Apennine Peninsula from Asia Minor (from Lydia) Etruscans were also called Tyrrhenians, tyrsenes, tursha

Perhaps this word comes from the historical, ethnonymic and semantic line of T-R-K: Trakia (Thrace) - Turkey. Truck- Tark- Turk. Trakia (Thrace) originally called exactly those areas of the Balkans and Asia Minor, where then the Turkey (Türkiye)…

[About the root "PR" - "FR" - "TR" (possible series - "BR" - "PR" - "FR" - "TR" - "DR"):

1. The root “pr”-“fr”-“tr” originally meant “fruit”, “fruit”;

2. then - “fruits of the harvest”, “fruits of the earth”, “fruit of labor”, “product”;

3. even later began to mean “labor”, “work”, “worker”.

Hence the meanings of all words of this root: Russian fruit, European frut, Hebrew at. Hence the concepts product, produce, trick, examination. In Russian (and in European languages) the root “pro” eventually became a prefix.

Respectful addresses to women: fru, Frau, Miss, Fraulein(meaning “worker”, “hard-working”?)…

The root “pr” in its third meaning “labor”, “work” is clearly visible in Slavic languages: pratsya- "Job", pratsyuvats- "work".

Hence the names of the cities: Prague(capital of the Czech Republic), Prague(suburb of Warsaw), Paris- Paris- Bet- At(capital of France), Persia- Parsi, Breslau- Parislau, Bristol- Pristol

Prague or Paris- “City of Craftsmen”, “City of Craftsmen”.

Of course, only the only city standing apart in a large region could be called that. The workers-masters of Prague were called that way - Czechs, cheeks, workshops (shop- “workshop”)...

A variant of the root “pr” is the form “tr”, denoting work, production, labor activity: tract, tractor, Trakia- Thrace, tark, Turk, Turkey(“Turkish guest workers”)...

The form "Br" can be in words boron(forest), Boer(tool), log, take, shave

"Dr" - in words tree, village, dirt- drets- dreadlocks(hundred, squad), dratva, tear…]

[And (speaking of fruits) about the apple:

Apple- “jabloko” - “diabloko” - “devil-eye”. Apple- “Eye of the Devil.”

Devil- Serpent- Veles- Volos- Vol (God Veles, Theo-Vol, "devil", in English devil) seduced Eve with an apple.

New York - "Big Apple". And it is also the “City of the Yellow Devil”.

“Yellow Devil” is gold, the spirit of gold, therefore New York is the “City of Gold”. The semantic sequence has clearly emerged: apple - devil - gold.

Hence the “golden apples” of Russian fairy tales, which Ivan Tsarevich obtains, and the “golden apples” of the myths of Hellas (one of the labors of Hercules is the “Golden Apples of the Hesperides”).

Hence the “Apple of Discord,” which became a vivid symbol of the beginning of the Trojan War.

English apple is a distortion when borrowing a Russian word apple, Where apple- apple (devil), but the word eye lost.

As a result, a significant part of the meaning is lost...

Only the Russian language has preserved the full original meaning of the name of this fruit, as the word itself devil…]



Languages, developing, branching and fragmenting, do not exist in emptiness, but in a certain environment. This environment for the formation of languages ​​is, in a certain sense, a “language soup” (“linguistic broth”).

The linguistic environment, the language soup, actively interacts with the “terrain”. Such interaction gives rise to new languages, born from existing ones...

Let us turn for an analogy to processes that are somewhat similar. Thus, a thread dipped into a supersaturated salt solution serves as a crystallization catalyst and a site for the formation of growing salt crystals.

Let's imagine that we have a solution of several salts that give different crystals. And we put several different threads into this mixture (say, wool, silk, cotton, hemp). And on each thread, crystals of only one salt, only one color and shape can begin to grow...

Likewise, the languages ​​of the world are formed from a language soup consisting of many different structural elements. The language soup is generally monotonous, but consists of primary universal linguistic components that form on different threads - in different natural conditions - different clusters of crystals - different languages.

On the vast plains one language crystallizes; in a branched river system - another; in the mountains - the third; on sea coasts - the fourth; in dense forests - the fifth.

But language is a process. Languages ​​are different rhythms of vibration of the same environment. And the vibration resource is not wasted or exhausted. The possibilities of diversity are only increasing as it increases. This means that the crystallization of languages ​​continues indefinitely.

New languages ​​are formed from the components of a language soup, which serves as a base, or environment, for their development.

But even currently existing languages ​​can play the role of a language soup - for languages ​​whose crystallization is only in the future...

Therefore, every language necessarily contains structural elements of the language soup that are not included in the active, functional part of the language.

And such passive primordial elements should be common to many, many languages, language groups and families...


The entire territory of Asia Minor during the era of the Great Russian-Tatar Cossack Horde was part of this greatest state.

The religion of the united Horde was ancient Russian Orthodoxy.

The population spoke Saracen languages ​​of the Indo-European language family (Bulgar, Slavic).

Gradually, even before the era of Turkey, in the course of the historical process, natural shifts in religion and language accumulated. Elements of what we now call the “Turkic language” “emerged” from the substratum linguistic layers. At first they became the military jargon of the Horde, the “Horde language.”

Religious elements of what we now call Islam arose (at first, primary Islam was carried around the world by the Russian Saracen Arabs, warriors of the Russian Horde, and only then the main elements of the theory of Islam were entrenched among the current Arab-Semites, who borrowed the proud name Arab from the Russian Horde conquerors ).

Somehow, these approximately simultaneously appearing elements of something new in Sarmatia began to be perceived by people as interconnected into some new integrity.

Then the united Russian-Tatar Horde split in two: into the northern part - Rus' (including Belarus-Lithuania and Moscow); and to the south Cossack unit- Turkia-Thracia (in Asia Minor and the Balkans) with extensive Arab possessions in the south. The latter began to feel itself, naturally, as a power of Cossack atamans - Atamanskaya(“Otoman”) Türkiye. The founder of this Ataman Empire there was a certain Osman(“otman, ataman”), Asman (Ace- man, Goth- man, God- Human) .

In 1281 there was a civil war in the Horde (and in the same year Osman ibn Ertogrul founded the state of the Ottoman Turks).

The Cossacks who remained in the Northern Black Sea region, in the sphere of power of Rus', for a long time (always!) were closely connected with Turkey, which accommodated a significant part of their brothers. And from all the political adversity in Russia (both under Peter and the Bolsheviks), the Cossacks fled not just anywhere, but to Turkey, to their brothers, one might say, home.

And even the official Russophobic history admits that the elite army of Turkey - Janissaries (enicheri, "new army", from the Indo-Aryan word charm- “warrior, army”, and from the Russian-Turkish “eni, uni” - young) - recruited exclusively from the children of Christians and Slavs.

And the ritual weapons of the Janissaries - scimitar- the Turks called it the “Slavic sword”. And the Janissary Turks wore Cossack (Indo-Aryan, Sarmatian, Bulgar) forelocks regularly, with sacred trepidation...

The Black Sea was called Russian sea. In the mid-13th century, the Russian Horde controlled all of Asia Minor, the country of Trakia-Turkia. Thus, all the shores of the Black Sea were under the rule of the Russian Horde, under the rule of Rus'. The Black Sea was literally the internal Russian sea.

And only in 1281, after a split in the Horde, Horde Turkey separated from Rus', and Ataman Turkey, the “Brilliant Porte”, arose; and Rus' itself then split into Lithuania (that’s what Belarus was called then), Moscow, Cossack Cherkassy...

Türkiye chose a characteristic Russian color for its banner - red...

On its banner Türkiye raised ancient symbol Russian Orthodoxy - a star inside a crescent. This symbol of Russian religion crowned the spiers of the domes of the oldest churches! The Orthodox crescent, a symbol of the Moon, the Cup of the Earth, an emblem of fertility and vitality, henceforth became a symbol of the traditions of the Cossack chieftains in Turkey, a symbol of their “old Russian faith”, opposing certain changes in religion in Rus'.

Therefore, the Turks called their faith “faith in the Rule”, and themselves - “truthful”, thereby emphasizing their origin from the Orthodox, “glorifying the Rule”, and the origin of their faith, the Truth - from Russian Orthodoxy...

Your capital Constantinople-The Turks named Constantinople in Russian Istanbul, Stan-Vol, "Bull camp". There was also a strait there Bosporus- “Bull crossing.”

And the country of the Turks Turkey, Türkiye named after ancient country Tra To and I- Thrace (Africa, “A-Thrace”), where the people of fast-horsed, forelocked Thracians lived - centaurs, “horse-taurs”, “mounted bulls”.

The collapse of the Great Horde into two parts led to the fact that in each of the parts, on the basis of the properties of the Horde, their properties began to crystallize, different from the properties of the other part.

Thus, in Rus', those features of the Old Russian religion, which we now call “properties of Islam,” gradually began to disappear, and those features of the Old Russian religion, which led to the formation of subsequent forms of Orthodoxy, began to strengthen.

In Turkey, on the contrary, “forms of Islam” have taken hold and the “extra” features of Orthodoxy have disappeared.

This is how two related religions emerged: the new Russian Orthodoxy and Turkish Islam (on an Arab basis).

At the same time, the previously unified linguistic environment was divided.

The Old Russian language gradually got rid of those structural elements of the Horde language, which we now call “Turkic”, and which “surfaced” in the previous era.

[ Murad Adji in his work “Dasht-i-Kipchak - an unknown country?” cites an excerpt from the text of Afanasy Nikitin: in India it’s like “pachektur, and uchyuze-der: sikish ilarsen iki shitel; akechany ila atrsenyatle zhetel take; bulara dostor: a kul karavash uchuz char funa khub bem funa khubesiya; kapkara am chuk kichi want." And here is the translation: in India, women are considered “low-value and cheap: if you want to meet a woman, two shetels; If you want to throw money away for nothing, give me six shetels. This is their custom. Slaves and female slaves are cheap: four pounds is good, five pounds is good and black..."]

As a result, a new Russian language began to form, differing from its ancient (“Old Church Slavonic”) forms, apparently no less than from the recent form of the still undivided (“Slavic-Turkic” - like Afanasy Nikitin) single language of the Horde.

In Turkey, everything happened exactly the same, only in reverse. In combination with Islam, based on the former language of the Russian-Tatar Cossack Horde, a new language was formed from the Horde language, named after Turkey Turkic and gradually getting rid of its former Slavic elements.

Let us emphasize once again that language and religion were perceived by people quite definitely in a complex, as something inseparable, unified.

That is why those ethnic groups in Russia who, for certain reasons and in contrast to all-Russian (Orthodox in faith and Russian-Slavic in language) tendencies, adhere to Islam, necessarily preserve the Turkic language - like the Volga Bulgars in Kazan or the Crimean “Tatars” , For example.

That is why all such Turkic-Islamic groups have always maintained a very close cultural and political connection with Turkey, in which they saw, naturally, not only their native ancient Sarmatian blood, but also the current leader and protector...

I believe that this was not always the case. That real Islam was not brought to the territory of Russia from somewhere far away, that the Bedouins and merchants of today's Saudi Arabia borrowed the idea and theory of Islam from the Russian Saracen Arabs and the Turkish Cossacks.

Islam as a state religion, as an Islamic state, arose in the depths of the Sarmatian civilization, in the era of the united Russian-Tatar Horde. And it became an independent religion during the Arab conquests and after the separation of Turkey from Rus'-Tataria. This political Islam moved to other countries (Iran, Central Asia, Arabia, Egypt, the Maghreb) from the territory of Turkey, within the rapidly expanding framework of the Arab Caliphate and then the Ataman (Turkic) Empire.

Therefore, Türkiye (and not at all the current Saudi Arabia) has always been (before the “Bolshevik” reforms of the Jews) Young Turk and their leader Ataturk) the main center of practical and theoretical Islam.

I believe that the Turkic language did not originate somewhere far from Rus', that it was not brought to Rus' from somewhere. The Turkic language was isolated from the single linguistic field of Rus' (Indo-Aryan with the subsequent additions of structural components of the future Turkic speech that “emerged” from the Horde language soup) and gained a foothold in Turkey after its separation from Rus'-Tataria.

The Turkic (Horde) language spread throughout the world along with the Horde Russian conquest. And in all parts of the great Horde empire, the language of its troops, the Turkic language, was initially consolidated as the language of warriors, the language of the colonial aristocracy. And there is no Turkic language anywhere in the world outside the Russian-Horde empire...

The Horde, which conquered the Near (with Egypt) and Far (with the country of China) East, Europe, the Maghreb and India, also conquered North America. The Russian-American Company, the heir to the colonial administration of the Horde, held on for a long time. And in Russian America, linguists find strong traces of the Turkic speech of the Horde.

Even in Central America, Russian determining influence is recorded in the title of local Indian princes: cacique- “Cossack”...

And the very name of the Turkic language penetrated into other countries from Turkey. That's why Türkiye is world political center Turkic speech...

By the way, about the Russian-American Company, which arose according to the official Norman version at the end of the 18th century. The Pacific Ocean was literally dotted with Russian names for islands, archipelagos and sea currents.

IN Lately, a hundred or two hundred years ago, Russian names were quietly erased from the map of the Pacific Ocean and replaced by English ones. But Russian names were officially recognized colonial powers, as was Russia’s priority, and this recognition was confirmed by Russia’s military strength. But - not Romanov’s Russia, but the Russian Horde, whose ships with heavy guns plied the oceans. And not at the end of the 18th century, but several centuries earlier!

And to cover the map of the greatest ocean with Russian names, you need not just one expedition by Rezanov on the ships “Juno” and “Avos”, but at least decades, or even centuries of systematic expeditions of many ships.

[Word a gun according to the official Norman version, it comes from the English word push(“push”) and means, by this logic, something like “push”. The absurdity of the official version is obvious here as in all other cases.

Firstly, the cannon shot does not in any way give the impression of pushing and gives rise to analogies rather with thunder, a crushing terrible blow, striking lightning.

Secondly, the word a gun is an exclusively Russian word and is used specifically in the Russian language (“Guns are firing from the pier, the ship is ordered to land,” A.S. Pushkin, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”). Even in other Slavic languages ​​they use other words, for example - harmata(from “thunder”)...

But in English this word does not exist, and it is not used to designate a cannon - which would be natural, understandable and inevitable if this word originated from English verb push. In English, gun - gun, cannon

Finding out the Russian meaning of a word a gun requires effort, and this search is necessary.

Perhaps there is a connection with words vice, powder, dust, fluff, powder, powder, destroy.

Maybe a word a gun associated with the root start: let in(for example, fire on the city), let go, squeak, arquebus(gun), “launch” - a gun (?)…

But, in any case, this is not an English word...

Arrows were shot from a bow or crossbow, shot. From a cannon or from a gun fired. Word fire associated with the root fell and means “to burn with fire.” Hence - and bullet: fire- shoot. Russian word bullet was borrowed during the Horde era in the West and is now known there as bullet(“bulka”, “bullet”).]

And Russian America from Alaska to California was respected by its neighbors in the American colonies - the Spaniards, because the Spanish Catholic kings were servants of the Russian Horde and pumped out treasures from the colonies intended to be sent through Germany to Rus'.

Therefore, in the case of Rezanov (a married man!), the Spanish governor was so eager to marry his daughter Conchita to him that the poor thing waited for her beloved for thirty years (and no one bothered to inform her about his death in Russia)...

The Romanov thieves' regime (see below), having established itself in Russia after the Time of Troubles, methodically destroyed the entire edifice of the greatest empire, fought with other parts of the Horde (Turkey, the Manchu Horde regime in Sin), and destroyed Russian America. Alaska was sold to the North American States...

Even official history admits that the Russians taught the Japanese shipbuilding and navigation. Only the Normanists give this confession a grotesquely anakdotal, implausible character: as if Russian sailors from a ship that crashed off the coast of Japan landed on the shore and began to build a new ship, at the same time teaching the surrounding aborigines-peasants who had come running together in shipbuilding! Let everyone believe this.

Starting from the death of Hyperborea-Tula, the waves of Aryan settlements, influences and conquests, rhythmically spreading from the depths of Rus', always had a pronounced civilizing character (the inhabitants of Egypt and Mesopotamia were taught agriculture, navigation and crafts, and so on)...

[The multi-part film “Roksolana” (Ukraine) is dedicated to the fate of a Russian girl, allegedly “stolen into slavery by the Tatars,” sold to Turkey and, as it were, completely natural for a slave who became the MAIN wife of Sultan Suleiman the Terrible (after all, cool dynastic marriages were always arranged with slaves, right?) and after his death - the sole ruler of Turkey...

I guess, that real story This woman was somewhat different from the Norman version presented to us in the film. Of course, she was not a slave, but the daughter of some noble Russian family, very noble - at least princely.

And, probably, precisely from this family (possibly killed during the Time of Troubles) Turkish sultans(Russian Cossack atamans) took brides to maintain the aristocracy of their family...]


The Turkic language emerged from the depths of the Russian language. It is not for nothing that all Turkic-speaking peoples call their countries with the Russian word “stan”. The Cossacks (Tatars) of the Russian Horde brought to the conquered countries the organizational division familiar to Rus' into hundreds(so all the lands of the Lord of Veliky Novgorod, and he himself, were divided into ten hundred, and the entire militia was commanded by the thousandth man).

For example, current Kazakhstan consists of three zhuz(“hundreds” in Turkic), which in turn are divided into tribes and clans. By the way, Kazakhs used to be called differently - in the beginning Kyrgyz, and then Cossack conquest - Kyrgyz-Kaisakam and (“Kirghiz under the rule of three hundred Cossacks”).

This entire territory was among the countries conquered by the Russian Horde, the Cossacks, who founded their camp on it, divided into three hundred - Kazakhstan. And the local population over time accepted the glorious name of the great warriors Cossacks- just as in the Mediterranean the aborigines accepted the glorious name of the great warriors of the Russian Horde of Arabs.

And the founder of the first Cossack state on the territory of present-day Kazakhstan it was called Urus Khan, that is, “Khan Rus”. Cossack camp Normanists bashfully call Urus Khan the “First Kazakh Khanate.”

And today’s Kazakhs themselves call the country not Kazakhstan, A - Kazakhstan, but not yourself kaza x ami, A - Kaza to Ami.

Three hundred Russian Tatar-Cossacks founded the Cossack State as a union of their three fighting hundreds - from where the three zhuzes came. Of course, in the mass of the Kyrgyz-Kaisaks they disappeared instantly, leaving some trace only in noble families sultans(title of the Turkic-speaking Horde Sultan, saltan brought to Central Asia and Turkey in parallel. Probably the word Sultan means “ruler of the Sun-Sol”, “ruler of the South”, “sol-tiun”, soldan, suldon)…

Root mill clearly visible in the name of the capital of Turkey Istanbul: Stan-Vol, "Bull camp". And next to Bosporus, "Bull Crossing".

Name Turkey came from the name of the country Thrace- Trakia, where the shaggy Thracians lived - centaurs, “horse-taurs”, “horse bulls”...

The main direction of the conquests of the Russian Cossack Horde is easy to see precisely by the localization of the Cossack Stans: from internal Russian river and sea piers, Cossacks villages and noble mills- V Dagestan, and to the east through Kazakhstan

Moreover, the Russian Cossack concept of the state- camp took root not only along with the Turkic speech of the conquerors: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Balochistan, Hindustan, Rajasthan, Mogulistan.

The Horde conquest came to India with the Turkic-speaking Great Mughals Babur, but the Turkic speech did not prevail there. And all that colossal space of conquests of the Russian Horde, which turned out to be in the zone of consolidation of the Turkic language of the Horde (Cossack-Tatars), was called Turkestan (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan- new terms soviet era, made “antique”, like Persian-speaking Tajikistan). Turkmen means “I am a Turk.”

In Russian, this root is common and widespread: rolling countries, machines, installations, theatrical productions

[From Turkestan there was also a famous enemy of Ermak, Khan Kuchum, who owned Siberia (his warriors, like all the Horde, like the Great Mughals of Babur, had guns and cannons - see the book of Babur himself “Babur-name”). Kuchum was Russian, Horde, Cossack. Therefore, he had the right to own Siberia. Therefore, the inhabitants of Siberia were traditionally loyal to him. But Ermak appeared, also Russian and also a Cossack of the Horde, who had the legal right to rule, and it became clear to the inhabitants of Siberia that the royal label gave Ermak an advantage in rights. Therefore, they did not fight against Kuchum, but recognized Ermak...]

Tatarstan(In fact - Kazan Bulgaria) And Bashkortostan are the latest political new formations and are designed to consolidate the Normanist distorted vision of the world on the modern map. These terms have nothing to do with historical reality and the past of peoples (by the way, Kalmykistan no and there wasn't. This proves that the truly Far Eastern Kalmyks halmg Russian word mill it doesn’t stick at all - even the Bolsheviks didn’t fix it. And to the now Turkic-speaking local Bulgars and Bashkirs - easily)…

[The Normanist concept of the “Far Eastern Turks” and “Mongols”-Khalkhas, who allegedly “brought” the great Horde and the Turkic speech to Rus' from the East, does not give any answer to the inconvenient questions: “How did the Turkic-speaking Far Eastern peoples spread the Russian concept throughout the world mill? Why do they themselves in the Far East not have this concept at all? And how exactly is the Russian word mill became the key to designate states? How did the word of the Russian people, supposedly victims of conquest, come to designate the states of their conquerors - states lying on the borders of the world?

Imagine, say, Mussolini’s warriors conquering the Soviet Union (if they had succeeded, of course) and conquering the rest of the world, imposing characteristic Bolshevik-Soviet word formations on all conquered peoples ( collective farm, workdays, Komsomol). If a person can accept such a picture without laughing, then he will not be surprised by the Norman Far Eastern version of the fabulous “Turkic race” and the mythical “Mongols”-Khalkhas, with the tenacity of maniacs spreading the strange Russian word around the world mill…]

Particular attention is drawn to itself (in connection with the camps) Palestine. The second part of this word is too similar to the Russian word mill: Pali-stan.

Then the first part of the word can mean people Poly, Pala- known from Russian sources as Glade(See Lug Vran: “The Beginning”). And Palestine is conceptualized as Stan Polov, Palov. But if so, then the few conquerors disappeared into the local population without a trace, leaving no sign of their fighting qualities.

Were these conquerors of Palestine glades- Khazars (hussars) the ancient Hunno-Sarmatian state or Cossacks- Tatars relative to the recent Russian Horde? Or did they belong to times even more distant from us?

[In the north of Asia Minor, in Paphlagonia, in ancient times there existed a certain state Pala- Paula, whose name completely coincides with the ethnonym of the Dnieper Palov- Pauls(the center of Polyany on the Dnieper was the city of Kiya, Kyiv- Kiev), remaining, in particular, in the name of the city Poltava. Lived in this part of Paphlagonia Palayans, and they had their own city Cue!]

There is an obvious parallel between the Cossacks centurions The Russian Horde, which organized its troops and conquered countries everywhere according to the principle of hundreds (which even official history attributes to Genghis Khan), and centurions-Xiongnu (about the root “khn-kn” and Xiongnu (“leaders”, “centurions”), see: “Sarmatia” and “Huns. New Sarmatia. Khazars”). And in Dagestan (stan!), even according to the official version, there was the kingdom of the Huns. Maybe all these were waves of conquests from Rus'-Sarmatia that were serially repeated in different eras?

Or is all this artificially spaced in time reflections of one real cycle of events - the world conquests of the great Russian Horde?



Divided Rus' and Türkiye always valued their brotherhood and maintained their alliance and friendship even with the inevitable emergence of natural contradictions.

Europe, which well remembered the horror of the Horde invasion and the labels for rule received by European monarchs: German emperors, Spanish and French kings - from the Horde kings, and was still subjected to Turkish conquest, sought to drive a wedge between Moscow and the Turks, to quarrel between the two largest fragments of the Great Horde and thus get rid of the greatest threat in the history of the West.

But all the efforts of the Europeans were in vain, lost in the face of a truly fraternal union of two empires, remembering their kinship.

And only after the final collapse of the Russian remnant of the Horde, the Muscovite kingdom, during the Time of Troubles, after the death of the old Horde (Vladimir) branch of the Rurik dynasty and the seizure of power in Moscow at the beginning of the 17th century by the proteges of Europe and Moscow thieves - the Romanovs - only after that everything changed.

To please the rapidly losing fear and insolent West, the Romanovs began a protracted series of wars with Turkey, which lasted 300 years - the entire reign of this thieves’ dynasty (Romanoff-Holstein-Gottorp)…

At the same time, the Romanovs began a grandiose work to “correct” Russian history, to erase from people’s memory all traces of the great Russian-Tatar Moscow Horde, to “transform” the greatest and most glorious Russian Empire into a “shameful three-hundred-year yoke” allegedly imposed by some Far Eastern savage peoples on Russian “tributary slaves”.

The Romanov Normanists, hastily brought by Peter to Russia from Europe, quickly began writing dissertations about how Europeans are advanced supermen, and Russians are wild untermensches. That it is not at all wild Europe - a poor province of the great imperial center in Russia, but supposedly the opposite: this is Russia - the backward outskirts of the advanced West

...All the Romanov components of the Normanist concept were born: the German-Varangian, Norman “theory”, the image of the “yoke” over Russia, the “theory” of the eternal struggle of the Forest with the Steppe, the “theory” of the eternal fatal backwardness of Russia from the West, the “theory” of the racial inferiority of the Slavs and Russians and so on...

But until the Time of Troubles in Russia (and before the advent of the Romanovs) - in the 17th century - Europe was literally straining itself, paying a huge tribute to the Horde, introducing a regime of severe austerity and draconian “laws against luxury”; and streams of European gold and silver mined by the sword flooded Russia.

No other country covered the houses of the nobility and the domes of temples with the purest sheet gold.

[According to Normanists, Russia was boiling with gold as a result of the Mongol yoke and three hundred years of heavy tribute. That’s right, only Russia did not pay this tribute, but took it.]

The luxury of the golden decoration of the Horde Orthodox churches in Russia shocked European wanderers, and still does. That's why Rus' was called the Golden Horde.

Not only the nobility, but also the middle classes ate from silver, even peasant women wore silver jewelry - while in Russia there was not a single silver mine. The first silver mine was opened by Peter in Nerchinsk - since after the Time of Troubles and because of the “reforms” of the Romanovs, Europe stopped paying tribute, and the flow of silver from outside dried up...

All attempts to evade tribute were mercilessly crushed by military force. So, for example, also Livonian Order, who bravely refused to “exit” to Moscow, was immediately and forever destroyed.

For several centuries after the Horde's horrific invasion of Europe, European monarchs had no doubt about the inevitability of cruel punishment any rebellion against the Vladimir (“World-Ruling”) Russian Golden Horde. And - in the sad need to pay a difficult way out. And - in some kind of mystical right of Russia to command Europe.

And judging by the current tactful behavior of the leaders of the largest nations of Europe (Germany, France, Italy), there is no doubt now...

Everyone knows that European cultural cities were closely compressed by a ring of defensive walls and therefore built up in incredible cramped conditions and dirt (the French king fell into a swamp of sewage on the streets of Paris. The king was saved, only his horse drowned), blocking the sky for people.

At the same time, backward Russian cities were spacious and spread out freely. And why? Everything is very simple. European cities hid behind close walls from the Horde. But Russian cities had nothing to fear. The horde was its own - Russian...

So who was really under the three hundred year yoke? Rus', overflowing with “gold and silver,” or Europe, which so wanted to shift its inferiority complexes onto another, namely, onto its offender, onto the culprit of its complexes?

Some win the war, others play it out on paper, forming “images of the past” to please their current selves (and paper will endure anything). Some shed blood, others shed ink

[Even the absolutely indisputable, stunning, incredible, grandiose Victory of Russia in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (only half a century has passed!) many Russophobes in the West and in Russia itself still manage to deface with ink and cast doubt on it.

But in that war Russia did not just fight with Nazi Germany. Without exaggeration, ALL EUROPE, united and led by the Third Reich, rose up against Russia in a single impulse, with all its economic and military strength, without exaggeration (Europe is not uniting now. It united under the Nazi rule of Hitler - against Russia. Now, under the guise of “unity”, against the enslaved continent The American yoke called “NATO” and “European Union” is pulled tightly.

And Russia, faced with the need to resist the aggression of all of Europe, was itself under the rule of the anti-Russian, Russophobic Jewish Bolshevik regime.

And this misanthropic anti-Russian regime, which even in Lenin’s speeches officially tirelessly repeated its Russophobia, saw its goal not in the victory of Russia over Germany, but in the destruction of Russia, in using this war as another one (after all the reforms, revolutions, the Civil War , expropriations, surplus appropriations, dispossession, collectivization and industrialization, after the ruthless suppression of all possible “deviations” and conspiracies) forms of murder of the maximum number of goyim.

Therefore, God’s chosen “brilliant strategists” of the Bolshevik regime destroyed the goyish soldiers of a Russia alien and hated by them in masses of millions. The small-town “miracle leaders” enjoyed themselves to the fullest, openly competing with each other in the number of “Russian anti-Semites” they destroyed. The commanders of the Red Army were officially punished for “insufficiently high losses,” which, according to the Russophobes, testified to the “poor zeal” of the Red commanders! “And as one we will die in the fight for this!” "As one"…

Everyone “had” to die to please the Bolsheviks...

Russia, literally tied hand and foot by the Bolshevik regime, fought with the entire New German Europe, mercilessly shot in the back of the head by its executioner-commissars. That's why so many people died.

Russia perished a thousand times more not from the Germans on the battlefield, but from the executioners - “Red generals”, from the executioners - “NKVD punitive forces”, from the executioners - “Party secretaries”...

But even in these conditions, Russia won. She won against the wishes of the Russophobic Soviet state, contrary to all the calculations of the Satanic killers...]

This is where all the amazing features of the attitude of Europeans towards Russia lie, so inexplicable, powerful, mysterious and terrible. It’s just that Europe subconsciously knows, with some sixth sense it senses the natural inevitability of the restoration of the new Russian Horde and the next conquest of the West for many centuries...


L. N. Gumilyov outlined his concept of passionarity, “passionary impulses”, suddenly influencing humanity from nowhere and covering this or that people with their action.

I proceed from the fact that planet Earth is a constant source of powerful influence (this may well be some kind of radiation).

This influence, field or radiation, of our planet is refracted in the structures of its crust, in the strata of rocks. Focuses on continents.

Largest continent The land is Eurasia. This must also be the most powerful natural reflector on the planet, irradiating humanity.

This means that that part of humanity that lives on the greatest continent is exposed to the strongest influence of the planet. In other words, Russia is continuously in a mode, in Gumilyov’s terms, of a kind of “incessant passionary push.”

Russia arose and since then has been living all the time in the focus of the most powerful planetary radiations, melting souls and characters into a new quality - in accordance with truly cosmic tasks unknown to man.

That is why Russia is so different from other countries, from other civilizations. “What is great for a Russian, is death for a German.”

Therefore, no one can conquer Russia. And the point here is not even that there is not enough strength. Even if there is enough strength, no one will simply hold back Russia. He will not be able to live in this place, in the focus of the almost withering, unwavering gaze of the Earth goddess.

Only peoples formed in this crucible can live here. Whose mental rhythms coincide with the rhythms of the planet, the Cosmos, the Universe. And they coincide because they were smelted under the direct influence of cosmic rhythms.

The Russian character surprises strangers with its lack of pettiness, prudence, cunning, and fuss. It is not the same European or American character that functions as a bank account. There, in counting money, there is no place for the soul, and there is no place for the intellect either. That’s why strangers say that “you can’t understand Russia with your mind.” After all, everyone tries to understand with what they have. There is a mind - it understands with the mind, there is no mind - it tries to understand somehow differently, with something else. He says that he can’t understand with his mind...

Therefore, the consciousness of Russia has always been cosmic in its essence.

Its current status as a space superpower is simply a routine reminder of the eternal global, cosmic, universal foundations of the Russian psyche, of its universal power. Russia is bursting with talent.

The unwavering gaze of our Living Planet, this planetary deity, brings minds to a boil.

All this creates such an intense field of active mind and broad soul, which seems familiar to Russians, but surprising to foreigners. The activity of the Russian soul amazes strangers!

And when the inhabitants of Russia leave it and find themselves far beyond its borders, they note a strange emptiness in the hustle and bustle of life surrounding them. It was as if some core had been taken out of life. But in fact, a person simply came out of the focus of unimaginably strong natural influences, out of the focus of the psychofield. Of course, he will perceive this as emptiness...

Russia is the true center of the world. Not just one of the most important civilizations. Not just - the main civilization, in relation to which all other civilizations of mankind are secondary. Russia is not just a continent. She is the node of all continents, the core of humanity. Russia represents the core essence of world history.

And Europe, let’s say, from this point of view, is nothing more than the underdeveloped backyard of Russia, its remote province.

Four hundred years of Russophobic propaganda in the West and East have taught us without surprise to hear about “Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals”, that the central part of Russia lies in “Eastern Europe”.

But from a civilizational point of view, this is outrageous nonsense, complete nonsense of the eternally mentally ill Europe and its hired henchmen inside Russia.

So, you can also call Korea or, say, Thailand “Europe”...

From the point of view of true history (but not the Normanist Russophobic pseudoscience, of course) Europe is the western part of Rus' (Lug Vran, “Russia is the center of the world”)...

[“Smart” democrats gather in Moscow for television get-togethers, where they endlessly discuss the eternal question for them: “Can Russia rise to become part of Europe, or is Russia impenetrably stupid and completely hopelessly savage?” This question in itself is wild and stupid. It’s like asking, “Is a house part of its own porch, or part of a dog house on its fence?” It's just that these smart guys have never seen an ordinary card. Of course, they will never understand Russia intellectually...]

Europe (Eropos), literally meaning “West”, “Sunset”, “Dusk”, “Gloom”, “gloomy Erebus”, Erebos, is a kind of geographical porch of the great Russian continent (“Land of the bright gods-aces”, Asia).

And the continent of Rus' is in the full sense of the word mainland, mother for Europe.

After all, everything that exists in Europe except blacks, one way or another, came from Rus'.

Of course, the porter-gatekeeper always stands on the porch with his cheeks puffed out. It has a very beautiful shiny livery. This “cultured European” sacredly preserves the traditions of his family - he has been a gatekeeper for two hundred generations. And he always cleans the buttons on his livery until they shine. And he trims the lawns carefully. And his chin is smoothly shaved, according to tradition...

But this is the gatekeeper. He's on the porch. THE OWNER IS IN THE HOUSE.

We see that Russia has always been able to make weapons that are not just the best in the world, but also inaccessible in quality to anyone else. So it was, so it is, and so it will be.

And the point here is not the weapon itself. It's a matter of technology.

After all, weapons in all eras have been the concentrate of all currently available technologies. And technology is a product of the mind. Where else could they be if not in Russia, the homeland of reason and spirit!

This was the case in the days of steel swords.

It was during the time of tanks.

It will be the same during some combat rays and force fields.

It simply cannot be otherwise. There is nowhere else to come from.

The world center of technology is located in Russia. Where he has always been.

There are simply no technologies in the world that do not originate from Russia (and I would also jokingly advise fans of common ridicule like “Russia is the birthplace of elephants” to often remember where mammoths lived, after all).

It seems that real creativity, real creation is possible only in Russia, but outside of Russia there is only trade, resale of what was once created in Russia. As a maximum - development, polishing of Russian ideas...

Cleared swords with inscriptions - almost all were found in the Slavic Baltic states...

The ancient Germans, according to Hans Delbrück, did not have swords, did not have iron even for cheap axes. The latter appeared among them only in the Xiongnu era. What can we say about swords that required high-quality steel...

And on the contrary, the famous swords of the Suvars-Savirs are known - Suburgan.

The supply of Polyan (Savir) swords to the Khazar Kaganate is described as “a tribute from the Polyan to the Khazars”...

Artillery, cannons, gunpowder ( vices) - all this was invented in Russia, back in the united Horde. Apparently, under Tokhtamysh (Dmitry Donskoy).

The Saracen Arabs (Russian Horde Tatars advancing in the southern direction) for the first time, according to official data, used artillery against the Spaniards.

Even after the split of the Horde and the separation of Turkey from it, the artillery of Ivan the Terrible, like the Turkish artillery, was the strongest in the world. Since then, Russian artillery has always and traditionally been famous for its quality and strength in all wars...

Until the 20th century, there was not a single center for studying the structure of metals anywhere in the world. But in Russia there were 3 or 4 such centers - at artillery factories. Only in Russia, and nowhere else in the world!

Metallurgy as a science originated in Russia. And only in the 20th century did it begin scientific study these issues outside Russia...

...German tanks of World War II, immensely superior to English, French and American ones, were just as immensely inferior in quality to Soviet armor.

To this day, no one in the world knows how to produce (using a special circular forging technology) forged artillery barrels, which last several times longer than conventional cast ones. Nobody can. Except Russia...

Russia has always made weapons better than anyone else. Does it now. And will always make the best weapons...

Being the smartest and educated country world, Russia is undoubtedly the world leader in technology.

Russian Horde

You can find many Russians with a greater or lesser admixture of Tatar blood in their veins. From Saint Paphnutius of Borovsk (1394–1477), student of Nikita of Serpukhov, student of St. Sergius of Radonezh, teacher and mentor of Joseph of Volotsky. Paphnutius (Parthenius by birth) was born in the village of Kudinov, near the city of Borovsk, in the family of the son of a Baskak, baptized Tatar Martin and his wife Photinia.

Let's name the great historian Karamzin, a descendant of Kara-Murza, and later bearers of the Kara-Murza surname, philosophers Sergei Georgievich and Alexei Vladimirovich Kara-Murza, television journalist Vladimir Alekseevich Kara-Murza. These are not even relatives - namesakes... Apparently, there were a lot of “Kara-Murz”, “black Murz” in Rus'.

Descendants of the Tatars - and bearers of the surnames Gaidar, Gadarov, Gaidarov, Shaidur, Shaidurov. In Tatar, the leading horseman of a detachment is called Gaidar, and the rear horseman is called Shaidur.

It’s easy to call Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov and Boris Petrovich Sheremetev Tatars... But, firstly, almost all noble families of Muscovy became Chingizids or descendants of other noble Tatar families.

Secondly, it’s not about blood at all.

The problem is not that the Russian language borrowed up to 10% of its vocabulary from Tatar, that clothes and utensils became “Tatarized” both in name and in form.

Much more serious is that independent Muscovy was ruled by people, morals, way of life, whose very way of thinking was shaped by the Horde. They are the servants of a foreign ruler. Now the bishop sits in Moscow, but still recognizes himself as a foreigner. His power is not taken from the Earth, but given from outside, its source is not from here.

The nobility of Muscovy serves the ruler, not the Earth. It doesn't matter what is good and what is bad for the people. It is important what the ruler commands and what is good for the ruler. They are temporary workers by definition, strangers in their own country.

“Gathering Rus',” Russian Horde members bring this worldview of temporary workers and the morals of the Horde to the Russian principalities of the North-West and West. During the Livonian War - to the Baltic states. Already in the 18th century, through Muscovy’s successor, the Russian Empire, the Russian Horde would bring the same morals to the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia.

Of course, as the years go by, the Horde tradition will weaken. After the Time of Troubles of 1605–1613, under the scepter of the new Romanov dynasty, the internal Tatarism would thin out. The dynasty itself, chosen by the Earth, will inevitably begin to rule, relying on the Zemsky Councils, self-government and the domestic bureaucracy. No matter how you feel about the Romanovs, they started out as much more national kings than the Tatar descendants of the Varangian Rurik.

By the beginning of the 1680s, during the reign of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, the Kasimov Khanate would quietly die... But just by that time a new comprador force would rise - the Germans!


1. The Horde is the Slavic Rada, that is, the council or the Cossack Horde. It is impossible not to note the obvious similarity of the words Horde and the Russian-Ukrainian Rada, that is, the Council or row - order. This is where the Russian word rod comes from. All these words have the same root - “ genus" and mean "ordered

From the book Empire - I [with illustrations] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4. 2. “Mongol” - The Russian Horde is described in the Bible and the Koran as the famous people of Gog and Magog. As we will show in KhRON6, many parts of the Bible were written in the 15th-16th centuries. That is, much later than the “Mongol” = great conquest. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the Bible “Mongolian”

From the book Empire - I [with illustrations] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4. 3. The Russian “Mongol-Tatar” Horde is at war with the “ancient” Alexander the Great 4. 3. 1. Wars with Gog and Magog and the giant wall behind which they were “locked” Let us present interesting information collected by Wright in a special paragraph under title "Gog and

From the book Rus' and the Horde. Great Empire of the Middle Ages author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4. Great Russia = Golden Horde, Little Russia = Blue Horde, Belarus = White Horde As we have seen, the Arabs, when describing Rus', talk a lot about the THREE CENTERS of Russia. When describing Mongolia, the same Arabs talk a lot about the THREE SARAYS, namely - BATU SHED , BERKE'S BARN and NEW BARN.About the three centers

From the book Reconstruction of World History [text only] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4.5. THE “MONGOL”-RUSSIAN HORDE OF THE XIV–XVI CENTURIES IS DESCRIBED IN THE BIBLE AND THE KURAN AS THE FAMOUS PEOPLE GOG AND MAGOG As we showed in our book “Biblical Rus'” (see also its version “Rus-Horde on the pages of biblical books”), many parts Bibles were written in the 15th–16th centuries. That is, much

From book Great Troubles. End of the Empire author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

3. The word Horde means Rada, that is, Assembly, Council, Cossack Horde and Army. One cannot help but note the obvious similarity of the words ORDA and the Russian-Ukrainian RADA, that is, COUNCIL or ROW, ORDER. By the way, the word RADA has long been well known in Rus'. For example, in the era of the “Terrible Tsar” there is

From the book Book 1. New chronology of Rus' [Russian Chronicles. "Mongol-Tatar" conquest. Battle of Kulikovo. Ivan groznyj. Razin. Pugachev. The defeat of Tobolsk and author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4. Great Russia = Golden Horde, Little Russia = Blue Horde, Belarus = White Horde As we have seen, the Arabs, when describing Rus', talk a lot about the THREE CENTERS of Rus'. Describing Mongolia, the same Arabs talk a lot about THREE SHEDS, namely, BATU SHED, BERKE SHED and NEW SHED. How

From the book New Chronology and the Concept of the Ancient History of Rus', England and Rome author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

Great Russia = Golden Horde, Little Russia = Blue Horde, Belarus = White Horde A) As we have seen, the Arabs, when describing Rus', talk a lot about the THREE CENTERS of Russia. B) When describing Mongolia, the same Arabs talk a lot about the THREE SHEDS, namely: BATU BATH, | BERKE'S BARN and | NEW BARN.B) How we

From the book Book 2. The Mystery of Russian History [New Chronology of Rus'. Tatar and Arabic languages ​​in Rus'. Yaroslavl as Veliky Novgorod. Ancient English history author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

3. Horde is a Slavic Rada, that is, a council, or a Cossack horde. It is impossible not to note the obvious similarity of the words HORDE and the Russian-Ukrainian RADA, that is, COUNCIL or ROW = ORDER. This is also where the Russian word ROD comes from. All these words have the same root and mean an orderly society,

From the book Empire of the Steppes. Attila, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane by Grusset Rene

Jochi and his sons. Golden Horde, White Horde and Sheybani ulus It is known that Genghis Khan gave to his son Jochi, who died in February 1227, six months earlier than Genghis Khan himself, the valley west of the Irtysh, where modern Semipalatinsk, Akmolinsk, Turgai are located,

From the book Russian Middle Ages author Gorsky Anton Anatolievich

Chapter 10 Rus' and the Horde (essay 2): Tver, Moscow and the Horde at the beginning of the 14th century Now let us turn to point two of the traditional scheme for the development of Russian-Horde relations: the Tver princes at the beginning of the 14th century. led the fight to overthrow the yoke, while Moscow at that time were

From the book Rus'. China. England. Dating of the Nativity of Christ and the First Ecumenical Council author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

From the book Calif Ivan author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

6.2. The Russian Horde of the XIV-XVI centuries is described in the Bible and the Koran as the famous people of Gog and Magog. According to our research - see our books “Mathematical Chronology of Biblical Events” and “Biblical Rus'” - many parts of the Bible were written in the XV-XVI centuries. That is much

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4.2. The “Mongol”-Russian horde of the 14th–16th centuries is described in the Bible and the Koran as the famous people of Gog and Magog. As we will show in the book “Biblical Rus',” many parts of the Bible were written in the 15th–16th centuries. That is, much later than the “Mongol” = great conquest. Therefore, it is not surprising that in

From the book Book 1. Empire [Slavic conquest of the world. Europe. China. Japan. Rus' as a medieval metropolis of the Great Empire] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4.3. The Russian “Mongol-Tatar” horde is at war with the “ancient” Alexander the Great Wars with Gog and Magog and the giant wall behind which they were “locked” Let us present interesting information collected by J. K. Wright in a special paragraph entitled “Gog and Magog” . Relying on

From the book Book 1. Biblical Rus'. [The Great Empire of the XIV-XVII centuries on the pages of the Bible. Rus'-Horde and Ottomania-Atamania are two wings of a single Empire. Bible fuck author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

1.2. Biblical Babylon is the White Horde or Volga Horde. And after the Ottoman conquest, Babylon is probably Tsar-Grad Babylon - one of the capitals of Assyria. Babylonian kings are often at the same time Assyrian kings. As well as vice versa. For example: “And the Lord brought

The Golden Horde during its heyday (until the end of the 14th century) was a huge state stretching from west to east from the Danube to Altai; in the south the border was the Caucasus, in the north - the regions of Central Russia (Kursk, Tula and Kaluga), where the local population was ruled by the Tatar administration. The power of Khan Batu retained a clear administrative division into four uluses (Khorezm, Saray, Crimea, Desht-i-Kipchak) and 70 provinces headed by “temniks”. The economic base of the state was about 100 prosperous cities (Azov, Old Crimea, Astrakhan, Tyumen) led by the capital Saray with a population of 75 thousand. The Horde were proud that their cities did not have walls - they were protected by thousands of cavalry and endless steppes. The cities had running water supply and sewerage systems, gigantic workshops for the production of dishes and weapons, the villas of the Horde nobles were decorated with mosaic panels, had swimming pools and steam heating. Developed handicraft production and trade were stimulated by a unified and sustainable monetary system and equipped roads with caravanserais every 30 km. The power of the khan rested not only on a large army, but also on a centralized state apparatus, where Central Asian officials worked and documents were drawn up in the Uyghur language. The khan's closest assistants were beklyaribek (commander of the army and chief judge) and vizier (minister of finance and head of government - divan).

The position of the Russian princes towards the Horde was not unified. Daniil Galitsky and the brother of Alexander Nevsky, Grand Duke of Vladimir Andrei Yaroslavich, concluded in 1250-1251. alliance against the Horde. Alexander Nevsky chose a different tactic. His father, Grand Duke of Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodich, was poisoned in Mongolia at the court of the Great Khan in 1246, and Alexander himself in 1248 traveled through the entire empire (7 thousand km) to its capital Karakorum, where he received a label for the great reign of Kiev . The division of power between the brothers was short-lived. In 1252, Alexander turned to the Horde with a complaint against his brother about the unfair receipt of the great reign and the failure to pay the khan “exit and tamga.” As a result, a punitive campaign followed (“Nevryuev’s army”), Andrei’s troops were defeated, and he became the Grand Duke of Vladimir Alexander Nevskiy (1252-1263).

History has placed on the shoulders of Alexander Yaroslavin the responsible task of choosing the direction of political development of Rus'. This task was complicated by the nature of relations with the West and the East. The policy was built taking into account the realities that were determined by the Mongol invasion in the east and the tense situation in the west.

At the beginning of the 13th century. new neighbors appeared on the borders of the western Russian lands - Novgorod, Pskov and Polotsk. After the founding of Riga in 1201, the spiritual-knightly Order of the Swordsmen gained strength in the Baltic States, which gradually moved east, into modern Estonia (“Chud” in Russian chronicles), the land of the Livonians, Latgalians, Semigallians and Curonians (modern Latvia) and to the south to pagan Lithuania. In 1219, Danish troops captured northern Estonia and founded the city and fortress of Revel (Tallinn). At the same time, the Teutonic Order, which arrived from Palestine and attacked the lands of the Lithuanians and related Prussians from the west, settled on the lower Vistula.

After a 20-year struggle, most of the local tribes were conquered by the conquerors, and soon their expansion came into conflict with the interests of Novgorod and the Principality of Polotsk, which also collected tribute from the Livs and Estonians. In 1224, the Russian fortress of Yuryev (Dorpt, present-day Tartu) was taken.

The object of the Swedish-Russian conflicts was the lands of southern and central Finland, inhabited by tribes suomi, hyame (sum and eat in Russian chronicles) and Karelians. The Novgorodians periodically sent military squads here for data, and the Russian nobility included representatives of the tribal elite - the boyar Mikula Chudin and the thousand-year-old Semyon Emin. However, the Russians did not build their own fortresses and did not impose Christianity. The Swedes behaved differently: with mid-XII V. their sea voyages - ledungi- turned into well-organized state events - crusades against the pagans. Swedish troops not only received tribute, but also colonized local lands, built fortresses there, and introduced their own administrative orders and church structure.

Having strengthened themselves in northern Finland, the Swedes at the beginning of the 13th century. launched an attack to the south - on the lands of the Karelians and the banks of the Neva. In 1237, King Eric's brother-in-law Birger led another crusade, during which a battle between the Novgorodians and the Swedes took place on the Neva in the summer of 1240. The Russian army was led by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, nicknamed Nevsky after the victory. Back in 1234, Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodich defeated the Livonian knights, and two years later the Order’s army was defeated by the Lithuanians at Siauliai. Since the 20s of the 13th century. Lithuanian raids begin on the lands of Polotsk, Novgorod and Smolensk. However, relations with the “Germans” and “Lithuania” were not limited to military actions.

In the complex political struggle of the Russian feudal lands and principalities, the opposing factions also turned to their neighbors. The Pskovites entered into an alliance with the Order against Novgorod in 1228; Later, Pskov warriors, together with knights, went on campaigns against the Lithuanians. And in Novgorod, rival groups turned to the “Germans” for help: in 1213, Prince Vladimir Mstislavich, expelled from Pskov, fled there; later he helped the bishop of Riga in the fight against Polotsk and even became a fogt of one of the order’s castles. His son Yaroslav and the Novgorod tysyatsky Boris Negochevich with his supporters ended up in Livonia.

Apparently, some part of the Novgorod nobility, interested in Baltic trade, was more attracted by the order of the feudal Livonian confederation than by the powerful hand of the “Nizovsky” princes - Yaroslav Vsevolodich and his son Alexander, who was expelled from the city after the Neva victory. In 1240, the Germans, together with Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich, captured Izborsk. The gates of the Pskov authorities were also opened for them, since “the Germans of Plsk were more receptive.”

Only a serious military threat and the danger of popular indignation forced the rulers of Novgorod to again call on Alexander Yaroslavich. He recaptured Pskov and defeated the forces of the order in April 1242 on the ice Lake Peipsi. At the same time, Popes Honorius III and Gregory IX wrote in their letters to the “kings of Rus'” in 1227 and 1231. called on them to renounce Orthodoxy and move “to devotion and obedience to the apostolic throne.” However, the alliance with the papacy - as the experience of Daniil of Galitsky showed - did not provide real help in the fight against the Tatars.

Expansion into the Novgorod borders was stopped, but the struggle for spheres of influence in the Baltic continued even after the Battle of the Ice: in 1262 the Novgorodians took Dern, and in 1268 the campaign against the Danish possessions in Estonia ended in a bloody battle near Rakovor. In the XIII-XV centuries. Novgorod and Pskov fought devastating border wars more than once, and each time they ended in peace and the restoration of trade relations. The wealthy Baltic cities that were part of the Hanseatic League, a federation of 200 large northern European cities from Norway to the Netherlands, were interested in them. The Swedes, despite the Neva defeat, by the middle of the 13th century. conquered Finland and at the end of the century began to conquer Karelia, where they erected the fortresses of Vyborg on the shores of the Gulf of Finland (1293) and Landskrona on the Neva (1300). In response, the Novgorodians ravaged Landskrona, and only peace in 1323 demarcated the possessions of Novgorod and Sweden in the North for a long time.

In the current situation in the middle of the 13th century. situation, Alexander Nevsky chose a policy of subordination to the Horde - and this tendency prevailed in the behavior of Russian princes of the 13th-14th centuries.

Under Alexander Yaroslavich, the actual yoke - system of economic and policy measures , with the help of which the Horde controlled and exploited Russian lands. This system included several elements.

  • 1. Chronicles and acts of the XIII-XV centuries. name 14 types of different tributes and duties: trodden, trade duty - tamga, honor and feed Tatar ambassadors, yam - cart, emergency “requests”, etc. The most difficult among them was the Horde exit - tribute in silver: according to 1384, it was half a ruble per village (that’s how much 2 tons of grain cost). The usual “exit” for the 14th century. - 10-15 thousand rubles, i.e. about 2 tons of silver. Regular payment of the “exit” was ensured by the campaigns carried out in 1257-1259. and 1275 throughout the Mongol Empire census - records to number.
  • 2. All Russian princes lost their sovereignty: since 1243, their receipt of the princely table depended on the will of the khan, confirmed by the issuance of the corresponding document - shortcut to reign. At the call of the khan, the princes had to march with their troops and took part in campaigns against Poland, Lithuania and the North Caucasus. To consolidate its dominance, the Horde used the system of the great reign of Vladimir. The one who received the label for the great reign in the Horde added (temporarily) to his possessions the vast territory of the great principality (Vladimir, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Vologda) and became the Novgorod prince. Thus, he turned out to be the strongest among other princes - he was obliged to maintain order, stop strife and ensure the uninterrupted flow of tribute. But as soon as the strength and power of such a prince aroused fear in the Horde, the label for the great reign was transferred to his rival, which guaranteed discord among the princes and their struggle for the label at the khan’s court; This is exactly how the confrontation between the Moscow and Tver princes developed in the first half of the 14th century.
  • 3. For control and timely information about the situation in Rus' in major cities remained proxies- Baskaks, who observed the collection of tribute and the activities of the princes. For the same purpose, in the border zone, entire cities and surrounding areas (Pereyaslavl, Kolomna, Tula, Yelets) were transferred to the Tatar rulers. Periodically, “strong ambassadors” from the Horde visited Rus' with armed detachments, which had to be provided with carts and everything necessary (“Tatar passage” and “Tatar pit”). In case of disobedience, punitive expeditions followed (“Nsvryueva’s army” in 1252, “Dyudsneva’s army” in 1293, a campaign against Tver in 1327, etc.). As the dominance of the Horde strengthened, the collection of tribute passed from the hands of tax farmers - “besermens” (Central Asian merchants) to the princes themselves, and punitive campaigns were replaced by repressions against individual princes - the execution of Mikhail (1318) and Alexander (1339) Tverskoy, Ivan Ryazansky (1327), Fyodor Starodubsky (1330).

A well-thought-out system of measures provided the Horde with 200 years of fairly effective control over Russian lands. As for the consequences of the Tatar yoke, back in 1826 Russian Academy Sciences announced a prize for winning the competition for the best research on this topic, which has never received fundamental study. But if we try to generalize the facts accumulated in science, we can talk about direct and indirect influence Horde domination.

The first involves primarily ruin. Archaeological research speaks of the pogrom of 49 cities, but not all ancient Russian cities have been explored yet. Objects from that time indicate the coarsening of craft technology, the disappearance of a number of craft technologies (mosaics, cloisonne enamel, granulation). The decline in production and trade led to a weakening of trade relations and a reduction in imports. The devastation also affected the rural area: archaeological field research gives reason to talk about a serious demographic shift. In the Chernihiv region by the end of the 13th century. Only 2% of settlements from the pre-Mongol era have survived. The population of the forest-walled zone was partially destroyed, partially abandoned their homes and arable lands, which were dangerously close to the Horde raids. For the same reason, many southern Russian towns stopped developing. The Moscow region “volosts” lost at least half of their rural residents. The population of even the Smolensk region, far from the steppe, has decreased by a third. It is impossible to take into account human losses, including the number of stolen slaves and artisans. Numerous dwellings of Russian “migrants” - artisans (cramped dugouts with Russian ceramics and crosses, and even entire “dormitories” of slaves) were excavated in the Horde cities of Bulgar and Sarai. Labor as a commodity was common in the markets of the Crimea and the Caucasus. From there, slaves, including Russians, were sold to Egypt and Western European countries: in French and Italian acts of the XIV-XV centuries. the names of the “White Tatars” are mentioned - Martha, Maria, Katerina.

In relation to the indirect influence of the yoke, we can talk about the creation by the system of domination itself of conditions that for centuries hampered or deformed the development of the economy, social structure, and the very type of political development. Regular levies constantly pumped huge amounts of money out of the country, which under other conditions could have been invested in the development of its own production and culture. The extermination of the nobility - princes and warriors - during the conquest - interrupted the process of folding the main cells feudal society- boyar estates. Their revival in the 14th century. occurred under new conditions as a result of princely distributions. As a result, the Russian boyar turned out to be primarily a prince's servant and was much more closely connected with the supreme power than an English or German baron: on Rus' XIV-XV centuries there were no feudal castles, and boyar surnames came not from the names of possessions (in the West - using the prepositions “de” and “von”), but from the names and nicknames of their ancestors. The possessions themselves could easily be taken away, i.e. changed owners; Moscow princes began to carry out mass relocations of their servants from the end of the 15th century. The hitherto sovereign princes who became tributaries of the khan could just as easily have lost their throne.

An equally serious consequence of the yoke was the weakening of Russian cities, and it was medieval cities that were centers of new forms of economy, social system and culture. The disappearance of many old centers (Old Ryazan) and the oppressed position of the remaining ones gave Russian cities agrarian features that remained until the 15th-19th centuries, and led to the elimination of elements of the “urban system”. By the 16th century the inhabitants of approximately 180 Russian cities accounted for only 2% of the population, while in the Netherlands the share of 300 cities accounted for 40%. In Rus', the “city air” did not make the fugitive peasant free. By the 16th century Veche meetings in cities disappear, and as they unite, all cities become “sovereign” and are governed by governors appointed from Moscow.

In Rus' in the XIII-XV centuries. Neither courtly-knightly nor “urban” culture emerged as independent trends. It was during this period that the religious worldview gained a dominant position in society, penetrating into the peasant environment. There is nothing new in traditional methods of education. Contacts between Rus' and other countries weakened, and the horizon of Russian chroniclers narrowed. The Vladimir Bishop Serapion (1274-1275) conveyed in his sermons the feeling of the end of an entire era, the realization that “our majesty has humbled himself, our beauty has perished,” and looked for the reasons for this tragedy in the spiritual crisis, the moral impoverishment of his contemporary society. In the eyes of his contemporaries, the Khan of the Golden Horde was considered a ruler of a higher rank than any of the Russian princes; he was called “tsar,” but at the same time this power was seen as a punishment for sins.

Horde rule meant not only the loss of sovereignty and material hardships; it made a shift in the traditional way of life and abolished the usual moral and legal norms. The princes of the devastated and weakened northeastern lands after the death of Alexander Nevsky waged an almost continuous struggle for the grand-ducal throne.

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