The most powerful empires in the world. Ten Greatest Empires in Human History

It is in history that answers to many modern questions can be found. Do you know about the most big empire ever existed on the planet? TravelAsk will tell you about two world giants of the past.

Largest empire by area

British Empire― the largest state that has ever existed in the entire history of mankind. Of course here we're talking about not only about the continent, but also about colonies on all inhabited continents. Just think: this was even less than a hundred years ago. IN different times The area of ​​Britain varied, but the maximum was 42.75 million square meters. km (of which 8.1 million sq. km are territories in Antarctica). This is two and a half times larger than the current territory of Russia. This is 22% of land. The British Empire reached its peak in 1918.

The total population of Britain at its peak was about 480 million (about one-quarter of humanity). This is why English is so widespread. This is a direct legacy of the British Empire.

How the state was born

The British Empire grew during long period: approximately 200 years. The twentieth century was the culmination of its growth: at that time the state had different territories on all continents. For this, it is called the empire “on which the sun never sets.”

And it all started in the 18th century quite peacefully: with trade and diplomacy, and occasionally with colonial conquests.

The Empire contributed to the spread of British technology, trade, English language and its form of government throughout the world. Of course, the basis of power was navy, which was used everywhere. He ensured freedom of navigation, fought against slavery and piracy (slavery was abolished in Britain in early XIX century). This made the world safer. It turns out that instead of striving for power over vast internal territories To obtain resources, the empire relied on trade and control of strategic points. It was this strategy that made the British Empire the most powerful.

The British Empire was very diverse, containing territories on every continent, creating a great diversity of cultures. The state included a very diverse population, which gave it the ability to govern different regions either directly or through local rulers, an excellent skill for a government. Just think: British power extended to India, Egypt, Canada, New Zealand and many other countries.

When the decolonization of the United Kingdom began, the British tried to introduce former colonies parliamentary democracy and the rule of law, but this was not achieved everywhere. Great Britain's influence on its former territories noticeable even today: the majority of the colonies decided that the Commonwealth of Nations replaced the Empire for them psychologically. Members of the Commonwealth are all former dominions and colonies of the state. Today it includes 17 countries, including the Bahamas and others. That is, they in fact recognize the monarch of Great Britain as their monarch, but locally his power is represented by the governor general. But it is worth saying that the title of monarch does not imply any political power over the Commonwealth Realms.

Mongol Empire

Second in area (but not in power) - Mongol Empire. It was formed as a result of the conquests of Genghis Khan. Its area is 38 million square meters. km: it's a little less area Britain (and if you consider that Britain owned 8 million sq. km in Antarctica, the figure looks even more impressive). The territory of the state stretched from the Danube to the Sea of ​​Japan and from Novgorod to Cambodia. This is the largest continental state in the history of mankind.

The state did not last long: from 1206 to 1368. But this empire greatly influenced modern world: It is believed that 8% of the world's population are descendants of Genghis Khan. And this is quite likely: Temujin’s eldest son alone had 40 sons.

At its height, the Mongol Empire included vast territories Central Asia, Southern Siberia, Eastern Europe, Middle East, China and Tibet. It was the world's largest land empire.

Its rise is astonishing: a group of Mongol tribes that numbered no more than a million people managed to conquer empires that were literally hundreds of times larger. How did they achieve this? Thoughtful tactics of action, high mobility, use of technical and other achievements of captured peoples, as well as proper organization rear and supply.

But here, of course, there could be no talk of any diplomacy. The Mongols completely slaughtered cities that did not want to obey them. More than one city was wiped off the face of the earth. Moreover, Temujin and his descendants destroyed great and ancient states: the state of the Khorezmshahs, Chinese Empire, Baghdad Caliphate, Volga Bulgaria. Modern historians it is said that up to 50% of the total population died in the occupied territories. Thus, the population of the Chinese dynasties was 120 million people, after the Mongol invasion it decreased to 60 million.

Consequences of the Great Khan's invasions

By 1206, the commander Temujin united all the Mongol tribes and was proclaimed great khan over all tribes, receiving the title “Genghis Khan”. He captured northern China, devastated Central Asia, conquered all of Central Asia and Iran, ruining the entire region.

The descendants of Genghis Khan ruled an empire that captured most of Eurasia, including almost the entire Middle East, parts of Eastern Europe, China and Rus'. Despite all its power, the real threat to the dominance of the Mongol Empire was the enmity between its rulers. The empire split into four khanates. The largest fragments of Great Mongolia were the Yuan Empire, Ulus Jochi ( Golden Horde), the Hulaguid state and the Chagatai ulus. They, in turn, also failed or were conquered. In the last quarter of the 14th century, the Mongol Empire ceased to exist.

However, despite such a short reign, the Mongol Empire influenced the unification of many regions. For example, the eastern and western parts of Russia and western regions China remain united to this day, albeit under different forms of government. Rus' has also gained strength: Moscow during Tatar-Mongol yoke was granted the status of tax collector for the Mongols. That is, Russian residents collected tribute and taxes for the Mongols, while the Mongols themselves visited Russian lands extremely rarely. In the end, the Russian people received military power, which allowed Ivan III overthrow the Mongols under the leadership of the Moscow Principality.

Empire- when one person (the monarch) has power over huge territory, which is inhabited by numerous peoples of different nationalities. This ranking is based on the influence, longevity and power of various empires. The list is based on the assumption that an empire should, most of the time, be ruled by an emperor or king, this excludes the modern so-called empires of the United States and the Soviet Union. Below is a ranking of the ten greatest empires in the world.

At the peak of its power (XVI–XVII), Ottoman Empire was on three continents at once, controlling most of Southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. It consisted of 29 provinces and numerous vassal states, some of which were later absorbed into the empire. The Ottoman Empire was at the center of interaction between the eastern and western worlds for six centuries. In 1922, the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist.

Umayyad Caliphate, was the second of four Islamic caliphates(system of government) created after the death of Muhammad. The empire, under the rule of the Umayyad dynasty, covered more than five million square kilometers, making it one of the largest in the world, as well as the largest Arab-Muslim empire ever created in history.

Persian Empire (Achaemenid)

Persian Empire basically united all of Central Asia, which consisted of many different cultures, kingdoms, empires and tribes. It was the largest empire in ancient history. At the peak of its power, the empire covered about 8 million square kilometers.

The Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire was part of the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages. Permanent capital and civilizational center Byzantine Empire was Constantinople. During its existence (more than a thousand years), the empire remained one of the most powerful economic, cultural and military forces in Europe despite setbacks and losses of territory, especially during the Roman-Persian and Byzantine-Arab wars. The Empire received its death blow in 1204 on the fourth Crusade.

The Han Dynasty is considered the golden age in Chinese history in terms of scientific achievements, technical progress, economic, cultural and political stability. Even to this day, most Chinese call themselves Han people. Today the Han Chinese are considered the largest ethnic group in the world. The dynasty ruled China for almost 400 years.

The British Empire covered more than 13 million square kilometers, roughly equivalent to about a quarter of our planet's land area. The empire's population was approximately 480 million people (approximately one-fourth of humanity). The British Empire is by far one of the most powerful empires to ever exist. human history.

During the Middle Ages, the Holy Roman Empire was considered the "superpower" of its time. It consisted of eastern France, all of Germany, northern Italy and parts western Poland. It was officially dissolved on August 6, 1806, after which the following appeared: Switzerland, Holland, Austrian Empire, Belgium, the Prussian Empire, the principalities of Liechtenstein, the Confederation of the Rhine and the first french empire.

The Russian Empire existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution in 1917. She was the heir to the kingdom of Russia, and the predecessor Soviet Union. The Russian Empire was the third largest state that ever existed, second only to the British and Mongol empires.

It all started when Temujin (later became known as Genghis Khan, who is considered one of the the most brutal rulers in history), vowed in his youth to bring the whole world to its knees. The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire in human history. The capital of the state was the city of Karakorum. The Mongols were fearless and ruthless warriors, but they had little experience in ruling such a vast territory and the Mongol Empire quickly fell.

Ancient Rome made great contributions to the development of law, art, literature, architecture, technology, religion and language in Western world. In fact, many historians consider the Roman Empire " ideal empire» since it was influential, fair, long lasting, large, well protected and economically developed. The calculation showed that from its foundation to its fall, a whopping 2214 years passed. It follows from this that the Roman Empire is the most great empire ancient world.

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  • Square: 13 million km 2
  • Highest bloom: 720 – 750

A feudal state that existed from 661 to 750. Ruling dynasty- Umayyads. The capital was in Damascus. The head of state is the caliph. Spiritual and secular power was concentrated in his hands, which was passed on by inheritance. The Umayyad Caliphate continued its policy of conquest of the Righteous Caliphate and conquered North Africa, Part Iberian Peninsula, Central Asia, Sindh, Tabaristan and Jurjan.


  • Square: 13 million km 2
  • Highest bloom: 557

One of the largest ancient states in Asia in the history of mankind, created by Turkic tribes led by rulers from the Ashina clan. During greatest expansion(end of the 6th century) controlled the territories of China (Manchuria), Mongolia, Altai, East Turkestan, West Turkestan ( Central Asia), Kazakhstan and the North Caucasus. In addition, the tributaries of the Kaganate were Sasanian Iran, the Chinese states of Northern Zhou, Northern Qi from 576 and from the same year the Turkic Kaganate was torn away from Byzantium North Caucasus and Crimea.


  • Square: 14 million km 2
  • Highest bloom: 1310

Mongol state, the main part of whose territory was China (1271-1368). Founded by the grandson of Genghis Khan, Mongol Khan Kublai Kublai, who completed the conquest of China in 1279. The dynasty fell as a result of the Red Turban Rebellion of 1351-1368.


  • Square: 14.5 million km 2
  • Highest bloom: 1721

The official name of the Russian state in the period from 1547 to 1721. The predecessor of the Russian kingdom was Specific Rus', and also Moscow principality. In 1547, Prince Ivan IV (the Terrible) was crowned the first Russian Tsar. He dissolved all fiefs and declared himself the only king. Russian kingdom, thus, received centralized control and hope for stability in the country.


  • Square: 14.7 million km 2
  • Highest bloom: 1790

Was the last imperial dynasty of China. She ruled the country from 1644 to 1912, with a brief restoration in 1917 (the latter lasting only 11 days). The Qing era was preceded by the Ming Dynasty and followed Republic of China. The multicultural Qing Empire existed for almost three centuries and formed the territorial base for the modern Chinese state. Qing China reached largest sizes in the 18th century, when he extended his power to 18 traditional provinces, as well as the territories of modern Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, Outer Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet.


  • Square: 20 million km 2
  • Highest bloom: 1790

The set of territories and colonies that were under the direct control of Spain in Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Spanish Empire at the height of her power was one of largest empires in world history. Its creation is associated with the beginning of the era of the Great geographical discoveries, during which she became one of the first colonial empires. The Spanish Empire existed from the 15th century until the end of the 20th century.


  • Square: 22.4 million km 2
  • Highest bloom: 1945 – 1991

A state that existed from 1922 to 1991 on the territory of Eastern Europe, Northern, and parts of Central and Eastern Asia. The USSR occupied almost 1/6 of the Earth's inhabited landmass; at the time of its collapse it was the largest country in the world by area. It was formed on the territory that by 1917 was occupied by the Russian Empire without Finland, part of the Polish Kingdom and some other territories.


  • Square: 23.7 million km 2
  • Highest bloom: 1866

Was the largest continental monarchy that ever existed. According to the general census of 1897, the population was 129 million people. During February Revolution 1917 The monarchy collapses. During Civil War 1918-1921 there is a general collapse of statehood on the territory of the former Russian Empire Up to 80 short-lived states are formed, by 1924 most of this territory is united in the USSR.


  • Square: 38 million km 2
  • Highest bloom: 1265 – 1361

A state that emerged in the 13th century as a result of the conquests of Genghis Khan and his successors and included the largest contiguous territory in world history from the Danube to the Sea of ​​Japan and from Novgorod to Southeast Asia. During its heyday, it included vast territories of Central Asia, Southern Siberia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, China and Tibet. In the second half of the 13th century, the empire began to disintegrate into uluses, headed by the Chingizids. The largest fragments of Great Mongolia were the Yuan Empire, the Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde), the state of the Hulaguids and the Chagatai Ulus.


  • Square: 42.75 million km 2
  • Highest bloom: 1918

The largest state that has ever existed in the history of mankind, with colonies on all inhabited continents. The total population of the empire was approximately 480 million people. Currently, the United Kingdom retains sovereignty over 14 territories outside the British Isles. In 2002 they received the status of British Overseas Territories. Some of these areas are uninhabited. The rest have varying degrees of self-government and are dependent on Britain for foreign affairs and defense.

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