The elephant is big and needs to be eaten in parts. Eat an elephant piece by piece or how to make your New Year's Eve wish come true

Time is the same for everyone: 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week, 744 hours a month. No one can stretch it or shorten it, yet the results of using time are completely different. Someone reaches an income level of $1,000. for a year, and for some - for 5 years. What's the difference? The result depends on what these people were doing at that time.

It is often said that time is life. What does human life consist of? From sleeping, working, studying, reading, communicating, raising children, meeting with friends and family, traveling, hobbies, etc. Performing some actions leads to success, doing others leads to more more success. And it works. that managing time means managing your actions. The best part is that anyone can manage their business, regardless of age, gender and education.

Planning is drawing up a specific list of things to do, the implementation of which leads us to the intended result. In fact, it is a bridge between where we are now and where we want to go, that is, our goal. The plan is a “time machine” that moves us in the direction we want. Therefore, planning is effective when there is a goal. And if there is no goal, then there is nothing to plan.

When you have confident time management skills, you enjoy life, feel collected, and are in control of the situation. You know what to do immediately and what to leave for next time. You are ready to deal with any surprises that life may throw at you.

There is a wonderful phrase in the movie “DMB”: “In the army you always know what to do. If an enemy appears, you must shoot! Of course, you may not hit, but you always know where to shoot.” In Japan, almost every large enterprise has a vision of its development prospects for 20 years ahead, and this helps them achieve success.

One of my friends evaluates the results of planning this way: “ two weeks I moved from a state of constant crazy rush to a rhythm of calm and measured work.” Is this the difference between those who don't plan their time and those who do?

Without clear time planning, another friend of mine's workday was a whirlwind of tasks: “Everything I encountered became urgent and required attention. Before I had time to think about it, the day passed, and I realized that again I did not have time to save anything. When I created an action plan and organized a schedule around goals that were meaningful to me, I was able to do the things that mattered to me.”

Planning allows you to add large goals “in parts.” Remember children's question: “How to eat an elephant?” It is difficult to eat an elephant at once, but it is easy to eat in parts.

Imagine young man who wants to buy a laptop for $1000 but earns $200 a month. The goal seems unrealistic, but still feasible. The young man should plan to save $50 every month to buy a computer, and live on the remaining $150. Thus, he will purchase a computer in 20 months. But you can save not $50 a month, but $100, and buy a computer in 10 months. This is not as fast as we would like, but this way the achievement of the goal is guaranteed. True, for this you need to plan to save every month a certain amount. If the young man does not do this, he will spend this $50-100 on other things and will not buy himself a computer, not because he did not have such an opportunity, but because he did not plan to take a small step every month to achieve his goal.

So, planning allows you to achieve global goals at the cost of minor but constant efforts.

For example, if your company's statistics show that for every 20 calls to customers, a salesperson receives one yes, then to get 5 yeses, you need to schedule conversations or invitations for 100 people. Then the entrepreneur will have either 5 new orders or 5 new business partners. If an entrepreneur needs 10 new orders or 10 new partners, then 200 meetings, calls or invitations, etc. should be planned.

The likelihood of success is much higher if an entrepreneur plans his outcome.

When an entrepreneur knows what result he wants to achieve and how, he feels more confident. It's like going on stage fully prepared for a performance. When an entrepreneur goes on stage and knows what to say, what to emphasize, what to encourage the audience to do, he feels confident in front of any audience. A well-developed action plan has a similar effect. If there good plan actions, then the entrepreneur acts much more successfully, he has confidence that he will achieve his goal - sooner or later, but he will definitely achieve it.

When you plan, you have the opportunity to choose the direction of movement. If people do not plan their future, but simply give in to the flow, then it is not surprising that it does not take them exactly where they would like. Those who have a plan know where they want to sail. They themselves create their own future exactly the way they want. We may or may not plan for our success. The choice is in our hands.

So, conclusions:

  • Managing time means planning your affairs.
  • Planning is the process of building a sequence of actions leading to the achievement of intended goals.
  • Planning allows you to achieve high results
  • Having a plan of action fills a person with confidence.

Procrastination - this seemingly complex term actually means the desire to put off everything “for later.” “I’ll start writing a project on Monday”, “I’ll call clients after lunch”, “I can’t start writing a coursework, everything will be left for the last week again”, “I’ll start writing an article to finish it 10 minutes before the deadline” - this is the approach to implementation planned is familiar to almost everyone.

How to deal with procrastination, how to stop postponing life until later, without being distracted by little things that steal precious time?

Basic components of procrastination

If you, instead of starting to engage in an article or important project, travel through the pages social networks or suddenly decided to chat with friends, or suddenly thought that it would be a good idea to watch the series before writing an essay - don’t despair, you are not alone and also belong to the community of procrastinators.

A lot of research by psychologists and neuroscientists has been devoted to this phenomenon; a scientific foundation has been laid out for the symptoms of procrastination, and there is even a formula that describes it.

Components of procrastination:

  • Low level of expectations. You put off doing something you are not sure of its success. Do not start using a diet because you doubt its effectiveness; don’t write a book because you don’t think it will be interesting to readers; you don’t go to sign up for massage therapist courses because you are sure that you won’t find a job in this specialty, etc.
  • The task you are putting off has no value for you.. We avoid doing things that are unpleasant for us, especially if we have something ready to go. alternative options pastime.

    What difference does it make when the desktop is put in order (windows are washed, documents are sorted, tax return), a day earlier or a day later? In the meantime, you can play solitaire (look through magazines, have a glass of beer, play “Tanks”).

  • The impulsiveness of someone who plans their time. Such people, passionately devoting themselves to one aspect of their lives, completely lose sight of other problems that require attention.

    I didn’t book a hotel room in advance because I had more work to do first. urgent matters, and then I just forgot; I didn’t submit documents for advanced training on time because I had to pass the project first, and then they got stuck family problems, - many people who spontaneously build their lives can give enough such examples.

  • Procrastination, delays. The setting is something like this: the more time before the event occurs, the fewer steps are taken to implement it. You almost certainly had to finish something in a hurry that could have been done slowly, and you knew about the due date of a project (coursework, report, article, book) long before the deadline.

    And how unpleasant it is to realize that the work could have been done better, brighter, and of higher quality. This component is most pronounced in impulsive people.

Based on these components, the present equation describing procrastination is obtained:

How to fight procrastination using this formula? It's simple:

  • increase faith in success (share of expectation),
  • increase the value of the event (make the reward pleasant),
  • reduce impulsiveness when performing,
  • reduce the amount of time spent on procrastination and procrastination.
It is quite possible to make all these components so that you can increase motivation to complete any task and, ultimately, overcome procrastination.

Increased optimism

Here are a few recipes on how to defeat procrastination by increasing your confidence in successfully completing the task at hand. In order to have no doubt about success, you can perform the following techniques:
  • "Spiral of Success". Set yourself several completely achievable goals, preferably for mastering something new, and consistently and persistently achieve them.

    Success in a new business motivates you to succeed in solving most life problems. The subconscious mind will be set up for success and the problem of how to get rid of procrastination will come closer to its resolution.

  • "Mental Comparison". Compare two pictures: what you are striving for, and the picture of what is there. this moment. The incentive will be the understanding that the situation urgently needs to change.
  • "Substitute Victory". Here you need to become infected with optimism from those who have already learned the secret of how to stop postponing life until later. You need to join positive communities, associations, read books and listen to lectures by those who have known the taste of success.
These techniques will help you believe in victory and bring it closer. You can use them together or choose the one you like.

Increasing task value

How to overcome procrastination if the task you need to complete is not important to you? This value will have to be constructed artificially. The following techniques are offered for this:
  • "Flow". When doing a boring task, make it more difficult to find a little more fun. For example, when cutting vegetables for canning, cut them into intricate shapes. By coming up with strange games and challenges, you will enter a kind of flow state.
  • "Search for meaning." Find the connection between the task you are performing and your favorite thing by building a logical chain. For example: attending advanced training courses will help you get a category, this will lead to a salary increase. The extra income will allow you to allocate more funds for the hobby of collecting things that you enjoy collecting.
  • Do something uninteresting when your body is on alert. Use the productive period associated with your biorhythms for this.
  • Normalize your diet by giving up flour foods in favor of vegetables and fruits.
  • Do simple exercises, play sports.
  • Try to clean up your work area. Even if you're a big believer in controlled chaos, clutter subconsciously affects our mood.

Impulsivity under control

How not to put things off for later if you're addicted to something impulsive person? Here, too, there are several solutions to the problem. If your will is not strong enough to resist distractions, you just need to block them.

Most often, these factors are TV and the Internet, the main enemies of consistent work. You’ll just have to turn them off, you don’t have the courage to do it yourself - ask your loved ones for this favor. You can assign yourself a tangible punishment for failing to complete a particular task and tell someone about it who can monitor its completion.

Eat the elephant piece by piece

How to stop procrastinating by helping yourself correct positioning goals? There is a very simple strategy - you need to divide one large goal into several small ones. That is, it is not easy to eat a big elephant, but if you do it a little every day, then the task is very doable.

The deadlines for completing small tasks are noticeably shorter, and this helps to get started on the task, which is very often the most difficult thing. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step,” says a Chinese proverb to confirm the above. Having completed the first small task, we can assume that big goal came closer. Next comes the second and subsequent stages.

When solving the problem of how to stop, you need to determine which component of procrastination in your case needs correction and take advantage of useful recommendations.

Continuing the theme about fluffy tails. After working with the list of your unfinished tasks, you will clearly find those that do not fit into the period of half an hour or an hour. They require significantly more time and involve multi-step actions. They are so voluminous that we sometimes don’t know which side to approach them from. Sort of elephants. And since they are not particularly urgent, interaction with them is postponed and postponed.
As a rule, these are the things that are actually important. Yes, they are not on time, but they can qualitatively change our lives. They can take her to new level. They require us to overcome and make efforts. And that’s why I always want to allocate more time for them in order to deal with them properly, with feeling, with arrangement. We kind of prepare ourselves internally for them. We are gaining strength.
Yes, we are preparing to eat the elephant instead of already starting to eat it. Or more precisely, we are preparing to live, instead of already living.
This is also very familiar to me. And now there are several such elephants standing in front of me. And for the second week now I’ve been “keeping them in the freezer” instead of starting to “butcher the carcass.” And this is the second week when the outside world with its affairs controls me, and not I control outside world based on your goals. Sad? A little bit yes. What motivates me when I do this? My desire for thoroughness. Sometimes too much. For you it may be something different, something of your own.
Why am I sharing this? Besides, elephants arise in each of us. More precisely, for everyone who wants more from life. Because we strive to swim against the current. And sometimes the current turns out to be stronger, and we allow it to carry us away. As in my example. The main thing is to catch yourself in time and start rowing in in the right direction. Toward your goals. And if we want more, then our goals are usually ambitious. Ambitious for ourselves at this stage of life. It's like we're challenging ourselves. Challenge, can I overcome this elephant or not?
So, let's go back to big things(to elephants). You can overcome them if you absorb them piece by piece. Break a large project into a number of large pieces. And then divide each large piece into several smaller ones. And each small one for several small tasks. You will get a diagram in the form of a tree. And every small tasks- these are specific things or actions that can be done using a quick shooting method. And there, in small pieces, you yourself won’t notice how big elephant begins to decrease in size.
The main thing is to start by finding a little time every day to think through a plan for “cutting up the carcass”, and then to complete tasks on the elephant. Give this task priority status and complete it as soon as possible before other tasks. Then you will feel that you are living based on your interests.

Do you know why most of the global goals, despite careful elaboration of details and the initial fighting spirit, were never realized?..
Why do we put things off?..

Because there is no time?

Someone can immediately say: because there is no time. But this, as we all understand very well, is deceit. There is always time, you just need to find it and devote it to the things that are important to you.
Exist 3 main reasons for procrastination(from the English procrastination - postponement, postponement; delay):
1) the matter is too big and complicated or seems so (the so-called "Elephant"). It's scary to take on;
2) It's a small but unpleasant matter(so-called "Frog"). It's unpleasant to take;
3)the case needs to be accepted some solutions, but we don't want to accept it. We are afraid of responsibility.

If we summarize these reasons, it turns out that we put things off because avoiding unpleasant emotions and sensations.

You can only eat an elephant in parts!

So, since the reason for postponing things lies in avoiding unpleasant emotions, the conclusion suggests itself that doing things needs to be minimized unpleasant emotions, associated with them.
You can only eat an elephant in pieces, small enough to eat in one sitting. What follows from this metaphor?
Break your big task into pieces so that eating one piece does not cause you any discomfort or negative emotions.
You can eat an elephant from trunk to tail for example, if you start writing an article with clean slate and write it from beginning to end.

But there is also Swiss cheese method, when eating is carried out in random order, starting with the most accessible and light pieces, gnawing holes in the cheese until there is nothing left but holes. For example, you already know well what to write in some section of the document, so start there.

Elephants are growing!

It’s interesting that things often become elephants not because they are so big and complicated, but precisely because we put them off for a long time. Every time we remembered something to do and never did it, the elephant GROWS!!!
As a result, it can grow to truly gigantic proportions in our head; it’s terrifying just to think about it, and if you do take it on, it turns out that you only need a couple of hours. But how many watches did this elephant steal at the expense of negative emotions? Thus, postponing things is very unprofitable from the point of view of energy balance, namely emotional energy. Thoughts about unfinished tasks take up a lot of our energy, creating an unnecessary negative background. While things done, on the contrary, add energy and bring positivity.
The main thing at this moment is not to think about how big the elephant is.
By the way, it often turns out that we end up spending more time on sad thoughts about “uneaten elephants” than actually “eating the elephant.” Paradox!
The proverb “appetite comes with eating” fits perfectly when it comes to eating elephants. Once you start a big business, your enthusiasm and enthusiasm begin to grow with every bite you eat.
Pay attention to an important fact!!!
Completion of each step is a kind of victory over oneself and over those difficult tasks that you set for yourself. Very important! Any victory gives strength, confidence and dynamics to all your subsequent actions. So, celebrate this small victory in any way you can! Plan a celebration or gift after completing each stage. In other words, anchor it in your life experience your victory. You will see that soon your small victories will grow into a big winning habit! How do you like this prospect?! Now you understand perfectly well that completing the entire project comes down to simple repetition first step. To paraphrase ancient commander, let's say: came - got involved - won - and so on several times!
And the last thing you will need. Write down in your diary the skills and technologies that you acquired during the project.

Big elephants to you and an inescapable desire to eat them!

Elena Skryagina

Hare, become a tiger! Vagin Igor Olegovich

HOW TO EAT AN ELEPHANT (Achieving the goal)


(Achieving the goal)

If you don't know where to run, is it worth running?

Buddhist wisdom

Ice and fire are our lot. We rush from one extreme to another: sometimes we freeze, sometimes we get burned. And so - all my life.

Success can only be achieved when you have a clear idea of ​​what you want. To be successful in general - this does not happen.

Unfortunately, most people live as if in a dream, without setting any specific goals for themselves. If there is no goal, there is no need to achieve it. But then you don’t have to complain about being a loser.

Even such a single-celled creature as an amoeba always moves towards its goal. As biologists have noticed, even if there are obstacles on the amoeba’s path, it bypasses them and moves on - towards its goal. This is what nature guides us towards!

If you see your goal, determine the means and ways to achieve it, and mobilize your strength to realize your desire, then you are the master of your destiny.

Goals can be long-term or short-term.

And accordingly, the strategies for achieving these goals are different. How to set yourself up to achieve a long-term goal?

Think of your goal as a target. When releasing an arrow from a bow, imagine that you are the arrow. Guide her mentally to the very “bull’s-eye”.

How can you set yourself up to achieve a short-term goal?

Short-term goals usually depend on the situation existing at that time. If you are in the mouth of a crocodile, then there is no point in remembering that you went into the water for a lotus.

Every year, every day, every hour we must make our choices, determine our priorities. And if we don’t do this, then other people do it for us or we are pushed around by circumstances.

Imagine that you got into a taxi and went without knowing where. Eventually, when the gas runs out or your money runs out, you will arrive somewhere. But will you end up in the right place?

The time of our lives, alas, is limited. And even if you expect to live a hundred and fifty years, by the end of your life you will still come somewhere, to some final result. But they are judged not by attempts, and not even by deeds, but by the result. What would you like to have at the end of your life? in midlife? Or maybe you can have this today?


For someone who brushes their teeth every evening, it is easy to accustom themselves to the nightly question: “What did I do today to achieve my goal?”

And two more questions along the way: “Where am I going and who am I serving?”

Imagine a ladder of success. At the very top is your goal.

Goal Goal

Action, stages of achievement

Data processing

Collection of information

I_ - The potential that I have to achieve a goal

To comprehend the science of achieving goals, it is necessary to clearly structure its main sections. So what should you do first?

1. It is necessary to identify your goal, clearly formulate it and answer all the accompanying questions: what? Where? When? Why? For what? How?

2. What is your potential? Is it sufficient to implement the plan? Do you have enough information about how to achieve your goal? Do you have necessary resources? knowledge? assistants? Define your weak sides. Analyze your own failures. Why did you lose? What did they teach you? How can you avoid mistakes now? How to improve the situation?

3. Collection of information. Collect sufficient quantity information on how to achieve the goal.

4. Information processing. Isolating the most important ones, drawing up a work plan and adjusting the goal.

5. Direct action on the way to achieving the goal.

And then you determine the stages of work, plan it, for example, by days, weeks or months. Write down your future, imagine it in all details. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are also introduced circumstances that cannot be foreseen in advance. It is impossible to foresee them, but it is possible to assume that they will appear. This is what pilots call the “rule.” bad weather“, that is, to have alternate airfields, backup options.

Mentally imagine what you want to get or do: in detail, polishing even the smallest details. Determine the time to achieve your goal, methods, etc.

Reimagine your goal as a target.

What do you see on the target? How do you feel? What do you hear? Highlight nonverbal cues.

Remove all intermediate stages, short-term goals (for example, you need money to buy a car, a car for prestige, prestige for confidence) go straight to final result. (So ​​maybe you should start working on confidence-boosting techniques right away?)

Blend in achieved goal and look back - did you need to achieve it? Did you realize your desire? What did you gain, what did you lose?

Now let's see what traps lie in wait for us on the way to achieving our goals? And in what cases do we fall into these traps?

We haven't clearly formulated the goal, we haven't defined exactly what we want;

We work according to a template, using stereotypical ideas and methods of work;

We don't know a better way.

Lao Tzu said: “He who knows his lot will not be humiliated.”

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Motivate the Elephant

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