The main landforms of Eurasia on a contour map. Minerals of the mainland. A platform is an extensive tectonic structure with relatively low mobility

Basic landforms. Minerals of Eurasia.

Cartographic images appeared long before writing and have accompanied humanity since its inception. Until now, the oldest known geographical map was considered to be inscribed on a clay tablet more than 2000 BC. e. in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), depicting the relief and settlements of this territory.

Russia and unrestricted war

The Russian Federation is at the same time the most pressing threat to the Anglo-Americans and the most desired victim. Unrestricted War with Moscow Form as a Combination of the War on Terror War secret services War Commercial War Media War War Conventional War For proxies.

Terrorist war. We use Islamist groups that have historically operated in Russia and, in particular, independent of Chechnya, in contact with Saudi and Atlantic services since at least the first Chechen war. Attacks on Volvograd are recorded in order of time; threats, attacks, terrorist attacks on winter Olympic Games in Sochi;; attack on a group of tourists in Dagestan; kidnapping of children in Moscow, child victim of nanny captured by Uzbek extremists; In February to March, a series of bombs exploded in Dagestan.

The modern relief of Eurasia was laid down in the Mesozoic, but the modern surface was formed under the influence tectonic movements in the Neogene-Anthropocene. These were arch-block uplifts of mountains, highlands and subsidence of depressions. The rises were rejuvenated and often revived mountainous terrain. The intensity of recent tectonic movements has led to the predominance of mountains in Eurasia.

Efficiency Russian forces security still contained the consequences of the terrorist war and, in view of the possible increase in violence, Vladimir Putin recently assembled the National Guard. Intelligence War: In this category we understand political assassinations carried out by foreign intelligence agencies.

Commercial war. It is divided into two parts: the fall in oil prices and fines for the energy, financial and military sectors. Media Warfare: The fight waged at propaganda stops is ongoing and cycled through to keep tensions high. Each “media bomb” produces effects within 7-10 days and therefore must soon be replaced by a new scandal.

The average height of the mainland is 840m. The most powerful mountain systems are the Himalayas, Karakoram, Hindu Kush, Tien Shan, with peaks over 7-8 thousand meters.

The Western Asian plateaus, the Pamirs, and Tibet are raised to considerable heights. The middle mountains of the Urals experienced rejuvenation during the latest uplifts, Central Europe and others, and to a lesser extent - extensive plateaus and plateaus - the Central Siberian Plateau, the Deccan, etc.

What decision can be made regarding the unrestricted war brought to Russia? If the goal was to cause the downfall of Vladimir Putin and the political destabilization of the country, the result was modest. The only measures taken with some success, economic sanctions and the fall in crude oil prices, have had serious side effects, which do not make them stable for a long time.

China and unrestricted war

No other power would be better equipped to cope with unrestricted warfare than China, home to the two officers who pioneered the study of non-military conflict in the era of globalization. For Americans Chinese People's Republic, Unlike Russian Federation, is an object that must be handled with extreme care: this is the second trading partner, the core of the US multinational manufacturing chain and the strip's first foreign public star and producer.

Rift structures also play a major role in the relief of Eurasia - the Rhine graben, the Baikal basin, the Dead Sea, etc.

Recent subsidence has led to the flooding of many of the outskirts of the continent and the isolation of the archipelagos adjacent to Eurasia (the Far East, the British Isles, the Mediterranean Sea and etc.). The seas have repeatedly attacked different parts of Eurasia in the past. Their deposits formed the sea plains, which were subsequently dissected by glacial, river and lake waters.

To embrace the wings in " Chinese century", this also provoked an unrestricted war against Beijing, which is represented as a combination of: a terrorist war, financial war, wars international law, intelligence warfare, environmental warfare.

Financial War: It begins with an attack on the Chinese stock market, which sees the Shanghai stock market index decline by 30% between June and July. Beijing prohibits banks from selling yuan to overseas institutions for speculative purposes and openly defies "financial terrorist" Soros, asserting through the Xinhua press agency that any speculative maneuver will be neutralized. International legal war: in last years Disputes around the islands have intensified South China, Spratlys and Paracels, whose control is aimed at using resources on seabed and the open ocean.

The most extensive plains of Eurasia are East European (Russian), Central European, West Siberian, Turanian, Indo-Gangetic. In many areas of Eurasia, sloping and basement plains are common. Ancient glaciation had a significant impact on the relief of the northern and mountainous regions of Eurasia. Eurasia contains the world's largest area of ​​Pleistocene glacial and aquiglacial deposits. Modern glaciation developed in many highlands of Asia (Himalayas, Karakoram, Tibet, Kunlun, Pamir, Tien Shan, etc.), in the Alps and Scandinavia, and especially powerful on the Arctic islands and Iceland. In Eurasia, underground glaciation - permafrost and ice wedges - is more widespread than anywhere else in the world. In areas where limestone and gypsum occur, karst processes are developed. The arid regions of Asia are characterized by desert forms and types of relief.

The United States, of course, is targeting Beijing's southern neighbors for control of the islands. Beijing reacts by deploying military hunting and missile batteries at an airbase in the Paracel Islands, fresh under construction, in turn being accused of militarizing the dispute.

This is the so-called "Umbrella Revolution" that shakes up Hong Kong between September and December. Center former colony England is busy with protesters wearing a "Take Center with Peace and Love" shirt to protest against electoral reform and they call for "democracy and freedom." Beijing's firm, measured line avoids protest degenerately, and in ten weeks last camps demonstrators are removed by police without violence.

Working with physical card Eurasia and structure map earth's crust Let's try to establish the relationship between the structure of the earth's crust and the distribution of the main forms of relief. Based on their comparison, we enter the results into the table:

Structure of the earth's crust Landform Name of the main landforms
Ancient platforms:
Eastern European Plain the East European Plain
Siberian Plateau Central Siberian Plateau
Indian Plateau Dean
Chinese-Korean Plain Great Chinese Plain
Folded areas:
A) areas of ancient folding; Plains West Siberian Plain
Highlands Tibet
Mid-altitude mountains Ural, Scandinavian mountains
B) Areas of new folding High mountains Altai, Tien Shan
High mountains

Pyrenees, Alps, Caucasus,

Genetic types of assistance in Europe. The main genetic types of European relief are determined by the main morphostructures. Largest fields overlap over the first continental core. Mountain, hectoric and alpine mountain systems were formed in the orogeny of the same name, now appearing either in the form mountain ranges, either in the form of mountain ranges or plateaus.

Areas of depression occur as accumulation fields or internal depressions. The flat units overlap on different substrates as follows: Ardennes Plateau, Bohemian Plateau, Podolia Plateau, Northern Dobrudzha Plateau on the Hertz; Smaland Plateau, Norwegian Plateau, Finland Overlay of plateau with Caledonian structures.

Mid-altitude mountains Apennines, Carpathians
Highlands Pamir, Iranian Plateau

Analyzing the table, we can conclude: the ancient platforms mainly correspond to plains and plateaus. Folded areas have mountains of different heights.

Volcanism is widely developed in folded areas: Vesuvius (Apennine Peninsula), Etna (Island of Sicily), Krakatoa (Sunda Islands), Klyuchevskaya Sopka (Kamchatka Peninsula), Fuji (Japanese Islands).

The action of external agents on these types of relief caused the appearance of the resulting relief. Glacier topography was created either by the action of glacier glaciers or by the action of mountain glaciers. During the Pleistocene, Northern Europe was covered by an ice cap that extended south across the Baltic Sea and across the North European Plain and Russian Plain to the cities of Kyiv and Moscow. As a result of the melting of the glacier, there was a specific glacial topography with alignments of swamps, sandstones, erotic blocks and depressions that shelter lakes.

Using atlas maps, we will determine the height of the main relief forms of Eurasia and distribute them by height:

Let's look at the main mountain systems:

Pyrenees. On the tongue local residents The Basque word "piren" means "mountain". They stretch from west to east for 400 km. The mountains are difficult to pass.

Alps - from the word "alp", "alb", which means "high mountain". The Alpine mountains were formed as a result of the collision of the Eurasian plate with the African plate. The rate of convergence is about 8 mm per year. The Alps continue to grow at a rate of 1.5 mm per year. From time to time earthquakes occur here, but not very strong.

This type of glacier relief extends southeast from the Scandinavian Peninsula, Finland, the European Northern Plain and northern half Rapa plain. Relief mountain glacier includes several types: Pyrenean glacial relief, consisting of glacial circles and alpine ridges, Alpine and Caucasian glacial relief, consisting of cirques, glacial valleys, moraines, alpine ridges and flowing glacial topography. The glacial Quaternary relief is preserved in the Carpathians.

With fjords: Scandinavian Peninsula, Iceland, British archipelago, with northern Spain, northwestern France, Great Britain, with river mouths at river mouths: Seine, Thames, Severn, Elbe, Pechora, Northern Day. with Delta: Volgai Delta, Danube Delta, Padului Delta, with lagoons: Baltic and Black Sea, with an estuary: on the Black Sea, coastal relief of tectono-glacier; with canals: on the Croatian coast on the Adriatic Sea, anthropic coast: Dutch polders. The most representative karst areas in Europe are the Karst Plateau and the Alps of Austria.

The Carpathians - the deepest earthquakes on Earth occur here. The depth of the source reaches 150 km.

The Caucasus is a young, growing mountain formed as a result of the collision of the Eurasian and Arabian plates. There are many volcanoes here that were still active recently: Ararat, Aragats.

The Himalayas are the “home of snow,” the highest mountains in the world. The peak of the Himalayas - "Chomolungma" (Everest) - "mother of the gods". Formed during the collision of the Eurasian and Indian plates (at a rate of about 5 cm per year).

Volcanic landforms in Europe include three main types: volcanic plateaus in Iceland; volcanic volcanoes, volcanic volcanoes volcanic volcanoes, volcanic volcanoes, volcanic volcanoes, volcanic volcanoes, volcanic landforms, volcanic cones, notches and craters or crater fragments.

The relief of Piedmont is better represented in the northern Pyrenees, the Piedmont region of northern Italy and the Getic Piedmont in the southern Carpathians. Areas of erosion occur both in old peneplains and in the mountains of the alpine system in the form of ridge levels or large and fragmented plateaus formed in three or four stages of evolution, called planing surfaces. IN Romanian Carpathians There are three levels of evolution: Borascu, Rau-es and Gornovita.

Altai means “golden mountains” in Mongolian.

Tien Shan - "heavenly mountains".

Minerals of Eurasia:

Oil and gas fields (Volga-Ural oil and gas region, fields in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, underwater fields North Sea); a number of oil fields are confined to Neogene deposits of foothill and intermountain troughs - Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy, etc. Large fields in Transcaucasia, in West Siberian Plain, on the Cheleken Peninsula, Nebit-Dag, etc.; areas adjacent to the Persian Gulf coast contain about 1/2 of the total oil reserves foreign countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, S.W. Iran). In addition, oil is produced in China, Indonesia, India, Brunei. There are flammable gas deposits in Uzbekistan, on the West Siberian Plain in the countries of the Near and Middle East.

Deposits of hard and brown coal are being developed - Donetsk, Lviv-Volyn, Moscow Region, Pechersk, Upper Silesian, Ruhr, Welsh basins, Karaganda basin, Mangyshlak Peninsula, Caspian lowland, Sakhalin, Siberia (Kuznetsk, Minusinsk, Tunguska basin), eastern parts of China, Korea and the eastern regions of the Hindustan Peninsula.

Powerful deposits iron ores are being developed in the Urals, Ukraine, Kola Peninsula, great importance have deposits in Sweden. A large deposit of manganese ores is located in the Nikopol region. There are deposits in Kazakhstan, in the Angaro-Ilimsk region Siberian platform, within the Aldan shield; in China, in North Korea and in India.

Bauxite deposits are known in the Urals and in the areas of the East European Platform, India, Burma, and Indonesia.

Non-ferrous metal ores are distributed mainly in the Hercynides belt (Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, in the Upper Silesian basin of Poland). In India and Transcaucasia there are largest deposits manganese In the northwestern part of Kazakhstan, Turkey, the Philippines and Iran there are deposits of chrome ores. The Norilsk region is rich in nickel, Kazakhstan, Northern Siberia, and Japan are rich in copper ores; in the regions Far East, Eastern Siberia, Burma, Thailand, the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia have tin deposits.

Deposits of rock and potassium salts are widespread among the Devonian and Permian deposits of Ukraine, Belarus, the Caspian region and the Urals.

Rich deposits of apatite-nepheline ores are being developed on the Kola Peninsula.

Large salt-bearing deposits of Permian and Triassic age are confined to the territories of Denmark, Germany, Poland, and France. Place of Birth table salt are found in Cambrian deposits of the Siberian Platform, Pakistan and southern Iran, as well as in Permian deposits of the Caspian Lowland.

Diamond deposits have been explored and developed in Yakutia.

Relief of Eurasia extremely diverse and characterized by great contrasts. The reason for this is the history of the formation of the continent’s territory and its tectonic structure. Unlike other continents, Eurasia began to form around several platforms - the oldest parts of the earth's crust. In the western part it is the East European Platform, in the north – the Siberian Platform, in the east – the Chinese Platform, and in the south – the Hindustan and Arabian Platforms. In relief, these platforms correspond to huge flat expanses, for example East European Plain, Great Chinese Plain, Central Siberian Plateau etc.

Role internal forces in the formation of relief. Movement lithospheric plates at the end of the Proterozoic and at the beginning of the Paleozoic eras, it contributed to the formation of a kind of folding belt between the East European, Siberian and Chinese platforms, which gradually united them into a single whole. Here are some of the oldest mountain systems continent, which were then destroyed over a long period of time. However, a certain part of them, after many hundreds of millions of years, was again raised by tectonic movements to different heights. This is how the ancient mountains, among which Ural, Tien Shan, Altai, Sayan Mountains and etc.

Some Paleozoic structures did not experience further folding. They almost completely collapsed and turned into hilly plain, such as the Kazakh small hills.

Rice. 167. Caucasus (1), Carpathians (2)

Some of the Paleozoic folded structures, as well as other individual sections of the earth's crust, subsided significantly. Gradually, they were covered with a thick layer of sedimentary rocks, which over time formed the cover of young, Paleozoic platforms.

In the Mesozoic era, due to the movement of lithospheric plates, Eurasia was finally separated from North America. In the east of the continent, from Chukotka to the Malacca Peninsula, a number of mountain systems of meridional strike formed, in particular the Verkhoyansk Range.

At the end of the Mesozoic era, Eurasia ended in the south with the Tibetan massif, marginal seas, deep-sea trenches and volcanic belts. However, the collision of the Indo-Australian and Eurasian lithospheric plates in the Cenozoic led to the formation of two more fold belts. One of them extends in the latitudinal direction from the western to the eastern shores of the continent, uniting mountain structures Europe and Asia. It is with this that the formation of the largest mountain systems of the continent is associated, among which Pyrenees, Alps, Apennines, Carpathians, Crimean Mountains, Caucasus (Fig. 167), and also highest mountains peace - Himalayas. Many of them continue to grow. Over the past 1.5 million years, mountain peaks have risen in some places to heights exceeding 8 km. Now the “abode of snow” (this is how the word Himalayas is translated from Sanskrit) continues to grow at a rate of about 3 mm per year (Fig. 168).

Rice. 169. Fuji

Along with the highest mountain structures of Eurasia, the troughs of the earth’s crust also formed large lowlands, such as, Caspian, Mesopotamian And Indo-Gangetic.

The second huge belt of Cenozoic folding was formed in the east of the continent as a result of another collision of the Pacific and Eurasian lithospheric plates. It extends from Kamchatka to the Malay archipelago and can be traced not only on land, but also in the ocean in the form of a giant island arc. It is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Several hundred volcanic peaks are concentrated here. The highest of them is Klyuchevskaya Sopka (4750 m) on the Kamchatka Peninsula, where there is also an extremely dangerous volcano Shiveluch. The volcano is widely known on the Japanese islands Fujiyama (Fig. 169), the volcano is world famous Krakatoa from the Sunda Islands group. All of them are valid. Material from the site

The "Sacred Mountain" of the Japanese will be repaired! The symbol of Japan, Mount Fuji (Fig. 169), suffers greatly from erosion. More than 300 thousand tons fall from Fuji every year rocks, as a result of which the cone beloved by the Japanese began to collapse. To prevent this, they are preparing to... patch up Fuji. A massive concrete wall, 3 m thick, about 5 m high and almost 17 m long, will block the most dangerous deep gorge on this mountain.

Today's relief features of Eurasia were formed in the last 20-30 million years. It was during this period that the mountain structures of Eurasia, as a result of recent tectonic movements, reached their current heights. At the same time, large areas of the earth's crust sank, forming sea basins and huge lowlands. Movements of the earth's crust continue today, accompanied by volcanic activity and earthquakes, especially active in the Cenozoic fold belts.

  • Relief of Eurasia diverse: the deepest depressions of the Earth and vast plains contrast here with the highest mountains of the planet.
  • Relief of Eurasia, having purchased modern look in the last 20-30 million years, and now continues to form under the influence of the internal forces of the Earth.

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  • Eurasia relief the role of internal forces in its shaped presentation

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