What does transit of Jupiter in the 8th house mean? Transits of Jupiter - doors to new opportunities

Current circumstances will impact joint ventures, investments, taxes, insurance, debt collection and real estate matters. The results of this period are difficult to predict as it includes both the possibility of increasing wealth through luck or connections the right people, as well as material losses associated with your extravagance and extravagant behavior. If a marriage or other joint venture occurs while transiting Jupiter in the 8th house forms favorable aspects to the natal planets, the result of this union will be prosperity. You can get rid of debt or acquire additional resources. Financial assistance requirements will most likely be met. Progress and growth of knowledge will be easily achieved in areas related to analysis, investigation or research. You will experience joy on a deeper level. This will cause not only psychological satisfaction, but also physical pleasure. Pleasure caused by sex is possible, but much more likely is a deep understanding of the essence and purpose of sex.

Extravagance and extravagance may drain your joint resources or inheritance when transiting Jupiter in the 8th house forms unfavorable aspects to natal planets. (Rolling pin J.)

Transit of Jupiter through the 8th house of the horoscope

The interpretation of this transit must be taken very seriously, since the fatality of the forecast will depend on what catal indicators Jupiter will have, what transit configuration it enters and what fields are involved. If there are no negative factors, which is extremely rare, this transit reduces the fatality of the VIII field of the horoscope, promises good luck in business, large cash receipts in the form of profits from one’s own enterprise, dividends from shares and other securities, interest on deposits, return of a large debt, inheritance, insurance payments or other compensation for damage caused to the owner of the horoscope. This position of Jupiter also indicates a profitable investment of capital, the possibility of receiving a large one-time reward for dangerous work or secret scientific developments. It can talk about major acquisitions, significant material support from partners, or living at the expense of a spouse.

This transit may show interest in secret sciences, issues of life and death; often at this time, dormant psychological or magical abilities of a person are revealed, which he consciously or unconsciously uses in everyday life. If there are appropriate indications in Radix, then during this period a person can begin a serious study of the arcane sciences or begin experiments in this area. If Jupiter is not affected by negative aspects, then the person is not in danger; if there are any, then experiments should be treated with caution.

In general, the transit of planets along the VIII field of the horoscope is often accompanied by changes. A well-aspected Jupiter indicates that changes will benefit the person, that he will benefit from everything that happens to him during this transit, no matter how painful and fatal the events may be. For example, the death of a loved one can occur not only on negative aspects, it often happens on favorable aspects, which suggests that after the death of this person the life of the owner of the horoscope will improve, no matter how blasphemous this may sound at first glance.

Negative aspects of Jupiter can bring both troubles and trials, the degree of fatality of which, as already mentioned, depends on additional factors. There may be loss of money, bankruptcy, the need to pay fines, compensation to those affected by the actions of the owner of the horoscope. The influx of money and income from business is not excluded, but along with the influx of money, large expenses are also expected, so the profit may be minimal, or there may be nothing left of it. Often clashes with the customs or tax service, extortion, racketeering, loss of money due to fraud or other criminal acts of the owner of the horoscope or other persons in relation to him. It is dangerous at this time to take loans and credits, borrow money - then it will be difficult to pay them back. For the same reason, you should not take on any obligations. Deception, betrayal, forgery, and severance of relations with business partners are possible. A secret war is often waged against politicians and influential people, aimed at undermining their authority; the circumstances of their personal and business lives are revealed; manipulation and distortion of facts are possible. With aspects to malefic planets - loss and suffering from fire, explosion, criminal acts against the person himself or his loved ones. In some cases, they indicate death in a person's surroundings. (Vronsky S.A.)

Transiting Jupiter takes 12 years to go around the entire zodiac circle. The twelve-year cycle of Jupiter's movement in the natal horoscope is or can be a period of intellectual, spiritual and economic growth. Every year, Jupiter goes retrograde for about 120 days, and its aspects to the natal planets last eight to nine months.

Roles of Jupiter in transits: teacher, older people, grandfather, diplomat, traveler, rich person, adventurer, socially favorable person

Harmonious aspects of Jupiter give a feeling of fullness of life, happiness, good luck, a sense of justice both for oneself and for the environment. Euphoria from one’s own importance, an optimistic attitude makes it possible to best realize one’s potential, a state of lightness, frivolity, and lack of worries.The transit of Jupiter stimulates, gives vitality and optimism. The transit Jupetirian situation is characterized by the fact that during this period a person makes very good use of what he owns: knowledge, skills, social status, wealth. During this period there may be an increase in material resources, improvement in living conditions, a good mood as a feeling of satisfaction with what has been achieved. Success and various benefits from the profession, knowledge, position held, simply from one’s own behavior. But often the transit of Jupiter gives more transient rather than long-term achievements. In this regard, the strength and integrity of Jupiter in the natal is important.

Inharmonious aspects of Jupiter cause ill-considered spending, also frivolity, but it can lead to a violation of law and order and the law, it can cause losses in gambling. The desire for maximum pleasure, great harm from excessive pleasure, from food. During this period, it is not recommended to sort things out with superiors, with the authorities, start a trip far away, legal matters, approve, draw up a plan for scientific work and everything related to publications, or look for a new teaching, teacher. This period is fraught with accidents when playing sports and on long roads. EIf the natal chart is complex and there are unfavorable, difficult transits and unfavorable progressions to it, then Jupiter can further aggravate the situation. It must be remembered that Jupiter will enhance and increase the scale of any event.

While the transit of Jupiter through a planet may be short-lived, the transit of Jupiter through a stellium of planets can bring much greater benefits. Jupiter has a beneficial effect on any house it crosses because it stays there for quite a long time.The description provides brief interpretations of the transit aspects of Jupiter in the topics: 1. business, 2. personal relationships, love, family. 3. health.

1. Transit aspects of Jupiter - business

The action of this aspect is activated only once every twelve years and provides an important period of professional development and growth. It will last from ten days to two months, so it is worth making the most of it. Conduct financial transactions with confidence, you can count on profits now. Interact with superiors and influential people: You will receive understanding, support, financial assistance, praise, awards, you can achieve a promotion, a higher social or professional position. The possibility of winning big in lotteries and winning various contests and competitions cannot be ruled out. Lucky period to resolve legal issues, start trial, filing a claim. Schedule important speeches, briefings, negotiations, concluding deals and signing important papers for this period. The period is favorable for opening new or subsidiary enterprises, expanding the scope of activity, and starting a new project. Long, long-distance business trips will give excellent results.

A rather unpleasant period, lasting from ten days to two months and bringing not so much failures and losses in themselves, but the inability to implement plans, as well as ideas that will not bring success in the future. Don't do anything important! Excessive wastefulness is the enemy of this period. Refrain from rash promises, do not indulge your desires. You may feel a lack of hard work, laziness, and apathy. Refrain from gambling and financial speculation. Postpone deals, negotiations, important speeches, appeals to superiors and official organizations. Don't look for support and understanding from influential people. A bad period for participating in politics, taking steps to obtain a higher social position. A collision with the law in one form or another is likely. Business contacts and transactions with foreign citizens and companies are especially unfavorable.

The beneficial effect of this aspect is observed only twice during the 12-year cycle, and it should be used as much as possible. It provides an important period of progress in personal life and professional affairs. You will receive the support of employees and partners, the gratitude of superiors and dignitaries. Your authority increases, you can count on promotion and attention to you as an employee. An excellent period for self-education and advanced training. Your participation in social and political life will play into your hands in the future. Give attention and funds to charity. A favorable period for business trips, important speeches, negotiations. Use them also to conclude deals, contracts, sign important papers, settle legal formalities, open new businesses or reorganize old ones. Business and commercial contacts with foreign citizens and companies are especially beneficial. You can get quite a noticeable profit, the ability to manage large sums. However, avoid overspending: the tendency to spend big increases. New perspectives open up before you. You can apply for financial assistance and even gifts. Invest with confidence.

A serious trial period lasting from ten days to two months. In solving business and commercial issues, you will be let down by exorbitant conceit and a tendency towards exorbitant expansion. Neglecting issues of ethics, morality, religion and culture will create additional difficulties for you. Avoid an optimistic assessment of the state of your affairs, as well as extravagance in expenses and purchases. You may have to suffer losses, which, however, you could have avoided with more reasonable business management. Refrain from any manifestations of business activity, pay attention only to current issues. You may be offered a deal that tempts you with its scope, but subsequently you will suffer losses because of this. Your affairs abroad are going especially unfavorably. Refrain from new contacts with foreign or distant partners, postpone trips and business trips. Your actions may lead to the loss of good relationships with employees and bosses, and may turn your patrons and mentors away from you. This is not the right time to seek help, or to the authorities, to begin legal proceedings. There may be a collision with the law.

The effect of this aspect is observed only once every twelve years and makes it possible to improve your financial and property well-being. Quite significant success in financial affairs, especially as a result of real estate transactions, in the service sector. Relationships with female partners proceed successfully, good relationships are established with female staff; You can expect help from them and get good advice. During this period it is good to make plans, it is possible to open new prospects.

A good period for concluding real estate transactions in the service sector, especially if your business partner is a woman. A good period for receiving foreign delegations, negotiations with sponsors and influential persons. Long-distance business trips are favorable. It is possible to receive profitable, promising offers, especially from abroad. Favorable period financially.

The action of this aspect is observed twice during the 12-year cycle and gives a period of serious mistakes and abuses. Excessive optimism and financial extravagance, a willingness to take a lot on faith can let you down. Differences in educational level and ideological positions appear between you and those with whom you work. Your prejudices and some prejudices may prevent you from making the right decision, seeing prospects or establishing long-term cooperation. Your financial and business expectations will not be met. Implementation of projects may be unreasonably expensive. Beware of making rash promises. Particularly unfavorable are contacts and transactions in real estate, food products and services, as well as any with foreign or distant partners. Put off travel, business trips, relations with the public and influential women.

A fairly long and favorable period, observed only twice during a 12-year cycle, and it should be used to the maximum. You are committed to cooperation and understanding the interests of partners and employees. Relationships with female partners and female staff are especially favorable. A good period for receiving foreign delegations, negotiations with sponsors and influential people. Favorable prospects may open up, which are important to see and not miss. The financial sector is getting better, some revenues are possible. Charity provided to religious, cultural organizations and social protection bodies on this day can bring profit in the future. The time is favorable for business activity. Publishing problems can be successfully solved during this transit. Success in real estate business and food products, in the service sector. Things are going well abroad.

The effect of this aspect occurs only once every twelve years, and it must be taken seriously - this is a period of self-indulgence and unnecessary extravagance. The tendency towards excessive optimism, certain prejudices and prejudices, ideological disagreement and your rash promises largely explain the failures of this period. Neglecting one's responsibilities and abusing food and alcohol can cause additional problems. Failures in long-distance business trips, on the road, as well as in business and negotiations with sponsors and foreign companies. Conflicts may arise with law enforcement agencies and official authorities. At this time, you are deprived of the correct vision of prospects and may take the wrong steps and suffer losses in the future. Transactions with real estate, food products, and services are especially unfavorable.

A rather difficult period of weakening intellectual capabilities, lack of clear ideas and plans, failures or obstacles in obtaining education, in contacts and obtaining necessary information. It occurs only once every twelve years, and it is important not to make mistakes that lead to losses in the future. Reduced moral standards, excessive optimism, absent-mindedness, unrealistic plans, lack of prospects. Difficulties in communication are typical, especially with foreign partners. You tend to overestimate your capabilities, so put off making important decisions and signing important documents. It is also better to postpone visits to superiors, influential persons, visits to official bodies, and legal bodies. Significant disagreements with partners and employees and differences of opinion are possible. The success of business trips is doubtful, there may be transport difficulties, lack of necessary information, and bad news. Any intellectual activity goes poorly. Confusion in official matters, violation of labor regulations. Minor losses and incorrect distribution of funds are possible. Clashes with legal authorities are possible. Lack of success in educational, lecturing, teaching, publishing, literary, legal, journalistic, missionary, sometimes political or social activities.

A favorable period of business, cultural and social activity, expansion in business or politics, personal and professional achievements, social growth. It can last from ten days to two months and is observed only once every twelve years, so you need to use it as much as possible. A period of fairly significant financial success. Good mood, optimism will help you solve many problems. A good period for charity, gaining public popularity, interaction with management, official and legal bodies. Contacts with the public, environment, partners and colleagues are also successful. Perhaps social activities will require a lot of effort from you and will impose additional duties and responsibilities. The time is especially favorable for contacts with foreign partners, firms and organizations, to receive financial support. Successful negotiations, cooperation, speaking, concluding deals and contracts, travel, planning. It is possible to open up new perspectives. Receiving a profit. The period is especially favorable for artists, show businessmen, and for trading in luxury goods.

Success in actions aimed at financial prosperity, success in business, social or artistic activities. This chance to change your situation is given only twice during a 12-year cycle. A good time to successfully solve many problems. Benefit from participation in social activities and business contacts. Business with foreign partners and long trips are especially favorable. Charity provided on this day will benefit in the future. Financial success, receiving tangible profits. A good period for public relations, strengthening social contacts and connections with partners. A particularly favorable period for figures in the field of art and culture, trade in luxury goods, and for show businessmen. It is possible to receive financial support.

A period of growth in the arts, entrepreneurship and social activities, possibly politics. The aspect acts extremely favorably, but happens only twice during a 12-year cycle, so the opportunities it provides must be used to the maximum. A very successful period for solving many problems. Success in business and finance, harmony in social activities and various kinds of contacts. Particular benefits come from connections with foreign and distant partners, as well as educational, cultural and publishing activities. You can expect financial support and understanding from influential people, official bodies, and legal authorities. This time can be used for a long trip or business trip. Often - significant profit, unexpected income, gifts. Opening up new perspectives. The period is especially favorable for artists, show businessmen, and for trading in luxury goods.


A period of failures and losses, disappointments in business and social activities. Lack of success in business contacts, trade, show business, arts and crafts. The effect of this aspect is observed only twice during a 12-year cycle, and the mistakes you make may affect you in the future. Laziness, excessive desire for pleasure and luxury, monetary costs and troubles caused by financial extravagance and wastefulness. You may be characterized by insincerity and excessive sensitivity, which lets you down in contacts - business and personal. You risk showing bad taste, so avoid social and social events. A burden of legal inconsistencies and problems. Things won't go well on trips: they won't pay off, and the benefits will be minimal. Obstacles in business with foreign and distant partners. Bad day for communication with public and cultural organizations. The appearance of dubious prospects or lack of prospects. At work - unproductivity, inability to fulfill one’s duties and obligations.

A period of increasing enthusiasm and self-confidence. Favorable for new beginnings, active actions, implementation of projects, for successful career advancement. Entrepreneurship and business acumen contribute to success, especially in foreign trade activities, communications and negotiations with foreign and distant partners, on trips and business trips. Relations with law enforcement agencies, legal and public organizations are being updated. Collisions with the law in one form or another are possible. Good opportunities for joint actions, development of unions and associations, for entering corporate business, for corporatization, insurance issues, taxes, duties and debt obligations. The period is favorable for sports achievements, recreation and travel; unusual adventures are possible.

The effect of this aspect is observed twice during a 12-year period and provides the opportunity for constructive action. Thanks to personal efforts, progress in business and professional fields is possible, and career advancement is possible. Demonstrations of sincerity, honesty and directness attract not only employees, but also bosses and business partners. A good period for a politician public figure, lawyer, military man, industrial worker, gunsmith, artisan. Successful implementation of new projects, creation of unions and associations, negotiations and conclusion of contracts, entry into corporate business, corporatization, insurance. Successful trips and business trips, connections and trade relations with foreign and distant partners, your business abroad is progressing well. Sports achievements are possible, a good period for relaxation, travel, and unusual adventures are likely.

During this period, you misdistribute your energy and waste it on trifles. Excessive sense of self-importance, conceit and exaggerated ambition. Lack of moderation, a tendency to unreasonable and erroneous actions, financial transactions and investments can lead to tangible troubles, loss of profit, and losses. Thefts and robberies are possible. Ambitions in politics, economics, business. Fanatical imposition of one's point of view and interests, unethical behavior, and manifestations of bad taste will harm in public life, in relationships with superiors and employees, influential people and business partners. Avoid speculation, dishonesty, and fraud. But you yourself can become a victim of such manifestations. The state of finances, corporate business, relations with foreign and distant partners are unsuccessful. Businesses abroad may fail. This is not a good time to go to court, for legal advice, as well as for visits to official and public organizations. Lack of success in travel and business trips. Bad time for travel and vacation.

The effect of this aspect is observed twice during a 12-year period and provides the opportunity for constructive action. Thanks to personal efforts, progress in business and professional fields is possible, and career advancement is possible. Demonstrations of sincerity, honesty and directness attract not only employees, but also bosses and business partners. An excellent period for a politician, public figure, lawyer, military man, gunsmith, artisan, industrial worker, entrepreneur. Participation in charity events will increase your rating. It is favorable to resolve legal issues, receive advice, go to court. Successful implementation of new projects, creation of unions and associations, negotiations and conclusion of contracts, entry into corporate business, corporatization, insurance. Successful trips and business trips, connections and trade relations with foreign and distant partners, your business abroad is progressing well, receiving considerable benefits and profits. Sports achievements are possible, a great time for relaxation, travel, and unusual adventures are likely.

A rather unfavorable period, but observed only once every twelve years. This is an unlucky period for expanding your business, creating new enterprises and starting to implement various projects. Beware of manifestations of excessive self-confidence, do not make empty promises, and do not take on too much. An exaggerated sense of self-worth, ambition, erroneous, unreasonable, risky actions can greatly let you down. Your interests, ideas and beliefs come into direct conflict with the interests, ideas and beliefs of employees, superiors and business partners, especially foreign and distant ones. Business abroad can bring significant losses and losses. You risk becoming a victim of dishonesty, fraud, profiteering and hacking, as well as theft or robbery. Failures in politics, social activities, sports, crafts. Legal difficulties, you may be involved in litigation. Heaviness financial losses depends on the influence of other aspects. Troubles during trips and business trips, bad time for travel and vacation. You should not seek support and help from influential people, bosses, or public organizations.

A crisis period observed twice during a 12-year cycle. It is characterized by disorder in business, the impossibility of implementing plans, the absence or incorrect vision of prospects. Conflicts are also typical due to differences in worldviews and interests, as well as educational levels - with management, influential persons, and partners. You should not try to seek patronage and help. During this time, you may lose what you already have - in terms of career, finances, and social status. Beware of hypocrisy and dishonesty, but also do not allow such manifestations of your own. Lack of sincerity and openness in contacts with business partners. This period is most unfavorable for a politician, lawyer, entrepreneur, teacher, scientist, diplomat, publisher, writer, public figure. This is not a good time to go to court or official authorities. Collisions with the law are possible. Postpone trips and travel. Transactions concluded during this period with foreign or distant partners will bring losses. Do not invest abroad. Characterized by excessive, unreasonable spending, unsuccessful use of get-rich-quick methods. Refrain from signing contracts.

An extremely difficult, crisis period, observed once every twelve years. It is characterized by disorder in business, the impossibility of implementing plans, the absence or incorrect vision of prospects. Conflicts are also typical due to differences in worldviews and interests, as well as educational levels - with management, influential persons, and partners. You should not try to seek patronage and help. During this time, you may lose what you already have - in terms of career, finances, and social status. Beware of hypocrisy and dishonesty, but also do not allow such manifestations of your own. Lack of sincerity and openness in contacts with business partners. This period is most unfavorable for a politician, lawyer, entrepreneur, teacher, scientist, diplomat, publisher, writer, public figure. This is not a good time to go to court or official authorities. There may be disagreements with the law. Postpone trips and travel. Transactions concluded during this period with foreign or distant partners will bring losses, but most likely will not take place at all. Do not invest abroad. Characterized by excessive, unreasonable spending, unsuccessful use of get-rich-quick methods. Refrain from signing contracts.

The effect of this aspect for a fairly long period (up to two months) gives you seriousness, hard work, and perseverance in achieving your goal. It must be used for implementation and promotion long-term projects, concluding long-term contracts, work that requires great focus, perseverance, endurance and concentration. Put aside solving current problems - the effect of this aspect is observed only once every twelve years, and you need to use it as much as possible. Provided you are patient in your actions and thoughtful in your steps, you will lay an excellent foundation for further material prosperity, advancement in your career and social position, professional and personal success. But this is not a takeoff, but a systematic progress towards the goal. However, the effect of the aspect cannot be assessed positively if there are no indications of success in life in your horoscope, so now you need an individual consultation with an astrologer. Profit is possible due to successful actions in the past. Involvement in politics, government agencies, taking on administrative responsibility, and expanding responsibilities is likely. The events of this period are of great significance for your future life.

The period is favorable for progress in achieving long-term goals. There are good opportunities for advancement in career, education, social activities and financial prosperity. You can count on the understanding of influential people, management, and help from official organizations and government agencies. Possible involvement and interest in politics, big business, administration. Promotion of your business interests, including abroad. But you shouldn’t count on quick progress - systematization and great effort are required from you, but success will not be fleeting. Rather, this is an opportunity to stabilize what has already been achieved. This is an important aspect, operating only twice during the 12-year cycle. It’s good if you can find a compromise between optimism and caution in business. Don't neglect your friendships with older people. You may be given serious responsibility.

An extremely unfavorable, sometimes crisis period. Disorder in business, inability to move towards a goal, career or professional growth, or increase material well-being. This aspect occurs only twice during the 12-year cycle, but presents serious difficulties and obstacles. It is better to limit business or political activity during this time (up to two months) and not take serious steps. Recklessness, struggle for power, increased conflict, hypocrisy and self-indulgence will have a negative impact in subsequent years. Unproductive use of time and money. You should not start new projects, open new enterprises, expand production or scope of activity, or seek help from superiors, influential persons and official structures. Quarrels with older people will also affect your position. Conflict between professional and family matters. Moral crisis, negative ideological tendencies. Neglect of one's obligations, a large burden of responsibility. Unjustified hopes for loans and investments. Your reputation may suffer from both today's mistakes and past misunderstandings.


A favorable period for advancement in business, professional affairs, career, social and financial status. But this is not the moment of take-off - such growth is possible only through great efforts, the concentration of all your efforts and talents, hard work and measured steps. This aspect occurs only twice during the 12-year cycle, and the opportunities it provides should be used to the maximum. The tendency towards laziness and indulgence in one's own weaknesses and shortcomings will affect the possibility of further success. Participation in politics or administration, involvement in the activities of government agencies is favorable. A good period for solving legal problems and formalities, expanding production and sphere of influence (including abroad), for effective interaction with management, gaining help from influential people, increasing prestige, obtaining long-term loans and investments, concluding long-term deals and contracts. Take advantage of the support of older people, you may find a patron. This is a serious, responsible period, and it is good if you find a compromise between optimism and caution in business. You may be entrusted with enormous responsibility and great responsibilities.

A difficult and quite long (up to two months) period in business, career and financial situation. It happens once every twelve years and reveals all your past mistakes. There is a conflict between professional affairs and household responsibilities. Questionable deals, uncalibrated steps, struggle for leadership and spheres of influence, conflicts with authorities and management, legal difficulties, financial crisis. This is not a good time to expand or open a new enterprise, to conclude long-term deals and contracts, or to implement long-term projects. Unfulfilled hopes for profit, quick enrichment. Serious losses are likely as a result of both your own shortcomings and obstacles from outside. Decline in prestige, refusal of help and investment. Discord in friendships and business partnerships. The dangers of an uncompromising or overly conservative approach. Moral crisis, inadequate ideological attitudes. Impossibility, obstacles or failures in travel, business trips and in representing your interests abroad. Neglect of one's duties, an exorbitant burden of responsibility. The period is especially unfavorable for a politician, public figure, or administrator. There may be a conflict with the law in one form or another.


The period of development and implementation of progressive views and ideas. It occurs only once every twelve years and provides renewal in almost all areas of life. Intuition increases creative qualities, the ability to foresee the consequences of your actions. You are characterized by extravagance and ingenuity in affairs and actions. Interest in unusual areas of knowledge and practices, in the modernization of production, in attracting modern forms manuals and technical means. It is recommended to use it to equip your office or reorient your production or area of ​​interest. A scientific approach, a favorable time for research, a great time for scientists, public leaders, as well as for planning and developing methods for implementing plans. Unexpected financial success, good luck in travel and business trips, in education, involvement in group events and associations, new friendships, useful connections. But the action of this aspect gives all sorts of surprises, so you need an individual consultation with an astrologer - in some cases, this aspect can stimulate extraordinary negative changes.

Characterized by breadth and progressive views in almost all areas of life. Intuition and insight, optimism, and readiness for unexpected turns of events increase. The action of this aspect is indeed fraught with various extraordinary events, most of them positive. New friendships, patronage and help from friends. Involvement in the activities of informal groups and associations, in social and new business activities that bring benefits is likely. Great scientific, research, spiritual and creative potential. These positive trends should be used to the maximum, since the effect of this aspect is observed only twice during the 12-year cycle. Interest in unusual areas of knowledge, good opportunities for successful trips and business trips, a pleasant and exciting trip. For any actions in the name of progress, for environmental, cultural and social actions, it is possible to receive loans and investments. Profit from corporate business. An unexpected career advancement, increased pay, success at work is likely.

A period of various surprises negative character, often under the influence of circumstances, but excessive arrogance, unhealthy optimism, lack of common sense and inexperience, underestimation of previous adverse events. Also disorganization and poor discipline. Tendency to make hasty decisions. Much is taken for granted and there is a lack of responsibility. The desire for unlimited freedom, ignoring other people's interests. Particular troubles in travel, contacts with foreigners and affairs abroad, in relations with public, cultural and informal organizations. You should be wary of being robbed. The tendency to search for useless and unprofitable entertainment. Relationships with unpredictable people, unwanted business partnerships. Negative ideological reorientation. There may be a collision with the law in one form or another. Losses in corporate business. Errors in work, unjustified financial claims.

Open-mindedness, receptiveness to new ideas and trends, the emergence of opportunities for profitable trips and exciting travels. Desire for research, probability scientific discoveries, successful implementation of modern technologies and technical means. Interest in cultural and social activities, acquiring new unusual knowledge, connections with informal organizations. New productive friendships. Good luck in corporate business, representing your interests abroad, in contacts with foreign and distant partners, new business contacts. The positivism of this aspect should not be overestimated - it can bring various extraordinary events - but it is observed only twice during a 12-year cycle, and the opportunities it provides must be used to the maximum. It is possible to gain unique experience and develop talents. If other aspects are favorable, a significant breakthrough in your career or business is possible.

A period of impracticality and extreme idealism, communication with extraordinary people, unwanted, unprofitable connections, failure in finances and career, promotion of your interests. The impact of negative circumstances is destructive, and you cannot cope with them. This aspect occurs only once every twelve years, but you can feel the consequences of mistakes made for a long time. Excessive responsibilities, rash promises, inability to work hard, ignoring spiritual needs and the need to develop consciousness. Negative ideological tendencies. Difficulties and obstacles, failures in travel and travel. Conflicts with partners, lack of success in corporate business. Unpredictable events in the financial sector. Unfulfilled hopes for monetary support, investments and loans. Borrowing is strictly contraindicated. Unprofitable allocation of time. The period is especially unfavorable for public figures, politicians, entrepreneurs, scientists, and informal leaders.

This period is more favorable for spiritual development than for advancement in a career or business, as it is characterized by unbridled imagination, head in the clouds, and unfulfilled hopes. On the other hand, your social consciousness, generosity of spirit and religiosity increase. This period also gives rise to creativity, poetry, and a good ability to express one’s thoughts. In business, delusions, deceptions, intrigues and fraud are possible, often innocent and seemingly harmless, but leading to unpleasant consequences. Lack of objectivity in decisions and realism in planning. The effect of this transit may also provide benefits from cooperation with cultural, scientific or religious organizations. The period is favorable for long-distance trips and travel, but rather not of a business, but of an entertainment nature; relaxation by the water and boat trips are especially effective. A time of inspiration for artists. You should limit yourself to alcohol. Contact with criminal elements or, conversely, with the law is possible - in one form or another.

Your spiritual awareness, commitment to religious ideas, generosity of soul and the breadth of your talents increase. A wonderful period for an artist, preacher, public figure and speaker, as well as a traveler or explorer. Charity will bring you benefits in the future. A period of idealism and lack of practicality, which makes success in business seem doubtful, although this aspect does not carry destructive tendencies. There is a tendency towards deception and fraud of an innocent nature, but subsequently you may suffer because of this. Contact with both law enforcement agencies and criminal elements is possible. It is at this time that you can receive a reward for your previously shown kindness and generosity.

A difficult period of daydreaming, absent-mindedness, impracticality, idealism, illusions, fantasies and unfulfilled hopes. It is clear that it is difficult to expect success in business, and misconceptions about the possibility career advancement may let you down unpleasantly. This does not entail serious losses, but a fairly long (up to two months) period of moral torment and emotional upheaval. You should understand that it will end, and not try to escape reality with the help of alcohol, intoxicants and pseudo-spiritual practices. Characteristic is the search for oneself in religion and various teachings. The crisis of the genre among artists, the weakening of talent among scientists. A bad period for a religious or public figure, traveler, researcher. Failures or obstacles in travel and travel. Strange events, a collision with the law or, conversely, with criminal elements. The aspect occurs twice during the 12-year cycle, and must be experienced with the least spiritual loss.

A wonderful period for an artist, preacher, public figure and speaker, as well as a traveler or explorer. Your spiritual awareness, commitment to religious ideas, generosity of soul and the breadth of your talents increase. Charity will bring you benefits in the future. There is a tendency towards deception and fraud of an innocent nature, but subsequently you may suffer because of this. Contact with both law enforcement agencies and criminal elements is possible. A period of idealism and lack of practicality, which makes success in business seem doubtful, although this aspect does not carry destructive tendencies. It is at this time that you can receive a reward for your previously shown kindness and generosity.

This does not entail serious losses, but a fairly long (up to two months) period of moral torment and emotional upheaval. You should understand that it will end, and not try to escape reality with the help of alcohol, intoxicants and pseudo-spiritual practices. The aspect occurs twice during the 12-year cycle, and must be experienced with the least spiritual loss. A period of daydreaming, absent-mindedness, impracticality, idealism, illusions, fantasies and unfulfilled hopes. It is clear that it is difficult to expect success in business, and misconceptions regarding the possibility of career advancement can unpleasantly let you down. Characteristic is the search for oneself in religion and various teachings. The crisis of the genre among artists, the weakening of talent among scientists. A bad period for a religious or public figure, traveler, researcher. Failures or obstacles in travel and travel. Strange events, a clash with the law or, conversely, with criminal elements.

Characterized by changes in worldview, attitude towards cultural and spiritual values. The action of an aspect rarely brings events on the physical, eventual plane, but concerns inner life. However, with other indications, it can mean many important, significant changes. Gives the desire for leadership, the struggle for power. In the field of commerce, it promises financial success in corporate business, successful resolution of issues of corporatization and funds, insurance, debt obligations, taxes and duties. A good period for radical changes in the area of ​​your business interests, sometimes a turn towards business abroad. A good time to solve legal problems. It is possible to receive large sums at your disposal.

Interest in spiritual self-improvement, unusual areas of knowledge, often occult practices. In business, it brings success in matters of joint finance, successful resolution of issues of corporatization, funds, loans, insurance, taxes and duties. Sometimes it makes it possible to make a profit, large sums at your disposal, but only if there are instructions from other aspects. The start of the implementation of large-scale projects, reform in your production, in your area of ​​interest is favorable. A successful turn towards business abroad.

The desire for leadership, affirmation of one’s ideological positions and interests in business. The period is unfavorable for corporate business. Hopes of making a profit will not come true. Failures in resolving issues of corporatization, loans and debts, insurance, taxes and duties. A collision with the law in one form or another can lead to significant changes in your affairs and life in general. It is better not to use other people’s money or the money of business partners at this time. Failures in business abroad. The temptation to use unjust means to achieve position and material well-being, to advance in business. Neglect of little things, excessive pride and self-confidence.

Great interest in spiritual self-improvement, unusual areas of knowledge, often occult practices. In business it brings considerable success in matters of joint finance, successful resolution of issues of corporatization, funds, loans, insurance, taxes and duties. Sometimes it makes it possible to make a profit, large sums at your disposal, but only if there are instructions from other aspects. The start of the implementation of large-scale projects, reform in your production, in your area of ​​interest is favorable. A successful turn towards business abroad.

Inadequate desire for leadership, affirmation of one’s ideological positions and interests in business, pushing sometimes unrealistic but grandiose ideas. The period is extremely unfavorable for corporate business. Hopes of making a profit will not come true. Failures in resolving issues of corporatization, loans and debts, insurance, taxes and duties. A collision with the law in one form or another can lead to significant changes in your affairs and life in general. It is better not to use other people’s money or the money of business partners at this time. Failures in business abroad. The temptation to use unjust means to achieve position and material well-being, to advance in business. Neglect of little things, excessive pride and self-confidence.

2. Personal relationships, love, family


A wonderful period of harmonization of relationships in the family and in couples. You are drawn to loved ones, it is easier for you to get along with them. Women can count on benefits from relationships with men in the form of gifts, etc. A good time for relaxation and activities with children. Some people during this transit note laziness and apathy, a desire to be entertained. These days you generally succeed in a lot, so in your personal life you will feel happiness and peace. Favorable days for explanations, engagements, marriages, for family evenings and celebrations, picnics. Conception is possible.


Love and family relationships develop successfully and are harmonized. You enter into interaction that is desirable on both sides with older relatives, your spouse’s parents. The period is favorable for developmental activities with children, to help them in education, when entering a university. Satisfaction comes from hobbies and reasonable entertainment. This is a period of happiness and prosperity, quite long and still requiring some effort on your part. The period is favorable for conception. Very suitable for declarations of love, engagement, marriage. The emergence of new romantic connections and love attachments is possible.


A period of disharmony in personal and family relationships, discord with others. Basically, it is caused by your excessive claims as in materially, and in terms of recognition of your personality and merits. Avoid dogmatism and narrow-mindedness in your relationships, pay attention to details. During this period, you may disappoint your partner with a lack of diplomacy, extravagance and bad taste, frivolity and an unhealthy desire for pleasure. Entertainment and hobbies do not bring satisfaction. You may experience the vicissitudes of fate in the form of partings, separations, and major scandals. Overestimating your importance to your partner and selfishness will also play a bad joke on you. Limit contact with children until the required minimum. The period is unfavorable for conception.


A favorable period for solving personal and family problems. Senior relatives and parents of your spouse will react favorably to your actions and help in solving the difficulties that arise. This period is good to use for explanations, engagements, marriages, as well as for family evenings and celebrations. You will enjoy reasonable entertainment and hobbies. Pay more attention to children, develop them, help them with education, instill in them good manners. The search for romantic and sexual partners is intensifying. It is possible that love affairs may arise with foreign citizens or while traveling. Your authority and importance in the family, as a couple, and among friends increases. This is a favorable time for conception. Paradoxically, this is also a good time to start a divorce.


A period of increased conflict, discord with others. Your loved ones will be offended by your manifestation of hypocrisy, moral egoism, hypocrisy, self-indulgence, and taking their feelings towards you for granted. They may also be unpleasantly surprised by the narrowness of religious and cultural views that follows from your statements. The increased need for entertainment these days will create additional difficulties. You tend to spoil children and not show the necessary strictness.


A good period for moving, changing your place of residence. Suitable for family cultural events and mind games, as well as for the cultural, legal and religious education of children. Good for family evenings and celebrations. Many older relatives may visit the house. As a rule, an ambiguous emotional atmosphere reigns in the family and in personal relationships. A suitable day for resolving conflicts, as well as for discussing family and personal plans. Conception is possible.


You are able to maintain peace in the family, treat your neighbors with warmth and attention. The day is right for recovery harmonious relations with close women. The arrival of distant relatives is possible; the day is favorable for receiving guests. On the love front, you experience pleasant experiences and sentimental memories. Conception is possible. A good day for educational, legal and religious discussions with children and family members.


Conflicts are possible in the family and in personal relationships due to differences in cultural, religious and legal worldviews, and educational level. The affairs of children present problems, and their upbringing presents difficulties. You may become dependent on the care of close women or distant relatives or come into conflict with them. At this time, more than ever, you need emotional security, so you tend to make rash promises. Financial troubles and losses, unnecessary, ruinous purchases. This period is not suitable for repairs. Conception is not desirable. Problems with pregnancy. Sexual difficulties.


Harmonization of family relationships, good luck on the personal front. You may have the opportunity to improve your living conditions. A good period for moving, shopping for a home, resolving property or business issues, buying real estate. Traveling together, picnics, participation in cultural or religious events will permanently consolidate the received positive emotions. Developmental, legal, cultural or religious conversations and activities with children are favorable. Conception is possible. Family financial issues are successfully resolved. The arrival of distant relatives or the arrival of guests is possible.


Differences in religious, cultural and ideological positions, and educational level between you and family members tend to manifest themselves. Disagreements on the love front. You are too critical in your judgments and jeopardize relationships that are dear to you. This is an unlucky period for changing your place of residence, making repairs, resolving economic or property issues, purchasing real estate, as well as for family evenings, walks, cultural outings, and joint events. Unsuccessful, ruinous purchases and financial troubles are possible. You are prone to wastefulness and self-indulgence. Possible unwanted conception, problems with pregnancy. Sexual difficulties.


A period of harmonious communication with loved ones. A favorable period for explanations, for family celebrations, marriage, especially signing a marriage contract. Satisfaction from entertainment, walks, participation in religious and cultural events.


Harmonious communication with loved ones based on common ideological and cultural views. A good period for explanations, for family celebrations, marriage, signing a marriage contract. Satisfaction from entertainment, walks, participation in religious and cultural events.


Failures and obstacles in communicating with loved ones, especially brothers and sisters, as well as neighbors and friends. Unwanted visits are possible. It's better to spend this time alone. The period is not favorable for family planning, discussion of problems, contacts with distant relatives. Misunderstandings, disagreements, and quarrels may arise.


Excellent relationships with loved ones, this period can be used to harmonize them, as well as for explanations, for family celebrations, marriages, and signing a marriage contract. Satisfaction from entertainment, walks, participation in religious and cultural events.


Open confrontation with close circle, often on an ideological basis, due to cultural or religious beliefs, differences in educational level. The unreality of family plans. In conversations there is a tendency to generalize and get personal. Conflicts are especially common when communicating with brothers and sisters, as well as neighbors and friends. Unwanted visits are possible. It is better to spend this period alone if possible. It is unfavorable for family planning, discussing problems, and contacts with distant relatives. Misunderstandings, disagreements, and quarrels may arise.


A happy period for family and personal relationships. Joint participation in cultural, entertainment or religious events has a beneficial effect on relationships. It is possible to meet and start a romantic relationship with a foreigner. This time can be used for explanations, engagements, marriages, and family celebrations. Happy events in the house. Kindness, understanding and consideration of the interests of your partners will create a pleasant microclimate and make this period memorable.


Happy time in family and personal relationships. Joint participation in cultural, entertainment or religious events has a beneficial effect on relationships. It is possible to meet and start a romantic relationship with a foreigner. The day can be used for explanations, engagements, marriages, and family celebrations. Happy events in the house. Kindness, understanding and consideration of the interests of your partners will create a pleasant microclimate and make this period memorable.



A happy period in family and personal relationships. Joint participation in cultural, entertainment or religious events has a beneficial effect on relationships. It is possible to meet and start a romantic relationship with a foreigner. The period can be used for explanations, engagements, marriages, and family celebrations. Happy events in the house. Kindness, understanding and consideration of the interests of your partners will create a pleasant microclimate and make this time memorable.

Tendency to make mistakes in communicating with loved ones, disappointments and minor troubles are possible. Friction, some financial complications in the family. Overstimulation of the sexual sphere. Excessive desire for entertainment and intimate contacts, sensuality, extravagance, love conflicts. The period is unfavorable for conception, as well as for special and family events, for explanations, engagements, and marriages.


The effect of this aspect is ambiguous. On the one hand, it gives imbalance, tension in relationships, dissatisfaction and a tendency to solve problems by force. On the other hand, this period is considered favorable for special family events, marriage, and engagement. Other indicators must be taken into account to make a judgment. During this same period, actions aimed at divorce, division of property, and going to court often intensify.


A surge of strength and energy will give you determination in solving many family, economic and personal problems. The good state of the family or personal budget can be tested: large purchases, risky investments, impulsive spending on gifts and luxurious living. A favorable period for marriage, for engagements and explanations, as well as family events, hikes, picnics, travel and recreation. During this period, a peaceful resolution of many personal and family problems can be achieved.



A large surge of strength and energy will give you determination in solving many family, economic and personal problems. The good state of the family or personal budget can be tested: large purchases, risky investments, impulsive spending on gifts and luxurious living. A favorable period for marriage, for engagements and explanations, as well as family events, hikes, picnics, travel and recreation. During this period, a peaceful resolution of many personal and family problems can be achieved.


The action of this aspect gives imbalance, tension in relationships, dissatisfaction and a tendency to solve problems by force, fanatical commitment to one’s ideas and interests, and ideological positions. This period is considered extremely unfavorable for special family events, marriage, and engagement. Actions aimed at divorce, division of property, and going to court are often intensified. A critical period for the family budget; losses, thefts, and robberies are possible. Unhealthy passion for love affairs, betrayal, tendency to break up relationships. Any partnership is at risk.


Improvement in family matters, on the love front. Pleasant connections, new acquaintances, entertainment, picnics. A great time for relaxation and travel, for making joint plans, as well as for special events, engagement, marriage, and honeymoon. In general, happy events in the family, good financial status, the ability to solve many problems: both in the household and in relationships. The tendency towards luxury, pleasure, and lust increases. Great time to conceive.


Some improvement in family affairs, on the love front. Pleasant connections, new acquaintances, entertainment, picnics. A great time for relaxation and travel, for making joint plans, as well as for special events, engagement, marriage, and honeymoon. In general, happy events in the family, good financial status, the ability to solve many problems: both in the household and in relationships. The tendency towards luxury, pleasure, and lust increases. Good timing for conception.



Significant improvement in family affairs, on the love front. Pleasant connections, new acquaintances, entertainment, picnics. A great time for relaxation and travel, for making joint plans, as well as for special events, engagement, marriage, and honeymoon. In general, happy events in the family, good financial status, the ability to solve many problems: both in the household and in relationships. The tendency towards luxury, pleasure, and lust increases. A good time to conceive.


Tendency to excessive pleasures and entertainment, luxury, betrayal, lust. Neglect of your home and family responsibilities, obligations to loved ones. Tendency to make empty promises. In the family there are troubles of various kinds, losses due to loved ones.


You are too busy with professional and social affairs, so your loved ones may feel dissatisfied. Not only do you neglect your household responsibilities and obligations to people dear to you, but you also tend to ignore the value of marriage or love ties. This is not a suitable period for marriage or resolving personal issues, but it is favorable for resolving economic and property issues and long-term family plans. Don’t test the state of your budget: the more you earn now, the more prone you are to excessive spending and expensive purchases.


Actions aimed at strengthening relationships, stabilizing connections and alliances, and marriage are favorable. A marriage concluded at this time promises to be difficult, but lasting, although this is not the most best time for marriage. The right time to implement long-term family plans, for repairs, business purchases, resolving property issues, purchasing real estate and land plots. Love connections that are established during this period will last for a long time, but will not bring great joy and happiness. The friendship that has developed can bring help in business.


Failures in family and economic affairs, on the love front. This is partly due to workload with professional problems and career failures. Tendency to momentary connections and entertainment, which is why established relationships suffer. This aspect in itself does not make it possible to break up the relationship or divorce, but in the presence of other aspects pointing to this, it aggravates the situation. Shattered family budget. Bad time for repairs, business purchases, real estate and land purchases. The emergence of new, untenable friendships, breakup and alienation with old friends is likely.

Actions aimed at strengthening relationships, stabilizing connections and alliances, and marriage are favorable. A more responsible approach to performing your household duties will help you and serious attitude to the obligations assumed. A marriage concluded at this time promises to be difficult but lasting, although this is not the best time for marriage. The right time to implement long-term family plans, for repairs, business purchases, resolving property issues, purchasing real estate and land. Love connections that are established during this period will last for a long time, but will not bring great joy and happiness. The friendship that has developed can bring help in business.


Failures in family and economic affairs, on the love front. This is partly due to workload with professional problems and career failures. Tendency to momentary connections and entertainment, which is why established relationships suffer. This aspect in itself does not make it possible to break up the relationship or divorce, but in the presence of other aspects pointing to this, it aggravates the situation. For a woman, the tendency towards betrayal on one side or the other, actions aimed at divorce are more emphasized. Shattered family budget. Bad time for repairs, business purchases, real estate and land purchases. The emergence of new, untenable friendships, breakup and alienation with old friends is likely.

Characterized by greater involvement in friendships or social relationships, preoccupation with hobbies and love affairs, than participation in family life. Therefore, the action of this aspect brings various surprises and cannot be assessed unambiguously. Reformist tendencies in personal life, significant changes in family life, extraordinary events are possible. New friendship, help from friends, benefits from communication with the outside world. Probably joining the activities of one of the independent groups.


Characterized by greater involvement in friendships or social relationships, preoccupation with hobbies and love affairs, than participation in family life. Therefore, the action of this aspect brings various surprises and cannot be assessed unambiguously. Reformist tendencies in personal life, significant changes in family life, extraordinary events are possible. New friendship, help from friends, benefits from communication with the outside world, new romantic connections, a penchant for love adventures. Probably joining the activities of one of the informal groups.


Characterized by greater involvement in friendships or social relationships , busy with hobbies and love affairs than participating in family life. Therefore, the action of this aspect brings various surprises - from many conflicts to betrayal and breakup. Negative reformist tendencies in personal life, significant changes in family life, extraordinary events are possible. Empty friendship, refusal of help from old friends, lack of benefit from communication with the outside world. Possibly connected to the activities of one of the antisocial groups. Undesirable connections with foreigners are possible. Inhumane actions, a tendency towards adultery and exaggeration of one’s importance in the lives of loved ones, the desire for unlimited personal freedom. Dangers and failures in travel and travel. Marriage should be postponed; conception is undesirable.


Characterized by greater involvement in friendships or social relationships, preoccupation with hobbies and love affairs, than participation in family life. Therefore, the action of this aspect brings various surprises and cannot be assessed unambiguously. Reformist tendencies in personal life, significant changes in family life, extraordinary events are possible. New friendship, help from friends, benefits from communication with the outside world, new romantic connections, a penchant for love adventures. Probably joining the activities of one of the informal groups.


Characterized by greater involvement in friendships or social relationships, preoccupation with hobbies and love affairs, than participation in family life. Therefore, the action of this aspect brings various surprises - from many conflicts to betrayal and breakup. Negative reformist tendencies in personal life, significant changes in family life, extraordinary events are possible. Empty friendship, refusal of help from old friends, lack of benefit from communication with the outside world. Possibly connected to the activities of one of the antisocial groups. Undesirable connections with foreigners are possible. Inhumane actions, a tendency towards adultery and exaggeration of one’s importance in the lives of loved ones, the desire for unlimited personal freedom. Dangers and failures in travel and travel. Marriage should be postponed; conception is undesirable.


A happy period of spiritual unity with loved ones. It is accompanied by love, sincere, partly idealized relationships. But in some cases there is a tendency towards deception and betrayal - you or you yourself may become their victim. A wonderful period for a wedding or baptism ceremony.


A happy period of spiritual unity with loved ones. It is accompanied by love, sincere, partly idealized relationships, generosity and kindness, a desire to help, dedication and even sometimes sacrifice. But in some cases there is a tendency towards deception and betrayal - you or you yourself may become their victim. Such relationships are most often not intimate, but platonic in nature and do not pose a danger to marriage. A wonderful period for a wedding or baptism ceremony. A good time for family holidays and travel, especially sea travel.



A happy period of spiritual unity with loved ones. It is accompanied by love, sincere, partly idealized relationships, generosity and kindness, a desire to help, dedication and even sometimes sacrifice. But in some cases there is a tendency towards deception and betrayal - you or you yourself may become their victim. Such relationships are most often not intimate, but platonic in nature and do not pose a danger to marriage. A wonderful period for a wedding or baptism ceremony. A wonderful period for family holidays and travel, especially sea travel.


A period of spiritual quest, mental torment and self-deception. The search for trusting relationships and generous feelings is surprisingly combined with a tendency to cheap pleasure, withdrawal into oneself, or getting bogged down in fleeting connections. The consequences of this influence are often unpredictable. You yourself can become a victim of intrigue, deception, gossip and fraud on the part of your loved ones or loved ones, as well as an object of blackmail and involvement in criminal activities on the part of your enemies. Bad time for celebrations, marriage, engagement, especially signing a marriage contract. A bad period for rest and travel, especially sea travel. It is also not suitable for baptism, wedding, oath-taking, ordination, or initiation.



A good period for resolving legal issues and financial problems of the family. It is possible to receive large sums from your spouse. The action of this aspect often brings significant changes in life, the nature of which is determined only by individual consultation from an astrologer.



A good period for resolving legal issues and financial problems of the family. It is possible to receive large sums from your spouse. The action of this aspect often brings significant changes in life, the nature of which is determined only during an individual consultation with an astrologer.


An unfavorable period for resolving legal issues and financial problems of the family. Exorbitant expenses or losses due to a spouse. The action of this aspect often brings significant changes in life, the nature of which is determined only during an individual consultation with an astrologer. A break in the marriage relationship is possible.

3. Health



The period is accompanied by good spirits and increased vitality: physical and mental. Overeating and excessive desire for pleasure should be avoided. It is especially important these days not to overload the liver and heart. Patients with liver diseases receive relief; this transit is good to use to begin a course of treatment for liver diseases. You usually gain weight during this period. The period is favorable for conception.


The state of health is deteriorating. Poor health, weakening of even a healthy body. Unpleasant sensations in the liver area are likely. Liver overload can affect work of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, avoid overeating and limit your drinking. In patients with chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, exacerbations are possible. You should be wary of fires, fights, and clashes with law enforcement agencies. Danger to pregnancy. The period is not favorable for conception.


The period is accompanied by good spirits, increased energy and vitality: physical and mental, body endurance and resistance to disease. Overeating and excessive desire for pleasure should be avoided. It is especially important these days not to overload the liver and heart. Patients with liver diseases receive relief; this transit is good to use to begin a course of treatment for liver diseases. You usually gain weight during this period. The period is very favorable for conception.


The state of health and well-being worsens. Unpleasant sensations in the liver area are likely. Liver overload can affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, avoid overeating and limit your drinking. In patients with chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, exacerbations are possible. You should be wary of fires, fights, and clashes with law enforcement agencies.


Appetite and thirst increase, and there is a tendency to overeat and abuse liquids. You should take care of your liver. People prone to allergies may experience rashes. The day is not suitable for starting the fight against excess weight.


You are calm and optimistic. This period is suitable for health activities aimed primarily at cleansing the body and improving the health of the digestive system. But fasting or measures aimed at combating excess weight, started on this day, will not yield results. A good day to conceive.


During this transit (from ten days to two months), you risk gaining excess weight. Emotional outbursts are debilitating for your psyche and nervous system. The course of gastric and liver diseases worsens. The time is not right to begin treatment for these diseases, and the studies conducted will not show an objective picture. Possible unwanted conception, problems with pregnancy.


You tend to overeat, so you risk overloading your liver. Often liver diseases, diseases of the hematopoietic organs and allergic symptoms manifest themselves during this period. It is suitable for starting the treatment of these ailments, as well as for general health and cleansing procedures. Not suitable for starting the fight against excess weight. Good time to conceive.


During this transit (from ten days to two months), you risk gaining excess weight. Emotional outbursts are debilitating for your psyche and nervous system. The course of gastric and liver diseases worsens. This period is not suitable for starting treatment for these diseases, and the studies conducted will not show an objective picture. Possible unwanted conception, problems with pregnancy.


This transit does not affect health, but the condition of seriously ill patients, especially those suffering from respiratory diseases, can improve. Do you experience an increased need for fresh air, therefore shown breathing exercises, long walks.


This is a good time for a comprehensive examination and based on it making an accurate diagnosis, developing a treatment strategy and indicating the prospects for recovery. The condition of seriously ill patients, especially those suffering from respiratory diseases, may improve. You experience an increased need for fresh air, so breathing exercises and long walks are indicated.


Pessimism and Bad mood, minor failures weaken the nervous system. Headaches, exacerbation of liver diseases. This is not a good time for examination and diagnosis, initiation of treatment and development of a treatment strategy. You need a large supply of fresh air.


Pleasant relaxation and spiritual optimism give your nervous system a break. This is a good time for a comprehensive examination and based on it making an accurate diagnosis, developing a treatment strategy and indicating the prospects for recovery. The condition of seriously ill patients, especially those suffering from respiratory diseases, may improve. You experience an increased need for fresh air, so breathing exercises and long walks are indicated.


Pessimism and bad mood, minor failures weaken the nervous system. Headaches, malnutrition, exacerbation of liver diseases. This is an unfavorable period for examination and diagnosis, initiation of treatment and development of its strategy. You need a large supply of fresh air.


Favorable period for conception. Tendency to overeat and enjoy pleasure, including sexual pleasure. A good time for cosmetic procedures (but not surgeries), intensive face and body care. External data improves.


Improvement of symptoms of many diseases. Patients with diseases of the throat, thyroid and thymus glands experience particular relief. This is a good time to examine them and start treatment. During this period, you should adhere to a light, low-fat diet. Favorable period for conception.



Significant improvement in the symptoms of many diseases. Patients with diseases of the throat, thyroid and thymus glands experience particular relief. This is a good time to examine them and start treatment. During this period, you should adhere to a light, low-fat diet. Favorable period for conception.


Tendency to overeating and various abuses. There may be problems with pregnancy and inability to conceive. Increased symptoms of chronic tonsillitis, diseases of the thyroid and thymus glands, and the growth of benign tumors of these organs is possible. This is not the right time for cosmetic procedures, especially surgeries. You don't look good.


The effect of this aspect is ambiguous, it gives greater excitability, tension, irritability, play of feelings, and imbalance. Therefore, many psychosomatic changes can occur in the body. First of all, cerebral and systemic circulation suffers. These chronic diseases may worsen and cause acute symptoms. During the examination, blood indicators are not objective. When deciding whether to undergo surgery, other indicators should be taken into account. Often - fever, inflammation, abscesses, boils, increased growth of tumors on the face, eczema and other skin diseases. Possible unwanted conception.


Metabolic processes are activated, so you tend to increase your food intake. The effect of this transit has an ambiguous effect on blood circulation and brain activity. A good period for the treatment of such diseases, as well as planned surgery. It should not be chosen to terminate a pregnancy. A set of physical exercises, breathing exercises, long walks and time in the fresh air will contribute to a significant improvement in the health of people weakened by the disease.



Metabolic processes are significantly activated, so you tend to increase your food intake. The effect of this transit has an ambiguous effect on blood circulation and brain activity. A good period for the treatment of such diseases, as well as planned surgery. It should not be chosen to terminate a pregnancy. A set of physical exercises, breathing exercises, long walks and time in the fresh air will contribute to a significant improvement in the health of people weakened by the disease.


The action of this aspect gives greater excitability, tension, irritability, play of feelings, and imbalance. Therefore, many psychosomatic changes can occur in the body. First of all, cerebral and systemic circulation suffers. These chronic diseases may worsen and cause acute symptoms. During the examination, blood indicators are not objective. When deciding whether to undergo surgery, other indicators should be taken into account. Often - fever, inflammation, abscesses, boils, increased growth of tumors on the face, eczema and other skin diseases. Possible unwanted conception.


Tendency to overeating, abuse of pleasure. During this period (from ten days to two months) you risk noticeably gaining weight. It is possible that the course of liver diseases may improve; this is a favorable period for starting their treatment, but the examination may give a biased picture. Great time to conceive. A good period for a health trip, spa, rehabilitation treatment. Possibility of conception.


Tendency to overeating, abuse of pleasure. During this period (from ten days to two months) you may gain some weight. It is possible that the course of liver diseases may improve; this is a favorable period for starting their treatment, but the examination may give a biased picture. Favorable time for conception. A good period for a health trip, spa, rehabilitation treatment.



Tendency to overeating, abuse of pleasure. During this period (from ten days to two months) you can gain a lot of weight. A significant improvement in the course of liver diseases is possible; this is a favorable period for starting their treatment, but the examination may give a biased picture. Favorable time for conception. A good period for a health trip, spa, rehabilitation treatment.


Tendency to overeating and abuse of pleasure, which adversely affects metabolism and liver condition. Worsening of symptoms of liver and (often as a consequence) skin diseases. The period is unfavorable for their treatment or examination. It's not worth spending money on spa treatment, health trips - now they will not be of any use. The rehabilitation period is difficult. Danger to pregnancy, impossibility of conception or, conversely, unwanted conception. Danger and failures in travel.


Detrimental effects on health. Symptoms of many chronic illnesses appear and intensify. Therefore, this is a suitable period for a comprehensive examination and identification of all diseases. The course of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and skin (including allergic) diseases worsens especially: rheumatism, polyarthritis, eczema, etc. Conception is impossible.


The course of many serious chronic diseases improves, especially the musculoskeletal system and skin diseases (including allergies), but in some cases an increase in symptoms is observed. Therefore, this period is favorable both for a comprehensive examination and for the start of long-term and equally complex treatment. Don't count on quick success. Health trips and spa treatments have a positive effect. Massage and exercise will have a good effect. Actions to maintain pregnancy or treat infertility are also effective, but conception during this period is undesirable. A good period for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis (softening of bones in postmenopause).



The course of many serious chronic diseases, especially the musculoskeletal system and skin (including allergic) diseases, is significantly improved, but sometimes an increase in symptoms may be observed. Therefore, this period is favorable both for a comprehensive examination and for the start of long-term and equally complex treatment. Don't count on quick success. Health trips and spa treatments have a positive effect. Massage and exercise will have a good effect. Actions to maintain pregnancy or treat infertility are also effective, but conception during this period is undesirable. A good period for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis (softening of bones in postmenopause).


An increase in symptoms of serious chronic diseases, the manifestation of new ailments. The course of skin (including allergic) diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (gout, osteochondrosis, etc.) especially worsens. This aspect in itself does not provide the possibility of fractures, but if there are other indications of this, it aggravates the danger. Impossibility of conception. Progressive sclerotic tissue changes.


Unexpected and controversial changes in health status. During this period, everything is possible: sudden recovery, and attacks of illnesses tormenting you. Particularly characteristic are attacks of liver and gallstone diseases, heart attacks, nervous attacks, perforation of stomach ulcers, spasms of cerebral vessels, changes in the composition of the blood, as well as burns, bruises, hematomas and the growth of benign tumors. Examination and treatment using modern means and methods would not hurt, but surgery is contraindicated. Surprises are likely during pregnancy; conception is undesirable. The negativism of this period should not be overestimated, but due to its duration (up to two months), the possibility of exacerbations should be taken seriously.




Unexpected favorable changes in your health, up to a sudden recovery or, at least, a weakening of the ailments tormenting you. Particularly characteristic is the relief of liver and gallstone diseases, heart and neurological diseases, stomach ulcers, cerebral vascular spasms, and changes in blood composition. A good period for examination and treatment using modern means and methods. Surprises are likely during pregnancy; conception is undesirable. You should not overestimate the positivism of this period, but take your feelings seriously. Complications during the rehabilitation period are possible.


Unexpected negative changes in health status. During this period, everything is possible: attacks of liver and gallstone diseases, heart attacks, nervous attacks, perforation of stomach ulcers, spasms of cerebral vessels, changes in the composition of the blood, as well as burns, bruises, hematomas and the growth of benign tumors. The examination will not give an objective picture, and treatment, especially with the help of modern means and methods, will not give the desired result. Surgery is contraindicated. Surprises are likely during pregnancy; conception is undesirable. The negativism of this period should not be overestimated, but due to its duration (up to two months), the possibility of exacerbations should be taken seriously.


Symptoms of rare, difficult to diagnose diseases may occur. The course of mental illness worsens, seizures are possible. People prone to alcohol abuse and drug use begin to binge, followed by abstinence. If this aspect appears in the prognosis for a child, parents should be aware of the possibility of his contact with drugs. A good time for health trips, especially sea ​​travel, for water hardening, balneotherapy. Pregnant women should monitor the amount of fluid they consume. A good period for hospitalization.


There may be some increase in the symptoms of rare, difficult to diagnose diseases. The course of mental illnesses often intensifies. People prone to alcohol abuse and drug use begin to binge, followed by abstinence. If this aspect appears in the prognosis for a child, parents should keep in mind the possibility of his becoming familiar with drugs. A good time for health trips, especially sea travel, water hardening, and balneotherapy. Pregnant women should monitor the amount of fluid they consume. A good period for hospitalization.



There may be a slight increase in symptoms of rare, difficult to diagnose diseases. The course of mental illnesses often intensifies. People prone to alcohol abuse and drug use begin to binge, followed by abstinence. If this aspect appears in the prognosis for a child, parents should keep in mind the possibility of his becoming familiar with drugs. A good time for health trips, especially sea travel, water hardening, and balneotherapy. Pregnant women should monitor the amount of fluid they consume. Suitable period for hospitalization.


Symptoms of rare, difficult to diagnose diseases may occur or worsen. The course of mental illness worsens, seizures are possible. People prone to alcohol abuse and drug use begin to binge, followed by abstinence. If this aspect appears in the prognosis for a child, parents should be aware of the possibility of his contact with drugs. This is not a good time for health trips, especially sea travel, water hardening, or balneotherapy. Pregnant women should monitor the amount of fluid they consume. Unfavorable period for hospitalization.


This aspect is observed once every twelve years and has Negative influence on your health status, so you should pay close attention to any symptoms that arise. They may indicate the onset of serious illness. It is recommended to undergo fluorography, ultrasound of internal organs, and for women - mammary glands to detect tumors. At the appropriate age, it can trigger menopausal changes.




It produces some metabolic changes and hormonal changes, but overall has a positive effect on health. In combination with other aspects, it may mean the need for surgical intervention. It is beneficial for intensive treatment of severe diseases, including cancer, but it can also cause the growth of tumors if you have a predisposition to this. Cleansing procedures, blood transfusion or hemosorption are effective.


First of all, the danger of energy and black magic influence. Worsening of the course of many serious diseases, including cancer, and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. An examination carried out at this time, as a rule, does not give a true picture. Metabolic disorders, weight gain. At the appropriate age, it can trigger menopausal changes.

Used Books:

1. Notes on astrology
2. Transits from the ZET library

One of the indications of a partner with a high status, intelligent, educated. A partner is a source of pride. Well implemented in professions related to public appearances, working with foreign clients, judge, lawyer.

The 7th house is not only marriage partners, but also the people around us (it also signifies enemies), so often the fate of the owner of such Jupiter brings him together with people of the Jupiterian type.
One of my clients said this: “Most of the people who surround me are foreigners and travelers.”

Problematic Jupiter in the 7th house can win back through legal proceedings. For a client, afflicted Jupiter from the 7th house makes an opposition to the planet of the 1st house, resulting in long-term persecution of her ex-husband and multiple trials.

Jupiter in the 7th house in a woman is one indication of marriage with a foreigner. Place the emphasis in relationships on common values, views, and views. Such Jupiter can give the desire to see next to a bright and successful man (Sun, Mars on fire, in aspects with the ruler of 5/7), and, with other instructions, reliable and faithful (Venus with Saturn, in aspect with Saturn). Then a discrepancy arises, and over time this can develop into a cause of loneliness. This is a fairly common case in my practice. Astrology helps to choose a compromise type of man that will satisfy both conscious needs and needs at the level of instincts - “male male”.

Jupiter in the 7th house for a man indicates marriage with a foreigner or an older partner (+7 years), since Jupiter is a mature planet in its energies. Jupiter can serve well as a catalyst for career advancement through social contacts with people of higher status. I also noticed success through unions and associations.

The downside is throwing dust in the eyes, as well as the risk of falling for the tricks of scammers.

Celebrities with Jupiter in the 7th house: Vladimir Putin, Nelson Mandela, Angela Merkel, Warren Buffett, Marilyn Monroe

Jupiter in the 8th house

Most pages on the Internet come down to describing Jupiter as a benefactor, a benefactor, but the description of the 8th house speaks of something completely different: the house of death, crises, extremes, transformation.
What to do then? Let's figure it out.

Jupiter is directly related to a person’s values ​​and worldview. This situation can enhance interests in the occult, mysticism, and give a passion for extreme sports.
In times of crisis, Jupiter remains optimistic and does not despair.

In a harmonious version - an indication of a wealthy spouse, the receipt of large sums of money from wills and public funds. If it didn’t work out with a rich spouse, and there is no financial confidence in the future, it can give a psychological fear of poverty, forcing you to do everything so as not to find yourself in need.

If you dig into the karmic layer, then the ancestors of the owner of the horoscope with Jupiter in the 8th house became sharply poorer, instantly losing all their property.

If Jupiter is the ruler of the 8th house, then the scale of nastiness and joy is directly related to its harmony and defeat in the horoscope. If such Jupiter is in the 3rd house, then this is the 1st indication of an accident, in the 6th - the risks of dismissal, the 7th - litigation and divorce.

At the return of Jupiter at the age of 23-24, during the transit of Jupiter in the 8th house, try to “cut off” all unnecessary people who are slowing down the process of your growth. Jupiter loves goals - set specific goals in work, study, and then pleasant changes will definitely happen.

Well implemented in the following professions: banking, accountant, manager, sex therapist.

Celebrities with Jupiter in the 8th house: Carl Gustav Jung, Al Capone, Richard Branson, Jennifer Lawrence

Jupiter in the 9th house

Here Jupiter is in his 9th house. On high floors, such Jupiter gives the ability to extract morality, allows the mental flow to cover a wide range of problems, and process huge flows of information.

Here, like in no other house, the theme of study and education is emphasized. A strong Jupiter in the 9th house will give an eternal craving for acquiring new knowledge. The topic of education is an integral part of the life of the owner of a strong Jupiter.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 9th house is more focused on internal spiritual growth and does not so much give out the acquired knowledge and conclusions as it accumulates it within itself.

A person with a strong Jupiter loves to travel, and often new opportunities open up through the theme of travel and contacts with foreigners. Among its owners are many scientific leaders, politicians, travelers, cultural experts, lawyers, and teachers. I noticed that people with Jupiter in the 9th house are very careful in choosing a mentor, so that there is no doubt about his knowledge and authority.

Minus qualities: snobbery, arrogance, narcissism.

Also, if strong Jupiter chooses a specific direction and according to plan (working Saturn) moves towards the goal, then disharmonious Jupiter clings from goal to goal, for example, today I’m learning English, tomorrow I’m throwing myself into Italian, etc.

Celebrities with Jupiter in the 9th house: Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, Fidel Castro, Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves.

Transit is a very important aspect of Jyotish, which is mainly used to determine the timing of events. The Grahas, which are located in the Rashi chart and are involved in various auspicious and inauspicious yogas, give their results by moving along various signs during its transit movement. Usually the transit is considered from the Moon, and in my opinion, this happens because it is convenient, since moon sign It's very easy to find out by your birthday. And it is used for various purposes in India even now. The transit from the lagna is also important, which is unique for people who were born on the same day and have the same chandra lagna. A comprehensive analysis of transit from both lagna and chandra lagna gives more accurate results.

In addition to evaluating the transits from Chandra Lagna and Lagna, one must also evaluate the various yogas that are formed during the transits; states (avasthi) of graha in transit; any obstacles (vedhas); ashtakavarga; transit of grahas, controlling dasas and antardashas, ​​etc. In addition to this, the transits of grahas across nakshatras are intricately interpreted in various classical literature, such as in the Sarvatobhadra chakra in Phaladipika.

However, the first step in understanding the transit is to study the results from the Moon. As his understanding matures, the astrologer must expand his horizons and bring many other factors into the transit assessment to make it more complete and accurate.

The following is the esoteric significance of the transit of the Guru through various bhavas from the Moon. I hope that after I talk about the transits of each graha, I will move on to explain the principles of transit through the lagna, transit yogas, transit through the natal grahas and bhavadhipati, yoga grahas in transit with natal grahas, as well as combining transits with the analysis of dashas .

Esoteric meaning of transits

The Guru gives good results by transiting through the bhavas of which he is a karaka, i.e. on the 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th houses. It also gives good results during its transit in the 7th house.

It is important to understand the esoteric meaning of transits, as they can tell about what is happening in a person's life. As long as he understands where he is being carried, and what the directions of this current are, and as long as he does not resist them, such a person will overcome negative periods and cherish the positive ones.

Gochara Guru according to Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter transiting the Moon brings about many changes in life. This is usually a difficult period.
  2. From a positive point of view, this is the time for spiritual search, self-analysis and overcoming large quantity negative karma of the past. During this period, materialism, which is represented by Rahu and rajo grahas by Mercury and Venus, leaves the native as his attention becomes focused on spiritual activities.
  3. A person plunges deep into himself, into a kind of trance and loses touch with the outside world. Such a period is akin to a person who goes to a spiritual teacher, away from worldly affairs, and thus loses touch with the real world.
  4. Jupiter also gives strict instructions and regulations and the native must adhere to the righteous path.
  5. This is a good time for spiritual activities, learning, etc.

Gochara Guru in the 2nd house from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter transiting the 2nd house from the Moon will reward him with interest as the native comes out into the world purified.
  2. The native receives the blessings of the guru and provider (Lord Vishnu) for success in various endeavors.
  3. Obstacles cease and the native gains support in all spheres of life.
  4. This is a financially auspicious time in which the native acquires various items luxury and convenience.
  5. However, the native needs to be careful not to misuse it, otherwise the punishment in the subsequent transit may be severe.
  6. This is generally a favorable time to concentrate on the justifiable use of wealth, i.e. spend it on good goals, make contributions, and focus on family values.
  7. The native will also be supported by family and community (kutumba).

Gochara Guru in the 3rd house from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter transiting in the 3rd house from Moon is the worst of all transits as the native cannot rest even for a moment. The position of Jupiter in the 3rd house is known as marana karaka avastha.
  2. During this transit there are too many changes in life which put a lot of pressure on the native and lead to stress.
  3. The 3rd house is full of activity, courage, valor, etc., which is indicated by Mars. Jupiter is completely opposite to Mars and cannot stand his methods of work. For this reason, Jupiter becomes depleted in the sign where Mars (10th house of the natural zodiac) is exalted.
  4. The native lacks mental stability and wanders around like a headless chicken, doing several things at the same time and not completing anything.
  5. He has a strong feeling of dissatisfaction and a feeling that something is missing in life; something that the native is feverishly searching for.
  6. This is a good time to try to study books containing various knowledge which can help calm the mind and bring peace.

Gochara Guru in the 4th house from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter's transit in the 4th from the Moon is a time of gaining stability after a period of ascending in the 3rd house.
  2. This is also a period of transition, as all the good things will really start to happen during the transit of the 5th house. The current transit can be taken as the first step towards the transit of the 5th.
  3. During the period of transit through the 4th house, the native must move to live far from home and family, and also perform some austerities.
  4. The native is in a meditative trance and tries to find the true meaning of life, its purpose and the purpose of everything that happens around.
  5. This is a slowdown period. A person likes solitude and is not interested in worldly affairs. There is a feeling of depression and loss of interest.
  6. The native hangs around idle and without a goal, or tries to find one.
  7. This may be a period of serious spiritual search and attempts to discover the true meaning of life.
  8. It can cause a change of residence, and this does not need to be resisted.
  9. During such periods, it is best to relax, do yoga, meditation, etc.

Phaladipika 26.18: During the transit of Jupiter in Janma Rashi, a person thinks about leaving his homeland, incurring large expenses or losing wealth, experiencing hostility with relatives. According to the 2nd house, he thinks of gaining wealth, family happiness, good results and profits due to speech. In the 3rd house, he thinks about loss of position, separation from relatives, obstacles in enterprises, illness, etc. In the 4th house, he thinks about sadness because of relatives, about his own humiliation, and danger from four-legged animals.

Gochara Guru in the 5th house from Janma Rashi

  1. After a period of spiritual quest, Jupiter transiting the 5th house brings peace to the native.
  2. Now he receives blessings from his teachers for material happiness and comfort. After a period of severe suffering (!), the native receives what he expected to receive.
  3. He gains wisdom, knowledge, strength, position and power, and many of his long-held desires come true.
  4. Now he is happy. This is a time of rest, after which a period of instability will begin. The native becomes very optimistic, full of energy and ready for new challenges in life.
  5. He finds meaning and purpose in life and switches to investing in his own future. Now the native needs to concentrate on new beginnings and start planning for his own future.

Gochara Guru according to the 6th from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter transiting the 6th house from the Moon causes despondency and lack of interest.
  2. Even if a person is surrounded by comforts and luxuries in life, he will not be able to enjoy them and will understand that he has again entered a period of lack of purpose!
  3. You have already seen that the Guru does not allow you to enjoy anything for a long time. This makes one content with what was achieved during a good period. On the other hand, it makes you think about the insignificance of material comfort and pushes you to think that there is something else beyond the material world.
  4. The 6th house is the house of enemies and its karaka is Saturn. Therefore, the native also faces a lot of difficulties from enemies as well as situations that are not in his favor.
  5. Many wishes are not fulfilled, and this causes depression and despondency during this period.
  6. During this period, it is best to serve people without expecting anything in return; then the problems will begin to resolve themselves.

Gochara Guru in the 7th house from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter's transit in the 7th house from the Moon is like the light at the end of the tunnel that appears after a grueling period of despondency and frustration.
  2. The 7th house represents the desires of our heart and is shown by Venus. This indicates a period of happiness and the fulfillment of long-standing desires.
  3. The native gains stability in family life, social interaction improves and the native emerges from his cocoon (solitude).
  4. Good events may take place in the family such as marriage, birth of children, etc. and the native may undertake fruitful journeys for better living conditions.
  5. People whose Jupiter transits the 7th house will be praised and there will be a high chance of getting better social position.
  6. This is a good period to start socializing with the outside world and building your connections. This will lead to support in the next Guru transit through the 8th house, where the person will undergo another intense period of purification.

Gochara Guru in the 8th house from Janma Rashi

  1. The 8th house has both positive and negative indicators. On the one hand, it governs health, longevity, hidden wealth, occult knowledge and exploration. On the other hand, it rules debts, obstacles, disasters and birth defects. His karaka is Saturn, which is inauspicious for Jupiter (Jupiter becomes debilitated in the sign of Saturn). The 8th house is also unfavorable for the Moon, because The Moon falls into Chandrashtama here and becomes depleted in the 8th house of Naisargika Kundali, Scorpio.
  2. Jupiter transiting in the 8th house from the Moon is inauspicious. The native suffers from exhaustion due to overwork, suffers due to unnecessary travel - this is another reason for exhaustion and fatigue.
  3. If in addition to this Jupiter is afflicted in transit, then the native suffers due to many obstacles, calamities, health problems, loss of loved ones and relatives and also due to severe suffering.
  4. There may be large losses of wealth, late fees, penalties, losses in investments and speculation, etc.
  5. This is a good time to invest your time in practicing yoga, pranayama, regular physical activity, etc.

Phaladipika 26.19: During transit in the 5th house, the native thinks about having children, happiness through children, meeting gentlemen, royal favor. In the 6th house he thinks about problems from enemies and cousins, health problems and illnesses. According to the 7th house about travel caused by good events, about happiness associated with a wife, about the birth of children, etc. According to the 8th house, the exhaustion caused by fruitless travel, problems during travel, many inauspicious results and failures, loss of money, many dangers and pain.

Gochara Guru in the 9th house from Janma Rashi

  1. The 9th house is dharma or the path of righteousness. The karaka of the 9th house is Jupiter itself, and the 9th is the best place for the transit of the Guru among all bhavas.
  2. This bhava shows everything that is respectable and requires worship. It is a temple and a place of prayer.
  3. The transit of Jupiter through this bhava from the position of the Moon gives a person everything he deserves in a complete cycle of 12 years. Everything that has been stalled for a long time is being resolved. One receives divine blessings (which promise success, good health, promotion, wealth, etc.) more than ever before.
  4. During such a period, it is best to visit temples or religious places, thus blessings will be released.

Gochara Guru in the 10th house from Janma Rashi

  1. When Jupiter transits the 10th house from the Moon, it becomes the overseer. The Guru's standards are extraordinarily high, and it is practically impossible to fulfill them to meet his expectations.
  2. What happens now that you can't live up to the strict teacher's expectations? Like a strict teacher, Jupiter will systematically fail you in the exam of life. It's like you can't get out of the never-ending cycle of errors.
  3. It can cause loss of position and favor, loss of job (or place of employment) and make the native seek recognition and satisfaction from work.
  4. The native is forced to go to work or gets an assignment that is far below his abilities! This makes a person hate his boss, because... they (bosses) become too tough and demanding. He also hates circumstances because they bind him hand and foot (less strength and power).
  5. Freedom at work is suppressed because... the native craves freedom and interferes less in work matters! He keeps saying, “Don’t interfere, I know my business.” But who's listening?
  6. It's check time. Do not give up! This is a good period to invest in activities that may not bring immediate profits, but are favorable in the long term. The native may also be looking ahead to change his assignment, team or place of work and be less critical of his superiors!
  7. One day, when Jupiter enters the 11th, the test will end and recognition will come. So, the hour calls to be persistent, but remain humble!

Gochara Guru in the 11th house from Janma Rashi

  1. Jupiter's transit through the 11th house is the time to take off! To get what you have been striving for for a long time, i.e. recognition and reward for all the hard work done.
  2. The person now begins to relax and get into the mood of enjoying the rewards received!
  3. Everything good that he missed or lost in the last transit will return.
  4. Fatigue will give way to good health, and the increase in profits, which he has been waiting for a long time, will now occur.
  5. He will be promoted, given new roles and responsibilities for all those skills and talents expressed at work, and perseverance shown in facing life's difficulties will be rewarded.
  6. This transit is the next in benevolence after the transit through the 9th house. The person gains reputation, position, power, wealth, and all material happiness and success!

Gochara Guru in the 12th house from Janma Rashi

  1. As we know, Jupiter does not give good results, because he does not want us to have our heads in the clouds, but wants us to be in contact with earthly realities.
  2. Having achieved all the success that Jupiter’s transit through the 11th house promises, a person says: “I’ve had enough!” He begins to realize the insignificance of success in the material world, as something begins to bother him from within.
  3. There will be a feeling of inner emptiness, and the native will have difficulty trying to find the answer to the question about the true meaning of life!
  4. It is very difficult to satisfy the heart with any material things, since they do not quench the thirst for knowledge about oneself.
  5. A person tends to visit very remote places, make pilgrimages, live in solitude, etc., devote your time to philosophy, issues related to life after death, and also prepare yourself for the last path, i.e. to life itself after death.
  6. Suffering can be very strong, and activity in search of the true meaning of life will be limitless. Only after Jupiter transits the moon sign will a person begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  7. The native is not interested in anything and moves in various directions in search of a goal.
  8. But never lose hope! This is the best time to introspect everything you have done in the last 12 years! Attend spiritual lectures as they will give you more peace and tranquility in your heart.

It all depends on the natal indicators of Jupiter, the transit configuration and the Houses involved. If there are no inharmonious factors - good luck in business, large cash receipts in the form of profits from one’s own enterprise, dividends from shares and other securities, interest on deposits, return of a large debt, inheritance, insurance payments, etc. A profitable investment of capital, an opportunity receiving remuneration for dangerous work or secret scientific developments. Large acquisitions, significant material support for partners, and living at the expense of the spouse are possible.
An interest in secret sciences, issues of life and death may appear; often at this time, dormant psychological or magical abilities of a person are revealed, which he consciously or unconsciously uses in everyday life. During this period, a person can begin serious study of esoteric sciences and/or experiments in this area. Whether this is dangerous for him or not depends on the aspects of Jupiter.
In general, the transit of planets through the VIII House of the horoscope is often accompanied by changes. A well-aspected Jupiter indicates that changes will benefit the person, that he will benefit from everything that happens to him during this transit, no matter how painful and fatal the events may be. For example, the death of a loved one can occur not only on inharmonious aspects, it often happens on favorable aspects, which indicates that after the death of this person the life of the owner of the horoscope will improve.
Inharmonious aspects of Jupiter can bring both troubles and trials, the degree of fatality of which depends on other factors. There may be loss of money, bankruptcy, the need to pay fines, compensation to those affected by the actions of the owner of the horoscope. The influx of money and income from business is not excluded, but along with the influx of money, large expenses are also expected, so the profit may be minimal, or there may be nothing left of it. Often clashes with the customs or tax service, extortion, racketeering, loss of money due to fraud or other criminal acts of the owner of the horoscope or other persons in relation to him. It is dangerous at this time to take on any obligations, as well as loans and credits, borrow money - then it will be difficult to pay it back. Deception, betrayal, forgery, and severance of relations with business partners are possible. A secret war is often waged against politicians and influential people, aimed at undermining their authority; the circumstances of their personal and business lives are revealed; manipulation and distortion of facts are possible. In case of severe damage - loss and suffering from fire, explosion, criminal acts against the person himself or his loved ones. Death is possible when surrounded by a person.

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