Consultation on the topic: Consultation for teachers “Technology for conducting a master class.” Technology of individual and group consultations

Conducting any consultation requires adherence to the following basic principles:

· expediency and purposefulness . The consultation must have specific goal, solve a strictly defined problem;

· voluntariness and unobtrusiveness . The client has the right to refuse the assistance of a consultant at any time. The effectiveness of a consultation is determined by the value of the ideas, not by the status of the consultant;

· methodological literacy and competence . The consultant must have broad erudition and be competent in the area of ​​the problem being discussed, be able to conduct consultations methodically and convincingly.

Consulting takes place over time, so in this process we can distinguish several stages . The main ones:

1) identifying the reasons that prompted the client to receive advice;

2) analysis, assessment and diagnosis of the problem;

3) formulation of the problem and determination of the goals of the consultation;

4) establishing a strategy and action plan;

5) taking appropriate actions;

6) assessment of the results of the consultation and conclusions.

Consultation in social work usually involves formulating recommendations, advice on the content, techniques and forms of client behavior.

One of the grounds for classifying advisory influence is spatial organization of consultations . From this point of view, there are two types of counseling: contact (“face-to-face”) and remote (“correspondence”). For contact consultation What is typical is that the consultant meets the client and a conversation takes place between them. Distan national type of advisory activity does not involve direct face-to-face communication with the client. IN in this case Communication takes place by telephone or by correspondence.

Contact conversation is the most common type of consultation process. One of its forms is an interview. The technology for conducting a consultative interview includes certain stages:

· First of all, the consultant solves the problem of establishing contact and mutual understanding with the client. When introducing himself to the client, the consultant explains his professional capabilities;

· then begins the process of collecting information about the client and identifying his problems. The consultant sets out one fact-tested hypothesis and understands the client’s capabilities in solving this problem;

· at the next stage of the interview, the consultant and the client determine the desired result, and it is important that the client has experiences associated with awareness of his own capabilities in this situation. Various options for solving his problem are discussed with the client, conditions are created for him to choose alternatives;

· at the final stage of the interview, the consultant summarizes the results of interaction with the client regarding his problem. The interview ends with a kind of homework to consolidate attitudes towards changing the client’s behavior. The consultant can invite the client to “play out” a situation similar to his problem, and then discuss his mistakes and limitations in behavior. Such work with the client will help change his thoughts and actions in real life.

A specific type of advisory activity is remote consulting , which allows many citizens to receive advice and recommendations in absentia on social problems that concern them.

Feature telephone consultation is the principle of anonymity, which forms the client’s fantasy image of a consultant. The lack of visual impressions increases the load on audio channel perception. Not only the text of the message itself acquires significance, but also the tone, timbre, speed of speech, pauses, and duration of silence. The basic techniques and methods of telephone consultation coincide with those used in the contact consultation process.

A unique form of remote consulting is consultation by correspondence , which is used in cases where telephone counseling is difficult due to the lack of a “helpline” service in a particular city (district), a client’s telephone, and also due to his reluctance to meet with a social consultant. For individual categories of the population (prisoners serving sentences), counseling by correspondence is the only opportunity to receive vital advice.

Within the framework of counseling, the following types can be distinguished: counseling for the elderly and disabled, family counseling, consulting on employment issues, corrective consulting of specialists (supervision), etc. Let’s consider them in more detail.

In accordance with the law “On Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens” (1995), special social advisory services began to be created in the country. Such branches operate in many municipal centers social services. Department employees identify people in need of social and advisory assistance, work with families in which elderly and disabled citizens live, and organize their leisure time. They provide legal assistance within the limits of their competence, provide consultations on issues of training, vocational guidance and employment of people with disabilities, and are engaged in the prevention of various kinds of socio-psychological deviations.

Consultative conversation with an elderly person individual.

From the first minutes of the conversation, the social worker needs to show goodwill and calmness. You should address the client respectfully, by name and patronymic. During the conversation, it is very important to show the client your interest in his problems and show a desire to help. Elderly people can be forgetful and suspicious, which requires social worker not only understanding, but also special patience.

The most important area of ​​consulting is family counseling . It covers a range of issues such as relationships between spouses and their parents, children and parents. In our country, psychological and pedagogical consultation centers are beginning to function, the experience of which shows that school performance is included in the main content of parents' requests in more than half of all requests.

The consultant’s methods of working with children and parents may be different depending on the individual and personal characteristics of the clients. However, there are some rules that must be implemented by the counselor in almost all consultations with parents regarding their children. These rules include:

· mandatory filling of the parental complaint with specific content by receiving from parents detailed description behavioral situation;

· using the principles of a “stereoscopic” view of the situation, that is, fixing this view both subjectively, from the position of family members, and objectively, from the position of a consultant;

· jointly with the parents, the consultant puts forward a hypothesis about the history of the development of a “negative” quality in the child and possible ways overcoming it.

A special type of advisory activity is consulting on employment issues . In accordance with the law “On Employment of the Population in Russian Federation» citizens of our country are given the right to free consultation for the purpose of choosing a field of activity, employment, opportunities vocational training.

The consultative process on employment issues includes several stages. The unemployed first goes to the dispatcher, who provides an initial consultation. His responsibilities include: obtaining information from the client about the purpose of contacting the employment service; invite the client to familiarize himself with the information located in the information room; review the client’s documents; refer him to the appropriate specialist consultant. If the initial information for the client turns out to be insufficient, then he is sent to a more detailed informational conversation, which lasts up to 30 minutes. During its implementation, the consultant provides the client with information about the availability of vacancies, about the enterprises where they are available, as well as information about where they can undergo retraining and training.

An important stage of advisory work on employment issues is professional counseling. During its implementation, the professional interests of the client are studied, the psychological and psychophysical characteristics of the individual are identified, and recommendations are provided on the most suitable field of activity for the client, the direction of professional training. Personal psychological consultation necessary for those unemployed who are depressed with reduced behavioral activity, pessimistic mood and poor health.

Professional counseling ends with the choice of profession and referral of the client to an employment consultant, who, using the existing computer database of vacancies, searches for a suitable job for the citizen who has applied. He issues directions to work and monitors the timely appearance of the unemployed to the employer. TO functional responsibilities An employment consultant includes identifying the reasons for the refusal of enterprises and organizations to hire citizens directed by the employment service, as well as the reasons for the personal refusal of citizens from the work offered to them. If necessary, the unemployed person is sent to a career consultant to choose a new type of activity or carry out professional retraining.

A new direction of consulting activity in Russia is supervision . A supervisor is a consultant psychologist who provides assistance to specialists social sphere(doctors, teachers, etc.) interacting with them. The principles of supervision can be applied in the work of social educators when advising teachers on how to resolve conflict situations in relationships with students. Perhaps the time has come in our medical institutions have social psychologists, performing the functions of supervisors.

Currently, the need for the services of a social worker is especially great, which is due to the lack of stability in society, and in many areas. People seek mediation help on economic, administrative, labor, legal, domestic and other issues.

In the rehabilitation program special place occupies consultation with parents and teachers, allowing

adults better understand the gender, age and individual psychological characteristics of children and adolescents, and subject their pedagogical actions to critical self-analysis.

It is possible to provide counseling to minors who want to cope with the problem on their own.

Socio-pedagogical counseling is qualified assistance to persons experiencing various problems, with the aim of their socialization, restoration and optimization of their social functions, production social norms life activity and communication.

The main purpose of counseling is to assist the individual in solving problems social problems and in establishing interpersonal relationships with others. The main task of consulting work is to help the person seeking help to look at their problems and life difficulties from the outside, to demonstrate and discuss those aspects of relationships and behavior that, being sources of difficulties, are usually not realized and not controlled.

When conducting counseling, it is important to adhere to such principles as a friendly and non-judgmental attitude towards the client; orientation to client norms and values; prohibition on giving advice to the client; anonymity of consultation; inclusion of the client in the counseling process, differentiation of personal and professional relationships.

Consulting is carried out in different ways depending on the variety of operating conditions and personal characteristics of clients, on the concepts and methods of intervention used by professionals.

Many scientists distinguish two types of counseling: contact (face-to-face) and distance (correspondence). Contact counseling consists of the consultant meeting with the client and having a conversation between them. A distant type of consulting activity does not involve direct face-to-face communication with the client. In this case, communication takes place over the phone or by correspondence.

Conventionally, a consultative conversation can be divided into four stages.

1. Getting to know each other, starting a conversation.

2. Questioning the client, formulating and testing advisory hypotheses.

Impact. The simplest way impact. The task of the social educator at this stage is to once again carefully analyze the characteristics of the client’s behavior that underlie the problems,

4. Ending the conversation. This stage includes: summing up the conversation (a brief summary of everything that happened during the reception); discussion of issues related to the client’s future relationship with social educator or others necessary specialists; farewell of the consultant to the social teacher.

A specific type of advisory activity is distance consulting. Its main form is telephone counseling (helpline - TD). A feature of telephone counseling is anonymity, which contributes to the formation of a fantasy image of a consultant in the client. The lack of visual impressions increases the load on the auditory channel of reception.

A unique form of distance counseling is correspondence counseling, or scribotherapy. It is used in cases where telephone counseling is difficult due to lack of telephone communication.

a year-old child requires the use of certain sanctions against himself or those involved in his upbringing;

Coordination of the child’s relationship with the primary team; - recovery;


When applying various measures of social rehabilitation, it is necessary to objectively evaluate their results. It should be taken into account that the effectiveness of social rehabilitation is achieved by the entire complex of rehabilitation measures (medical, psycho

logical, professional, social). The degree of its effectiveness is determined by the level of socialization of the client, his ability

the ability to adapt to society.

Technology of social rehabilitation. Rehabilitation and correction.

Rehabilitation is a system of measures aimed at returning the child to active life in society.

Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation is a system of educational measures aimed at developing personal qualities, an active life position, promoting the child’s integration into society and mastering the necessary skills, social roles and rules of behavior in society.

There are medical, psychological, social ped, ped, professional and household types rehabilitation.

Social ped rehabilitation includes 3 main stages:

· Diagnostics (aimed at determining the level of development of the child’s emotional-cognitive sphere, the formation of personality qualities, his social roles and professional interests)

· Creation and implementation of a rehabilitation program (the rehabilitation program is created individually and includes the following elements: goal, objectives, means, methods, stages of activity)

· Post-rehabilitation protection of the child

· The rehabilitation and correction procedure is used as the leading method of overcoming maladaptive or deviant behavior in social and pedagogical activities.

In the structure of social and pedagogical activity, resocialization, correction, rehabilitation, and social patronage can be identified as independent components.

Correction of deviant behavior involves, first of all, identifying problems in the system of relationships between a child and a teenager with adults and peers and adjusting the pedagogical positions of teachers and parents, which should help

contribute, in particular, to the resolution of acute and sluggish conflicts that adversely affect the social development of a teenager.

Correction, according to A.I. Kochetov, has the following functions:

Restorative, involving the restoration of those positive qualities, which predominated in adolescents up to

phenomena of inability to educate, appealing to the memory of a teenager about his good deeds;

Compensating, which consists in developing in a teenager a desire to compensate for one or another deficiency

on foot in activities that captivate him (in sports, work, etc.);

Stimulating, aimed at enhancing positive social useful activity student; it is carried out through condemnation or approval, that is, an indifferent, emotional attitude towards the personality of the teenager, his


Correctional related to correction negative qualities teenager and involves the use various methods behavior correction (encouragement, persuasion,

measures, etc.)1.

Rehabilitation is a set of medical, socio-economic, pedagogical, professional and legal measures aimed at restoring (or compensating) impaired functions, defects, and social deviations. Rehabilitation can be spontaneous or organized. In the first case, it is assumed that the person intuitively establishes relationships with his own body and environment at a more or less acceptable level. Social rehabilitation process

Litation is long lasting. Organized rehabilitation aims to reduce the time required to restore social norms, improve the quality of independent work of individuals

ity due to professional help. A decision on the need for rehabilitation of a minor is made by a specialist

al commission. As a rule, the result of its work is an individual comprehensive program rehabilitation.

individual comprehensive rehabilitation is a system that includes, at each of the identified stages, a number of activities in different areas of rehabilitation.

A significant place in the system of training specialists is occupied by practical, laboratory, individual lessons, consultations and colloquiums. Their main task is consolidation, translation into long-term memory theoretical knowledge, formation of skills and abilities in one or another academic discipline, mastering the apparatus of scientific research.

Practical lesson(lat. prakticos - active) - form training session, during which the teacher organizes students’ consideration of individual theoretical provisions academic discipline and develops their skills and abilities practical application through individual implementation by students in accordance with the formulated tasks. This form of classes is conducted in laboratories and classrooms equipped with the necessary technical means training, computer technology.

The practical lesson must be well prepared. The teacher assigned to these classes, in agreement with the lecturer of the academic discipline, prepares in advance the necessary methodological material- tests to identify the level of students’ mastery of relevant theoretical concepts, a set of tasks of varying degrees of complexity for students to solve.

Structure of the practical lesson: conducting preliminary control of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities; formulation by the teacher of a general problem and its discussion with the participation of students; solving problems with their discussion; solving control problems; their verification and evaluation. Received by the student individually practical exercises grades are taken into account when issuing the final grade in the relevant academic discipline.

The number of hours for practical classes in a particular discipline is determined by the curriculum. The list of topics for practical classes is contained in the working curriculum of the discipline. The number of students in a practical lesson should not exceed half of the academic group.

In the process of conducting practical classes, they use various methods training. Because main task This type of educational work is the formation of skills and abilities, leading place should be devoted to various exercises (preparatory, trial, model-based, training, creative, practical, graphic, oral, written, professional, technical secrets.).

Practical exercises should meet the following requirements:

1. Ensure that students understand the need to possess basic theoretical knowledge.

2. Awareness of the need to develop skills that have a professional orientation.

3. provision optimal conditions for the formation of skills (sanitary and hygienic, didactic, educational).

4. Training of students rational methods mastering skills and abilities.

5.Safety independent activity every student.

6. Increasing systematicity and logical consistency in the formation of students’ skills and abilities.

7.Development of tasks for practical training with a clear professional focus.

8.Widely including creative tasks in the system of practical classes.

9.Systematic monitoring of students’ performance of practical tasks.

10. Constant encouragement of practical educational activities students.

Practices should be abandoned when practical classes are of a collective nature: one student completes a task on the board, while others work at their workplaces. It is necessary to follow a more expedient and effective path: the teacher must clearly define the tasks, familiarize students with the methods of independent activity, and help them understand the algorithm of actions. And then you need to organize independent work every student.

Laboratory lesson(lat. labor - work) - a form of educational lesson during which students, under the guidance of a teacher, personally conduct full-scale or simulation experiments and experiments for the purpose of practical testing and confirmation of individual theoretical provisions of the academic discipline, acquire practical skills in working with laboratory equipment, measuring equipment, computer technology, master the methodology experimental research in a specific subject area.

Carrying out laboratory classes requires well-prepared, specially equipped teaching laboratories using equipment adapted to the conditions educational process(laboratory installations, mock-ups, etc.). Sometimes it is advisable to conduct laboratory classes directly in production, in a real professional environment (at a factory, in the field, at a research institute, at school).

Structure of a laboratory lesson: conducting current control students’ preparedness to perform specific laboratory work, fulfill its tasks, prepare an individual report on the work done and defend it before the teacher. The performance of laboratory work is assessed by the teacher. Final grades for execution laboratory work are taken into account when determining the final semester grade in the relevant academic discipline.

Plans, technology and methods for conducting laboratory work are developed by the relevant departments. Number of hours for laboratory classes separate discipline determined by the curriculum. The list of topics for laboratory classes is determined by the working curriculum disciplines. Replacing laboratory classes with other types of training sessions is not allowed. The number of students in a laboratory lesson should not exceed half of the academic group. Each student must independently complete all laboratory work and document their results.

In the process of organizing and conducting laboratory work, the teacher needs to focus on the following points: the content of laboratory classes; providing laboratories and offices with the latest equipment that corresponds to modern production technologies; materials, reagents, instruments, apparatus; ensuring students' independence during laboratory work; compliance with safety regulations; teaching students how to perform this type of work.

Individual training session carried out with individual students in order to improve the level of their preparation and reveal potential creativity. This type of classes is organized according to a separate schedule, taking into account the student’s individual curriculum.

Forms, types, volume, methods of conducting individual training sessions, forms and methods of current and final control (except state certification) are determined by the student’s individual curriculum.

Individual training sessions can be conducted from one, several disciplines or from a specific part of the discipline.

Consultation(lat. consultatio - seeking advice) - a form of training that involves providing students with the help you need in mastering theoretical knowledge and developing practical skills and skills by the teacher’s response to specific questions or explanations of individual theoretical principles or aspects of their practical application. In terms of focus, it should be aimed at helping students master the methodology of a topic or section, as well as methods of independent educational work. The number of hours for consultation is determined curriculum And individual plans teachers. Consultations are conducted by teachers who read the relevant training course, according to the schedule established by the department in agreement with the deans. Faculty may provide counseling to groups of students or individual students.

An important place in the organization of students' educational work belongs to the colloquium. Colloquium(lat. colloguium - conversation, conversation) is a type of educational work that involves determining the level of students’ assimilation of knowledge, mastering skills and abilities with separate topic or section. The teacher invites a group of students outside of class time to the colloquium and, during the interview process, finds out the level of mastery of the material. This allows you to make adjustments to the lecture course and practical exercises.

To practice educational work Higher educational institutions are gradually introducing a tutoring type of work with students. Tutor (lat. tutor, English tutor - I observe, I care) - this is a teacher-mentor, guardian who leads a small group of students, helps them in their studies, monitors their educational activities, and supervises professional training. Tutoring classes arose in colleges and universities in the UK (Oxford, Cambridge) and in US universities (Harvard, Bristol).

In domestic higher educational institutions The tutoring system is rarely used. It is practiced mainly in conservatories, theater universities, Where vocational training in the main specialty (vocals, directing) is carried out under the guidance of a specific teacher throughout the entire period of study. During the accession national system education to the Bologna process, entry into the European educational space The tutoring system is widely used in higher school.


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Educational process in higher education pedagogical school/ Ed. O.G. Frost. - K.: NPUim. M. Dragomanova, 2001.

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In part, this technology has much in common with psychological counseling and career counseling. Psychological counseling- this is a special direction in practical psychology, which is associated with the provision individual assistance to people. It can be personal, psychological, pedagogical and family. Professional counseling is carried out by a professional consultant to assist in self-determination regarding future profession and in the implementation of her choice.

The goal of humanistic counseling is to create conditions for actualizing a person’s potential and personal capabilities. This counseling is based on the ideas of E. Frome, K. Rogers about the uniqueness of each person, not faith in his ability to personal growth. In this sense this type consulting in to the greatest extent corresponds to the ideology of tutoring, which also aims to develop the qualities of a subject in students.

The differences between traditional counseling and client-centered counseling are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of traditional and client-centered approaches



Purpose: either to give advice or to develop joint decision problems.

Task: reliance on existing traditional schemes in solving a problem and projection onto a specific problem.

Basic technique: asking direct questions, that is, when looking for a solution to a client’s problem

questions are asked that directly relate to the topic of discussion. Client reaction: client agrees with the consultant, thanks for the help.

Goal: to create conditions for actualizing a person’s potential and personal capabilities.

Task: relying on reflection, gradually leading the client to the essence of the problem, independent exit clients from unfavorable situations.

Basic technique: asking projecting questions, that is, when searching for a solution to a problem (algorithm of the client’s actions), the client is asked questions that are not directly related to the topic of discussion.

Reaction (position) of the consultant: offensive activity, desire for joint action; refusal of counseling, the client may not have a problem, as such (the client is not always right) he may be wrong.

Nature of the conversation: guided standardized interview; orientation in decision making to the consultant.

Client reaction: either agreement or disagreement between the client and the consultant, reflection, insight.

Reaction (position) of the consultant: expectant autism, desire to active actions client; counseling is mandatory, so if a person asks for help, it means there is a need (the client is always right), but he may be wrong.

Nature of the conversation: uncontrolled interview-empathic listening; orientation in decision making to the client.

There are several stages in counseling: preparatory, installation, diagnostic, advisory and control or verification. In other words, when conducting counseling, the tutor first studies the teenager’s problems, develops approaches to conducting future consultation, and based on its results - necessarily evaluates the results.

Consultation is, first of all, communication, establishing emotional contact, determining the dynamics of contact development, maintaining constructive dialogue and creating conditions for self-discovery and self-actualization of the mentee’s capabilities. Therefore, in addition to cognitive, in counseling great value has an emotional component.

In this regard, the effectiveness of counseling largely depends not only on practical knowledge consultant, that is, knowledge of how to solve the problem, and, firstly, from his personal qualities that ensure effectiveness interpersonal communication; secondly, from counseling skills: the ability to listen and conduct interventions. Hearing, including active listening, important to understand true problems teenager: the motives of his behavior, attitude to the situation of self-determination, value systems and views on his future. With the help of interventions, the consultant directs the course of the conversation, obtains missing information, makes important accents for the ward, puts him in problematic situation, encouraging her to rethink her own problem and experience leads to insight.

The following interventions can be distinguished:

  • - questions;
  • - reflection, including selective reflection;
  • - formation and development of empathy;
  • - control over correct understanding.

Open questions are the most effective. For example: “Why do your parents want you to continue studying in the 10th grade?”, “What is your ideal job?” When using closed questions, especially for a teenager who is not ready to discuss the problems of his self-determination, associations with interrogation may arise. Questions should also be avoided evoking feelings guilt and the teenager’s desire to defend himself or make excuses, for example: “Why didn’t you want to listen to your parents’ advice?” Open questions are formulated in such a way that they help the teenager open up, that is, they give him the opportunity to talk and delve deeper into the problem. They should not contain even an indirect hint of blaming the student for the current situation, for example, “Why didn’t you stay in a regular general education class?”

Reflection (reflection) is carried out through repetition by a consultant last sentence or the words of the speaker, a kind of “echo”.

With selective reflection, the consultant repeats his key phrase or words, thereby leading to discussion on the specified topic. For example, if we're talking about that a teenager has decided that he will not go to 10th grade after a quarrel with his parents, then the consultant, in order to start a conversation about the quarrel, can clarify: “You say, after this quarrel.” As a result, he leads the ward to further discussions on the topic of “quarrel”.

The formation of empathy as an intervention technique is carried out using linguistic means. The consultant achieves empathy for the interlocutor by reflecting his feelings and demonstrating his understanding, for example: “You seem to be offended by your parents.”

To control the correctness of his understanding of the interlocutor, the consultant asks questions based on keywords(phrases) to maintain the logic of a conversation or to summarize what has been said.

Below is a comparative description of effective and ineffective counseling, regardless of the approach and techniques chosen.

This technology is based on the principle of voluntariness and motivation of the student himself. Consultations with schoolchildren and their parents are carried out based on the needs of the students. Depending on the effect of consultations and the relationship that the consultant has with the teenager, they can be quite regular or have an episodic nature, that is, carried out as necessary.

However, it is very important that one-time consultations were also complete in nature, that is, they led the teenager to solving the problems that concern them and indicated the further course of independent actions.

Under certain conditions, availability common problems, high degree openness and trust in the consultant and group members; consultations can also be of a group nature. However, the content of these consultations still cannot be as confidential as in individual counseling. In this regard, it is more expedient to conduct group trainings on problems common to students.

In tutoring activities there is a significant cognitive component. When working with high school students, there are several issues for which the consultation format is not sufficient and it is necessary organized training, in which the appropriation of certain knowledge and even the development of habits and skills will take place. Thus, students need to be taught several things: methods of planning their careers, methods of choosing the direction of education and future profession, how to develop an IEP, methods of working with a portfolio. For this purpose, it is recommended to carry out group classes with elements of role-playing game, socio-psychological and cognitive-behavioural training.

The tutor needs to identify what knowledge students lack for self-determination and develop a training program. In this technology, results are achieved due to the fact that the student, who acquires the missing knowledge, gradually begins to independently cope with his problems. The work of a tutor with students can be structured as a chain of successive trainings similar to trainings personal growth. These could be trainings on the issues that most concern high school students: how to build their life plans, how to plan work to achieve important goals. These could be some very specific and narrow problems, for example, how to prepare for exams, how to get rid of excitement and anxiety, how to behave during a job interview, etc.

It is expected that the student will transform acquired knowledge into solutions own problems, to make them a means of their own self-determination.

The training methodology is quite well known and described in the literature.

Tutor training differs from others in that it is aimed at providing assistance in solving problems of self-determination.

During trainings, a constant and unchanged composition of the group is maintained. These can be groups formed on the basis of classes or from those students who have chosen these classes as short-term elective courses pre-professional training.

Working with members of the training group, the facilitator creates conditions for the active participation of everyone, does not allow the most initiative students to dominate, attracting greatest attention. Training participants must have notebooks or albums for writing and drawing, as well as sets of colored pencils or markers for performing training exercises. To avoid communication barriers, it is necessary to provide all participants with business cards or learn their names.

The training programs combine motor exercises with theoretical and diagnostic material. For a novice trainer, it is especially important to correctly dose exercises that allow you to remove " muscle clamps". There should be as many of them as necessary in order to get involved in working on the content of the lesson. Otherwise, the lesson will turn into uncontrolled entertainment. All knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students during these lessons must be closely related to reality , that is, to be used and applied in specific life situations.

The training uses the most different methods: role play, dialogue, situation analysis, warm-up exercises, brainstorming etc.

The work of training participants can be individual, pair, group, based on the principle of a circle and an aquarium. After completing certain tasks, including tests, discussions are initiated. During the training process, the facilitator does not moralize or do own conclusions, they are pronounced by the participants in the process. During the training process, an atmosphere of creative and emotional uplift is important, for which purpose exercises are included in its programs, the results of which cause strong emotional experiences: surprise, insight.

The style of conducting training sessions depends on the maturity of the group and the dynamics of the group processes occurring in it. During the training, many non-standard situations arise that require the facilitator to creative approach, good knowledge techniques, large life experience and improvisation.

Training technology requires a specially equipped audience. If possible, it should be spacious, equipped with easily movable furniture, tables and chairs for performing written works and have free space to perform motor training exercises and games. The study room should be secluded and not resemble a subject room with appropriate paraphernalia.

This technology, saving everything inherent features Tutoring, at the same time, is the most traditional for school, and therefore can be mastered even by a teacher or school psychologists.

As can be seen from the description of the technology, its basis is empirical methods. One might say that a high school student would make choices through trial and error. But this is not entirely true. The tutor's task is to reduce the number of errors, and therefore possible trials, to a minimum.

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