Yu 9 ask a question make another offer. Ways to make a man propose


Buy a ring for an upcoming event. Its color and design should depend only on the preferences of your girl. If you are used to deciding everything together and have been purchasing gifts for each other together for a long time, ask directly about her wishes. If it should be a real surprise, you will have to rely only on your wits.

In this case, you should not start casual conversations about from time to time. Girls are extremely shrewd in such matters. Take a better look at those jewelry that she wears. To their shape, color and size. These can be modest and elegant products. Or, on the contrary, bright and massive. Does she prefer white gold or yellow gold? If a girl likes to wear silver, buy her a white gold piece. To find out the size of your chosen one’s ring, take one of them with you to the store.

Decide on the place where you will propose marriage. It can be either a home, a cozy restaurant, or a beautiful corner of nature. The main thing is that no one can interfere with you there.

When proposing, start by saying that you would like her to be your wife. Explain to her why you decided to get involved with her. later life. Of course, it’s good if it’s a declaration of love or words about how dear she is to you. And only then ask your chosen one if she agrees to this. You should not start a sentence with the phrase “Do you want to get married?”

If the girl said “yes” to your proposal, notify her parents. Better yet, ask her parents for their hand in marriage. For them it is also quite serious and significant moment in life.

When making a marriage proposal, focus primarily on your own intuition, and not on friends and acquaintances. After all, in matters of love, you know much better than others. Remember that the main thing in this matter is sincerity of feelings.


  • How to make an offer correctly
  • well-formed sentence

Serious relationship between a woman and a man often end in marriage, but desire alone is not enough for a girl to agree to get married - you need to propose to her competently and beautifully. Many men find it difficult and embarrassed when the time comes to ask girl relevant question, and naturally, they are interested in how to make an offer correctly and what mistakes should be avoided.


If your relationship has lasted long enough, the girl probably thinks about it from time to time. life together with you. Try to discuss the future with her family life– tell us how you imagine her and ask what the girl expects from her. Agree that you both want to live together.

Try to make the proposal itself memorable - ask for her hand when she is not expecting it, so that your proposal becomes a surprise for her. To make the proposal more romantic, you can give as a sign of the seriousness of your intentions by first finding out her jewelry preferences and finding out what size she wears.

If you have good relationship with the girl’s parents, ask them for her hand in marriage - like this traditional method engagement will be pleasant and girl, and her parents, who will undoubtedly respect you. In addition, you can get down on one knee, asking for the girl’s hand in marriage - this romantic gesture will be remembered by her for a long time.

Bring creativity and originality to your proposal. Besides, girl It will be nice if you base your desire on her - tell her what she means to you, and what it means to you to start a family, and why you would like to spend your whole life with her.

Every girl dreams of an unusual, bright, romantic confession and marriage proposal! About a moment that would make her so happy and be remembered for the rest of her life! But, for some reason, young people are reluctant to fantasize, preferring the traditional banal way of suggesting: “Let’s get married” or “Move in with me,” that the girl, instead of enjoying the happy moment, is upset about this situation for several more days. To make this moment unforgettable, you need to know exactly what women really want.

We offer you as many as 50 original ways to propose marriage to a girl and win her heart!

1. Do it the old fashioned way: get down on one knee with a rose in your mouth and a ring in your hand. The location here is no longer important: an expensive restaurant or a noisy intersection, the edge of a forest or the very center of a metropolis. The main thing is the unique romance of the gesture itself.

2. Arrange with the waiter to bring her favorite dessert with a ring inside. (Be careful that she doesn't swallow it).

3. Invite her to the theater and ask the administrator to allow you to go on stage and propose immediately after the performance.

4. Show up at her office in the middle of the day with a red rose, a bottle of champagne and a glass with a ring in it.

5. Write with chalk on the street under her windows: “(girl’s name)! Will you marry me?”

6. Call your local radio station and ask them to air your offer in live at a time when you know for sure that she/he will hear it. Dedicate a song to her, for example the romantic “I’m Flying Away with You” by Oxygenz

7. Gather all your friends and family together in some cafe, restaurant or home, and propose your hand and heart.

8. Gather your friends and family around her house and give them signs that say, “Will you marry me?” and stand in front of everyone on one knee, holding the ring in your hands.

9. Arrange with someone to bring her a telegram to work, where your romantic feelings will be described. A couple of minutes after the presentation (she still has to read all this), go in yourself and ask your question.

10. Create an Internet page on the Internet: everything about your life together. Photos, places that mean a lot to both of you. Send her an SMS with the address of your page and a few romantic phrases. Most importantly: don't forget to home page site write your cherished question.

11. Take a large box, put a smaller one in it, then an even smaller one, and put a ring in the last smallest box. It will be more interesting if each box is decorated as a gift (she will be interested in unwrapping them all). Or you can take a plastic box or something glass and fill it all with foam, and put a ring at the bottom. No one has ever given your girlfriend such a gift!

12. Find a large box and bring it to your loved one at work. Decorate it (the box, not the girl) beautifully and have someone tell your friend that a package has been brought for her. At this time, climb into the box yourself and when she opens the gift, she will see you there - the man of her dreams with a ring in his hand. Go for it!

13. Call her to nature (picnic) and there, “to the sounds of the nightingale,” tell her about your feelings.

14. Get up early, prepare her favorite breakfast, don't forget the rose and champagne. Wake up your beloved with a passionate kiss and ask your question.

15. Or get up a little earlier than your beloved, put a letter on your pillow with beautiful explanations in love and a ring, and retire to the shower. May your awakening be pleasant.

16. Scatter rose petals all over her bed and place the wrapped ring in the center, tell her that you bought her a gift to show how much you love her. When she opens it, tell her that you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

17. Prepare a romantic dinner and place napkins around with inscriptions, for example: the person sitting opposite wants to marry you. Or slide a napkin (use cloth, not paper!) through the ring, and when she unrolls the napkin to place it on her lap, she will find the ring.

18. Take her on a date to the place where you first met, and bring along a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses to celebrate your engagement (after you propose to her).

19. Bake a cake or order a cake from the store that says, “Will you marry me?

20. Buy your beloved a watch and write: “Let's get married”!

21. Pour her a glass of wine and put a ring on the bottom; when she finishes the drink, the ring will appear.

22. New Year's idea: Hang a ring on the tree and challenge it to find a new ornament.

23. If you are dining at a restaurant, ask the waiter/waitress to write, "Will you marry me?" chocolate cream on a saucer, around her dessert.

24. Prepare her a bath with fragrant candles, throw rose petals into it and after your beloved is comfortable in it, lower a rubber ducky with a ring into the water in front of her.

25. Serve her oysters in bed and place the ring in the shell.

26. Write your sentence on a piece of paper and place it in the bottle. When you're on the beach, pretend you fished it out of the sea. Let her open the bottle and read the message.

27. Write your proposal on glow-in-the-dark stars and tape them to the ceiling.

28. Explain your proposal in detail in the heat star labels in the dark on the ceiling. When she goes to bed, she will definitely see them.

29. Stick arrows in various places in her apartment and tell her that if she will pass all way to the end, he will see the surprise that you have prepared. The last arrow will point to you holding the ring.

30. Write your proposal in the cold on the windshield of her car.

31. Invite your girlfriend to go to football (hockey) - after all, your favorite team is playing! Ask the commentator to say your sentence.

32. Make an offer after returning from the store. Let the ring seem to accidentally get lost among the purchases. For example, if you know for sure that your loved one will not miss the chance to enjoy hot donuts, place the ring next to them, and at the same time prepare a touching speech.

33. Go to the beach and write in the sand in capital letters: “Will you marry me?”

34. Invite her to take a boat ride and ask your question.

35. Take her up in a hot air balloon, take her with a bottle of champagne and propose and propose romantically.

36. Invite her to a concert of her favorite band and ask one of the participants to propose on your behalf, in such a situation everyone will make concessions to you.

37. Go treasure hunting. Make a small chest, put the ring in it and lock it with a key, and hide the key. Place your clues about the location of the key everywhere (you can at work, at home, throughout the city - use your imagination!). When she finds the key, she can unlock the chest and find the wedding ring.

38. Write a sentence in verse and recite it under her window.

39. Organize a birthday party, invite friends and family and propose.

40. Give her a thick album with dates, full of photographs, memorabilia and various comments. The last date should be the date of the day on which you present your gift, and opposite it in beautiful letters let the question be brought out.

41. Invite your beloved to take a break from the hustle and bustle by going to Venice, Prague, Paris for the weekend to breathe in the romance of these cities and make the most unforgettable declaration of love.

42. A rainy day is not the time to be sad at home, especially for two loving friend friend to people. Pull on your colorful rubber boots and waterproof jackets and go ahead and conquer the wet sidewalks. Carefully drop something into the puddle and let it pick up the ring itself.

43. On such a day you can afford a luxury car, expensive champagne and a sparkling ring. Give your loved one a real holiday, let her enjoy this time to the fullest. You will need a personal driver to take you to picturesque place, will leave for a while and then rush off to celebrate such a significant event.

44. Are you waiting for your loved one to come home from work? Prepare her a hot bath with plenty of foam, light an aroma lamp that emits the scent of lemon, and decorate everything with rose petals. Let your loved one relax, and then kiss and put a ring on her finger. Nice offer in a pleasant environment.

45. Pamper her by waking her up after a sound sleep with a cup of aromatic coffee and a light breakfast served in bed. Place the rose and the ring box on the tray. With sleepy eyes, she may not immediately notice it, but how much joy there will be when she discovers a pleasant surprise. A good start to the day, a prosperous start to a new life together.

1. Create a website that would tell everything about your shared present. Place photos there, your favorite music and movies, and a map with your favorite places of recreation and entertainment marked on it. The last section should be called "Marry me?" Send her the address at email and wait for a response.

2. Call your local radio station and ask them to broadcast your proposal live at a time when you know she/he will hear it. Dedicate a song to her.

3. Bake homemade good luck cookies and stuff them with a piece of paper that says, “Will you marry me?” Then invite her to your favorite Chinese restaurant and ask the waiter to bring her your good luck cookies after dinner.

4. Cut off the bottom of a very large box, seal the top, go to her work and ask your colleagues to tell your beloved that there is a very large package for her. While she goes to get the package, hide in the box, and after she opens it, jump out with the ring in your hand and ask her to make up the happiness of your whole life. (You should first make sure that the bride does not suffer from thin mental organization and lack of a sense of humor!).

5. Arrange with someone to bring her a telegram to work, where your romantic feelings will be described. A couple of minutes after the presentation (she still has to read all this), go in yourself and ask your question.

6. Have breakfast in bed on Sunday morning. Make your sweetheart a beautiful breakfast with scrambled eggs, fruit and mimosas. After you've had breakfast, tell her there's something you'd like to tell her and give her a ring with the words of your marriage proposal.

7. With sticky notes Post-it, write your beloved a lot of notes with instructions and stick them around the house. The last note should lead her to the bedroom, where you will stand with a huge “Marry me!” poster.

8. Using Post-it notes, write a bunch of instructions to your loved one and post them around the house. The last note should lead her to the bedroom, where you will stand with a huge “Marry me!” poster.

9. Send her one rose every day for 11 days. On the 12th day, she will expect the last rose to complete the dozen. Instead, show up with an armful of roses, an engagement ring, and ask her to marry you.

10. Invite your beloved to take a break from the hustle and bustle by going to Venice, Prague, Paris or St. Petersburg for the weekend to breathe in the romance of these cities and make the most unforgettable declaration of love.

11. A picturesque room for the two of you in a fantastic hotel. Decorate it with rose petals and scented candles. Scatter the petals throughout the room to form a path leading to the bathroom. Give her a robe and ask her to look in its pocket. After she finds the ring, propose. Then give her a relaxing massage in the bathroom.

12. Pretend you dropped your napkin at her feet in a restaurant. Ask her to pick up the napkin and while she's not looking, dip the ring into her glass of wine. When she sees the ring, propose to her.

13. Take her on a date to the place where you first met, and bring along a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses to celebrate your engagement (after you propose to her).

14. Propose on New Year's Eve: Hang the ring box on the tree as if it were a Christmas tree ornament. Tell your chosen one that there is a new Christmas tree decoration hanging on the tree, bought especially for her, and ask her to find it.

15. From airy ideas. Rent balloon to watch the sunset there. The moment you admire beautiful sky, tell your significant other how much you love her and ask her to marry you.

16. If you live separately, quietly sneak into her apartment, fill the room with flowers and balloons, in the middle of all this, plant a huge teddy bear, in whose paws you put a ring and a note asking him to marry you.

17. Draw up a promotional slide with a marriage proposal and ask the cinema to show it in a promotional screening before the start of the film. Get to the cinema early to catch commercials. When it's your turn to slide, get down on one knee and ask for her hand.

18. Write the words of your marriage proposal for her in the sand while you are at the beach. Then call her and show her what you wrote.

19. Go jumping jacks. When your significant other is standing at the top from where you jumped, you, already at the bottom, will pull out a sign asking: “Will you marry me?”

20. You can surprise her by sending a bouquet of flowers to her office or home. Tie a ring to the tip of one of the stems. After the flowers are delivered, go to her office and propose.

21. Invite your loved one to one of her favorite restaurants. Print a menu with a marriage proposal on the inside of it. Then ask the waiter to bring this menu to your partner. When she opens it, she will see your offer.

22. Go to your local bakery. Order a cake from them with the words of a marriage proposal on it and display it in the bakery display. Invite your sweetheart on a romantic night out, and when passing by the bakery, show off your cake in the window. Get down on one knee, pull out the ring and ask her to marry you. So you can have your cake and eat it too, literally.

23. Prepare a romantic dinner and place napkins around with inscriptions, for example: the person sitting opposite wants to marry you. Or slide a napkin (use cloth, not paper!) through the ring, and when she unrolls the napkin to place it on her lap, she will find the ring.

24. Describe the history of your relationship in the form of a diary with dates, and give it to your beloved. Under the date that coincides with the day you give her the “diary”, it should be written: “Today I proposed to her.” Explain to her that the diary, like the story of your relationship, cannot be continued unless she gives you an answer.

25. Offer to massage her feet while you put the ring on her toe.

26. Invite her to the theater and ask the administrator to allow you to go on stage and propose immediately after the performance.

27. Hire a plane to write your proposal in the sky. Ask her to look up and read what the plane says.

28. Go on a trip together unexpected trip. Blindfold her so she doesn't know where you're going. When you reach your destination, remove your loved one's bandage and ask for her hand in marriage.

29. In the morning, before she wakes up, leave a ring with a note on her pillow and go to the shower to wait for an answer.

30. If she's a thrill seeker, go skydiving with her. After you land, tell her that if you got through this, you can get through anything else. Take the ring out of your pocket and propose.

31. Gather your friends and family around her house and give them signs that say, “Will you marry me?” and stand in front of everyone on one knee, holding the ring in your hands.

32. Place your proposal on one of the pages of a newspaper or magazine that your loved one reads regularly. And be there when she reads it.

33. Go treasure hunting. Make a small chest, put the ring in it and lock it with a key, and hide the key. Place your clues about the location of the key everywhere (you can at work, at home, throughout the city - use your imagination!). When she finds the key, she can unlock the chest and find the wedding ring.

34. Write your proposal on glow-in-the-dark stars and tape them to the ceiling. Explain your proposal in detail in the heat star labels in the dark on the ceiling. When she goes to bed, she will definitely see them.

35. Stick arrows in various places in her apartment and tell her that if she goes all the way to the end, she will see the surprise you have prepared. The last arrow will point to you holding the ring.

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If you opened this article, then most likely you are tormented by one question: “How to propose to a girl?” This is very important stage in the life of every man, as it is the first step towards creating his own family. Therefore, you simply must make sure that your proposal is remembered by your soul mate for life (in in a good way this word, of course :)).

A lot of girls dream about beautiful confession in love and about an unforgettable marriage proposal from his young man. They dream and dream... and in the end they receive an offer: “Let’s live together,” “Move in with me,” “Let’s sign,” “Well, since you’re pregnant, then we’ll get married,” “Let’s get married.” There is absolutely no romance! It’s a pity, because this moment should be one of the most unforgettable in life.

What not to do when you propose marriage to your girlfriend:

  • you cannot make an offer “as if by the way,” on the go;
  • you cannot propose marriage when you are drunk - by doing this you show disrespect for your girlfriend;
  • You cannot chew, listen to music or otherwise be distracted by extraneous matters during a proposal;
  • Never propose to your girlfriend over the phone;
  • do not even think about proposing to your chosen one after having sex in bed;
  • it is advisable not to make a show out of the proposal - many girls do not like unnecessary attention to yourself at such moments. So, if you decide to do something enchanting, for example, propose live on some television show, think about it 100 times;
  • hiding a ring in food is already hackneyed idea. Yes, and a girl can end up in the dentist’s chair after such an evening;
  • if your girlfriend is not a fan of any sports game, don’t even think about proposing at the stadium;
  • Don't propose marriage in front of her entire family. For your significant other, this will only result in unnecessary stress;
  • if your girlfriend didn’t immediately answer “Yes”, but said “I’ll think about it,” don’t make a tragedy out of it and don’t express your complaints to her. For her this is very important decision in life and she is not obliged to immediately answer you with her consent;
  • Don't propose if you are not 120% confident in your girlfriend!

Before you propose to your girlfriend, you should:

  • Talk to your lover about a possible life together.
  • You must be sure that you both want this, and that you do not have any disagreements about your future (living with your parents or separately, having children immediately or in a couple of years, etc.).
  • Inform the girl's parents.

Note that you must inform, not ask, their permission. After all, you are the one living with the girl, not her parents, so even if they don't particularly approve of your marriage, you don't have to listen to their opinion. By talking with your parents, you will not only show your good upbringing, but also express your respect for them.

  • Choose the ring yourself.
  • Make a plan. If you can’t come up with anything original, we advise you to contact special agencies for organizing marriage proposals. .

You should select a ring without the participation of a potential bride. It is very important not to make a mistake with the size and appearance rings. We will definitely tell you how to determine the ring size for your finger in the next article. But in order to choose a ring that would suit the taste of your chosen one, you will have to sweat a little.

To do this, ask which rings your girlfriend likes best; to do this, you can “accidentally” walk past the window of a jewelry store and ask her about it. You can also involve the girl’s mother, sister or best friend in choosing the ring.

Be sure to think through all the little things: in what place will you propose marriage, on what day (no need to propose on those days when your beloved is loaded with other problems), what will you say to your beloved, how will you hide the ring, etc.

21 original ways to propose beautifully

1. Choose a beautiful restaurant and agree in advance with its administrator about the upcoming event. Plan everything with him down to the smallest detail: when you will enter the restaurant with your significant other, what food will be served, how many candles there will be and where they will be, when the right music will play, when the lights need to be turned off. Well, then, in such a romantic atmosphere, you can get down on one knee, take out the ring and propose marriage.

2. The option with dolphins will be very original (if, of course, there is a dolphinarium in your city :)). Swim with your girlfriend with dolphins, and then, when she gets out of the water, distract her for a minute, while a dolphin with a box on her nose swims up behind her. When the girl sees this miracle, propose to her.

3. There is another option, but it is a little dangerous. You need to fly to your beloved... by helicopter, propose, and take her to some beautiful place, where you can relax for a few days.

4. It is also possible school version" At night you write the phrase “Marry me” on the asphalt outside her window, and in the morning, when the girl wakes up, come to her with a huge bouquet of flowers and shout to the whole yard about your feelings for her.

5. You can give an intriguing birthday gift. To do this, you must hide the box with the ring in several boxes nested inside each other. Imagine how eagerly your girlfriend will open this nesting doll box until she gets to the most important gift!

6. You can propose to your girlfriend on New Year or on Valentine's Day. On days like these, all dreams should come true. It will be absolutely gorgeous if you do it high in the mountains, breathing in the fresh fragrant air. Such an offer will certainly be remembered much more than an offer in the same restaurant.

7. All girls dream of a prince on a white horse. Well, make your beloved's dream come true: you are a prince, all that remains is to find white horse. Imagine how surprised your girlfriend will be when she sees such a rider! Well, if you can find a knight’s costume, then success is 100% guaranteed.

8. If you love skating, take your girlfriend to the skating rink, go away for a minute and talk about your feelings for her over the speakerphone to the entire arena!

9. A marriage proposal on the roof of a 9-story building will be unforgettable (if it is possible to find a higher building, it will be even better :)). Bring a table, champagne, sweets, and don’t forget the flowers and ring. A very real and original proposal.

10. Agree with your work (or college) partners to bring a letter to your girlfriend in which you would write to her about your feelings. When she finishes reading it, you come in yourself and ask her a question.

11. Invite your significant other to go on vacation to another country for a week. There, in a romantic atmosphere, it won’t be difficult to propose :).

12. Invite her to the place where you first met. Bring some sweets and champagne and propose to her.

13. On New Year's Day, hang a box with a ring on the tree and tell your future wife that you have prepared a small gift for her that she will find on the tree.

14. Rent a hot air balloon. In the evening, at sunset, high in the sky, tell your girlfriend that you love her very much and cannot imagine your life without her, and ask her to marry you.

15. You might consider putting your photo on T-shirts. You can find out about printing on T-shirts on the Texprint website.

16. Make a video in which you tell the girl how you feel. Agree with the cinema administration to show this video before the start of the film. Don't forget to come to the movie a little earlier with your girlfriend so as not to miss your video :).

17. In the evening, on the seashore, write a marriage proposal in the sand. Spread a blanket on the sand, serve a romantic dinner and invite your girlfriend to see this beauty. The best time to propose is during sunset.

18. Offer to give her a foot massage and discreetly place her toe on the ring.

19. If you are in the village, you can leave a note to your beloved, which will indicate the place of your meeting (preferably, this place should be a gazebo on the shore of a lake or river).

20. If you live together, write a marriage proposal on your stomach, putting a box with a ring on top and a note “Sunny, if you agree, wake me up :)”

21. If your significant other loves adventures, you can do the following. You send your beloved a message in which you say that you are waiting for her near the entrance in 5 minutes. She comes out, but instead of you she sees your friend with a bouquet of flowers and a note that says: “Get on such and such a bus and go there.”

She arrives there and sees another friend of yours with a clue. And so on. It turns out to be a kind of quest, in the end of which she will meet you with an offer to marry you.

In conclusion, I would like to say: it is not so important how to propose to a girl, what is more important is what feelings you have for each other! With a loved one, as they say, it’s heaven in the hut!

Legend has it that one girl was so desperate for her boyfriend to do offer who carried paper images of diamond rings with her until he took the hint and gave her a real one wedding ring.
This doesn't mean that women have an innate, desperate need to walk down the aisle. But at a certain point - one, two, ten years after the start of the relationship - one of the two must propose (and preferably it should be Him).

Bring to mind

If you really see your boyfriend as a future husband, and he still hasn’t taken any steps, then you need to let him know that it’s time to put the issue squarely. There are quite a lot of ways to act. You can like Charlotte in Sex in big city» demand to set a wedding date, or you can do this in a more veiled manner, declaring your love and desire to spend the rest of your life together, while clarifying whether these dreams coincide with the intentions of your lover. Be that as it may, no which tips on how a woman can “force” man accidentally make an offer.

Act directly

Researchers surveyed 2,500 couples about marriage proposals. Many young people stated that they date girls from three to five years old, and still do not offer, because girls themselves never raise this issue, or they raise it when it’s too late. Women make hints, men do not understand them. Thus, psychologists recommend going ahead. You can mention that you like chocolate wedding cake, or that you are not crazy about diamonds irregular shape or that October - best month for weddings, etc.

Give an ultimatum

There was such a case: a 29-year-old girl, after four years of marriage with a young man, reached her breaking point. Then she demanded that her boyfriend propose to her before his friend got married, or threatened to leave him. The man proposed marriage to his girlfriend exactly six months later. However, you should remember: having given such an ultimatum, you must go to the end. If up to a certain point you haven’t managed to achieve what you wanted, then you need to break up. You won't scare anyone with an empty threat.

I always agree

If you really want to get the coveted engagement ring on your finger, then you need to let the guy know that his proposal will definitely receive a positive response. One girl gave her lover such an extremely transparent hint of her readiness to get married: “I want to marry you, and most likely you want to marry me, so let’s bring this date closer. I can no longer live in the unknown." Of course, this conversation did not end with an immediate offer to take a walk to the registry office, but a year later the guy still did offer.

The right attitude

If you want to see this person as your husband, you need to lead him towards this goal from the very beginning. One girl dated a young man for a year and was sure that their relationship was already close to marriage. However, they broke up. The girl then decided that next time she would take a more direct approach. When communicating with her new partner, she immediately brought clarity, explaining that in her previous relationship she was too timid to stutter about the future. The girl was sure that she and her boyfriend were on the same wavelength. When it turned out that this was not the case, she felt as if she was stuck in the middle of a journey: neither there nor back. Now she would not want to repeat her mistake. After listening to her, the young man proposed to the girl.

Probe the soil

This advice may not lead the couple to the altar right away, but, ultimately, it will help them become a little closer to their cherished goal and change their status over time. Specialists involved male psychology wondering why women always ask vague questions like, “What do you think about our relationship and future?” Whereas words should be more oriented concrete actions: “What would you like to do to move our relationship forward?” In the end, if the partner is not yet ripe for marriage, you can lay out evidence: married men healthier, their income increases significantly after marriage. And, of course, he will have more sex than a bachelor. Who can argue with that?

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