Living on high floors is healthier. Which floor is harmful to live on?

Scientists from the USA have determined the “ideal” floor of residence for human health. They argue that the height from the ground, where a person spends more time, significantly affects his well-being and can become an explanation for the malfunctions of the body that sometimes occur in people for no reason, MedikForum reports.

Experts believe that living in a house from the first to the third floor is most convenient from the point of view of psychological comfort. But there are a number of risks associated with living at such an altitude. These include, among other things, impaired air exchange, increased shade and humidity.

Scientists from the USA studied the question: at what height from the ground can you live without risk to health? They came to the conclusion that there is no “ideal floor”: all floors have their pros and cons, and the effect of height on human health is always individual. However, there is a connection between floor of residence and well-being. Health info reported this. At the same time, some trends were identified in cases where scientists connected the floor of residence and people's well-being.

Thus, experts came to the decision that life from the first to the third floor is most convenient from the point of view of psychological comfort. But living at such a height is associated with a number of risks, such as impaired air exchange, increased shading and humidity, creating optimal climate for the proliferation of pathogenic fungi, mold and bacteria. “Fungal spores that settle in concrete floors, in furniture and in the lungs can provoke bronchitis, pneumonia and trigger allergic reactions,” said the study authors.

In addition, experts note, residents of the first floors suffer more from different sources pollution on the ground - car exhaust, fumes from asphalt and other surfaces. Experts believe that living on the lower floors is safe for health, provided that the house is at least 200 meters away from the highway and is located deep in the yard, surrounded by neighboring buildings and trees that act as a protective barrier.

As for high floors, at this level it is always stronger electromagnetic radiation and vibrations that affect the human brain, blood vessels and nervous system. Life on the upper floors is often associated with headaches, insomnia, heart and blood pressure problems and various psycho-emotional disorders, doctors warned.

Families with children should not climb higher than the fifth floor, the scientists concluded.

Previously, Canadian researchers found that people living at altitude are more likely to die from cardiac arrest, which is usually caused by a heart attack, than those who live much lower. The reason for this is the time it takes for ambulance workers to get up to the greater height. When a person goes into cardiac arrest, they need a defibrillator, and every second is precious.

By the way, in Europe living above the 6th floor is considered unprestigious and harmful to health. In Russia, the lower floors, especially the first, are in disgrace.

The number of floors of a house affects our lives

"The place where we live in at the moment time, determines the bioenergy that surrounds us, replenishing our expenses, as well as those invisible forces that will help,” say Natalya and Alexander Beregini in their book “Energy of Your Home.” As long as a person lives in a 2-3-story house and it completely belongs to him, everything is fine. In the morning, he goes down to the first floor, where he has breakfast, and the necessary energetic connection is restored by itself. But when he almost constantly spends time high above its surface (for most modern enterprises are also located high above the ground), such a connection does not have time to be fully restored.

Perhaps one of the most characteristic features of our century, capturing his face in pictures and photographs, there will be towers of houses soaring into the sky. Never before our time has humanity attempted to rise to the Lord in such a primitive way. Perhaps the only known similar case- This is the Tower of Babel. We don’t know what size it was, but the 100-story buildings of the 20th century are impressive in their own way and in their own way are a typical creation of our civilization - giving good with one hand and destroying with the other.

Tower of Babel

The fact is that man is energetically created to be a conductor of high forces on Earth. For our health, the optimal energy flow of our body should not be disturbed, in which two streams of energy: one rising from the Earth to the Sky, the second falling from Space to the Earth and washing out the negative evil energy of the surrounding space from us into the underground layers, should exist approximately equally. But how can they flow calmly in our body if our natural connection with the Earth is disrupted? We don't walk on the ground that often, and even less often without shoes. The soles of our boots are made of electrically insulating materials that prevent the free flow of bioenergy.

At the beginning of multi-story construction - this term then had a slightly different meaning than now (by “multi-story” were meant houses with 2-3 floors) - it was noticed that people get better sleep and rest faster on the upper floors: the second or third. This is true. By “taking off” from the ground during sleep, we better restore our strength, since our astral body(and our psyche), which is awake, requires higher and purer energies to exist than our physical body. And, rising above the ground, we receive them in greater quantities and quickly restore the mental strength lost during the day. But then we wake up and (for our health) we need to restore two-way communication with Space and Earth. As long as a person lives in a 2-3-story house and it completely belongs to him, everything is fine. In the morning, he goes down to the first floor, where he has breakfast, and the necessary energetic connection is restored by itself. But when he almost constantly spends time high above its surface (for most modern enterprises are also located high above the ground), such a connection does not have time to be fully restored. In our body it begins to accumulate in large quantities negative energy of the surrounding space, provoking all our illnesses and (when it gets into our head) our very strange behavior, destroying our own happiness and luck.


This is a feature of living in a multi-storey building, which requires modern man some daily efforts to free yourself from this negative energy and restoration of the body's energy balance. Very good and easy to achieve what you need energy state through daily 10-minute meditations or special energy exercises, including dousing. Recovery methods natural forces Our body has many, and they are easily accessible to everyone. You just need to put aside your laziness and take care of yourself constantly so that your body and your mind become inaccessible to attacks by the evil energy entities of our world.

Now let's talk about what good and unusual things these creatures of civilization bring to our lives. high tower lifts us into the heights of the near-Earth airspace, where slightly different laws reign than above the surface of the Earth itself. About the first positive impact we have already mentioned - thanks to the dominance of higher rarefied energies here, we quickly restore our mental and astral forces above, that is, the nervous energy spent during the day. Living in a high-rise building also enhances the work of our thoughts and its power, although for people who do not know how to control themselves, this favorable feature is more likely to bring misfortune than good luck. Simply put, by living in a high-rise building, we have greater ability to control our thoughts and the events of our lives. But an unrestrained and evil person, with the help of this natural gift, begins to cast the evil eye on himself and those around him to a greater extent. Since thoughts about possible troubles and misfortunes are constantly spinning in his head, in people he first of all sees only negative aspects their natures and strengthens them with his thoughts. A good person directs these same forces to achieve his luck and happiness, programming favorable situations. Living on high floors is especially easy to change the lives of people who have the ability to work with their dreams. If even in the worst dream you find the opportunity to emerge victorious from the situation of the dream world, so that it ends well, your body will be full in the morning new strength and thus, on a subconscious level, you will plan for yourself the success of the new day. Many diseases are treated during sleep. It is not for nothing that when we are sick, we are so drawn to sleep, but we nevertheless forget ourselves in a heavy, restless sleep, during which we are often tormented by nightmares. The fact is that any of our illnesses (as we have already written) are provoked by negative energy accumulated inside our body. After all, if your body is pure internally, no disease, even during a general epidemic, will be able to bring you down. During sleep, our mind allows us to see the “shape” of the negative energy we have accumulated and its causes.

For example, if a person in his nightmares is constantly driving somewhere or is late, this serves as a signal that most of he receives negative energy on the road because he cannot properly gather his strength. If during a nightmare someone or something attacks you, this serves as a signal that you are attracting negative energy to yourself with your own rage. The constant loss of things is a symbol of wasted energy and strength, etc. In any case, so that you don’t have unpleasant dreams, you can always play out your dream internally so that it ends happily. For example, if you received something earlier in a dream, heal your wound with an effort of will; lost item find, etc. By removing at the level of images the causes of the accumulation of negative forces that destroy it in your body, you subconsciously cleanse your energy body and contribute to the speedy recovery of your body. If you are unable to work with your dreams consciously, then you can partially remove the consequences of these nightmares, saying in the morning as soon as you wake up three times the old Russian conspiracy: “ Good sleep- bring it to life, bad dream- split in half!” By doing this, you will at least destroy the messages embedded in the subconscious during sleep. negative programs, which can bring you troubles and illnesses in real life.

Second interesting feature multi-story building is that it completely imperceptibly introduces us to the world of magic, where everything is interconnected and determined in advance, where with the help of a small symbol we can evoke enormous forces that shift our lives in one direction or another. The whole world is laughing at the British who “cancelled” the 13th floor and the 13th apartment. And by the way, it’s completely in vain. England is one of the lucky countries in our world, in which magical knowledge, coming from ancient times, was not completely destroyed so that only scattered fragments remained (as, for example, in our country). Therefore, she remembers a lot and knows what, due to our innate magical abilities, we could do much easier and faster, but we cannot, because we do not know how. But England does not consider it necessary to explain and broadcast its knowledge to the world, and in this it is right, since “any achievement of mankind can be turned to its detriment if it is divorced from the laws of the Universe.”

Prague Castle

Living in a multi-storey building, we, unwittingly, change our destiny and our health in a certain way, with the help of a magic code... of our floor and our apartment. For both serve as a signal for the creatures of the subtle world around us to interact with us in a certain way. Numbers, as well as letters and other symbols, are encoded information of space that carries a certain change in energies around the one it affects. The thirteenth number is by no means a superstition. It can greatly ruin the life of an ordinary person, as it introduces his fate and life events into a state of constant change. “Thirteen” is the cosmic code for reaching a new level. When we have worked out previous mistakes and gained new experience, such a transition is perceived as a blessing, as a way out of the boring monotony. But when your life begins to constantly change so that you do not have time to really understand anything and, most importantly, cannot create a calm, balanced existence for yourself, such a rhythm turns your life into an arena of constant battle, and a blind battle. Some problems are constantly falling on you, and you have to react without really understanding where and why it fell on your head. Without having time to fully deal with one problem, we immediately have to solve the next one, and so on endlessly. And by removing the thirteenth number, we can also remove the energies it evokes.

After these long discussions, let's return to floors and apartments and plunge into the world of everyday numerology. The number of floors of the house in which we live shows how cosmic energies the lives of the people living in it are subordinated.

Single storey The house receives exclusively solar energy. It gives cheerfulness, strength, fuels our ambition and closes the contour of our aura to itself (that is, it cuts off any extraneous influence from our biofield). This situation somewhat reduces sensitivity to the state of other people, prevents mental contact and communication, reduces the influence of intuition on our lives, but it gives the body great strength and integrity, enhances the magnetism and charm of those living on the ground floor.

House in the Moscow region

Two-story the house, most often found in the form of a summer house, receives solar energy reflected through the surface of the Moon. If a one-story house intensively absorbs solar energy during the day, the two-story building is open to energy flows at night. This allows our biofield to quickly restore its normal strength during sleep (especially if the bedroom is located on the second floor). Such a house greatly enhances our intuition, openness to people and Nature, but also makes us emotionally sensitive and vulnerable.

Three-story the house is one of the most favorable designs to date. It gives our body enough energy to harmonious development the physical body, the astral body (or the subtle body that stores our emotions) and the mental body (the body that gives the power of our thoughts). Being in such a house, a person harmoniously develops his body, soul, and mind. As a result, there is no irreparable distortion in either direction and the personality is formed physically strong (able to withstand all the physical stress of our life), sensitive (able to predict possible events and feel the states of other people) and spiritual (having a strong and practical mind). The harmony of these bodies determines earthly happiness, which includes as necessary components health, the ability to understand others and independently plan one’s life. Spirit, soul and body, harmoniously fused together, make it possible to easily achieve your goal.

But all these houses are too small for the city. Our city ​​life starts with a four-story building.

Four-story the house was not widely used anywhere. And in general, quite understandably energy reasons. This house receives only the energies of the earth’s expanses, which, alas, are very imperfect. This structure is practically closed to heavenly streams, and therefore does not contribute spiritual development personality and human capabilities.

Five-story the house is one of the most attractive town houses. Unlike many modern urban buildings, it does not give the impression of a human anthill. Of course, the layout of the apartments in this house could be more convenient, but this is not the fault of the house itself, but of those who designed it. It brings out energy solar system through the planet that unites them into a single whole - through Jupiter. He has the ability to unite people among themselves, to unite them into single teams. Once upon a time this powerful force allowed our country to develop. This is an absolute plus for the state. The impact of the “five-story building” on everyone specific person very ambiguous. One thing is certain - no one is lonely in such a house. In order to be happy, it is very important to live “like everyone else” in a five-story building. Excessive independence and individuality are not welcomed, but cause energy attacks from neighbors.

Seven-story The house is one of the most substantial houses in our city. His appearance immediately speaks of respectability and respect for the inner dignity of everyone living in it. He takes us from an earthly state to a heavenly state, because to those five senses that we are accustomed to focus on in everyday life: smell, touch, vision, hearing and taste - he also connects intuition and time. This house is unique in its energy, and it is a pity that our urban construction did not stop there, but continued to rise. The principle of the number of storeys in this house gives each of us the opportunity to go through life in our own way. in my own way. The only drawback of his aura is its excessive stability. This house collects and stores inside all the energies entering it and is very reluctant to part with the memory of the past, including the bad.

Eight-story house. Because of this pronounced stability Almost simultaneously with the seven-story house, eight-story houses appeared, which have colossal mobility of the biofield. There is practically no stable aura in this house - it constantly changes depending on our internal state. Living in such a house is very difficult for an ordinary person, and achieving stability in existence is almost impossible. Therefore, eight-story buildings, like four-story ones, never had much popularity; they were very quickly replaced by nine-story buildings.

Nine-story home opens up the path for everyone to find true harmony. For the energy that is predominantly absorbed inside such a house is the energy of Neptune, distant and strong planet The solar system, whose rays on the way to Earth capture part of the energy of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, which together allow you and me to achieve the fulfillment of our true inner desires. The aura of this house is strong and quite bright, although very complex. It gives luck only to those who know well what they want in life and do not have any illusions about themselves, about other people, or about our earthly existence itself. A person who is not ready to take responsibility for his own actions and build his own own life, usually feels uncomfortable in such a house. To raise their own power to the light energy of the house, such people very often drink alcohol.

Twelve-story a house is like our Sky, receiving and transmitting to everyone living in it the energy and power of the 12 zodiac constellations, which makes it easier to change your life. It also has a beneficial effect on our well-being, allowing us to receive all the basic (necessary for life) cosmic energies.

Sixteen-story the house opens the era of building houses that can be considered energy incidents, since they are all focused on energies that our body is not able to fully assimilate and control. Their level is too high to solve the problems of everyday life, and therefore those living in such houses do not receive any additional power for our everyday life.
A sixteen-story building has taken root in our country only because it is related to its own strength. Our country is under the influence of the zodiac sign of Aquarius, and the 16-story building takes on the power of this particular constellation. This power greatly enhances our thoughts, allowing clearly defined images to be realized in practice.

The floor is the main direction of our life, like the goal towards which it flows. Apartment number - the events by which we will reach this goal. Energy is generally easily comparable to water flow. If he is our energy, then the number of the floor where we live is the final destination to which we will sail along this road. The apartment number is the channel along which we will flow. It can be straight, sandy - and the flow along it will be very comfortable, it can be so winding that at any turn you will skid, and the energy will splash out fruitlessly, like splashes of water; There may be scary boulders and dead ends on the way. A person changes apartments when his path in this direction has been completely completed and he has studied everything that was laid out for him by fate in this direction. The floor and apartment number also influence our well-being and health in the same way. It would be more accurate to say that changes in our health are determined by the floor, and our well-being is determined by the apartment.

Whether we like it or not, we all obey this rule. We involuntarily find our destiny for a certain period of time, choosing our place of residence, floor and apartment. For the place where we live is the energy that at this time will support us on its own. And the floor and the apartment are the changes that we want and which we will get as a result.

1st floor- one of our least favorites. It allows a person to completely control his destiny. But not everyone can bear this heavy burden. “Wish and you will receive!” - this is his motto, to which there is a small but harmful postscript: “But you will do everything yourself! Nobody will help you solve your problems. Nobody!"
Whether your well-being will worsen or improve during your stay on the first floor is largely determined by your spiritual development: evolution or degradation. The fact is that the energy of this place very quickly brings internal complexes out, signaling unsolved psychological problems with illnesses.
So, for example, problems in communicating with other people will manifest themselves as diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Own rancor - gastritis or stomach ulcer. A strong unrealized desire to possess something - hemorrhoids. Inability to understand the problem - intestinal diseases. Disbelief - in poor condition blood vessels, etc. Any internal problem that cannot be solved will manifest itself as a disease after a year of living on the first floor.
If a person actively gets rid of internal complexes, then his health on the first floor will improve as if by magic.
I will never forget our almost five-hour conversation with a man who suffered from asthma. It took a lot of effort and energy to explain to a person that his illness was caused by himself and no one but himself could cure him. After all, any doctor or medicine is just an assistant, with whose hands the Universe makes adjustments to our lives, but we build it ourselves. It took only half an hour of this long conversation to give this man techniques and clear his energy channels. And what was our joy when this man called three days later and reported that his illness had disappeared without a trace by itself. The first floor on which he lived and which he considered one of the causes of the disease not only did not interfere, but in this case accelerated recovery.

2nd floor. He guides us to understand our desires - what we really want and what we are just talking about. Your fate will be tortuous and incomprehensible to your mind, but understandable to your conscience and your soul. If you want to live happily on this floor, don't lie to yourself or others! Then you will quickly work off his karma and find those with whom you will enjoy living together. This floor guides you to find those people whose souls are similar to yours. The world will always offer you meetings (and many meetings) with those who are your inner mirror image, as if showing you what you are like. Drunkards like to live on this floor - the type of people who do not understand themselves, but run away from themselves. They are not in danger of moving from the second floor!
This floor gives a certain tendency to be overweight to everyone living here. All diseases here are caused only by the state of the psyche.

3rd floor. This is the way of struggle. It allows you to achieve great strength and learn to achieve everything in life with the help of your will and perseverance. Its mystery will end for you when you learn to completely control yourself. Allows you to achieve a lot in life, but always pushes you into extreme situations to develop strength of character in a person.
In exchange for more internal energy and strength it requires the same return of energy to the surrounding world. A person who periodically reserves his energy runs the risk of developing brain disorders and blood diseases.

4th floor. Your path is communication. Since your subconscious brought you here, it means that you are starved of information and you do not yet know how to communicate with people on equal terms. A little hint from this place: “Look for intellectual work - it will be easier for you to make your way in life! And learn to communicate with everyone - your luck will increase.” Do not divide people into “white and black”, we are all children of God, and you can get something useful from each person if you are able to notice this useful thing.
Frequent colds and, in general, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, to which others living in this place are more susceptible, are associated with a bias in communication with others. They are a consequence of either excessive communication for you or insufficient contact.

5th floor. Career. Five calls for social activities. It teaches the ability to rotate in life, change places and friends, while achieving a specific goal. Five is a number earthly man. And if you are not a vampire, you will be very lucky in life. Energy vampires Those brought here will face self-destruction and personality degradation.
This floor can cause illness of an entire organ system if a person leads an unsystematic lifestyle and does not want to achieve anything on his own.

6th floor. Material well-being is calling you. Use your charm, charm and a certain sexuality; be reasonable and prudent, never lose your head - and you will receive a lot from the “Golden Calf”, who looks at you with a favorable gaze.
The effect of this floor on us is very interesting. Once here, a person over time either becomes prettier in appearance (and becomes internally calmer and more peaceful), or, conversely, loses his former attractiveness (and usually becomes irritable). To live and get better, you need to be able to achieve for yourself material goods without envying someone else's happiness.

7th floor. Your ancestral karma brought you here. Until it spills out and you figure out what in your character is your own, inherent from birth and will bring you luck, and what is superficial, formed by your upbringing and often distorts your soul, you will not be happy! The sins of your family brought you to this floor, for which you are paying, but in order to pay faster, you need to understand who you really are, why you were born into the world, and get rid of many unnecessary and tormenting internal complexes, developing rigidity and strength in your character will and gaining self-confidence, which will then lead you to happiness. A little advice for the residents of this floor: “Don’t spread yourself thin! Look for the answer to the question of why something is tormenting you inside and not outside. Get rid of internal complexes, remake yourself - and you will be happy. The yoga of our life guides you. And yoga classes are often a good help for those whom life has brought here.”
Yoga (and primarily hatha yoga) is an excellent help for healing one’s own body for everyone who lives on the 7th floor.

8th floor. You have already worked out your karma. But you were created in such a way that you have certain magical abilities. Your own karma is not enough for you; now you are working off the karma of other people. Until you understand who really needs help in life and who doesn’t, luck will not come to you! You make your own enemies by meddling in someone else's business. Learn to manage your thoughts, and you will understand that you have the gift of changing your life in the direction that you need.

If the 7th floor teaches hatha yoga, then the 8th floor is the kingdom of raja yoga (yoga of thought). Here, illnesses are just a reflection of one’s own thoughts. They don't talk about complexes or psychological deficiencies, like diseases of the 1st floor. They are the living embodiment of our negative thoughts. Anyone living on the 8th floor has the ability to smooth themselves out, which is reflected in their well-being. Therefore, the first thing you have to learn here is to think only positively, removing all internal attitudes that begin with the prefix: “not...” Such internal attitudes as: “I don’t want to be...” or “I don’t need...”, “I have... it won’t work,” we must learn to replace it with positive ones like: “I want to be such and such,” “I need in life...”, “I can do...” In books that describe how we lay down negative karma for ourselves, the destructive effect of thoughts that begin with denial is repeatedly described. We only risk noting that for those living on the 8th floor, the task of getting rid of such self-evil eye is a priority for self-healing.

9th floor. The end point of earthly existence. You have approached the limit of Heaven and your path leads you to world harmony, which can enter your life if you allow it. You were brought here higher powers- maybe good, maybe evil. But the fact that they guide you through life is unambiguous. Your problem is simple for them and very complex for humans. You must understand the laws that govern our lives in order to stop making mistakes and easily predict the course of events and situations, using this knowledge to your advantage. “Learn to avoid troubles that you know about in time!” - life teaches you. “And don’t drink!” - otherwise your downward fall will begin - from the harmony of heaven to the “harmony” of hell, from the joy of life to the terrible face of death.

10th floor. You have the ability to manage other people. Using this quality of yours, you will achieve everything you want in life. Just don’t do harm to people, otherwise someday the grief generated by you will crush you!
The tenth floor charges us with a kind of condensed energy, which is very difficult to use immediately for everyday affairs. And storing it in reserve is simply dangerous, as it gives rise to tumor processes in the body. In order for your business to be successful, before you start doing anything, you need to internally gather your strength, directing it where you want. As soon as you are able to give your energy the necessary direction, your affairs will flow by themselves, as if it were not you doing them, but your body, without any effort on your own part.

11th floor. Talks about possible luck in scientific activity, about the need to take care of your own health and that you need to train your own mind, directing it for your own good.
Here, medicinal herbs have a very beneficial effect on our well-being. But in order to get rid of chronic diseases forever, you will have to think through a system of systematic cleansing of your body from waste and toxins.

12th floor. The forces of the solar system are revealed to you. Your life will not be calm, because it will constantly bring you surprises until you learn to manage yourself. You can't completely open up to people! Be honest with yourself and others, but no person expects you to tell them the complete truth about them. Respect yourself and others, and life will take you through adventures to success in business and love! By your own will you will direct yourself towards well-being.
Typically, the well-being of those living on the 12th floor depends greatly on the time of year. To ensure that your condition is always excellent, you should remember some features of the seasons of the year and internally adapt to their rhythm. Spring and autumn are the times when our body cleanses itself of accumulated toxins. It would be desirable to help him with this. At the same time, along with toxins, the body intensively removes minerals, which can actually be quite useful. Therefore, along with cleansing in spring and autumn, you need to nourish yourself with vitamins and especially minerals. Summer and winter store energy and substances in reserve. Summer fills our physical body strength, winter is our brain. Therefore, those who lead an active lifestyle in summer and force their mind to work in winter always draw additional strength from Nature.

13th floor. A floor of constant change. Actually, fate brought you here to change your life and destroy the evil and self-deception that you indulge in, burdening your karma. You have to completely discard what you lived before, because you have already grown out of the old swaddling clothes. You need a new social circle, new acquaintances, connections and things to do. Once you purchase this, you can leave here!
The same principles apply to health. Figure out which organ or group of organs is working worst for you, put them in order, and the rest of the ailments will go away by themselves!

14th floor. A lot of things and work await you. Life is rushing you, because the world needs you and you can, in exchange for your energy and your knowledge, acquire whatever you want. Just don't sit still! Look for a job you love to live prosperously. Try to accumulate money, since everything in your life will change more than once, ups will alternate with downs, leading to a takeoff again.
This place requires a certain pedantry in work. Taking a too superficial approach to life can affect your bowel function.

15th floor. You are on a direct path to material well-being. Happiness will come to you through your own or someone else's business success. You will either earn money yourself or help someone close to you earn money. Watch your appearance! You must look good and fashionable so that happiness does not turn away from you.
Usually, the health and well-being of those who live here directly depends on what they eat. The more rational and balanced the diet, the more beautiful the appearance and feeling better. A very good result here is achieved by switching to separate meals.

16th floor. You lack a partner both in business and in personal life. You came here to learn how to communicate with the people you need on equal terms, without infringing on your own or others’ interests. Your path is the path of happiness family life, and you can pass it! Whether you want it is up to you!
The health and strength of a person living here largely depends on how his kidneys work. And your first attention should be paid to their condition.

Living and working in skyscrapers is prestigious. They are considered a symbol of civilization, success, and new technologies. The penthouse epidemic in New York, Shanghai, Dubai is contagious. But how does this affect human health?

It is believed that a comfortable living height for people is the height of a tree, that is, 7–8 floors. Being higher, a person loses psychological connection with the earth, with its usual habitat. Constantly staying on top leads to physical and psychological negative consequences. For this reason, in Europe, residential buildings are built with no more than 7 floors.

Just the facts

Many doctors are of the opinion that thin air and abrupt change atmospheric pressure at high altitudes are not good for the heart and blood vessels. Most skyscrapers have high-speed elevators that accelerate up to 8 meters per second, which is comparable to the speed of the wind. When getting up, some people do not have time to adapt to the sudden change in pressure, their vision becomes dark, and ringing in the ears occurs. Such trips are especially harmful for pregnant women. People can spend up to 40 minutes a day waiting for elevators in anthill skyscrapers. Hence the nervousness and constant stress.

Strong gusts of wind are possible at the top, so windows should not be opened at the 20–25th floor level. As a result, there is an urgent need for artificial ventilation, which inevitably leads to dry air. Bacteria in filters that are not cleaned in time, annoying breakdowns of the air conditioner in the heat - all this causes a lot of concern. In addition, micro-vibrations may occur in high-rise buildings due to natural microseisms (constant natural vibrations of the Earth), work vehicles, for example, the metro, as well as due to the action of wind and the technical equipment of houses. These vibrations will not destroy the building, but they can create a feeling of discomfort in a person.

As a result, immunity decreases and a person gets sick more often. Efficiency decreases, the activity of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems is disrupted, and chronic diseases worsen.

The Invisible Threat

The statement that with each floor up the strength of the Earth’s geomagnetic field changes significantly, which significantly affects human health, is a myth. The field magnitude decreases by only 0.1% per 1 km. Scientists from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University believe that reinforced concrete walls and building ceilings slightly shield this field. Only inside iron elevators is it noticeably weaker (2–2.5 times). The danger lies elsewhere - in excessive exposure to electromagnetic radiation, which is absorbed by the tissues of living beings. In megacities, almost the entire space is permeated with electromagnetic waves, the flux density of which can be quite high.

The main invisible enemies for residents and workers of skyscrapers are radio and television repeaters and stations mobile communications, which are sources of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. In addition, power cables running along the walls of buildings, Wi-Fi, huge amount working office equipment, improperly organized workplace (for example, standing nearby radiotelephone and fax) can cause decreased performance and frequent headaches.

A person always reacts to an electromagnetic field. But the disease is possible only under certain conditions: high level fields, specific frequency range and duration of irradiation. Short-term (minutes) exposure electromagnetic field low intensity can have a noticeable effect only on hypersensitive people. For example, the work of English scientists in the early 1990s is well known, showing that a number of allergy sufferers, under the influence of power line fields, develop an epileptic-type reaction.

The high-frequency electromagnetic field of radio and high-intensity microwave ranges is especially dangerous for humans. In recent years, among long-term consequences often called cancer. And yet it is impossible to live without natural low-frequency electromagnetic radiation (Earth, Sun, Space). A person is accustomed to such an electromagnetic background, but its disturbance beyond the permissible level can throw the body out of balance.

Both old and young

Getting ready to move to new apartment"above the clouds", think about older family members. In addition, skyscrapers are not very suitable for pregnant women and small children. The nervous system is formed in childhood, and it is harmful for a child to constantly be in urban conditions. Japanese researchers have concluded that children living above the fifth floor may lag behind their peers in development. And their Israeli colleagues attribute this fact to the fact that children under 8 years of age are less likely to go out to play in the yard. Mothers cannot watch their child from the window and prefer not to let him out into the street.

Altitude is also harmful for older people with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. They may feel psychologically insecure and think about the possibility of a fire or terrorist attack. There is a fear that ambulance may not be able to reach them in time. This attitude can lead to insomnia, weakened immunity, or exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, older people may not be adapted and ready for living conditions “in a tower”.

At your own risk

Canadian scientists from the University of Victoria have found that living in skyscrapers causes fear, stress, loneliness, dissatisfaction and alienation. Neighbors communicate less with each other. Residents of high-rise buildings have a fear of strangers, crime, and even the fear of catching the flu due to frequent use air conditioning and elevator rides. Sometimes they experience inexplicable anxiety. Acrophobia – fear of heights – arises (or worsens). For some, being constantly at the top can provoke suicidal thoughts.

People who until this time did not notice their fear confined space, feel uncomfortable. What can we say about those who are familiar with claustrophobia first-hand. Stress associated with a work situation, attacks of fear of confined spaces, heights - all this can shake the nervous system. Therefore, it is better for people with increased anxiety not to take risks and choose a home and work closer to the ground.

Video ecologists argue that the very sight of faceless multi-story buildings with a large number identical windows, monotonous impregnable walls, a depressing gray veil in the windows (the lower boundary of the rain clouds just passes at an altitude of about 100 m). An uncomfortable visual environment is created, provoking the “big city syndrome,” which often manifests itself in human aggressiveness.

Psychologist's advice

When choosing an apartment on the upper floors of a skyscraper, visit this place several times, in different weather, ride the elevator, stay in the house for at least an hour and listen to all the signals from your body. Dizziness, discomfort when ascending a high-speed elevator, rapid heartbeat, lack of air, anxiety - all this indicates that you should not stay at such a height for a long time.

If it is not possible to do otherwise, then make sure to take multivitamins regularly and go outdoors every weekend, or at least go to the park. Try to ensure that your working or sleeping place is not located next to a window. If possible, go outside during your lunch break and take yourself a half-hour walk.

There are also advantages!

The undoubted advantages of “extraordinary life” include the fact that long distance the air is cleaner from the ground. Harmful substances in the metropolis are concentrated below the fifth floor. Apartments and offices in skyscrapers are more spacious than in ordinary houses. And, of course, less annoying noise. Neighbors from other houses will not be able to look into your windows. A developed infrastructure is always at hand: beauty salons, pharmacies, shops, dry cleaners, fitness clubs, cafes, repair services.

Author: Elena Natykina
Experts: Valery Maksimochkin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Alexander Zhigalin, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Head of the Seismic Monitoring Laboratory of the E. M. Sergeev Institute of Geoecology RAS
Ekaterina Churikova, clinical psychologist advisory center of Gennady Chichkanov HappyPeople

Where have all the amateur urbanists gone in answering this question?

Firstly, the judgment “it is harmful to live above the 8th floor” is, rather, a consequence of the idea that it is harmful to build houses that are not human-sized. AND negative impact disproportionate development is felt not in the apartment itself above the 8th floor, but in the urban environment that is formed around the building in which the apartment is located.

Therefore, the harm for a resident of the upper floors lies in the formation of a nihilistic attitude towards the urban environment: when drunks like to relax culturally in the yard, this cannot be seen from a height of the 20th floor big problem, unlike when they like to relax right under your window. From a height of the 20th floor, poor attempts to improve vacant lots in the form of barely growing grass or completely inconvenient round flower beds in the middle of the yard do not cause such disgust; from a height, details like garbage thrown past a trash can and flying around are not so noticeable. You can also throw away cigarette butts from the 20th floor without blushing with shame - no one will see. That is, a worldview is formed of a certain isolation from the yard and the area in one’s cozy, locked, safe apartment.

Let's move on - let's again consider not just the problem of living above the 8th floor, but rather the problem of mass high-rise development. A consequence of the development of nihilism in the area around and the contrast between cozy apartment and the incomprehensible hostile environment below is the destruction of local communities and the blurring of responsibility. A person’s sense of ownership zone ends at best case scenario in the entrance, in the usual one - outside the threshold of the apartment. This only aggravates nihilism and disregard, not only for the area and the yard, but even for the entrance and the building itself (try in a high-rise building to agree with the neighbors to build a roof terrace or even just repair the entrance at your own expense). In case of emergencies and dangers, the problem is not so much in the elevators, but in the fact that from the 20th floor no one will hear the screams or take them seriously, and according to the “broken windows theory”, the courtyard, which no one cares about, the entrance to which no one cares will attract dubious personalities. A continuation of this bacchanalia is the frequent overcrowding of high-rise areas (much more people can be accommodated in the same area), microdistrict development and vacant lots around - the norms prescribe a certain number green spaces and recreational areas by the number of residents, while the scale of the territory does not allow it to be properly serviced, so these will be wastelands.

There are also versions about psychological pressure, caused by a feeling of insignificance when living surrounded by giant houses and vacant lots. Therefore, in Europe they do not approve, do not recommend and prohibit the construction of residential buildings above 8 floors. And that’s why you can hear surprise and horror from Europeans about how you can live in 16 and 25-story boxes.

At the same time, there is nothing bad about living on high floors; it is rather about harm to society and harm to people in the form of that very bad urban environment as a price for a beautiful view. And also about the harm that difficulty in maintaining high-rise buildings can cause. And, of course, there are examples of how to revive and make the area friendly in high-rise buildings, especially if we are talking about “candles” in multi-story development projects, and not microdistricts, where even from the 30th floor you can see the next window.

P.S. I myself would prefer to live on high floor with a beautiful view, possibly in a skyscraper. But this does not cancel the principles of territorial development.

Life from the first to the third floor usually takes place under the canopy of trees. Not far from the earth, you can listen for hours to a maple branch knocking on the window - in a word, from the point of view of psychological comfort, this is the best way to live: a real connection with outside world, the habit of looking down on people does not develop.

But a “mundane” life also has significant disadvantages: slow air circulation, impaired air exchange, increased shading and humidity. All this is liked by pathogenic fungi and bacteria, which thrive in such a climate and settle in concrete floors, get into furniture and our lungs. Fungal spores can provoke bronchitis, pneumonia and trigger allergic reactions.

In the shade of trees, grass grows poorly, and often the lawn under the apartment windows turns into a constantly dusty surface. In general, residents of the first floors suffer more than others from ground-level sources of pollution. Car exhausts and asphalt saturate the air with formaldehyde, carbon oxides, nitrogen... But if the house is located in the yard, then mechanical barriers in the form of neighboring buildings and trees take the brunt of the blow. So in a protected place, at least 200 m away from the highway, you can breathe deeply even on the first floor. But if there is no protection, problems arise, especially for the inhabitants of the prestigious third floor: harmful substances accumulate precisely at this height. Already at the level of the 5th floor there are much fewer of them.

Self-defense techniques. It is better to ventilate a shaded apartment non-stop, and wash the floors as often as possible. You shouldn’t seal yourself in sealed plastic windows: if the window is closed, you risk feeling like vegetables in a plastic bag.

In new houses, housing is ventilated using a ventilation chamber passing through all apartments. On the first floors, the draft in this design is the highest - fungus will not take root in such a house.

Everyone living in the roadside space needs ionizers, air purifiers, and humidifiers: artificial atmosphere in this case, natural is better.

In the sky

The higher, the better, according to the majority: the air is cleaner, there is less noise, the view is more beautiful. However, according to most urban planning ecologists, you should not climb higher than the 6th floor. The air in the sky is not so clean: after all, the chimneys of large and small enterprises fumigate any city, and the accumulation harmful substances at an altitude of 30 m and above can be very significant, especially if the wind is blowing in your direction.

Another invisible enemy that bedevils residents of high floors is electromagnetic radiation emanating from electrical appliances. Of course, the wiring and the washing machine make the same noise both on the first and on the 17th floors. However, the reinforced concrete structure does not transmit electric waves, causing them to circulate throughout the apartment and transmitting part of the background to higher floors, up to the attic. The higher, the stronger the overall background. It is believed that this is why residents of the upper floors of the panels are more likely to suffer from headaches and bad mood.

Self-defense techniques. You can avoid the delights of life in a powerful electromagnetic field by moving from a block house to a brick house or a brick-monolithic structure, which does not accumulate harmful radiation inside itself. As for the cleanliness of the air, when buying an apartment it is worth using the services of special environmental services: they can measure the composition of the air at your altitude and tell you in what wind you should not go out onto the balcony.

I hear the bamboo growing

The city dweller's main enemy is noise; he can reach both the first and 20th floors. But noise maps compiled by experts show that sometimes the noise comes the shortest route(the sound of the anti-theft system “breaks” the windows on the first floor), and in other cases the roar of the freeway torments residents of the fifth to eighth floors.

It turns out that the path of a sound wave depends on the number of trees and large and small buildings standing in the way. Very often the noise does not reach the windows of the first floors, but freely reaches the top, and the whisper of a couple sitting on a courtyard bench, “Man, kiss me!” or the rhythmic rustle of a janitor's broom bothers the occupant of a high-rise bedroom. Acoustics are also very important: in a courtyard with a well, for example, the sound will reach the very top in an amplified form - the echo effect cannot be canceled.

Self-defense techniques. When choosing housing, go out onto the balcony and listen: can you hear what the grandmothers are gossiping about at the entrance? Study the noise maps of the area and see in which zone your apartment is located. And if the problem already exists, it can be solved with the help of anti-noise joinery. This is the name of the special design of windows with lattice windows: sound wave is reflected from them many times and loses its strength.


From a bird's eye view. According to the latest data from foreign scientists, every third person is afraid of heights. And if he lives on the upper floors of a high-rise building, he may develop a fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia) or a fear of open spaces (agoraphobia).

The upper floors of high-rise buildings vibrate, and the higher the floor, the stronger the vibration. Sometimes it can exceed permissible levels and affect certain brain structures, affecting the human nervous system. During resonance, the body experiences a state of depression, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, even a feeling of horror. It is unusual for a person to live high above the ground - he does not feel safe, cannot relax and relieve psychological stress.

By the way

No elevator. Walking on stairs reduces weight in men, but does not have the same effect in women. A study on how living on middle floors affects the weight of city residents was conducted in 8 European cities among 2,846 people. It turned out that men living on 4 floors have, on average, less weight compared to men living on 1 floors, if their house does not have an elevator. This dependence is not observed in women.

Men have more muscles and expend more energy than women to perform the same movements. Climbing stairs is similar to playing sports, and it can really help in normalizing weight.

Penthouse toy. It is good to view the capital you have conquered through the transparent façade of the penthouse. However, according to the architects, this housing, fashionable all over the world, in our conditions is still nothing more than a toy. The Russian climate and imperfect construction technologies seriously shorten the trouble-free life of the owner of a penthouse. Firstly, in at least a couple of years the roof will leak. Secondly, not everyone can survive life in seventh heaven. The first symptom that height and transparency are bothering you is the desire to hang thick curtains on the glass walls of the living room. Finally, an important detail: in the event of a fire, all hope is only in a helicopter - our firefighting lifts are designed for a maximum of 90 meters.

Home for a child. Psychologists and ecologists are sure: if you want your children to grow up healthy, you don’t need to climb higher than the fifth floor. At the same time nice view from the window is mandatory: many years of contemplation of a brick wall and a garage cooperative can subsequently cause unconscious aggressiveness towards the world and oneself. If outside the window there is a dull, monotonous landscape of a residential area, you need to go out into nature more often, go for walks in historical districts cities - in a word, get impressions on the side. Otherwise, depression and depression in a child cannot be avoided.

Ideal housing has clear criteria: it is a low-rise house (no more than 6-7), embedded in a good landscape: on one side there is a park, on the other there is water; By the way, both are excellent filters that do not allow dirt and dust to pass through. In such a house you can live on any floor without compromising your health.

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